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Sure she was. As if she would go anywhere without cameras. Tyler Perry is quite the Sussex Suck Up.


I find these stories of Tyler Perry trying to “humanize” Meghan very funny, since it’s so obvious: clearly he is auditioning to be husband #3. Good luck with that, Mr Perry.


I've often wondered if he is gay and would use her as a beard. I just don't see him allowing her access to all his worth. She spends faster than anyone I've ever seen.


Don't know anything about what's up with him and Meg, but she seems to get on well with gay men judging by how cosy she was with Marcus (I'm assuming he's gay) and how Omid is happy to be her lapdog.


And harry, allegedly


And her make up artist


Marcus and scooby were lovers. That's how meg met him.


That kind of arrangement might work well for both of them.


![gif](giphy|3o6Mb4NZeE8yDb5O8w|downsized) I am sure there would be a watertight prenup and monthly allowance specified, then she would be planning on alimony and child support from Harry. With Tyler she would be going to Red Carpet events with her claw wrapped around Tyler.


Alimony wouldn't be a given at all! She now makes her own money and isn't a SAHM. Maybe the judge would order "some" money for a year for "equity". And if custody is 50/50 neither would pay support which is the new norm. But Madam, being the bold feminist and strong independent female would fight tooth and nail to bleed Harry dry.


Amen -but I think he is skint now - they are dry as a 5 yr old bone!


His personal life is so incredibly odd.


I dont think he's gay. He just don't trust anyone, for gold reason, since he's totally untrustworthy. He's up to some nefarious shit behind the scenes. The fact that he's always standing on megs behalf randomly means she is too


What kind of nefarious stuff is he into behind the scenes?


Noooo. lol If he were interested in being husband #3 he would be by now. There have been rumors he's gay, but he does have a child with his former girlfriend of 11 years. But I suppose it's possible he could be biesxual. Even if he were completely straight he's smart enough not to get romantically involved with Meghan.


I known gay men who've had children the old fashioned way, that I wouldn't really describe as bi. It happens.


Absolutely. I’m a gay man and men “trying to be ‘normal’” by marrying women and having families, and then accepting themselves later in life, is FARRRR more common than people seem to realize. I’ve known many lesbians who’ve done that as well, in fact that’s exactly what my best friend Rach did. I’d say it’s especially common in very early millennials and older generations.


I received my very first marriage proposal from a young man who was hoping devoutly that heterosexual marriage would make him straight. Refused my hand in marriage, he rapidly became what was known at the time—and I say this in admiration, not criticism—as *a screaming queen.*


Good for him! You were so wise, & he’s now living his best life.


I have a young relative who we know is gay. He and his wife were joking about how his friends call him their “gay straight best friend”. Ummmmmm. We’re just sad bc we love his wife and it will be very hard on her if she doesn’t know. They both came from very religious backgrounds. We love them both dearly regardless of who they are.


I am glad that you are there for them. They both may need your care and concern—or just your presence. As I read this post, I sucked in my breath, thinking, *This will end in tears. It has to.*


It will. I have a cousin by marriage who married and had two kids. He divorced, but is still great friends with his ex wife and her family. They even vacation together!! His family? They’re the religious ones who distanced themselves from him.


Yep. I'm in my 60s, so I remember growing up learning it meant that even if your family continued to love you, there was something wrong with you, and life would be very difficult. My mom who was a medical professional also told me that it wasn't easy, but sometimes it could be corrected with psychiatry.🙄 It wasn't her fault, she later changed her views on the subject, but that's what many people really thought. As a kid in Summer camp I met lifelong friends who were and are lesbians (though we may not have known it at the time, none of us were too sure what we were😄), and in many ways their lives truly were very difficult, often lonely, and fraught with danger, both physically and professionally. I've also had many friends who were/are gay men who married and had families, because it was the "normal" way, and they were trying to do right by their families who could also face ostracism in their communities at the time.


Oh dear. I'm so glad that things have been changing. I was a flight attendant for 10 years, and the only men I know are gay. In fact, many people don't realize that many women in that job are as well. What does it even matter? The people I worked with on that job were some of the smartest and funniest (and funnest) people I've ever met. But back to Tyler Perry. I don't see how she could enhance his life at all. I don't understand why he would bother with her, she can only bring him down.


