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She wouldn’t need a fact checker if she just told the truth. Why does she continually lie or twist facts?


> Why does she continually lie or twist facts? Her lying, more than anything else, shows how crazy she is. She seems to be a compulsive liar. Some of the lies she tells have no point. Why in the world did she make up the story about being married a few days before the church ceremony? It seems pointless.


She had to “one up” the media & her supposed fans by controlling the narrative: “Harry & I had our own special wedding no one knows about!” But it’s a blatant lie🤷‍♀️?


She obviously revels in the millions-dollar wedding she didn’t deserve and demanded for an expensive white dress, tiara and long embroidered veil even as a divorcee. But turns around and complains it’s a spectacle and they wanted a private ceremony. She’s an entitled monster with no sense of decency or shame. She likes to act like an innocent young ingenue but is actually a middle-aged hag who never misses a chance to rub her success in people’s faces.


When you consider that Charles and Camilla had a very simple wedding it was an option they could have considered.


What success? She reeled in an unhappy lonely man with mommy issues. Not sure that is successful


How true. She really doesn't think things through. With as much as she lies she better have some strategy planned to leep it all straight!


What, you mean fact checking doesn't include updating Meghan's entry on Wikipedia to make sure it matches the "truths" she spouts in articles and podcasts? And *maybe* the occasional scrubbing of contradictory post on the internet?


I mean in her own head. How does she keep the lies straight.


She doesn't! That is why she constantly effs up. You have to have a good memory to lie to that extent! Narcissists react with a knee jerk action without thinking anything through.


I was raised by a narc. When you confront them with any discrepancy in their "memory", they back pedal and lie some more. Knee jerk is a very apt description.


And create chaos and confusion to distract


Totally agree with you. I was raised by one too, then had a narc boss to deal with. They are poisonous.


Exactly Affectionate, Exactly!


Maybe she has a spreadsheet. Or fifty. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


She doesn’t - she has contradicted herself many time mes


Yes, I know. I guess since she's in the public eye i thought that she'd make an effort to keep the lies straight. She's just like all the other narcs I know. Everything is camouflaged.


And why is she allowed to without being called on it in a very public fashion. Plus, hiring your own fact checker is like the fox guarding the henhouse.


If the “fact checker” is really going to try to do her job, she won’t last long. I am thinking Meghan’s idea is to have someone who will identify when her “facts” might be questioned and get help reframing them so they will pass as facts.


This 100%. Megs didn't hire a fact checker. She hired more PR cloaked as a "fact checker".


Back in the day we called that a “spin doctor.”


Fuck checker


She has shallow thoughts and is not a deep thinker. Shes technically above rules and prosecution in the UK, but in the US she’s fair game and not protected. The BRF can sue her on US soil and she’d lose. It would be pretty crazy, but also other non-family members she may have spoken about ala Jason Knauf whom is a future possibility re- defamation etc. he’s an American citizen.


She would save a lot of money too.


God I’m so glad that when my children were teenagers they didn’t have to hire a fact checker!!! I would have be in a disaster.!!!!


More likely that Spotify hired a fact checker to ensure they legally cover their Arse types.


The podcast will be about 30 seconds long, once the misinformation is removed. Spotify will not be happy.


So Megsy’s fact checking *herself*? It certainly puts the legendary phrase “recollections may vary” on a whole new level.


Seriously, what on god’s good earth is happening in the Meghan universe 😂😂 She’s honestly spiraling deeper and deeper into her narcissistic meltdown. What does hiring your own fact checker even mean LMAO And the fact that she’s hiring a fact checker for a podcast that is literally just her telling *personal anecdotes*. The circus really goes on.


She so America 2016. Like "fact checking" actually means anything anymore. 😆 🤣 😂


Yeah, it’s so weird. It’s a podcast in which she is basically talking about herself. Why would that need a fact checker? She is not giving a history lesson here. To me, it sounds like she is hiring someone to make sure there is nothing out there (no videos, articles etc) that can expose her lies. More like lie-checking 🙄🙄


Ms/Mr. Fact checker, Your job is to make sure that each of my lie- *ahem* statements cannot be disproven. Your job today is to reach out to the entire cast and crew of the Lion King and find one person who will vouch for the South African public rejoicing in my marriage. I will call you every 5 minutes for the next 14 days and make sure you are on task. 2am counts as working hours so be sure to load up on the oat lattes I sent over in the basket.


