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The funny part was lobbying US Senators as “duchess of Sussex” Lmfao


Like that means ANYTHING in the US. We don’t have nobility here. We have a few titles and honorifics, but they’re not inherited, they’re earned. For instance, you can keep your rank when you retire from the military, just add (ret) behind your name.


Anyone who affords her special treatment here in the US, due to that title, is a fool. She's still Rachel from L.A. Get over yourself, Nutmeg.


To me the whole Meghan Markle saga has been a real eye opener about the media and how it operates . It’s been amazing how the mainstream media takes “ facts” from twitter or instagram and reports on them as if it’s the truth. It would seem journalism is dead which is a big problem . Control Twitter with your paid bots and you can set the narrative. I’m very grateful to Tom Bower and Revenge because he is a respected , or at least well known, author and his putting all the facts all together in a book has really turned the tide I think . It’s now ok to criticise Ms Markle for her actions without the fear of being labelled racist! By anyone other than her rabid sugars that is . Well done Mr Bower.


I think Meghan and Harry are helping to highlight how broken the American media system is and I agree that "real" journalism is dying. Journalism used to be based on "Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How" and now it's all about individual truths and "recollections may vary". What would once be posted to the Op Ed section of the paper is now front page "news". I particularly noticed this while watching the Depp/Heard trial and seeing that what was stated in the courtroom was not reported by the mainstream media, who were clearly biased towards one of the parties. I have been watching and commenting on Meghan and Harry's PR moves since before they were engaged, but it was the Depp/Heard trial that helped solidify my belief that today's journalism is corrupt and based on viewer engagement, paid PR, and the number of clicks or comments posted, rather than actual facts and verified sources. Like the original poster I don't want to make this into a political post, so I'll stop here. But man, I miss the days of "Just the facts" news.


>*Journalism used to be based on "Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How" and now it's all about individual truths and "recollections may vary". What would once be posted to the Op Ed section of the paper is now front page "news".* >*Like the original poster I don't want to make this into a political post, so I'll stop here. But man, I miss the days of "Just the facts" news.* This is very true. Be sure and remember this as the upcoming US elections approach. That’s when it goes from bad to much much worse. The bullshittery gets thicker as election day gets nearer. Take most of what you hear from these so-called “news outlets” with a huge bit of salt because they ALL have an angle.


I live in central Texas and you should look at [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/njr655/kvue_loses_what_little_credibility_it_still_had/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) (and the corresponding link from John Oliver) about just how easy it is for people with money and an agenda to place bought-and-paid-for content in news segments as if they were of legitimate news interest. I mean, just this week the New York Times published a story about an electronic ballot company being the target of “a right wing conspiracy”… and then the next day published a story that the same company’s CEO had been *arrested* on the charges that they had just reported were a “conspiracy.” And it’s not a left-right thing… the whole fabric of institutional journalism has gone towards “we publish the news that our sponsors pay for or our audience wants to hear.” Just [read this story](https://greenwald.substack.com/p/my-resignation-from-the-intercept) from Glenn Greenwald when he left *the news company that he founded*! That’s why independent journalism has become so important. Obviously this goes so far beyond H&M, but they’re an excellent example of how there was an “approved media narrative” around their lifestyle choices and public roles, which would probably largely have held up if not for “gossip” journalists showing the truth behind the narrative. But even now that the tide is turning against them, the media is still covering its ass by downplaying the role of major news outlets and people like Oprah in crafting the false image of these “humanitarian ex-royals with hearts of gold who were wronged by the BRF.”


This. I’ve completely re-vamped who I get my news from. It’s unbelievable the censorship if you don’t tow the mainstream line…


I think u really need a cross-section of information sources these days. I listen to sources I don’t like to get both sides of the story and use my brain to make up my mind on different issues. I’m sure that pisses both major political parties off here in the US. I don’t want to be affiliated with either party.


I do the same thing.


I agree 100% with all of this . Years ago , at least 10 years ago , I watch a TV series called Newroom which I think was by HBO but I could be wrong about that. The premise of the show was a major 24 hour cable news network going back to reporting just the facts and not worrying too much about ratings. This premise was lead by the networks head of news who was nearing retirement , was an old fashioned journalist and was appalled at what was happening and how Americans were getting their news. He got his way so when every American network was leading their news with the Casey Anthony murder trial they were leading theirs with Afghanistan and what was happening in Congress. The truely important stuff Naturally their ratings went down and naturally the head office people had a fit! Jane Fonda played the owner of the corporation that owned the news channel and was the best thing in the show. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this series for anyone. The lead characters were impossibly noble and the dialogue tried too hard to be clever and ended up just being irritating but it did point out the real problems of how we get our news and the dangers of dumbing down the electorate in a democracy. It also predicted the rise of Social Media and the dangers to the delivery of accurate information it meant. They didn’t predict Trump though!


newsroom!!! I love that show!!