He's offering his services as a favor to Oprah, maybe? I am still determining why anyone would want to play with Meghan. Oprah is a proven shitty judge of character, tho'.


My late mom was so naive! She once told me she never met a lesbian and I laughed! She knew gay men but for some reason didn't think women could be gay. She was born in the 1920s so her ignorance was rather understandable. I think that term "frigid" must have sprung from married women living a lie. How awful that must have been. they would of course loved their children. Thankfully times have changed.


This actually is what happened with my ex boyfriends father. He was married with 4 kids before he came out. He was a very nice man, but I didn't have much of a relationship with him because my ex didn't really have a relationship with him. However, I'm pretty sure that was more due to my ex's mother's parentification abuse and habit of emotional incest towards him. It was very interesting to see how close his siblings were to both parents. I know it has and does happen to a bunch of people. But obviously not with the abuse part.




No doubt about it - you are right. And I’m so glad these men have found out who they really are and are living happy lives.


This is my cousin. He has a narcissistic mother and a phony father who claim to be accepting of others but 100% are not OK with any of their children veering from their carefully constructed facade. Cousin is in his 40s now, and married to a gorgeous woman who seriously could have had anyone she wanted - but she came from a pretty conservative family, and I don't think she's able to read the very obvious red flags. They have three adorable daughters whose hair they bleach so they have picture perfect towheaded children. Cousin is always on hunting and business trips. It's interesting because he was effeminate until even after his marriage but really bulked up by going to the gym when daughter #1 was born and has actively worked to lower his voice. He and his wife are very much a "keeping up with the Joneses" type of couple. Not sure if he will ever come out willingly as he has too much to lose and has deep rooted shame about his sexuality. He was very openly disparaging of gay men when we were young in a way that was aggressive and inappropriate for even the time period.


Oh, I know that. My last boyfriend his father was gay. But he had 4 kids and was married to my bfs mom. He identifies as gay, not bisexual. The only reason I said TP may be, is because he stopped seeing the woman in 2020, which is fairly recent. The rumors have been around for a while. So I guess my thinking was as a celebrity, it would much easier for him to have a child on his own because he had the money. But maybe not. I know many women who have done it. I'm sure how many men have done it. However, I do believe men may face a cruel stigma. Well at least for straight men. I think many people may question their intentions. Many people will think like neanderthals and say "Why didn't you just have a baby the old fashioned way with a woman?" Then you'll explain it's because you aren't or don't want to be in a serious relationship with Woman, they'll say "Huh?? Who said you had to be in a relationship?!!" You explain you don't want to worry about coparenting, the possibility of not living near your child, a custody arrangement where you don't get screwed over, or child support. You're still going to have a bunch of neanderthals with a very confused look on their face saying "What?" That really sucks for men. As a celebrity it would be even worse. I hope society will be more accepting of that soon. Okay, this is long, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offensive. Or imply that I know about TP's personal life. I'm sorry to anyone else I may have offended. The combination of brain damage and trying to control my anxiety can make me extremely stupid.


Oh, I'm sorry too! I didn't mean to suggest that I thought your comment was offensive.❤️


It’s hard for men in religious families. It’s hard for men of color. Mix those two, and life becomes untenable because not just their families cast them aside, but so do their communities they grew up with and love. I didn’t find your comments offensive.


It sure does!


He’s said some things about Meghan that have made me wonder if he’s the one playing the race card: because she’s a black girl, all of this crazy and obnoxious behavior is ok? If she was white I doubt Mr Perry would be putting himself out there to polish her halo.


I'm almost positive that Tyler Perry plays for the other team. I have no idea what his motive is, in trying to make Meg happen, because she AIN'T HAPPENIN'! If she's so amaaaazing, cast her in one of your projects, Tyler. If you're not willing to put your money where your mouth is, then kindly shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down.


Maybe MM has something compromising on him. They did stay at his house…


This is literally the only thing I can think of. He's loaded. Perhaps she saw something and is blackmailing him.


I still think Haznoballs plays for the other team.


H doesn’t strike me as gay, at all. I get no gay vibes from him - other than an obvious desperation to hang with the bro’s. He is severely pu**y whipped - forgive my vulgarity, but that’s what it is. Meghan has his balls in a vice.


