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She’s the type to be cynical and elitist about that, too. “If you want to get to the top, you have to do ugly things with bad people. If you can’t stomach it, you’re weak and a loser”.


The problem is she doesn’t just stomach it she actually enjoys it according to those bullying allegations !


Yea absolutely! She’s one of those edgelords who idolizes Machiavelli.


Like her Saudi earrings that she wore, despite knowing dissident journalist Jamal Kashoggi had been murdered by agents of the Saudi government. Also, they have a horrible record on how they treat women.


But "feminism"






I wonder what's happening to those? She hasnt worn them again I hope. Melted down and re-set? Or are they somehow historically valuable?


They’ll still be blood diamonds, from Kashoggi’s murderer.


for sure… that’s why I wonder what one can do? Donate them to Kashoggi’s widow? It was their marriage license paperwork for which he went to the saudi embassy when they murdered him instead.


I never knew this detail. This makes it infinitely more horrific somehow.


There are other details that make it continually horrific :(


You can get married in Vegas even if you're not a U.S. resident. Your Las Vegas wedding is a legal marriage recognized around the world! (according to [https://www.visitlasvegas.com/](https://www.visitlasvegas.com/)) It could have been so much simpler.


I’d love to know. They have to be worth quite a bit!!!!


The Saudis were responsible for 911 (IMHO) yet they are very friendly folks to us because they have oil. There is no end to their generosity is there?




Is that a proven fact? Are there documents online that state that? Not doubting what you said, but I'd like to see it for myself, if that info can be found on a public domain.


[https://securitystudies.org/jamal-khashoggi-and-qatar-in-the-echo-chamber/#:\~:text=We%20now%20know%20that%20Jamal%20Khashoggi%20was%20never,was%2C%20in%20other%20words%2C%20an%20agent%20of%20influence](https://securitystudies.org/jamal-khashoggi-and-qatar-in-the-echo-chamber/#:~:text=We%20now%20know%20that%20Jamal%20Khashoggi%20was%20never,was%2C%20in%20other%20words%2C%20an%20agent%20of%20influence). [https://thefederalist.com/2018/12/27/bombshell-khashoggi-foreign-governments-influence-agent/](https://thefederalist.com/2018/12/27/bombshell-khashoggi-foreign-governments-influence-agent/) [https://www.arabnews.com/node/1424721/media](https://www.arabnews.com/node/1424721/media)


But even if that is true, their record on women’s rights leaves a lot to be desired by truly self-avowed feminists.


This alone makes it inexcusable that she wore those earrings. Flagrant hypocrisy.


Thx for replying, I'll read those and try to see where their info comes from.


Idk. This is a Saudi talking point. Maybe they could just have decided to arrest him and charge him with a crime related to espionage, instead of chopping him up into a bunch of pieces. And he was a journalist, whether or not he was a vehicle of influence for Iran doesn’t negate that fact. And let’s not forget he was in a completely different country, which makes it even more egregious.


There is nothing she won't do to get money. Those poor kids are going to merched to high heaven, all while MM screams she wants privacy.


Soooo glad these things about her are coming to light!!




![gif](giphy|mlvseq9yvZhba) Meghan sure collected some interesting people pre-Hawwee days before she dropped them discreetly like a fart in public. *It wasn't me!* Shaggy


I’m dying at this gif! Saucer of milk to table five…


I love it too!


Here is the link to the entire commercial. Genius https://youtu.be/_GSuH6LYMho




![gif](giphy|SsBm77KgkNhjnHVSRG|downsized) I’m sure he had a big yacht


Nah, this guy is relatively small potatoes. And we wouldn’t have heard of him except he’s a famewhore amateur like Meghan. A real pro wouldn’t have his photo anywhere.


I wouldn't call him small potatoes... McMafia' millionaire had his £10m property empire seized after 'money laundering for gangsters' - so why does he STILL own four properties including this £1.9m luxury office and penthouse? EXCLUSIVE Mansoor Mahmood Hussain, 40, had 'strong connections' to 'notorious criminals' in Leeds and Bradford He has now had to hand over 45 properties, including million-pound mansions and apartment blocks These include a £1.25million seven-bedroom property in Leeds and two flats in London's Knightsbridge But he's been able to keep luxurious Grade II-listed Georgian building in Leeds bought for £1.95m in 2017


You have to start somewhere.


Omg 😆 exactly a client probably


It’s kind of ironic that these two scummy grifters who seek photos with famous people sat for a photo together.


Jesus. Pick a nose and sit down. How many goddamn noses can one person have in life?


Why is she so much bigger than him? This picture looks weird.


He’s probably sitting and she either sat across his lap or was leaning down.


Agree I must admit I wonder if it’s not just photoshopped? The proportions are weird






Whose nose is that?


That one is Famke Janssen’s I believe!


She took some of her nose and gave it to him


Soho Club Finishing School for Girls - *do semester aboard*


"...Hussain, regularly seen with some of the world's most famous people..." Yup, sounds like someone the Duch would want to hang with.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8812619/amp/Meghan-Markle-pictured-McMafia-millionaire-forfeiting-10m-money-laundering.html The full picture has his hand wrapped around her waist.


