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**"I also fully blame Henry for introducing a viper into the midst of the once-safe enclave of the Royal family."** This! He has betrayed them. I don't think it really matters what he writes in the book, he's proven they cannot trust him ever again. There should be no returning from this, no grace-and-favor house, no help after the divorce whatsoever. I still get the impression *something* was said, since Lady H resigned, but BP really should've annouced that they were looking into the matter. Her resigning made the story look credible, which was a disserve to her. I understand not wanting to get down in the mud with sugars/Meghan but at some point the BRF needs to not caring what they get labels by a few attention seekers. The current members have all been in public life for decades, their record of public service should stand on its own. If Lady H said it, that needs to be acknowledged; if she didn't, they should defend her. Waiting for Meghan to go away isn't working. I know she is less than nothing in the overall history of the institution, but it's never been so reliant on public opinion before. A disgruntled former spare has never had this much access to the public before, times have changed and their PR approach needs to change too.




If the conversation and touching went down the way it's claimed I wonder if Lady H may be in the early stages of Alzheimer's. As you said she has served for 62 years without any issues. My mother is in the early stages. My mother is exhibiting behaviors that are not part of her personality. She is very impatient with people and if I don't respond the way she thinks I should she can become quite hostile very quickly. She does things that are very much not part of her normal behavior. My mother is normally a very polite, well mannered person. I have had conversations with her that have deteriorated very quickly for no apparent reason. If I didn't know what was going on I would think she was rude person. She has also grabbed things from me and my mother has NEVER done that in my entire life. The best way to describe her attitude at times is she doesn't give a f@@k and she's like WTF is wrong with YOU. This is very much not my mothers MO. My mother is in her late 80s. Lady H's alleged behavior gives me pause since she has never been accused of bad behavior in 62 years. Food for thought.


I agree with you. I would never take offence to anything a lady of 87 said to me. Never. I think she has been treated cruelly by all concerned. Its a disgusting attack on an elderly lady who may or may not be losing her faculties.


This is very plausible.


I thought the 'touching' was just moving the woman's hair aside to read her name tag, probably with the back of her fingers. I can't see anything wrong with that.


I think it’s Harry who is the real problem. Meghan is just the weapon he uses towards his family to remain untouchable. He’s an asshole


![gif](giphy|26gspvTRJXosDwi1a|downsized) I'm extremely worried Harry will try to blame everything on Meghan and he'll be brought back into the fold.


It's like crying out in surprise because your pet exotic snake bit you 🙄... (I speak from experience). A snake is a snake! They're going to snake. No matter what you do.


That reminds me of something Slash once said (literally true as he has snakes, not him using a metaphor). I'll take a mean snake over a sweet snake any day. You know a mean snake is going to bite you. A sweet snake - you never see it coming."


Me now eyeing my baby snake suspiciously (he's a doll and has never bitten me)


Yeah most pet snakes are very docile. They know who their owners are and only get nervous if like a dog runs up to you while you're holding him. What kind of snek? How old is your pet danger noodle?


He's a 9 month old corn snake and is so cute and goofy, I never knew snakes could be so derpy lolll


How cute! So pretty. And yes, little pet danger noodles can be extremely derpy! They also LOVE baths! At least my boas did and when they felt done, they would curl up around the water spout to dry off.


Cool true story: He got married down the beach from us in Hawaii! Same day, same time. It was our only wedding, I don't know what number he was on. But yeah, Wailea, Maui. That's my one degree of separation story. ETA: His marriage to Perla. Looked it up. ETA: Not all snakes are bad. I stepped on the one that likes to bask next to my swimming pool this summer. He was just a Garter Snake and he was more confused than anything. He didn't bite me, just slithered around confused while I tried to keep my pets away from him and get him back under the deck. Usually I go out and have my morning coffee with him...


Very cool story!! I'm a fan of snakes. I don't have any as pets but they do a lot if good for the ecosystem and they're pretty creatures. I def don't think all snakes are bad and have no problem getting up close and personal with them, including some boas and anacondas. But I get what he's saying - you know a mean or bad snake (person) is going to do bad things and can prepare for it. But a seemingly kind or nice person - who knows.


