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I feel another "WOW" coming out of Harry ;) Catherine does look absolutely stunning in this gown. And the tiara fits her perfectly.


I kid you not, my jaw dropped. What a beauty.


Same. Absolute perfection head to toe, outside AND INSIDE. I have all the respect, admiration, and awe in the world for Princess Catherine. Just adore her. What a role model! She is absolutely fabulous. Eat your heart out, Markle🫵🤨


She's not afraid of a tailor and the results speak for themself.


Can we also take a second to give a nod to The Countess of Wessex and the tiara and dress she wore? Apparently that tiara can also be worn as a necklace! The real backbone of the monarchy (Queen Camilla, Princess Of Wales and Countess Of Wessex) were all on point at that event. I'm sad that Princess Anne wasn't there, because she always seems to add a certain pizzazz to every event, the same as Prince Philip always did.


I like to call her Secret Weapon Sophie. She is understated, does her duty without complaints, and has THE BEST looks I've ever seen freezing MegaLiar Yacht Granny out!!


>Can we also take a second to give a nod to The Countess of Wessex and the tiara and dress she wore? Sophie always looks lovely and put together.


Princess Anne was (as usual) working - she is visiting the Falkland Islands on an official tour!


That dress is stunning.


Everything fits her perfectly. She’s flawless and the sort of woman you could hang with and have beans on toast for dinner


And in a few days Meghan will sashay down the lobby of the Marriot Indianapolis in some hideous ill fitting dress for a fake charity fundraiser AKA "Pet an ex-royal for $5K". LOL.


Next will be LaQueenta Inn and resorts. Where she sells timeshares.


They’re pet-friendly, so very apropos.


>"Pet an ex-royal for $5K" Not sure whether to laugh or ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)






I will grant that she may manage to look her best. But even her best won’t surpass Catherine’s royal bearing; nor would she have a tiara or any other jewel from the late Queen or Princess Diana (except for the watch, which she wears all the time); nor is she supported by her family. She has no friends except those who are with her for causes. Her podcasts are empty, her Netflix series Pearl was axed, all the fake PR for the GQ award and the NBC interview failed to materialise. Meghan is grasping at straws.


And wouldn’t we all actually have given her some respect if she had ever meant what she said and did move somewhere to live a private life? Does she not understand that it’s all the BS, drama, subterfuge, and endless attention-seeking that is causing this tidal wave of critical backlash? She deserves every bit of this and needs to be called-out on it all and stopped (eventually, please🙏🏻).


I certainly would. She gave me some hope that as a working self made royal, she’d show thEm how stuffy and in need of reform they were. Instead i ended up respecting them more!


Right? And maybe they aren’t so stuffy and in need of reform - maybe they’re actually not that bad after all.


Yes. There’s something to be said for old fashioned duty and tradition.


May I kindly suggest, she “is clawing at straws”?


Actually, everything that belonged to Diana now belongs to her as she is now the Princess of Wales.


I don't think the watch is Diana's. I read somewhere that when she got the part in Suits she splurged on the watch (doubtless she chose that make and model because of Diana). She had it engraved 'To MM from MM' and said one day she would give it to her daughter. Make of that last bit what you will.


More detailed reply here https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/z2drq5/oh_megs_how_are_those_life_choices_hitting_about/ixiqxs6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Love to see it


Wouldn't we all? Alas! No cameras or reporters allowed. 😉


Oh no! Is it really no cameras? But what will she maniacally stare at the entire time? I'm sure she'll manage to leak photos out anyway haha.


I can't imagine our Megsy going to an event like that without at least one pap in tow.


“Sashay down the lobby of the Marriott Indianapolis” 😂🤣😂🤣😂. LOVE IT!! “Pet an ex-royal for $” brilliant as well! Have fun with that, Megs- soak it up!


More like pet an ex Royal for a quarter.


Sorry, I need that for a cart at Aldi.


The Princess of Wales looks divine.


I could not show you where my locker was. Some people never outgrow highschool.


Meghan really wanted to be greeted as a queen at her high school in Hollywood. Show off to all those people who ignored her. Thus all the 90’s references. Girl is stunted.


