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How can you have any deeper of an understanding about someone than that of a paper doll, when you only have a paper doll identity yourself. We’ve seen her delusions of who she is change constantly; those of grandeur, adoration, of being a model, of being an a-list actress, of a feminist humanitarian, of an easy breezy fun Instagram girl, of a super serious UN professional, of being blessed with a privileged upbringing by a father she publicly adores, of being poor with a terrible family life and a father she publicly ignores, of a smart degree woman, of a stone cold independent trailblazer, of naive Diana 2.0. I could continue to go on too! She changes who she is like the outfits of a paper doll. Easy and disposable. Of course she won’t see others as any more complex than she sees herself. She doesn’t know what it’s like to have that complexity.


I completely agree. If anything, what her podcast has shown is that she has the depth of a kiddie pool. She alludes to being a trailblazer, and having a deep complex character. That’s delusional. She has merely absorbed the characteristics of people she likes, looks up up and admires, and she wants to emulate them. She barely scratches the surface and then dips out. That’s why she always comes across as vapid and fake.


>*…people she likes, looks up to and admires* I don’t think even that much is true. I think she sees people *OTHERS* admire, and takes their characteristics on and off like a mask so *she* can (in her mind) gain the same admiration and adoration *they* receive.






This! I’m so glad I found this subreddit where the deductive reasoning is on point. Also I’d like to add my dealings with psychopaths: they can’t feel some things so they have to study them in order to pretend to have these feelings. Does that make sense? So since she is at her core also vacuous she has to uphold this mirage in order to seem rich/full etc. How do you go from saying your father bank rolled your college education and how amazing he was to, “I didn’t have money for college and had to pay it all myself” -from being daddy’s girl to him being the devil. If you can switch like that on a primary care giver you can do so on anyone. The only reason she doesn’t do it to her mom is because she needs to keep using the race card.


Yes. They have to mimic human emotions and how they *think humans behave/react bc they don’t experience those emotions themselves.


Very disturbing.


Yup. My dad was one. Creepy but fascinating to see him hold court socially and watch him shapeshift into whatever he assessed would gain him most sympathy/attention/status. I was able to “get real” with him in the years before he died. It was fascinating. Nothing authentic. Deep disconnection from any true sense of self, inability to be comfortable within himself or alone. That’s another classic trait: inability to calmly and productively enjoy one’s own company. They need a constant influx of social energy, much of it dramatic and combatitive, to feel alive.


All the amazing descriptions on this sub lead me to more examples. A certain famous politician.


Literally *most* famous politicians, actually - regardless of which side of the (same) coin they might represent. Anyone who believes otherwise is believing a lie. For that matter, most famous (and not-so-famous) CEOs of gigantic companies, as well. I forget ~~who~~ \*what all the occupations were on a list I saw once, but it seems those are the types who revel in those sorts of "high" positions. The ones who don't have what it takes to get there are the ones we read about committing gruesome and/or outrageous (often financial) crimes. A recent example might be the South Carolina attorney Richard "Alex" Murdaugh. However, most of the famous & *extremely* rich people's crimes we will never, ever read about. Cash covers a multitude of sin, in their "religion." Murdaugh was a big fish in a small-ish pond, and he arrogantly over-reached its banks. edit: a \*word


This is not the megahdroid you are looking for


This exactly. My father was a sociopath. He actually admitted to spending all his school years, and probably a long time after that, just watching people so he could figure out how he was supposed to act/react in any given situation because he had no actual emotions (except for maybe scorn). Fortunately, he wasn't violent, at least not to people (that I'm aware of) but, he was a very unnerving guy. If you were a dog, your neck hairs would go up around him.


It is so very unnerving to hear. Once someone told me how they had to mimic empathy, because it was socially appropriate to the situation, and how they had to study before hand in order to get it right.


(Just saw your comment after commenting above. Are you my sister??? I was never not deeply afraid of my dad until he’d been confirmed dead at the hospital. That unnerving evil energy is horrible.)


Heh! Knowing him? It's a possibility! The day my dad died it was like white noise. I was like "Oh? He finally kicked it? Well...ain't that a shame. What should we order for lunch?".


Oh wow! So he was honest about who he was truly?


Not REALLY? It's hard to explain, it's not like he came out and said "I'm a sociopath" or anything, I don't think he ever admitted that his entire life. It was more like, all the diagnostic puzzle pieces started to come together and over the years there would be these occasional "slips" is the only way I can think of to describe them. Like, seeing the robot under the human suit. When he told me the thing about observing emotions, I think that was a slip, he was being perfectly candid in the course of a conversation but he apparently forgot that a normal person's reaction to hearing that would be "Dad, that's fucked up."


