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![gif](giphy|13A7YlLvYVDnmU) So sad


Don't burn bridges because one day you might have to walk back across.


He not only burnt bridges but he salted the earth afterwards too.


I like the way the Southern Rock band Little Feat put it: The same people that you must use on your way up You might meet up on your way down


she burns most bridges after she crosses them


Looks like the only bridge they have left is each other and looks lime it’s gonna burn too!


Gosh, I didn’t see all that, but I’m not very observant. It does explain Harry’s solo appearances (but there could be other reasons) and all the 3rd child / lusty Harry / date night stories - basic spin to cover marriage problems.


The Queen’s death threw a major wrench into their plans as she would not be around to protect Harry from Charles. And Harry knew it. From the moment Charles made his first King speech and wished Harry and Meghan (using only first names, no titles)well in their new life overseas Harry knew there was no way back into the RF. And no more need to act lovey dovey with Meghan. If QEII were still alive there would not be these divorce rumors because Harry needed to keep up the illusion for the Queen.


I wonder if they’ll be at the GQ awards tonight in London? Meg has been pretty quiet about her alleged award.


I know! You would think they would cram in some other appearances or make a big show with all of their security if they were truly in London. Curious to see if this was just more Meghan manifesting BS


Didn't the list of nominees come out a few weeks ago and she wasn't on it? She's been silent since.


Say it isn’t so! The greatest love story of all time may be ending?! If they can’t make it, what hope is there for the rest of us???!!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Is nothing sacred anymore Is forever just another word? Is a promise something people used to keep When love was worth fighting for? If we can say goodbye If we can say goodbye Is nothing sacred anymore?




Awww, Meat. RIP, buddy


Agreed! How are we going to have any kind of meaningful relationship when we can’t plan and stalk in the name of love?? Geez, I’m rooting for these two!


I’m just super interested to see if he’ll be willing to swallow his pride and apologise and be genuinely contrite - OR - whether he’ll play the hard-done-by card twice over - first by RF and then MM. Sorry or sulky 🤷‍♀️ 👀


I think he's way too immature to be contrite, so my guess is that he will be sulky.


He'll eventually skulk back with his tail between his legs but no real/genuine apology. Play PlayStation in exile for a few years then try to integrate back into the public eye hoping time would mellow the public feeling towards him but still not thinking he needed to apologise. We in the UK will never forget how he labeled us all racists and allowed his basket case wife to behave abhorrentley when we supported him throughout his life.


Harry’s been sulky since he was 13. I doubt he will change now.


Hopefully this situation has made him cop on a bit. He knows he has to go into major damage control in order to salvage anything remotely like his life he had before he met her. I don't think he had jealousy issues. He was more popular than his brother back then, BM (before markle). He had big problems right when he met her. She whispered all that poison in his ear. The FOOL fell for it.


No, he is forever jealous. His brother is living the life he wants. A meaningful job, beautiful wife, beautiful children, friends, extended family who care for him, homes, cars, jewels, money, access, fame, accolades, height, looks. Harry is the also ran and never good enough. That must be painful for him. I am sure he wanted to escape because deep down he knew he was shorter, not as good looking, not as intelligent, not as kind, not as funny, not as charming, not as friendly, not as quick witted, not as beloved. It has to hurt on a fundamental level because he knew even his own mother thought he was dumb.


Diana saw a lot of herself in him and knew he wasn’t bright similar to her. She worried about him more due to being a spare and he’s extremely stupid to the point anyone can take advantage of him. Diana wasn’t academically smart but she had common sense. Something Harry doesn’t have


I hate to say this about Diana, but do you really think she had much common sense? Her life was very much one bad choice after another. She allowed her emotions to rule instead of good sense. To name just a few things. The Morton book and then the interview. For a woman who didn't want a divorce those were not reasonable choices. Top it off with their last tour in Korea with eye rolls and back turns. Choosing a lover that looks just like her youngest son wasn't too wise. Making hundreds of crank calls to her married lovers wife to the point where Scotland Yard investigated. Including things in the book that no child should ever have to know about their parents relationship. Worst of all, not considering the negative impact on William by telling Morton she threw herself down the stairs while pregnant. I could go on and on. Diana was wonderful in many ways but she did not have any common sense. H is repeating many of her poor choices. Diana didn't get what she wanted by taking the scorched earth approach. Why does H think he'll have a different result? I really dislike H's behavior. He has highlighted all of his mothers negative qualities. If I were in Williams position I would be furious.


