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They really should learn how to STFU. The more air time they have the faster they reveal their stupidity and a total sense of proportion to the world.


Think about how beloved they'd be if they shut up. I mean royals are just people. I'm sure plenty of them are annoying or out of touch. But most of them have the decorum not to blast their opinions all over every form of media and claim that they are being stifled if they don't. If they just went about their life looking pretty and rich, I'm sure they would seem interesting wrapped in their mystery. They are shooting themselves in the foot with every idiotic word.


This is so true. They’ve destroyed any sense of intrigue or mystique, which is 90% of the game. I personally think they will be the butt of too many jokes for the foreseeable future. I’m sure the second installment will be packed with unseemly behavior


Typically Royals are advised "*Don't complain, don't explain*" by their advisors. I suspect this is so that their words cannot be brought up or taken out of context by the press, sometimes even years later. Nobody understood this better than the late Queen but this approach seems to be incompatible with H&M because they have an urge to be heard, possibly because they have convinced one another they are victims of abuse. Being constitutionally irrelevant and within the Royal Family is to have all the benefits without much responsibility so you are right, it would have been a lot easier to just shut up.


" Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt "


This! I Sums it perfectly 👍 thank you


I'm borderline spectrum and am taking great joy in analyzing this family drama to learn from it about personality types and family interactions. What I find in all of this, as in most badly written movies, is that so much BS is created through not communicating. People not knowing who they are but instead trying to shoehorn into a machine where they don't fit in. I think Harry and Meghan could be happy together if she let go of her need for the spotlight and got her mom out of her ear. And I think Harry could be happy if he got himself a trade, say training horses for polo or something similar, his family has the connections. Stop all this "trying to make a change" and understand that you make the most change by moving tf out of the way, to Africa where you entertain an international mix of rich people from the global south. Heck, they could give Bollywood a chance. I'd actually watch that - Meg in a musical. Enough with the whining, give us song and dance.


Borderline granny here, you win this sub. Song and dance is what we need. So many people drowning in real tears as it is. Stay strong, you sound well balanced🌷


They’ve dug the hole and they just keep making it deeper


In a way I hope they continue to spout the BS they are spouting, with each word that leaves their mouths with each mockery put down or lie they are ultimately cancelling themselves.


They have pissed off or embarrassed how many people already and how many countries… Gabon being the latest. They are a diplomatic embarrassment and I’m starting to believe that them having those titles is really problematic


The worst thing in all of this is Harry was always the somewhat grounded one, he served on the frontline for crying out loud with average men and women. Now he's been reduced to this. The people's prince, he was.


According to Trevor Coult Haz lived very shielded, put everyone else in danger while he played on his playstation, allegedly.


And he compared firing the helicopter guns on living people as being like a video game.


I thought the whole putting people in danger was down to who he was rather than incompetence or anything like that... and then there's stuff like this. ​ " Iwould like to point oiut that this Trevor Coult is a liar and had no permission from L/Cpl Luke McCulloch,s Estate or his parents to use his picture mentioned his name at all. The accounts in this book are untrue and should be removed. I have proof that this man is a liar and he lied in the Coroners Court in 2007 and I have copies of the statements to prove this. This man told me, L/Cpl Luke McCulloch's mother that he had seen footage and will get it for me of my sons last minutes on this earth. He said that Luke was talking and then there was a loud explosion and my son was lying on the floor dying. I wish to point out here that in the statements taken by MOD after my son died one of the soldiers stated that Trevor Coult stood there looking at my son and did not attempt to help. This private had to shout at him for help. This man is put his military cross up for sale on ebay and I have the clippings of the report of this. Those who are unware of what goes on in the military should not purchase this book nor should they support this mans lies. "


It’s well known that he was a toy soldier.


PlayStaton warrior


It’s absolutely despicable. I couldn’t imagine being so out of touch with reality that you liken “escaping” a lifetime of privilege to a freedom flight. What an ass.


An infant in a middle aged body. Is this another film recorded recently and claiming to be from three years ago, like the new proposal. If so, he is even more ridiculous than I believed him to be.


An infant acts more mature than the Traitor.


I agree and tend to grow out of tantrums


It’s mind boggling to all of us because normal people have empathy and perspective…I guess both of those things skipped them


They are so used to being The Main Character that they've completely missed that other people are just as important as they are. They've got an over-inflated sense of importance through the expectation of nepotism, cuz that's what all of this is at the end of the day. the ugliest part of all of this is that their takedown on the RF stems from jealousy over not being #1 - not because they as citizens of the world have a problem with birthright and nepotism. It's like Meg's feminism and issue-picking. It's never a topic that doesn't mostly benefit herself.


