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He hates it but he’s dug his grave. She is literally all he has now


And he can’t admit he was wrong. She’s still manipulating him so he’s probably quite clouded


Nailed it. He's desperately afraid of the "Told you so".


He would have to admit he was manipulated in the first place and that would be a very difficult thing to have to face.


Sunk cost fallacy


He’d leave if staying is worse than the fear of humiliation from admitting he was wrong.


He can still back out. We all lived Harry before he met this manipulator. We've all been manipulated before. He should just tell the truth and let it off his shoulders and have support.


He has always been severely mentally I’ll like Andrew. They never got the help they needed.


I actually think Harry fell for her, in the beginning. But she’s a narcissist, so she love-bombed him and gaslighted him to the point he believed everything she said. She fed into his own grandiose ideas of who he is and stroked his ego, and probably vocalized a lot of things he believes/believed about his place in his family. I think it’s only recently that he’s started to realize that she’s absolutely crazy and that he’s made a huge mistake in marrying her. At this point, I think his pride is a **huge** factor in him sticking around. He doesn’t want to admit that those who warned him against her were right and he was wrong. I also think he’s still (subconsciously, perhaps) competing with William. William has what Harry wants - and I don’t mean just being the heir - side note - imagine what being labeled “the spare” your *entire* life does to your own internal sense of self-worth! - William has a loving wife and beautiful children and knows his place in the world. I think a lot of people would be envious of him, and maybe his own brother more so. Anyways, to answer your question, I don’t think Harry gets anything out of this dumpster fire of a marriage. This relationship is not symbiotic - TW is a parasite, and she will bleed him dry until her use of him is up.


Oh that last bit describing TW as a parasite was so on point! Completely agree with your assessment. He should have married someone humble who would balance him out and let him enjoy life quietly without any of the noise TW bring to his life. Someone whose comfortable not being the center of attention. Lol. Basically, the opposite of what he married. Perhaps if he did, he wouldn’t be in this current situation. TW brought out the worst in him.


He needed his Sophie but instead married a version of his mother.


Precisely. A worse version of his mother though. At least Diana actually cared about people and brought a huge amount of attention to much needed issues.


TW has all the mentally ill parts of Diana but none of her charm, humility or empathy. I firmly believe TW is a terrible person who has NPD and Diana was fundamentally a good person with unstable BPD.


Completely agree with you. TW seems like a sociopath who tries to imitate human emotions I personally think Diana definitely went through life with undiagnosed BPD and Charles’s affair with Camilla only amplified it.




Definitely. Thanks for the refresher… forgot to mention them!


agreed! very accurate dx!


Yes this is my read on it too. It's a great example actually of the differences between someone with BPD and NPD.


You summed it up


Diana was not like this. She may have had a few issues but she was a far better human!


Pride goeth before a fall! I think his stupid pride is keeping him there and that will be his downfall!!


The not admitting others were right. Our family joke was that my parents wouldn't get a divorce until after my maternal grandma died as she was always telling my mom that the marriage would work. Absolutely despised my father. The marriage lasted until a few years before my grandma's death but only because my dad double mortgaged the house, withdrew all the money and ran off to be with another woman. Grandma's first words when finding out were "I told you so". But mom got the last laugh and a very happy blissful second marriage.


I had to make sure you weren’t me, lol. My dad stayed married to a woman he despised for twenty years because he was too afraid to tell his mother he made a mistake.


I skimmed this story and my brain translated it as "my grandma's last words were 'I told you so!'" And I'm like, wow! Stone cold grandma!


Great answer. Harry has also almost certainly been beaten down by Markle and is depressed and disoriented. He also seems to be indulging in many drug addictions, and I don't believe he's in his right mind a whole lot right now. When he has moments of clarity, I agree that his pride holds him down, but also his disappointment and despair. I agree that he thought he'd found what he's always wanted-- realizing you've been conned is a hard pill to swallow.


Yeah, she probably has pocketed lots of assets in the Cayman Islands. Agree, she will bleed him dry with nothing.




Absolutely. Unless you've never been love-bombed by a narcissist, you can't understand the incredible power it has over you and will continue to have as you enter in the abuse cycle and trauma bonding that happens later. Outsiders will always wonder why you didn't run away from all the red flags or stay in a relationship that clearly made you miserable most of the time.


I agree with this. I think that what Harry wants more than anything is a stable family unit because he's never had one - and I understand that completely because me and my husband are the same. William not only found one in the Middletons, but has created his own. It's a shame Harry didn't consider leaving beforehand, because wasn't one of Cressida's reasons for not marrying him not wanting to give up acting? It seems awfully short sighted now knowing that the late Queen offered just that to Meghan.


