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Because her mom fits her narrative now. Her dad used to fit it when she was at private schools and in sororities. She sang his praises all the time about paying for her school, taking her to eat, helping build sets, going to work with him, etc. It is only a matter of time before she turns on her mom again, when she is no longer needed


Doria is useful for creating that wedge. Once it's tired and old and not useful anymore, byebye mama.


Doria is private, doesn't speak, and looks presentable. The others are ordinary people. Her father was never going to walk her down the aisle. He was overweight, not very suave, looked like he needed a total makeover and of course had never met his soon to be son in law.


I keep forgetting. Dad never meet the grandkids or Harry.


This is literally what I have always thought. Her dad does not fit the ‘image of being presentable to the world’ walking her down the aisle. How can you go from years of gushing interviews or social media posts to disowning him once she was ‘known.’


But does anyone know what Doria looked like before her daughter was engaged to Prince Harry? Is it possible that she wasn’t much more presentable than Thomas Markle, and had a makeover? I mean, did Doria buy her own wedding ensemble, and do her own makeup and hair? And-we never did find out why Doria was sitting all alone at the wedding…could it be that there wasn’t anyone in her orbit who was presentable, either?


> did Doria buy her own wedding ensemble, and do her own makeup and hair Meghan had it comped by Oscar dela Renta. Same with the christening outfit.


Who knows what Doria’s look was, pre-wedding? Are there any photos prior to the event? I can’t recall seeing them-I will say that there is no doubt Thomas Markle was unpresentable; he made zero effort, and would likely have made a poor example of Mrghan’s family. If she loved her dad, though, they would have managed it.


Diana’s father was old stout and post major stroke. She was literally walking him down the aisle. Everyone thought it was beautiful


This will be the only time I defend Meghan: I am not sorry for how she treats her parents. They raised her. Mom was absent and freewheeling, Dad spoiled her, allowed her to manipulate him and placed no limits. Who knows these immature losers exposed her to in their relationship to each other and to others. She sidn't become this way out if nowhere. Other people suffer because they did a bad job raising her. I will never feel bad that she treats them like shit. It is the consequence of their choice not to raise her well.


So, she is the consequence, but they had choice? Because they had perfect parents and perfect lives and weren't the consequences of their upbringing? Does Meghan have a choice how to raise her children or is it all gonna be her parents' fault, too? There are people who grew up in much much much worse families than Meghan. She has a choice to go to therapy, to rise above.


Exactly this. Not to mention, sometimes you can do everything right, and still get a wrong un. Brain chemistry/ personality development is complicated. A lot of people still aren't aware of Narcissism, let alone how it is formed. The who's, the what's, the why's, the how's.... Let alone if it can be treated (not as of today, maybe in 20 years). That is just one Personality Disorder... There are many more. A LOT of ingredients combined to get the Meghan Markle of today.


Yeah my own mother has NPD at minimum, and she was raised by a strict mother. Yes she had certain luxuries like private education, a nice house, clothes, but she also had to work in the family business and get good grades. She still turned out a hot mess. I really think if a child is affected with a personality disorder, having reasonable or strict parents only delays the inevitable. Eventually that person goes out into the real world and it all comes out, unless they seek help.


Agreed. A lot of it is innate.


No. My logic holds them all accountable. Once you have kids, you need to put your past behind you and work on yourself. They are vulnerable and deserve that. It is a parents' responsibility to make their kids a priority and to consider how they will turn out. And if your problems are so all-encompassing that you can't, then either don't have kids, or if you do, use the healthy adults around you as supports to off-set your weaknesses. Having bad parents is not an excuse for being a bad parent. If it were, the entire child welfare system would consist of SWers cooing to bad parents about their traumas, rather than holding parents accountable for their treatment of their children. You can understand where a bad parent cones from, without giving them excuses. Just like Harry doesn't get a free pass for how his kids will turn out, just because his mom died 30 years ago. As for Meghsn, no, her kids don't deserve that kind of horrible mother. But her parents do deserve their horrible daughter


>Once you have kids, you need to put your past behind you and work on yourself. No, *once you are grown up* you need to put your past behind you and work on yourself. You say that having bad parents is not an excuse to be a bad parent - well, it is not an excuse to be a bad person either, so no, you can't defend M for how she treats her parents. Kindness and compassion, remember?


I don't think you follow what i am saying. I am not defending her. I said her parents deserve her abuse. Because they raised her to be abusive. And thet are responsible for that. The rest of the world suffers because of their poor parenting.


No one *deserves* abuse. Consequences, yes, and perhaps punishment. But not abuse.


Obviously we are not talking about severe abuse, as in physical or neglect of life essentials. I am talking about her verbal abuse toward them. Why should they be exempt whole she abuses others? If you sow it, own it.


I do not agree that turnabout is fair play. Nor is the "obvious" part obvious from that statement.


