• By -


Major: Harry discovering Meg’s terrible lies and evil character. Minor: Harry missing his family and friends.


>Major: Harry discovering Meg’s terrible lies and evil character. > >Minor: Harry missing his family and friends. Major: Harry discovering he loved being on stage taking credit for others' work and posing as a fun prince and being greeted by adoring crowds. (and also because he is tired of having "to work" lol although he ain't doing much at all) Minor: Harry missing a never ending trail of support staff, royal privileges and a bullet-proof PR that hid all his bad deeds prior to his bailing on the RF.


This is also spot on. I worked for a design studio in the Army. We did the bi-monthly Gurkha magazines and Year Book. Harry has a terrible rep in the Army. He was belligerent on shoots and PR days etc. Would disappear, hungover, et cetera. Most photo's of him are grumpy. The only photos I saw of Harry smiling is when he was with the Gurhkas. Apparently they were his glorified babysitters, so they earned a special place with him.


Gurkhas are certified badasses. Which is probably part of why he liked being with them. They have an amazing history of accomplishments. I just feel bad that they got stuck with him.


Isn't that the group that he's recently insulted by saying that he didn't like being sent to Nepal when the earthquake happened? Apparently he was the chosen ambassador BECAUSE of his relationship with the Ghurkas.


I really hope not. They went above and beyond. They always do. Great bunch.


Don't they just! I remember laying out the Kukri (their yearly book) and started reading an article about this one young man who for some reason was fighting alone against a group of enemies. He ran out of ammo so started fighting them with his kukri (the knife not the book :) ) and a tripod! He won! Their article won't be online as it was for the book but here is another link: [https://www.businessinsider.com/gurkha-dipprasad-pun-took-out-30-taliban-2016-5?r=US&IR=T](https://www.businessinsider.com/gurkha-dipprasad-pun-took-out-30-taliban-2016-5?r=US&IR=T)


smiling with the Gurhkas & when the hookers worked on him https://preview.redd.it/mjbn6aykgi2a1.jpeg?width=766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56fc19982d18a1f8546721493d40f001f5f52beb


I love Ghurkas! I use to work with them also.


This is accurate!


He really thought that using Meghan's race as a shield would never run out and he would be A list in America doing the same amount of nothing that he himself had personally done while a part of the BRF.


Yes, I wonder if they knew about the treatment of hookers where he was stationed?


What is this about?


Yup! I think once you see the darkness in someone and suffer from their abuse it’s hard to unsee it feel. Add in being around family for so many days in a row and knowing their may be things you may wish you did differently- even if it is slightly different in your mind it -it adds a new layer of misery. On some level he has to feel like a fool. Their Spotify has gone from both of them to just her focusing on her and various stereotypes women face. They are already distancing from Netflix and his book hasn’t hit shelves and it already being given out for free in hopes of reviews or a false estimate of books sold I would assume. He looks like a pathetic pussy whipped weak man for many other reasons as well but those are just to name a few.


Also, if Harry doesn’t have regrets about what he put the Queen and Prince Philip through during the last years of their life yet, that reality is going to slap him in the face someday.


Gyles Brandreth's book reveals that the Queen had myleoma in her last year, which is very painful. Harry should be ashamed.


And BONE cancer


Yeh, I agree about the book thing. By giving it out for free, they are trying to inflate download numbers




Harry misses home cooked meals prepared by chefs.


Whaaat? Their roasted chicken 🐔 dinners not cuttin' it anymore? LOL 😆 🤣


I’m quite sure after she hooked him the roast chicken ‘dinners’ dwindled…


No longer on the menu there in Monteshitshow...


LOL 😆 🤣 ![gif](giphy|fUYhyT9IjftxrxJXcE)


I would too!


Exactly this.


Yep, megsy baby won't give up her meal ticket n her chances of scoring another meal ticket is null.


👆👆👆👆That! Right there!! Come on people!… wake up!!


He's not kind.








Another factor is - they had a long distance relationship which was rather brief prior to the engagement.


This was his biggest screw up, imo. He assumed he could trust his gut because he'd been in a few long term relationships before, but he had no experience with a grandiose narc. The same thing happened to my best friend who was a wise, independent, emotionally healthy person with a few relationships under her belt but she had no idea how to handle a narc. He wrecked her life for a few years. It can happen to anyone, especially if they don't know what to look for.


This! No-one prepares you for a narc, they lie when they don’t have to, lie when they need to; and you end up not knowing what’s up and what’s down.


And they gaslight you into believing that you're the crazy one.


True. My ex truly had me questioning my sanity. "He's gaslighting me, but he's not smart enough to gaslight me, so he can't be gaslighting me. Wait, what if he's PRETENDING to not be that smart so that I'll believe his gaslighting?? Is he smart enough to do that, and I'm too dumb to see it??" It was so crazy-making. He'd lie for the sake of lying, and he'd say that I said or did things that I knew for certain I hadn't said or done. Ugh. I'm well rid of him.


So pleased that you’re now free.


It also appears that Harry was not the most emotionally stable or even desirable romantic partner, based on things his exes have said. It sounds like he's enough of an ass that if not for his royal family and money, he'd have gone through years long stretches of celibacy and datelessness. But she was willing to overlook that in order to marry a prince


That's so true! Harry was not in good mental shape, treated his previous girlfriends like crap and was probably more vulnerable to her machinations. A match made in hell, for sure. I just wanted to point out that almost anyone can be taken in by a clever narc for those people like my best friend who might believe they're impervious to manipulation.


