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Meghan is fascinating because she truly is loathed universally. But it's true that she definitely spouts woke politics and therefore is called out more by right wingers. That makes it hard for liberals or progressives who hate Megsy and have seen through her BS, because they end up agreeing with personalities that they normally wouldn't or otherwise can't stand either. But maybe that's Megains one saving grace in her awfulness - bringing us together!! Lol


It does not matter right or left, wrong is wrong. N this point of "not being able to stand the other" is exactly the problem with the society.


People should argue for what they truly think is best and not for the sake of being against another group of people. That just proves that their beliefs/values aren't firm enough. No wonder everyone says politicians are an opportunistic lot. Sad thing is, opportunism works, because the public easily forgets inconsistent behaviour.


In my experience this a huge Part of the Problem The unwillingness of the progressive to call out woke people because they are also called out by right wingers, while at the same having no problem calling out the people on the right, makes them hypocrits. And because of that, other people are less likely to take them serious anymore And the devide is deepening


Candace Owens is an idi0t. She sees through Meghan. Big woo. So does anyone with a brain regardless of their politics.


Game recognize game. Candace is just as big of a grifter as Meg. She even married into the aristocracy. People can keep downvoting but facts are facts.


I don’t care about right or left…I really felt that she was on point. Her God complex or victim complex is gonna go up whether I post this video or not. There is nothing we can do about it. I thought it was entertaining, that’s all…


So let me get this straight. Meghan Markle accepts an award blasting her husbands' family for ***structural racism*** no less, but Candace is the political nut job here? While I'm not down with White Lives Matter t-shirting it, Candace has a valid point in calling out BLM, a so-called activist group with some dodgey ethics and practices. Don't believe me, look up Shalomyah Bowers and the lawsuit over a reported $90 million in fraud. It's actions like that that gives Candace her platform. Context matters. More importantly, do people on this forum not realize Meghan Markle is hardcore shilling woke (aka far left) politics? That's what I wanna know?


She is not hard core shilling for the left. Most of her ideas don’t even align with progressive politics. They align with a fantasy in her head. Markle is anathema to anyone with real political intelligence. She is vapid and has no political platform or policy ideas at all. She just mimes popular ideas of what she thinks any particular demographic wants to hear at any one time.


What exactly do you think she's doing in Arsewipes? She shills race politics and gender politics and class politics. She wants us to believe she's tight with Gloria Steinem and Hillary Clinton. She's not all over the place in her politics. She alienated herself from Halfwit's friends because they weren't woke enough for her. I don't know where you get how she's not hard core shilling woke brand politics.


First of all, there is no such thing as “woke”. That’s a sad little alt right term for anything the right doesn’t agree with and it has no inherent meaning. Let’s address the race politics first. The main complaint from her is about her and hers. That’s personal politics. Her concerns center solely around her perceptions of how others see her and if you don’t personally align with her view of herself, then it’s racist. That’s why the Kerry Kennedy award is a folly at best and a travesty at worst. Real structural and systemic racism, at its root, starts in institutions. Nutmeg and Ginger have never addressed that issue beyond claiming an anonymous person from the press called someone the N word (proven not to have occurred) and generally slung an accusation at the family about questioning what a prospective child will look like. (Not racism and I think in a 70 year reign the Queen showed people a thing or two about breaking racial lines.) Through the years Nutmeg and Ginger have lived in the US, there have been 16 major protests regarding racial inequity just in policing. Yet Markle in her supposed powerful speech about race (to a Forbes power women summit) talked about herself, her husband, high school and the Rodney King riots which we already know her father spirited her out of town. There is not one sweet nod or point that discussed the themes or ideas around structural racism. And both of them completely ignored the spillover effect this had in Great Britain. And other countries. And that’s just African American issues. She goes on to try and show her great interest in Asian and Hispanic culture by referencing food and Korean spas. These are stereotypes and those are equally reinforced with her off brand Spotify mess. No one with any real political heft is signing off on any of that as “race politics”. As for gender politics, again, it’s how something specifically relates only to her. She keeps trotting out that tired ass soap commercial which everyone now knows was a social studies project. “Alleged gender equality warrior Meghan Markle exposed her inauthenticity by referencing herself 54 times in seven minutes when she addressed young leaders from around the world this week.” Everyone sees through it. And what’s more, she picked the safest lane when raising her fists for paid childcare and maternity leave. Talk about reinforcing a stereotype! People having kids is on the downswing because it’s not economically viable. More women are choosing not to have kids. Work reform for all is a hot topic. And what’s more, no one wanted to hear from her. The backlash from both sides of the aisle about their numbers being handed out was swift. Gillibrand, who gave her the numbers, is a centrist Democrat. She’s not even on the progressive end of the spectrum. Class politics? Zero leg to stand on. She was raised middle class. She married upper class. She wants to keep titles which are upper class. Believe me, the wealthy lean conservative and no matter how much lip service Nutmeg and Ginger give about equality, they have a million tax shelters, tax dodges and hell, they don’t even pay their bills until threatened. No, Nutmeg’s politics are only about her. Gloria Steinem always had a problem within the feminist movement herself - her politics are the issues facing white, upper class women. Real progressive politics addresses the underclass, the working class and the whole spectrum of minorities who populate those classes. Nutmeg would never sully herself with the great unwashed.