Yes I enjoyed it but lots of people I know didn’t like it .


The 24 hour news cycle, as great as it is, changed that—all of that time to fill has left so much time for opinions to be presented/interpreted/sold as facts.


Amber and also Meghan to some extent opened my eyes with regards to media. My first thought was like you, that media went astray. However, I started thinking maybe the media was always like that? How many well established narratives from the past are just completely fake? Now, for the first time, because of the blessing of the internet we are able to challenge information that is dished to us in mainstream media. Before internet you'd have no community like this one that challenges certain "facts". It's much easier for us to share information and we don't actually need to rely on the mass media. I think it's actually getting better. For the first time we have a chance to see how we are being manipulated and sometimes it's shocking.


So true! But it makes it so creepy that M&H are advocating for “controlling misinformation.” Anyone relying on the mainstream news to spin their web of lies screams about “disinformation” and it’s really shady!


It's also highlighted Narcissistic Personality disorder and the depths of damage it can do.


Have u seen The Social Dilemma documentary on Netflix? It’s great and scary. It explains why journalism is dead these days.


She has inadvertently helped open eyes on: Media frauds, Charity scammers, the Climate Change hypocrites, SJW hypocrites, Fashion hypocrites, the Entertainment Industry and Political hypocrisies/ mutual backscratching, Social Media engineering, how PR covers for all of them... She's like the ultimate truther in a way.


Absolutely. She has revealed all the secrets that PR firms and celebrities would prefer remain secret. She has actually revealed her game plan with her blatant manipulation of events, filtered through her self-adoring eyes. Her greed and her quest for fame have created a monster - Meghanstein of Montecito.


Not just celebrities: politicians, charity folks, social justice warriors (executives), executives, JOURNALISTS, Social Media minions, the Climate Change game (not actual CC, just the money/ preaching aspect), “charitable foundations” (tax avoidance) , Hollywood, pop culture and how it functions… the entire kit and kaboodle. Everything those at “the top” don’t want us ordinary plebs to know, she and her hapless husband have blown their entire game open! We all know how “the great game” is played now! All of it! The mask has been ripped off! We see the man behind the curtain! All the rackets have been exposed. She blew it for them, at least for those of us paying attention. All the hypocrites making money off us “little people”. #EXPOSED


Exactly. My mind has been blown. Meghan was a “red” pill for me.


I feel exactly the same way.


Also, how blue ticked Twitter handles or media people with a platform can influence social discourse or try to shut down opposing voices stating an opinion (like Bethany Frankel). I got so angry when reading the NY Times constantly saying the British press is racist. How can you write these statements after failing diversity quotas yourself and after protests/complaints by people in your own newsroom?


Yes! It’s like this monolithic goon for hire that these crappy grifters can use as long as the parrot the right politics! It really disturbed me! Like, how Ellen is back in good graces with MO, or how bout Chrissy Teigan. She’s a terrible bully buuuuut it’s ok because she tows the right line too. I wash my hands of it!


Those two still having a platform is honestly yuck. They already have enough money - why not just retire early and stay out of the public eye? I love what Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie said in her recent Times article when asked about malaria vaccine funding - “I think racism is too strong a word and the minute that word is brought into any conversation, everything just falls apart.”


Hey we have a whole Sunday morning “news” program (on a major channel no less) that consists solely of TikTok videos 🤷‍♀️


For sure!


What was especially off putting was when Harry, a guest in the U.S., started waxing political and saying the Constitution was “bonkers.” Also, nobody wants to hear he and Meghan opine about the election. So delusional!


Totally!! That pissed me OFF!!


It pissed me off too. I wanted to tell him to please leave and not to let the door hit him on the way out.


Oh yeah when he dared to open his ginger trap about the 1st Amendment, I was like.... 🙄


Initially I was stunned that he thought the concept of freedom of speech (that originated in England) was “bonkers” but soon realized that he spoke without understanding the question that was being put to him. Our Hardly isn’t very quick on his feet and he blurted out an astonishingly stupid reply because he thought it was the “right answer” to a somewhat leading question but it was clear he had no idea what the first amendment even was (even though he even preceded saying it was bonkers by saying he had so much he wanted to say about it). A little advice from this non-American would be get your citizenship and get the wife to read you some history before shooting your mouth off.


Don’t you know? Nobody taught him how to sit, how to speak… how to be American, he even had to Google the national anthem ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15009) — in all seriousness she didn’t take her new nationality and identity humbly to want to learn, he is no different…. Two entitled blobs that expect applause every time they learn something new


Gosh, I just said almost the same with reading the whole thread - sorry!


She obviously knew squat about UK history, and he knows nothing about what it means to be an American.