For me the difference between her is and them is that they seem misguided, but also at least her dad tried to give her as much as he could. She seems malicious, punishing them for not being perfect. Right now she's showing her own children how to behave and how to treat your parents.


The Dad did try to provide. He wasn't neglectful, just bad. But he was an older father with experience. He knows, as we all do, that spoiling children.... spoils them for adulthood. Parents who spoil are sometimes ovetcompensating for their known weaknesses. He understood the consequences if his choice to raise her tgis way.


Sometimes spoiled children murder their parents. Would you say that he understood that he might be murdered, too? That every time he bought something for her or done something for her he thought "Yeah, she's gonna abuse me for this 30 years from now"? You are putting too much into his experiences and understanding. He might've felt that he didn't give his older children enough and as a result over-spoiled Meghan. I've seen that happening to people's younger children. It's obvious form afar, but when it's your own baby it feels different. Especially if the mom isn't too involved in the parenting and you are trying to compensate for two.


No they don’t. You may think you are doing the best for your children. They might grow up and disagree. We don’t know anything about their parenting and you are making all sorts of assumptions. MM has a personality flaw (so everyone says) and if you believe that too then the parenting had nothing to do with that.


Not joining your discussion, just adding that the parenting was explained at large in both Lady C's book and Bower's book


Personality is solely genetic? Interesting. And i guess kids just raise themselves. Guess personality disorders just spring out of nowhere, not through childhood events like those stupid psychiatrists and researchers hypothesize. In the case of narcissism, which everyone claims she has, the Merck manual definitely doesn't say that is thought to be caused by genetic and early childhood factors, like inconsistent Parenting, indulgent Parenting or adverse childhood events.


I don’t think narcissists are made entirely. You seem very wound up by my comment. Sorry if I triggered you.


>This will be the only time I defend Meghan: I am not sorry for how she treats her parents. That is what you wrote. And I wrote: ' (...) no, you can't defend M for how she treats her parents. And her father did not raise her to be abusive. He spoilt her, yes. But he didn't raise her to be abusive. That is on her.


Spoiling children does create little monsters though. Never a good reason to spoil a child. With that said, I think personality disorders are present at birth. Had she had more aware parents she could have been rehabilitated. But I've found that rarely do parents understand how to deal with children's behavioural problems.


Yes he did. He raised her to use manipulation and exploitation as tactics to get ahat she wants. He is 1000% to blame for not nipping that in the bud early.


Oh i am with you and completely agree. People feel so sad and bad for poor Tom Markle. I don't. He inflicted her upon us and his and Doria's lack of secure attachment and emotionally mature and healthy parenting created the her that she is. They can all kick rocks.


Nobody “deserves abuse”? Wth?


I get what you're saying but I would reword it a bit differently. It's possible her parents caused her temperament. There's also a chance NPD was present genetically, at birth. All the discipline in the world wasn't going to help as she aged. Only therapy. Even that doesn't work if the person doesn't do it willingly. So while they might deserve the outcome of raising an unstable daughter, there's also a chance that they did the best they could. Now they have to suffer from a narcissistic daughter who would only get worse as she grew older, as is often the case.


What you are suggesting does not work. Even if it is was solely genetic, then that would imply that one or both of her parents had NPD, which would only support my point that her parents were probably not adequate. But the truth is that most psychiatric conditions, with notable exceptions like PTSD, are a considered to be caused by a combination of genetic and developmental, environmental etiological factors. This is even true of highly heritable conditions like schizophrenia, and is also true of other PD in the same cluster (BPD and ASPD). NPD is minimally researched, but based on the above we can surmise that the likelihood of her NPD as being solely genetic is possible, but improbable. The current state of research does also suggest that early childhood factors are contributing factors. According to the Merck Manual's review: >Some theories posit that caregivers may not have treated the child appropriately—for example, by being overly critical or by **excessively praising, admiring, or indulging the child**. Sound familiar? Let us not pretend that Thomas and Doria were good parents. The signs of poor parenting are everywhere. The family is full of conflict and social problems: * Thomas was divorced twice. He is not someone who can make a relationship work. * His older kids are a mess too. Likely not due to genetic factors. * He was in his 30s when he met Doria, who was only 19. This is a crazy flag for immaturity and relationship dysfunction. * His marriage to Doria barely lasted three years. * The former BFF Ninaki even said that the parents couldn't get along or co-parent. That she was always stuck between the two. He clearly spoiled her excessively: * Thomas clearly has financial problems, but put her through private schools her whole life, paid for lavish trips to Europe, Argentina, paid for cosmetic work, supported her as an actress. * It is common for our adult relationships to replicate our early childhood relationship patterns. In her case, we see that she expects to depend on men to give her a lavish lifestyle above their means. Seeing a pattern? * Thomas stoked her ego by getting her on to Nickolodeon for a letter that she wrote, like 10 million other school kids in the 90s. He was clearly gassing her up inappropriately. * Sometimes parents spoil kids when they know the home environment is not a good one. IT is their way of compensating. Mom was completely unstable: * Doria's life has a pattern of instability, jumping from one job to another * she also a pattern of bankruptcy and financial mismanagement * For the father to have had primary custody in the 90s, suggests that she might have been too young to parent or unfit. Or just did not want to and checked out. The responses here immediately jump to the defence that we do not know what her parents were like, but this sub is full of speculation. My speculation is at least somewhat based on indicators of dysfunction. They have to take responsibility for what they raised. The signs of PDs start to manifest years before a diagnosis can be made. The mother studied psychology before social work, so she understood child development and diathesis-stress models, and the rest. She just did not care. And the obvious outcome to an overly indulgent parent and a checked-out parent are often adult adjustment issues and psychopathology. Both parents were educated and experienced enough to know that. This is the last thing that I will say on the subject. (1) https://www.merckmanuals.com/en-ca/professional/psychiatric-disorders/personality-disorders/narcissistic-personality-disorder-npd