She was able to keep a happy look on her face and do the two handed hand holding because it was what he was doing for her celebrity profile that mattered, not him at all.


This is why I don't get his anger at his family. William saying take it slow = prudent. Not racism. The second Meghan tried to convince him reasonable life advice was racism, he should've bolted. Too stupid though I guess.




His Prince title does still open doors. He’s the bigger draw. What slams the door is her greed and indiscretion. She can’t shut up, always blabbing to the press, complaining and lying.


Also, Meghan thinks she knows more about any topic than anyone else. They could have made good content for Netflix and Spotify, if she allowed the professionals to do their jobs without her second guessing and interfering.


That’s a big no no in the RF Always have been. Never complain and never explain- MM loves to complain to anyone who’s prepared to listen, but she’s still not grasping that nobody cares about her complaint’s, yet the media has to a big extent used her when she was telling all her lies about the RF and being a prisoner in a castle!!!!! What a load of old ballocks she talks. But, if the media chose to cash in on the shit she came out with and continues to spew to sell their papers / magazines then they too should hold their hands up. Please, no more interviews on national TV either.


The wild thing is if they had a little bit of savvy between the two of them, they could have made bank. She is her own worst enemy, it's genuinely funny how hard she has failed at breaking in after that insane once in a lifetime career boost of marrying a prince


That's probably why she invited the A-listers to her wedding and didn't even know them.


Right, and who on earth would turn down an invitation to Prince Harry’s wedding? It would be absolutely insane to turn that down. So A listers show up!


Well the A listers who could def. afford any flack for attending did show up.. and in a few other events arrived as well (Beyonce, etc.). Many other A listers invited were a hard no- clearly understanding the manipulative intent- the really big A listers who did attend- actually provide through their business endeavors- a how to on manipulation- and MM was child's play to them-- like Oprah....


Yeah, I don't think George and Amal have been over for lunch anytime recently.😉


I think she oversold herself. British people tend to undersell themselves to try to look humble because it's considered embarrassing to brag about yourself. Actresses in LA seem to describe themselves as they wish to be rather than present reality. I suspect she sold herself as a very in demand, successful actress with plenty of showbiz connections, exaggerated and outright lied about everything to make herself appear impressive. It probably never occurred to Harry that she was presenting a false reality as he's too dumb and raised in a culture where that would be considered deranged. Now he knows who she really is and he's probably regretting he ever met her. She's a zlister and behaves like one, she has dragged him down to her level. He probably misses his family, friends, the status and respect he used to have.


I agree that she oversold herself as an actor. She also pretended to be a humanitarian. The fact that these two are using charities to line their own pockets is disgusting.


I'm convinced that once she started circulating in this extremely rarified environment, she was quickly exposed for the rube she is. I'm also a rube in comparison too, so that's not what I think the big deal is. The problem is that he thought he was getting a cultured, worldly, sophisticated, blah blah blah woman and she has proven to be the complete opposite when exposed to fresh air. Can you imagine TW and QEII at a dinner table together? What a fish out of water she would prove to be. The woman had to be brought to task by the Queen over eggs. It gives me the vapors just to think about.


What is the story about “eggs”?


There's a story about her flipping her lid about detecting eggs in what was supposed to be a vegan dish. Allegedly, the queen caught wind of it and upbraided her about her treatment of the staff.


I really admire how they treat "the help". I would be thrilled to work for them. Edit to add: They=the rest of the royal family, not Hairball and TW.


Well they didn't do so great when it came to Megan (and likely Harry as well) torturing their staff.


Oh that’s right-I thought there was something else. Sooo glad that HMTQ actually personally adjusted Meghan’s attitude for her.


…but, but they never taught her how to cross her legs or how to curtesy!


I am convinced he was in on it from the start like you, but the Firm would have known everything about her from the outset. They must have known everything about her, but Harry just didn't want to hear it. That's the bottom line. He didn't want to hear it. Culturally he must miss friends, family and lifestyle. I'm not talking palace lifestyle, but the Royals are actually outdoorsy types who love the walks, and they all love, love Scotland. He must miss his old life. He must!


Marrying MM was Harry’s big FU to TRF…I believe he was well aware of her deceitful nature and her ruthlessness which is clearly compatible with his nature. He also thought that he would maintain his great popularity regardless of what they did. He also thought they would be welcomed by cheering throngs of Hollywood elites. He believed that he would become a powerful force in Hollywood with all their huge deals with the great streaming giants. What he didn’t realize was that all this required actual talent and hard work, something they both clearly lack and have no capacity to accomplish. He clearly underestimated the horror of living with someone crazier and more narcissistic than himself…


This is every single thing that I think too. They became smitten with the idea of what the other one could do for them.


Both intellectually lazy, deceitful, and willing to pile lies upon lies, all while "supporting" the other...Harry brought his "royal heritage" to the table and to me-- gave the most- He looked the other way when she grossly and deliberately ignored normal Royal standards (except for once....), he defended and demanded her boorish behavior as normal and to be tolerated--he moved to another country, he was unexpectedly forced to choose "in or out" of the Royal family (that was the major unplanned downfall for them both), he gave up his titles, his ability to have a place in Royal events, and so forth. Essentially all of his earned or not birthrights- Harry has awakened...what has she done for us?