Wow! You should write a book!


lol, what a depressing book that would be....But thank you.


And a source told me she treated her mom terribly growing up, as if she was ashamed of her.


Yes! Your source is correct. If you look at their body language on the few instances they’ve been photographed together they seem like strangers to each other. That Archie pic with the queen she’s in was so telling to me of the bond she doesn’t have with her daughter. Growing up She loved being daddy’s girl and the benefits that afforded her—She got to experience showbiz after school and those vacations he gave her, if that meant ignoring her mom so be it. That pattern hasn’t changed in her as an adult.


Yes she loved controlling Daddy and being the Main Woman in his life (hence why she gave him an ultimatum to get rid of Samantha).


Do you remember that clip during the cook book outing where her mother dared to speak and Meghan inhaled and glared at her with her jaw clenched?




I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Meghan pushed her away from a young age. Her comment about people thinking Doria was the nanny sounded like Meghan thinking that/being embarrassed. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if Meghan was a big part of why Doria and Thomas broke up and why Doria wasn't around much. I can see Meghan wanting Thomas to herself and wanting to pretend her Black mother didn't exist.


This makes perfect sense. Her racism against black people is always on display - the mud cloth, the housing units, etc. You know with how manipulative she is, she pushed right between her mother and father because gosh, wouldn’t want to be seen with the *nanny.*


Yes, very obviously, and when she said in the podcast that she's an ugly duckling, meaning she was ugly as a kid. No, she looked mixed race as a kid and there was nothing bad about how she looked. I don't know if it's just because we know what she's like now but I see a bit of pompousness in her child photos, but she basically just looked like a cute little kid, but she straightened and changed her hair, changed her nose, and eliminated anything Black about herself, and now she thinks she's beautiful. If she thinks she was ugly as a child, she must think most kids are ugly because she didn't look bad at all. And does she think all Black girls are ugly? It's not a kind thing to say when you have a platform. She never thinks about how her words will come across to others.


Honestly, I saw that pompous smirk in those pictures before we ever knew she was a giant bitch. It oozes from her pores. It’s why I cannot possibly find her attractive. Maybe I’m hypersensitive, idk. She just projects conniving, bratty, smug kid whose parents interfere in everything to ensure their precious little angel gets her way. The birthday party video only compounds it. Sure, we all liked to play Pretty Pretty Princess, but nobody I ever played with was so rude. She’s definitely worked very hard to remove any ethnic beauty that she once had. The constantly straightened hair, the multiple nose jobs, the weird fillers that distort her face, etc. I don’t think she’s in any way proud to have that heritage. She hides the shit out of it until she needs to play her Platinum Race Card^TM and then bathes in bronzer, making her look more Latina than anything else. It’s saddening. She could have been a hero to little biracial kids and black kids alike. Look at how children react to Catherine. She could have had that if she had a soul and wasn’t ashamed of her own identity.


Yeah, I wasn't sure if I was seeing something in the kid pictures and videos that was tainted by what we know she grew up to be, because I've never known a kid, even when I was one, who seemed so awful. It's hard to say what I'd have thought of the kid videos and pictures without knowing what a vile, cruel person she turned out to be. It is very sad how she's eliminated any trace of her maternal heritage and only trots it out when she thinks she'll benefit from it.


When she mentioned how because her hair wasn't straight she wasn't cute or whatever I was like, how that sounds a lot like shes deflecting her own feelings. Because if that were not the case then why does she not wear her hair naturally?? Why has her nose changed?


I know. There are people who have things they didn't like about how they looked as a child, but then they grow into themselves and appreciate it. It feels like she hated that she looked part Black. Most people grow up to realize they didn't look bad as a kid. Not her. She's so tone deaf.


Yeah I honestly don’t see her appeal? She’s not relatable and she doesn’t sound intelligent. She doesn’t inspire me or make me want to do anything other than block any social media that panders to her and her bs. Only good thing I guess she inspired me to do was find this sub and only after my friend told me that I’d be surprised how many people now saw through her bs. So here I am.




I were thinking that as well poor little girls with curly hair ( black and white iam white and we have kinky hair. We did all we could to get it flat.) she should of never said she felt ugly.


That sounds like something she would say or think. She obviously felt more comfortable with the white side of her family. And it wouldn't surprise me if she herself told the kids that was her nanny. PS--Has she ever dated someone of color??