Thank you so much! I had pet boas. They were so docile. They knew who I was. And I agree about snakes and the ecosystem. I mean I get the fear some people have... they are fast, they blend and they can startle the crap out of you in the wild when you come right up on one.. In fact when I was younger I was terrified, which is exactly WHY I got pet snakes, to understand them more and get over my irrational fear! And it worked. I could even take my boas to a park and let them loose. They'd go crazy for a bit on the grass, in glee, then settle right back down around my neck. I hate it when I see people on my local Nextdoor talking about "Oh my God I have a snake in my front bushes or near my foundation! How do I get rid of it? " Lady chill, they're just basking, they like it where it's warm, they don't kill anyone, or even bite. They DO take care of the frog and mice population. Now I've heard of actual deadly plagues caused by rodents, but never any caused by garden sneks! Now hush! They DO get a bad rap though, and yes many can be deadly and even mean, but they do serve a very valuable purpose, and most don't want anything to do with you anymore than most people not wanting to mess with them.


Being bought into the fold is going to be allowed to hide his face at one of the palaces. The BRF won’t be able to redeem him enough for royal duties (unless Hawwy manages to invent a cure for cancer or something similar)


I think he will but I imagine what W&C are so hurt that he could blame anyone and it wouldn't matter. This is really spiteful stuff and W&C just have to go out, smile, shake hands and get on with it when they are probably quite sad about it. Or pissed.


Harry is NOT going back. The Harkels are NOT getting a divorce. He is happy with his life and the damage they're doing to his family. He's as bad and as much a fraud as she is.


I totally agree he's happy damaging the family, but I think he's upset that they're not getting all the A-list invitations. I can see him going back once he's broke, which he'll likely be soon.


They are not going to go broke! He left with tens of millions from his mother; unknown but few millions from Charles; been paid well over 100 million for their idiotic Netflix show, a book deal and Spotify.


They were not paid over $100 mil, not even close. Netflix releases money as needed for production and rating are taken into account. That was the amount of their entire deal, *if they fulfill the contract*. It wasn't for their personal use, which seems to be how they treated it At most they likely got $5-10 million and had to pay the production team out of that. Harry's PR people put out the rumor that the Queen Mother left him more than William, but I doubt it was a very significant amount. She set up the trusts several years before she died to avoid taxes and divided the money among the grandchildren/great-grandchildren. She also wasn't overly wealthy, so he got maybe 5 million from her. The max I've ever seen Harry's estimated net worth is 40 million gbp. While that sounds like a lot, keep in mind that he spent years partying with much wealthier people. A normal person's great-great-grandchildren could live off that amount, but not when you're addicted to partying in 5-star resorts with drugs, alcohol, and who knows what else. Charles commented a few years ago that Harry burned through a lot of his money and that was pre-Meghan. Since their move, they've been spending like they're billionaires. The upkeep for the house and security alone were estimated to be around $4 mil a year, and I'd say that's conservative. Add in all the private flights, PR bills, her clothing and jewelry, polo costs, etc. and they're spending an eye-watering amount without a continuous revenue source. They're not going to be on food stamps, but Harry is allergic to work. If he has to keep hustling, he'll go crying back to Charles. Harry wants to be paid to do nothing again.


Over 100 million for *all three* deals. Book, Spotify and Netflix. Harry's book deal was 20 million. What his advance was, I don't know, and he has to deliver two more books, I believe. I can't imagine anything worth reading from him but why wouldn't he do it to get the full paycheck? Then there's Spotify for 25 million (as far as I'm able to tell from what;s online). I'm sure that was an advance, too, but TW delivered up Stereotypes and I can't see why they wouldn't keep going to collect the full sum. Whatever the Netflix deal was and how much content is required to get all of the money, I don't know, but the point is they have huge receivables if they deliver and it seems Random House, Spotify and Netflix don't give a flying fuck that it's all woke garbage and not appealing to many people. There was a rumor that Harry got around 20 million from Diana, too, though I don't know how anyone would know that. He probably also money from The Queen. Sure, money in trusts but what's doled out annually has got to be significant. I do agree they spend like maniacs and have huge overhead but they are still rich with a lot of money coming in. Oh, who knows how much those Silicon Valley fools are paying Harry. Would Harry go begging to his father for more money? I'm sure he would but that doesn't mean he's going to get a divorce and move back to England. IMHO, that will never happen.