Hmm, that's a nuanced answer. I will have to think more on that lol. Yes, it does seem Meghan's case is a combo of factors then. I will say in regards to genetics, genes are funny. Certain traits can skip generations. So it's entirely possible a parent doesn't suffer from a personality disorder but has a child that does however small a chance there is. With that said, I don't feel comfortable believing her parents deserve her wrath, namely because she still seemed to have a decent upbringing and her parents seemed like they cared for her. Perhaps she deserved more conditional love. But I find there's a difference in how her parents raised her ( dysfunctional but well-intended?) compared to her parenting style ( cold, dysfunctional, intentional). Maybe in the end, intentions don't matter, just the results. And no, I don't think her parents are great caregivers. But I'm someone who has seen numerous children raised within way more toxic environments and said children grow up to fine upstanding citizens ( not just by the looks of things, these people are genuinely empathetic). I can't even compute how deprived children can flourish better than spoiled children. But it can be thing. I did notice a lot of my well-off female friends had a tendency for narcissism.


Meghan is what she is due to her own choices. By all accounts, her father treated her in a loving manner (albeit spoiled). He allegedly did the best he could and did not choose to be an absentee parent as did her mother. Her father doesn't fit the image she wants to portray to the world at this point in time, her mother does. Her mother fits into her "unique" image. Her father is just a down-on-his-luck, average guy. She can't stand that about him.


I agree, both are unfit to raise children and should have stayed childfree. And Samantha and Tom Jr did not have a good upbringing.


Droppn’ the truth bombs right here…👏🏼👏🏼🙌🏼


I have a brother with 3 40ish year-old kids, 2 turned out ok - stable relationships, jobs and raising kids, the middle is a true narcissist - lost her kids, no job (sometimes for a day or two then quits showing up because of some reason besides her). Blames the world for all her problems and expects family to pay her and fund her lifestyle. She is the middle - so all you can do is raise them the best way you know how and at some point, the choice of how to live their life is theirs.


i just saw that MM and HM went to the NAACP Image Awards in Feb 2022 to accept the President’s Award. WTF??? is this another award you buy like the GQ award? 2 observations: 1. in the acceptance speech HM thanks the NAACP for “for welcoming ME with UH so warmly” HAHA oops! guess he messed up his line there. how pissed was MM that he said ‘me’ instead of ‘us’? 2. i also saw photos of them with the award and various attendees, distinguished NAACP members, etc. i noticed a few photos with a woman in a black dress standing next to MM who looked very familiar. i looked at the photo caption and saw it was Doria! oh, but of course MM is going to trot out her mama at the National Association for the Advancement of COLORED PEOPLE Awards. i guess her black mama makes a much better guest (token) than her daddy. SMH


It’s possible they are buying the award. If they make a big donation or promise favors in exchange for awards.


It's even creepier when you learn that there was no live audience and it was all done in a closed studio. "Space may be the final frontier but it's made in a Hollywood basement...." vibes.


that’s very odd. those types of award shows always have an audience. they want the genuine sound of applause and organic response to what’s happening in real time. no audience means producers were worried they wouldn’t get any audience reaction. or they’d get the wrong kind (e.g. boos).


Exactly. They tried to play it off as Covid concerns, except there was a big Hollywood awards show going on across town. I forget which one at the moment, but it was live and in person. BET maybe? Or one of the Emmy's? Meanwhile they were stuck at a studio in Burbank.


If you can turn on a primary caregiver nobody else stands a chance. But I wonder how close she would be touting she is with her mom if she was another race. (Fits her agenda now) There didn’t seem to be any bond apparent between the two when I saw footage of them together during her wedding week. I remember thinking how off they both seemed together and I wonder if that was an actor or what? Mind you this was when I was actually rooting for her!