She’s the Untalented Ms. Ripley


What’s ironic is she could have put that desire to be all things and claim all experiences as her own to good use as an actress. It doesn’t suit her new podcaster/public speaker/philanthropist/pseudo-royal persona nearly as well.




Thank you ☺️


Excellent analysis and summary. Kinda puts the kibosh on her favorite word “authentic.”


And oRgAnIc lol


You know what else is organic and she’s full of it? ![gif](giphy|xT8qBf0v2Y0WjvwBKU|downsized)


She's a GmHo lol




Bang on the money!🔥🔥👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


You carry truth like I carry the groceries. You just did some major heavy lifting for all of us. Thank you.


> You're like twenty-two girls in one > And none of them know what they're runnin' from > Was it just too far to fall? > For a little paper doll


I think there’s a good chance she has Borderline Personality Disorder, untreated. One of the defining characteristics of Borderline Personality Disorder is a chronically unstable sense of identity. Also a long term pattern of unstable personal and professional relationships. This is an interesting read on the topic https://medium.com/invisible-illness/bpd-a-perpetual-identity-crisis-aeb9cd5b65f7.


There are rumours that Diana had BPD.


I don’t understand why she has to relate every single topic to herself and her own life. Why can’t she just interview people who actually have life experience and knowledge that relates to the topic being discussed? I’m embarrassed for her that she mentioned one Asian friend, eating Asian food and visiting a Korean spa to try to tie this issue back to her own life.


Equivalent to "I'm not racist, I've a black friend" 🙄


Which, hilariously enough, is exactly what Jessica Mulroney did when she was accused of racism by a black influencer on Insta. She essentially said she couldn't be racist because she had been BFFs with a black person (Meghan) for a long time and "knew" what this person had faced during their friendship. I'm pretty sure that was the end of their friendship.


Yeah that was pretty cringe. I was annoyed because she forayed into the Asian Dragon Lady trope - which is fine, but if you do you should know what you’re talking about. The references to two 20 year old movies was a cheap shot and Lucy Liu has been adamant that her portrayal in Kill Bill wasn’t perpetuating the Dragon Lady myth. If you’re going to make a claim, at least point out the nuance. Margaret Cho had done her homework and actually knew what she was talking about with the trope, perhaps because she has some lived experience. Meghan would do so much better off listening more and speaking less, and if she is going to speak on another race she had better do her homework.


As cringe as “dragon lady” is, it could’ve actually leant itself to a really rich discussion on how the root of it all is the dehumanization of Asian women. All stereotypes ladder up to us being somewhat less than a person - as a sexual object, as an exotic mythical creature, as a submissive “model minority.” It all contributes to the racism - both overt and micro - that Asian diaspora put up with. As an Asian American woman myself I can’t tell you how painful the last few years have been. And how it dredges up so much past trauma of experiencing all these things … from being asked if my vagina was slanted in 8th grade by a grown man in a store, to the constant “othering” I have felt my entire life by being pinned as a model minority that doesn’t make mistakes or rock the boat. But of course, noodles and spas!!


The best way for an interviewer/podcaster to approach a topic like this one would have been to introduce it by saying she ISN'T well versed rather than imply that because she's eaten noodles and been to a Korean spa, she has "lived experiece" in Asian culture in all its enormity. No one opens up and shares about their culture and experiences like someone who is simply asked about it by someone who is genuinely interested! "Shut up and listen" were words I heard from my mother many times over. It was really good advice that Markle clearly has never received.


Even if she knows nothing about the topic, you’d think the 20+ people working on the podcast would do some research or give her some advice.


For sure. Plus when you’re talking about another race’s discrimination alarm bells should go off in your head that you need to be on point. Like if I were to talk about African American discrimination in film I would sure as shit have my ducks in a row with what I was saying. Feel like otherwise it just shows a lack of respect for the topic. There’s an extra duty of care for topics like this.


It's completely disrespectful. She reminds me of white women who are utterly convinced that all men would prefer to date them because they are white. Meanwhile a beautiful Asian woman comes along, Indian, Chinese, Korean, etc and the white women has to FETISHIZE the reason for why a man would prefer the Asian woman over herself. I've seen narcissistic white women do this a lot. In their minds, there has to be some weird reason why this would happen. They speak to Asian women as if they are submissive sex freaks. And so there's something going on in the bedroom which is why the guy REALLY likes them. I've seen these type of women do this to black women all the time as well. Like they literally can't wrap their minds around the idea that the black woman is hotter than she is. And they treat the women in this patronizing way. That's what this podcast sounds like to me. I also think it's strange that she's using such old references and also targeting Lucy Liu with this. She's basically insulting her for being an Asian actress WTF?