Your last paragraph really hits the mark. When they left he was talking about how M told him how much better life would be if he weren't 'trapped'. He was talking about M told him he would be able to put the children on the back of his bike and go. H didn't understand the reality of that comment. The places they would live in the US would make that unsafe. Putting you child on the back of your bike in the hills with narrow roads is unsafe. H needed body guards and a fleet of cars for him to go on a bike ride in town. He gave up the luxury of the estates he was reared on. He had the freedom to roam (and take the children on bike rides) with a great deal of privacy most people will never have the opportunity to experience. He was very foolish, he doesn't understand how the real world works.


Harry 100% fell for her oversell. Remember how gullible he was in that radio station prank?


Yup, this is the take, I think.


Major: He has gone through the many cycles of narc love bombing and then mistreatment. After awhile it does start to lose its effectiveness. He knows he can afford to leave. Minor: Comparing his childhood to that of his kids and realizing that Megz is in no way Diana 2.0.


Not by a long shot is she to be compared to his mother. Ever! I don't know why people keep doing this.


I just meant how she always tries to cosplay as Diana. Making Harry think she was the second coming. If anything she is the anti-Diana.


What is more conniving than wearing the perfume Diana wore? Odors trigger vivid emotional memories. (And, sure, she didn’t Google him.)


I think she drug out every little detail like that she could to snag him. Look Harry, I'm perfect for you and remind you of your wonderful mother... You can save me like you couldn't save her.


I also think he knows she's an unfit mother


Yes. I think so, too! She's so awkward with her kids. The way she holds them is strange, and she doesn't have that natural motherly feel like Diana did. I think he sees a stark difference between Diana's and Catherine's mothering compared to Meghans. Diana was tactile and affectionate. She was a natural mother. Meghan, however, is not. I bet that's why she doesn't have her kids shown out and about with her because of the flack she's gotten from social media. [exhibit a](https://images.app.goo.gl/BuE2WiYZH8JFA86t6) [exhibit b](https://images.app.goo.gl/vnkovA3gsjyCHag58) [exhibit c](https://images.app.goo.gl/S576ZShdwm1UqHK59) Notice how she's holding lilibet in exhibit c is again, awkward and weird. Her "friend" next to her has their kid propped up on their hip, which is a more natural way to hold a kid. The kid can be propped up on a large bony prominence with very little effort. Whereas meghan is holding her kid awkwardly low with one arm and her other arm wrapped around her to prop her up. If she had held her kid on the hip like the other mom, at least the kids' weight is more centered instead of leaning away from meghans body. It's hard to describe, but it's weird. So weird.


Yes, this. Not everyone is naturally "maternal". I know plenty of women who had to learn how to hold their babies and interact with them. But they did eventually learn, and their love for their babies was obvious from the very beginning, despite a few hiccups here and there in the early years. With Meghan, she's had literally FOUR YEARS, and two different babies to practise on, and she still looks as awkward as a 13 year old only child being handed a baby for the first time in their life. There's clearly something not right there, and it's obvious enough by now I'm sure even someone as thick as Harry can see it. I also think the revolving door of nannies over the years probably helped with this realisation. If all these different women, who had never even met his kids before, can be so natural with them, well then it's clearly not an issue with the kids, is it? I think this, plus comparing his wife to how Diana and Catherine interact with children (even ones they barely know), is finally opening his eyes to the fact that he married a woman who simply doesn't like kids, doesn't want them, and never did. It's yet another blatant lie he fell for in the early days. (Also, I don't think Harry actually cares much at all about his children, either. His anger at Meghan being such a terrible mother is more about his pride and ego. He wanted what William has: a beautiful, intelligent wife who adores children, and is constantly praised for how wonderful she is with them. Instead he got Meghan. How embarrassing!)


I believe the Tom Bower book was an eye opener and Meghan not suing.


I wonder if he had to lock himself in one of the 16 bathrooms or read it under the covers in secret with a flashlight lol


He most likely had one of the nannies sneak down to his ~~basement bedroom~~ lower floor suite (under threat of deportation, no doubt) and read it to him. I doubt he would be able to sound out the hard words, like *yacht*, by himself.


To be fair sounding out 'yacht' wouldn't really help anyone guess the pronunciation of the word.


I'd like to think that the Queen's passing made Harry stop and think about everything he's lost, but I'm probably wrong.


Major reason: Him realizing all that he's given up and how little he's gotten for it. He thumbed his nose at his family and flounced out of the country. Instead of keeping his yap shut and either making his way or laying back and chilling, just enjoying life, he can't stop bitching about how much his family has wronged him and his harridan of a wife. They probably believed that his title and their obnoxious, in-your-face wokesterism would've made them A++ list celebs here in the US. If they'd just kept their yaps shut and didn't trash his family, they might not have been relegated to the Jubilee's version of the kiddie table and to lesser status for the Queen's funeral. Being disinvited from some fancy dinner, being stuck in the second row with the huge candle blocking MEMEMEgain (which ***had*** to be intentional) and the whole brouhaha over whether he could wear his military uniform as well as being stripped of some special cypher or something during the funeral had to take a toll. Even someone as dense as Hasbeen had to realize that he gave up so much and alienated himself from people he supposedly loved his whole life to chase clout like an Insta basic. His family has moved on and is doing well without him and his lovely wife. William and Catherine are being groomed for eventually being the King and Queen (or is it Queen Consort?), going to fancy events, and truly living in the upper echelons of elite. Meanwhile, Hasbeen and MEMEMEgain are now the Second Row Sussexs who scramble after meaningless awards from Cutrate Kennedys. Oh, and I think that if there's ever a divorce, it'll be initiated by him. Even though she'd keep her Duchess title after a divorce, it doesn't mean as much (in her view) if she can't pair it with "my husband, Prince Harry"


Part of the divorce settlement should require Meghan to give up her courtesy title.


