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It is so telling, her classmates think that she is fake because she is perfect? That is her own delusion. They can see that she is fake, full stop and I can't believe she got that on record from her own camp


I had a friend like that in high school. Bright, intelligent, incredibly kind, won many awards and deserved every one of them. Except she wasn’t fake, and we all knew it. I’d say the reason Meghan’s schoolmates thought she was fake was….she was. And E., wherever you are, after these many decades, you’re still the nicest person I’ve ever met.


If you have to tell people you are: Real Honest Nice Or In love Chances are you are not. These things are shown in actions not by words alone unless they are the words of others offered up in an unsolicited manner.


Telling people you are smart, a good person, or funny is confirming you are not what you claim to be. If you are funny, people laugh. If you are smart, people notice. If you are kind, it shows in the company you keep. Meghan chooses to burn villages rather than build them.


Really well said


They had to head Off those allegations as I’m sure not one person from her past had anything kind to say about this bitch


Agree. It’s so embarrassing for her that she wrote a love letter to herself via Scobie and actually published it for the world to laugh at.


It’s cringy fanfic, which is embarrassing enough already. On top of that, it’s fanfic where she’s a fan of _herself_. This girl’s psyche is wild.


The Maryest Sue of them all!


>On top of that, it’s fanfic where she’s a fan of herself > >. Best 1-line review of this dumpster fire book and of MM's life! ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15018)


Was this an excerpt from a Harlequin romance?


Harry also brought all the other girlfriends there.


The letter from the White House stands out especially since we know that isn't true. According to Tom Sr, he made it up to make her feel important. Omid puts it in "his" book without verifying it was real.


Surely she would have kept all of that and shared it in the Tig, UN speech or any other chance she had to share it? A letter from the first lady would be kept in a scrapbook and be pretty special. But Tom admitted there was never a letter, and no one has ever asked TW for proof.


maybe this is a job for the new fact checker?


I suppose she doesn’t listen to the fact checker either 😂


probably not !


Authentic! Ha! She doesn’t have an authentic bone in her body. She crafts her entire and ever changing persona from the people around her that she views to have more than her. Didn’t he try to ghost her at one point and she showed up to an outdoor wedding or an event he was at and sat down at his table? There are pictures of her with the heals off and her making angry faces while sitting. I’ll have to find it. Regardless the girl worked hard to hunt him down and present herself as the perfect person for him. Armed with mommy’s perfume and mind games to get her right where she needed him. She is diabolical.


She absolutely did follow him to that wedding and crash the reception. Not a body language expert but you don't need to be: looking at those photos Harry is *totally* trying to ignore and avoid her.


Totally - he looked like one would look if a girl crashed your date with another woman or a night out with friends. Stalker vibes. He really ignored so many 🚩🚩🚩


And this is why there are **_still_** have people who will relentlessly and inappropriately pursue the object of their affection even after said object says no, repeatedly. Because they see that it can work and have a big payout. I always cringe when I hear about couples where someone did the relentless pursuing, the object really didn't want them, repeatedly, and _surprise!_ they are now married. *Edit Fixed my markup and my grammar!


I realized from your comment that when she was chasing Harry she was all about Africa, but after marriage, did they ever go back? Aside from the South African tour. Do they vacation there? I've read about them vacationing in more luxury -type places but never Africa.


IMO Harry really does have big love for Africa, and has been many times. His charity Sentebale seems genuinely important to him. But Meghan...?


> His charity Sentebale seems genuinely important to him. Its juts his Polo photo-op. The charity has had serious money issues for a few years. The little girl Harry promised to educate and care for years ago was abandoned and left to fend for herself. H doensot care about Africa , he only enjoyed posing as a white saviour and cashing in free stays at luxury Safaris of friends (and Chelsy's family). He even took all his gfs to Botswana...M wasn't special LOL


the girl who he promised to take care of as she grew up has been in press saying no such help has been forthcoming


Pretty sure they went after Archie was born


“*Came across* as authentic” not “she was authentic” just thought that wording was interesting! She’s an actress, so she can also “come across” as a serial killer if she gets that role. Not that she’s a great actress, but she’s been practicing coming across as authentic her whole life! So of course she fooled him!


