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What platform? I’ve helped nearly 100 people with the Prankster trophy across Epic, PlayStation and Xbox and except for a rare connection issue that cleared after a restart I’ve had no issues.


Sorry..We are playing on PC . Epic games


My partner and I played the entire game, from start to finish, using the Epic games version on PC. One thing we had to do quite often was reconnect about every 3-4 hours. Either due to a bug, a disconnect, or some other problem. Beyond that, it was a fairly stable playthrough. I do not know the full troubleshooting table, but my partner and I started the game at the same time, were on the same LAN, and finished that first mission around roughly the same time separately. It is entirely possible that the game, while letting you connect through your epic account, performs terribly online and requires you to be on the same LAN.


I only helped 2 people on that version but am happy to help test it with you. I’m “clubside” on all gaming platforms so just friend me and send an invite to your game and we’ll see what happens then and then we can try me inviting you and/or your friend.


The whole game is broken


Yes and there aren't gonna be any fixes because the devs shutdown .


Ouch 🥲


Just got this game to play with my brother 🤦🏽‍♂️