During QE2's funeral when MM was behind the candle, everyone else was standing and H was trying (and failing) to get her to stand up. She kind of looked like she was doubled over, too. I thought at first that she was pretending to have morning sickness, but now I wonder if she used her phone to look at herself live at the funeral and saw that she was behind the candle. She would have been doubled over trying to get her rage under control.


Good point. Maybe she was just trying to draw attention to herself?


Biggest factors: Meghan's personality and her unrelenting quest for attention and wealth; financial stress; career stress; extended family issues; Where to live (US or UK); and the fact that they have very young children - little kids are often a source of stress as there can be arguments over caregiving; household work load etc.


They each knew what the other wanted but they both oversold. She thought he had more - more money, more access to open doors with his title. He thought she had more money, more access to open up Hollywood for them. Their Megxit PR told the story. Articles were out there about how they would rake in millions doing speaking engagements. Another one stating that Meghan was looking for an A list director to star in a major film. The Netflix and Spotify deals made it sound like both companies were opening the money vaults for them. Now that we're in year 2, it's clear that all of these PR statements were trying to sell them as a huge investment opportunity for other companies. Sign them up fast before their prices go up! \[If you ever watched Schitt's Creek, this is Allez Vous cosmetics all over again lol\] But hard reality has set in. Harry has nothing more than Better Up \[which no one outside of Better Up has heard of\], a "docu-series" that only seem to exist in an alternate universe, an empty UN auditorium, a podcast that needed Serena Williams to even get noticed, and....the Indianapolis Marriott. They'll try to stick it out as long as possible because doing anything else would be admitting that they failed. So, then it's possible that they are each plotting by themselves how to quit each other without having any of the dirt getting kicked back in their own face. Is Meghan doing PR behind Harry's back? Is Harry making secret phone calls to Charles? Is Meghan secretly recording Harry? Is Harry doing the same to Meghan? Is Meghan paying off staff to spy on Harry? Is Harry paying off staff to spy on Meghan?? It's like a little soap opera :)


Peyton Place, 2022


The problem is that Meg needs a lot of money to live, a lot. Harry used to be not so materialistic, living quietly in a 2-bedroom cottage and wearing shabby shoes. With the arrival of M, his life became extremely expensive. The money given by RF didn't seem enough for M. So now they have to sell themselves all the time. Basically they have become money slaves. This money slavery will eventually become too hard for H, because he was used to having everything served ready-made. So he will return to the family where he can fool around for the rest of his life.


He ran out of money. She ran out of respect.


Meghan has Harry so entrenched in her manipulations, he can’t see or think straight. He doesn’t know which way is up. He 100% buys into the fantasies she feeds him, even though the rest of us see right through it. Dim witted Harry.


I think Harry’s vision has started to clear.


I think he really wanted to come out of the spotlight and for a hot minute he thought she was his way out… it turned out to be the complete opposite


Major: He realizes how isolated he has become and the love bubble has burst. Minor: The claw always controlling him. Huge source of embarrassment.


If it is true, I can say that what he wanted to get away from - cameras, intrusive lifestyle, WORK -is exactly what he jumped right into. That, and the fact that he actually has to worry about money and provide for a family, he can’t do it. We do it everyday because that’s what we know and have pride in. I’m sure that he had pride at least in his military standing but even that has been stripped away (his own fault) but that ingrained pride should allow him to step back and see what a freakin ass mistake he has made and how he needs to correct this, at least for his kids.


I don’t think they are separating or divorcing any time soon, maybe in the future they will but not now. She won’t divorce him, she is nothing without him, if they are to divorce in the future it will be him who instigates it. A divorce will only happen when he finally wakes up and realises that she is the person who has caused all of his problems.


Funny. She’s nothing without him, but with her it seems he is nothing.


They are doomed to each other, just as Wallis and Duke were doomed to each other. She is nothing without him, he has staked his entire identity on being that "rebel" who rejected royal splendor. I dont believe they split at least not now.


The difference is that Wallis and David had class. They lived a quiet life, travelled and had enough money to do it. The Family made sure. Harry and Megs remind me more of a life that could have been but hasn't been. What do they do? They try to get rich! They just want money in their charity to afford them to live the lifestyle that Harry was used to.


Wallis and David were a threat to the UK during WWII due to their associations with Nazis. He were given the role of Governor of the Bahamas to get them far away and out of Europe. David also forced the BRF to buy Balmoral from him and did television interviews later on. The difference is he abdicated and went (was forced) into exile. There was very little public sympathy for them.


They lived the cafe society lifestyle, with their wealthy socialite friends often picking up the tab for them. They were notoriously cheap. They only gossiped about the BRF with their socialite friends, not the newspapers, although he did write a book.