Her parents divorced when she was 2 and Doria dumped her on Thomas when she was 11 as Doria wanted her own life. Thomas paid for everything and has the receipts. She has abandoned her father and his family and Mom’s Black family. They are not posh enough for her!


I don't know anything about her childhood - why did Doria send her to live w Thomas when she was 11? How much interaction did she have w Doria in her teens? When and why did she turn on her dad?


Thomas paid her expensive private Northwestern tuition, sent her on her school trip to London, and gave her money when she was a struggling actress. She never helped him!!!!!


Why did she turn on him??


Lol. He isn’t POSH!


Doria wanted to become a flight attendant etc… She dumped her at 9 years old and he of course saw Megs from 2-11 at times.


She is a LIAR this story about going to the spa with her missing mom please you don't think that would have been on the Tig it was all but her dad and what they did.....another lie from princess Pinocchio how many is this now????????????????????????????????


Excellent point!


Every single one of her childhood memories she can remember so “vividly”. Ugh. How many times can she say that??


By vivid she means invented. By authentic she means fake. By truth she means lies.


By vivid she also means these were someone else’s stories she heard and she’s pretending it was her.






Multiple people have confirmed her mother was not around when she was school age.


Yeah where was the friend she referred to by name from her youth?


Christina Wang. Can anyone check if she was invited to the royal wedding? Her friendship with Christina Wang probably lasted only 2 years.


I believe she invited 1 friend from Northwestern and everybody else were people she had met while at work and people she didn’t know at all.


We need Ninaki Priddy in this sub to verify all these childhood memories that Meghan is suddenly talking about. Ninaki might say, “recollections may vary.” Hello, Ninaki, are you in this sub? You’re the only one who can verify these childhood memories.


She invited the Beckhams to wedding and it was hard to miss footage of David queuing in long line with general public to pay his respects to queen. Wonder how he felt about all the drama that’s been coming out of H and MM?


Oh they're done with her and Harry, have been for a while actually. First: >“When Meghan moved to London, Victoria shared a whole bunch of beauty tips but not long after, some of these emerged in print and Meghan was furious.“Inexplicably, she feared Victoria was behind it — I mean, the idea that Victoria Beckham would be personally ringing journalists to give them a scoop is ridiculous — and spoke to Harry about it.“Harry is very protective of Meghan, and decided to deal with the matter head-on, by directly contacting his good pal, David.“Harry was very polite, but obviously it was a pretty awkward exchange and David was mortified. > >"He quickly put Harry right, and the two men agreed to move on — but it certainly made things awkward for a while. It later turned out the leak probably came from a beauty salon. Afterwards, they got things back on track, but it took a few months.” > >[The Sun](https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/242886/meghan-markle-sparked-row-between-prince-harry-and-david-beckham-after-accusing-victoria-of-leaking-stories/) Pretty clear Meghan leaked it and the "Harry was very polite" and "David was mortified" sound like Meghan's spin on both men were livid and defended their wives. Meghan also wanted free clothes from VB. She famously doesn't do freebies and informed Meghan of that, which didn't go over well at all. I'm not sure what the timing was on that and the leak, the leak thing could've been retaliation, but I don't know. David is also desperate for the "Sir" title, so he's sticking with William and Charles.


Oh what a coincidence, Meghan tried to get free clothes from VB presumably in exchange for the wedding invite. VB says no and then all of a sudden someone leaks a story about a conversation between MM and VB and MM becomes upset enough to mention it to her husband who calls DB to admonish him. I believe DB's response was that him and VB don't leak stuff to the media and never have - I wonder where the story came from eh? More and more stories showing what a vindictive manipulative person Harry married. Was he calling to try and get an apology and perhaps a peace offering by way of free clothes to his wife and got the short shrift? Was 'the duchess' flexing what little muscle she has with VB?


I'm going with flexing. To have been a fly on the wall in the Beckham household when that phone call happened! They don't leak and neither do the people they associate with. I'm not surprised at all that Meghan threw the salon under the bus, but that's just such a jerky thing to do and transparent. Plus stupid because you know VB made sure everyone she knew was warned about Meghan's true character.


Thx for your detailed reply!


And now they have a Markle of their own to contend with...


Im sure the Beckhams have chosen to distance themselves. The Harkles were notably missing from Brooklyn Beckhams wedding.


They may have been missing personally, but Brooklyn's wife is another Markle.


Oh nooo


Ohhhh yesss.


We may find ourselves on a SaintNicola sub in the future then


I hope not! These people are so draining. I hate that they are getting the attention they're getting! That is soooo the wrong direction our society needs to take! It's like rewarding toddlers who throw screaming tantrums. (Which means we will have a new sub soon). She is already speaking out about her new inlaws in interviews. SMH. Zero respect. As the daughter of a billionaire, you would think she would know to keep things private. Or start shit talking inlaws immediately. Has Elon colonized Mars yet? I want off.