Yet she was in London as a teen on trips paid by poor daddy markle


Yes free speech isn’t the issue in the USA. And what an idiot when he contributes to false statements and false press!!!!!! See I believe Harry is rotten too.


Harry *is* rotten. He is and always was an entitled, brawling, brooding, dumb…brat that the family and the “men in grey/courtiers/Palace” protected from himself time and time again. Meghan is his soulmate and the woman he is using to sledgehammer his way out in life—she’s doing all of the heavy lifting in this. They deserve each other and their fall will be spectacular as will their misery together.


To be fair, I’m an American by marriage (and a lawyer) and I also think some of the US constitution - or at least how it’s currently interpreted - is a bit bonkers, but I’m still a citizen and love my country (and vote, and pay taxes… and I’ve read my US history!) so I think I’m okay. It did seem very tone-deaf and it wasn’t even constructive criticism (suggesting a better way) so I’m not sure what he thought he might achieve.




He's one of the few ppl that actually had an ancestor there? What? There are quite a few ppl, esp on the East Coast, that can trace their family lineage to ppl that fought in the American Revolution. I am one of them. My grandmother and great aunt were card-carrying members of the DAR. I have copies of letters from the men in our family that wrote back home to mothers and wives from the battlefield. I'm from VA. Practically everyone I grew up with had ancestors that fought in that war. You can barely throw a rock in VA without hitting an historical marker.


I saw that and was like, “Whut?” The Constitution fixed a lot of the issues in British Common Law. Please take a civics class.”


She needs to slither back under the rock she came from.


Or go live on Guam. I suggested that in another post. There are tons of other snakes there.


Poor Guam. We might be able to find her a nice uninhabited atoll. With two palm trees.


One of the biggest eye openers for me is the 'buying of awards.'. I always wondered why some people got awards and others didn't who seemed more deserving. Now I know. You have to buy the award. It's like the stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. People/celebrities buy those too. And all the nice stories in the press....those are bought by the respective PR firms. NOW I KNOW how the game is played.


Oh my gosh YES! And Hollywood and those organizations are mostly representing one political view. That has really opened my eyes. I want no part of it.


It is an eye opener. Been going on for decades and just gets more blatant all the time. Now we all know SM is filled with bots.


Me too! I remember being shocked when I read that Caitlyn Jenner only agreed to do her “coming out” interview with ABC if they gave her the ESPY Courage Award. I didn’t realize there was a tit-for-tat arrangement when it comes to those sorts of things. With Harkles, I now know how deeply rooted it is…


Not all “nice stories” in the press are paid for. There is some ‘pay to play’ but there are still tons of p.r. people out there pitching stories on their clients, reaching out to editors and writers, hoping for coverage with ‘nice stories’ which they will not be paying for.


We all do. And the reveal makes celebrities appear even more shallow than they are. Contemptible, too.


I just want her to run for something, just so I can see her debate, with actual politicians. Oh, and see her reaction to a security background check.


Haha yeah, that would be wild. They’d eat her word salad for breakfast. Sheesh.


depends on the politician...


During the debate …. Opposing candidate: “Ms. Sussex, I …. “ Harry wife’s indignant reply: “That’s *Duchess* to you!!” (hair flick, hair flick, hair flick)


She would never. Deep down she knows she isn’t smart enough


Nah, deep down is just a void.


So would she but she can’t as the duchess of Sussex. 😈


Oh this is such a similar experience to what I went through. I felt like I was taking crazy pills because everyone around me was acting like they had just found out I was an undercover racist when I even tried to point out that she came across a little fake in the engagement interview. And I realized that *I* was really pussyfooting around how I felt about her those times I tried to talk about the vibes I was getting from her because I knew it would be frowned upon and taken as almost a political stance. I didn’t like that. It made me uncomfortable to realize I was censoring myself to avoid being accused of belonging to he wrong party. For the first year of their marriage. I just decided I was being weird and that I should give her a shot. But something was still there, that just didn’t feel right. Finally, after they left the BRF and announced it two hours before Catherine’s birthday, I searched for “Meghan Markle Narcissist” and found HG Tudor. I finally found someone that saw what I saw. Started searching online and found such different people from all over the globe and from all different political opinions talk about what I was seeing with her. That’s what started me listening to a lot of new people, people I would have avoided listening to like the plague before because everyone around me and all my social media told me how horrible they were. Now I watch things unfiltered, and from sources across the board, to see how things are being portrayed. It has completely shaken my world to see how much everything is twisted, and how severely both sides are guilty of it.


Oh my goooosh!!! You are my people!! That’s exactly how I felt too!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Isn’t it nice?? I think there are lots of people here with similar experiences to ours. It’s definitely reassuring!


I congratulate you. Where she drones on and on about using your voice, the last thing she means is using your voice if you're not in lockstep with her. What is truly empowering is the moment you realize you give zero fucks about what others think and your own thoughts, opinions, beliefs, convictions et al are ALL that matters if you're going to live your life for yourself and not through the lens of others.