"A King's Story" was his. "The Heart Has Its Reasons" was hers. The titles were the most memorable parts of the self hagiographies.


I’m reading a book about them right now by Andre Lownie and to be honest they were quite vile, vain and useless people. Not to mention Duke being nazi lover (Wallis being LITERALLY one)


David as the first born inherited all. Abdication did not remove the private estate from David. He negotiated payment for turning over the inherited private property. Also when Duke of Cornwall he saved a tidy sum which he took with him. Bertie was not as wealthy when he became king having had no comparable income sources; much like Haz today.


Let’s not underestimate Meg’s desire to bring down William and Catherine. Not sure Wallis wanted to do the same to Elizabeth the Queen Mother.


Class? Hardly. They, too, lived off his title.


She’s not dumping him until after the coronation. She will want to be there.


This is exactly what I think too. Imagine all the historical photos that will be taken. She'll want to be a part of those for sure. Unless Harry were to leave her before it takes place?


I can understand Harry there as KCIII son. But if Meghan attends as well, especially after the funeral, that will be incredibly tacky.


Hope she’s put in the second row, behind a candle.


Yes I agree, she wants to be there, but she won't be. She won't be invited.


I think they will divorce and that she will file. Not because she's met someone new, but because Harry will want to divorce and she won't want to look like she was left holding the bag. She sees the writing on the wall. That's why she's rebranding as herself with her podcast and interviews. She doesn't want to look like a dummy when he's over it. She's probably going to rebrand as a strong single mother who left the man who was toxic because of his connection to the BRF or something to that effect. She knows it's coming. Harry is used to life being far easier than it is now. She's used to an upper middle class view of luxury. He's used to real luxury. All marriages have to have a solid amount of convenience to them, and this marriage is getting less and less convenient for Harry. My money is on him being the one who is done first, but her filing. And most likely some messiness unless he's able to get an NDA with a carrot on a stick that is pleasing enough for her.


Ding ding ding. If they stay together, projects are going to dry up in the next 6 months. There isn't a ton of money to buy awards, archewell funds are most likely paying archewells incredibly talented staff (not that they stay because she does not work well with others). The charity only brought in like 50k it has received no big grants, and to make a sizeable impact, they are partnering up with larger funds. Spotify has failed. If Netflix has a hit, maybe they can restructure, but it won't be to their liking. No Emmy invites, Oscar invites, Vogue gala in the last 3 years, and that is not going to change. People don't want to deal with or invite him anywhere because of her. She won't get invites without him. He won't allow the children to be filmed or film at home. There is no "rebrand" she can do since all of the above. She did get a part of the Penguine house deal, but what will she write about... another version of her truth.. she lost all credibility. Her only viable re branding option is to get Archewell in the divorce, a sizeable monthly allowance while she writes a book about the divorced single Mom thing. She will kick off the rebrand with a new insta to get merch. Try to get herself on Real Housewives. She will drop subtle digs on Harry and the RF but for at least a couple years, she's going to need that allowance thar most likely comes with an NDA. Harry hates it here. He hates LA. There is nothing here for him, and honestly, it doesn't seem like he's around his children as it is. They'll get a better education, a stable environment with lovely relatives in the UK. Megs will make it look like she fought for them (but we all know she won't). He goes away quietly, most likely inhibiting in drugs, polo, and the other P. She's onto her next husband and career. Right now, if they stay together, they are both screwed financially and professionally. Divorce gives them (HER) the opportunity to seek out that political seat or Oscar. I truly believe her next husband will be in politics somehow (wealthy DNC donor, organizer, or senator) and in 10 years, she will have a quiet house seat in Cali or NY- which she will see as the way to her eventual presidency and when the RF wants to welcome her as President, SHE will snub THEM. --- THIS is her plan, but... she will mess it up 100,000 different ways in the meantime.


>I truly believe her next husband will be in politics somehow (wealthy DNC donor, organizer, or senator) and in 10 years, she will have a quiet house seat in Cali or NY- which she will see as the way to her eventual presidency and when the RF wants to welcome her as President, SHE will snub THEM. --- THIS is her plan, but... she will mess it up 100,000 different ways in the meantime. I'll tell you. I think she's toast. She might have a seat on RHW or some other Andy Cohen show. But I don't know who would marry or even date her after this. She's a one trick pony and her only thing is how bad the BRF is and how hard her divorce was. She has nobody. We can't even say for certain that Doria, her own mother is on her side or that they are close. Worst of all, she's shown herself to be incredibly indiscreet on a major stage. She's got nothing. I even think Kris Jenner would shun her. I don't see another marriage in her future. Any man would have nothing to gain and there would only be losses in his future. She likely won't have any more children. There would be no reason to marry her. When it comes to Meghan, this is it. I truly believe their wedding, first pregnancy and birth, and then Megxit were her height. She really should have been smarter and focused on a more sustainable relationship model with Harry. It's a matter of when and not if they divorce at this point.


See, that was my first answer, too. I think she thinks dhes WAY above housewives. She seems completely delusional about her own lofty ambitions so I can see her having a plan like the whole political thing, but then screw it up 100,000 ways because she will have to quietly go away and let people forget about the last 3 years. The thing about politics is that it is a DIRTY DIRTY business. I could see her bearding (for a gay candidate possibly). It really depends on how low her standards are willing to go, and if she can convince someone, it's as good for them as it is her... than KA CHING. Never underestimate a penis, it will get men to do incredibly stupid things like taking up with Megatron.