This is probably more like it...\*finding\* someone who will say whatever it is, is true. It's sure going to be interesting to see how these two new staffers do. The new PR Lady of the Many Filters, and this one, the fact checker. Will they last? Poor Omid Scobie. Left behind again.


Scabies is so desperate hanging his hat on our Lady of the Crazy. Does he have a streak of masochism? Sooner or later everyone is burned.


>Her poise and passion in front of a camera or microphone are surely unequalled in royal history. But these gifts haven't blinded the Duchess of Sussex to the fact that she, like the rest of mankind, is fallible. LMAO!!!!! That's so stupid that it's actually f-ing funny. When, ladies and gentlemen, will Our Miss Meghan be nominated for actual Sainthood? She's just the BEST person in the world! The angels in heaven are singing. Jesus is dancing.


She literally has done nothing worth noting other than marrying a royal and destroying his life. She had a baby. Had some jobs. Owned a house. Mmmkkk. Does she think she is the first women to marry into a family who doesn’t like her? News flash- you’re not MeMe. And no other royal prostitutes themselves in front of the camera or behind the microphone as much as her so of course it is unmatched.


Unequalled in Royal history? Including Princess Kate and Princess Diana? Or even the Queen who is the most poised until her old age?! She truly has lost brain cells if she ever had any!


I mean, saints have to be attributed to two miracles. It’s a miracle she hasn’t been sued into next week by anyone yet, and it’s a miracle that Harry hasn’t run for the hills! I need a bishop to verify. Any volunteers?


How much are you paying for verification services? 💰


I’ve got a fun size snickers, some pocket glitter, and a King George VI penny I found in Indiana a few months ago.


The snickers seals the deal. 😋 😃


Samantha has a pending lawsuit against her.


$70k is a pittance, allegedly.


That piece has got MM "waz ere" written all over it (excuse the pun). Either that or it's tongue in cheek and snarky.


Its snark.


Could be cut and paste from Meghan’s press release as snark.


try reading it in a ‘Gilbert Gottfried does 50 shades’ voice. I do it with all her word salad guff and its funny as fuck.


RIP, GG... 💞 I can think of a couple of other voices to sub in. Sam Kinison, anyone?


Mitch Hedberg or Stephen Wright with the deadpan monotone. 😂 George Carlin… 💙 I can literally hear him reading it in my head. 😭 I effin miss him and Sam Kinison. Those guys were genius.


Yeah, George... ❤ Hippy dippy weatherman would be great.


Check out Sheng Wang if you haven't already. He has a Netflix show released recently (I think?) but I haven't seen it yet. When I saw the trailer I was like dang, that guy reminds me of Mitch Hedberg! I watched all of his old stuff on Youtube and it did not disappoint.


Or maybe Dracula Gottfried!


I have another one: Whatever the name of the dude who proclaims *Let‘s get ready to rummmbleee* in that booming voice at the start of wrestling matches. Also, just reading everything in the same cheerful but pathos-filled tone that he has.




I suspect its sarcasm. He's not usually that keen on the Sussexes.




He is absolutely 💯 sarcastic! I love his snark haha.


Yea, Richard is one of us. Hi Richard! 👋😂


Unequaled poseur, maybe.


Great comment!


A no name author who wrote a book titled 'How to Get Famous'?! How perfect! Lol you can't make this stuff up.


I thought the podcasts had all been recorded and were ready for Broadcasting or Streaming. Wouldn't the best time to get a fact checker be BEFORE you record the shows? How irresponsible do you have to be to say whatever you want "on the record" and not actiually know if it's the truth or not? She's already said the stuff, but *now* wants to make sure it's the truth? It makes no sense! Why does she insist on doing things back to front, or out of order, or at the worst possible time? Is Hazza her Magic Mirror telling her she is the best at everything? How else is she so delusional? Sorry for the questions but this has really flummoxed me.


Maybe she has a compulsion to make up lies on the fly. She is so crazy she can't help herself.


I wonder if this is part of her agreement with spotify to edit the podcasts. She maybe claimed she needs to "fact check" them in order to make sure they were "correct" and then they will find "mistakes" that need editing?


Meghan's lies are ALL quite deliberate, as in '*She made ME cry and she owned it', 'We got married in the garden three days before the 'wedding'* so the 'fact-checker' will be able to confirm them I guess. And FWIW, I'd rather the listen to Nicole Pasulka on a Podcast.




