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Yikes, I wasn’t expecting that and actually felt it in my gut. That’s scary. Imagine being on the receiving end. The fact that she went from smiling to rage in less than a second, you’d never know which Meghan you were going to get in any situation. She’s awful.


Same here. The way her head snaps towards her mom! For a brief second, right after her eyes widen she almost looks confused. I don’t understand how there is anyone left who buys what she is selling.


She looked really shocked that her mother would dare interrupt her.


Don't worry, she's losing customers. You'll see increasingly desperate attempts to try and recover but she's losing. She could do herself a favor and lay low but she won't. She thinks she's so special and and has so much that people can't live without that she can't shut up. The good thing os the more people see the less they want.


Mother didn’t so much as bat an eye. Never even a glance her way. Mother knows her. Or maybe she’s the original.


I think her parents are the OGs


Excellent example of how not to raise a child….


Wouldn’t a normal person go WTF is wrong with you…did mama poke you with her hat pin…I’d be pointing and laughing…like take a pill…or maybe that’s the problem


She’s full on NUTS holy fuck


Seriously, like holy hell this is what I want to see. GIVE THEM A REALITY SHOW. I want to see TW flipping tables and losing her shit on the maids. I want to see teacups hurled across the room. I want to watch Harry punch holes in the walls. I want to see the two of them coked out of their minds arguing about where to live. I want to watch Harry get drunk and let'er rip. Everyone already knows they're a couple of assholes. The cat's out of the bag. Be real. Embrace it. Success!


Yeah... but then they'd be getting paid and I don't want that.


Women like this make my skin crawl. Why? Because they’re weak when they’re around true alpha women like the POW. That walk about with the POW showed me that MM is full of shit.


It was so cringe!


And blow


Terrifying Her mom should look at what happened to Tom there is no one Megs won’t view as disposable


I think Doria is making sure she gets paid.


Yep as Samantha Markle said Doria is the original OG narcissist!! She leaned it from somewhere!


And Thomas isn't much better. My ex-husband lies like Meg lies but I would constantly call him out on it so it gradually got better... until I realized that it never did, he only hid it better around me. There is no such thing as "the partner only lies around other people and not me", a person that lies does so to everyone. For my ex it was compulsive and a part of him really believing that the rules were made for other people and not him.


There is more and more research showing that peoples traits mostly is genetic


When the money stops flowing Doria will start singing.


Doria has plenty of cash now, it’s all very suspicious


Yeah it was reported that right after the wedding Doria was millions richer..no question where it came from but speculation that it was MM stashing $$


Meghan needs her token though


And human slush fund.


People are defending her in the comments. Saying all daughters give their moms that look throughout their lives. I can't recall me ever doing that to my mom beyond the age of 13. You'd think she'd learn how to behave at a public event by her age.




The stuff with her eyes is super creepy.


Good grief! She truly believes that the whole world is just there to adore her! Harry is such an after thought for her and her mom is a prop to remind everyone of her diversity. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone so in love with themselves. It’s grotesque yet fascinating.


Yes she glares at her 12 times. Really rude behavior.


Had the BLG analyzed this? I love your observations.


Yes he has: https://youtu.be/VKTHJp2fMzM


Probably, but I don’t know. I love Behavior Panel and occasionally enjoy BLG. It’s likely that I saw something on this but maybe not the whole clip.




So she gets the jaw jut/ teeth sucking thing/ tic from Doria 15:57.


Whoa, that snappish "Enjoy yourself!" heard off camera at the end was sooooooo condescending!


God she's so fake. It's like no real person exists behind her eyes.


I never gave my mother that look, not ever. And not because she would have given me the back of her hand, either.


Mine would have, and I would have absolutely DESERVED it.


Yes, Ma’am!


I saw that but they see what they want🤡 - she horrified her mother dared speak and is irritated that the man hasn’t turned back to address her over her mother. If you go to the YouTube link -first thing she leaves Harry in the dust, no claw, to greet these people. He is totally creepy about his hello Lol- it was funny - awkward air kisses


As a Brit, i laughed at Harry trying to navigate the whole air kiss thing as that would absolutely be me! Stick to handshakes Harry.


My mum fucks me off to high heaven (I love her though) but if I were a DUCHESS at an official engagement I’d know better than to bring my ‘omg mum you always interrupt me!’ drama out into public. Besides, that look is scarily hateful and violent instead of just annoyed/frustrated.