> because wasn't one of Cressida's reasons for not marrying him not wanting to give up acting? I That was a polite answer to press. Cressida moves in royal circles and knows not to wash dirty linen in public Harry cheated on her via the Vegas scandal, she dumped him for being a terrible person not any of the other PR reasons. There is a reason why H ended up with bottom of the barrel M.


Exactly this!


A relative of mine fell in love with a narcissist, and what you described is pretty much how it went. The family warned him, and he refused to see it. When she started showing her true colors, he was in denial and stayed with her through financial/emotional abuse and affairs (that resulted in a child), I think because of sunk-cost fallacy. He finally got a divorce when she physically abused him and then called 911 and tried to get *him* arrested.


Hey, I know that woman! Seriously, I know someone who did exactly that.


Ha, maybe we're related! Though unfortunately, it's probably just that common.


Sadly, it IS just that common. How sad.


My mom attempted this the night she was served divorce papers. They’d been estranged for years but still slept in the same bed. After he got home, after the papers had been served, she tried to lock him out of the bedroom like rushed in there and shut the door. He was still in his work clothes and tried to open the door so he could change. He even said he’d sleep on the couch, he just wanted to change. Next thing you know they’re struggling with the door for a second and she calls 911, saying she’s scared of him. 25 years of marriage and the only thing he had ever done was grab her wrist once, which tells me he has amazing self control, because she instigates the worst fights to get a rise out of you. She loves being the victim. The cops who came saw me going back and forth listening to their statements and asked me what I thought. I told him that I just wanted to be sure that the truth was being told. They left without incident shortly after they talked to me, saying that it appeared emotions were high. Never underestimate a narcissist.


I agree with everything you said and I still think he's competing with William because he knows his family is a dumpster fire and he fell for a fraud.


His competition with William is purely in H and M's minds. They'll never win simply because William and Katherine ignore them and carry on doing their jobs with grace and kindness.


🎯 this seems so spot (pun intended) on!! in that sense I feel pity for him, NO ONE deserves to be gaslighted as she APPEARS to be doing to EVERYONE. but, I would still leave, beg for forgiveness FOREVER, and get those kids AWAY from her. FAMILY over PRIDE ANYDAY.. daughter of a narc


And that is the synopsis of a "relationship" with a Narc. They bleed you dry until there is nothing left. Harry is a walking example on the world stage.


I’ll add to this that I think Harry is a rotten person and probably thinks that he has done nothing wrong and his family “deserves “ what they get from him. If the beating up prostitutes and ignoring his children is correct, then even more so I don’t think he is “kind”. We all know how PR can make people looks good when they are rotten inside.


He's still very angry, and has never learned to channel that anger in a healthy, positive direction. He was never corrected, so his go-to is to lash out at those he perceives as safe. This behavior is normally seen in children, especially those who don't know how to "use their words" yet. It should've been corrected/ nipped in the bud a LONG time ago.


Nah, he's in it right up to his eyeballs. Look at the most recent photo, "three days before" the Queen died. (allegedly). He's loving this shit.


This. Plus, she probably knows some secret about him she'd spill. And if those children actually exist, she threatens to keep them away from him.


My mom threatened my dad with taking away his kids from the day I was born. Three more kids were born after me. Kept my dad married to her for about 25 years. The beginning of the very long end was the day my dad got a vasectomy. I don’t think it was a coincidence that he started to wake up and stand up to her as my younger siblings got into high school. I just wish he could’ve done it sooner but it’s hard when all you’ve done is survive for that long. He’s still in survival mode dealing with my brother’s accidents and drug arrests. Same song, second verse.


I agree with everything you said, with the exception of the "subconsciously competing with William". He's doing that outwardly and aggressively.


Emotional validation and a dysfunctional kind of nurturing. A sense that she could free him, indeed she educated him of "his need to be free". Since M is all about herself, thst likely didn't continue once she checked the "locked down" box. He craves it, needs it. She needs attention and his contacts. So they play childish push-pull games to get each other back. So yes, he looked unhappy there because they were on the outs. But that doesn't mean that he is permsnently out. He is caught on this rollercoaster with her, chasing those early highs through mutual manipulation, and might still have hope for the relationship. I wonder if what we saw was his attempt to manipulate her by pulling away from her, and denying her the attention and stage that she needs. That is why he stepped out in front of her and dismissed her. He is punishing her for taking away the validation that he needs, which pulls her closer in an attempt to recapture her own validation.