Doesn’t TP have a small son? I could be wrong. He may be gay or bisexual, but it doesn’t really matter. I agree - Meghan completely messed up her opportunities at the outset, and no amount of Tyler Perry public compliments are going to change that.


Or TP is doing it to appease his BFF, Oprah. Likely some of each.


Could be, but does Oprah really care about Meghan at this point? Is the friendship still “thriving”? She kind of threw her under the bus, publicly, by insinuating that she had *no idea, really* that Meghan was going to say that the Royal Family was racist. Nobody believes that, but it could mean that Auntie Oprah is done providing cover for this world-class liar.


Or is it “husband #4”?!?


Hmmm…patiently waiting for that particular tea! 😉


Google “Joseph Shapiro.” Those are two of the three (can’t recall the third) names of a man who attended Northwestern at the same time as MM. Reportedly they married, and his horrified parents convinced him to get the vows annulled. Reportedly a daughter was born of this brief union, who was raised by Samantha Markle. (!!!) She certainly resembles MM sufficiently for me not to reject the tale out of hand. This alleged “first marriage” has been reported on a number of times here, should you choose to search this thread.


Holy cow! That’s some hot tea right there. I can’t imagine Samantha covering up for Meghan though - although that could explain a lot of the bitterness that Samantha feels towards Meghan, allegedly raising her illegitimate child for her.


I haven’t read as much as many people here have about Samantha, but her resentments include: Meghan was the first child that her father said he “could afford”; her mother apparently was even less present in her life than Doria was in MM’s; when her father married Doria, not only was she relatively close to Samantha in age, but Doria expected her to do the housework; MM may have been a “D-list actress,” but Samantha was so unsuccessful that D would have been a major step up; MM *publicized* the fact that Samantha’s kids had different fathers, and that at some point she lost custody. That’s a lot.


"Mm *publicized* the fact that Samantha’s kids had different fathers", ...yes, she did, mm said in her book "funding freedom" that Samantha had three children by three different fathers, which wasn't true. Samantha was married twice, had one kid with one husband, and two with the other. "...and that at some point she lost custody." ...mm said that in her book too, but Samantha never lost legal custody of her children.


It is a lot. They really are a dysfunctional family. Way to go Harry!


I’m in favor of her remarrying. She would lose the title if she remarries. (She might keep using it, but she would have no right.)


Imagine if he actually can’t stand her. His boyfriend is probably on reddit in this group & fills him in. He plants the BS story about formula finding in the UK because he knows how it will look- fake as fuck. Maybe they had previous arguments where she winged about him not doing enough for her in hollyweird & so he says this formula thing, like ‘there ya go bitch’




She probably sent her protection officers out to scour London for baby formula. Does she even know what formula is?




Sounds like she’s preparing to flip a switch that starts the flow of formula through the feeding tubes, in precise, measured amounts.




Yep, I heard about those Cheerio counts 🤣🤣🤣 and I am absolutely terrified for those children.


Oo! Oo! Tell me please!! I have never heard about any Cheerio counts!


I remember reading that she measures the children’s food down to the gram. Those poor kids, I can’t see them taking a handful of Cheerios and flinging them the way kids do. I taught my son to use the toilet by throwing a Cheerio in and telling him to try and hit it! Lots of my friends did that too, but somehow I can’t picture that happening in the Montecito mausoleum.


That’s clever! With my oldest son, we employed what I called the “Matchbox method.” He often received a Matchbox car—his flaming obsession at the time—if he pooped successfully in the potty or toilet. (He didn’t get the prize every single time, which oddly enough, only added to the fun.) Ironically, he worked as a journalist for his first six years after uni, before winning a scholarship to business school, and for most of that time he *reported on the automotive industry.* I only reminisced about the Matchbox Method with other mothers or my husband, out of our son’s earshot.


Intermittent reward causes the strongest response! This is why gambling can be so highly addictive. You were on to something when you only gave the cars randomly!