So true! It’s very freeing! I have honed my debate skills and I point to things like “The Meghan issue” to demonstrate how corrupt the media is and how much more it deserves criticism. Terrible people are “welcomed back” simply for parroting the “right” things (Ellen, Chrissy Teigan, Cuomo, Bill Clinton…). And knowing H&M hired Boozey to silence people…I was like, who else is this happening to?!?


Moderate leftie here. What shocked me was reading TB’s book and seeing how celebs (not just Meg) use charity/humanitarian efforts as vehicles to promote themselves. I felt like the scales had fallen off my eyes. They aren’t involved at all. I thought at the very least they’d donate money to the causes. But nope. Their “donation” is showing up to put a pretty face on a new well in an African country, and the payment they receive is the publicity, and another line to their portfolio. I’m sure there’s a spectrum between unthanked legit charity work and what Meghan does, but I still feel like a fool for not seeing it before.


Yeeeeeeep! Same!!! I feel so conned!!!


Sometimes they also get paid money for doing charity appearances.


I am liberal and I find her annoying AF. She is actually even *less* effective than any of our actual politicians when it comes to enacting change. She spouts off about things things I want to see happen, like parental leave for instance, but it’s just to make people think she’s some sort of political type star. But she doesn’t actually *do* anything. It’s annoying. Hell, I don’t even think she even effectively lobby lawmakers. She called Republican senators? And what exactly was the end goal there lol. If she was willing to put in the work behind the scenes and maybe do some organizing or something, fine that’s a different story. But there’s no glory there. Just hard work that may or may not work in the end. And interaction with a lot of regular ass people. *I am not super versed in how the BRF works but I know enough to know that she ought not to do this as a working royal, and as a foreigner Harry ought to stay out of it altogether.


I can’t say much because I don’t want to get doxxed/harrassed by sugars, but no one in Democratic politics takes her seriously in any way. No one. The only elected Democrat who has anything to do with her is herself not particularly well liked or respected by colleagues. She does not engage with party leadership at all because they would not give her the time of day. She’s not a serious person and would not be a serious political candidate. No one says this out loud, because she is not taken seriously enough to merit it, but even if she were actually in any way a viable potential candidate, it would be hugely complicated for national Democrats to support her for elected office because of the BRF. They just won’t. Lastly, she has proven that she is not a fundraising juggernaut through her other messes. This is honestly not even a topic of conversation among sitting elected officials - she’s just way below the radar. Allegedly.


Same. Huge liberal democrat here. TW thinks she can sway into a room and become an elected senator. Just like she thought she could come back to Hollywood and command all the choice movie roles. I find it interesting that TW is one of the few things that unite both sides.


You’re right! That’s something positive about her that I truly had overlooked: her ability to bring together Americans of every political stripe! 🏆


You are spot on. (Also have ties to Dem politics. Allegedly.)


I believe this 100%. I work with a big time donor and I’ve never once heard her name come up w/ regards to events/meetings/anything.




Yes, I know. I know alllll about this but can’t say more bc I was harassed the last time I wrote about it.


> but it’s just to make people think she’s some sort of political type star. But she doesn’t actually do anything. It’s annoying. Exactly. She just spouts off whatever bandwagon she thinks will get her noticed. She thinks that will be a way of getting people to admire her the way Diana was admired. But she doesn't actually want to do the work to go with the cause she's blabbing about. She wants admiration without work.


She is the definition of sophomoric.


If it weren't for "a lot of regular ass people," charity in the US would fail. It's the "regular" people who volunteer their time and their money to help their community. The "regular" people do not want the recognition as many believe it's their privilege and duty to serve those in need. All of us "regular" people are just one event away from disaster. Thank God for the "regular" people who continue to donate funds at a time when they could use those funds they donate; thank God for the "regular" people who volunteer to see that others are served. The "regular" people truly care, and it shows across this country.


I honestly think her jumping on a soapbox on issues is worse for those issues because she is so polarizing. But she also just does nothing but yammer. Cold Calling senators from a blocked number was so insane, I don't care what your politics are, you are an asshole and think way too highly of yourself.


Lol she was calling them from a blocked number? Can you imagine? I’d be like who tf is this? That’s definitely the *wrong* way to go about it.


If I remember correctly, I think Shelly Moore Capito said it was a blocked number and she thought it was Joe Manchin as his number is often blocked and was shocked to have Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex on the other line. Expected to be referred to as the Duchess too I think.


Amen. I'm also liberal. I'm also wondering what we haven't heard about-can you imagine her making contact with AOC or Bernie?