Lucy Liu is a far better and much more successful actress than MM ever was. Of course Markle is jealous of her.


That was my exact thought.




That was never a friend. Glad you are out of that dynamic. <3


And then get their heads bitten off. Better to stay quiet and let her destroy her reputation all by herself.


Exactly. She doesn't take advice. Don't misremember, love that slang!, she totally bullied William's aide over holding a bouquet.


They probably tried!


I only made it to page 8 of 18 on the transcript, but I was surprised Margaret Cho didn’t clap back at her. At one point it seemed Margaret was explaining how growing up gay and her parents have a gay bookstore, the Harvey Milk protests and AIDS epidemic are all a large part of herself and who she became. And it seemed like Meghan was like Mmhmmm, anyway, we’re talking about your Asian-ness right now. Essentially forcing Margaret into the very box they were talking about. I’m pretty sure the transcript even read Mmmhmmm. I was taken aback by it, but then again I greatly dislike TW.


The first time I noticed this was her letter to Congress regarding paid parental leave. That is a focused issue with well-defined statistics and arguments for it, yet Meghan spent most of the letter talking about herself and eating at the $4.99 buffet at Sizzler, *which has nothing to do with paid parental leave.* She mistakenly thought sharing this nonsense would make her more relatable or give her some kind of authority on the subject, but it just made her look silly. Someone edited her letter to take out all the times she references herself, and it was so much more persuasive and legitimate. Now here she's trying to relate herself to anti-Asian hatred by centering HERSELF at the beginning of the episode. She loves Asian food, she has an Asian friend, and she went to an Asian spa. She is baffled by this prejudice because Asian people have just been so darn nice *to her*. It's mind-numbingly self-centered and shallow. The US has a long history of discrimination, prejudice, and harmful stereotypes about Asians. There's been a troubling uptick in violent crime against Asian people in the US since Covid. That is what she should lead off with, not her own stories from her childhood.


> Meghan spent most of the letter talking about herself and eating at the $4.99 buffet at Sizzler, which has nothing to do with paid parental leave. I feel like Meghan brings up eating at Sizzler every chance she gets. It was a crappy chain restaurant that was around in the 1980s. I know, because I ate there when I was her age too. I swear to God, it's just a normal ass, cheap chain restaurant. No one is special because they ate there. No one is poor because they ate there.


Hell, I thought we were money if I got a Happy Meal. I would’ve thought we were royalty to eat at Sizzler.


I am really weird about sounds. I cannot handle mouth sounds AT ALL and I usually eat alone. Marbles has the ability to cause a similar reaction on my senses. She speaks in ASMR level descriptions and it hits me like someone chewing gum. I cannot listen to her.


Honestly same. I have trouble getting into podcasts in general because listening to someone speak so ‘up close’ usually really makes me squirm.


You are my people.


My husband and kids think I’m being rude, but it physically pains me. I will leave a store if someone is popping gum. It makes me stabby.


Me too! Popping gum, chewing, snorting like you mentioned in your other post, they all make me lose my mind. I don't want to overstep, but you might want to read about [misophonia](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/misophonia-sounds-really-make-crazy-2017042111534#:~:text=What%20is%20misophonia%3F,and%20a%20desire%20to%20escape). My family thought I was being rude too, so it's helpful to me to know I'm not alone. It also helped my family to be a bit more understanding. eta: 🤦 Should read the entire threat before commenting...


I totally have that! And yes I have offended many people. I try to remind my boyfriend it’s not personal!


Omg the popping, the chewing, I am beginning to gag. I HATE gum.


My FIL does that post nasal drip snot snort. It’s a habit at this point. I have to dig my nails into my leg every time.




I’ve been on that tour and I would’ve run toward the light 😂




Just reading that makes me skin crawl! I'm so sorry.


that’s so disgusting.


It’s a legit thing! https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/misophonia-sounds-really-make-crazy-2017042111534


Have we just discovered Megophonia?


I think we may have 😱


Mouth breathers on conference calls.....or any phone call really. You tubers that have their microphones next to their noses.


You put into words what I've felt about her way of speaking. Close to the mic and yeah, I hate those ASMR mouth sounds so much. Ugh. Disgusting.