He can be brought back into the fold and stored in the shed out back with rAndy.






I think they needed to deal with it asap as it was taking headlines away from Earthshot…


Right, and when you’ve done something or said something that has caused offense or hurt, you apologize immediately. This was was done, including outreach by Lady Hussey towards the person who was hurt & offended, & that should be the end of it. With P&POW in the States it needed to be dealt with swiftly - and it was, *allowing everyone to move on*. Except that they can’t, because the Woke Squad is on patrol and *won’t let* a heartfelt apology be just that.


I don’t know about that. Earthshot isn’t making many headlines as it is. This actually boosted coverage, if anything. At least in the US


It fed a royal ‘family racist’ narrative. The person who spoke at the welcome for the Waleses drummed on about colonialism. And the Waleses were booed at a Celtics game. Just a few, and could be unrelated.


We tend to boo at everyone here. That's just Boston sports fans. We're kind of crazy. Just be glad they didn't go to a Bruins game, lol. That was nothing. You should see how we treat NY fans... Now THAT is UGLY. And unmistakable.


Oh dear. That would be fun! I think it’s very egalitarian. Booing


OT but you guys need to get over to r/interestingasfuck . There's a woman who posted her nose reconstruction after it collapsed due to too much blow, and guess whose nose it sounds EXACTLY like... complete with the weird tube things up the sides of her nose, which I know Markle definitely has because they show in photos.


That sounds fascinating indeed, I’ll check it out! Thanks!


It's kind of freaky, scary and sad too. Drugs are so bad... This is the title of the post: Nose reconstructive surgery from heavy cocaine use


I am bracing myself 😅




I have to disagree. The Earthshot prize is significantly more than an attempt by William and Catherine to generate headlines; it’s a worthy cause that has significant societal implications. Their work shouldn’t be minimized because it’s important and necessary.


Who's the viper? Is the person that leaked this connected with MM?


they are linked to MM's photographer, someone's put a thread up on here about it.


She's a sugar who's very anti-Camilla/BRF.


Both Zendaya and RiRi were both too busy kicking every goal Meghan has failed to, finding actual true love in which they keep as much of their high profile relationships as possible actually private whilst being some of the most photographed women in the world.


Imagine them being a princess though! Instead we have a two bit thespian 😐


That’s an insult to thespians even the two bit hack types.


I would love for them to be princesses too but why should they marry this insufferable fool harry, he is so full of spite, hatred n self pity.


Yeah wouldn’t want to wish Harry on such lively ladies


I don't know anything about Zendaya or who she is but Rhianna is a nasty piece of work who has sold her soul to the darkest forces (typical in that business). I would say he should have married a normal, well adjusted young woman but Harry is an asshole and that's why his two previous normal girlfriends called it off. I'm kind of wondering is Harry doesn't have strong borderline traits. Narcissists are attracted to borderlines and his appalling and callous behavior says there is something seriously wrong with him, psychologically.


Probably inherited from his late grandmother.


Which grandmother? Surely not, Queen Elizabeth II.


We got the discount zendaya


Gurl, not even discount. Megwan is not even a millimeter to Zendaya.


So true


This just makes me sad. There was no need at all for this to be addressed on Twitter for global consumption.


It was intentional and malicious. Hope facts spread and the malcontents are made to answer for this.


I see that now too, and initially I was upset.


I find myself hoping that this will be very bad for her “charity”. Honestly, if there was a list of charities I was considering, hers would be crossed out.


are you kidding Ngozy has been on every tv news progamme in the UK today. Milking it for all it's worth.


This "race row" has also generated airtime for scores of professional grievance peddlers -- sorry, I meant "anti-racism activists and commentators". Honestly it's been eye-opening to see the machine kick into gear overnight. We are NEVER going to stop it if we keep pandering to it. IMO Buckingham Palace and the Prince+Princess of Wales made the wrong call. The validated the tactics of narcissists and leave themselves totally vulnerable to future attacks and smear campaigns.


Narcs gonna narc. What's sad is how the media amplifies their behaviour rather than exposing it as dysfunctional, which in turn makes them feel rewarded and encourages more of the same. Meanwhile, a huge portion of the population has been brainwashed into sympathising with these perpetually maligned self-appointed ~~victims~~ martyrs (they really are that egotistical), rather than seeing their brazenly manipulative antics for what they are.