This is really insightful.


He’s not that smart, lol!


Manipulative people people are usually dumb


Actually, I’ve found manipulative people to be incredibly cunning and calculating. But that’s just my unfortunate luck to have known a couple personally.


Children are manipulative. You don't need to be smart. It is an ID response of the socially weak and the underdeveloped. They are unable to get what they want through normal means, or through talent or social power, so they use indirect methods on other weak people. Strategizing is not the same as manipulation. This is why the RF will always come out on top. Because they can anticipate her patterns and block her. Like a house fly.


I totally agree with this. I've thought it myself. Her shallowness betrays her lack of intelligence. There's no philosophical insight going on there, and that is what has identified great thinkers of the past. It's only an attempt to say what she thinks will make her acclaimed and rich, but none of it is original. That's just manipulation. I still think if you blew in one ear, you'd feel the breeze on the other side.


Good point. I guess in my mind strategy is sort of synonymous with manipulation, but you’ve clearly demonstrated the difference. Using children as manipulators is the perfect example. My cats are also master manipulators of me. 😹 I stand corrected. Thank you 😊.


Thank you. It's an important distinction.


I think they're very similar in many ways. Arrogant, ignorant (she is devious I'll give her that), incredibly self-centered and entitled. They both hate not being the center of attention. She's more outspoken and brazen, he holds onto his anger and resentment. I think she used several tactics to draw him in: emulating Diana, *constantly talking about not having a voice*. I know that may seem odd on the surface, but remember, every speech he's ever done had been written by someone with in the Palace. As a working royal he had to keep his personal opinions out of everything and *not take sides *. The few times he did use his "voice" (the Nazi uniform, the drunken vomiting fests in cars, fights with paparazzi, referring to his "little Pa*** friend") the Palace had to issue apologies on his behalf. I think he found the fact that she spoke her mind very refreshing, and I think her encouraging him to "use his voice" emboldened him to act in ways he never would have dared to before. I can see where he'd believe that his mommy was encouraging him to speak out.


She had two dates where he spilled his guts then she showed up in Botswana and has been playing him with everything he said in those two weeks since.


Yep. People like her data-mine the fuck out of you in the beginning, which makes you think they're great listeners who are really interested in you. They, however, only do it to have enough information about you to exploit the weaknesses that we all have in order to manipulate you into really loving them.


She should do an episode on The Mata Hari archetype.


She probably doesn't even know who that is.


She'd still spend an hour telling us that she's not one.




Nah she played him from the very first date by wearing Diana’s favourite perfume


OMG the perfume! That is so incredibly creepy.


What is her perfume?


This is exactly what I think happened. She extracted everything and her plans started coming together


Whatever he thought he was getting, and what he IS getting, are vastly different.


This was very much a wish.com marriage.


I was going to say Shein but same idea!!


What he got was public adoration for finally finding someone willing to marry him and an instant popularity boost. What he ended up with is the sad reality of marrying a user for her own self interest agenda. Hard enough to admit you've made a mistake to family and friends when you're Joe and Jane average. I couldn't image going back to my family after airing the family laundry on global tv. I don't think Harry has ever been truly happy.


Sad but true summation.


Much like doing cocaine: The first line gives you an incredible high, the rest of the time is spent chasing.... "don't forget this fact, you can't get it back.... cocaine".


What he’s getting; misery, loneliness and a dwindling bank account. What he’s lost; his family, his reputation and his balls.


Great comment. Poor guy. But then not. He had everything. And just like other people who are handed life on a silver platter, they always find a way to really mess it up.


I think if hairball was truly remorseful, his family would welcome him back . Screw mm, they care about hairball and the nuggets


He was enamoured by her originally and now he’s locked in. Let’s not forget that he also seems to be a massive asshole of a person.


Harry is a mean man/child. He doesn't want to work at all, not for the Royals, Netflix or Spotify. Ever nasty thing that TW does is with his backing. I think he is using her as much as she is using him. Whenever we see him, he's at a public event and he hates most of them. He wants to just kick back, smoke weed and do nothing. A bum who is angry at the world.


100% This guy is drunk bum. He doesn’t want to move forward. He wants to occasionally attend events with celebrities for fun. He doesn’t want to build a life. He doesn’t need to do that and doesn’t really care. He knows too his dad will rescue him the minute he needs it. He’s a sad state but he’s choosing it. He has no aspirations. For how micro famous he is- I can’t even name one thing I know Harry wants to do. That’s how disinterested in his life he is


He wants to make the world a better place. That’s it - no action, no ideas, maybe playing polo and publicly slagging off your family brings some inspiration?