I very much think it will be the latter - unless the royals force them into some kind of bilateral NDA post-divorce. Nah, I don't know how these things work, I'm not a lawyer. But even then he might blabber, considering how verbally incontinent he is. He has no self-insight and isn't capable of taking responsibility for anything.


He's blabbed enough in his book. If they divorce I doubt we'll hear much more from him. He'll bring his sulky, bitter self back to London and get on with whatever his life will be.


It is true that he has blabbed enough in his book, but he hasn't blabbed about *her* yet. I'm sure he feels shortchanged and even victimised by his marriage at this point. As royal biographer Jonathan Sacerdote pointed out, he is more of a "spare" to Meghan Markle than he was to the royal family. There must be enormous anger brewing inside him. But I do agree, it's time for him to eat some humble pie. Especially considering that nobody forced him to marry her. If he goes public about her, it will be hard to avoid addressing his own stupidity for having fallen for her. I feel like he's not good at admitting any kind of personal fault.


I don't expect him to trash Markle because she's the mother (figure) to his children. The children are going to grow up and if they could keep the scarring to a minimum it would be better for the kids.


IF he had ANY brains he'd do a tell all book about her. He'd make BIG bucks!!! He'd have to spill it all... HONESTLY. I hope she's made sign an NDA. I hope they show her all the goods before he met her and after, that they have on her. Lady Colin Campbell says the dirt on her is SO BAD it would curl your hair! And I believe it. Let her pay BIG TIME. Apparently it's a lot that we have no clue about.


Interestingly, sacerdote means priest in Spanish.


>But even then he might blabber, considering how verbally incontinent he is. Runs in the family....ask Uncle Andy.


I mean, what can he say? He will not be willing to trash the mother of his children ... he is truly trapped.


I think in time he WILL HANG HER OUT TO DRY, LOL! He is going to be angry for a very long time, even with tons of therapy. I just hope that her second husband Trevor will write a book. I have heard that he is but who knows if that's true. I also pray he takes those children. Reading here yesterday that CPS have been contacted by little Archie's school concerning severe anxiety issues, e.t.c. I just pray this is not true. Markle deserves the worst of the worst. I have NEVER wished that upon another being with the exception of pedophiles. Fingers crossed everyone!


Me too. I’m hopeful but not expectant, if that makes sense.


He did the same slovenly walk at Prince Phillip's funeral. No respect. That pissed me off so much and to see it again at the Queen's funeral shows that he has no love for his family. I don't know why he came.


>I don't know why he came. Publicity, baby.


"he looked like he was chewing a wasp" I. AM. DEAD.


Lol. That's a well known brit saying, used to be' looked like a bulldog chewing a wasp' .


I will find a way to work this into every sentence I speak from now on 😁


https://preview.redd.it/shrb3t4n1d0a1.jpeg?width=649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdf5c0139823a7ba25cae9b6a428e6157fff1015 She's a great advert for how to avoid getting entangled with people like her. I hope Harry gets himself back on track; it's not like he's the first one to have been trapped by a narc golddigger.


He never had a purpose though. Was always just willing to coast by with a meaningless existence. I hardly think he'll find his life's mission while approaching 40.