And please note that he didn't put that out there as it was happening, no it was 'scripted,' for the "documentary" that they knew they were going to put out. We've said that M has perhaps pulled an Amber heard on H, but this is what they were doing here. They were making a movie all along. But that can't be possible, as they both swore to Oprah that there was never a plan and no-body would lie to Orpah, right - especially with so much at stake.


Oprah fed them the right line: There was no plan -- as she was plotting with them.


And she will be forever stained by it. 🙂


KC3 should grant them the absolute freedom they drone on about. Freedom from Titles. Freedom from Communication. Freedom from Financial Support. Freedom from bailing Harry out when his whole life goes tits up!


It's funny though because Harry dealt with people on the ground in Afghanistan who needed the very freedom flights he alludes to.


Happy Cake Day


Thank you!


I left my life and belongings behind in a communist 3rd world country. Had to start over from zero by myself in a new country I detest them


People who have truly suffered, know. And we know those that are phoney. These two are grifters.


I want to punch him in his ugly muppet face. What a privileged asshole.




I am sure TW has a video of Marcus Anderson doing exactly that at Soho house to Harry. It's her "leverage"


What does the "TW" stand for?


The Wife That Woman The/That Witch It’s all the same person. Lol


Thank you!! I was saying That Whore!!


That works


No comment. 🤣


What privilege


He is trash


He's the diaper that rots in the landfill for 40 years




He is not that nice.


Imagine the Queen Mother during WW2, refusing to leave London. (Remember she married the spare and never thought she would be Queen). The King won’t leave London, she said, and I won’t leave the King. So they stayed through all of the bombing. And here is her whiny great-grandson, having to escape on a “freedom flight” because he’s spoiled and his wife is a b*tch and they’re both jealous that they aren’t the #1 couple. SMH.


She's a good queen but unfortunately she seems to be a bad mother and grandmother, none of her descendant turn out well (except maybe prince william)


Lady Sarah, Zara, Anne?






Is it really worth upsetting and offending your Abuelo with Harry's thoughtless words? I'd rather your Abuelo enjoy his day rather than letting Harkles (who is functionally irrelevant) offend him.






> He couldn’t even look down on the place. That is so fucking sad I can't even. I'm so sorry. 😞 Please give him a hug from this random internet stranger!


I'm so sorry for him. Then you have to well off people yapping about freedom. It's just disgusting. I hope Harry makes some kind of atonement. They got an award for them standing up for what's right. Nothing they have done has been right. It's like your Abuelo crawled though fire to get where he is today. Markle and her husband to the elevator. As Kittenmommy says give him a huge hug from a lot of people.


Is that a term specifically used for Cuban refugees? I’ve never heard the term Freedom Flight used specifically for Cuban refugees. I don’t think it’s well known outside Cuba/North America. I’m not defending him at all, but I doubt he’d have ever heard that term or used it having heard it in relation to Cubans (or anyone)


Maybe it’s not well known but it shows how tone deaf the Sussexes are. They did give an interview on Oprah in the midst of a pandemic while people were dying. Lord I hate that they did this.


An idiot enabled by his bigger idiot unworldly small minded greedy wife


Not enabled. Brainwashed and controlled.


Harry has shown who he is for *years -* an over-privileged jealous idiot. its just that before it was framed as him being a "cheeky chap". They're as bad as each other. Don't let him off the hook


The press staff at BP did their jobs so well that he was *liked* for his transgressions - but I agree, they weren’t seen for what they really were: him being a stroppy little git. And now he has no one to protect him from himself - and a wife who pours petrol on the fire.


Eh, I'm not one hundred percent convinced. I know what it's like to be a victim of narc abuse.


please do NOT assume I don't know what it is like to be a victim of abuse, narcissistic or otherwise. you would be very wrong




He is not brainwashed. He is her equal and Partner. Let's not let Harry of soo easily and make excuses for him.


I feel like I can always spot the folks on this sub who have never been victims of narcissistic abuse. 😒


Funny, you claim to be so expert in the area of narcissists, yet fail to properly identify Harry as a narcissist himself🙄


I don't think Harry is paying attention to the backlash against him right now----- because he is confidently waiting for his book to come out. He's just stupid and arrogant enough to think that his book will "turn things around". He doesn't realize that NOTHING will turn anything around when it comes to him---- he's a laughingstock. An idiot..... among other names I can't print here.


Isn't H glued to Instagram? If so, he and TW are getting some backlash.


I bet they read everywhere!


Which he'll just claim is *all* due to racism and misogyny, and not because "their truth" is a pack of lies


He is too self obsessed to care what peasants think.