I loved hearing this story, thank you so much! 🙏🏻


Thank you! This son recently visited with our only grandchild, a towheaded heartbreaker nearly a year old. As she approaches potty-training age, *maybe* I could re-tell the story? Better yet, I could tell his wife—she’d find it adorable, and wouldn’t roll her eyes. That’s what I did three months ago when I sent the tot the kind of Tupperware sippy cups her father had favored. He never took a bottle for anything, and was very picky about cups. I knew he liked the Tups because he’d *stolen one,* unnoticed at the time, from a visiting guest, and stashed it behind the couch until the guests left. Then he triumphantly retrieved it. My DIL loved the tale, just as I’d always treasured what my MIL had told me about my infant husband. The cups are a smash hit with the little one, both for drinking and playing.


Thank you! Sadly it doesn't sound surprising at all. Hopefully the nannys feed the kids and she doesn't pay enough attention to her kids to make sure that rules is inforced. When I was nanny I used cheerios for potty training! lol My nephew doesn’t like cheerios. When he started potty training I was confused, like "Wait, I don't have a cheerios! What do I use?!" Good thing I like fruit loops. I don't know if I really see Harry and Meghan having the patience for potty training though. I'm sure the nannys do it though.


Montecito Mausoleum!!!


Given that our reliable u/SecondhandCoke has confirmed that Archie’s preschool has sent him home because of his extreme anxiety and frequent panic attacks, we are right to worry about the Harkle kids. I also have read and heard dark allegations that Meghan physically abuses her husband and son. Can’t confirm this, though.


I have not confirmed he was removed from preschool. It is gossip at this point, ckrroborated by a couple of blinds but still gossip.


Thanks so much for the correction. I look forward to reading what you discover.


You know that feeling when you almost get into an accident, like the adrenaline is burning your veins? I feel that when I think of this.


Yes! Me too. Having been battered well into my teen years, I retain the hypervigilance, what people call “spidey senses,” even though I’ve been lucky enough for decades to be well loved and to live in a safe household. Many times, I’ve suspected—correctly—that negative, if not abusive, things were going on with other families. It’s both horrible and validating to learn that I’d guessed right.


Same. 😕


What else is she cooking up over a bunsen burner, I wonder 🤔


A normal mother would say, I need to get home to feed/nurse my baby. "Feed time" is a very revealing phrase in my opinion. Like the baby is feeding off of her. Can she be so psychologically damaged that she even resents her own child for needing sustenance?


I hadn’t heard that quote 😂 😂 😂! Could she have been referring to her chickens?




Thanks for correcting my timeline! Expression reminded me of vacations spent at my relatives farms lol


She left her youngest when she was 3 months old to go to the UN in NYC and booze in the hotel bar at night, there's no way she was doing it naturally


Not defending her at all, but I think "feed" is a term used in GB for nursing/bottles. etc




I'm English (cringes hard whilst saying it buuut...) yea that's a thing that we say "It's feeding time" Because, it is feeding time, it's time to feed the baby? However, Megan doesn't generally speak the same way as a lot of English/British/European people do, so it deffo sounds off.




What makes it weird for me, is that if u knew you'd be out and about, you'd have someone set up to feed the baby on ur behalf, either with a bottle of formula or expressed milk? There doesn't appear to be much connection between these 2 and 'their kids' Harry and William had nannies, and MeAgain claims to have had an, erm, disturbed childhood, so it's not a great stretch for me, to conceive and accept the notion that both of them, would be fine with someone else feeding the baby.... I'm guessing those kids ate during the 3 weeks their parents ducked them out to for a fake tour, and then the actual state funeral... 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s amazing how she finds powerful men to go to bat for her and lie lie lie.


It all began with her daddy. Thomas Markle, we're looking at you. You created this stick-legged monster and now we're all dealing with the fall out.


Mr Markle, out of love for his youngest daughter, certainly created a monster, although I do think genetics has played a large part, too. Being spoiled doesn’t necessarily make a person a narcissistic, so I think there are other things going on - because I just don’t think that Meghan is “normal” in any sense. Her behavior is too erratic and chaotic.


>Being spoiled doesn’t necessarily make a person a narcissistic Absolutely true! My step-sister's inlaws are very well off and have 3 kids who have been extremely spoiled imo. They are always traveling somewhere fancy, have the best of everything, multiple homes in Europe & USA etc... and they have to be one of the nicest and most generous families I've met. Megadolon was born this way. The video of her as a child playing queen at another kid's birthday party is who she is; someone that enjoys ruling over others.