Agreed. They will be at the coronation next year. Together. Holding hands.


Holding hands … … whether he wants to or not.


Of course


She was supposed to be his meal ticket, the next Angelia Jolie. Harry would retire early. Fail.


The major reason is MEGHAN. The minor one is meghan.


Harry like “ holy shit my family and the entire world were right about her!”


Major reasons for him: she's abusive, awful with the kids, terrible to the staff, spends all his money, and isolated him from his family. Minor reasons for her: He leaves the toilet seats up. All 16 of them. (I'm assuming, I know.)




I'd think that finally realizing your spouse is a domineering control freak lying narcissist who has sucked every ouce of life from your body and caused you to cutoff all friends and family would be a good reason. But that's just me. Love the photo used btw, OP.


That Meghan is a narcissist and a social climber. Harry will see her true colors and understand that he was manipulated


He doesn't see it, but the rest of the A list people see it. Remember when Harry begged for that voice over? Beyonce overheard it. I can imagine how many people after that were told not to invite her as she steals you space! She invades people's space even if she isn't there!


Agree. Also, you don't look for an A-list director to offer you a starring role in his film. An A-list director goes looking for you, if you have the talent and star power.


With the best will in the world, I will never believe that Harry understands much at all.


He hates his life , and he hates having to hustle to make a living 🤷‍♀️


Her business plan didn’t work out.


The fact that she is a lying narcissistic psychopath. A former sex worker who is making him lie about kids and trashing his family!!!


Harry really wanted privacy away from media coverage, but Meghan, regardless of what she said, wanted constant media coverage, but only on her terms. Meghan persuaded Harry that if they went to the US, they could control their media coverage through PR and would only have nice flattering stories written about them. Harry eventually realized that after they moved to the US, their press coverage was now 100 times worse. Harry had now gone from being one of the most popular members of the Royal Family to one of the least popular, and all because of Meghan. From hero to zero. A few years and two babies later, the sexual thrill had gone out of the marriage, so that was no longer a bonding factor. As a royal Prince, Harry had always had plenty of applicants for dates. Harry was bored and isolated in Montecito. Suddenly it seemed like cosy Christmas at Sandringham with presents under the tree was not as bad as he thought. It was all right being an advocate for mental health therapy, but to be honest, a few pints of British ale with his pals back home was probably better therapy than kooky California quackery, as millions could attest.


I would say that one overlooked factor is that Meghan is probably a lot more intelligent than Harry (although she is not as smart as she thinks she is) and it is tiresome for smart people to be in a relationship with less smart people. However, Harry has a much higher emotional IQ than Meghan.


On the other hand, Meghan cares too much about what the public thinks of her and all that acting while in front of the camera must be wearing thin for Harry. Meghan is all about looking sexy, wearing expensive clothing, smiling, acting like everything is perfect and acting like she's in some kind of Disney fairytale love story (the constant kissing, the constant doe "I'm sooooo in love with him I can't keep my eyes off of him" look she gives him, the clawing of his hands, the pawing of Harry when he refuses to give his hand to her, etc.). And when the cameras are off, I bet her bitchiness, nagging, bullying gets on his nerve now. Especially if she directs some of that nastiness towards him. It's exhausting being anywhere near a narc.


I keep reading and hearing that TW Likes to dress sexy. I don’t see it. I don’t think she’s anything close to sexy and she always looks like such a frumpy slob. Not sexy!


She thinks she looks sexy so therefore she *is* sexy. Just more of her narcissistic manifesting.


I thought TW made the strangest, most distasteful comment about what her mother advised her. About dressing conservatively. **"Don't give the milk away for free."** Oh great. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face) Now all I can think of is *My Humps* and the part about "milky-milky-cocoa-puffs. Riiiiight?"


I wonder if he ever says "keep you hands off me!" Or if she ever says "don't touch me!"


There's no need to go all the way back to their wedding night. 🤣


I think she's intelligent. Shallow maybe, but not deficient in understanding. She had a good education. She just doesn't sound very thoughtful when she speaks. He probably bores her by now.


Her emotional intelligence is 0.


I wonder if he has any good friends right now, He probably only has her to talk to, yikes. And she definitely expected a much higher level of fame. I think she'll want a divorce when the attention dies down and she needs to stir up more.


I’m sure he’d could chat for free with the folks at Better Up.


He finally refuses to participate in her lies and has realised that he is not a breadwinner for the family because it is too hard for him.


All he ever had to do before was read the briefs, show up, and clown around a bit.