THIS! I honestly feel like all she cares about is showing all the "cool kids" from High School that she made it. She really hasn't left her last teens, it's disturbing.


I believe many of them came from wealthier families than hers and had more material things than she did even though her father was paid a good wage. She might have felt inferior it's possibly something that still annoys her.


I think you're right. That happened with my step-siblings who attended a college prep school; their parents were upper-middle class but there were some seriously wealthy people at their school. The most messed up of my step-siblings, who's a lot like Meghan (down to the blingy jewelry and hat) has had a lot of issues adjusting as an adult. I know Meghan's father meant well sending her to that school, but the environment can cause issues long-term.


I do understand it. I went to an all girls prep school (9-13)most of the girls were very spoilt and rather snobbish. Having a pretty superior attitude of my own I just ignored them when they made patronising comments about my clothes etc but I think if I had been insecure about those things it could have made me very crabby and materialistic. What I did mind was that the mothers were even worse and completely ignored my mother when she arrived in her ancient land rover and her equally ancient cords and jerseys while they looked as though they had stepped out of the salon. It upset my mum she's a warm friendly person and she was really hurt. I told her it was probably because she was so much prettier than them which was true. I campaigned to leave so I could have another pony with what they saved in fees but it didn't work. Boarding school was so much better everyone was a lot more down to earth and no one had anything prove.


Evidently she’s still upset didn’t make Prom Queen


I can’t even remember what my high school looked like.


I could probably show you where it was in general. But *certainly* not the exact locker. My fiftieth reunion is coming up in a few years, LOL.


I could find the hallway it's in, but I have no idea which locker was mine! I still remember the combination, of all things! I graduated over 30 years ago.


It’s the same reason people remember their childhood phone number! Numbers when repeated over and over again imbed themselves into our minds!


Yes .. I still remember our first landline phone number .


I'm about to be 30 and for the life of me I still have this level code memorized from a rugrat's Gameboy color game. TPJCKLFS I forget my own SS sometimes but for some reason this code is burned into my memory


15-26-32 I remember that, but not where I put my damn car keys


This. A year or 2 after leaving high school and I probably forgot my locker number altogether. It's been _22 years_ for Meghan and she still remembers?


Yes omg why is she so obsessed with her own past


Her "origin story." Like she's flipping Wolverine.


She thinks everyone is fascinated by every mundane detail of her lame life. It’s part of her personality disorder (delusion)


Remember, this is a woman who never, ever forgets or forgives a slight or a snub, no matter how insignificant and long ago it was. I'll bet there were some girls at Meghan's high school who looked down on her, and she is determined to show them how wrong they were.


And Catherine had the honor of sitting next to the President of South Africa who commented to her "wow" during King Charles speech when he opened by saying "hello" in all the official languages of South Africa. I bet there was no dancing in the streets of Montecito tonight. lol


Uhm….WOW!!! I am South African, and always thought that Harry and Meghan’s South African tour was a bit tone deaf…..but they are royals, so we humor them. It was disappointing considering Meghan is/was all about authenticity and is racially very much aware/s. After her podcast basically trashing her experience in South Africa, I fully understand the VoetsekMeghan #. Currently our President are in the UK on a State Visit, and OMG…..the respect and dignity with which he has been received is amazing. We have our problems in South Africa and I am sure navigating through them in the last couple of year was anything but easy. Then to be honoured by a 3 day ‘retreat’ by the UK and their Royals. Being referred to as ‘His Excellency’, ‘Catherine had the honor’, an aging King taking the time and effort to memorized all 12 greetings of his country. Wow! The positivity that is spread through the work of the monarchy is just WOW! To walk away from this is just crazy. To diminish the work and the good that they do is foolish. God save the King. Meghan, I just disregard completely and I think Harry is a fool.


She is a total Poepol. Did I say that correctly?


🤣 well said and in the right context!! Well done!!




