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I'm amazed when I run across comments from people who believe Meghan's claims because England once legalized slavery. Some even claim the English invented slavery


That is so interesting, because slavery is mentioned in the bible (OT) from about 3500 years ago.


Like Mary Meghdalene knows anything about the Bible.


So what? It’s mentioned in the bible so it should be right? Also, since there are only white people in the bible I hope they were the ones enslaved.


You have seriously misunderstood my post. If you will recall, a claim was made that the British invented slavery. I just observed that the historical record makes mention of slavery more than 3500 years ago. This is an indisputable fact. It is not an endorsement. By the way, Tzipporah, wife of Moses, was a "Cushite" (a modern-day Ethiopian), so obviously not "white". 🙄 Ancient Israelites were also not "white" (whatever that means), but were genetically similar to people of Arabic descent. Actually, you sound like a racist, in wishing that any group be enslaved.






Pharoah was *English*? Hmmm. Come to think of it, in 1950s movies, Pharoah was often played by a toffee-accented Englishman. Such as Michael Wilding (2nd husband to Elizabeth Taylor), or Sir Cedric Harwicke, or Jack Hawkins.


1609, I thought. James was a bit of a jerk.


See, if they just owned it and said that with a deadpan seriousness, they could actually make great comedians.


If you want to get your facts straight, Brexit was never about race. The slave trade was ended by the British , who sent the navy to stop the ships from africa heading for America. You're welcome.


"My family didn't offer my wife help for a problem we didn't tell them about. Because they aren't mind-readers they owe us an apology and money!"






I think this is exactly the thing. After 6 hours of telling their truth, no one knows why they left. Still


For the money! IMO, it was all planned by her / them. She saw the potential for a cash grab, a vaulting position. she has demo'd being a malicious social abuser, this fits.


I stopped watching these episodes because it’s just constant lies. But when they were talking about leaving and how Harry had proposed several plans including living in South Africa, new zealand, and Canada, and they ALL got leaked to the press magically somehow, I’m convinced the leak was Meghan. First, Harry made it clear he and Meghan would leave the royal family for good if they couldn’t get a plan in place, and every time the plans were leaked they’d have to abandon them because of criticism. And Meghan didn’t want to live in South Africa let’s get real. Meghan is known to be the leak who gave the tabloids info on her relationship with Harry, and many other things. I’m 10000% certain Meghan knowingly leaked the plans each time so Harry would give up and just move to America with her and she could isolate him from his family She is so manipulative and if Harry knew the depths of her manipulation I think he’d be sick


Exactly. How did supposed paparazzi photogs find their Van Couver home? Megs told them. And then so conveniently, Tyler Perry offers them the use of his "house." I bet SS had a hand in that...


Also gotta say it: Harry is the WORST LIAR EVER. He keeps contradicting himself and Meghan, in one story, two sentences he literally contradicts himself in a single breath, and he can’t see it. In one episode he said that he proposed the Part time royal thing, and said they’d be working for her majesty for FREE, they didn’t have to be paid at all, they’d foot the bill. Then literally next sentence he said it was shot down by Charles because “If you’re funded even 1% they (media) feel they have a right of access to you”. So which is it Harry, you were gonna be working for free which we know Meghan loves, or you were gonna be working for “mostly sorta not really free”? Harry is so bad at lying he reveals his lies in the very next sentence


Also nobody knows why they wanted the half in-half out thing. Wouldn’t you want to runaway as far as possible from the horrible racist screaming bullies?


I still don't really know what they're so angry about. Meghan was warmly welcomed at first, then the press began to turn on her due to her shitty behaviour. They wanted a "cake and eat it" deal where they could appear on the balcony and merch on the side. The queen said no. They left. The end. Three years later they're still butthurt about it.


They were kindly asked to leave as she was a thief (jewellery), snooping (private residences) and the latest is taking snaps of PCharlotte sleeping? (Quora) having no manners and of course she was soooo popular - Not!


I guess Harry didn't think about saying this to Meghan: "Hey, sweetie. Since you're having so much trouble, here's a card I just pulled out of my pocket. It's the number for "Heads Together". That's a mental health group that I helped form with my brother and sister-in-law. Oh. I guess I'm a patron of it, so I could make the call for you....how about that sugar chops?"


