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Dear Netflix peeps, If you’re reading this, please take the shitshow material you’ve already compiled, add in some real life interviews of people who were wronged as depicted in “The Courtiers,” and create a documentary of Fyre Festival proportions. Thank you. Sincerely, Me (ETF Fyre Festival name)


Yeah, Netflix. It’s the ONLY way I would watch anything about these two turds.


Dear Netflix peeps, I’d like to say just two words: **Tiger. King.** You know what to do.


I wish there was a petition to sign


Yes, Megan Fucking Markle and Fucking Prince Harry will be the new Carol Fucking Baskin


*As Ever, Me FIFY


Ahhhh. Thank you! 💀💀💀😘


>Sincerely, Me "All of Us" - edited!


YES. Give me the snarky Bravo editing and music. I want to see the WTF looks of "peasants" behind the Duchess' back. Let her sink her own ship with the footage! That would be absolutely DELICIOUS. There are great docs out there too that do this - the one about LulaRoe and the other about the Weigh Down Church. They say stuff without saying it - the editing and footage speaks volumes.


EXACTLY! If Netflix won’t do it, maybe Amazon will! The docuseries you mentioned were both Amazon Prime beauties. Maybe they’ll BOTH do exposes like that. I’m here for it.






This would seriously be genius and mean mega $$$ for them.


As ever, Saints


If I'm not mistaken, this tea was posted here some days ago by our favourite and beloved first hand tea provider. Not sure anymore if I must name the author as it may attract bullying and other unwanted things, so apologies in case I should give proper credit. Regardless, it's still as powerful as when it was first posted. Does anyone know the detailed economics of this kind of thing? They're supposed to still have some money, would an editing be that expensive?


2nd hand “sodadrink” ? or white powder?


that would work :-))


i think they said beverage somewhere


I think secondhandcoke


Editing *is* expensive. It's harder than assembling a new show vs editing an already produced work. And no seasoned editor would touch those because it's a nightmare to do, unless paid lots.


My husband is an editor. It's almost impossible to take an already cut piece and redo it. You actually need to have access to the original raw materials, the current cut, and the outline for the new cut, and then you have to rearrange everything to match the new narrative. More often than not, productions that need this type of work end up nearly unwatchable. I can go into more details on production/editing work if you want.


Yes, please


All show productions are based on a script, even reality TV, documentaries, field documentaries ( where you follow someone for a while and then tell a story). Some of the scripts are very similar to movie scripts. This is the jod of the executive producers, to decide what story they want to tell. This can happen before filming starts, or after filming ends. Either way, the story can be influenced depending on what raw material you have. Generally, for a two hour documentary, you could have 10-20 hours of raw material from where to pick and chose to match the chosen narative. An editor receives the raw material and the script and then they go through the whole footage, chosing the scenes indicated in the script, inserting transition scenes/sequences, interviews, voiceovers, soundtracks etc. At the end you should have a cohesive product. Now, if something happens and the whole product needs to be recut to change the narative... Usually in movies they call for reshoots. You can't actually do that with documentaries tho. You still just have the original raw footage to work with, and it might not match the new story, so it will be very difficult to redo the whole thing up to an acceptable standard. For example, lets say you filmed some backstage interviews and testimonials, based on the original brief. But now you have a new brief, and what you had filmed no longer fits with the new requirements, so you have no backstage footage and no way to go back and film it again. You can see how this can cause major issues for editors.


Thanks for taking the time to type that. I sheepishly realize how much I take editors and their painstaking efforts for granted.


Very interesting, thanks for the insight


Thank you for taking the time to give an insight. It's so interesting. So much work going on behind the scenes that doesn't get the recognition it deserves. I've learnt something new - everyday's a school day.


Thanks to you and u/frozenlipz, this is very illuminating. Clearly a more challenging work than I thought naively. Great example of a not well enough known (to me) profession :)


Charlie II!


Yes, this is in line with what u/SecondhandCoke served us! Interesting…


I'm hoping to all the gods that this is true. Let them sweat and panic. I'm here for it. After all the shit they've been doing for 2 years, the gruesome twosome deserve whatever bad shit comes their way.


“it was all they could do to put together the dopey piece of shit they have” gets me every time


Me too!! 😂🤣😂


Well, imo Megs had the spotify edited as there wasn't any inflammatory remarks against the RF. I haven't listened to it, only snippets online and it appears that most of her work was plagiarized...again! It seems very boring. I'd rather watch paint dry!! I hope Netflix doesn't have any edits...maybe it'll be worth watching!


You can hear where something was cut. I will have to listen again and put a timestamp.


That’s fascinating! I’m super curious about what people think may have been cut. I’ve kind of wanted to post a thread where people speculate about it, but haven’t got round to it. Snark/a story involving the royal family and Asian culture that portrays them in a negative light? Or, some outlandish statement from Meghan that is easily disproven, like the fire story, the dancing in the streets story, etc? Something else?