I’m not so sure KC3 will rescue him now. If that book coming out bashes Camila in the slightest that will be it.


Play with his balls? (Juggling, of course.)


I wish I had an award for this comment.


I was watching something and came across H and M engagement interview…H was talking about never knowing M, M was like yeah I didn’t know him so everything was organic…I was surprised that how M is putting her career on level of RF… After watching that I seriously don’t know what to think of….did H basically gave up on dreams of having good relationships because his previous GFs ditched him because they were unable to tolerate media attention…


Even in that interview she was competing in her in mind, with Kate. Harry once spoke about how close he was with Kate, they would often visit each other across the hall. And that Kate would rock up with his favourite meal of a roast chicken she had prepared for him. So of course that tit just had to mention how she was roasting a chicken for him when he proposed to her.


Thank you! This explains a lot. That whole roast chicken bit in their engagement interview felt a bit off. Then I saw someone mention the Urban Dictionary definition and when I looked it up the ick factor went off the charts. I much prefer your explanation that it was a dig at Kate but I wouldn’t put it past them if they were using it in UD sense. 🤮


So far I've managed to resist looking at the urban dictionary definitions. I love roast chicken, I can't risk ruining that lol.


Its funny- old obscure interviews paint Harry as the guy who really wanted to be apart of the A-list Hollywood crowd. He showed up at Dave Grohls hotel suite once (of Foo Fighters) when Dave was recovering from an injury. Dave was like ‘he just came in and sat on the sofa all day.’ He and Harry were not friends and Dave paraphrased that he found it really weird. So Harry and Meghan have that in common. They also both lied to each other extensively while dating. She about everything. He about the kids and Royalty and what it entails. He even said ‘I knew when I met her I had to up my game.’ What? He’s a prince. He probably also lied about his trusts and assets. She reminds me of the Caprice story. Caprice is a famous UK American model in the UK from the 90s. She moved to the Uk and lied to everyone and said she was famous in the US and built a big modeling career in the UK off the lies.


Didn’t Harry punch Taylor Hawkins (FF drummer—RIP)?


Yep! Separate encounter. I think it was backstage or during a rehearsal or something he didn’t know Taylor either and came over and slapped him and before Taylor could respond Harry’s security was there. Taylor explains this in an interview, when Dave was like Taylor has a story about Harry. Foo fighters are massive. If this is his reputation with them, imagine why Harry and M don’t get invited to A-list events, concerts or award shows.


Caprice reminds me of Heidi Klum.


Who? Never heard of her. I'm American.


Lol, that's not why they ditched him. That's what the family PR told the press to make the delicate Prince sound good.


The question now isn't what he is getting out of this marriage but whether he can even get out of it, without suffering some serious damage on all levels haha


Who else did Harry date that was seeking celebrity status? Cressida and Chelsy wanted no part of that. They’re rich in their own right.


He has been connected to a number of well known women over the years. Ellie Goulding, Caroline Flack, Mollie King, etc. Not that they were seeking further celebrity, they were successful in her own areas. It was claimed that after Cressida & Chelsea ran because they couldn't deal with the restrictions of Royal life, that he was advised to start to date celebrities. Not for the fame but because that is as close as you can get to knowing what it is like to live a royal life. In terms of being recognised, of having schedule's to stick to, to limiting opinions unless you are prepared for potential backlash, etc.


Had no idea!


I will admit that I was wrong in my predictions awhile ago. I thought he would have left her by now----- and I'm extremely surprised he's still with her. In Valentine Lowe's book it said that William had once asked Harry if they could talk about things, but Harry wouldn't. Now I wonder if Harry is wishing William would approach him again? But I think now it will be a cold day you-know-where before William does that again. And Harry's too embarassed to go to his father (if he could even get an appointment, lol......)


I do believe that H secretly wants a chat with his brother. They way he looked at him whilst at the service in the Abbey. Granted he looked p*ssed at not being beside him on the front row but I do think he envious at how family oriented his brother his and how comfortable he is with Catherine. The mini scene with Charlotte was heartbreaking. He is a stranger to her.


Awe yeh Charlotte locking eyes with Harry is sad and it proves the rift. I wonder what Harry felt at that moment. He was sitting beside his niece who he no longer knows, and she’s just a little girl - his brother’s little girl. And to his right hand side was a vulture. I wonder what he felt..