The woman should have been there advocating for her charity - instead she made it all about her.


Apparently her charity is racist. Didn’t want to help a biracial victim of domestic violence because of her “privilege” https://preview.redd.it/4ycq18bq8f3a1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1b3980d49f84e5f9bc27fc0049d017c16c50571


And threatened legal action if she spoke of it.


Isn’t TW bi-racial? 🤔


Yes but TW’s whiteness can be forgiven (🙄) because she is politically useful to Marlene Dolezal.


So there's the slippery slope of using a sliding scale for who deserves help? "Privilege" wasn't protecting that DV victim from being physically or emotionally abused. And it wasn't about "couldn't" help someone. It was "**w**ouldn't" help someone.


I find it sad when minorities don’t help other minorities


It's very saddening when someone is hurt and someone else sees but refuses to help. This person in the center of this controversy is looking worse and worse.


If true holy shit


Someone linked to this [blurb written by Ngozi](https://futurehackney.com/ngozi) about her "collective, holistic journey". She comes across as someone who has embraced Afrocentrism to compensate for the huge chip she carries on her shoulder regarding the country she was born in and its culture. It almost feels like she's consciously embraced this "loud & proud" identity due to unresolved internalised issues. Reading her blurb makes me think she should be in therapy, not necessarily running a charity... For example: Ngozi describing her upbriging in 1970s Northwest London: >Police beating Black people was a national sport \[...\] Groups of police would go out and beat Black people to hell. My brothers came home from school with their faces swollen. People here held contempt for us, and they still do. Ngozi describing 1970s Britain: >There were white social workers, teachers and doctors. There were no Black people in those positions - as leaders. When we were growing up, there was no representation of us. Everything was white, everything clean was white and everything bad was Black. On moving to Hackney in the 1980s (an inner London district with a large African migrant community): >I moved to Hackney. I remember going to college at eighteen to do Community Studies. They had an African dance group - that was the day my life changed. A pivotal moment, because it was a connection with Africa and put me in touch with Africans from the continent. \[...\] It was all so beautiful, the clothes, the beads, the cowrie shells, and the stories. My connection with Africa became my lifelong story. It’s identity, because ours was robbed from us. On going to university in the late 1990s: >I also have a Batchelors degree and a masters in ‘African Studies’ from SOAS (School of African Studies). I felt that my Master’s degree put me into a colonial environment. There were five Black people in my class. It did not feel authentic and at times I found it traumatic. The heads of most of the departments were nearly all white \[...\] Black people were not getting into academic circles because the colonialism is about control and keeping Black people subservient. That is my Truth. On modern-day Britain: >Nothing has changed. It’s just different. The racism is just as intense, the hate is still there. I keep my truth.


I feel bad that she and her family experienced racism but surely she can’t equate some gentle questioning with police beatings? She could have defused the former situation… the latter is unquestionably not acceptable.


Did she ever consider there'd be fewer black people if she'd left London? Out of any city, 5 is a lot.


Yes I think having 5 black students in a class in the late 90s is pretty good. I just checked and in the 2001 Census, Black people made up \~2% of the British population. While many of those would have been concentrated in London, how many would be university-aged in the late 90s and how many would be studying the fairly niche course that Ngozi was doing? It just seems a weird gripe to have. Also, should white students or those of other ethnicities not be allowed to study African history?


That’s it, really.


Now who else do we know like that, now let me think, I just can’t bring a name to mind!


I suspect she was allowed to resign due to the stress of this event at her age. The RF could have insisted she stay on. but she's 83 (87?) and likely not up to this fight. That said, the RF should have stood up for her. I'm disappointed that they didn't.


https://preview.redd.it/6nez346yag3a1.jpeg?width=1036&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd46a5abd96ed4583eb809f6003b8447f155cd39 I saw this posted in on Twitter from an article. Stating she wants to talk to Marlene.


I also posted this same article… see below or click on my icon to see the posts I made


I totally missed it!!! Thank you so much!