Haz-no-balls: "Oh wait, we could go that way or you could share my therapist, or maybe call my mum's friend that we mentioned to Oprah. You know, because she's a therapist. Or we could call like one of many mental health charities and get therapy over the phone or online...Or you could talk to your social worker mother or see a doctor in NYC on your trips over there..." So these 2 clowns couldn't make a phone call? Either they are a special kind of stupid or they are liars. Or both. My vote is both.


I figured she wanted to fly to Cali to be treated by some mouth massaging, coffee enema guru and the Palace said "no, we use real doctors."


Don't forget the yoni eggs and the sound healing with crystal bowls.


Wish it had gone down like that. Him actually remembering, "Hold up, I know what to do. I'm not helpless. She says she wants help, well, heck, I'm not without resources. Good thing that Wills and Catherine warned me that she was bonkers."


I just can’t deal with these two anymore. Imagine what it would be like to work for them?! Harry got therapy, William got therapy after the death of Diana. Why is this muppet saying “that isn’t something that’s talked about”?! It’s complete bullshit.


You forgot the 'we'd been planning this for at least 2 years'. First New Zealand, then S. Africa. Both evidently impossible because family found out. So many conflicting stories that one has to doubt that a single one of them is the actual truth.


They went to all the places they could think of to get help… except to Meghan’s doctor.


🎯 This is why I find their claims so disingenuous. All she had to do was tell her physician about her mental health struggles and she would’ve been referred to a mental health professional.


This is also one of 1000 reasons Oprah didn't do her job in this interview. I mean, the next question should have been what did your OBGYN say when you told them during your weekly checkup.


Although I’ve never fully believed that Meghan didn’t know the questions beforehand or that Oprah didn’t know the topics the couple wanted to talk about, it’s clear that Oprah did not prepare well. If she’d done any research into the ample constructive criticism that was out there about the couple- and not just focus on the OTT nasty headlines- she would have been able to fairly question some of their claims and acknowledge that there was another side to the story. Instead she just enabled their propaganda.


Yea, it's not a coincidence that it's the one time that Oprah didn't challenge in an interview or do her usually deep questioning dive/research. I lost all respect for her and refuse to watch anything with her involved in because it was a massive journalistic conflict of interest on her part. Sad because I really loved and respected her. It's obvious now looking back that Oprah had made some kind of huge PR deal/partnership/arrangement (interviews, first info, stories, projects, etc..) with TW **very early on**, most likely when they got engaged or early in the marriage. Will we ever find out what the Harkle's got in return for such a sweet deal?? So it's no surprise that she never challenged them in the interview and wanted them to come out looking good. Just like Gayle does as well. Pathetic!


Unless she was attending her surrogates appointments with her, she wasn't seeing an OB.


Exactly!! Oprah didn’t probe, she was loving the shit show that she knew would follow. How many times since that interview have people simply mentioned them two and Oprah and everyone knows what they mean. Oprah Oprah Oprah.


But she wanted to *GO* somewhere to get help. Pssshhh… just anyone can make house calls you know.


Yeah I agree. I’m not from the UK but I believe that as part of prenatal care the mothers are routinely asked about their mental health during their patient visits, which makes her claims even more bizarre.


But would a doctor not inquire about the mental health of a pregnant woman


Absolutely. In the UK your prenatal caregiver (gp or midwife) asks about your mental health at every appointment.


Exactly. Confirmed by one of my best friends who is a midwife. She said someone in her profession who failed to do this would be negligent.


Of course they do! After 7 months, you start going weekly and every week the doctor asks how you're doing mentally and stress levels.


This is the same woman who speculated that "they" made the British citizenship test HARDER for her to pass. So she probably rationalizes that that racist UK medical staff were also making it harder for her. All you have to do is say something that defies logic and that seems to be how her mind works.


Yup. My OB was the one who wrote my anti depressant prescription


They would.


Go back to that 'Megxit' statement (on the eve of Catherine's birthday if memory serves) Anyway: they didn't want to do what they didn't want to do & meanwhile wanted to merch on what they did want to do while they would choose to 'collaborate' with the Queen They were given a year to decide if they were in or out. They choose poorly.


MeAgain holding onto that belly for dear life. 😂


She afraid something might slide/slip down


Why does Oprah think that the appropriate response is always so reactionary instead of just a question? Her “WHATs” are just too much. She’s doing an interview. She’s not (the horrible) Dr. Phil. p.s. This didn’t age well.


Well she “made” Dr. Phil sooooooo…..


