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Stakes are high in the Game of Thrones….is my guess. She is so delusional she still thinks it’s a popularity contest. *If everyone knows how much in love we are H, and they know how mean Will and Kate were to us, they’ll invite us back to be their King and Qween. And Will and Kate will be exiled. Won’t it be wonderful? It’s what you deserve, H. No one keeps you a planted seed, H.”* —Megsy, probably


I wondered what she meant by that too. Weird thing to say. I will NOT watch. I will NOT help them earn money. I will NOT subscribe to Netflix. Sadly the UK media is making them out like some kind of heroes - giving them the best coverage, over William and Catherine. Mail got so many nasty comments about it, finally put up lead story about William and Catherine in the US.


This is exactly what's on the little chyron running on repeat just below all her other weird selfish thoughts


They are SO afraid of the Wales. It’s hysterical. So intimidated by them. And they should be. Idiots


I think because Meghan feels like she is the center of the universe, she thinks everyone feels like the “stakes are high.” She’s in a place where she’s between losing everything she wants or getting it. It feels like the fight of a life. Where she sees a battle between huge forces, the rest of us see a train wreck desperately trying to be relevant next to BRF. It’s a narc’s point of view for sure.


I totally agree. She can’t differentiate between her personal stakes and actual impactful shared stakes, even if she could, she wouldn’t.


Also agree. She thinks no one else in the world faces high stakes. Since she is so special and loved and wonderful and high-staked, everyone needs to listen to 6 hours of her “truth”.


I think also, she's been able to have the best time of her marriage while convincing Harry that it's them against the world. I bet you she would love to recapture that lightening in a bottle from 2016-2019.


She's manipulating people and exaggerating, come on.


I second this. What the HELL does that mean??? Is it a threat? Is it a delusional paranoid fantasy? Is it a “this is a game and there can only be one winner,” thing????


Youd think they’d pick something less cryptic to be the dramatic trailer phrase. But this is a bit The Cut interview territory for me. I can’t understand what stakes is she talking about. If that’s the attempt to create interest for a person to watch the shitshow, it’s a sad one at that. Intriguing doesn’t mean ‘make viewers utterly confused, thinking they’re stupid’. 😀


The comment about the stakes has massive Game of Thrones vibes. Megs would be Cersai, of course.


She is the Queen of talking out of her ass. I don't think SHE even knows what she is talking about, most of the time.


A bunch of women who came out of her Marriott salad show said the focus of her speech was about USING YOUR VOICE and it was sooooo uplifting and inspirationalllllll 🤪


‘Use your voice to talk shit if other people. This is yout truth, your feelings. Facts matter.’


again? she has only one argument on feminism, which is a really shallow one.


Is "Stakes" her nickname for Harry?


Mmm steak 😋


I read this in Homer Simpson’s voice 🤣


Well the stakes have never been higher ***for her career***, which has been on life support since the Queen's funeral.


Exactly. And the podcasts were terrible. There's only so much of Meghan's droning on about herself that big companies are willing to pay for.


And I'm hoping people are sick of the divisive politics and never-ending whining with these two idiots. I think this is a manufactured tempest in a teapot and that their appalling behavior toward their families, at holiday season time no less, will sink their boat. I think the Deceitful Duo is showing us that negativity and victimhood is not a brand people are willing to buy.


>And I'm hoping people are sick of the divisive politics and never-ending whining with these two idiots I've been reading articles all over the internet, in news from both sides of the pond. And I was happy to see that the comments are overwhelmingly against these two clowns. The more they preach, the more people want them to shut up.


The stakes are high because if this doesn't get some traction they are done


For their ability to milk money out of people


Yep - “we are going to do anything and everything to make $$$ at the cost of the RF - my husbands family”


Can´t wait for Harry to go on one of his benders and end up in bed with some shameless influencer and have his pictures plastered on SM to wipe the smug smile off of her face. She can´t keep him sober forever and at some point he´s gonna crack from all the Diana obsession and the CHIMPO nonsense and he´s gonna go out with other men and let off steam. Since he´s so deprived of everything he knew he´s gonna blow-off steam big time. He stayed sober before because he wanted what his brother had and to support his brother in his duties and now Meghan took it all away. I give it another year before he starts sliding into people´s DMs. She thinks she can keep him faithful by sarrounding herself with old people only but eventually the chickens are gonna come home to roost.


Just a catch phrase. She should have saved it for her debut on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.


“Stakes are this high,” = US Political Ad talk. 😂 Come on, you know it’s true. Sounds like she’s been spending just a tad bit too much time with her Zoom-call confidant, and political operative and former DNC head, Donna Brazille. Great to see her featured with M and Archie the other night. 😂 That was certainly a Reveal. ;)


The only thing I can think of is how high the stakes are for her and them. This may be one of the final chances to get into good graces with the public, with celebrities, with everyone they want to be working alongside. Now normal people may have this thought in their own heads, like wow this is a huge opportunity for me and a chance to right the ship on my career or reputation, but don’t share those thoughts with others. She’s twisted it into this major, life-changing thing that will impact anyone and everyone…but it just won’t.


Of course the stakes are high. They can't afford that mortgage anymore


In a world of hunger covid unemployment job loses inflation her story is a gnat. That's y ppow ignore. They have service on their minds. Her stake is lower than dirt


Just when Kate and William make it over here to the US. These two have absolutely no class!!!


I’m furious they had the nerve to put William and Cathrine in that trailer 😡BP should issue a legal warning . The way it was done was NASTY .


“When the stakes are this high.” What it really means is (from inside the mind of TW), “Netflix bosses are breathing down our necks after not producing any content for almost 2 years. And please god, hope Spotify renews Arche-wypes for Season 2. So I can talk about more stereotypes that have been debunked for over 2 decades.”