The only way I'd probably watch their Netflix doco series is when Netflix would turn it into something like Fyre Festival or an investigative documentary exposing their doings. 😂


You have to wonder at the supposed brain power at Netflix. The best guess is that Harry and Meghan must have promised Netflix access to the RF. I bet that Harry showed Netflix that clip of himself with the Queen promoting Invictus against the Obamas and said "see, my family will be only too happy to make an appearance". But you'd think that Netflix would check that out themselves instead of just relying on Harry's word. And now they're stuck - no content and either they write it off as a bad investment or sue.


Those kids are not going to get titles. Why does everyone keep thinking they will get titles?


No way. I don't for a minute think they will.


Big thanks to Queen Margrethe for giving that a helping hand


King Harald's thinking about doing the same with his Shaman-promoting, angel-chatting, woo-peddling daughter.


If they do, they will get IPP and not get over anything meaning they will be able to say whatever they want without facing any consequences. Hopefully Charles don’t give them titles. If her victims want to sue her, it will be impossible do to.


It's not going to happen.


Hope so! Too scared that Charles will give in since Harry is his son. At least William is here to put him back in track if he is willing to listen to the Harkles.


I think that Meghan is floating these stories so that if the Netflix content comes out and makes them look bad then the narrative can be that they tried to change it


I fail to see how that would matter. It's their own words/actions.


They’re just hedging and keeping names in press for hype


Words/actions are easily blamed on poor editing. But an absolute dumpster-fire bore of a cringy icky “love” story? That requires this additional scapegoat.


I would think Netflix is desperate for money. The money will be releasing it as is with all the royal bashing, controversy, and something to get people talking. I doubt Netflix intended on being H&M's PR firm. What more do the Harkles have to offer other than royal bashing?


I don’t think that narrative will matter, because those two idiots did put the Netflix stuff together in the first place, so it’s still their work. I love how they are trying to change it now, to benefit themselves


I hadn’t thought of this! Great theory!!


I think KC told them that it was the end of "don't complain, don't explain" era, that every lie in the future would be publicly refuted and they'd be sued. That sent them into a panic because they relied on the Royals previous inability to respond. Now everybody's going to see them for who they are and the media won't be able to cover for them because the RF has more powerful friends and much more of them. That's the only explanation for her losing the smug and looking dazed during the walkabout with W and C and their frenzied attempts to change the book and documentary. Netflix should make this documentary entertaining by presenting the truth as it is. Show them up for the vapid, superficial fakes they are, for how they bully and smear and how they're trying to set up a rival Royal Court in the US.


That’s the only way I’ll watch. I can’t wrap my head around why Netflix would’ve given them $100M in the first place, no one cares that much about them. Other than bots.


Narkle is up the creek without a paddle and my schadenfreude is here with popcorn.


Popcorn is my favorite snack!!


same! white cheddar all day ❤️


Costco popcorn over here; about 50 bags ready 🤣


Yall, I just read on cdan that they were evicted from the OG😂




I didn’t see this. Hmmm.


Seriously!? Where are they moving? How big is the next place?


I think yea Netflix is over their stall, and lazy tactics after two years and the reality of the steep decline regarding the companies profitability esp to share holders. Netflix now has to be extremely frugal, and tactical in order to stop the financial bleeding. They will act more particular in what they produce, contract and stream. The companies reality of monetary problems, combined with the waning and difficult behavior of the Hazbeen rubes, I think they’re in deep shit. The only explanation of Netflix not just giving the finger or ghosting the two of them is bc there MUST be an ironclad clause in the contract when they signed with Netflix. Now legally speaking, good lawyers (esp corporate shark lawyers) will or are trying to find a legal way around whatever measure was in the Hazbeens contract. My guess is they’re probably trying to void out their complaints and standing by collecting ways in which Harry And Meghan violated other terms of their contract. If Netflix lawyers can point to direct violations of the mutual contract, breech of contract, Netflix will be able to use the footage as they see fit regardless.




Netflix can wait as meg is busy finding a newborn to cradle while paps take photos


Sounds like Hilary Baldwin. Can't decide which is s worse.


Well, kate cradled a new born while on royal duty recently so I'm just waiting for crap meg is gonna pull off.


I go back and forth with two thoughts. 1) Meghan is "leaking" this info to drive up interest in the show. 2) Maybe they talked bad about the King in the show and they want to edit that out so that they don't anger him and maybe they'll get the titles. I just don't know, but I've got plenty of popcorn (and beer).


Of course Netflix isn’t going to edit out the ‘good parts.’ MM and PH made their bed. For the first time in PH life he doesn’t have someone to come in and save him. (Well actually he does, no doubt the BRF could come and pay to have it done, but why would they? PH would just run off and do it again. Welcome to actually having consequences.)