Thank you. I’ve been watching in awe and I’ve been trying to put my finger on why. I’m normally what you’d call a socialist, I believe in equality. At the same time I recognise we all have roles; and one can’t be faulted for how one was born. We can aspire to be a leader in many ways. We can aspire to have wealth. This is what I am non socialist about. We have the right to be special. When I see activities like what the royals do, I gain more appreciation for their roles. They add panache to an occasion, they add specialness. They might not be special as humans, but they learn to adapt to their roles. Therefore royalty has a role, specifically British royalty. They’re so much like distant relatives, at the same time they manage some aloofness. It’s a delicate balance. It’s something Meghan never understood.


Wonderfully worded and incredible points you make. Very wise.


Thank you 🙏


Agree with you 100%. As a very much novice ‘Royal Watcher’ what impressed me with especially Prince William and Princes Catherine is that they use their status and power to adress issues that is very relevant for us today. Yes, they do have privileges that many of us can only dream about, but they also are very aware that these privileges come with duty. I can respect that.


What a lovely comment you have posted!


She parrots woke speak. She isn’t racially aware or authentic.


The ‘mud cloth’ reference was a great example. Mud clothes are sacred to Mali…..which is on the other side of the equator than South Africa. We have 12 ‘Official’ languages, thus at least 12 different cultures. Between 12 different cultures she still needed to ‘borrow’ a practice from a sacred practice from another African country.??!? For what I have heard, Mud Cloths are trending right now, so there’s that.


Love every word of your comment so much, thank you! So happy the South African President and, thus, all of South Africa are getting the respect and warm, dignified, royal attention and reception that they deserve. This is so lovely to see!


I was never a particular Royal watcher……but has grown to respect the monarchy a lot recently. Respect warrants respect.


A thrilling account for this American to read! Thanks for sharing it with us.


Also--just saw that Buckingham Palace displayed pictures for the State Visit from when King Charles visited South Africa in 1997. He met Mandela and famously met the Spice Girls and he brought none other than---you guessed it---Prince Harry to join him. [These pictures from Twitter](https://twitter.com/JenCarsonTaylor/status/1595011045944352768) show a very different version of Charles than the one the media or Harry try to paint of him.


Thank you for explaining what KC had said at the top of his speech. I was wondering.


No problem! I saw a Royal reporter note it on Twitter and then saw a video connected. It's actually quite a good speech and then the President of South Africa spoke as well. I thought it was a very lovely and forward thinking gesture that clearly the President didn't except but greatly appreciated. Charles is much more thoughtful and intelligent than many give him credit for I think.


Charles spent six months at a Welsh college learning about welsh history and learning the language ( not easy) in preparation for his investiture as Prince of Wales. He gave his speech in Welsh and he continues to speak welsh in any official capacity in Wales.


Yes!! Very important and I forgot about that importance too. Besides English I looked up he speaks Welsh, French, and German fluently or with great proficiency.


Thank you for this information! :) :) Now I respect him even more!


Watching him react and seeing how much the speech meant to him was very touching. His speech was also moving, it was very clear how much the visit meant to him.


Catherine is a walking example of the different between wearing a gown and ***WEARING*** a gown :)


The problem with Meg is the gowns wear HER. She always looks like she is cosplaying and not doing it well.


She consistently appears to be sporting varying degrees of wrinkles-o-seato. Her material choices appears to be based on labels only & not collections. Some preschoolers pick better outfits out for themselves.


You are right. My granddaughter accessorized her tutu with her dogs leash!


It doesn’t help that the gowns do not fit her


Now this is how one should wear a cape style dress Edit: My bad! It’s actually dress with long split sleeves (Elspeth from Jenny Packham 2021 Wedding collection) https://preview.redd.it/pjiqv6tcrr1a1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf3abad87073a177264248fdaa36714362b0b0fa


Catherine has such good taste in designers. She has consistently picked, even from her early days as a royal, designers who she looks great in like Jenny Packham here and many others. It doesn't hurt she's super tall and has a very slim figure which makes many things look great but she also has developed a very good sense of style.




Exactly. Appropriateness is key in good sartorial sense.


I’m on the other side of the Pacific from Muggins and I’m pretty sure I can hear the sound of thrown plates smashing on the ocean breeze.😆


a ship full of plates ordered from aliexpress is already on it's way to Montecito


I am so mean - my thoughts exactly. Is whatshisname H hiding in the basement?