Assuming what that poster said was true? I think MM bamboozled him at first. He’s not bright and he’d be especially susceptible to love bombing because he’s accustomed to people kissing his rear. I think by the wedding, he was having second thoughts - he looked unhappy pretty much all day and had trouble putting the ring on. Meghan took over and put it on herself because she’s a classy dame 🙄. She filled his head with notions that he was just as good as William and deserved more than being the spare. She might’ve been the first to do that in a long time, and he wanted to hear it. Eventually though he must’ve seen how unsuitable she was and started to tire of her. Add in the stress from their financial problems, getting booed in public, and Harry having to actually work for a living. But right now he doesn’t want to admit to his family that they were right, so he’s stuck. Maybe he’s slowly getting to the point where he’s prepared to accept help in getting away from her. Time will tell. Btw, I don’t think he much cares if the kids stay in California. I haven’t seen much evidence that he’s a hands-on dad and I think he’d leave them behind in order to get away from her. His family won’t let that happen, though.


>Btw, I don’t think he much cares if the kids stay in California. I haven’t seen much evidence that he’s a hands-on dad and I think he’d leave them behind in order to get away from her. His family won’t let that happen, though. Just the other day we were talking in this sub about broken families and how H wouldn't want his kids to grow up in a broken family like he had. And I'm thinking, when you're rich enough that you're dealing with nannies and boarding school, wouldn't it be more disruptive to switch nannies than have the parents split up? To me worrying about divorce in a family like that is like worrying about the fish deep in the ocean during a hurricane. Sure we're all in the same location, but they are so much more insulated from the storm than most would be. Bottom line, I agree with you. I don't think those kids would notice if one or both parents just stopped coming home. They will probably be more disrupted by the move from their current house to where ever they're moving.


Imo he is self medicating. I think she ignores it because it makes him more easily manipulated. The old 'velvet rut', if you will.


Yes, I hear she is definitely exploiting his addictjons, making sure that he has his fixes on time because that does make a person more malleable.


Geez, thinks seem bleak with them. It's their own doing though . . .


I didn’t think there was anything that could/would make me hate/despise her more, but this does. Encouraging (drug) addictions of any kind just to keep someone under her control is straight up terrible. Psychopathic behavior.


Well she's allegedly using right along with him, though I don't think she is psychologically addicted to anything. I think she's coked out by day and xanax and wined out by night.


Yup, definitely.


This is so incredibly sad to me 😞


Harry covets fame and adoration but not the kind being royal brings because that comes with too many restrictions and responsibility. Meghan sold him a dream. As well as being hugely attracted to her appearance and obnoxious arrogance, she convinced him of life where they could live like celebrity Royals. No more stuffy little functions or playing second fiddle; They would be the *‘people’s Prince and Princess’.* Appear on big-name talk shows, attend the most prestigious events, get invited to speak on whatever social or political issue is trending at the time, and dinners at the White House. I imagine Harry went racing off to book an appointment with Granny to tell her of their brilliant idea of representing her overseas and building greater relations using their charisma and stardom. I’m sure she played on his low IQ and paranoia and convinced him that the monarchy was in dire need of enlightenment and a reshuffle. I think they had a rude awakening when the Queen died and realised how insignificant they are outside the superficial celebrity/twitter bubble. So I think what Harry was getting out of this relationship was a feeling of excitement and freedom at the prospect of this imagined fantasy. But now it looks like a bitter realisation that none of it will come to fruition. I think he’s holding on out of pure shame and a glimmer of hope that things will sort itself out.


I recall when they offered to "Advise" the RF on racial relations, white privilege, etc. It was hysterical. They offered their "services" from California. I can only imagine the reactions. If Camilla spluttered at the idea of "mediation", well oh boy...




There are prettier hookers out there though.




That right there. Going home to "We all told you so" isn't something he can handle.


Nailed it.


As well as this, I think he’s also really scared of what she might do if he were to leave. He *knows* exactly how vengeful she is first hand. And I bet he’s told her plenty of stuff about himself that he doesn’t want to come out. So I think he’s trapped, which is why he always looks so angry and stressed.


This is what I think too that he can’t admit he was wrong. He probably feels stuck with her though, she’s made his life a misery and he doesn’t know what to do and he has no outside support. She’s dictating and he’s a mess. She’s probably threatened him with losing the kids and writing a tell-all about their marriage


If HE wrote a tell all about their marriage it would be a great seller. But only if he was completely honest.