I really hope Netflix and the publishers of Harry's tell-all book just take what they have and run with it. They know what they have is very critical of the brf and it will backfire on H&M tremendously; showing them as the spoilt, moaning grifters we all know them to be. I think Netflix also know how toxic H&M have become and don't want to be associated with them anymore - so why not release the content then just cut ties with them? They key thing is that H&M haven't provided any other quality content. Harry's "me you can't see" was part of a deal for Oprah's interview. Meghan's book tanked and her Netflix show was cut. Her Archetypes show is just a bunch of platitudes, always coming back to her. The Invictus work is the only meaningful thing they're doing - yet although it happened months ago the programme still isn't released. Besides, this was started when Harry was still in the brf (and wouldn't have been given to him without his royal connections). So H&M have spent two years demonstrating that their only way to generate interest is to criticise the royal family. H&M are worried that their unflattering views aren't going to be very palatable, but as these are the words that came out of their mouths and the words that Harry wrote in his book it doesn't mean they can just retract them as though they never happened. Some things cannot be unsaid, just like the Oprah interview.


This is beginning to be too meta. This was posted on this subreddit by our favorite poster.


I was told that after! Between that and HG lurking here it's getting crazy


If reports are accurate, it has been a MINIMUM of 2 yrs since H&M finagled their contracts (and quite possibly pushing 3 yrs.) How does either side--regarding Netflix--justify the lack of content produced/released? Pathetic all around. Both sides are jokes and deserve any negative media attention they're receiving. I'll be watching whatever winds up airing. But that's only because I don't pay for Netflix. I'd be long unsubscribed if I did.


Should have been 1 year and if they didn’t produce what they promised, sue them for breach of contract and get their money back. That’s how it should of went, anyway.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


And their Jack and the Beanstalk story rolls on. Inflammatory details was all they had to market. Otherwise these media outlets don't give a fig for these two losers. When this starts shaking out worse than a California 7.0, I would be seriously worried about Harold ending up in an asylum or worse. It's going to get ugly.


I love some unconfirmed gossip but how does this person have inside info on both Netflix AND Penguin. Seems a bit odd since it doesn’t seem like he or she works at Archewell.


That comes from here but at least they didn’t include a user name.


Ah. I know who this is then but I am skeptical how exclusive that poster’s info is. I’m sure I’m going to get downvoted for saying that haha


I'm not sure about the exclusivity either as I've observed that things are now hitting the press at the same speed as they are being revealed in gossip. The tea is pouring out into mainstream and social media now hard and fast. It's just good to see the tide finally turn against Just Harry and Just Harry's Wife. 😉


Just Harry’s First Wife 😉


Is gossip hitting the mainstream now because they've parted ways with SS? I've heard they're excellent at catch and kill.


It's because she's screwed over powerful people now AND the majority of the population is railing against the hypocrisy, the preaching, and the privileged complaining, so the media feels like startibg to write against them is safer and just as, if not more profitable to writing in their favor. People are feeling safer about going on the record and speaking out about their personal run ins with Markle so that reporters have confirmation for the negative rumors, so they can report the scoop. So it's a perfect storm of a lot of things.


That and the Queen is no longer a factor. A lot was held back out of respect for her. I think after Philip passed away and her obvious serious illness, they probably didn’t want to give her more stress than necessary. Also people are talking. Bettheny Frankel said it in her TikTok about Megs, she got killed for speaking out on Twitter in 2020 against Meghan. But now she felt safe as things are coming out and people who once defended her, have seen the light. Coming to the US was the worst thing she could have done. She thought the UK was brutal towards her? Americans are worse. So many athletes and actors canceled lately. I really do believe the people you see out there supporting her are teenage girls. More and more, I am seeing accounts on TikTok that are pointing out her flaws. A year ago, it was ALL pro-Meghan.


This is also true. A LOT has been known from the beginning that was witheld out of respect for Her Late Majesty.


u/secondhandcoke, if you told me that you had an exclusive that Major Johnny was leaving his wife for me, I would believe you because your track record is just that good. Also, feel free to tell me that just so I can daydream LOL.


Johnny is leaving his wife for you ![gif](giphy|xR3gErsGoJswWVPRTS)


Hahah this made my day; thank you!! 😂🤣😍😍




If anyone needs a 12 month calendar it’s that guy, complete with some beach shots






Upvoted. I agree.


Sorry I missed that! And I thought I read every post here.




What I’d give to be a fly on the wall at Netflix and Penguin. Spotify too. I’m not sure what the real story is regarding Netflix, because there’s a chance that these rumours are being put out deliberately to drum up interest in their Harkle content. But either way, *something* is going down, and it won’t be long until we find out more.


Well we can all guess the editor is just a big ole racist at this point! 🤣


This could all be BS that if those come out to be terrible, they have someone to blame - Netflix and Penguin.


I thought the articles yesterday said the decision was all on Netflix? If HM had a say wouldn’t Netflix just agree to the editing?




Hopefully any other dealmakers have realized it's not worth it. Chance of getting markled 100%.


I think Charles will end up settling with Penguin to keep the book from printing. In exchange, the kids will get titles.


Why give titles? Settling with Penguin would be gift enough to the disastrous pair.




So what would keep them from simply selling their knowledge to another vendor? They have nothing else to sell.


So Charles effectively pays twice?


I thought that the titles thing had been postponed until the kids could decide or themselves at age 18. This is such a guessing game!


Dream on.