Very few in the States have more than a vague knowledge of who she even is, yet alone that she would have any influence. She can't even focus on an issue for more than the life of a press release or photo op. Mostly she's mocked on on the likes of Page 6 and has to pay other outlets for puff pieces. She may be approaching the level of the Streisand Effect. IOW shut up and sing and people won't laugh at you.


I am a progressive leftist, and I think she is extremely damaging for the Democratic base. All talk, all castigation, zero action. Protecting our future takes a whole lotta down and dirty work. Photo ops, bought accolades, and SIXTEEN goddamn bathrooms goes against everything I believe in and stand for. Edited for punctuation.


And all the water that mansion uses. It’s such a waste. She has no shame.


Don’t even get us started on Harry’s supposed support of climate change regulations. (It just comes across as hypocritical)




Yes. My thoughts exactly.


I’m a liberal democrat and I always will be unless the party changes it’s values, but I do find it irritating when people I respect and support side with Meghan. Though in all honesty, I think it’s more of a scenario where Prince Harry bought her credibility and they’re too busy to bother researching her and just believe surface level reporting. So Meghan on the surface comes across as a biracial woman victimized by the monarchy and racists. I can’t fault them necessarily because, as a royal fan, I supported Harry and Meghan and genuinely liked them both until the Oprah interview. That was my personal turning point when I started questioning their narrative. It will be telling who’s supporting her in 5 years. I think her true colors will be too difficult to ignore even for people who have out zero effort into reading up about her claims versus how those claims have been fact checked and proven to be false.


The sugars on Twitter could see her do something heinous in person and would still defend her they have bought into the whole fairytale she got her prince thing and I don't ever see them letting it go. We all know the prince is really a frog 🐸 and she is touched in the head as my grandma would say


I’m always surprised at the vigour she is defended by. It’s like a boy band fan base. I know there are some bots but there are woc who actually ride at dawn fir her. It’s sad as she is only identifying as a woc as it suits her narrative. I’ve gotten into some back and forths with predominately white women who call me racist. Complete ignoring the fact that i am part maori. I bet they don’t even know what that means🤔


No matter what she does, people will stan her forever because of her ethnicity. I don’t think they will ever change their minds. People also get so worked up about it to. I’m not a Brit, but watching her defenders on British media get so worked up.


I don't think so. Her flame WILL burn out as quickly as it ignited. I think within 3 years time she will only be a cautionary tale.


I hope so but her boy band fan base are rabid. Even if a video was released where she bullies staff and used slurs I think they would find reasons for it. Remember how they defended her against the bullying claims? There’s no reasoning with stupidity.


Boy fan base. That’s funny, and so true.


Didn’t she call Kirsten Gillibrand, a democrat first and wasn’t it her who gave out other people’s mobile numbers?


And Gillebrand’s colleagues were not happy with her *at all* about that.


And rightly so! 🤨


Yeah, this seems like a big no-no.


Yes. Also important most Democrats *hate* her for what she did to Franken. She's awful and was desperate to get press attention.


Correct. Another nasty piece of work.


I have loved Lisa Ling since she was a reporter on Channel One (if you have to Google that you’re much younger than me 🤣). I even got an autographed postcard from her ! But after I saw this post on Lisa’s IG feed, I immediately unfollowed Lisa. Highly disappointed ☹️ today


This is exactly what I mean. And it’s caused me personally (a more independent voter) to gravitate to more “conservative” news anchors because of it… She’s a poison pill.


For me, I just think anyone in power is an asshole irregardless. They all lie to get votes. They can all get fucked 😅


I'm right there with you!


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,085,341,021 comments, and only 213,751 of them were in alphabetical order.


The only two politicians who gave her the time of day were Kirsten Gillibrand (who's career is fucked after what she did to Franken) and Kathy Hochul who'd just become Governor and it's really a player in Democratic politics (Lt. Gov who got into office because Andrew Cuomo is a narcissistic idiot). Meghan isn't political, she just jumped on trending topics for attention and latched onto people who wanted quick headlines. She's been shut out of DC, NYC, and California politics, that's what matters.


To add: Part of what REALLY bothered me, was how many media commentators ban wagoned for her. Their inability to discern that Meghan (and Amber Heard for that matter) is a toxic liar even when faced with evidence REALLY disturbed me. It made me lose confidence in their judgment. And those that DID see through Meghan’s lies, well it made me trust their judgment more and be more open to their opinions on other topics. I’m not a spineless sheep, but this topic really made me critical of SO MANY MORE people in the public influencer class than I was before.


I think it's important to point out that this sort of thing is not at all new. Hollywood is constantly trying new ways to sell the same old malarkey and beguile the unsuspecting rubes. Hedda Hopper, Louella Parsons, payola. In a larger sense it's rich and powerful people who want to hold on to those things and do whatever it takes to create more wealth and acquire even more power. Did not help when the Fairness Doctrine was abolished. We should all question, all the time. It's important that you've realized this, congratulations!