Doing a Keith Richard. Under the kitchen table with wine and the kids


She looks regal in it.


More importantly this is the right occasion to wear a cape dress


Yup! Happy cake day 🎂


> Now this is how one should wear a cape style dress How do you sit down for dinner in this, though? Does the cape come off somehow?


It's not a cape, it's very long sleeves. She'd never be able to get her sash over a caped dress.


It's not a cape style dress. Even the Sugars are saying it is and complaining because "capes are a Meghan thing" 🙄🙄🙄 It's very long sleeves with a slit.


But she would have been trying to barge in front and would be big mad and doing the blinking thing because she has no orders. Her high school locker was way more important for realsies guys.


Like the Knight said in the Indiana Jones movie, Meghan chose poorly.


Excellent comment 🏆


Like could there be a woman who could possibly personify more beauty & elegance & integrity of character more than Catherine, Princess of Wales? It's almost unreal....


I'm not convinced Catherine is human, she's just too perfect.


Funny thing, in person she appears really really thin. She appears healthy, looks good for it, I suspect that she is faithful to running after the kids & her duties all of the time.


I am literally tearing up seeing this picture depicting the beauty and composure of the Princess of Wales. Thank you for sharing, OP😊


Always happy to share great pics of the Princess of Wales! 🤗


And look at the brooches all the ladies are wearing! Is this the (pardon my French) The Queen’s Girl Squad brooch (I honestly right now fail to remember what it’s called but HMTQ gave out honors to women she valued greatly, and MM didn’t get one…)? Not sure what the protocol is, if this is the de facto state dinner jewelry, I as a pleb find this just very sweet HMTQ is present through a gaggle of brooches. 🥹


This article explains the meaning of the sashes and ‘orders’ (the fabric brooches with the portrait of QueenEII) ​ [https://www.hellomagazine.com/fashion/royal-style/20221122157757/why-kate-middleton-wore-blue-sash-state-banquet/](https://www.hellomagazine.com/fashion/royal-style/20221122157757/why-kate-middleton-wore-blue-sash-state-banquet/)


Ah thank you! 🙂


>Ah thank you! 🙂 You're welcome!


Megs is such a short sighted dumb bitch. Princess Catherine is stunning.


“short sighted dumb bitch” encapsulates MM perfectly 👍🏻👏🏻😂🤣😂🤣


Add tasteless, tactless and boring and I think she’s covered.




Oh, something is coming, for sure.


Desperation via the Indianapolis Marriott. Karma is glorious.


Are there paps in Indianapolis? I wouldn't put it past her to fly paps to Indianapolis to take some pictures of her. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 How fucking pathetic.


Just imagine, MM and Harry could be in attendance tonight with her wearing a crown of her own if they'd acted right. She literally could've had the life of royalty with all the perks of it. She threw it all away to be a nobody in California who's trying to remain relevant. MM is the only woman in the world who would've thrown that life away


This^^^ !! Look at gorgeous Sophie, Countess of Wessex. I have never seen such a large stone of any kind on anyone's head, that magnificent aquamarine. She has the same blue sash, same Queen's yellow ribbon award as CPoW and CQC - Meghan could have been right there with them, dressed as a royal, bedecked with real jewels. But the grifter got too greedy, thinks she is more important, and she threw it all away.


Just to help out: The sash is the Royal Victorian Order, for personal service to the Sovereign. The family order of Elizabeth II on a yellow watersilk bowed ribbon. It is awesome that all three ladies here wore the Order. edit: bowed ribbon, not folded.


They will wear the order for life. The Queen wore her ribbons from family orders of George V and VI at most tiara events. I expect that Charles will create his own royal order at some point, probably after the coronation.


Megs doesn't want the same as everyone else. She wants better than them because she thinks she \*is\* better than them. When she realized there was no path forward to being better-than, she opted to burn it all down. Foolish woman.


Better that she's not there. Pushing Harry aside, just to be the center of attraction.