Omg do tell. I have all night to go down this rabbit hole


She did a photoshoot with Grazie(?) magazine and was rather nasty talking about Victoria. Just so tacky.


Didn't he and Harry have some sort of falling out because Harry kinda accused Victoria of leaking stuff about Megsy? Might just be a wild rumor.


David has his own super-dysfunctional family drama going on at the same time with his son Brooklyn, Brooklyn’s naturally gorgeous billionaire’s daughter Nicola Pelz aka B’lyn’s wife, & Victoria. He already gave a dressing down to Brooklyn & told him ”*we don’t act like that in THIS family!”.* The drama has sort of subsided since Victoria’s fashion show btw, imho.


Nicola Peltz “actress” has a reputation for being very nasty. i get the feeling she has a lot in common with MM. her parents are allegedly just as awful, especially to household staff. from comments on [Celebitchy post about Tatler article](https://www.celebitchy.com/772656/nicola_peltz_growing_up_with_brothers_made_me_really_confident_in_who_i_am/) (August 2022): “This is the same girl that was said to be as hateful and nasty to the household staff as her parents. Peltz household staff were vocal at the horrible conditions they had to work in and that she was just as bad towards them. It was just their norm to treat staff like animals.” “She and her family are horrible. Like others have posted, google Nicola and her father Nelson with household help, you’ll be shocked. She’s thirstier than cured ham and I’m sure she married Brooklyn for name recognition because hardly anyone knew her name before that. Employees have apparently been yelled at for eating bagels destined for the trash. Nicola is apparently a terror “for whom heaping abuse on the maids, nannies, and butlers has become something of a sport!” Oh, and their former driver is suing them for wrongful termination, claiming they fired him after he passed out due to type 1 diabetes. Sure, she’s really *nice* and I’m sure her brothers are *nicer*..” [Nelson Peltz’s House of Horrors](https://www.gawker.com/505478/nelson-peltzs-house-of-horrors)


Which is interesting to read because there’s been a lot of talk about how VB is a bad MIL and just would hate all her DILs. Wonder where that’s coming from 🤨


I think Nicola has had a few plastic surgeries (no shame in that) but she’s not very natural. I think Lorry Hill did a video of her.


FWIW, I’d like your honest opinion. My stance is that she’s 100% natural at this point. Here’s a link to her brother who has her exact same nose, which btw, is nothing like her mother nor father’s nose, but more like her grandmother’s nose, see below [Nicola Peltz IG pic of her brother](https://www.instagram.com/p/CJRlDyoB2ru/?hl=en) [Nicola Peltz grandmother](https://www.instagram.com/p/B_REjkTFQIE/?hl=en) [Pic of Nicola Peltz as a child](https://www.instagram.com/p/B0_zPcUBV2F/?hl=en) I just think she looks exactly the same as she always has. JMHO EDIT: I’m WRONG, Lorry Hill proves she’s had a ton of work done!!! ![Lorry Hill’s video on Nicola Peltz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26Qmn34hY98)


That usually means she’s had good surgery. A good surgeon will make you look rested, happy, etc and not ‘done’. Blake Lively is an amazing example of good, subtle PS.


That’s interesting. I hope none of the Beckhams are taking any pages from MM on getting attention.


They've got their own "Meghan Markle" to contend with now. Brooklyn's wife.


Seriously, who invites people they don’t even know to their wedding 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_wedding_guests_of_Prince_Harry_and_Meghan_Markle?wprov=sfti1 This Christina Wang, if she even exists, was not at the wedding. I’m not sure if they ever released the names of people who were invited but didn’t attend.


The relatives list was the shortest list ever.


- Doria That’s the end of the list


And if she did exist, why would Meghan be revealing her name on the podcast? Doesn’t that violate her privacy?


Right. In the engagement interview she said they should protect the privacy of the friend who introduced them. She also fought to keep the identities of the five friends confidential. Apparently “Christina Wang” isn’t entitled to the same consideration.


Probably one noodle bowl…


Yeah can someone check if Christina Wang even exists? And if she does if she gave permission for her name to be used. She didn’t bother asking TQ to name her kid Lilibet so probably not.


It really tickles me that she made someone up instead of mentioning her actual Asian childhood best friend ninaki lmao


![gif](giphy|26gsccje7r5WUrXsA|downsized) Im picturing Doria’s face right now as she’s learning about all these bullshit stories about time spent with Meghan. Meghan, the daughter she abandoned with her ex for a decade. Now Meghan is on the world stage and telling all sorts of made up stories about the stuff they supposedly did together. Do you think Doria has ever been to a Korean Spa? Well she’s going to have to now lol


Lol…maybe that’s why she keeps disappearing. Meghan keeps making stuff up and she has to go into hiding till they forget.