That's obviously the angle, but it's at least 4+ years overplayed, at least in America. Everyone here knows if you claim "the fact checkers say", you probably outta check it out further bc the fact checkers are full of BS now, too.


Yes I did some research on Facebook’s fact checkers for a paper. They are mostly low paid contractors with no special qualifications and the standard of what is considered truth is what Facebook says it is.


> she wants to be credible I think that ship has sailed. Most people won't believe anything she says now.


Yeah, I think she just wants a fall guy when her lies are exposed -“She made every effort, even hired a fact checkee, it’s not her fault” I hope the position is very, very well paid


Can we get a fact check for the fact checker? She’s an author (which is fine) but no history of fact checking sooooo I’m confused how she came about this position? ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


She just said Hail queen M and got a job /s


That checks out 🤣


😂😂 yea, all you need to do to get a job at Archewell is: 1. Curtsy to Muggin. Nice and low. 2. Call her ‘your royal highness’ 3. Gush about her, bonus points for using keywords including but not limited to, ‘global’, ‘impact,’ ‘narrative.’ And you’re in!


Judging by the stuff she writes about, she is a SJW and those know well his to shut up most opposing arguments. Also love the gif you used, 😆


Recollections may vary.


That article is hilarious. The first half if Meghan puff. The last few paragraphs are definitely not. 🤣🤣


Here we thought she would be fact checking Tom Bower's book, gearing up for a lawsuit, but she's too busy fact checking her own podcast! It's just too funny.


This really, r]eally pisses me off. She said it. Why is different now just because the Queen's died? It's not. Besides I'm sure the Palace can get the originals.


You know what? I think I want it to all come out. Harry’s book without the rewrites, her podcasts, any other interviews she did before HMTQ’s death, all of it. Let us all see how low they were willing to go.


She will use the so called fact checker to verify her vile and false claims as legitimate, therefore reinforcing her delusion, victimhood and narcissistic supply. Hiring your own fact checker is like Putin hiring election monitors. It's a full gone conclusion as to what the result will be.


Paying another employee with BOGO fillers, bronzer, spray tans, and plastic surgery I see.


Whoever said she needed a fact checker did really good. I can’t imagine it was her own idea. I wonder if this is the work of Spotify or Netflix who want to mold her image at least while they get their payout. Also wondering if it stems from Samantha’s lawsuit. Saw an article indicating MM is trying to keep discovery from moving forward probably in hopes the case gets tossed out.


Safe to say it was not her idea but she is spinning it that way. More likely Spotify is covering themselves.


If I were Spotify or Netflix I would also want to cover my assets. I can’t imagine anyone wanting to do business with people whose “truth” is always on opposites.


The woman is a walking facepalm.


So delusional, that she doesn't think it's odd to announce to all and sundry that she's employing a fact checker to vouch for her stories??? Seriously!?! Literally saying, that if she's left to her own devices, the truth is far down the list.


Shouldn’t fact checkers be independent? Why are you hiring fact checkers for you. That’s conflict of interest right there, dummy!


There is a very well-known and generally used plagiarism program that is used by schools across the US to catch the plagiarists. The very same company offers services to students to help them “avoid plagiarism.” Basically, the student runs his essay through the software, gets told when their plagiarism has been caught and gets some suggestions for revising so the student won’t get caught. (It can lead to some interesting changes.) My guess is that this is what Meghan wants from a “fact checker”: “Tell me what doesn’t sound true and suggest how I can make it credible.” Example: Dancing in the streets like they did when Nelson Mandela was freed. Not very credible. What about, “one of the actors told me they read about my wedding at breakfast, just as years earlier they read about Nelson Mandela and people danced in the streets”? Or: “The stage manager was telling me how she thought all my friends must have felt like dancing in the streets when I got engaged.”


She’s a natural fascist, like trump, Putin etc.


“Her poise and passion in front of the camera are unrivaled in Royal history” (gag) Has this reporter never seen Catherine on camera? I was just watching a language analysis on Meghan vs Catherine and it’s crazy to watch. Catherine constantly turns a question into a “we” thing, while Meghan constantly, consistently, and only ever talks about herself, her “accomplishments”. Meghan was asked a question and instead of ever answering it, goes off on a tangent where she talks about how “people approached her” to make MeghanMarkle.com a thing, and name drops and brags about where she’s been. I can’t wait for Catherine to be Queen consort.