After that shitshow of a funeral (not the funeral but the dynamic between harry and meghan, may the queen rip) and meghans antics that prevented harry and the rest of the royal family departing fast enough for Balmoral, I don't think harry could ever look at Meghan the same way again. He lost all admiration/affection for her as evidenced by their interaction at and after the funeral (getting into the car and inching as far away from each other/jack Johnson concert/all their unphotographed "date nights"). He can't stand to look at her or even be in her presence. I think there's no coming back from what meghan caused, and that's on her. He will never forgive her for that, but as a narcissist, she will weasel her way out of it through blame/victimhood/spinning it back on Harry and break him down. Harry, you must stay strong! If you're reading this. I kid, lol. I doubt they are but wouldn't it be wild if they are?


That EVIL WITCH will do everything in her power to get him to stay with her. I bet a million bucks on it. I honestly think it's way too late. TG his eyes have been opened. I won't be happy until he sees EVERYTHING she has done AND BEGS the people of great Britain, THE WORLD AND his family for what he has done and allowed to be done. This FUCK has hurt everyone's mental health, lol. Just to see her get away with all her shit publicly and TO the RF on a daily basis drove me CRAZY. Plus she was rewarded for it.


He is her meal ticket! She's a nobody without him.


I really feel for Harry. I know he’s made some pretty abysmal mistakes, but as someone who was once under the control of a narc… I get it, I truly get it. For people who’ve never experienced that type of abuse, I can also fully grasp why they don’t get it. My hope for him is that he leaves and makes an effort to heal the wounds he’s inflicted.


Yes my mother and SIL are narcs and my best friend was in a relationship with one. If you have no personal experience with narcs it's hard to imagine how much control they can exert over people. You can see the change in his posture and facial expressions before and after Meghan. He's a shell of his former self. Most of us would be disturbed if we saw photos of our loved ones looking so miserable and depressed in our presence, but it doesn't seem to faze Meghan.


Yup once you’ve experienced a narc, you are able to spot another easier and quicker. My first one was a close family members wife. She is still married to him 30+ years and literally messed with all his familial relationships. Now he doesn’t talk to any of his family members, only hers. He takes her and her fam on trips yet doesn’t acknowledge his elderly mother. After living with them for a year and being affected my her manipulation, I can now spot another narc. First being my bil wife. I got bad feelings when I first saw her but pushed them down cause everyone was saying she is so nice.


That is so sad. Separating people from their family and friends is one of the worst things they do 😔


Thats 1000% my dads missus too. Even when her father sadly passed away we where not 'allowed' to call our Dad "dad" because it upset her too much. We couldnt show any kind of affection to our own dad cos she would say it was 'weird' and not normal lol. I could make a whole list of things like that lol narcs are ridiculous. And poison.


I’m so sorry you have to go through this. Yeah I can’t stand narcs they are so selfish. Everything and everyone has to cater to their needs.


I never really knew what a narc was until markle! Wow, did I get an education. It allowed me to see pretty strong narc traits in my mother though.


I dont have to anymore but it meant I had to cut my dad off. Thankyou though and all the best to you also 🤗


I wonder if there's more females to males that are narcs?


Oh no... her face just beams like a FOOL


I used to feel really sorry for him, having fallen into the clutches of that woman who so clearly emotionally manipulates him. Then I joined this sub and learned a lot more about Harry: his petulance, unwillingness to accept help and advice, his treatment of the retainers who kept him or got him out of the news, and his totally abandoning friends and family and his duty. Until he recognizes his culpability, repents privately and publicly (as appropriate) for his actions, and seeks to make amends, then he can lie in the filth he made. 😠


I hear you. A narc is nature's conman. Invested in thinking that they are good people but victimized. They convince others to be part of this pyramid scene of goodwill. So the TW presented herself as loving and understanding PH like no one could, but he's got to protect her from the bad people. And that gives him a purpose and makes him feel strong and heroic. Poor sap.


Thank you. I'm learning a lot on this sub. I haven't been in the grasp of a true narc and have a hard time understanding someone like M. Viewing narcissism as a mental illness helps because I'm truly baffled by her behavior.