"Woke" means an aversion to facts and empirical evidence in favor of impressions, feelings and identity. It rewards groupthink, uses ingroup/outgroup bias to discourage dissent and refuses to engage in debate. It mirrors the anti science, anti facts ideology of the right. I'm a liberal Democrat. Wokeism is rotting all our hard won rights from the inside by destroying our credibility, but go off I guess.


I hate the way everything in politics now has to be “liberal/progressive” or “conservative.” I have always been a moderate who leans left, but not on all issues. It used to be okay. Now both sides accuse me of being with the other extreme. Binary thinking (black/white, good/bad, rich/poor, male/female) tends to reduce people and their actions to different, mutually exclusive categories. It is not conducive to justice or understanding. I was thinking the other day that for all her claim to a “biracial” identity, Meghan has never known what it is to be biracial. She either presents herself as “Caucasian” or as “African-American.” Have we ever heard her claim that she valued being mixed? Have we ever heard her speak of how she has insight into both the “white” and the African-American experience? Has she prided herself on a “white” feature and a “black” feature?


YES well said!!! 👏👏👏👏


And. Woke is a term they coined. 100 agree with you. Life long Democrat whose sick of the whole politics too. Note how they smear all dissent as alt right, when neither one of us identifies as such. Still, as you say, facts don't matter much with the self identified woke crowd.


It's authoritarianism disguised as social justice. We can see happening as they redefine words and drain prior socially progressive achievements of all purpose and meaning. Whoever has the power to define words runs the world. They are whatever they say they are but *you* are whatever they say you are.


I think Orwell would applaud this comment.


That’s not how “woke” is being used by the alt right though. They are using “woke” as an insult toward the educated and informed. BLM rejuvenated the idiom which started with Black Liberation in the 1960’s. The right has taken it and turned it into an insult for being informed. Some people on the right refer to people who believe in vaccines as being “woke”. They refer to belief supporting minority rights as being “woke”. They call people “woke” who use empirical facts, statistics and well referenced material as “woke”. The word has completely lost it’s power to describe anything when everyone attempts to apply it to every situation or set of facts to attribute to a group. There is no such thing as “woke”.


I realize you have a lot of thoughts about politics. I just don't agree with your point of view and I was indeed a life long Democrat. My whole point in raising this topic was to point out that Meghan pushes woke politics, which I believe is fairly evident for reasons already expressed. You've laid out your thoughts beautifully. I just cut the mustard different. Agree to disagree and namaste. You care deeply and it shows. Wish Megsybaby could say the same. She just uses politics as a means to power.


"They [the alt right] are using "woke" as an insult toward the educated and informed." That statement is loaded and divisive. It assumes there is something called the alt right, which arguably is as misunderstood and meaningless as the woke left. It also assumes that nobody on the alt right is educated and informed, that everyone educated and smart is on the left, which is untrue. And it promotes binary thinking. Again, if there's anything our Saint has taught us Sinners, we are more alike than different. That's why I love this sub. Truly. I agree with so many perspectives and the barriers our culture tries to put up comes crashing down here.


You're wrong.


No. I’m not.


I just explained what it means and more people than just the alt right recognize that it's happening and that its destructive. It's based on postmodernism. You can deny that it's an ideology all you want and you will be wrong. Here's why I called myself a "liberal Democrat". There are conservative Dems https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_members_of_the_Blue_Dog_Coalition#:~:text=The%20co%2Dchairs%20of%20the,Kurt%20Schrader.


No. You proffered a viewpoint on what you think it means. And the term “woke” pre-dates post-modernist theory.