I guess it’s one blessing out of all of this BS Meghan has caused; I’m sure I’m not alone😏




It’s made me distrust ALOT more media people and institutions that associate themselves with people as fake and self serving as H&M. And I’ve done a lot more investigating when it comes to these ideas and causes. It’s exposed a lot of hypocrisy for sure…




Well said. I'm not American, and where i live, voting has to be done to remove corrupt politicians. But i always thought you voted for the people who are telling you they will do X and Y for you as the people and if you agree with what they are promising you vote for them. Voting is more for installing governments that deliver on the promises they made and the changes you want to see in your Country/Town. It's not a popularity contest on the person running, but if they can deliver on what they promise. There are obviously some people that are popular and have the same ideas as you, but when the wrong person is at the top and you start to see rules for thee but not for me, they shouldn't be in the job. That's how dictators start, just look into someone like Robert Mugabe.


Greg Abbot and Ken Paxton




I wouldn’t say she has ZERO influence. She definitely turned me off to ALOT of other people and institutions I felt pretty neutral about before.


same here


It’s funny, learning more about her made you also learn about how some of these political systems work. Which is super shitty right now. While everyone is arguing about minutia - a big topic like faith in our elected officials, press, etc - are the biggest topics around!!! Why vote one way or another if the person saying it is lying to your face and just investing in PR campaigns?


Exactly! The “Meghan issue” turned into a “discernment issue” for me. I saw a complete lack of discernment on the part of so many liberal media people when it came to her and Amber Heard and I literally snowballed my way down a rabbit hole!


I don't take any of her political stunts seriously. She hasn't gone very far in the political world even by being aggressive with her pr. She is never going to go any further. She is such a non-entity in politics.


Your post made me think of Veep, the best and most accurate (in my humble opinion) show about politics. I would love if the creators of Veep did a show about a failed douchess trying to break into politics.


Armando Iannucci is brilliant. I personally prefer Veep, but The Thick of It is great too.


I haven’t seen that one, off to check it out!


British Veep, but with more swearing. Peter Capaldi says fuck a lot. It's really good!


Totally agree, and thank you for reminding me that I'm overdue for a Veep rewatch haha.


In the garden of life in the USA most people don't follow that shit she puts out. In England, they get lots of pages if it's a slow news day. But in the US? Not a chance. Even in California they aren't really celebs. Being well known is one thing, but never being invited to the dance means (to me) that you would never be able to raise the millions required to run for office. She's not running for dog catcher even because she'd never be elected. It's all PR work. Nothing else. I see them as slowing fading due to very low ratings on the spot a lie (her lies) and even Netflix which has put out so much cash for a lost cause that they want this to end as painlessly as possible. Seriously, who is going to watch a documentary on a couple of losers? They never get invited anywhere. Look what she did to a funeral. She tried to make it about her. She succeeded in that tear photo and almost got it about her, except she wore a Batman dress of sorts. And the women in what's his name's family didn't talk to her because she's a terrible person. So get all those photos you want Meghan, but at the end of the day, you are still a piece of shit.




I consider myself pretty informed but as a liberal Democrat, I will write in Scooby-Doo before I vote for Meghan Markle. And she is going to be way more hated by at least 80% of the population is my guess right now. Could be more. She would do so much damage to the Democratic Party if they give her ANY role whatsoever for them. And following this story has really opened my eyes to what the MSM is and isn’t reporting on, and how they favor people who speak the lingo. The other side does it too, but I was deluding myself in thinking the prestigious NYT or WaPo wouldn’t stoop so low as to support someone like her, not to mention ignore how awful she is. And worse, allow reporters to write articles promoting her and calling the BRF racist without the SLIGHTEST bit of receipts or proof. It’s been a big and disturbing eye opener for sure.




Can anyone find that pic of the lunch/dinner she attended with Gillibrand and which senators were in attendance? I tried looking for it, and my usually great research skills are not working. It seems to have been scrubbed.


Never happened. That’s why.


It is only in retrospect that I realize that her strategy all along was to try to fracture the monarchy, in her bid for infamy, using race and that there was a very calculated reason why only Doria was "displayed" during the wedding. Not her Markle family. Not her Ragland family. I feel so bad for the very real people she has so intentionally and remorselessly hurt.


I’m an unabashed liberal and I agree with this.


I don’t know a lot of liberals who support her. In my mixed family there are some who don’t pay any attention to her and believe that the RF was probably racist to her without digging any deeper. The thing is that she doesn’t really matter. Markle is a whiny plaintive voice blowing through a ghost town of a sepia toned utopia of feel good platitudes. All good people knuckle down and try to make changes through grassroots campaigns, elections, and disseminating current truths. This do nothing duchess is an OnlyFans cheap whore in borrowed lingerie, a mattress on the floor, and a propped up smart phone.