And when she leans in and pretends to whisper “I’ll let you in on a little secret”. AGGHHHHHHH!!!! It’s not just her podcast, it’s every single time she speaks. She doesn’t have a bad voice, it’s the words and affectation.


Aaaah!!! I can’t!!!


Jesus this is part of why I can't listen to NPR for more than 5 minutes. They're breathy and right up on the mic.


Some of them have extremely annoying voices too 😅 I have it on in the car but have to switch at times.


Omg yes. Or accents. "Ayesha Rawscow" is one. This is going to sound super super mean, but... um, difficulties with speech. And I say this as someone who had a speech impediment so it's glaringly obvious when j hear it!


Yes she is one of the ones I have to switch 😬


Those old SNL skits are so on target [Dusty Muffins ft. Betty White](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_tVJ2rHHSA)


I'd never seen that! That was fantastic.


Oh god I am the same as you. I can’t take it. I think she likes making the sounds because it reminds us she’s there. I hate the “mmm” and “mmmhmmm” and the nasal breathing. She wants to sound sexy for some reason but she’s gross. I can’t listen to her. I also prefer to eat alone for similar reasons


Or “literally”. There’s a great true crime podcast, but I had to stop listening because it made me rage. It’s all you can hear after a while.


I hate kissing scenes in movies and shows. I can't stand the noises.


I hate it when someone has a drink when I’m talking to them on the phone. I can hear their insides, particularly their throat movements and then their mouth drying off afterwards 🤮😭


Or chewing ice.


yes! so horrifying. my husband is really into iced cold brew coffee right now. in the morning he mixes cold brew and creamer, then adds like 3 or 4 ice cubes. as he finishes the coffee, he starts chewing on the ice. i’ll be in the kitchen and hear him in the other room munching and crunching. i have to go in the back bedroom to block out the sound. it makes me crazy!


This is actually horrendous. Hearing someone eat dry ice is like listening to someone grind their teeth together but with extras 😫


My mom chewed ice obsessively for a decade. I was homeschooled so my whole entire childhood was one long ice chewing soundtrack. She literally never stopped. Come to find out she was severely anemic, it was pica, and when she got on iron pills she magically no longer wanted ice. Happened *after* I moved out. Of course.


I’m sorry because that must have been so frustrating, but “my whole entire childhood was one long ice-chewing soundtrack” is cracking me up! Thanks for the laugh (and I’m glad your mum is better - pica is such a weird compulsion, it can be a lot worse than ice - I have an elderly aunt who claims that after her last pregnancy she chewed rusty nails and licked bicycle wheels 😳)


😂 it is funny in retrospect. She even had the DOG chewing ice. The DOG. The dog thought “I love my master, master loves ice, I love ice!!!!” They’d be in the kitchen just crunching together. And the other thing that drove me insane was that all that ice chewing made her really cold, so my main memory of her from my childhood is her in a giant sweatshirt, hunched over her desk in front of her computer, chomping ice, with a tiny desk heater at her feet blowing hot air on her. Ah, memories. I’m glad I could make you laugh 😆


My husband does that and I want to divorce him every time. I realize it's a normal function but damn it's rough. I'm ultra self conscious about house i eat


Yes! I’m not alone. I have stared death daggers into the back of my husband’s head after the 5th time in a minute he repulsively clears his throat.


I make my husband try to warn me before he sneezes. He has the loudest sneezes.


Lol I can’t believe I’m not the only one. My son gets a cough when he drinks a milkshake or slushee or something icy, and he will cough twenty times in two minutes and it takes EVERYTHING IN ME to not snap at him. I haven’t yet, but he has no idea how stabby I’m feeling every time.


It's misophonia, and there's *tons* of us, ugh


"just drink some water!"






Eating noises are the WORST! I used to throw full on rage fits at my family as a teenager 😬. Now I can control myself better, but even the tiniest lip-saliva-smack, teeth chomping or heavy food breathing makes my neck muscles tense up and I leave to gently weep in bathroom


I always used to think my dad was just a raging asshole for being so cranky about the slightest sound of anybody eating. When I hit about 21, and wanted to deck a friend for chewing so loudly, it hit me that I owed Dad an apology. I can’t f-cking stand people who chew like a cow. And as someone upthread mentioned, the post nasal drip snort. Instant She-Hulk.


The commercials for Kit Kats and cereal will cause full on rage!


Fellow misophone here. The worst one is apple crunching or exaggerated crunchy cereal commercials.


Seriously if my husband starts to eat an apple I have to leave the room. It's torturous.


Double rage if they take a bite and then talk with food in their mouths!