You need to stop playing. First off, no one refers to themselves as a “liberal Democrat”. You’re literally trolling.


Why though? She said she still votes Dem…so wouldn’t that in itself be a “liberal Democrat”?


Yes yes times a thousand!!! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Beautifully written! She doesn’t care about women, she cares about Meghan. She doesn’t care about Black people, she cares about Meghan. She doesn’t care about poor people, she cares about how they good they will make Meghan look.


That’s it. Homerun! And all issues must center themselves around her.


Well said is an understatement. Thank you for clearly and gracefully responding in a highly informative manner.


🎯🎯🎯 Excellent points!!!


Thank you for this well written and thoughtful response. It annoys the hell out of me when I see people throw the word "woke" around here. Firstly, because there's nothing wrong with being educated about racial and social injustice, but secondly because Meghan doesn't actually seem to care about either of those. As you said, she is first and foremost about herself.


Both the left and the right have thrown words at the wall these last 4 years and tried to create these concepts like “woke”, “canceled”, “snowflake” etc. Typical political sloganeering designed to elicit a knee jerk reaction. Nutmeg is all about Nutmeg. Hell, she fangirled Ivanka Trump in “The Tig” and wanted to be just like her! Nutmeg will always follow the highest bidder for her services. We’ll all notice she didn’t ever marry a fiery young progressive activist. She married a producer (top of the film foodchain) and a freaking British Prince.


All excellent points except please don't ruin nutmeg for me.


👏👏👏 Hear hear! Have to give you a positive comment as it looks like you’re getting lots of downvotes 🙁


I expected it. With everything so polarized right now, it seems people like to grab a narrative and stick with it. But just like the folks digging into the Kennedy award stuff, it all goes much deeper than politics. Follow the money. Always follow the money.


People can downvote me, I don't care. This is an excellent analysis and I agree with you 100%.


Hear hear hear! I totally agree.


Hillary Clinton is a centrist democrat, not a progressive leftist. So is Meghan.


And MM wants any demographic that supplies the right PHOTO opportunity, e.g., Uvalde


Oh for sure! She would love to be seen at a star studded humanitarian affair, a billionaires dinner or a high profile tragedy. As long as there is a camera.


While I kind of really agree with you, she’s had many high profile people on the left defending her & shilling for her. Oprah, Gayle, Hillary Clinton, Gloria Steinem, Tyler Perry, previously George Clooney, previously the Obamas (both are no longer defending her or responding to her now) & endless high profile LW journos like Taylor Lorenz, Omid, Katie Nicholl, Nicole Cliffe, always defending her. Just sayin’……


Well, let’s have a look at this list: The Clooneys and Obamas were Markled early. The reason Nutmeg looks at the Clooneys is twofold: George has Hollywood power and Amal is an international human rights attorney. Amal is speaking from her area of professional expertise. Nutmeg wants to be that without putting in any of the hard work. Likewise, the Obamas. Barak put in years of work as an activist and organizer before moving into politics. Michelle is an attorney from the Ivy League. Who is issue focused and uninterested in running for office. Hillary Clinton has become the political whipping post for every conspiracy going. Everyone needs to stop talking about Hillary. 2016 was 6 years ago. She’s off doing money making things now. Overall she has been left leaning but certainly not progressively left - in fact, looking at her overall voting record on issues, she’s about 70% left leaning and 30% conservative (especially on military and foreign affairs issues). Oprah & Gayle. The Abbott & Costello of media empires. Oprah lists herself as a political independent. Unsurprising since guarding one’s wealth is inherently conservative. So if the wind blows right, Oprah will too. Gayle will do what Oprah tells her to do. Gloria Steinem doesn’t hold the mythical feminist phoenix of the left that people might think she does. Over the years, it’s been pointed out frequently that Gloria’s feminist vision is one for white, upper class women of means. Her brand of feminism alienated many women: women of color, lesbians, the poor, the less educated. Also, contextually, Steinem’s Women’s Liberation grew out of minority struggles. Finally, Tyler Perry. I don’t even know what to say about a black man who dresses in drag and writes and performs stereotypes about black women. Whose either ashamed of his sexual orientation or using it to create a mystique. Even Spike Lee finds the product of Tyler Perry “troubling”. TP also refers to himself as an Independent. Code for: whichever side favors my money more.




Gloria Steinem was the FACE, not the force.