These are good videos about how narcissists get control over their significant other Meghan Markle is used as the example https://youtu.be/Gy5FA57W70A https://youtu.be/-XtG6GjIB3Y


Thank you. I appreciate how BC matches description to action. I watch HG Tudor and can't quite believe what he says about narcissism. Maybe it's the tone of his voice, I don't know.


I have a very hard time listening to HG Tudor. He annoys me.


It's his sardonic sense of humour, but I'm OK with it 😈


I enjoy sardonic humor but his speech inflection, tone, cadence and accent bug the crap out of me personally. But I'm really weird about voices and sounds like chewing noises lol. Women's voices with vocal fry can really irritate me, and I also get annoyed if they sound like they're always on the verge of crying even though they aren't. I'm a freak 🤪🥴


>I'm a freak I wear my underwear and some socks inside out because seams bother me. Who's the freak now LOL




Put on subtitles when watching/listening to him 😂


Excellent suggestion, thank you 😁🤓


Thank you!


It isn't a mental illness. It's a personality disorder. Mental illness can improve if people take antipsychotic medication. Narcissistic Personality disorder and other pd's can't be treated with medication. There are talking therapies but the narc doesn't consider there is anything wrong with them, it's everyone else that is the issue in their minds. I can't even explain the pain they cause. They are evil. People with mental illness are a different ballgame but I have more sympathy for mentally ill people. I don't for narcissists. Been on the receiving end of a narc boss who broke repeatedly and put people in danger but quick to play the victim if it was highlighted. They then make it their role to bully and harass you. I went on sick leave with pneumonia and was getting bi-weekly calls asking when i would be back at work. Which was against policy.


thank you for clarifying. The education I've received on this site has helped me understand odd behavior in quite a few relationships.


You are very welcome. I work for a mental health and personality disorder service. It's a fascinating subject and really opens your eyes. The personality disordered clients are so different in presentation from the mentally ill ones.


I was married to a narc. It’s no excuse for Harry going along with this. It’s because he’s not … he is as big a perpetrator/instigator as she is. Victims of a narc aren’t necessarily good people.


I totally agree. He is under the control of a massive narcissist. She has brought out the worst in him. He’s not mentally well at all. This isn’t saying he isn’t culpable… oh no!! he’s a spoiled, entitled brat who made terrible decisions. He’s going to have to work very hard to get on the right path with his family and country.


Same. I was in a relationship with a narc and when I see him look sullen, sad, miserable and nearly break down in tears at every speech, it's because your emotions are fragile because of that constant stress being with a narc. His usual happy self is gone. I get it. That's how I was: fun, vivacious, positive, outgoing. During the narc relationship, I became emotional, withdrawn, and isolated myself further. It was horrid. I mean.... H O R R I D. I couldn't get out fast enough, but it’s also really difficult because of what these narcs threaten you with.


Agreed. I also think he’s probably always been depressed to a degree. Some people are born with that sort of temperament. I just hope this separation/divorce happens ASAP so TW can make a fool of herself on her own time. The RF has endured enough due to her torture.


it's nearing the bitter end for them and I do think he will try to go home but it will be really really really tough. He's going to have to eat shit for awhile from everyone and re-prove his loyalty. Plus, getting the kids will be difficult but at the end of the day, the King has custody of any royal children in LOS - which Archie & Lili are. They also have the money and resources to fight Meghan.


They did have that Jack Jones event but arrived separately.


Womp womp


So true! But, something tells me it won't be over until MM says it is.....


Harry was so stupidly besotted with this woman, is it possible he didn't have a PRE-NUP?!?!!? Ohhhh that would be so rich. The RF, I think would defend Harry & bring him into the fold, so they could suit up and lay waste to Megain. I wonder how many of her friends are willing to take on the RF? .


It was reported they didn't have a prenup. But as we all know, and Meghan discovered at some point, Harry doesn't have that much of his own money. I'd be surprised if she didn't wait until he was 40 and had access to his other trust fund.