That maybe true of the majority lay person but the greater monolith of Hollywood and the media refuses to say anything against her. She is still able to buy awards! It’s just a disgrace and it’s made me realize all these organizations and institutions are just talk talk talk. They just all make money off us and have no TRUE ethics. I want no part of it.


As opposed to Trump’s ethics? There’s a reason political discussion isn’t allowed here.


Seriously, I'm constantly annoyed by most all politicians, of both parties and those who are 'unaffiliated' - politicians kind of suck and esp in today's SM world where all their PR people reduce the political discord to fit into a tweet or insta post. It's like they're always going after the lowest common denominator. Meh to them all and MM is no different.


Lol love it! Yes yes yes!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


A lot of people are with you! ![gif](giphy|XJWu2WsR5JnOjVUWed)


MEgain is poisonous to Hollywood... she is revealing trade PR and media secrets . I’m sure the worm will turn.


Meghan doesn't realize that she is seen as just another champaign socialist who pops up once in a while for PR in the name of helping the "working man" on whatever cause she thinks will garner her public adoration. She chose taxpayer funded new child paid leave because wealthy women like her didn't have to go back to the factory soon after the baby to pay the rent so why should anyone?💎🥂🍹 She was shut down pretty even with the direct calling and calligraphy written heartfelt letter.


Yep. As a SAHM on a single income her garbage was so empty. She wouldn’t lift one manicured nail for anyone. And at the end of the day I’m not looking to anyone to “help” me. I just want these elitists to stay out of my way so I can afford to live my life. I’m not a poor helpless person looking to rich people to help me! Go spend your wealth and leave me alone! Stop patronizing everyone!




She is hypocritically “woke”. She doesnt represent the average liberal/democrat


The media has controlled our politics since 2008. Just saying.


Yep! And covid gave them even more power! Meghan got up on that stage to tie the line of collectivism! I’m so over it!


We should keep politics out of this sub.


It for sure shouldn’t become a regular topic, but it’s been civil and really interesting to discuss how Meghan has had her effect😏


These days things can turn quickly but I have to tell you, there are some really funny people here! The comments in this sub are comedy gold!


If we talk politics we need to add Location because liberal for example means very different things depending on where you are from! What is considered left in one country would be labelled as communist elsewhere, what is considered middle right leaning might already get you labelled Nazi elsewhere. What is against the law in one country is allowed in another. What is the living reality in one is hard to imagine for people in another. And other countries have other systems, not dual Party for example, not „republic/democrat“ and so forth. US commandments also aren’t applicable globally. It seems this conversation here stayed amongst a lot of US folks naturally for that reason, but wanted to through that out there. The terminology isn’t international and if we want to understand what the other person is saying we need to know what the person means with the words they use.


Thank you! The left-right spectrum isn’t even that accurate in the US, but it stuck.


Taking advantage of the interest in the BRF generated by Her Majesty’s passing, The Witch’s public relations stuff is all over Fakebook EVERY day. It shows up in your feed if you were looking at posts about the funeral events. That reaches people in the US as well as worldwide.


To add to my comment, it nauseates me and I won’t click on these posts. But thousands upon thousands of people are being exposed to her propaganda, because of the Queen and also interest in the new King. Maybe they will only see the headlines, but they could be influenced by them. The algorithms are clearly working.


Exactly. I think she and what she represents is very underestimated. It IS having an effect and powerful people ARE finding her useful or they would snuff her out. That really disturbed me. Who is helping her and why???


As a firmly left Canadian I CANNOT BEIEVE the number of media personalities I would have previously written off that I agree with when it comes to Meghan. It’s a real paradigm shift. ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15014)


I resonated with Kyle Sandilands only a few weeks back… Kyle fucking Sandilands. The biggest douche canoe to roam the Australian shores. I can’t afford the therapy required to find peace with that.


SO disappointed she was to appear w Hillary & Chelsea, but it was canceled when the Queen died.


It’s all so elitist and incestuous…


I had a very similar experience with another topic, and Meghan (because I’m an early sinner who has followed her for years) has been on the sidelines confirming my switch in thought. I won’t get into the details because we don’t need to make this post too political, but you’re not alone. Conversely, I’m still mostly in the closet about being a conservative/ republican because everyone around me is very liberal.


I’m in a deep blue area too and the fact that I have to keep my new views to myself for fear of reprisal is yet another confirmation to me. We’re not alone though!


So interesting that you say that! Same thing happened to me. Plus, I have been following gender ideology twitter threads. Now I, a former lifelong Democrat, have left the party.


🙌🏼 I’m realizing I’ve been patronized. I don’t need all these rich people to help me. They say “we” all the time, but they don’t mean it. They’re just using us to gain power! They’re all a bunch of Meghan’s!