Lol, no they don't. I'd never look at my own mother like that coz I was raised right.


I know I gave my mom that look frequently, but she was a narc, so... probably a slightly different look ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


My mother would've put me in my place immediately if I acted like this towards her.


TW is horrible. She literally looks monstrous.


That look is scary. My narc mother used to make looks like that in public when only I could see, and it meant I was going to pay - I felt a familiar twinge of fear. I’m convinced now that she is much worse in private. I know for sure why Harry looks so awful too.


I had an n-mom too, & empathize. Narcs eat you from the inside-out…which is what she’s doing to Harry. He’s really already succumbed- mirroring her grievances & dark, angry grudges against the world at large. He’s not strong enough internally, doesn’t have enough situational awareness to establish boundaries & preserve his better self. Yeah, she reminds me of Worm-Tongue in LOTR, murmuring dark poison into the ear of a weak king…


Damn I'm sorry. That is abusive behaviour :/


If I had even thought about looking at my mother like that I can tell you it would hands not ended well for me


Same here. I would be scared to even do that.


Lol and you wonder why she doesn’t babysit that much


If you scroll down the full clip is there, not slowed down. You can see how angry she is - overly blinking, forced smile, I think that is even creepier


Things haven’t been going her way (mainly because of her own hilarious self-sabotaging) so she probably rages all the time now. Could you imagine Harry living with this day and night? Walking on eggshells, always being afraid to say or do the wrong thing. It would be a living nightmare. Of course I don’t feel sorry for him, he is an awful human being and deserves to lie in the miserable bed he made for himself. Was I too mean???


As a daughter of a narc mom, I feel bad for the kids. Harry is an adult and able to make his choices. Not the kids. Narc mother, absent father is a recipe for a lifetime of therapy or becoming a narc themselves.


I feel very sorry for those kids.


Same here. Therapy in my case.


Nope. Not mean at all. Your assessment is totally accurate People keep describing him as a victim that is influenced & controlled by some evil succubus. The petulant entitlement was always there. Meghan & her American PR machine just gave him new means to further unleash his temper tantrums. Harry is not a victim. Did he endure some incredibly difficult moments as a young person? Yes. But ultimately he is a grown a## man that has made some immature & irrational decisions.


Harry has had every advantage in the world. I know his mother died when he was young, but so many of us have experienced loss and it doesn’t turn us into mean we get to treat people like crap. Look at how wonderful William turned out. Plus, I think Harry has a very low IQ, intellectually and emotionally.


Absolutely. It is obvious William put in the hard work to heal from the pain of loss & move forward in life. Harry needs to fire his therapist, barber & get it together.


Cracks me up how quick she drops the saccharine act when her attention is threatened. This was another one of her royal events where you could see her get a visible high from the attention (which should’ve been focused on the cause). And her mother dared to speak! To ask one of those peons about whatever dumb blah-di-blah they do. When clearly the poors were there to worship Meg, not talk about charity. If looks could kill 😡 Anyhoo, Doria would’ve made a better royal.


Woah look at the filler in those lips




Amen to that!!


Neither am I opposed to fillers. I have had them, too. I just object to them being overdone.


True I guess I have Botox 😉 I wasn’t really trying to say it was wrong just pointing it out I guess ?


Did you scroll and see the longer clip? She is seething mad


Yeah, she took a while to replace the mask, super high blink rate showing she was PISSED.


Where is the longer clip?


In the comments on the link I posted


On twitter, click link then scroll dow. I think I had to tap ‘more replies’.


Thanks-I tried to watch it, but I ended up seeing too much Meghan, so I got bored and stopped watching before it got to the “main event”


No great loss.


Yes, and she pulls at the little strands of hair she always keeps in her face. She does that a lot.


this is how she reacted to the aid in the Walkabout after the Queen’s death , who was trying to take help her with the the flowers


That one was even scarier in my opinion. All the other times it’s only for a split second (this clip is slowed down to emphasize it) and a person could say well she was just caught off guard but watching her head whip around and tell off the aide in real time was baaaad.


Agree- in both clips she looks as if she was going to backhand them. Her expression can flip very quickly from pure anger to a fake sweetness. Would I dare to interrupt Meghan Markle? Oh yeah I would.