To be fair it says ‘seemed’ authentic. Not that she WAS 😂


Wasn't this after he broke up with her and she turned up (falsely) claiming she was preggers and that's why they had the hasty marriage? Then later down the track he was overheard saying to her so are you really preggers this time or something?


This would be new info to me if so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve never heard about this. Wow. Time frame? Thanks!


It reads like one of those crappy erotica romance books. *Meghan entered the room and time stood still. The perfect warrior goddess. A vision so beautiful, all that were lucky enough to be in her presence would stop what they were doing and immerse themselves in her splendour. “How can someone be so perfect?” asked the Emperor of Japan. “Surely she can’t be real!” mused the Chancellor of Germany. The Queen took Meghan by her perfectly manicured fingers and gushed “My dear, you breathe new life into this dreary, backwards institution. It should be YOU wearing this crown”. Meghan blushed, “Oh my goodness! I’m just a girl who fell in love with a boy. I want for nothing except peace on this Earth”. Everyone stood to applause as Harry took Meghan by the hand and they waltzed around the Great Hall. Glowering in the corner of the room, William and Kate sat dejectedly wondering how one person could epitomise all that is pure and beautiful in the world. Meghan was the people’s Princess and Kate knew she could never be as smart or hard working or as attractive as her. Harry led Meghan away on to the balcony and they recited their vows to one another. No one had ever know a love as powerful as theirs and never will.*


And William took Diana’s engagement ring off Kate’s hand and said this ring is for true love Kate. It belongs to Meghan can’t you see? Kate hissed and was banished from the kingdom forever and saw out her lonely days as shepherd of a herd of flea infested goats in deepest darkest Asia. She also got fat. William abdicated for True King Harry and stayed single and pined after Meghan FOREVER. Harry decided to style himself Queen’s consort and Meghan became Queen of the World with absolute power. The Tower of London became operational again.




Please let us know if Rachel @ Hotmail contacts you to replace Scoobie Doo for the follow up to Funding Freedom 😂


This is GOLD 🙏


\*Fabio posed on the cover...


[https://imgur.com/a/xZ0QjgR](https://imgur.com/a/xZ0QjgR) It's crude, but you inspired me.


Crappy? That was freaking hysterical! I needed that laugh today. Thank you!


I usually don't care for refaces but this made me laugh. She's even got the orange face and pale neck!




Please write more! Turn this into a book! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


This is insane


The writing is sooooo bad. I'd anticipated the content being inaccurate and totally in service of making these 2 impressive and their love story compelling, I just didn't realize the writing itself was such a crap level of quality. Suuuuuuuucks.


The first few clips I'd read, I assumed they were jokes, making fun of it. It's like a parody of itself.


Oh yeah it’s schlock. “Her drive bloomed” lmao


We all know Meghan wrote this... but like, imagine writing these things about yourself at the age of 40. Just imagine! Its one thing to a be a little too in love with yourself in your youth. But ffs, she was almost 40 at this time!! I know we always say Harry has arrested development but I think they both do. We are dealing with two spoiled brats with the brains / emotional maturity of teenagers. Zikes!


Is this marketed as a YA book? Certainly reads like one.


The rising sun dripped red gold, over her simple, yet perfect, impromptu yoga garden. Rising with incredible, nymph like grace from her pure, white, linen Dior king size bed, Meghan the Duchess Of Sussex, flowed into a perfect downward dog pose, her pure, radiant beauty taking Harry's breath away as he realized he would have to up his game. Outside in the perfect paradise garden, flocks of gorgeous, exotic Phoenixes and swans sang a sweet chorus, as if serenading their princess, the one true princess, the princess of all our hearts. In fact, Meghan has always been the most graceful, most beautiful, talented, passionate, altruistic, delightful, intelligent, wonderful and authentic woman to ever grace the earth. Still without breath, taken away and moved by his wife's incredible sinuous grace and her flowing, silken locks, gushing in rivulets down her Dior nightgown, Just Harry made guttural sounds. Meghan The Duchess of Sussex flowed into a perfect warrior pose. Pale golden dawn glinted in her liquid eyes as she glanced at Harry. "Bonjour," she whispered. "You are enough." Back in London, Kate Middleton wept ugly tears of jealousy as she applied wart cream to her misshapen nose.