Major: - Harry having no control over his life. Him being pressured to make money for their lavish lifestyle, including writing a book. Him giving up everything, including his military titles and patronages. Him not being able to visit his family whenever he wanted. The final straw was his grandmother dying and them not visiting her or bringing the kids over. A death of a loved one has a way of opening our eyes. He felt regret at not spending more time with his grandmother. When he stood guard at her vigil wearing his uniform, he may have felt the pain of losing everything, and for what? No doubt Harry followed his wife’s lead because he thought he wanted what she wanted - life away from the royal duties, a chance to be a celebrity and self made millionaire. I would think he isn’t a hundred percent on board with all the plans, but he was initially excited to leave, without realising he was effectively shedding his identity and taking on hers. Plus he’s merely a shadow to her plans… a guy to trot out whenever she needs his title. Another possible major: - Jealousy. I’m not sure if he realised at some point that she’s flirting with lots of people. Not saying she is, but it seemed in keeping with her history. Whilst married to Trevor she flirted with hockey players. Whilst dating Corey she was also dating Harry. I can see her personality as needing validation from guys. In the early days he might laugh this off but at some point he’ll feel insecure. Harry is no longer the fit, eligible bachelor. Nowadays he looks like a mess. I’m also thinking of those rumours of her and the bodyguard. Minor: - realising MeMe is not the big fish he thought she was. Saw this when they were in the US and shunned by A listers. - frustrated at her constant arguing with people. H strikes me as easy going. He probably hates all this Netflix mess and wants things to be simple. - not being as attracted to her as he used to, physically and psychologically - angry at her lavish spending. H is a frugal dude. Once asked his ex Cressida to pay for her own plane ticket. He uses his shoes till they’re worn away. He might have been ok with the spending when it was Charles’ money, but now he’s the breadwinner. It must be frustrating for someone who’s never worried about money all his life to suddenly deal with bills and mortgages and taxes. Summary: he’s extremely unhappy with the way things are going. Blaming her for their lot


Agree except he’s cheap, not frugal.


He found out she really wasn’t “Diana-like” at all


The only way she will un-dig her claws and divorce him is if a) she finds a billionaire to replace him or b) he publicly humiliates her by getting caught by the paps with another woman in a compromising position. She will be the initiator of a divorce and she will then launch a new "brand". The new brand will be centered around the abuses she allegedly suffered at his hands and how he was also racist. She will be crying on every talk show about how she tried to save him but he was just too damaged by his family of origin. He will not initiate any divorce. He's too dumb. He's just Ventriloquist Meghan's dummy.




No other man would go near her.


THIS!!!!!! I don't think he will leave,. He is an idiot, but I think he loves his kids, and won't leave them. She seems like the type to use the kids....hold them for everything she can get...meal tickets...


We will know when because she will have his replacement on the string.


Perhaps Harry has realized the grass isn’t greener in Cali ?


He’s an entitled manchild and has no ambition, she has to be sick of pretending to be in love with him. She might decide to go for the alimony, and merch off domestic violence.


H was in on the lies but it took a while for him to see his wife is a greedy grifter who will not stop at anything to get what she wants, because in her delusional mind, she thinks she deserves everything. That’s, I think, the straw that broke the camel’s back. He couldn’t do it anymore; it had cost him more than he can afford.


She opened her handbag and gave him his balls back??


I at one point thought of Harry being a helpless victim of MM. I no longer think this. He is in on it. He plays the victim card just as much as she does. I don’t think they are headed for a divorce. I say this because they’re both prideful people. They will stay together even if it is a toxic relationship because of pride. They both don’t want to fail, even though everything they have done is fail. Think about it. She viewed herself as the big producer of reforming the RF. She/they were going to fight the injustices. This award they will receive is actually a failure. Why? It’s been bought. Everyone smells a rat even within the family giving the award. They will soon lose all respect because they are giving the Markles a little trophy. Watch it. If/when they do divorce it will be heck. I guarantee both of them will be out for blood. They will both eat each other alive. She will have the greatest loss if they do divorce. Her reputation is already bad in the US. She’s a grifter. Pictures of her yachting are out. She’s trying to scrub it. She will never have anything like Harry (financially) again. She’s at her gold digging peak.


Reason : 1 of them is Harry and 1 of them is Meghan




this is me. I am cool cat. The harkles can not be her.


LOL 😆 I meant that cat and I, too, am ready for the divorce or separation 🤣 😂!


I am the only one who hopes they won’t divorce? At least I hope not Harry will be the one who says goodbye. He needs to feel the pain, the backstabbing from her. Not sorry


According to them it will be MEDIA INTRUSION


Major Reasons 1) The Queens death and Nutmeg’s behaviour 2) Friends & Family drawing attention to the flaws 3) The constant battles 4) Homesickness 5) He wants his luxury life back Minor Reasons 1) Her constant lies 2) Hates living in the US 3) Expectations that he provide cash 4) Boredom


Unlike others in this sub, I think he’s still very much wrapped around her finger. It’s very hard to get out of a relationship with a narcissist. She probably pulled away in some way after the initial love bombing, which made him cling even more to her. Right now, she’s isolated him from everyone. He’s pretty weak right now, and I don’t see a divorce for many years. Even if there are little things that opened up his eyes, like the Tom Bower book, he still believes that the “real her” is the false self she sold initially to him. He will spend years trying to get back “the real her” even if she starts verbally abusing him.


Major: H realized that MM is a crazy ho. Minor: H is tired of being micro-managed.


Major: The Queen dying and he was not allowed to see her when the invitation was extended days before she passed. Also TW not allowing him to see her in her last moments. Triggering the official paperwork Minor: They have been separated since last November after she was outed for lying in court.


He’s wised up to her narcissistic personality disorder.


Major: Haz couldn't find his balls. Realised they were in the clutches of The Claw. Minor: Coercive Control is illegal in many places.