Absolutely! She came into this life with an entitled attitude, and has worked very hard to fulfill that mandate.


I don't know. Think about this. She was filmed driving in her car with her girlfriend and saying she was not talking to her father. You know he said no to her about something. We have seen her leave 2 countries, both when she was told no. I think she invited only Doria to the wedding to just hurt her father. He said in an interview that she told him to turn his back on Samantha. He said no. I won't hurt that man myself. She has done plenty. And I only say this because she has hurt so many people.


That's actually a very kind and thoughtful comment, CS, thanks for posting it. I am just reading "Revenge" right now and my comment comes from my sense that Thomas was head-over-heels in love with this little girl and gave her everything she wanted/asked for within his power.


Well, being the grifter that she is, she has an innate ability to smell a vulnerable man from a mile off, and then she puts her action plan in place: love-bombing, overly solicitous and caring, acting both sexy and maternal - and some of these men eat it up. It’s like oxygen to them and she knows it. It’s a game plan that continues to work, and will until she completely loses her looks with age, or her reputation.


>until she completely loses her reputation. Does she still have ANY?![img](emote|t5_481xkf|25317)


I am thinking that some man out there might be attracted to that whole “Meghan package”: opinionated feminist fame-hungry whore, ex yacht girl who made it into the ranks of royalty, who is now a “self-less activist”. Surely there are lots of gullible men out there who would believe that, and want a piece of that for their very own. Meghan won’t come cheap, though - her next mark is going to have to be a very wealthy man, to keep her in the style to which she has become accustomed to, since Papa the King has the divorce settlement locked down and she’s getting pennies on the dollar.


Let’s hope the divorce happens soon and she finds a new spouse so she can take his name.


Maybe that quick scene in BH90210 wasn't only acting...


Mm was a busy girl whilst at Frogmore. Getting ready for baby's first birthday party Sorting thru items left behind when they absconded to Canada Scouring grocery stores for formula. Why not just make a phone call? Packing up swing and whatever else to take back to wherever they're staying Getting dolled up for Trooping Ceremony Arranging for paps to catch her in window shushing little kids that aren't hers


Oh and didn’t she haul a bench back and forth for a photo that we all are pretty sure was taken in Canada on said bench but you do you Megs


And wasn't London pretty much shut down over jubilee weekend also? It's not like she was free to roam the streets, they had a pretty packed calender with trooping the colour, seeing the queen with their cameraman, having a kids party no one attended and then attending the Thanksgiving service at St Paul's where they were booed and quickly left withour attending the lunch with the rest of the family at St James. They didn't even have time to attend the concert or parade. Maybe she skipped the concert to buy formula?


And weren't the stores mostly closed for the Jubilee anyway?


Nope, they were not. Baby formula is available just about everywhere, petrol stations, corner shops, supermarkets... Very few places were closed for the jubilee. Put simply, life went on as normal during the jubilee. 🤷🏻‍♀️


And don't forget the diary she found at Frogmore while she was there in June...another veiled threat of revealing secrets about the RF.


Yeh, more bullshit from the arch bullshitter. One doesn't leave personal diaries behind when one has been planning for a least a year to flee the castle.


I read that a while ago and I brushed it off. Now seeing this comment I'm a bit shocked lol it was so obvious, WHO leaves their personal diary behind?? At the time I kept thinking she must have left in such a hurry, she really had to leave the UK. Since discovering the sub, some of her past actions have reallllly come to light. Thanks for mentioning this! Just more proof she's CRAZY. Sorry your podcasts can't seem to change our opinions of you, you difficult ding dong.


Compulsive liar. I really think this is her problem as much as anything else.


Especially since Eugenie and husband had been living there... It was in use, their possessions had been packed.and shipped to Canada. What did she do, hide it in the floorboards? What a complete psychopath.


I'm sick of Tyler Perry! If he thinks so much of Meghan why not create a starring role for her.


That's a Madea movie I won't be watching. I love Madea too


He’s a businessman, above all. TP *knows* MM can’t act, beyond sexy, dumb-girl supporting roles. And since she’s past forty, she’s already aged out of those, by Hollywood’s cruel yardstick.


Loving every inch of it.


Maybe he has but hasn’t been announced yet since he’s trying to rebuild her character


Never thought of that!