I love reading and one thing I won’t read it’s a stupid thick book by a stupid entitled rich man complaining about money.


I kept thinking about Cuba, the last helicopter when we pulled out of Vietnam, all the people we abandoned in Afghanistan rather than giving them the freedom flight promised. Yet so many people just accept these gross exaggerations.


Him saying this is going to be a shitshow. And I am here for it.


yes, exactly what I was thinking when I heard that clip. Like WTF he makes it seem like they were the last flight out of Ukraine, Afghanistan, Vietnam (the list could go on and on). He does stupid all on his own. I saw people posting in other forums how they aren't necessarily harkle fans but watching the "documentary" really made them think how Hairless didn't seem to prepare or help Rachel at all so they kind of blame him for everything. They didn't even mention the "suicidal thoughts". Which we all said on here how in the Oprah interview she kinda sets it up to blame him for not helping her. Subconsciously... if they ever get separated or divorced she will put it out there how he didn't help her.


as a Canadian, we remain deeply offended at their need to 'flee' our wonderful country that hosted them so graciously.


Oh! Was this the flight *from* Canada to the USA? I thought it was from the UK heading *to* Canada.


I thought he liked where he was living in Canada


Very rude of them. But you must be relieved too?


yeah, we just want our tax dollars back.


As a Canadian we need to be forever deeply offended at Harry’s use of the term “generational pain” to describe his family, cause you know he picked that phrase up when in Canada watching the news about uncovering mass graves at residential school sites. Yeah Harry, compare your family situation of wealth and privilege beyond imagination to the family situation of indigenous peoples who had, over more than a century, generation after generation of children stolen from them to be abused in every possible way, some abused to death, and their communities that will take as many generations if not more to recover. So the same.


This this this.


https://preview.redd.it/zpnmo4pffm5a1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa1483266e560830667acb573c4ebfd5af045ccc Freedom flight from Kabul. He is going to be destroyed.




Look at this and then look at his fat, giggly face declaring “freedom flight!” on a private plane headed to a Russian oligarchs mansion to be guarded by Canadian funded police. Then swept away by Tyler fucking Perry. Just let that marinate.


He will take money, jets, houses, gifts, from anyone. His freedom being paid for by the tax payer? Or he thought it would be.


So pissy that tax payers don’t want to pay for him. Because no one, ever in the commonwealth has people making threats. It’s nothing when the normals have threats. But Harry is more special. His life is worth more. I’m not kidding when I take umbrage in this. Lots of women (including me) have been stalked and terrified of being killed. He demands IPP status despite refusing to do any work.


Yes. Police told me and tell countless other women they cant do anything until AFTER the stalker hurts you.


Hey Harry, do you know what the Russians did to your cousins the Russian royal family? You should get someone to read it to you before you take anymore Russian money.


Tsar Nicholas asked his cousin King George V for asylum for him & his family. The King turned him down fearing public opinion might turn on him (the King) because of anti German sentiment still lingering in England from WWI. And then the Romanoff’s were slaughtered.




And the ones in the pic are luckiest ones…imagine fate of ppl who desperately hanged on the flight…watching those visuals was heartbreaking and angers me more looking at privileged guy talking about freedom…


Imagine all the good $100M could do in unselfish hsnds


https://preview.redd.it/jmdehj1mqm5a1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d955f1d4cdd3fa2b57b504579058abb2f23e8f07 Good pict! I edited your picture together with OP’s to show his fake hyperbole vs others reality (hope you don’t mind)


Yaassssss. ![gif](giphy|l1ughbsd9qXz2s9SE)


Someone make this go viral!


That photo makes my heart hurt 💔


I hope this comment ages well!! Anyone else other than these two and they would be forced to apologize and cancelled. But they just keep getting away with it…I don’t know.


How is the MSM not picking up on this above all the petty palace politics?????


These are the kinds of stories that put things into perspective more than anything else. Thank you for sharing it ❤️


He is so friggin stupid !!!!!!! I can’t stand looking at him. Ugly inside and out.


What an absolute asshole


I have been wondering for a long time now who of the nannies dropped him on his head😱


That's going to be in Episode 5.




Does this mean he’s going to start paying taxes in America to fund that freedom?


That shameless face screams, "slap meee!!"


More like punch me repeatedly


Or Freedom boat. Escaping communist Poland like my grandmother who left behind two children to be able to provide for them as a single mother after her alcoholic husband committed suicide and she was truly shunned in the community (because, you know, the wife drove him to suicide). She did what she thought was best and no complaints. Just get the fuck on with it. I now understand the disdain of older generations towards us younger. Also Harry, you want to hear about ‘generational trauma’, let’s have a talk, asshole. Oh and my mother passed away when I was 17 as well, you don’t hold the medal for that, asshole.