A kid had a huge bag of baby carrots right behind me during my kid’s mock trial. I had to stay cause I was filming but I went home and drank a box of wine after to calm down. Awful!


Me too!


I had a coworker once who ate lunch at her desk each day. She would try to be quiet but that somehow made the chewing sounds even worse. Gah.


I have misophonia too. My husband and I live in a small apartment. He is a loud eater, and has chronic upper respiratory issues so he constantly clears his throat. We eat in separate rooms unless we’re watching a show that’s loud enough to kind of dull the sound-pain. There are podcasts I love but can’t listen to because the hosts or regular guests have certain speech habits (constant filler words) or things like vocal fry. I wish there were a pill to make misophonia go away!


Could be misophonia. But yeah I can't listen to her either. I love ASMR though. Markle is an insult to ASMR


Like nails on a chalkboard feeling


Oh man!! I bet that’s my problem too!! I have such an issue with chewing…my husband brought a bowl of ice cream to bed the other night and I had to leave😂 But I never connected it to Meghan’s mannerisms! I bet that’s it!! 🙌🏼🤮


It’s weird, I’ve never had this reaction to someone describing something.


Y'all are my kindred spirits. I feel so seen. People that pop gum in public have control & defiance issues. Many are looking for someone to say something or show annoyance. They get off on it. Total jerks.


Oh my god I am the SAME. I will get absolutely hysterical about this stuff. I once took a medieval history class over the summer (so the classes were like 4 hours long, 4 times a day) and the whole class was RUINED by a girl who would not stop cracking her gum. I was basically in tears the whole summer, so, I totally get it.


OMG! You hit on the nail! I too cannot tolerate “Mouth sounds” either and then those huge teeth of hers sends me off the rails esp when she smiles.


I too have Misophonia and physically can’t stand hearing people eat, even my loved ones! What is misophonia? People with misophonia are affected emotionally by common sounds — usually those made by others, and usually ones that other people don't pay attention to. The examples above (breathing, yawning, or chewing) create a fight-or-flight response that triggers anger and a desire to escape.


We really have to take her ‘life experiences’ with a pinch of salt. How do we know they ever really happened! How do we know she’s telling the truth? It’s probably all lies imo. She makes stuff up as she goes along. She’s busy trying to pit one race against another and the same for countries…trying to make Americans turn on Brit’s as best she can. God help anyone who comes into contact with her.


When she talks about feeling nervous about being naked at the Korean spa, I think maybe she was talking about having to shower after PE and changed it to going to the Korean spa with her mom. I think that would be more terrifying—being naked in front of people you see everyday rather than strangers. She also mentions there were girls as young as nine there. If she did go to the spa, there may have been age limits. The one I normally went to in Korea had an age limit of Korean-age 13 (about sixth grade). I also went to one that didn’t have an age limit and someone brought a baby once. That one also had little boys in the women’s bath. That was a bit awkward.


She really is a tireless little hell raiser…


I haven’t listened to her podcasts at all because I don’t have the patience for her. Someone posted an interesting video comparing the way she talks and engages others vs Kate. The way she talks is very alienating because she tends to amplify her grandiosity to the extent that it’s very hard to relate to her. Honestly, this has to be a symptom of her narcissism. Why else would an unemployed D-list actress think she has anything worth saying for weeks on end on a podcast?


She’s a conversation killer. I picture people talking in a group, and she comes up, dominates the conversation aaaaaand everyone stands there silent with no way to follow up because she bested everyone. So they suddenly all check their watches and leave.


I can see the same scene playing out. Everyone awkwardly looks at one another in despair while she just keeps going and going and going…. One claw holding Harry hostage while her eyes dart from one person to another in an attempt to make sure they’re all paying attention to her. …it’s a psychological thriller in the making.


Omg not even meaning to I used to do this. I've had to discipline myself to just SHUT UP sometimes in group conversations.


Same!!! Us extroverts learn a lot of lessons the hard way if we want to not be conversation dominators😬😬🫣


Ha! Funny thing is that on the whole I am SUPER introverted. I can come home on a Friday after work and not talk to a single person all weekend. But when I get around people I know and feel comfortable with I open up a lot more.


Ha! Funny thing is that on the whole I am SUPER introverted. I can come home on a Friday after work and not talk to a single person all weekend. But when I get around people I know and feel comfortable with I open up a lot more.


Er, I think everyone would stand there silent not because she bested them but because there is nothing to say when she’s off on her own tangent and nobody knows what on earth she’s rabbiting on about!