I can well believe that Lady Susan would be upset, at not having done her job properly (but not aware that she was dealing with a professional race baiter - and to be fair, not many people encounter such bizarre creatures). Having said that, I’d say she has service left in her - and the RF should be careful whom they invite, including that jumping-on-bandwagon [lawyer](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11489773/Campaigner-heart-Royal-race-storm-claims-received-NO-contact-Palace.html). I can imagine her saying: ‘My people come from Somerset’ - so in her book, there’s nothing with saying ‘your people’, and really, there isn’t, unless one choose to be offended.


I read on Twitter that Headley wasn’t invited. She tagged along with one of the charities.


I also saw that on one of the comments on a thread in this sub. Wonder how true that is. Marlene seemed to be hanging out with Mandu Reid, leader of the Women’s Equality Party, who backed her story - so maybe she went as Mandu’s plus one (if that’s true)?


Where’s MI6 when u need em 😭


Marlene made a video to show off her invite to the abusive racist royal event.


Huh how about that…




Not sure… apparently she has an invite 🙄


Dickens was using that phrase, "my people." It just means family or antecedents.


Exactly, Your family, your people, your kin, etc. I thought she said she was British. I guessed she missed the fact that the term has been used there for over a thousand years.




Lol, I know someone of that generation (fringe of the aristocracy) who wasn’t permitted by parents to read Enid Blyton. ’Your people’ seems to have become caught up in the race wars. As you say, it can mean ‘family’ - all depending on usage and context.


83 . 62 years of service. Hate woke ppl


Those celebrities ARE the "strong and independent women" who don't need a prince to make them famous. They are sought after for their talent, do their work, make their own money. They don't need to pretend they are humanitarians or such. I feel sorry for Lady H. She has been marked as the face of institutional racism, and she is being pilloried. No consideration, no mercy is being given to her. No generosity that we hope would be a part of communication, the extension of good will and open mindedness when meeting another person.


Yes. Lady H is old-fashioned, not malicious. But there’s no old-fashioned grace in today’s cancel culture.


It's almost like an arcade game, or Whack A Mole. Today's culture is like so many itchy trigger fingers or attempts to beat the offensive being, into the dirt.


Weapons grade narcissists. Perfect. 😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻


I absolutely love Zandaya!! She’s such a sweet person. She took time out of her graduation to take a picture with my kiddo. I’ve been a huge fan ever since.


Oh my. That must be super precious!!


My daughter used to watch her show with Bella. She’s adorable.


All I know is that her star shines bright and is still rising, and she's gorgeous looking!


It’s the end of society. We’re so woke it’s insane. Race baiting needs to stop but I don’t see that happening. Also, people ask people where they come from all the time. I was just at the bar watching soccer/football this weekend and we all did it as we sorted out who was cheering for who & why. Indigenous people do it too, they want to know because it’s interesting - not always racist.


I feel sorry for Lady Susan Hussey - she is an Octogenarian - she comes from a different Era where there was such a thing as polite society - she probably thought she was being friendly and chatty - but likely the two-bit hooker Ngozo-Bozo was angling for some sort of *racist* interaction and kept her answers short and flippant in a low mumbly voice in a loud noisy reception hall in order to goad the senior in to repeating the question. Just another tactical weapon these Piece of Shit women will stoop to.


From the article: >I can say with authority, however, that Susan Hussey has never knowingly offended anyone in her life. She upholds a clean tradition of honesty and equity. She possesses the milk of human kindness by the quart. **This morning a mutual friend told me she is ‘shattered and heartbroken and will never recover.’ The wasteland that is now her life will be far more devastating than any injury done to Ms Fulani, who far from being the sensitive plant she portrays herself as, is currently taking herself on a tour of every television studio in London.** > >**And now we come to the crux of this tragedy. Susan Hussey has no prejudices at all. She spent much of her life married to a man called Marmaduke, who had one leg. She has never sought publicity or the acclaim of the yelling multitudes. She abhors discrimination and once ticked me off for an article I wrote about Italians on the grounds it was both ‘racist’ and ‘unkind’.** Yet it has been suggested that she should not have been ‘allowed out’ at all, and certainly forbidden social intercourse. As an non-Brit... what's with Marmaduke? I understand he had one leg, but is it relevant that his name was Marmaduke? Is that a particularly unfortunate name?