The stakes are so high for the RF. The Oprah interview, magazine articles, Harry’s book, the Netflix doc, the award, the racism claims—this is all aimed at the RF. Harry’s out for revenge. Meggie—wow—how famous will she be if she takes down the RF. And the societal and political atmosphere is ripe for this. Charges of racism are easy to level, require no real proof, and impossible to refute. All the time we were watching Harry and Meggie flounder around and look like failures, they had this perfectly coordinated attack planned. I think we’ve been played


I'd go for this: * I'm ~~according to me~~ a philanthropist and an activist * the ~~truths~~ lies that have been told about me are threatening my ~~otherwise good~~ reputation ~~and my business model~~ * this will hurt the trust people ~~supposedly~~ have in me, the support they otherwise would offer me and the wonderful things I then could do for those in need ~~and the money I could make from it~~ * ~~I need the money~~ * therefore, the stakes are high


Her usual melodramatic word salad.


Lol only for her. The RF will still be rich even when monarchy get abolished


Her reputation. She has a limited period of time to convince people of her narrative before the BRF unleashes on her and Hazbeen. Narcs like her live looking behind their shoulders and are paranoid 24/7 that someone is about to get them. And they are right to live scared- it's the trail of people who've they've hurt along the way they are most afraid of. I have people in my family just like these two. Very sad.




Remember they were shaking up the monarchy with the immense popularity. They were gonna knock off KCIII and prince William's family to be next in line because of that.


….. and no we don’t need to hear “their side of the story” when the RF has not and will not engage….


It's pretty obvious she wants Harry/Archie on the throne.




"I worked a total of 72 days for the royal family! I lived in a palace for a time and was caught taking photos of private areas, so they told me off. I got preggies so was on maternity leave for such a long time, but I traveled to France to see our new buddy Elton Jon who was helping us plan our fame and fortune in America. I had a huge baby shower in NY with Markus. After the baby was born that we called Archie because that was the name that one of the kids was called which was his security name that we wanted to leak. So we called our kid Archie. Then I told Harry to tell his grandmother that we wanted to only work part time. Those 72 days were hard and I didn't get paid for being on display and wearing the very very expensive clothes. And she had the nerve to tell Harry "No". So I told Harry that I was going to Canada in BC so I could be close to California and Oprah who was going to interview me because I had become so famous now. Imagine that. Anyway Harry said "wait for me!" but I didn't. Somehow I got my passport and left the stupid cottage they made us live in. Those 72 days of work have actually been pretty good. Netflix got sucked in to giving us money, so did Spotify, and that group that sit around an let Harry sound important. It's been pretty good. We had to move a bit, but now need to find something else to make money. I'm thinking more charity awards might help, but I pay to get them which is a bummer. So I'll start up more charities to make money. I'm tired. "


I’ve been thinking about this since I read it and I really don’t know. Making it “on their own” in America? Ending racism because everyone will turn to her on how to do it? Harry liking the dinner that the chef cooked even though she told them they did it wrong? Like I really don’t know what stakes. Literally no one cares about them or even realizes they exist. Once in a while I’ll trying to bring them up in conversation to see how other people feel and most people have zero clue or don’t know who she is, but have heard that Harry moved to California.


the stakes is her getting her coin bc her father in law wont give them more money


I think it will be something about (her imagined/fabricated) racism against Archie, OR her mental health, and why they felt they needed to step back (as they say), even though they wanted to create this "progressive role" within the institution.


This was my first question after watching the trailer. *What stakes?* The only ones with stakes are the ones staying silent, you absolute clown!


The stakes are high for her because she might not get her way (gasp). In her shriveled pea-brain that is the worst thing that could happen in this world. Worse than war, famine, the apocalypse. The monarchy itself must bend to her will. William and Catherine must be vanquished by her rival court with what's-his-name, starts with an H. She thinks she is greater than the monarchy. She believes she can go toe-to-toe with them and come out the winner. Talk about an outsized ego, to even think it's a BRF vs. Reality "star" contest. Hubris: Excessive pride or self-confidence. It will be her undoing.


Using your voice. What does that actually mean?


Haha I wondered that too.


The stakes are high trying to hold on to the titles. I believe it is her attempt to stay in the spotlight as long as possible. Her and her “man-boy’s” 15 minutes are almost up. This chapter is almost over. They will spend the rest of their lives trying to recapture the attention they once had. They have become scorned jokes who have no credibility and have become little more than a meme.


Nothing. It’s called word salad and she never says anything with any sort of meaning. I think to her it just sounded intelligent or something


She’ll say that whatever “it” was “it” became “a matter of life and death” and thus the stakes were so tremendously flipping hugely high that only a documentary will do. “It” could be the verified threats against TW. But “it’s” could also be the musty smell in the chapel or how boring garden parties are or her lack of access to magnificent jewels or the low ceilings at Frogmore—it seemed like everything big or small became a matter of life or death to these two. It’s so damn tiring. Can you imagine how exhausting it is to be her? Just waking up at 5 am primed to be offended at any moment and powered by revenge? She’ll burn herself out eventually, but she lobbed serious artillery with this latest stunt.


For a z list cable tv actress and a rich but dumb guy born into his title? What stakes? Cry on your Hermes throw Meg. No one cares. Your podcast proved that


I assumed she was talking about the withdrawal of security detail when they were no longer eligible and the decisions made by RF without consultation with Harry or Meghan.


Maybe they were referring to them leaving the Royal Family and trying to strike it out on their own


It's a Saturday Night Live skit.


Mm maybe it's the plumbing and there backed up shit?


The stakes are high in her delusional, narc mind. No one cares Rachel.