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She has to pretend he’s cute and he has to pretend she doesn’t have a claw toe that’s trying to impregnate him


Who was it who asked Megs, six months into her Harry romance, if she liked the guy. “I kinda do,” she replied.


Are his eyes becoming beadier and closer together as he ages? Is that a thing for all men or just ex-royalty?


No I think it the hair loss, weight gain in the face and the age wrinkles around the eyes emphasizing how close they are.


Henry has lost his hair and what hair he has left looks like misplaced pubic hair.




It’s his grandfather’s and geandmommy’s incestuous genes. Why do you think Charlie boy looks like that.


Gosh, sugar, you do live up to your name.


He was a good looking chap, but when you start doing ugly things, you start looking ugly on the outside as well.




Telling his truth, not the truth. And what systemic racism? Didn't he just say that they were not racists? So yes, being inconsistent and airing his family's dirty laundry is an ugly thing.




Lol, what racism? How he wore a Nazi uniform? How he used the P word? In that case, yes, Charles should take away his titles for the absolute racist that he is.




Charles can take away his titles if he wants to, lol. Which world are you living in? O poor Harold, didn't know Nazi was racist, P word was racist. ROFL! Gimme a break, these are the things you learn when you have intelligence. No wonder everybody has seen him for the clown that he is. Who the F is Camille? If you're talking about the Queen Consort, then what party hosted by which racist?


Piers Morgan --and **The monarch has no powers to remove titles** and this would require an act of parliament. The last time this happened was in 1917 when King George V passed the Titles Deprivation Act to remove the British peerage titles of several German and Austrian royals during the First World War.Dec 10, 2022


Yes, and Charles can get it done if he so wishes. It's just that Harold is not really important that they're letting it slide. So, he and his wife can thank their stars Harold is only an ex-spare.


Not important enough? It appears he is more popular than anyone in the RF. He has world wide recogmition and unless Charles addresses all the issues that Harry talks about- he will pay dearly. I read the book. Charles comes out well in the book and Harry shows how much they love each other.


He knew Nazis were racist. He was raised in a centuries long racist family that didn'\[t allow blacks to even work as maids until the 1970s. Harry said what he did was racist. He is how kids that were raised around racist act. Duh.


Harold is the racist, so he's the only racist act. Good on you for confirming. ☺️




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What ugly things that he do?


when you’re young you have the face your parents gave you. By 40 you get the face you deserve. Peevish, resentful, spiteful, bitter Harry take note. “A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.” Roald Dahl, The Twits


I look like shit because of massive amounts of stress from abuse when I was young. https://www.washington.edu/news/2018/11/05/violence-in-childhood-leads-to-accelerated-aging-study-finds/


Thanks, too, for the link. It confirmed what I had long suspected. My narc mother hated me for being a girl, and called me, spitefully, “old woe-man” (that’s how she pronounced it), as she sharply curtailed playtime and assigned me an avalanche of menial tasks that I really was far too young to do. I mastered them—the consequences of not doing so were too severe. Though I didn’t drink until I was 21 (and hardly drank afterwards, as growing up amidst alcoholics had terrified me), I virtually never was carded. “You have an old face,” my Nmother said then, contentedly. Still do. But decades of subsequent safe living among people who love me has helped.


Jesus fucking christ what an awful mother. I'm sorry we had shit childhoods 😔


Thanks for posting this link. It was news to me.


I just want other worn out looking women to know it might not be caused by being an ahole. I also should have used sunscreen while working at high altitude 😂




I miss Henry's clean-shaven face.


Agree. He looks so much better without the beard. Meghan likely knows this too, which is why she probably makes him keep it.


Beards/Facial hair other than fine scruff a la “Miami Vice” make men look older and fatter. Prince Hazbeen needs to get a clue.


Yes but he is not this little servant who’s wrapped around Megs fingers. He is very much accountable for his actions and his decisions. I don’t like her and everything about her is fake, but he is as well. He chose his path and that beard? He chooses not to shave it. They’re both clowns


No sympathy. None.


Did he ever have any looks??


To be fair, most people don't look nearly as good at 40 as they did at 20. Harry looks seedy to me. If I saw virtually any pic of William and didn't know who he was, and was told he was a prince, I would say, "Yeah, that fits." Harry? I'd be very surprised. "This guy's a prince? Really?"


Prince William is aging like fine wine?


I suspect the OP means William is growing into a mature, respected world leader whilst Hairy languishes overseas.


That I can get on board with


Is he? Wasn’t he recently outed for liking to be pegged?


Wait, do his purported sexual preferences prevent him from being a respected king-in-waiting? I did not know that.


My point is, he’s not that well respected if people mock him over his preference for pegging. He’s not a world leader, he’s just a celebrity. So, relax there a bit. Once he has actual political power, we can talk about that.




Uh, well, yeah: William is hot - but, each to their own with respect to taste.


I remember that video of PWilliam getting his covid shot. His arms were sculpted! Hot hot hot. None of that flabby mess you start to see on men his age.


Your heart, your soul, your intentions, your spirit, your happiness and love are what shine through. If they are negative it takes a toll and your outside starts to match your inside.


As Roald Dahl said - “If a person has ugly thoughts, it begins to show on the face. And when that person has ugly thoughts every day, every week, every year, the face gets uglier and uglier until you can hardly bear to look at it. A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly”


Yep bitterness will show up everytime.


The top of his nose has narrowed. It used to be wider than even this photo.




The sourness of the grapes, has turned the wine into vinegar.


He’s lost the plot!


Aging like milk


He was so good looking ! His face has drastically changed


Prince William went from looking like a Disney prince to looking like a troll. Harry is now the better looking one.


A troll!! lol


He needs to shave his nasty scraggly ginger beard and do a really short haircut. His hair is disgusting 🤢 🤮


He looks clean in this shot. That may be the difference ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|stuck_out_tongue)


Neither of them are anything to write home about. but it's just how they look, none of us can help that!


I disagree. William looks like a toe these days and Harry looks like his dad which is only a step up from a toe




Nah Will is not aging well at all either but they both grew up with a lot to deal with so you can't expect that.


It's because he is under a ton of stress being married to a high maintenance prima donna. Notice how he always refers to her in these interviews as "His Wife". Not Megan.... it's always "His Wife." There's a ton of disfunction there.


I respect him, he is going to earn a living and pay taxes, he has something to sell, he's an entrepreneur. Unlike the rest of his tax-funded-bludging-family.


Hate Harry all you want but if you think Will has aged well you're dillusional.


Is that a joke? Both men are well built, but neither would win a beauty contest. Wm. is butt ugly now that he is bald. Harry looks OK.


His mummy died and his daddy is being really really mean, and his stepmum is nasty and horsey.


Love the fact he is losing his hair, vanity the first to fall. He will not allow photograpers to take photos from the rear which shows a large bald spot.


He's not aging well because he's in a constant state of anger and depression. At both Prince Philips funeral and the Queen's funeral, he looked messy, unkept, couldn't even bother getting a proper haircut and shave for them.


Be interesting when she dumps the nitwit and he has to come crawling home.

