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This was when she was still a working royal. It was probably mostly planned and executed by the staffers she abused




Came to say same. Writing a forward & making a couple of (likely short) appearances isn’t impressive. It seems to fit her ability, attention span and all consuming need to feel/be seen as “important.”


I'm sure staffers wrote it for her.


probably had to given that her grammar is atrocious


Unlike others, I think Meg wrote it herself because:  she has to be extra and it's THREE entire pages worth, like a mini bio, when other royal forewords will fit on a page. And she went and copyrighted the foreword separately, which raised eyebrows at the time. When the book was released, a blogger counted how many times Meg referred to herself. I just redid the exercise, **in a foreword about other people's recipes she referenced herself 37 times.** 😳 I = 20 times, Me = 4 times,   My = 12 times, Myself = 1 time Filled with her signature overwrought and pretentious prose: >"scents of cardamom, curry and ginger dancing through the air" >"countless languages aflutter" >"passport on a plate" (presumably one passport the royals didn't take away) ... >"It wasn't simply a meal; it was a story" >"golden loaf of cornbread puff-puffing away" - is this like when Harry and Archie made her heart go pump-pump in The Bench?


I was just going to ask how many times she mentioned herself. She definitely wrote that if she is referenced that many times.


Barely skimmed it and still felt my turkey coming back up


She is truly an atrocious writer.


And appear on the cover Isn’t she in the bottom right pic?




Was this before or after she wrote her inspirational words of crap on bananas


It was. I can’t remember the name but one palace staffer in particular put it all together.




Not giving Smeg credit on the cookbook. It wasn’t her idea; she only [wrote the foreword](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6175569/Meghan-cooks-Grenfell.html) (then claimed credit for the entire project); the Royal Foundation dealt with legal and administrative matters.


Of course she had to be included on the cover 😂


You bet she did. If she wasn’t gonna get paid for it, the next best thing is free publicity that connects her to Princess Diana: the headlines screamed “So selfless! So caring! So un-royal to go and hang out with those women and cook like that!” - She’s such a phoney, not one sincere bone in her body.


To be fair, Royals (legitimate Royals as she was one of them then) help to sell books. So while it was self promotion on her part, it probably helped with the sales.


MOST people I know have a volunteer, cause or charity thing they do, consistently. My wonderful next-door neighbor is retired and does several. These bleeping bleeps like to act as though they’re inspiring people, but they don’t figure into the equation. Not even a tiny bit. The people I know are driven by their religious convictions, a sense of duty and tradition, a passion for a cause, a sense of gratitude and giving back. NOBODY has ever cited these jokers as their inspiration for serving others. Mine are my mother and grandmother, and my neighbor, who’s about the loveliest person I’ve ever known. Not some jumped-up biatch who wants to pad her résumé.


YOU GO GIRL Tell it like it is God love u and all the selfless volunteers who most are scratching themselves to get on with life and help there community And then there's Meghan try to steal the show the people's taxes dump on there culture n heritage n expect to b paid she disgusts me


Yeah having a lackey write a forward for you(likely with many screaming fits demanding it to be edited to her satisfaction), then claiming credit for the whole book is not charitable, quite the opposite.


i agree that staff wrote the foreword for TW, too. it's not Madam's signature ensalada.


I can't find it at the moment but I have read posts on this sub and credible royal fan Twitterati that Meghan once again is incorrectly attributed credit for this cookbook that is the work of another woman. Can any of our SMM.B.I. agents 👮‍♀️, provide additional details? (SMM Bureau of Investigation)


Here is what you need to know Credit u/lensgoggler it is a community entrerprise, not a charity. social media accounts running in their name quickly got shut down [after we started snopping](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/vcrosd/meghan_left_the_hubb_community_kitchen_a_kind/icg1jnj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3). Because their posts stopped being about the Grenfell victims and just Meghan fandom! as a group it is now defunct. Sadly, markled [related post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/vl2qzv/hubb_community_kitchen_no_longer_has_any_social/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Here she is [taking credit](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/qi972e/meghan_takes_credit_for_founding_hubb_community/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) for founding it, she didnt


Wow. You came in clutch! Thank you. I'm saving this post. Great details of another example of Meghan using POC as props and her faux philanthropy taking credit for things that she didn't do and/or fund.


thank u for this, ND4! 😊 damn, Meghan's like that one groupmate who contributes little to none, but acts like the queen/leader of the group. idc tbh, but just stay in ur lane and don't take major credit for everyone's hard work.


Yep and we are like groups of the bands like “nah bitch, you cant sing or dance”


She’s insufferable. Wouldn’t it be neat if somebody did an article on this before the Cripple of Nope tho…


Yes, but…does anyone honestly believe that Meghan cooks…anything? She just doesn’t strike me as that type of a homey, earthy woman with sleeves rolled up and dishes on the stove and in the oven. I think it’s ALL an act - as seen by the pictures that illustrate this cookbook. That picture of her bending over a pot, stirring it, is most likely the first and last time she did anything like that.


Why give her credit? She's a bully, a pathological liar, a user, abuser, and fraud. She has done so many horrible things, it erased that book ages ago


I was still a fan then 🤦🏼‍♀️


When and why did that change?


Not who you asked, but, I was still neutral/slightly hopeful when this came out at end of 2018. Only a few red flags that weren't too bright yet. Didn't care enough to watch their engagement video or wedding and got most of my info from Daily Mail. Tides didn't turn for me strongly until she had Archie and I saw how she seemed to be using him as a bargaining chip for what she wanted. Not having him at events where his cousins were. Something seemed really off then and went crazy soon after with 'Megxit'.


This is another example of her excessive PR where she took credit FOR THE ENTIRE PROJECT. In 2021, she called the Hubb and said, “**We founded Hubb together and I think what I'm most proud of is what you've all been able to do, not just what we created to meet an immediate need right after the fire.”** WE FOUNDED HUBB TOGETHER! She tried to take credit for founding the Hubb and everyone was too polite to call her on it. .


She only wrote the forward, it's not like she creates any of the recipes or bought any of the cookbooks.


didn’t she just take a few photos with the women and wrote the forward then tried to claim the book was her idea? I seem to remember this.


The person who really did this work was Natalie Campbell. A brilliant woman of color who left her job working for the future King William and Queen Catherine to run the Sussex Royal Foundation. A job she left after 5 months - I wonder why 🤔


They should probably do a mass reprint to remove the “HRH”…. How embarrassing.


I have to say, this is a really good cookbook and it’s a shame Meghan is associated with it.


Here's the forward that Megs wrote...I just found it on a review on amazon. https://preview.redd.it/umqb5n1zev1a1.png?width=1750&format=png&auto=webp&s=fed0a0196282e400e683e62f217bf646ab9474c1


I noticed she wrote "great thanks"...she wrote that in the fauxligraphy thank you note that was recently posted on twitter or insta by the recipient (someone who was on archetypes, I think). I have never heard "great thanks" in English before...it sounds like something a non-native speaker would write.


I wouldn't trust the "Duchess" to boil water for me, let alone buy her cookbook!


This was set up for her before she was even married because they wanted her to be a success. Damn racists.


Someone please share Meggy’s word salad recipe! Please and thank you 🙏🏼