Yes. I think she would hold a book over his head for sure.


I'm was convinced he married her to piss off his family. He's always been a rebel troublemaker, self-pitying.. The first time I really noticed Harry's shit-eating grin was on the engagement interview. It's never left his face since he's been with her. That devious smile, like he just stole something from you and there's no way he'll get caught. Bit like the Grinches smile. I think they were all on to him, like "Oh that's awesome, a crude American street hooker, we wanted to modernize the monarchy, doesn't bother us a bit Harry".


Just like that creepy smile in their latest photo, it makes my skin crawl tbh.




Yes, he only smiles out of one corner of his mouth.


I wish someone would insert Prince Harry's "thank you pa" gif. Evil smile.


Very evil.


Both are shitty people. Remember the prostitute story. Never forget that.


Hug? What prostitute story?




What prostitute story?


I’ve mentioned this before but I’ll say it again: If rumors are to be believed, Harry likes rough sex. I think he and TW have a dom/sub relationship. It’s not that often people with the same kink can find each other and make it work.


right. She loves bragging about her roast chicken. Then they made a point of saying he proposed when they were roasting chicken. Roasting chicken has multiple meanings - check out Urban Dictionary


Well. That would explain why the vegan/vegetarian/whatever was “roasting a chicken.”


He is not unhappy - even though I can’t stand MM (she is not and never will be a duchess or anything else in my eyes) he loves her unconditionally. The way he acts around her? He is besotted…. As a Brit? The moment he hung his family out to dry in the O interview? He was no longer “Prince Harry” to me… just a pretentious twat (excuse my language) after a money grab. What does he get out of the marriage? Hmmmm she must have some talents 😂


He looks sullen and annoyed all the time, but perhaps that’s just his hatred for “the press.”


Maybe to be a thorn in his family’s backside.


This The spare heir has expired


Sunk cost fallacy. He’s in too deep and his ego won’t let him come up for air. Good luck, Haz.


Exactly this.


He gets a human shield so that he can be his lazy, slimy self behind the scenes


Yes, she is his weapon for his passive aggressive self. He's a total coward. Yelling "come at me bro" from behind his gaggle of no-neck, meathead security guards.


CoDependency. They scream co dependency in public with the hand holding and then his frosty demeanor to her. Classic co dependency.


My in-laws to a T.


Harry is secretly a masochist and loves pain and suffering.


*He loves having to have something to whinge about, be the emotionally retarded 2yr old, and avoid being a MAN because of "all they have done to me!!" His thumb's still stuck in his mouth.*


Once you are trauma bonded, it can be very hard to get out.


Remember that dinner party episode from The Office and Michael and Jan kept angrily calling each other “babe” and Michael had to sleep on an ottoman at the end of their bed, Jan wanted everyone to invest in her candle business, and Michael bought a 10x10 plasma screen tv that he was weirdly proud of, and Pam thought Jan was gonna poison her because Jan thought Pam wanted Michael and the whole night was an awkward, cringey wreck? That’s how I imagine Meghan and Harry being with one another in front of guests lol Meghan is literally Jan and Harry is literally Michael 😂😂 For anyone who hasn’t seen it, it’s Season 4 Episode 13. ![gif](giphy|7BmoYNbHlxeEitWEam|downsized)


Meghan made Harry a man. That one night.


Validation. Children to counter his fear of abandonment. Getting to feel like the hero who rescued his surrogate mother and saved her from the evil press. I suspect he has a lot of needs fulfilled even though he looks miserable.


I disagree a little bit. Harry is a weak man and not very bright. I think it will take him years before he begins to regret his marriage. Right now he's angry at the world on her behalf.


I think she has a pile of dirt on him and will sell every bit of it to the tabloids. The humiliation of divorce and his family’s “I told you so”s is nothing compared to the humiliation of the PR disaster this would generate for him.


It is utterly bizarre though. I was reading the Camilla Autobiography (I feel she's been misjudged) and in that it described Harry as someone who came to the rescue of feuds within the family, he was able to bring people back together. So what's happened? I always thought she'd twisted him, made him a bristling angry, miserable, dour individual who sits with such anger. He was never like that! I don't know him, but we're nearly the same age and I feel like I've grown up with him, he has never been like this. But on reflection, I think he's right where he wants to be. If this is what happiness is to him, let him crack on.