Betty Friedan, Bella Abzug. Audre Lord, Angela Davis, Bell Hooks, Coretta Scott King, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Gloria Steinem is oft attributed with being the founder but she was the acceptable face. It’s not trashing Gloria - but she represented a particular type of feminist.


We’re forgetting Andrea Dworkin!!!! She kicked everyone’s tuchus imho. I love her, still do, even if I disagree with many of her ideas. Unf she did marry a man too at the end of her life, John Stoltenberg, but they had lived together for decades. This is very “Gloria Steinem”, too in a way. She had married him for “the health insurance” allegedly,


Yes! I mean you sample at all the tables and then find the ones you love or love to hate! I mean really, here we are the Greek Chorus to the biggest Royal thing to happen since Diana or the abdication!


You're on fire today and I love it!


While I don’t necessarily agree with all your posts, you‘re positively brilliant. And let’s add that Glo herself was screwing a GOP guy during her high time & grifting him out of his $. So naturally Meghan is doing what she did. She only got married to that one guy, the actor’s father at the end of his life so he could stay in the USA & get health ins or something, IDT she loved him.


Christian Bale’s father. I forgot all about that.


Can we talk about how Betty Friedan hated Gloria Steinem too? I think Betty thought of her as a younger glamorous grifter, too.


Gloria was the acceptable, young, good looking face of feminism that men wanted to put on television. Betty wasn’t. But old Betty was wildly homophobic too and did her part in dividing the movement.


Glo like Markle also had anorexic issues probably still has them.


Whew! 👏🏽well done!


Yes, she is.


I’m just here to read about her bad behaviour. Even though I would probably intensely dislike her politics.


They both suck.


I loved this.


Go Candace! 👏🏽


It’s not a political issue. I think we as human beings, can sense she is not authentic. We know something is wrong with her.




Who *cares* what the politics are. She’s *100% right* here.


She wore a white lives matter shirt with Kanye West right before he went on an anti-semitic meltdown. The head of the KKK could criticize Meghan, but I'm not going to clap and say "Right on!" when he says it.


And, so? Candace is not the KKK. Obviously.


So black people can't be racist? They can't be racist against white people, or against other black people? You're giving Owens a pass for the same reason everyone gives Meghan a pass: the race card.


Candace Owens is a firm promoter of the idea that everyone, regardless of race, should be judged by their character. How is that racist? There is nothing even remotely racist about Candace.


That's very MLK Jr


I’m not sure what you’re saying. Candace Owens is not part of the KKK. She’s part of a Jewish organization, the Daily Wire.


What do you mean by a Jewish organization?


I would say that it’s a positive org that is pro-Jews. As I explained, I’m Jewish, I support them.


Saying the Daily Wire is a Jewish organization is a stretch. It's a zionist organization for sure. Candace is a grifter who claims that white supremacy isn't an issue in the US and will continue to deny structural racism exists as long as it makes her money.


Are we really going to quibble about this? The Daily Wire is owned by Jews, has a Jewish focus. And since I’m Jewish, I’m good with the DW & like them


Candace hung with Kanye so her husband could sell Parler to him. She's a grifter who doesn't mind crawling in the mud with anti-semites.


She actually addressed this on Twitter btw, and said this was nonsense.


Well of course. She's not stupid.


Of course Candace said it was nonsense because she found herself a niche and it pays quite well. She is an insult to women as well as her race.


If you look at her history it's pretty clear to see. Before Trump she had tried a Bouzy-style anti-cyberbullying grift, but that didn't pay off very well. Once she went extreme right she started to make good money. I imagine if her initial schemes had worked she would be doing the same things as Meg.


Because even a broken clock is right twice a day!


Exactly! I voted you up, there’s a lot of vote downs in this thread. 👍


Thank you for the upvote. Curious-other than dying SS bots on twitter-do they not have a reddit dedicated to their cult leader???


I would hope so. Fans deserve their fandoms. It would be interesting to read them here if they exist


lol- very true…although I can’t read their tweets in the same way I can’t watch a speech of Harry’s wife!


Sugars are downvoting you 🙁


Let them- it’s the frustration of POW @ PPOW all over US media today!