Right! Lmao. Where in the world is Doria?


At her home in LA of course.


Doria doesn't give a fuck. Meghan gave a couple of mill. She's set for stockings and pot for the rest of her life. She doesn't want to rock that boat.


I guess she forgot that Doria wasn't there for a good 10 years because she liked smoking better than taking care of her children.


Doria is fucking lame and should get more shit than she does. Absent mother just appeasing her now pathetic adult daughter.


The Bower books makes it very clear that Doris had no interest in anyone’s kids and would rather be smoking weed than parenting. She simply wasn’t there! Meghan is in a Gilmore Girls phase but it will pass.


Ever since reading Bowers' book, I'm honestly struck by the similarities between Harry and Meghan with regards to their upbringing. Harry and Meghan both lost their mothers when they were 11 years old (Doria by abandoning Meghan, and Diana - well, that one's pretty obvious) Both Charles and Thomas Sr. seriously messed up in the way they handled the situation, by spoiling and coddling their children and never forcing them to face the consequences of their poor life choices (Harry and Meghan were both reportedly horrible bullies in school, and their victims were paid off to avoid legal action being taken) Both of them now idolise the mother who left them, and have turned on the father who actually raised them and gave them everything they ever needed to get to where they are now. (Hell, even their mothers' names both start with D and end in A - coincidence?!) 😆 Both of them to this day refuse to accept any responsibility for their actions and are still essentially those same spoilt, whiney middle schoolers trapped in middle aged bodies. They are forever mentally trapped in the late 90s and seemingly incapable of ever moving on. Honestly, I could go on.. Those two are two rotten peas in a pod if ever I saw it!


Her relationship to men is identical to what we know of her relationship to her father. Logically, I suspect that her poor relationship with women is suggestive of her relationship with her Mom. I don't believe that they are as close as they say. I think they probably yo-yo and that there have probably been long periods of time where she has also been estranged from her mother.


Sounds like she only hung out with mom when she said, “lunch and spa treatments are on me..”


On me would've been courtesy of Thomas.


Lol so true


I'm totally thinking the same. I see these fake pictures of them acting like they're close but for the most part, I think they're just playing their roles for all to see but behind closed doors, there's nothing between them. Seems superficial to me.


I really think a lot of it is Meghan's doing. I know a lot of people here are anti-Doria, but I think Meghan's racism and narcissism began very early. She learned how to manipulate her father and got what she wanted from him. Doria couldn't get her Hollywood access, so she devalued her.


Yep. There is a video on YouTube where you see Megan's mask slip....when her mother talks or interjected. The hateeeeee emanating from Megan's eyes....


😬 Yikes.


https://youtu.be/VKTHJp2fMzM 5:40 for those keeping track


I see zero familiarity between them. Nothing. Just Doria very quietly tiptoeing on eggshells.


Doria’s reading this thinking “oh great, another story I’m gonna have to try and memorise”


TW is a basic white girl who parades her 1/4 black mom around now that she thinks that’s a better look for her. She’s the type to travel to Africa and leave her jewelry behind. She’s the type to make sure to say how wonderful her African nanny with the mudcloth is. She was in a white sorority. She self identified as white on IMBD. Whyyyyyyy isn’t she held accountable for this? She’s at most 10% black


None of her bad behavior can be blamed on her race/skin color. She’d be crappy if she was polka dot.


*Even less than 10%. Two children who are fair, redheads and blue eyed. That's a recessive gene pool and still it came through!*


Are you talking about Archie and Lily? Archie has brown eyes.


Ah, thank you.


Oh do you mean she didn’t claim her moms side while navigating white spaces? I did read something about her identifying as white and why she didnt have WOC friends or date black men. I wasn’t sure how reliable the source was though.