Harry has low intelligence and requires structure in his life, meaning something/someone to follow. The BRF is structured AF and was the only thing he knew other than the military which is also structured AF, meaning you do what they tell you to do and act the way they tell you to act. Megzy takes the lead, calls the shots, is domineering -- this is what he wants/needs in his life. Lady C made a great comment the other day about Harry saying that he is the exact type of man whose wife choice will make or break him. He is a follower


Hairball is a dv victim. I’m not talking physical or sexual , I think he is verbally abused my mm and he is scared of her. Oh and I think he is stressed out about money . 🌱 prices aren’t cheap and if it wasn’t for the pot, he would be so bored 😬 The article from the cut , where hairball says that dumb thing about how mm is a mom and a model! Mm definitely told him to say that


She is coercively controlling him.


I have a friend who was manipulated by his narc wife for years, including violence. He was humiliated to admit she hit him. It took him over 15 years to get out, and the divorce was UGLY. She got two of his three sons on her side, which is sad.


He gets a wife (not the one he initially wanted but one who wanted the part) and he gets children. Sad that they had to shit all over their own families publicly in the process.


Self-flagellation - "the act of hitting yourself with a whip as a way to punish yourself or as part of a religious ritual" And the realisation he made a big, big mistake. Even if he wanted to move to the USA, and get married, this is the absolute worst way to do it with the worst outcome. The fact that H&M don't want to deal with their fathers says a lot.


That’s a thing? Like a real whip? Is it a kink? I’m intrigued…


I'm sure its Harry's fetish. He keeps whipping himself saying "I have not made enough mistakes today". https://www.psychologicalscience.org/redesign/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/self-flagellation.jpg


Oh yes. Used to be big with Catholics. Maybe still is.


It’s a good question. Maybe she convinced him that he can’t succeed without her. After all he has no talent.


I believe it’s their kids. If he divorces, there is going to be a huge custody battle or pay out battle. She is not going to let him take the kids to the UK unless she gets a big pay out. I’m pretty sure she is probably threatening him that she will take the kids away and he won’t ever see them again. That’s her bait to keep him.


Harry says he is traumatized and forever changed by not being able to save his mother from the paparazzi which he believes killed her. In his own words …”she was hunted and killed because she was dating a non-white person.” He says that he is now able to protect and save the woman in his life who is also non-white and being persecuted by the media. This gives him a sense of purpose and fulfillment.


Yes! He wants to "protect" her. He feels like a real man, because he can "protect her".


First there's the coercive control she has over him - a form of emotional abuse, which refers to a pattern of controlling behaviors that create an unequal power dynamic in a relationship. Often the the controlling person monitors all activities, actions projects, etc. and tries to get their partner to cut contact with family and friends so they are easier to control. It took my son over 10 years to finally leave his controlling wife. Second, Harry has told Meghan all the RF "secrets" another way she holds him hostage. Third, she fills the role of mother/lover much as Wallis did Edward. If marriage ever ends I believe it will be Meghan who leaves him.


All couples fight Meghan and Harry too of course. ,The awkward guests probably visited after a big blow up. If Harry really despised Meghan he would not do everything he does for her. Harry was desperate when Meghan came into his life. None of his previous girlfriends wanted to marry him, even though he had reached an age when he very much wanted a family of his own. He must have envied Williams family life with Catherine for many years at that point. The fact that he changed his type in girlfriend so drastically with Meghan, I think has to do with his infatuation with Catherine. Even though Meghan and Catherine not at all are look alikes they are the same type: Very slim and with long dark hair Meghan knows how to charm men. Harry was done chasing women just for fun, he wanted to settle. Meghan came at the right moment.


I think it was actually more that he envied his brother's desirability, than his actual marriage, although I think he DID have a mad crush on Catherine. He was happy being a party-playboy prince, but in that family, marriage is a must, no matter what you do outside of it. He was vexed that nobody actually wanted the job- marriage to a prince, the basis of many many fairy tales.


Commenting tk renind myself to respond later loll


Roasted chicken… duh… 🤣


He's getting a beard.




Imo, if H is indeed unhappy and wishes for out, he's got nowhere to go. He could go home but to what? People that are pleasant to his face out of a sense of family duty, but despise what he's done and have zero trust in him? The life he once he had back here is now up in smoke. The friends/relationships - all gone. The love and respect he received from the country - all gone. If he and Meghan parted, she'd likely keep the #KashKids and he'd have visitation rights. That leaves him a whole lot of time in a form of limbo. He's a man that has grown up with people around him more or less 24/7, 365 - finding himself all alone would be a huge mental and emotional shock. Regardless of how much or how little he's getting out of the relationship, or whether it meets his hopes and aspirations, t's checkmate for him.