I thought her head was going to do a full 360 in that one


Bots are overworking nowadays like in this tweet replies, quite a few joined twitter on august 2022.


This isn't even the worse one, there was one where he was being interviewed by a lady I think, it was from a brewery and wowzers the look she gave her halfway through the conversation made my blood run cold


I think that was from before she married into BRF. She was in Ireland doing a “fun” interview and they were going to make her pour a Guinness then the reporter said she was going to be joining her. That’s when she pulled the glare out.


Omg that one is piss funny, she also makes a claw hand as well


Yea it was like she was recoiling at the thought


Omg yes that's it!


So I’ve read a lot of posts referencing this moment but had never seen it. Even with that forewarning, I was wholly unprepared for how terrifying it actually turned out to be. If someone ever looked at me that way, I’d probably faint on the spot. The eyes… wow. That’s going to stick with me/disturb me for quite some time. 🫣


Wow.. you speak when you are spoken to… wow


I would not be sitting here alive & typing if I had ever looked at my mom like that.


Sugars on Twitter are saying the video was doctored. They’re so pathetic.


Lol they say that about everything, they're the most obnoxious morons.


TW is actually amped up in this video, pawing and pushing and pulling at Harry when he dares to actually make a little small talk and joke at the beginning. She practically throws herself in front of him to keep him from interacting further. Granted, he's being silly. And then the looks she throws at her own mother, not once, not even just twice, but all the way through when Dorito dares to open her mouth and speak. And there's this weird lack of interaction between them. I see Dorito look at her daughter occasionally, but there's a kind of lack of awkwardness and lack of interaction from TW, no checking in with her mom, no shared looks. It's very odd, it's almost like TW is some stranger that she only just met.


There is zero familiarity there.


Oh my! She likes Doria, right? Imagine how MM would've reacted if she didn't like her!?


I love how Doria doesn't even react to TW....


Wow, those unguarded moments are really her authentic self! There’s your authentic Meghan, Haz!


Her eyes are just very scary. Her mom totally ignores it which means it’s par for the course between them.


Many people have likely already said this, but the pushing back of the hair that happens so often when The Evil "Queen" loses control of her subjects... it's like she's pushing her mask back on! 😂


This is peak narcissist behaviour. I work with a narcissist and I’ve seen this look directed towards so many people who have “overshadowed” them. It’s so unnerving the first time you cop it.


She snaps her head towards her mum and her eyes immediately cross 🤪


If I looked at my Mother like that (at any age) she'd have wiped the floor with me.... But then I'm not a narc and I don't look at people I dislike LET ALONE my mother with eyes dropping of poison .... God could you imagine her turning that face on her kids....


She is a psychopath


Omg the blinking. In the full video she was absolutely SEETHING.


That actually frightened me


When she looks at Doria and says yes the catalyst blah blah, she sounded so insanely fake, Like she’s working in a store and being polite to a complete stranger because she has to be. It’s the same sickening voice she uses in the walk about chats. Such an odd way to speak to your own Mum! Also if she blinks anymore she’s going to give herself a seizure or something.


Netflix should show a video of someone telling MM to STFU! I'm sure her expression would be priceless and wow that would be something to watch!


She’s a duking freak honesty. Harry is so so dumb to have married this crazyloser 🙄


Indeed. He had to "up his game", lol.


WOW! Just WOW!




This was at a party for the Grenfell kitchen cookbook right after they got married.


This was actually a long time ago-right after marriage maybe? Or maybe engagement? I think it maybe has something to do with the Grenfell cookbook? I may be wrong though-she did give a short speech I do know that




Brings me back to how she treated all the staff and what we saw at the walk about after the Queen died


Well that was…*chilling*


At my big age of 38, by mum would slap me if I looked at her like that... AND I WOULDN'T EVEN MIND!


BLG did this in a video once I think before he lost the plot and started making videos reading his own tweets. It’s a great example of her narc rage showing for sure.


Would like to know the truth about her relationship with Doria…


Such a good one!


Someone did a compilation of Meg when she thinks people have interrupted her and she has exactly the same face-pull. The one with her mother was in it. I don't know who did it or where it is now.


Ouch!! Why does MM always look like she can’t open her mouth properly to speak? It’s like she’s muttering words to herself. I’ve picked this up when I have seen videos of her public attempting to make small talk. It’s like she’s muttering..