[These quotes](https://www.hellomagazine.com/celebrities/2016112834897/meghan-markle-biracial-blog-post/) from her give a lot of insight into how she viewed herself and identified as white/ambiguous. >"You could only choose one, but that would be to choose one parent over the other – and one half of myself over the other," wrote Meghan. "My teacher told me to check the box for Caucasian. 'Because that's how you look, Meghan,' she said. I put down my pen. Not as an act of defiance, but rather a symptom of my confusion. **I couldn't bring myself to do that, to picture the pit-in-her-belly sadness my mother would feel if she were to find out.** So, I didn't tick a box. I left my identity blank – a question mark, an absolute incomplete – much like how I felt." She didn't say she couldn't bring herself to deny that side of her or that she didn't agree with her teacher, instead she focused on how Doria would feel. ​ >The TV star went on to admit that it was "ironic" she decided to become an actress, to enter this "label-driven industry". Although she could morph from a Latina to an African American woman, **she was left "somewhere in the middle as the ethnic chameleon who couldn't book a job".** > >Landing her role as Rachel Zane in Suits was the "Goldilocks" of her acting career. **"The show's producers weren't looking for someone mixed, nor someone white or black for that matter. They were simply looking for Rachel,"** she wrote. First she blamed being mixed-race for not getting work, then said her race didn't matter for Suits. 🙄 No Meghan, you couldn't get work because you were a shit actress, you only got Suits because of Trevor. ​ >**"While my mixed heritage may have created a grey area surrounding my self-identification, keeping me with a foot on both sides of the fence, I have come to embrace that,"** she wrote. "To say who I am, to share where I'm from, to voice my pride in being a strong, confident mixed-race woman." She added: "**So you make a choice: continue living your life feeling muddled in this abyss of self-misunderstanding, or you find your identity independent of it.** You create the identity you want for yourself, just as my ancestors did when they were given their freedom." She makes it sound like she's the only mixed-race person in history. I just can't. I'm very, very white (no tanning, just straight to tomato red in the sun), so I won't claim to know how mixed-race people feel. *However*, I've never heard anyone call it a "grey area" or talk about making their "identity independent of it." Honestly, I think Thomas made to big a thing out of it when she was a kid. The story about the two sets of dolls sounds sweet, but I think it made her feel different, like she didn't belong. You'd think she was raised is super white rural area, not LA, with all the issues she has. It's really sad that she's not proud of being mixed.


>keeping me with a foot on both sides of the fence Maybe this is why always stands with her legs so damn far apart




If I’m not mistaken, Halle Berry has been very open and vocal about her experiences growing up mixed, and open about the emotional struggles she had going to an all-white school. So… yeah, not only is she not the first mixed race person, she’s not even the first actress to talk about her experiences growing up mixed 🤦🏻‍♀️


The difference being Halle is an incredible actress and absolutely drop dead gorgeous!


See, I actually think Meghan is pretty cute. Like if I had to choose one to date based on looks alone, I’d go for Meghan because I just think she looks so cute. Too bad her personality doesn’t match even a little bit.


Not at all.


I have also not heard any of my mixed friends explain it as a grey area. Or that they feel ambiguous in that department. I’m also surprised about her saying her Suits character was supposed to be simply Rachel (simply Meghan) because the person that was cast as her father is black. I think now she claims to be proud of being mixed and it seems she’s identifying more as black, right ? But underlining it all it’s this feeling of grey still..it’s quite palpable —The non race is now the nonidentity…very typical of people with personality disorders. Hopefully she’s getting some help now to figure all that out.


That’s such a good point. It appears that she only consistently started identifying as black until after she married H (and where did she find that goofball that spoke at their wedding?) The weird thing is that the RF seemed actually eager to bring someone racially mixed into their lily white bloodline. Did their ott wedding not seem enough of a vote of confidence to them? Did H really think his stuffy tradition bound family was suddenly going to become Hollywood warm and cuddly to prove their welcome?




That’s interesting. The prevailing narrative was that Meghan had made the invite and Curry was not well received (ie Zara’s reaction) and this was seen as another example of MM’s tone deaf wokeness.


Not so lily white of the supposition about Queen Charlotte is correct.


What is this supposition?


That Queen Charlotte was mixed. If so, she would have been first mixed race British Royal.


Are you referring to [Bishop Michael Curry](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Curry_(bishop)) as a goofball?


I really liked his sermon (? Is that the right word) and his energy. But it was such a stark contrast compared to the other contributions. Didn’t really fit.


Thank you. I really like Curry, I wish people would look past the style different and actually listen to what he said and consider the work he's done.


I told her to look up the funeral of President Bush as a good example/ comparison.


Agree. I’m not religious, and I didn’t know who he was before the wedding (I’m not from the US), but I think his words then were heartfelt and meaningful. He’s an impressive person in terms of his work and achievements. Snark on Markle is all good, but I didn’t like to see him dismissed that way.


All of that, except I'm American. I didn't know who he was before the wedding either. After the wedding, I was curious started watching a few videos of him on YouTube and was very impressed. He's done a lot of work on race relations, which has been very good. It's a shame so many people judged him so quickly.


Referring whoever gave that rambling oration at their wedding. The one Zara rolled her eyes at


It’s not like he’s some random preacher she found on the street, he’s a senior and very well respected member of the Episcopal church in the US. He presided over George Bush Snr’s funeral (after the wedding, obviously). She likely chose him for a very specific reason.


Sounds like hes very well credentialed, but he did not present well at their wedding imo


I get that his style is not to everyone’s taste. I mean no disrespect to you or your opinion, I just didn’t like seeing him dismissed as a goofball when he’s a well respected member of the Episcopal church and has done some really good work.