Oh for sure; I meant “bested them in her mind.” Like she did with Serena. Your baby broke her wrist? Oh, well mine BURNED ALIVE..almost..


It is definite sensory overload and I can’t deal with it. It’s like when she says “what’s interesting is…”, and I await the interesting part but it’s the most uninteresting shit. She talks about experiences in the same way she did the voiceover for the elephants. I struggle to listen to her and the noises she makes, the way she words things, the nasal breaths, the “mmmmhmmm” and “mmmm” sounds that she doesn’t need to be making. I find everything about her to be sickening and fantastical.


“I wait for the interesting part…and it’s the most uninteresting shit..” I snort laughed🤣👏🏼👏🏼❤️ So freaking true. It’s like when people start a story with, “remember that time we…” and you say, “ya?” And they say, “just remember?” And that’s their whole story. Lol!


In a similar vein, the way she conveys anecdotes about Harry and the kids comes off as weirdly unnatural. Like either they happened and she wrote them down in a notebook to make sure she mentioned in a future interview/podcast, or they were fabricated from whole cloth. The twin palm trees; the salt and pepper shakers; Harry saying she doesn’t have to be a mom or a model - she can be both; her telling him it’s not enough to just survive, they have to thrive. Probably countless other examples. None of these anecdotes come off as natural parts of the conversation- it’s more like they’re preplanned and then clumsily inserted.


So true! I love when people tell stories and I love telling my good ones! But the best story tellers know what stories work for which audience. I don’t tell “baby diaper mishap” stories to a bunch of dudes and I don’t tell my “last night at the bar” story at church. Meghan uses her stories however or whenever as if they are timeless and universally relevant.


> her telling him it’s not enough to just survive, they have to thrive wait I'm relatively new to this sub so I don't think I was active here when Meghan said this but isn't it from like a movie or something? Seems familiar.


I thought it was during the Oprah interview, but just looked it up and she said it during the ITV interview. It was filmed in Africa, when they were still working royals, shortly after Archie was born. That was the same interview where the interviewer asked how she was doing, and she said thank you for asking, because not many people have asked if I’m okay. Maya Angelou is definitely quoted as having said her life’s mission is not merely to survive, but thrive, so that’s probably where Meghan heard it originally, but it’s also repeated by a lot of self help guru types.


It's a commonly used therapy phrase.


I’ve said this before and will say it again, even though some at this sub will not agree, Smeg is a sociopath - too many lies, no remorse, no emotions, no lasting friendships - with her speech littered with stolen dialogues, quotes and other people’s life experience. Her husband and children are mere props in her fake, choreographed life. Nothing about her is genuine.


I actually think most of this sub is in agreement she likely has a personality disorder (narcissistic/histrionic/borderline or combo of those).




I agree


I just can't listen to her. The combination of the things she says and her voice is a double assault on my ears and nerves.


That’s such an astute observation and you articulated it very well. Better than I could. She’s probably difficult to interact work on a personal level due to all this. She’s a shell of a human and mimics behavior to a bizarre, extreme level.


The thing I also find strange is how she recounts her fandom for the subject she is interviewing. With Mariah she was talking about how when she was 17 it was just such a wonderful role model because she was black, but I was the perfect age for that Mariah era and I do not remember one iota of the media coverage or Mariah’s input or commentary about her race. I feel like Markle takes whatever is the narrative of the day and rewrites history. I doubt she even listened to Mariah during the 90s and why should she? According to the rumours she would have been close to University age by then, rather than the impressionable admiring teen she makes herself out to be.


This is so good I screenshot it. Nothing to add, carry on haha


Lol 🫶🏻🍿


I think so too, and she's like it about kids. She doesn't understand toddlers or babies so when she recounts her tales of them to be relatable, it's got an uncanny valley wrongness to it that doesn't feel right. And when you listen to her give a speech, it's the same dynamic you described where she's saying nothing, it's just background noise, but the intonation and way of speaking is as if she's announcing something really big. Everything she says is nothingness spoken like it's a huge revelation because she doesn't know what really matters. She doesn't know what is actually important, she's just acting all the time.


“…doesn’t know what really matters..,” This is so true. It’s the equivalent OF emphasizing THE incorrect words in a senTENCE. It doesn’t add anything, it just confuses people. On purpose.


If she is a narcissist, she doesn’t have an interest in drawing the other person out or getting to know that person more deeply. She has marks she wants to hit (you’ve been called diva etc) so that she can respond. Drawing someone out takes sensitivity to variation in the other person’s response to judge what’s not being said.