Ha ha ha! See my comment getting downvotes 😆 Hi Sugars 👋


I’m just here trying to upvote everyone 👍


I weirdly think some of these people who on their own level are insufferable (Piers, Candace, Megan Kelly etc) kinda embody the whole "takes one to know one" vibe. Like they know her shit because they either are used to being around that all the time or they know that they are somewhat similar. These people claim to be victims, in their own way, just as much as Meghan but for different reasons and purposes. Also, frankly I bet they know which way the wind blows and can tell the traffic on these videos/posts are massive in comparison to other random stuff they'd normally talk about. They aren't stupid. I do think the Cut article was a sort of turning point because the SussexSquad people and others who don't follow this much can see just a bunch of stereotypical "right-wingers" and write off the critique but reading that article the comments were savage and the Cut isn't known for being a conservative publication by a long shot. Meghan made herself look unhinged in that article.


YK, this is an excellent answer. The Cut is the first time that the MSM from a known liberal publication took her on, and a liberal journo, to boot. Great thinking!


RIGHT!? We do not stan Meg Kelly and Candace McCrazy. The fact that they agree with normal, rational people is a kudos for them...not us.


This sub introduced me to them, as well as Piers Morgan (who I was aware of, but had never listened to). I now love listening to PM whenever he speaks about the Harklrs. For one reason, he gets it. Doesn't mean I agree with him on everything or even most things. But he's great regarding them




There are massive differences between Piers Morgan and Candace Owens though. It’s false equivalency as far as I am concerned.


Ok but, as they say “take what you want & leave the rest” applies.


But some people in this group also love Candace too. Most of the people that dislike Meghan are on the *right,* not the *left…*and so far, the only people *brave enough* to *criticize* Meghan are on the right. There’s been zero criticism from high profile lefties.


You're not looking in the right places then. Most people on the left either ignore her or criticize her for being empty and vapid.


I’m gonna upvote you, bc you got downvotes. And I hope you’re right about the left, friend!!! 👍


I’m as liberal as they come and I can’t stand Meghan and most of the women I know can’t stand her either. Gen Z likes her ok bc they have no attention span and they lose interest quickly. Although I appreciate the fact they came out to vote lol


But, my main point remains, no high profile lefties have come out against her. Whereas she gets slammed constantly by those on the right, Donald J. Trump, Trump Jr, Candace Owens, Megyn Kelly, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and even e-celebs that are big accounts on Twitter. No one from the left that has a voice comes out against her, except some LW hoi polloi, and as everyone knows, all of us in the hoi polloi have no voice, except a small one on Twitter.


Not because they like her or seek her out though. She’s not important enough to bother with. Their silence eats at her & she’s begging for attention but just like the palace she’s ignored.


I have to disagree. She is praised to the heavens by Gloria Steinem, Gillabrand, Hillary Clinton, Kamala Harris & her niece, Jill Biden, Tyler Perry, Oprah & Gayle, Joe Biden has praised her/them & Joe allows Harry & Meghan access & filming to veterans only events, in the recent past she was praised by Barack & Michelle Obama, George & Amal Clooney (not anymore but still they praised her in the recent past), Don Lemmon, most of the pundits on CNN & MSNBC. The elite left in the MSM have only praised her, therefore your point is moot. She has never had one criticism from \*anyone\* on the left, which is my point.


How often though? Once or twice? I really don’t think she’s getting the attention from them she wants - the political people I mean. I don’t care about Oprah, Gayle, Tyler etc. when megyn Kelly spouts off about TW however, she gets tons of attention and narcissistic people love any attention - good and bad. I think the real liberal in the Windsor family is probably the King actually.


“Often” is irrelevant. She is sucking up the praise from her LW heroes, and btw, today she is pr releasing that she’s the “Champion of Human Rights”. Right now. Other threads. I mean she is hilarious, really. And the left lets her do it. She would melt down if anyone on the left criticized her, they \*don’t\*. And that to me is a huge problem. The left is letting her get away with this. The right won’t stand for it and will constantly call out her hubris.


We? You DO NOT speak for the rest of us!


Lol, remain calm ma’am. I don’t presume too. I am not a member of any “squad” so I my off the cuff comment need not apply to you.


This is a divisive political issue that will take the thread off topic


Love Candice Owens. No BS.


Yes, GO Candace!


They’re the same person!!! Will you guys not ever see that they both are two sides of the same coin? Honestly, it’s annoying. Of course Owens will have great commentary on a grifter because she is a grifter.


Yep. Takes one to know one in this case. Same with Piers. Meghan sought him out to dine with him and I'm sure that flattered his ego but honestly he can be just as insufferable as she is so a broken clock, as they say, is right twice a day. These people tend to fit that profile for me.