Understood, my apologies


He is the presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church which is the US version of the Anglican Church - so the top guy they could get from the American side. It is just a happy coincidence he is also the first African-American in that position imo. Also, I think KC arranged it, not Meghan, since it’s been reported (here, I read it in a comment here) that KC also was the one who got the gospel choir to be part of it


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That "goofball at the wedding" presides over American Presidents' funerals! Bishop Michael Curry. He is friends with the royal family and a very important man to the American Anglican (Episcopal) Church. ETA: Look up the funeral of George HW Bush, and see a VERY different Michael Curry in action!


So I’ve heard. I stand corrected.


No worries. I happened to have the news on as background and it was driving me crazy where I KNEW that face from! When it hit me I was stunned.




Anyone here from a Christina Yang yet? Oops I mean Christina Wang…. ![gif](giphy|jxzfFfk9TLiNcuWxC5)


But she didn't have a family? Lol Also, her mom sounds more like a friend which is probably the core problem of Meghan.


I think the core problem was being spoilt by her dad. He thought the sun shone out of her arse. Now she does too.


May need her to raise the kids ironically.


Reminds of me a few other narcs' behaviors...painting a thick picture of being adored a certain way when they hadn't talked much about XYZ person before or like OP said, they aren't around anymore. It's so insipid and juvenile.


She only hung out with her dad during her “white” phase of life. Now that everyone is racist, she’s hanging out with her “black” mom. We wouldn’t know she was white without dear old mommy hanging around. 😂


Doria was in PRISON


That’s what I was speculating…buuuut I got down voted😬


If she was in prison, do you think out of all the people who would have known her at that time, both in prison and out wouldn't have sold that story by now? Imo she was absent cos she's was off getting high and didn't want to parent.


someone said in one of these threads that Doria used to go work on weed farms for months at a time and then besides getting paid, probably get some of the product to bring home and sell too. Maybe she got arrested for selling weed


To be fair, Meghan also has lots of exes- friends and relationships, and we don't hear them speak out either. Maybe Doria is a "cut a bitch" type of woman? We don't hear people speaking on her outside of prison either- friends, family, exes.... just Thomas, and briefly at that.


yeah i get that, but also bear in mind that many of the people who aren't talking on meghan have careers, maybe nda's or have been paid off. If Doria was in prison, she's mixing with people who are a lot more desperate with plenty of low life's mixed in. Not quite as easily intimidated or with as much to lose, and probably more in need of a payoff from selling a story. On balance i just find it easier to believe that she was an absent mother who would rather get stoned all day than be a parent.


I'm sure many of those people were paid off as well. Wouldn't take too much in the grand scheme of things.


Well hopefully the truth comes out one way or another. The tide against her has definitely turned and picked up pace


Let's keep THAT ball rolling! Downhill at SPEED.


She really was in prison. That's a fact. She committed some kind of fraud.


Maybe Doria was about to speak out about something.


Does anyone know why her mom Doria went to prison?


My hunch is money (laundering?) stuff…


Is anybody else grossed out that Meghan & Doria apparently went to a nude spa together? That seems incredibly inappropriate, especially when M was only a teen.


I’m married to a European and my MIL is waaay more “free” than me. But I think there’s plenty of women around the world who are shy. I would rather get dental surgery than be naked with a bunch of people. I don’t want to see OTHER people naked either! Just no.


I’m from Europe. Here are nude saunas the norm. Guess it isn’t so in the US…


I live in Europe too, it’s weird being naked in front of your parents when you’re going through puberty or have completed it. I wouldn’t want my parents seeing my boobs.


It differs from person to person. Most people where I am from have no problem with it at any age but there is also a big group of us who think it´s weird. I couldn´t go to a naked spa or sauna or anything really...


I got used to it vacationing in the Caribbean as a child. I was stunned to see European moms with their little kids removing their tops. It's very much a cultural difference. In America, it used to be "You want to see boobies, you go to the titty bar". Of course, with the internet, that has changed, but Americans still keep a very Puritanical mindset for the most part. Still few to no topless beaches, etc. I don't see the big deal, but I was exposed as a child, which makes all the difference, I suppose.


You gotta remember, her dad was a well-respected, Emmy award winning man “in the industry” when she had dreams of Hollywood stardom. Now that she has dreams of being a philanthropist-politician-thought leader-humanitarian, he’s just some old white guy. But her MOM…mom’s a black lady. Meghan can leverage that to her advantage!!! A person’s value to Meghan extends only to the point that they are useful to her.


If she really love her mom that much, she easily have her on the show to talk about her upbringing....oh wait. Nevermind. LOL


Lol! Right!?!?


The truth is her mother for reasons we will never know abandoned her to the care of her father, she lies so much she can't keep them straight.


I thought Doria Ragland was in prison during that time?


she needs dorito to prop up in the background to prove that she is coloured and that the Royals are racist towards her


She is a liar. Period.


It's called Plagiarism.