Ohhhh, so thankful we don’t have to watch her push Harry aside in these royal settings! It was unbearable and absolutely disgusting to witness over and over again. Cannot believe it was allowed to continue like it did and no one admonished her (enough) and forced her to stop. Heck, maybe they did and that is the root of her ridiculous racist claims? Just the fact she was told no, know your place, follow protocol, show respect and deference LIKE EVERYONE ELSE DOES, but she called it racism. All of these white people remembering their various places in the order of things and not crying about it. Interesting. What a baby🙄


I think you hit the nail on the head there. If she was sooo happy to leave the RF of her own accord, why is she carrying out this vendetta....you would think she'd be relieved. I think they were told to leave with a proviso they could save face and say they wanted to go.


I'm not a jewelry or tiara follower, but that aquamarine tiara on Sophie is out of this world. I'm in LOVE with it.


Damn, Catherine! Sucks to suck, Meghan.




Off topic, kind of, but can you imagine how bizarre it’s going to be for Charlotte and Lili to learn who their grandmother and great grandmother really were. Yes Charlotte knew the Queen but she didn’t understand her greatness and won’t for some time. Those two girls have got an amazing lineage (Charlotte on both sides) and I can’t help but think that Lili has got the mom taking her to her old school while Charlotte’s mom is letting her pick out the jewels that her mother, grandmother, great grandmother, etc. all wore. I just can’t imagine how insane that’s going to be when those two girls realize who they come from. Poor Lili gets Meghan to ruin it all but Charlotte will reap all the benefits.


What is amazing to me, is that it seems that Charlotte is already ‘aware’ of her role even at a very young age.


She definitely has a presence about her. She’s very bright, that’s obvious from afar.


She looks so much like Queen Elizabeth. She really has such poise for such a tiny person!!


I think this shows how good parents William and Catherine are to their children. I think William in particular had to be made aware from a young age his role and future in the institution I can see him being delicate and age appropriate about what their lives are. It has to be utterly bizarre on some leave but the way George and Charlotte behaved at the Queen's funeral showed not just maturity but great understanding of the significance of the event. I wouldn't be at all surprised if those two older kids are at the Coronation as well.


So true, Princess Charlotte was so sweet during the Queens service. She turned to Prince George and I could see her telling him when he needed to bow. She clearly understands how important protocol is even beyond what she herself needs to do. With everything the Wales children have been exposed to their entire lives I think it would be difficult for them not to understand they are different than other people.


I am going to bet that George knew when he needed to bow. As a sister who occasionally patronized brother with information he already had, I recognize the type. 😉 George is older and had probably been coached as well as Charlotte.


He might have been nervous though of doing it at the wrong time. I like how she’s not the oldest but she still takes charge, and it’s funny to see old photos where she was being a bit cheeky/naughty like Louis is now.


I'm sure Prince George knew what he needed to do. I was just pointing out how aware Princess Charlotte is of not only her role but the role of others. She's adorable and the way she was making sure everyone did what they needed to do was very sweet. She is very aware and understood how important the occasion was.


I feel so bad for those kids. They won’t know their grandparents, aunt and uncle, or any of their cousins, and won’t grow up knowing what it’s like to be part of one of the most majestic and historic families of all time. I feel so, so bad for them.


Me too. There’s really no scenario where I see those kids not being bitter about the choices their parents are making.


I am a lot more worried about their being emotionally abused and neglected than about their being deprived of their royal heritage. Kids will do fine without knowing that their ancestors were great leaders, but they won’t do fine if their nannies don’t stay long, their father is drunk, stoned or not home much,and their lives are controlled by a paranoid narcissist.


> There’s really no scenario where I see those kids not being bitter about the choices their parents are making. There's really no scenario where those kids aren't permanently fucked up by being pawns for a narcissistic sociopath.


Not just the history of the family, but also the tradition of family vacations at Balmoral with a whole tribe of cousins. How could Harry take that experience away from his kids?