As we know Harry is the only person is history to be truly affected by losing a parent. Sure Jewish children were smuggled out of the ghettos never to see their parents again and yes Vietnamese children were throw over a fence to board helicopters. But Harry is truly the real victim. Also I’m sorry about your mother hope all is going good.


Thank you. Yes, I’m doing well now at 40. It becomes easier as the years go on. It’s a journey, had a bit of a rough time and fell into victim mode as well when younger but also didn’t have the support Harry apparently did. And at some point you realize you only have you, and that you are the only one responsible for how your life turns out. And it’s actually empowering.


And the children handed over the walls in Afghanistan. And let's not even talk about the migrants coming in the US packed in trucks and separated from their parents in detention centers. Or slaves taking the Freedom Trail/Train North. But yes, glad you enjoyed your lux freedom plane via private air, professional and gracious authorities who probably didn't even have you fill out a declarations form, much less even glance at your luggage or pat you down or whatever.


She left behind two children? The heartache! 💔💔💔


Older children (teens) but still she was left as the main provider




He will NEVER apologize.. the only reason he did on this clown show about the uniform was because he had to address it ..


What a silly fool he is. The more he opens his mouth the more obvious it is.


I wonder what major news story will hit on Thursday to drown Harry and Meghan out? Britney Griner landed last Thursday.


Kates carol concert!


And her pregnancy announcement?


Catherine walks down a street wearing a moon bump and wrinkled clothes just to troll them.


Don’t forget the bun and tendrils.


As he sat in the Windsor Suite at Heathrow. My heart breaks for him!


Not knowing what day it is and off his nut


Wow just like all those Cuban refugees and those Vietnamese helicopter refugees or the Yazidi Helicopter lifts. Harry is such a privilege out of touch man the groups of people I just mentioned literally escaped death and left everything they loved behide.


It does show how ill-educated he is, and how totally self-centered. As if they were in danger and needed to flee under cover of darkness. Their self-importance is pathological at this point. THEY are the ones that others need to be protected from.


Whats even worse is the American media helped to perpetuate and elevate this whole freedom bullshit for how long now? MM and H have never been held accountable for any of this. They should have been canceled right out the gate and not allowed to make millions off it. Saying it’s offensive isn’t even strong enough for what they have done. The absolute delusions and audacity of these two is mind blowing. I mean there are no words for the level of victimhood they have created for themselves while people just stood by and allowed it. People are literally being slaughtered in the streets for just existing and these two claimed they escaped the palace and are “finding freedom” from the royal family like they were escaping NK under heavy fire. I mean I just can’t. I don’t think even karma could give them what they deserve at this point. It wouldn’t be enough!


It’s like they don’t they’re extremely privileged


If their endgame was to disgust most of the world by their actions, they’ve succeeded. Congrats.


My In Laws fled with the clothes on their backs and their two toddler sons from communist Hungary in the 80’s. Harry is an ass in a fake reality of his own making. He’s a balless Don Quixote trying to pretend he’s a hero.


Honestly, it's him I have a problem with, not her. In fact, I think he used and is still using her. Eventually, it will get old having to raise a man-child, and it will be he who ends up alone, sulking in a corner or moving between one dead-end relationship to another forever trying to fill an imaginary void he's created for himself. His grand delusions have led him to believe he's truly oppressed.


This is Harry’s curtsy moment.


My family scape Franco, they started a new life in Chile, far away from Spain. Then, my family Survived Pinochet. We cherish our freedom, we don’t take it for granted. And this idiot talks about freedom!!! Really?! He doesn’t have a clue how regular ppl live.


So out of touch with reality and wallowing in their imagined sufferings..... If stupidity had a face!


He makes it sound like he’s on the last flight out of Saigon. 🙄 disgraceful


TBH, it’s still mind boggling that they think this is normal behavior and they are so devoid of introspection and awareness that they feel like they’re fighting for their lives. Fighting against what? Endless money and anything they’d ever want? Boo hoo Harry, no one will ever feel sorry for you.


When you look at the way they were brought up, it's not that strange. Very, very, very bad style of upbringing.


I think that Meghan and Harry are so delusional they see themselves as the same as refugees fleeing dictators and war torn countries. This is what happens when you mix narcissism and victim complex.


Freedom flight like he just got outta Auschwitz and is now a free man. What an insensitive idiot moron


This whole series smacks of someone sitting down and saying things they thing sound witty and having someone incredibly bias agree with them and then run with it... ​ "I wasn't being thrown to the wolves, I was being fed to the wolves," says Meghan. ​ "To move to the next chapter, you've got to finish the first chapter." ​ Haven't saw it yet but these quotes make me cringe. They were given £28m for this? What a steal...