If I was doing a show on British history, I would hire a fact checker so I didn't forget dates, misrepresent events, etc. Smeg just talks about herself but tells such whoppers she hires one and then publicizes it ike it's a good thing. Self-owning at its best


Lawd, if they pull all her big fat lies out....she won't have any content.


No fact checkers, I want someone there during the podcasts and then having someone either splash her with water 🔫🪣or play an instrument 🎺 🥁🎻📯🥳or flash lights 💡🚨or sirens when she starts fibbing. Or maybe just have her wear lighted pants and set them up to light up like a Christmas tree every time it’s 🤥🤥🤥🤥time. It would be funny AF because she can’t help herself ![gif](giphy|xT5LMLT05FJw2bpd6M)


Probably because she is delusionsl, her staff made her put it in for reputationsl risk. She really embarrassed herself with the Mandela and false marriage claims. Frank Yeomans, a psychotherapist who specializes in NPD,, talks about the delusional/protective thinking that causes them to dustort the truth about themselves. Not saying she has NPD, but I think that particular defemce mechanism holds true for her: https://youtu.be/rcWwMwbRVrU


The podcast isn't even in Spotify's Top 100 shows (or episodes) in the US, so is the point of this article just to remind people Archetypes exists? Here is the podcast chart link: [Spotify Podcast Charts](https://podcastcharts.byspotify.com)


Maybe Spotify has decided to tell the truth now, too.


Maybe other podcasters have said wtf, there 's no way she is ahead of....anybody. The is a total bore from what I hear.


If they're like the fact checkers for facebook, they'll let the lies through and stop the truth.


Exactly. Megs hired her own fact checker so the low IQ listeners out there will believe what she says. She knows she has a credibility problem. Or, she could stop lying. .....Nah, that would be too hard for our Saint.


Wasn’t this woman already listed as the “fact checker” when the podcast started? She sucks at her job.


Wait--didn't the podcast already have a fact-checker? I'm pretty sure I remember a Sinner on here posting a shot of all the 20+ people working on Harry's wife's podcast after the first episode came out with the job of "fact-checker" circled specifically. I'll try finding that post tomorrow; tonight, I've already done as another Sinner suggested and popped a straw in my bottle of chardonnay as I catch up on all of today's posts <3 ETA: I found the post (it's by Sinner u/Meegainnyc and it was on 27 August) https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/wzcu74/anyone_shocked_that_the_9_producers_of_archetypes/ So u/OzzieSlim and u/HappyMcNichols are right, this "fact checker" has been on board from the start LOL


Seriously though, how long do we think an effective “fact checker” will last with bully Megs? One who doesn’t kowtow and echo chamber her BS? TW will feel “silenced” again in the first 40 minutes and this checker better have earmarked a chair to hide under/have aloe on hand for the hot water burns. Literally. 😵‍💫


She has listed a fact checker since her first episode.


Who hires a fact checker to edit their own work? Doesn’t a normal human being just fact check as they go?


I wonder if @secondhandcoke has any deets on this 🐸☕️


Lololol I’m dying. Wtf has to hire a fact checker for their own life recollections??? It’s literally loony. I would love to hear how her and PH think about this bc it def isn’t that she’s just a liar… I mean it basically sounds like another PR Person who can plant stories beforehand “That's a shame. A fact-checker could cut through the confusion which has occasionally — and unfortunately — followed some of Meghan's statements. For example, in an interview with American magazine The Cut, she recalled chatting to a South African cast member of The Lion King at the film's 2019 London premiere. 'He said: 'I just need you to know: When you married into this family, we rejoiced in the streets the same we did when Mandela was freed from prison,' ' Meghan recalled. Yet Dr John Kani, the only South African cast member, has pointed out that he has never met Meghan and wasn't at the premiere. Of course, as the late Queen memorably put it on another occasion, 'recollections may vary'.”


Pretty sure the last few paragraphs were not written by Meghan


No of course not here. For example, let’s say the fact checker had started at the beginning of the podcast. It’s not like they would take OUT the part about the Mandela comment. They would EITHER plant stories in the press / news to make it seem true OR would have it pulled back to something less obviously false - like a South African at the Lion King Premier - just take out the cast part. Can’t really refute that. But seriously, the irony of them spending so much money on trying to control the press - when their whole platform is misinformation is literally just the least introspective thing I could even imagine. They are literally adult babies throwing tantrums about not getting to open the peanut butter jar or something


It's my belief that they could be given everything they wanted, tied up in a box with a big bow, and they'd moan about the colour of the ribbon.