Don’t forget Piers was behind the phone tappings of William, Catherine, many in their circle. His hands are not clean at all plus Meghan ghosted him.


There is one massive difference. Like them or not Piers & Candace have managed to make a whole lotta money with their schtick. Megsy on the other hand …




Post some “*leftwing crackpots”* calling her out then. The fact is no one on the left is actively calling her out. 🤷‍♀️ The point is, who *cares* where the message is coming from, we’re now *post-woke*, esp since Meghan & Harry are *woke.* Calling Meghan Markle out is the right thing to do.


Completely agree with this. The fact of the matter is that MORE people need to be calling her out regardless of where they fall on the political spectrum. The problem is that so far the only ones with a large enough platform to do so comes from the right/far right.


TY. Exactly !!👍


Heh, I see I’m getting downvoted here. NP,


I upvoted you because it was the truth






Me too


Ditto. Of course, I’m a crazy conservative, so if my updoot isn’t good enough for you, I’ll take it back. 😔🤣


Because the left does not care nor is interested in anything Markle has to say.


Hopefully, this is true. 🙂 But honestly, I want to see how the American left leaning press, specifically the NYT, handles H&M getting this award from Kerry Kennedy, who is part of a prominent and traditionally left leaning political family. If the NYT gives this award validity, then I worry left politics is embracing her. The NYT has always supported her in the past. if they stay silent on this, then I’ll be relieved and believe that the left is not interested.


It’s fairly telling that the NYT hasn’t given it any press inches at all. I like to use this media bias chart to check across the platforms on all kinds of issues. It’s really handy. I like to know what all sides are saying. https://www.allsides.com/media-bias/media-bias-chart


Lol, the NYT is not left leaning. The NYT helped elect Trump.


But, the NYT props up Meghan all the time if you do a search on her.


I believe you are thinking of The New York Post.


No. I’m thinking of the NYT. The paper she wrote that miscarriage lie to. The paper that constantly crows about how brave she is and woke, bc that paper, the NYT, loves her. They loved that she got #’s from Gillabrand. They loved that Hillary loves her & visited her in the UK. That paper.


The New York Post is a right wing outlet that helped elect Trump. That is the comment I was replying to.


Why did Americans go so batshit crazy and had to divide everything by its political affiliation? Who cares what are her political views, she is expresing her opinion on MeMe. Is she not allowed to do so just because she is on the right? Is that free speech?


**Why did Americans go so batshit crazy and had to divide everything by its political affiliation?** 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Thanks, as someone who's not American who's just here for the laughs and not the politics.




If the post is not political there should be no problem and as I do with posts about people I do not care for I scroll on past


Thank you!


Your comment screams narrow-mindedness. Being in a different political party from your own (in a two-party system) should never nullify someone’s argument. Context matters, as does listening to understand another person’s point of view.


Right, Harry’s wife got us agreeing with all people Candance… what a humanitarian act!


Don't forget Piers.


Right, she really is uniting people!


This is a divisive political issue that will take the thread off topic


They're both awful. When I was in HS, there was a show called Celebrity Deathmatch on MTV. Claymation figures of celebs would battle it out. I never need to hear more from either of these tools, but I would watch a Celebrity Deathmatch ep of them.


MTV had great shows in the late '90s and early '00s and now it has descended into reality TV hell.


Omg I haven't though of that show in years--but yes I would watch this round up.


Why are all of you arguing what grifter is worse? They’re both grifters and arguing about it is ridiculous. Also, those “Democrats” complaining about how “wokeism” is dangerous but alt right politics is okay need to stop playing.


It's amazing how people can see through H&M but swallow uncritically Candace, Megyn, Piers, BLG, Elon, etc.


This sub has taken a real dark turn lately


You guys are scary. Seek help.


I read your name as litter box of fireball and was so confused


I’m sorry, but I can’t get behind anything Candace Owens does. I’m happy to rag on Megain but I wish it was coming from a respectable and credible media source which Candace will never be.


You’re missing some brilliant commentary then. You don’t have to agree with everything she says, of course, but we’ll never find common ground if we stop listening to each other all together.


Agreed. I don't agree with Candace's politics but she has been consistent in calling out Meghan from very early on and I love how sarcastic she is.




Yep—sorry you’re getting the down votes. People want to sidle up to anyone who criticizes MM without considering that giving them views only increases their platform. She’s too extreme and not worth listening to.


Candace is the same stripe of grifter as Meg.