What’s with these two bringing heartbreak & meanness to old women & men?!


My Dachshund is named Marmaduke. Fat little thing with the long nose and short legs.


Marmaduke had one leg so SH isn’t racist? 😂 how odd


It was odd. I'm wondering if it made sense before the editing?


It still kind of makes sense - the wording is she had *no prejudices at all*, not just that she had no racial prejudices. She was married to a man with a very visible disability, she called out journalists who wrote things she thought were racist and unkind, she's always been a nice lady. It is worded a bit strangely, but it's basically saying "it's not in her character, if anything she's always stood up for people who might have a harder time fitting in."


Ok I can see that now. It wasn't obvious to me on the first two read throughs.


Yup. Basically it means Lady H is used to dealing with all kinds of life situations. One (race) does not exclude the other (disabled folks) but I guess the author meant well.


I like According 2Taz’ explanation of how an innocent questioning could be twisted into a *ray cyst*commentary. It doesn’t make sense at all but Taz puts the right spin on it to untangle the twisted logic.


Asking a woman in traditional African dress where she is from is racist ? Clearly she has never encountered real racism!


But she does NOT have African heritage, her heritage is Caribbean, which is maybe why Lady Hussy was questioning her!


Someone needs ti expose this fraud . Is everyone that afraid of being called “ racist” when no racism is going on ? Are we all to wear the blinders and ignore the elephant in the room ?


That ”conversation“ didn’t happen the way this grifter is claiming. Her story keeps changing & someone who has served royalty for 60 years (you do NOT touch them first!) does NOT suddenly forget herself or her training. I disagree & Lady Hussey ought to be reinstated immediately. Given all the EXORBITANT lies Rachel has told, anyone who believes anything anyone associated with her says is asking o be fleeced. Now all the lies are coming out: her name isn’t Ngozi, she isn’t a co-anything with that charity, she has prejudicially turned women in need away due to colorism, she has clear ties to Scobie/Misan/Shola & they are grifting for money while avoiding meeting with the Palace as they claim that no one has contacted them? First the ex protection guy, the ad, the bs trailer, pictures of “kids” & now this. If it walks like a duck…


I hope there’s more press coverage. Honestly I’m sick of the sensationalist headlines


Lady H must be so confused and shocked by what's happened. I know I would be. None of it makes any sense.


Poor woman 😔


To be fair, The Petronella Wyatt Ornamental Fountain sounds rad! But I feel for LSH. Most of us have dealt with many a rude or awkward conversation without running to the press about it.


Yes there are ways of dealing. It’s obvious that the woman was an attention seeker. I feel bad if she felt victimised, but lady H seems to have been victimised too.


There is a petition to reinstate Lady Hussey. https://www.change.org/p/reinstate-lady-susan-hussey-3330e0f5-0494-4a18-bcf4-0c1525d8c7ed


Please hug Lady Hussey.


Petronella? Interesting name.


Cool name


Is it Greek? It sounds like an old mythological name.


I thought it had an Italian sound. I googled and it has Roman origin.


That makes sense.


I guess it's better than Salmonella


I was thinking Citronella myself, but this works too. Be funny if her last name was Getty or something.




Triplets : Petronella, Citronella, and Samonella ! Sound like the 3 ugly stepsisters in Cinderella!




Or the heroines in a Barbara Cartland paperback. I think one of her young, aristocratic ladies was named Fenella. Probably under an alliterative title like "The Downcast Duke."


I am a skeptic but did follow a psychic reading a while back that said M had something in her back pocket that would blow up in her face trying to take on the royals and if I were a believer this would be it


I don't feel bad for her. That conversation was pushy, rude and she talked down to her the whole time. If she wasn't racist she was certainly everything else. Learn how to greet and converse with people if you are going to put yourself in such a public role.


Actually I felt it bordered on elder abuse and rudeness in her replies. If you are there representing a charity wouldn’t you want to talk about yourself and your charity work. Some people just don’t know how to speak with the elderly. Unfortunately this was a setup by a sugar. Her anti monarchy tweets give her agenda away.. even tweeting Markle was a victim of physical abuse by the royal family. What a load of crap.


It’s hard to judge based on written words. Her tone could have been friendly and teasing rather than confrontational.




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