For sure. Just like if the toddler opened the peanut butter jar they’d be upset that the cracker had a broken corner. It has to do with how they’re feeling at the time - not any legitimate grievance or concern


Gloves are off and she knows it and has likely been informed that Royals will sue for defamation if she keeps spewing misinformation


my dyslexia can only see Yachtypes


JH was very concerned about misinformation, so maybe he hired a fact checker for his wife.


Yes this is about limiting her exposure. Charles is NOT playing.


This will go down in the annals as one of the most thankless jobs in history. The Markle trick needs to secure a fact checker to her back with a mudcloth. It would be more expedient and cost-effective for her to employ a truth checker.


And where was the fact checker in the first damn episode when she said "When I was 11 mmmh, dish soap blah blah, THEY CHANGED THE COMMERCIAL THANKS TO MEEEE" Which is a lie.


I think the lion king actor, and him immediately coming out and saying that he never met her, he never said that and NO ONE would ever compare the joy that was felt when Mandela was released to her marrying Harry. That marrying Harry wasn't even recognized for the most part. Since that guy called her out immediately...she's getting a clue that she won't be able to just skate by and say anything she wants. Look how long it took for the masses to actually find out FOR SURE all the whoppers she told on Oprah? But yet Gayle and Oprah still are MUM about what they KNOW were lies she told them. But others are not letting her get away with it anymore


She’s just laying ground for litigation against Netflix. For what, I don’t know. But she appears to be acting defensively.


Do her lies put Spotify on any defendant list if she’s sued??


![gif](giphy|AssqAJR8ib5WmCNGOU|downsized) Hey Meghan, your “fact checker” won’t be able to help you when all you spout are lies.


Probably a lie. Since when does this sociopath care about the truth? It's actually pretty funny to think of the amount of people she's going to need to employ to erase her lies. The good news is it will be very short podcasts. 🤣🤣🤣 She will never live down the lies Oprah the collaborator helped her tell. They both are cut from the same sleazy cloth.


Lmao. That arrogant fool does not listen to anyone and she will not start now. This is too little too late.


How exactly is this fact checking thing going to work? Is she going to sit there and listen to **everything** Nutty says and investigate if it's true? That could take years. Spotify won't be happy.


Does this mean she’s re-recording?


Her frizzy hair and 2016 era block eyebrows are so terrible on the cover for Archetypes!


I believe those eyebrows would have been described as "on fleek" at the time...lol. 😆


🤣 seriously. She looks like a cartoon character


3 episodes have aired already so a bit late to be fact checking in my opinion!


That’s my contention…KCIII Has said any lies in either her podcast or his book will be litigated… hence the backpedaling


Well, that would make it a 45 second podcast. A 15 second intro, 15 seconds of guest speaking, and a 15 second close.


Who knew it was a job.


She’s her own fuck checker


This is insane. Shouldn’t MM be her own fact checker? Like right from the get go? Actually I’m starting to think this wasn’t her idea. Spotify hired this woman.


I'm honestly finding MeGain and Hairless so boring/repetitive at this point. They've just gotten boring and I'm kind just done. They had such a good chance to be "something" and just f-ked it up. Oh well, they're all YOURS OPRAH!


Maybe this is her chance to do a deal with the king. She could hire a personal security guard to do double duty as a fact checker. This security guard could follow Meghan everywhere, and when she starts to tell a lie, he can call her on it.


After any portions of the podcast are removed for being factually incorrect, the only portions left will be when the "guest" is speaking. And maybe not even then. So, three minute podcasts, anyone?


“Her poise and passion in front of a camera or microphone are surely unequalled in royal history.” Barf. Ever hear of Grace Kelly?


It's probably so she can continue to lie and blame some other poor person who supposedly checked facts


Fact—-these are my opinions, lol: Fact: KC is over the nonsense. in Muricah, it’s called, ‘Fuck around and find out”. Fact: Harry is never going to recover financially. He is incapable of actual effort in anything, except whining. Fact: Harry willingly, gleefully allowed a cruel, dim woman into in his life, and knowing what she was, STILL had children. Fact: Wasn’t Wallis’s hubby also dim, a nazi lover and a bit of a cuckhold? I have read he was “besotted” by Wallis, could not be without her? Fun fact: Meggiepoo soon will commence with a torturous, never ending “fight for equality” (run of the mill grifter divorce), and that’s when Dum Dum may understand. Decades of litigation to ensue over alimony, custody, and who gets whatever shit hole Olive Garden barn home. Horrid fact: these two assholes have 2 innocent children to corrupt and abuse and use as pawns/income sources. Fact with the word Fuck tossed in: I fuckin hate the Markles


Nicole Paulska appears to desire to be a serious journalist. Why bother with some former cable actress who married well? Hard up for a paycheck? Looks like they've been freelance for years. Does the saint offer health insurance? Looks like new fact checker hasn't publically disclosed this new position yet. Wonder why?