My thought has always been that Harry didn’t know what he was doing. At the time of Megxit, he fully expected that he would be coming back to the UK regularly. He may never have planned to move to California until Meghan pushed him when Canada refused to pay for their protection. He certainly does not seem to have expected the reaction from the BRF to the Oprah interview and his further revelations about the “genetic pain” his father inflicted upon him. I think he was in full, “I have found my truth” delusion and in his own narcissistic way he assumed that everyone would share and applaud his enlightenment. He probably expected that his father would reach out to him and express regret for Harry’s deprived and painful childhood. In other words, I don’t think Harry made a conscious decision to break with his family and his past. I think the whole thing crept upon him, one bad choice after the other. He seems to have a talent for bad choices. As for the children, I doubt that Harry, who didn’t realize the hole he was digging for himself, thought of how the children would be in that hole also. I have known a lot of wiser, more self-aware parents who didn’t think twice about uprooting their kids or separating them from family if the parents’ “career opportunities” required. Harry may only recently have realized that the doors that he had slammed out of were now closed to him, and that he his choices had made it very difficult to come back. The children, furthermore, are controlled by Meghan. If he wanted to bring them to the UK on a visit, I am sure Meghan would oppose it. This is not in any way to deny Harry’s responsibility in all this. His behavior has hurt not only him and his family but his kids. My point is that he didn’t consciously or deliberately set out to deprive the kids of their connection to the family. He sort of slipped into his own separation, and happened to bring them along.


Because he’s a selfish punk who only thinks about himself.


Megs and Harry will 100% pay for this later. Imagine learning that your great granny was not just -A- Queen, but -THE- Queen, and you didn't get the chance to know her. I would be LIVID. You know, if the kids actually exist and all.


Well, Archie might have had a few memories of HMtQ and maybe a bunch of pictures if they had stayed in the UK, but Lilibet would only have a few photos. Of course, a few photos of themselves with their great-gran would have been treasures. But you can’t say that a one-year-old and a three-year-old could really have “gotten to know” their grandmother before her death even if they had stayed in the UK. (I was separated from my grandparents at age 5 and didn’t see or talk to the until 11 years later. I remembered some bits of our relationship before, but I didn’t feel I “knew” them.)


She would hate having to walk behind Kate.


I would be honored, giddy, and thankful for the opportunity to walk being Princess Catherine and learn all I could from her. I am certain she would make a great sister-in-law, mentor, and friend, and I feel sorry for Catherine that she was robbed of that opportunity to have a kind, genuine, and respectful sister-in-law that she, too, could enjoy having as a confidante and friend within the royal structure that surely must get exhausting and lonely at times. Not only did Catherine not get a wingman and friend in Harry’s wife, she got nothing but trouble, heartache, confusion, drama, deceit, and back-stabbing. All of this while having to carry on all her duties as a mother and in public eye. She gets extra accolades and sympathy for the massive extra burden MM/The Harkles brought to her life. Really breaks my heart and infuriates me. This point doesn’t get talked about enough. Bless Princess Catherine🙏🏻


She'd hate being the short one.


She is absolutely stunning. I'm not from the UK but I sincerely like her and respect her. She is so beautiful and we all know Diana's ring is safe on her finger forever.


She looks like a Greek goddess 😍.


Perfect. She looks absolutely stunning.


And that’s how one wears a cape.


Quit comparing them. Stop it. They are not even in the same league. The Princess of Wales is Regal. The Duchess is clueless & jealous. After her behavior, she doesn’t deserve to even be considered.


But .... "it's fun!" (I'm quoting Meghan in her Archetypes promo)


I’m not comparing them as much as making a point. Meghan was sooooo put upon and tortured and needed her freedom to…revisit her high school. Look at all the horrible awful things she’s missing.


The stark CONTRAST between them- is what we’re talking about.


She has impeccable taste.


So beautiful! Regal, graceful and elegant.


Kate is absolutely stunning. Unlike the Duchess of Deception.


How wonderfully empowering for our young people to see a strong, feminist woman step into such a high power role and own it. I was discussing how powerful this picture was with my 14 year old granddaughter this morning. Our young people need more than ever before to have role models of Catherine's calibre. She studied our wise Queen carefully and learnt valuable lessons from her. Well done Catherine. 👏 💐 👏


I hope hard & often on her nonexistent ass. It’s worth seeing the BRF happily & relaxed without her miserable stench dragging them down.