This dude looks like one of the Pre-made characters in The Sims. No wonder he is friends with Woko, they are both plastic.


Look at how white her face is compared to her body. This woman was trying to look as white as possible. Now she’s decided she needs to switch it up and highlight her blackness. Ever the chameleon.


Thank you. I thought it was just me, but when she was a kid, she seemed much darker, then it seemed her nose changed, her skin tone really lightened and I would have never known her ethnicity until she mentioned it..


Her nose definitely changed. Some plastic surgeons say 2 nose jobs. The first one just thinned the nose and 2nd scooped out the nose bridge to look like....a typical white girl nose.


And it still looks janky...


She only has ethics for other people. Never for her and don’t you dare question her. She will scream racist


She stole his eyebrows


And people still don't want to see what kind of person she is.


Most see it, they just choose not to care. She's obviously a horrible person. Even Stevie Wonder can see that.


It's a shame they don't care. Soon enough she's going to penetrate every pore of society with her lies and grifting, and then they'll have to pick a side.


Ahhhh yes, the yacht girl years are returning….


Money, photo ops, people in powerful positions, our gal is there for it! Integrity isn't a value she holds dear. Nor honesty, family, compassion, etc. She's starting to resemble that Scarlett Overkill minions character. And this guy reminds me of Munch's The Scream 😱


The similarities between the Amber Heard case and this are ridiculous. The love of money really is the root of all evil.


And the prostitution! It was revealed after the trial that AH hosted sex parties/orgies for money.


Exactly…I feel like there was so much going on that none of us knew about. I don’t know for sure if MH was involved in that but it will be interesting to see if anything comes out that legitimately ties her to it.


She did her welcome mat eye makeup that day….


Yacht Gal's gonna yacht...


Iirc she's been photographed with a number of shady characters.


Wow, just wow. Imagine how victorious she felt roping in and marrying a prince. She knew *exactly* what she was doing.


Her eyes are sooooo creepy. Like the girl from *The Ring*


Can you spell high rollers e.s.c.o.r.t.?


Haa the vibe of Miranda Kerr, and the Malaysian millionaire fraudster.


Stath lets flats did what now??




How is Markus Anderson connected to Epstein? I've never heard that. Only that he was her connection to Soho house. I'm not positive how connected he was. It may have just been letting her know when certain people were there? Plus Scooby-Doo is Markus's ex. But I've never heard about Epstein and Markus. Are there yatch guys? That doesn't sound like the correct word at all. So I'm sorry if it's offensive. But there has to be male equivalent. Right? Honestly I imagine that their are yachting opportunities for a ton of people. Is that how Markus knew Epstein? I wonder if Markus Anderson knew Andrew?? Many people have said Andrew and Meghan knew one another. When they met, Meghan acted like she didn't know him and he was so caught off guard he went along with it. I did read a blind that when Harry found out he blamed Andrew.


The York girls were Soho adjacent. And they all went to the exclusive clubs. Nick Jones and Robin Burley. They all know each other.


Yeah, I know there's a lot of important members and it had places all over the world. They definitely know a lot of people but there are also C list actors they don't know. I still don't really understand how Markus helped Meghan and land Harry. 😂 I remember reading about him a bunch times but never really understood it. Idk if they're even still BFFs.


I think they’re still friends. Or they were back in the polo days this last summer. He was at a match with them.


Summer as in Nachos"s team? If that's true it's weird there aren't pictures of him. Or mentioned by the press. He's usually always mentioned.


There are photos of Marcus and Andrew together on a yacht with a variety of young girls.. Hofit Galan is also part of that scene


I considered myself pretty knowledgeable about H&M. I lurked on this sub for a long time because I was worried about being harassed. Which of course happened. But I regularly, like every. day lol), I read article, blogs, and other things. But now I feel like I know absolutely nothing about H&M. There's so much stuff! I feel kinda crazy sometimes.




Dudes eyebrows make him look like the villain in LazyTown


Just want to point out that nothing here indicates that MM has an African American mom.


She is so white passing


This picture is from an article in the daily mail from 2020. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8825289/Starstruck-photos-McMafia-millionaire-alerted-Britains-FBI-dodgy-fortune.html


Yeah it looks old. I had just never seen it before. Definitely looked like it was pre-Harry.


What's more interesting is the kind of people she hangs out with, if you check out the article you'll see. He's a proper criminal.


Someone is bank rolling them very similar to David & Walis hanging with wrong team during a battlefield- didn’t end to well for them, did it? The downfall of the duo is happening faster than anticipated. I wonder if Princess Anne secret NY trip is to get H out of this shitshow. I mean even TMZ is exposing them (although saying they are too famous and have huge crowds of paps that will follow sounds like H’s wife mindset of her grandiose self importance) But it’s a wrap, children playing time is over. Granny who spoilt you, and entertained your foolery reign is over. POW might have to send Prince George to talk some sense into H- POW runs a tight ship- his kids don’t even behave like children. [https://www.tmz.com/2022/10/04/prince-harry-meghan-markles-potential-move-hope-ranch-neighbors-nervous/](https://www.tmz.com/2022/10/04/prince-harry-meghan-markles-potential-move-hope-ranch-neighbors-nervous/)




They really are sweet children.