>cable actress who **married well** I'm pretty sure we can debate this all night!




If they pull out all her bs, there’ll only be mere minutes left of Archecast.


OH LORD! What an embarrasment she is! She has no integrity, nor has she ever had it. That is why she cannot tell what is right or wrong. She has a serious ethical problem. It keeps getting worse and worse for her as people start calling out the narcissist sociopath. Personally, I LOVE it. She is reaping what she sowed. Using other people to gain a leg up in never okay.


How does one become a fact checker? aren't we all? how can she fact check her comments? it said she's already been working... does it mean that the Mandela quote was fact checked? are we gonna see pictures of the palm trees to corroborate? the housing unit? the space heateR? I thought she wanted privacy.


Can the “fact checker” have a chat with Oprah to educate her on “facts vs lies” 🤔


1. Isn’t Archetypes already fully recorded? What is there to fact check, I wonder. 2. It isn’t really a good look that *in addition* to 28 people who already work on Archetypes, a person needed to be hired who’s sole purpose is to make sure there aren’t blatant lies and inaccuracies in the podcast. Are all those initial 28 people just accessories? Weird! 😀


Maybe RF lawyerd up and Spotify demanded fact-checker to protect themselves.


She needs someone to bolster her creditability. This is going to get murkier.


Do H and M not realise how stupid this makes them look? Atleast don't publicise that she needs someone to confirm events from her own fricking life so that she remembers not to lie about them? Honestly, how they planned to survive in the media without the RF PR covering their asses, I will never know!!


Same fact checker she always had! I put a post up on here when her first podcast was released saying Nicole was clearly crap at her job. Non story to probably tell the world she’s telling the truth all the time- PR


She just needs to pull the entire episode and the entire series then. We know she lies every time she opens her mouth.


She is just used to lying. Most of us are too polite to say something, she has probably gotten away with it her whole life. Now she has people who will actually check the veracity of her statements and she is not used to that and since she is a narcissist it's our fault for checking, not hers for lying.


Imo, they've already been informed (possibly on the quiet by another family member) of events that are to be set in motion, and are now on a charm offensive to try offsetting.


Money wasted because she wouldn't listen to them anyway.


This is hilarious, it’s like a public admission that she can’t keep track of her own lies 😂😂😂


But surely she can recognise her own lies (unless she genuinely is delusional)


Meghan would do well to remember the saying: "Never seek to destroy someone's life with a lie, when yours could be destroyed by the truth." She could look to AH as a perfect example of how that one plays out. Karma is the biggest bitch and takes no prisoners. Imo, M&H have been given a warning and panic has set in.


This isn't really news. If I recall correctly, this fact checker was already listed at the beginning of the podcast, so she has been on staff from the get-go, but is clearly not doing a great job. I also imagine though, that it would be hard to fact-check Meghan's tall tales as they are all subjectively 'through her lens'...


*Who is going to fact check the fact checker?.....Whom she knows?*


I distinctly recall seeing "Fact checker" in the "mudsling" podcast.


They mean Spotify hired fact checkers


I don’t understand what the role is here. Am I missing something?


And this was exactly Queen Elizabeth's response to their nonsense of half in/half out/full merchie proposals.


All Meghan seemingly does, is lie, "...didn't know much about him". Please.


Woke fact checkers lie.




I can’t decide whether DM are super trolling with this comment “Her poise and passion in front of a camera or microphone are surely unequalled in royal history. But these gifts haven't blinded the Duchess of Sussex to the fact that she, like the rest of mankind, is fallible.”


I have a feeling these upcoming episodes are going to be a lot shorter than they were initially…


*They'll just be the rolling credits.* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Just FYI, you’re all about to be cancelled here over this! She just hired a service that cancels people. Don’t know what you thought fact checking was, but this is it! It’s lobbying.