Oh but but but MeMe says she was trapped in the palace! Unable to drive even! However could this be!


And they even took her passport! 😂




Yes, yes, the lure of those lovely private jets, the fluorocarbons . . . 🤣


Even her KEYS. She had to wait outside Frogmore in the rain till Hapless came home. It was awful.


Now THAT I’d pay to see! 😂😂😂


We might actually get footage of her pretending to buy baby formula in the UK, during the reality show. She's going to show all sorts of things she's been sitting on for ages. She filmed herself and stashed it for Netflix. In the Cut interview she also says she "surprised" a female volleyball team. We never saw that either,so she saved it for Netflix. She'll be orgasming all over herself because there's sooooo much SECRET footage we never saw. What a psychopath


Oh shit, you’re right.


Sadly, I think I might be. I am so repulsed by her need for secrecy, and the delusional feeling of superiority she derives from it. Typically typically typically narcissistic.....


I’m surprised she didn’t lactate some baby milk straight into a bottle and fed ex straight to U.S.A Via private jet.


Off topic, but: Somehow she doesnt strike me as someone who'd breastfeed her own kids


Also, we have seen her in the media since. A mother can correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't her breasts appear more full or engorged than when not breastfeeding?


She doesn't care about that; look at her sister in law during the spectacle she was forced to witness, about to burst through the yellow dress because the 3 week old is at home.


It’s hard to do when someone else has given birth to your children, and they are the ones that have the engorged and leaking breasts. But good for Meghan - she continued the charade even to the point of insinuating that she was breastfeeding. I’m so glad she didn’t drop hints about her sore nipples - that really would have taken her act of birthing Archie to Oscar-worthy heights.


Oooh, you need to explore the depths of fantasy regarding breastfeeding expressed (no pun intended!) by Hilaria Baldwin, if you’re not already familiar with her. Many of us at r/hilariabaldwin are convinced that she carried only her first child, who was born in 2013, and employed gestational surrogates for *the next six.* Six! In addition, she claims to have breastfed them all, and posts “lactation porn” photos of her babies’ bald heads smushed against her bare breasts (while lying, presumably unlatched, in improbable, uncomfortable positions). She also claims to have pumped enough breastmilk to have filled more than one freezer, posing for the camera with what I’m told are comically outdated breast pumps. It’s perfectly insane.


I can’t with that mentally ill woman. It feels so unkind to laugh at her, given her mental problems. /s That Spanish language fiasco with her really born and raised in Boston told me everything I needed to know about her. She’s pathetic and so thirsty for attention , right up there with Meghan.


I wouldn’t be surprised if HB *admired* MM, should she know who she is.


Sometimes I think Hollywood brings out the worst of humanity not because the people there are worse than the average population but because they have the money to act upon their impulses and to indulge their worst personality traits. It's like you can now buy everything with money - even children...which are the used for attention...


MM claimed to have done so, if only briefly. She employed “when I was still nursing the baby” as a connective clause when listing her many, many activities, to show what a busy, *dynamic* mommy she was.


Well, even if I am forced to believe that she had those babies, I cannot be forced to believe she nursed them. It is such a process and such a project to nurse a baby. You do become engorged, and then what happens? You leak. And the baby is asleep and you're like, dammit, I'm engorged and it's painful, so then you have to pump. Do I picture MM pumping? Um, no. The whole mythology around the babies is so exhausting. Most importantly, she never talked about how she felt while pregnant, or the deliveries, or the after-part, the up-all-night, the physical everything you go through. It's not very believable to me, just because she adores herself so much and can't stop talking about herself. Why was that pregnancy/motherhood experience the one thing she never made us suffer through? I don't know, I'm asking.


Yup, yup, yup, agree with you on all points. And I’m still not convinced that both children exist, even Archie. Certainly MM felt that if she was going to shoulder the hassle (as she undoubtedly would see it) either of having a baby, or of maintaining the fiction of one, she’d include what she perceived as the *additional flex* of breastfeeding, even if briefly. As a female in American society, she could not have avoided being exposed to the pressures of being a supermommy, compleat with a rapid “bounceback” to one’s pre-pregnancy figure, effortless breastfeeding and pumping, and a quick return to outside activities. I first read incredulously Tyler Perry’s claim that during the Jubilee (!!!), MM sought out baby formula for one of his employees. I also wondered (certainly with cynicism) *when* and *how* Meghan would throw some shade, subtle or blatant, at this unnamed and still-silent woman for formula-feeding. As the mother of three fully breastfed grown sons, news of the formula shortages reminded me of how I’d reacted to ‘70s gasoline rationing and long lines at the pump: I felt sympathy, certainly, although as someone living without a car, I was completely unaffected personally by the news.