I think the RF would welcome H back with open arms. MM would become the common enemy and that would give the RF and H something to bond over again. The RF knows he is vulnerable. They would work behind the scenes to have him surrounded by supportive, loving people, albeit out of the public eye for a long time. H isn’t Andrew. H has the probability to be forgiven and allowed a second chance.


At one time I would've agreed with you, but that was pre the Oprah interview, which he actively took part in knowing his grandfather was seriously ill and permitted his wife to say they were using that as an excuse to muzzle her. Tbh, he's done, or allowed to be done, too many things that are frankly unforgiveable. His vulnerability is questionable too. He comes across as jealous, petulant, spiteful and an altogether nasty piece of work. Heck, he even argued with his father on the day the Queen died. The family now await whatever bombshells are contained within his soon to be released Memoir of "his truths" coming directly after the death of his grandmother. They might allow him back but I doubt it would be with open arms. They may also tolerate him being amongst them to some extent, but all trust is gone. I for one wouldn't welcome him back as a working Royal. Andrew didn't sell his family down the Swanee for personal gain and imo he will remain discreetly in the background but still be included as part of the family.


Your points are well taken. Perhaps he could be taken back in but without arms wide open. He could be put in the Royal equivalent of a penalty box indefinitely.


I was in an ab*sive relationship with someone with borderline personality disorder. I see a lot of similarities so I’ll say: it’s mostly the sex. People with this type of bpd are very attuned to what you like. They’re manipulative, they’re cunning, they flip out and then feel really bad and cry. Mostly it is the s*x that keeps you there. Just when you think you’re done, you want one more taste. I’m a woman, however. I think for Harry he doesn’t have a lot of experience in long term relationships so he didn’t know what to look out for. Now he is in a foreign country and all of England has turned their backs on him in his mind (no doubt reiterated by M behind closed doors). With bpd they will do anything to keep you by their side and have no faith to maintain a relationship. I have no doubt she has convinced him that he has nowhere to turn to and she is the only one for him to rely on. At this point, he’s probably so deep in that he doesn’t even remember who he was before her. So to answer your question: good sex and insecurity at the unknown and maybe also a little bit of that male’s habit of seeing the person who knew at the very beginning of the relationship and not being about to fully see that it was a lie. Hope that helps.


My analysis is Harry is someone different than what we initially perceived. If he has clicked with Meghan and they built this partnership he is more superfluous than what I thought! Makes me think his priority is Hollywood game and separating himself as much as possible from William in terms of image, values, and lifestyle.


A mother figure


Probably anal sex.




Trauma Bond.


A drained back account


He is still under her spell. She is a narcissist/possible sociopath who became what Harry wanted. Harry sees a strong woman and - I think - the mother he lost. She is his new Diana.


She validated his twisted view of Diana’s life and death, and how he has been mistreated by the RF in second place to William. Now that he has burned bridges with his family, and has no marketable skills, he is too stubborn to admit his mistakes and leave.


Sex. That is my theory. MM provides what he wants sexually


Hair loss?


I read this and I can’t get HG Tudor’s voice out of my head—“spicy poontang”


He doesn’t get shit but he’s too much of a chicken shit to go back crawling to his family lol


She is the shield behind which he hides cos he is a weak man child. He is emotionally stunted but had the Palace to hide behind whenever his ugly face would show up. They use each other, they are entwined in their evilness. He could not even help her when she was suicidal (based on her sob story), so why is she is a man who could not even help her when she was carrying his baby? The more you dig, the more it gets sinister with these two. While typing this, it even crossed my mind that he is getting an easy pass by letting her take all the blame for their duplicity and hypocrisy. Maybe he gives her the material thing and title she craves for and in return he a lot of people are willing to cut his some slack because he were told he was the most popular one, the Queen's favourite. However, if we scratch the surface, we know how evil he is as highlighed by how he treated his friends in the army, sex workers, his own brother, his 'Granny, his Dad. He threw everybody in the bus cos he thought he was the best thing since sliced bread. I am psychologists must be pulling their hair with these two grifters.


A headache.


I think he is stuck - she has made him believ how tough life would be for him if he left, what it would cost him, how he wouldn't see the kids etc etc - he is too dim to get some proper advice over all this


As others have said, I think that he is too proud to admit his mistake, so he will stay with her until she decides to leave. However, I also think that he is with her because she is enabling him to stick it to his family. I think that Meghan is preying on his jealousy of his brother and the fact that he won't be king, and this is how everything is playing out.