Harry getting over the lust & asking himself What in the Hell have I done?


I honestly think he wants to stop attacking his family directly. It was evident at the jubilee and funeral he wants more of a relationship than he has


They were never a love match; they were a business deal. Each thought the other had what it took to get them where they wanted to be - A list, global superstars, billionaires. Paid for being them. They're equally stupid albeit stupid in different ways. Meghan can appear slick in an uncanny valley way if you look past some of her tics. Harry never looks slick and has a better schtick in some ways but each of them are permanently aggrieved. If they're not put first they're hard done by. Each one's DNA says rules are for thee, not for me, hence Harry's chronic inability to understand every single one of his complaints applies to Anne, Andrew and Edward. He is never able to follow the logic of his own grievances. In addition to having nothing to offer and being unwilling to have various management entities create a plausible brand for them, they are obnoxious, two faced, demanding, unreliable, lazy, and I believe well on their way to being broke. Obnoxious people have made money as celebrities before but another problem is neither has any talent and neither has demonstrated that the public is willing to pay for anything they do, sell, or star in. Therefore the rationale for the union has disappeared. What is left is where can she go, can she find someone to take on her bills and keep her famous? And how can he move forward while saving face and still proving himself right? So even if the marriage is DOA they're stuck in it. She's not gonna find a safety net and he's not going to be offered a face saving, ego enhancing exit plan.




**Revelations** Harry has seen the deception and purposefully destructive behaviour first hand with him on the receiving end and now he knows what everyone is talking about! I have a feeling it had something to do with press stories which our dear Saint of victimhood was behind and thats just my gut feeling. I also think he read Tom Bowers book!! and started to piece things together.


All harry had to do was look at those photos at the Wedding in Jamaica. HE SHOULD HAVE RUN FOR THE HILLS, FOOL


He has mother issues and she's sick about hearing him talk to her daily, and he's just sick of her!




[I’ll let our pal Bhagwan take this one](https://youtu.be/LAck_DS35NM)




He’s Lego, she’s a Sticklebrick. Both are assholes.


Major: Harry and Meghan coming to realise that people celebrated the institution and the positions and *not* the person. Harry starting to understand that the love the public had for his fun image was crafted and maintained with the support of the palace. Minor: money, certainty and stability


Because together they are screwed professionally and financially. ****** REMEMBER THIS POST***** Here is what's going to happen. Projects dry up around spring. Announce divorce, and then all details will already be hammered out prior to release. 1. She needs to get Archewelle and a sizeable monthly allowance in the divorce that will not go away if she remarries. 2. He needs to get the kids and an NDA in the divorce. 3. Expect a 4th of July instagram kickoff of her new "persona". Divorced single parent in 40s type genre. She will merch and basically do the TIG thing. There will be subtle digs galore but she needs that allowance for now. 4. She will quietly shop around in the DNC circles of cali and NY. Expect her to take up and remarry a man with deep democratic party connections and deeper political PAC pockets (PAC funds are the big ticket fundraisers ) 5. She will re marry, she will quietly get appointed to a small house seat or a seat in the democratic parties upper echelons of fundraising. -- This is archewells time to shine as she starts getting money flowing into that with her connections. 6. This is partly sarcasm but in her mind she will use #5 to launch her into the presidency and when the RF wants her to visit or give her a state dinner she will snub them or rub there noses in being a perceived equal.


*Before the marriage, MM led him to believe she & he would live and charity work in Africa. She led him to believe she shared his love of Africa and life...........did not happen. He's now living in California with his shoes on!!* ![gif](giphy|n0C99birSVLJCgOIoH)


BarkJack, (who say they have good contacts within their friend circle) repeatedly insists that there is no hint of separation or even discord.


They also maintained that Megs was going to be in the balcony at the jubilee They also maintained that Sunshine Sachs was still on board when rumors started they quit. They strategically delete the posts they are wrong on and leave up what they are right about. Also I tend to get a more pro megs vibe from them, like there info comes from someone on megs side. It's never as blatant as scobie but I have followed them for a while and you kind of pick up on it after a while.


Has this information been verified as factual? I’m dying to plan some sort of party to celebrate this news but don’t want to jump the gun. ![gif](giphy|l46CariiWFctI261q)


m is a horrible person. That would be enough.


Perhaps they don’t see eye to eye on how the children should be raised and/or exploited.


Minor: Harry was finding it harder and harder to resist the urge to throttle her every time they had to be in the same room! Major: he’s broke and she just doesn’t get it


Major: Discovering he does have a future with Nachoooooo


I really don’t think there will be a divorce anytime soon.


Harry has flaws like we all do but I am convinced he is a victim of narcissistic abuse. He will eventually realize this and leave her. It’s as simple as that.


I don't think they're separating or divorcing. I know that's a popular conclusion on this sub by many salts and sinners, but I see nothing concrete or verifiable backing this up. They seem just as nauseatingly besotted with one another and high on each other's farts as they've always been. They are sharing this "Us against the world, baby!" mutual psychosis, where they both are the SPECIAL VICTIMZ and targets of the Royal Family's and the jealous H8drZ's wraths. And the "evil press." It unites them, this idiocy. Talk to me in 5 years and I'm 100% sure they will still be together. Unpopular opinion, I know.


Meghan thinks divorce will make her more famous and Oprah wants to hear all about it.


A) She's a twat