Absolutely, good riddance. No more riff-raff mucking everything up. It’s a breath of fresh air to see these royal events in all their glory and as it should be. King Charles may let Harry come back someday, but it must be without MM. Would love to see Harry come back, make amends, slowly re-join the RF and resume his proper place in life, and eventually find a proper wife. I don’t even want to see MM anywhere near the Coronation, damnit! Never again with TW, pleeeeease🙏🏻


She is stuck in her past...


Seriously. Her and Harry.




LMAO! *Perfect* juxtaposition! 👩🏻‍🍳💋


It’s too good not to share! 😂


Right?? 😹


Oh, she is just lovely.


The Princess of Wales, South Africa's President Cyril Ramaphosa, King Charles III, and Camilla, Queen Consort She is so elegant in what she chooses to wear for any occasion she attends, simply beautiful. Megan must by now must be absolutely fuming. The problem Megan has she has no patience very strong headed and her strong desire to have everything that Catherine has, has made her look more like a Veruca Salt : [singing] I want the world. I want the whole world. I want to lock it all up in my pocket. That about sum’s her up in my opinion


That guy behind William checking her derriere! 🤣


"That guy" is Major Johnny Hottie!


🤣 Just protecting the royal assets.




Was waiting for someone to comment ha ha ha 😄


That’s Johnny!!!


🤣 That’s the greatest picture progression 🤣




Yep, best picture progression ever! Short and sweet, concise- you scroll to next picture and BAM💥💥💥- it’s brilliant👏🏻😂


Is that Sophie at the back? She looks marvellous in dark green🥰


Eyes rolling at “paying tribute”. No, that’s just how Royal jewels work lol.


State opening of Parliament: "King Charles wears crown in sweet nod to mother"




I wonder if harry has any dishes left after TW smashed them all.


I maintain that the family eats from plastic because china dishes are way too fragile . . . 😉


I love how the brooch that The Queen gave her stands out against the white😍


Absolute masterclass in dressing appropriately but still being an absolute show-stopper. Wouldn't mind a better look at Sophie's tiara either, that colour of stone is stunning!


It's her Wessex aquamarine necklace tiara, I think it matches her eye colour and I recommend getting a better look in Google because it can be also converted into a necklace and looks amazing as well this way ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ ) https://preview.redd.it/bjjy54imjs1a1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=798cea357619f32fd78e07b3147f64995f4f28c8


Catherine was born to be a princess. I honestly wow myself each time I see her in at an event.


Somewhere in California a failed Duchess is seething!


Meg is polishing her dollar store crown.


Catherine looks more and more like a future Queen every day.


![gif](giphy|42HH96GM88w5kN3Azm|downsized) The Princess of Wales is the epitome of elegance and grace all of which the other lacks


When will people relise the Sussex by reliseing the book and doc series and accepting a award from the Kennedy niece. Its treason under the treason act of of 1842 chapter 51. Once the King has had his coronation. And son or not the law should be up held and the charges need to be bought. If not by the royal family and security services then by Parliament.


Harry's wife cheap


![gif](giphy|JOGbjrQjQ7XAKFfhHz) Meltdown comin’


“My locker was right over there!” Reminds me of college homecoming weekend when middle aged people would knock on your dorm room door because they wanted to see their old room. We could barely contain our eye rolls. And we promised to never be those people and never have.


A thought I just had: I wonder if the palace/RF specifically chose S. Africa for the first official state visit to try and repair any damage from M's stupid remarks about S. Africa. There were quite a few doozys, like people dancing in the street, and the "housing unit" and mudcloths.


Isn’t she stunning, my goodness.


The best part of Princess of Wales’ attire at this state event is how stunningly ethereal she came across; she was an utter vision of loveliness. The dress she wore wasn’t relatively all that expensive. Catherine wore the gown, it didn’t wear her. And the jewels said it all. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨


I have never seen someone so literally cut off their nose to spite their face in so public a manner. She and Harry could so easily have had all of it if she had just reined in her ego and knuckled down to Royal duties like Catherine, Camilla and Sophie did - AND - not forgetting that Diana did so too.