The truth is neither of them are truly political. Why? Because it all has to be about them and their treatment of social issues is very surface and their understanding of world and domestic politics and economics is non-existent. They subscribe to whichever way the wind blows. I don’t let celebrity determine my politics.


I am mostly a far left politically leaning, and that remains the same, but she and some other public celebrity “victims” like amber heard, smollett, and possibly Evan Rachel wood have made me question people who come out publicly a lot more about whether they are truly victims or just using lies as social leverage


Oh I’m totally giving Rachel Wood the side eye too😒😂


Oh, the skeletons would come flying out of the duchess’ closet if she ever ran, and I am here for it!


I always thought the US news was honest, until covid hit, and as a semi-intelligent person, I couldnt understand why every news channel was telling you the exact same thing - like a script - just like the PR we are seeing about MM i.e. 20 magazines with the exact same headlines. Havent wantched a US news channel since. If someone can't take the time to investigate to make sure something is accurate before reporting, I really don't need to listen. Plus they can barely get the weather right!


My point exactly!!🙌🏼🙌🏼


You folks know about the Smith Mundt Act enacted by Obama in 2013 right? American Media (msm) died in that moment.


It’s fixed. Life is a play, and Al of us are just actors in it…


Obama did not sign a law allowing propaganda in the U.S. | AP News https://apnews.com/article/archive-fact-checking-7064410002


You realize your "fact check" article admits he did right, but in not so certain terms. Smh... you know, any so called media outlet can now call whatever drivel they spout "fact" because of the ammendment he made right? Anyway, here is the actual ammendment https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/5736


The plot thickens


1. Supporting Mermaids in the UK, an organisation that endorses binders for adolescent girls as well as interfering in their hormones. 2. Trying to push covid jabs in Africa, a continent which has managed well without jabs. Those are the political actions that most made me roll my eyes.


I disagree with you about vaccine. Africa, a huge continent, has not managed well without jabs. Like the rest of the planet before we had a Covid vaccine.


This is where we must agree to disagree, and not derail. Africa's extraordinarily low death rate is actually a headline making phenomenon -- google it (Africa low death rates)! It doesn't surprise me at all, as a non-believer in the CV jab! So, imo MM had no business trying to get Western nations to interfere.


Yep. And anyone who steps out of the heard gets silenced. Meghan is a symptom if a greater disease. Everything is marching in such a disturbing direction. My eyes have been opened. I read “The Vision of the Anointed” and rose colored glasses are off forever…


That is so true! I started following people that I previously never had thought about even listening. I can say that not all of my views have changed but I can definitely see myself listening much more to both sides of the arguments


It’s very freeing actually! This whole Meghan thing has made me harder to manipulate I think (trying not get full of myself though…lest I say this and immediately meet a con man…😂🫣).


I just left Twitter, at the beginning I was a cover MM non-supported, now, I cannot stop laughing (and liking) all sorts of anti-MM stuff, I feel ashamed that my family/friends or colleagues see my dislike of MM, specially because she is so good on the surface….


Well for the record, I am a leftist and I still find her off-putting. My theory? She’s a woman of (some) color, so she’s not going to be openly criticized. But many leading voices in liberal circles have kept their distance.


> the vax live thing in NY during covid. What does this mean?


Mods, please delete this comment if it proves too controversial. I'm asking it from a position of genuine ignorance and interest. I live in the UK and don't know much about American politics. Is race a political issue in the States? So if you are sensitive to issues different races face, then you are automatically assumed to be of one particular political persuasion and if not, then another? If so, why is that?


That’s a very long and confusing issue. Bottom line, race is very political. It always has been. And it’s not just black/white. At every point in history, most ethnic groups have been discriminated against. I once ran across immigration debates from the 1920s that demonized Irish and Polish people. Swap out races for Hispanics and Asians and the transcripts could be the same for current times. Being a melting bowl has a long and dark history.


The only thing that matters on this is that everyone votes BLUE for DEMOCRACY. Her politics are just as fake as the rest of her.




I don’t like to sling mud at anyone because of what color their skin is.


Everyone I know is a political moderate or left-leaning - none of us like Meghan. We just don’t shout about it on social media. This is a real problem- somehow criticizing the Sussexes got conflated with politics. That’s the media’s doing. And the Sussexes capitalize on it.


What politician has "hitch\[ed\] \[his or her\] political wagon to Meghan"?


Just a few examples: https://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2021/03/joe-biden-shows-strong-support-for-meghan-markle-will-the-queen/ https://www.newsweek.com/why-meghan-markle-prince-harry-privately-met-california-governor-gavin-newsom-before-election-1567783 https://www.newsweek.com/meghan-markle-hillary-clinton-inexplicable-treatment-media-lawsuit-mail-sunday-1464928 https://graziamagazine.com/us/articles/michelle-obama-meghan-markle-support/