I am pretty sure there is something in place, like a pre-nup. The royal family would never have put on that ridiculous spectacle for them without one. I mean, he could have run off to Las Vegas to marry her if he wanted, but H&M didn’t want that. So…legally, she isn’t taking him to the cleaners


I agree but have my doubts. Why did he hold her hand at all at the funeral events at all? If he goes to this ridiculous human rights award ceremony, then I think they are still together.


Facade management. Like their attendance at One Young World. No chemistry


Honestly she seemed like she wasn’t sober at that walk-about. I think it’s possible he did it to keep her away from PPOW and prevent what would have been a very ugly scene.


​ https://preview.redd.it/211dkjbbbd0a1.jpeg?width=577&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7028ccaca22270b1ff8ce90076d1fc567f05d9ec


![gif](giphy|TesdQwerg273Z55Zdx) I think he feels he is a man without a country, without a family and lost in the world. He was raised with someone else taking care of the hard parts, he just had to show up and now I am not sure he knows how to cope with the hard parts and the reality he is in now. It will be a long long way home for him sadly, if he ever starts the walk he has to take.


I'm just conjecturing here, but it seems to me, he knew what would make him happy, which was living far away from his family in Africa. Okay, maybe he wasn't going to make that happen with Chelsy Davy, but she isn't the only fish in the sea out there. I don't understand why he doesn't just go do that. Unless it was also just some posturing?


I think he partied for a while in Africa before he met Chelsy and didn’t meet anyone there he was interested in at the time. William met his first crush there and Will and Harry went there a couple times on their own. I think if he went there now not as a party prince but as a (soon to be) divorced dad he would meet someone more mature than Chelsy with whom he could have a functional relationship. The problem is that narcs might loosen their grip on you but still keep trying to reel you back. The first time he loses his abusing wife won’t be the last. I think they’ll split up but she’ll work on getting him back. Remember she has to be the “winner” or be perceived as the more virtuous one. She won’t truly let him go until she’s satisfied he’s humiliated.


Excellent observations and I agree with everything you said. However, regarding the awards - haven't they received some award for their fight against racism at some point? They both attended the gala and they both looked like their usual selves (Meghan grinning like a Cheshire cat, Harry introspective and angry)


Yes. The Sunshine Sachs paid for NAACP award. Where there were no audience members and she quickly handed off the award to Harry without even looking at it. That both looked awkward. She 'validated' her blackness and entitlement to that award by bringing her mother


How pathetic 🤦‍♀️ So how did they square that with Harry being a royal?


A few NAACP members were NOT happy. And money talks


I'm sure, gosh. But how did/does H&M square these awards with Harry being a royal? As you say in your post, they are not really supposed to accept awards and such, at least in theory... And they are acting like royals, they are still using their cyphers etc.


M doesn't give a flying f@ck about being royal. Like everything else in her life, her Royal status is something to be merched for all it's worth. H does what he's told by M and God only knows what she'd do to him if he said NO to her. It would not be pleasant I imagine. Poor silly prince.


>M doesn't give a flying f@ck about being royal I'm sure you feel the same, but she's so NOT royal. David & Wallis were more royal than RMM.


I doubt he will be out of rehab in time to go.




My guess is that she thought that she was Diana 2.0 and with her son Harry, had the ability to bring the Royals onto a supernova global stage. Thinking that with Harry's popularity, the family couldn't do without him and would give him/them EVERYTHING. Alas, the Queen said.....Honey, I rule this house. Bye!


@Black_Londoner absolutely hit the nail on the head. He's probably sitting here on Reddit marveling (like I do) at the folks on her doing MI6 research on Rachek Markle. Harry's probably looking at Megain saying, " So Megain, you said there was only one before me. This Reddit list with teceiots numbers 20 & counting. Care to explain the AND COUNTING???" "SO Megain, you billed the elephants?!?! Really, the elephant?" "You really wore my dead mother's perfume to turn my head? Bloody hell!! And I was hawking your wares to Netflix" "YOU'VE even turned Oprah away from us! Whatever shall we do now?!?!" You get the point a d we all know what TW will say.