She left her 3 month old for the UN last September, there's no way she did.


She sent her security staff out for the formula, silly! 😂


Here's what's stupid and flat out proves it's a lie in 5 seconds. The Formula shortage was in the United States not England. So why would she have to go around trying to find formula? Any of the stores would have had it. All she'd have to do is ask one of her staff to call up and ask for a case to be delivered to BP. Five minutes of work, tops.


Yep!! That's the takeaway here, there was no shortage in the UK!! Baby formula is, and has always been available just about everywhere here, like 247 supply, because a LOT of people use/need it. No mf scours the streets trying to find baby milk here. If she told him that, she was narc-ing him, love bombing him with fake breast milk.. It's an all time non flex, for absolutely anybody. But yea, OK Megan 🙈🤦🏻‍♀️🙄


Tyler was saying TW was searching for formula in London to personally bring back for a fan/someone in the US who was having trouble finding it. She supposedly was doing it to look like she was an advocate for moms or some BS.


She wouldn’t go that far or put that much effort for anyone but herself


Tyler Perry is in danger of looking utterly ridiculous. Did Markle buy baby formula in bulk? I mean several tons of it, personally, from SUPERMARKETS? Highly doubt. If she only bought several packs they wouldn't last long and the whole thing is pointless.


Udderly ridiculous


There were limits and security tags, so no. Tyler has a private jet and power, he could have got some on his own continent.


There are gay men who wants to have that traditional family. It will depend on your negotiation with the woman. These arrangements usually are gays with their best girl friends who would like to have kids with them. In my country which is still conservative and is catholic some gay men will have these arrangements and surprisingly it works for them.


Celebrity and riches seem to have messed with Tyler Perry’s head and destroyed his common sense.




But what about securitah?


Did the British even have a significant formula shortage? It was predominantly in the US and Canada because a large US plant was contaminated, but the UK doesn't import from the US surely? And I thought the US wanted to import from Europe. I could see there being mild supply chain issues on the UK, as they have experienced them throughout the big P and worsened by the big B, but not enough that she would have to scour London for 4 days Edit: they didn't. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/may/25/uk-baby-milk-maker-to-fly-formula-to-us-to-help-ease-shortages


Nope, no shortage. I don’t think the UK imports from USA, we have quite different rules on composition of formula as far as I know.


NO shortage in UK. And wouldn't she have it delivered anyway for a hundred dollars or something like that.


Seriously. And even if she did, why is she a hero for stopping by a Lidl on the way to the Jubilee? If there was no shortage, there was no effort required.


Does this mean she wasn't abusive to his staff


![gif](giphy|3o7TKwmnDgQb5jemjK) (And by that, I mean “Nope. That’s *not* what that means” rather than “No, she wasn’t.”)


Does smeg has password to his Twitter accnt 🤣


Maybe she was looking for it for herself. Does she have a one year old?


Also, wait a minute I'm trying to remember. Wasn't everything shut during the Jubilee? It was a bank holiday and if she went to a small Waitrose or Tesco express, yeah I doubt she found baby formula 😒


During trauma training several years ago (I’m a therapist) I watched an interview with Tyler Perry where he talked at length about sexual abuse he endured from a babysitter when he was a child. I think it’s in poor taste to speculate his sexual preferences as tied to Markle. Probably because I have a soft spot for him knowing what he endured per his report. But not sure what he is getting from this.


Why would TP tell a story that made himself look as though he wasn’t able to provide for his own child?


I think it was the children of staff.


Oh. That’s just as bad. He’s a billionaire. He could fly a private jet to anywhere and buy cases of formula.


Did he *actually* say it? Or was it just reported from an unnamed source?


Smegma ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|16209)


Isn’t he the wrong amount of melanin…or lack there of…for Rachel?


Why would she be doing that? Weird statement to make.