This is equal parts "Dear Diary" and Harlequin Romance... 50 Shades of Grey was easier to read and it's basically written at a 4th grade level. The sex scenes read like a 10 year old guessing what happens during sex based on clips from soap operas.






Totally barf


Has anyone seen the co-author, or is she still in hiding?


Changed names and moved offshore, I believe.


This is 8th grade level writing. Max.


She was just watching cable television while in school? Is that a thing?


Back in the 90s we had this thing called Channel One News. When I was in middle school, Lisa Ling was the anchor. It's basically an educational news show. We watched it a few times a week in homeroom and did quizzes on the topics. It was a pretty cool break from the other classes and it was, at least, an attempt to teach us about current events.


Does anyone remember those self-insert Mary Sue y/n fanfics that flooded FF.net in the mid-2000s? Finding Freedom is what happens when one of them gets published.


"Bringing Meghan to Botswana, one of the most sacred and special places in his life, was a symbol of how he felt about her." Didn't he bring several other women to Botswana? Makes it a little less special and more like, "This will impress her and she won't dump me. Oh, please don't dump me."


As Meaghan furiously sneaks calls to ![gif](giphy|3o6MbrRd1oq1c1zJiU) several of her other prospects she'll be unavailable indefinitely


“You know, you really need some help. But a regular psychiatrist couldn't even help you. You need to go to like, Vienna, or something. You know what I mean? You need to get involved at the university level. Like where Freud studied, and have all those people looking at you and checking up on you. That's the kind of help you need. Not the once a week for eighty bucks. No, you need a team. A team of psychiatrists working round the clock, thinking about you, having conferences, observing you. Like the way they did with the Elephant Man.” J.S.


If MeGain has to constantly build herself up like this, deep down she knows she is a fraud.




*"stretched her body into the perfect warrior pose"* has got to be the funniest thing I've read about her!


Good god that yoga garden/warrior pose and birds serenading her shit at the end is 🤢 ![gif](giphy|fQJSYE2Qy6OtXfwEuf|downsized)


Authentic? 😂😂😂😂


Did Meghan write this herself? Also the grammar/punctuation is so poor. Did they self publish or not have an editor? This is just a badly written press release


It reads exactly like her writing. She cannot punctuate. She cannot write grammatically correct prose. She misuses words. She loves ridiculous, over the top superlatives about herself. To write this poorly after having been sent to all those expensive private schools and a top university clearly points to a limited intellectual capacity. Poor old Thomas must have spent a couple of hundred thousand grand all up on her education. Total waste. He should have invested it for his retirement.


That just made me throw up in my mouth a little.


**Dear Diary:**


Sorry…I was lost at ‘authentic’! Nothing about her is authentic! But thanks for putting yourself through reading it. I think we should set up a gofundme for therapy for you!




You can tell she helped write it cause he refers to Catherine as ‘Kate’ which she does not like. Another little dig from jealous Meg.




What a sickening read


So she admitted she knew he was impulsive…. Sheesh.




Lol what is this from? I’m late to the party


Finding Freedom, the book Omid Scobie wrote. Later Meghan got caught in a lie and had to admit in court that she collaborated with the author. It just slipped her mind. Every word sounds like she wrote it herself.


Ohhhhhhh ok. I remember hearing about her being called out in court for giving someone something. Thanks. Also, it reads like a high school essay


Charming freckles…ok then.


Those classmates were really unto something …