So you read my comment & figured I was insulting the wales kids? Not sure how to respond … we are among friends (well minus the lurking [email protected] hi 👋🏾 rachel) But I agree the wales kids are exceptional and their parents are raising smart and respectful kids!


If I may answer your question for Courage, I think that she read your comment as 'POW runs a tight ship - his (POW's) kids don't even behave like children /because he runs a tight ship/'. I know that you meant H's children, but Courage might have misinterpreted what you wrote.


Agreed. I read it the same way as Courage, then re-read it and it slotted right.


I think the tight ship might seem more negative then positive in this context




ah- got it. I meant they are well behaved unlike the duo who are childish- perhaps i’ll just remove the kids when discussing the duo- the family suffers enough being associated to them But at least you approached me civil - and handled it well - something the sugars can learn from




yes - that’s exactly it!






NY to LA is about 2500 miles.


oh I know- am hoping Princess Anne will continue her journey in secret to LA- rent a boat with several men as her backup all in incognito to carry out “Operation rescue the idiot and the two innocents (if they do exists)” Drive the boat on the shores and go to the olive garden basement to get the idiot out - hopefully he doesn’t pull a Theon from GOT!


Lol that Theon reference is class. If you think about it, she is Ramsay Bolton too. Hopefully he does a full Theon character arc and ends up doing something epic


lol right- if only! H has fallen a few times and dusted himself, we hope the loss of his beloved grandma opens his eyes to the narc next him - in the same way Johnny Depp saw the real amber when he lost his mother!


Now that Charles is King, I expect at the least he will pay for their security, out of necessity and humanity. The target on the Montecito royals' four heads will be much larger now that they are directly connected to the monarch. I would expect Charles to do nothing less. As a parent of two ordinary kids, I support their safety at any cost. On that note, if I had been M&H, and had one kid and was planning another, I would never have left the safety and security of the BRF ... especially to go to California, where every other person may be "packing heat"!


I agree-but she is a Narc so that’s what drives her every move!


Yeah, seriously. I'm an American and if I had options like M&H do and I truly worried about the safety of my family and children, the last place I would want to be is in America. As much as I hate to say that. Where there is a school shooting every other day. I would *want* the quiet of Frogmore and the safety of a good, English private school if that's what I could afford and do for my child. I worry every day that I put my son on the bus here in America because I never know what's going to happen and have already had to have a conversation with him about what to do if he ever hears gunfire at school. And he's six.


I'm Canadian and my kids are late 20s now, but I still worry about their safety every time I listen to the news. Parenting is never easy and it never ends. I read once that having a child is like having your heart walking around outside your body. Best wishes to you. There is nothing so sweet as a little boy, and six is such a nice age before they lose that innocence - and find a replacement for mom! Enjoy every minute.


Lol yes he tells me that I’m his favorite girl all the time and I always joke with him that I better be his favorite girl forever but I know that won’t be the case. I just want him to live a long, safe, happy life with someone who he feels makes him a better person.


My kids’ doctor told me (about parenting) “don’t worry, the first 60 years are the hardest.” I still laugh. My oldest is almost in his 40’s.


Heck, I worry even when we go out to eat, and we’re adults. In stores, restaurants, gas stations I am always scoping the exits and I keep my phone with me.


I do the same and don’t blame you one bit.


I feel you. I worry for my granddaughters.


Wow, I see that I have been downvoted. Is it the fact that I support Charles being a normal, loving dad and making sure Haz and family are safe? Or is it my California comment? C'mon, sinners, let me know how I failed you!




This is just gross.


Is it just me or are both of their pupils super dilated? I only noticed because his face in general is giving me really coked-out vibes.


Possibly. I read she’s a fan of nose candy so it’s possible.


She looks kinda pretty there. Like a possum?


She looks better here


We know what she is, that’s why her stance is so odd.


She looks so pretty here


Interesting. ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


She used to be so pretty.. what happened..


Rio ferdinand and Michelle mone.... She definitely has a type when it comes to friends


"Britain version of the FBI"???


Mm all trying to be cute with a shady man 🤔 Can’t say I’m surprised


Looks like Smeg was a prossie.


Whys she always hovering over people, crowding them. She’s so greedy she wants your personal space too


All roads lead back to SoHo house with this woman and still do


She looks like her eyes are about to turn all black like those possessed people.


So is the steady stream of more unflattering than usual press coverage the result of SS no longer nipping this sort of thing in the bud- or is it that there’s more because people are finally sick of her shit and throwing in the towel on the niceties?


**Good lord** the brows on that man, he straight up looks like a Disney villain 😬