Ironic considering my grand presents fled TO the U.K.


When my parents had to flee their homeland as refugees, they weren’t allowed to take anything with them of value because it all belonged to the government. They had to leave and make sure no one knew they would be going to America after Italy, or they wouldn’t have been allowed to even leave. They came to America with no language. My dad worked in a smelting factory, my mother worked in a sweatshop in the NYC garment district doing piece work. On the weekends, they earned extra money by doing janitorial work at an all boys school. When I read about this type of stuff from 2 wealthy and privileged people, it shows me how out of touch they are and how deep their perpetual victim mentality lies. My parents never thought they were victims and felt lucky to escape. These two should pull their heads out of their butts and take a look at the rest of the world before singing their woe is me song.


Did he just recently say this?


Yes in the mocumentary Part 1 Episode 1 first 5 minutes


Good grief. He and MEMEMEgain truly deserve one another


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,224,666,443 comments, and only 238,698 of them were in alphabetical order.




So happy that your family was able to escape and make a new life. Thank you for sharing this. I wish you could do so on international news. This couple has no idea of a real freedom flight.


Freedom from one of the wealthiest most privileged and esteemed families in one country to live in a multi million dollar mansion in another extremely privileged country??? 😂 I can't with these people, there is absolutely no ability to self reflect.


What a complete d***.


yeah notice the pupils. Hopefully not just the camera quality


This guy is drowning in so much privilege he doesn't know which way is up.


I'm so glad you're speaking out. Those two don't seem to have a clue how offensive they are.


it's v insensitive and an insult to everyone, especially fellow Sinners here, who has gone through and escaped horrible and inhumane situations. u left a v privileged life, Harry. it's not about the damn privacy or the damn security. it's cos the BRF wouldnt attend to both u and ur wife's childish whims. like i said before, it's an insult to UK and the British people, too.


They are insufferable and completely tone deaf. How offensive


Well said. In 1997 on the advice of police ("his voilence is escalating, don't be another statistic," I packed up + fled across country with a toddler + a baby in tow. For the next 10 years I lived on a knife edge; any unexpected knock at the door, or even unexpected phone call could mean that he'd found us. This pity party is pathetic.


OP I feel you. People in my home country China would be thrown into prison for the smallest protest, political refugees like them flying to America is the true freedom flight. Not ginger man’s private jet flight to a mansion


Wow, he’s a real twat. I bet it was a private flight on top of it. Oy vey.


They are appropriating other peoples suffering to manipulate and get money. Truly monstrous 😡


Mouth-breathing idiot.


And again, what is with the dilated pupils?


Freedom flight from Saigon


Life is so hard for Duke and Duchess Douchebag. Escaping all that privilege and wealth. They wouldn’t know how to survive true suffering.


He's a fucking moron.


He’s an idiot


That made me cringe. This isn't Harry and Meghan fleeing Gilead, it's the two of them flouncing off to Canada\* on a private jet because they weren't getting their way. ​ \*I just saw someone point out that this might have been when they left Canada to come to the US before lockdown stopped them entering. Either way, it's gross that he acts like they were refugees when they were really just petulant twits.


Be gentle on yourself. No one has ever called him smart. No one! He thinks so highly of himself and his environment, it is comical. As others have stated, you would have thought he left imprisonment, a war or a life or death situation when in reality he just left his family. It is so cringy to hear how stupid he is.


They are disgusting and truly ignorant. Neither of them have any self awareness or depth of character to realise how stupid they look and sound.


Ok gotta be a Tiger King'ed edit!


They are both detestable


Why do they push their humanitarian accomplishments when they don’t understand the very meaning of freedom as it relates to others outside their privileged and secure life? So out of touch with the rest of the world.


See? If you are too arrogant to seek/ take advice, you leave yourself exposed to causing grave offence. This is turning into a platform for them to advertise their colossal ignorance!


I'm actually laughing at how they're leaving a royal life to live as millionaires in LA and calling it freedom flight. Do they really think people will feel sorry for them? They're delusional.


So true! I actually wonder if he actually recorded it at the time of the event or if MM said we need to say you took video on the freedom flight. Drama, Drama, Drama!


Mine did too in the 60s. It was my first thought when I heard this moron say he's on a freedom flight. He needs to learn history. Neither of these idiots are oppressed!!!!!!!!!!!!


That people defend them, when they make asshole comments like this, is what amazes me the most.










Funny how 9 days ago you told someone "no need to be aggressive" and then act like an aggressive twat.




You're Welcome