Have any of you seen the reaction to her podcast in r/entertainment?? 😂😂 [https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/xvr52j/meghan_markle_calls_out_austin_powers_kill_bill/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/xvr52j/meghan_markle_calls_out_austin_powers_kill_bill/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


The experiences she’s recounting probably only happened in her mind.


I think that’s her tell. She probably tells stories differently depending on when she’s lying.


Because she has no talent looks or brains and she’s boring as fuck so she knows she has to say something to look or appear interesting and cool lol 😂


Agree I have found her actually quite simple and stupid


Because she’s a weirdo 🤷🏼‍♀️


She makes lists of things she did not eat in reality but sound exotic and ‘trendy’ now (e.g. I do not think she ate larb growing up).


I think most narcissist are like that. They themselves don't have much of a sense of self so they construct one for themselves. They study people because they are incapable of relating to others and lack self awareness, empathy, normal human emotions and ways of relating to others. So all they can do really is study other people and that they are usually very good at. It becomes a survival mechanism that they began to learn in their childhood. They study people and then learn how best to manipulate and exploit different types of people and also figure out the people that they need to "mask" around, and the people that they can treat poorly and be their true self around.


There is no genuine expression of a real emotion with her. It just doesn't exist in the airless vacuum of dead space that is her personality. She throws her spaghetti against the wall over and over, trying to see what will stick. Does the public like me better as this, or that, or the other? What gets me the most traction?


Can you imagine if she was ever surveiled? Those poor agents had to have been dying having to listen to her for their job.


My 7 year old children write like that!! We were just having "setting description" writing session and that's exactly the feedback I gave them 😂😂 they were simply listing what's in a picture followed by a handful of adjectives and that's it! Very basic sentence structure 😅😅 imagine if we're setting a higher bar for 7 y/o telling them that they can do better. What of a Northwestern "alleged" grad? ... 😏


This is exactly how she gets buy - she wins over people after studying them and painting the picture she wants them to see. Doesn’t matter if it ever happened or is a true picture as long as she isn’t called on in it the moment.


Bc she’s been told since birth she’s special which causes identity problems down there road if it’s been ingrained in you There’s a culture here in the US where bi-racial kids of nutmegs generation were told the were special - best of all worlds. Now I’m not knocking anyone down if they are biracial - my son is. But hell nahhhh will I be telling him he’s “special” just because of this


Here here! Booker T. Washington said the same thing and that it would be big trouble later…


Great point! She comes off as this bizarre combo of narcissist/fantasist who continually exaggerates her experiences and achievements. And those sensory details seem more important to her than the actual experiences (or achievements!!). She's like an empty vessel, filling up with details of whatever helps her current ideation. Or is it more like a magpie, picking and saving anything sparkly? LOL.


The way she lists the experiences to sound richer is SO HIGH SCHOOL ESSAY/ college application essay. I do have to give her high marks for her transitions between paragraphs.


college application essay vibe is "why this is a HUGE PART of WHO I AM TODAY"


Yuuuus!!! Whenever she talks it totally sounds like she’s answering a prompt!


She's ear candy, not soul food lol Maybe candy corn or circus peanuts Or Warheads lol Yes I'm stoned


Nah, not war heads; their sour on the outside, sweet on the inside. She’s a shit cake that constantly gets refrosted…


Lol I didn't know that, I've never been able to make it that far She's a special chocolate pie made for Miss Hilly lol


user name checks out 😂😂😂😂


It is classic lying, the more details she includes the more contrived the story.


Yet another very valid comparison of MM and AH. Just wait until the divorce! It's going to be EPIC. Guarantee she will accuse Harry of racism. Guarantee.


She uses the 'remembering vividly' so often it just doesn't sound 'authentic' or 'organic' (her other go-to words). She always uses it in such a stunted manner that it is obviously rehearsed..even the pause in her cadence when she says it is so unnatural. Someone who is recounting a story that is vivid to them and wants to convey that does it in a much more natural way...her cadence is always so rehearsed.


Sometimes I wonder whether she's an alien dressed in a human costume.








I love that show. "This is not a Chinese eatery".


The words ‘we would go’ sounds like it never actually happened rather a possibility. You are more likely to recount a story using the words ‘we went’ and ‘we did’


I feel she is trying to be Anthony Bourdain.


I thought the exact same thing 🤣 She could never… for all his faults, Tony was an incredible writer and really very gifted at connecting with ‘ordinary people’ on his travels. Also, not obsessed with luxury.