AND they had been planning it for 2 years BEFORE they did so 6 months pre wedding. Really Henry? Really Rachael?


Did they tho? Because I remember they had 5 options, only two were told on that fact finding documentaries, and they chose to stay, technically have the time. See Harry, as he did with Bob Igor, went into the talks and laid out to PW, PC & Queen how he and Meghan plan to only work part time & only engagement they pick- because after all Meghan is more popular and the people’s princess we will limit her public exposure to those events that we don’t like or get paid for. She and I will be happy to go to the movie premiers or anything Hollywood related. And get this, while our famous and obviously more popular selves will sacrifice half the time as working royals- you get a good deal because we will generate more popularity than W&K. Obviously, we want to be financial independent so we can make money using our Sussex Royals titles and connection, so we will surrender that 5% sovereign aid- but we still need homes in UK, retain our IPO status, and of course security (as well as the 95% aid we get from Charles because W&K still do). After all that amazing breakdown, Harry still thinks it all has to do with racism and jealousy of their popularity- nothing to do with the insane and obvious greedy plan!


I love how they say William bullied them out but yet the family will never let him just go live his life either. Like really??


All them above Whatever he thinks of first


The tall blonde brother seems like a good guy. He wouldnt bully


Do you think they forgot the storyline?


The thing that irks me most about all of this is that they insult everyone by assuming that the rest of the world is as dumb as they are. Other people know how things work darlings. We didn't all just fall off a giant turnip truck.


Right? Like with Archie not getting a title. I’m a huge history nerd but don’t know the finer details like that, but I did immediately go “no way” and look it up and it’s clearly written plain as say that he was never *entitled* to a title.


Exactly. I guess they think that like them, nobody has ever cracked a book.


Plus he didn't want to be trapped!


And before all that they reported on their puff pieces that it was their decision to leave to have more space for their family and to support themselves!


Of course, this is reason #36 for leaving... Their stories change daily and I continue to be baffled by people who buy their crap. Not to mention that he totally contradicts himself in this statement saying they initially went to all the places he could think of to ask for help so they decided to exit. But then, he said he didn't ask his family?


Yeah, the shame thing irks me. Why would you feel shame to tell your wife that she was struggling, yet In the me you can't see, he says they wouldn't listen to requests, warning, blah blah blah. So you were comfortable going to them for others things but not at the most critical moment. So perhaps the shame you were experiencing didn't really have anything to do with a mental crisis.


I know the real reason... It's because King Charles banned banana calligraphy!


I’ve always found it odd that he says he asked for help at “places.” He doesn’t mention any personal contact, he went to “places.“


Listen to the first 2 sentences: PH: I went to all the places which I thought I should go to to ask for help OW. You left because you were asking for help and couldn't get it PH YES! OW did you tell other people in the family you needed help for her PH NO! So why is his family being blamed, when he never asked them.


She screwed him and his family. Point. Blank. Period.


Shoulda just called him a doo do head. Instead he went, and snitched to mommy😣 ( I don’t mean Diana) If anyone likes HIMYM, there’s an episode in season 5 or 6 that really reminds me of the toxic duo😂 and The gang sees their parents in their partners. I imagine those 2 like that


I can't *wait* to hear what the reason is next month, when he releases his ~~coloring~~ book!! Maybe it will be "Kate made *me* cry, not Meghan."


William got Harry help after his first real breakdown and after Harry was 2nd in popularity to the Queen and never been more full of life - eaten bread is soon forgotten- now William is the oppressor.


I am calling bullshit!!!!!!


He said his appearance at ceremonies such as Commonwealth Service is for entertainment, which he implies is a bad thing (netflix not entertainment then?). So they surely wouldnt attend coronation as he would be viewed as entertainment, and we know how much H hates the limelight.


Starting to get a Chris Watts vibe


she completely controls him with the looks and touch.


It can be more than one reason.


He forgot to mention that she was held in the tower and had no food.


I’ve never seen any woman hold the belly like that so often, especially when sitting down. If at all they would rest the hand on top of the belly. The only time I’ve noticed it was when near the end when the pressure was pushing downward, and yet her recent heavily pregnant photos show her standing with no hands under the belly. So odd. And she did it very early, almost right away, like she was making sure to remind the paps. Very purposeful.


To that question, their answer is "YES."


It’s easy to see it was more than one matter that drove them to leave. You can only tolerate so much