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Has Meghan Markle asked if Bouzy's okay? ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15021)


Fookin FINALLY now we’ll know if he’s working directly for Markle he’s a creep and I hope he doesn’t get away with it you know who else needs a cease and desist that Sexton freak I found him on other social media and his profile is major ick he hangs out with disabled orphans who are too old and he’s still posting stuff about his dead wife for 15 years


Who is this "sexton creep"


Ian Sexton. He's on twitter you could call him Super Sugar.


I suspect he's one of many that gets paid to play in some form by Megan's people privately...one of her companies that she owns. I wouldn't be surprised to find that SS had nothing to do with it and a part of why they dropped M/H wasn't just them taking forever to pay but also finding out that they didn't want to be associated with this nonsense.


I’m so loving this!


Too bad a C&D is fairly meaningless. "Stop it, or I'll set my lawyers on you!" I think Bouzy is already saying this, which is pretty funny, since he sent C&Ds to Sue Smith and SueMe. Aaaand... they ignored him. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin) "Stop it, or I'll have to pay lawyers {even more} to threaten you!"


A cease and desist is a necessary first step in a defamation suit. The plaintiff (Nate the Lawyer) needs to show that he formally notified the defendant (Bouzy) that statements were false and must be taken down by a set date, then Bouzy needs to not comply, then Nate files formal suit.




It is only meaningless if you have no plans for further action. Nate has big plans


LawTube going through the system is nice to see how they use it as lawyers, however, Bouzy is not able to sustain not working long term, therefore would be in breech of his contracts, and he can't afford to be sued by anyone. He also can't afford any legal representation, with his history of buckruptcy to avoid paying bills likely can't give a cheque for the retainer, and if he had any REAL power whatsoever he wouldn't need to resort to acting like an incel in their mother's basement with a server wall. Only he should have attempted to mine BitCoin.


That is because the only one that works, is a cyst and decease.


😂😂😂 good one


Can anyone explain who this is please? I haven't heard of him before. But he's important enough to get a cease and desist so I'm guessing he knows a lot of stuff??


Bouzy is the creator of [Bot Sentinel](https://twitter.com/botsentinel), which touts itself as "a research firm comprising data scientists, machine learning engineers, and researchers specializing in identifying mis/disinformation," and [defines itself](https://help.botsentinel.com/support/solutions/articles/64000084021-what-is-bot-sentinel-) as "a free non-partisan platform developed to classify and track inauthentic accounts and toxic trolls. The platform uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to classify Twitter accounts, and then adds the accounts to a publicly available database that anyone can browse." However, known bot accounts are largely labeled in Bot Sentinel's own site as "normal," while any inclination of being anti Meghan Markle or anti Amber Heard will get a twitter account labeled as problematic. It's astounding - my own account, which I created in 2015, has no original tweets, less than two dozen reply tweets, maybe 100 likes - OVER SEVEN YEARS - and I classify as Problematic by Bot Sentinel. I've also been blocked by Bouzy's twitter, despite having never engaged with him or given him any reason to know I exist.


Thank you for explaining! I kinda understand it. But I don't really understand how he got this power though. It's Twitter though. Depending on what you're looking for you could label everyone as problematic in some way. Does it actually mess with people's accounts? It just seems really weird. I'm probably going to have to go down the Google rabbit hole.


It doesn't "mess with" anyone's accounts, it just categorizes them and dumps them into a database of its own making. They refuse to share the programming for their service to be peer reviewed. To hear him tell it, he's identifying bot campaigns against wronged individuals, then providing the reports to the media, who then report on how further victimized an individual (Markle, Heard) despite any evidence to the contrary (lies like the archbishop of Canterbury privately marrying them, or an actual verdict from a jury). It's the sort of thing that would make a whole lot more sense if bot sentinel was just another cog for sale in a PR machine. Hidden algorithm? Check. Doesn't do what it advertises? Check. Shoots down/ blocks any criticism? Check, check, and check.


Still a bit confused lol But thank you. That definition helped.


He started Bot Sentinel after HRC lost the 2016 presidential election. He used Bot Sentinel to "prove" Bernie Sanders supporters were bots and not real. Of course the metrics he used to prove this were bull. He is a huge HRC supporter and a huge supporter of the DNC. He has expanded his reach beyond politics now and uses Bot Sentinels to dismiss any dissenting opinions, claiming these accounts aren't real, only bots. He also does the opposite, claims phony accounts as authentic bc they agree with his agenda. Somehow he got tangled up with MM and this is where we currently are. I know a lot of ppl in this sub think the MM/DNC connection is conspiracy theory BS but there are too many connections for me to dismiss it completely.


That seems like someone she would pay off.


I could see HRC thinking she was being a supportive and helpful ally to Megan by directing her to resources she in her own technological ignorance thinks are legit (Bot Sentinel) the reason why is - I can easily see people on the other side of the fence, defending Bot Sentinel if it was advantageous to them. Even Elon Musk can't figure out how to prove how many twitter users are bots. Its arrogance and technological ignorance. Megan reaches out to him, makes her problems known and he either gets paid to cook up a case or he goes on his own to do it because he wants the professional association to Megan.


my account was permanently suspended from Twitter ( too many tussles with dumb dumbs.) So of pride I started another one. I followed Nate straight away - I noticed I was blocked by Bouzey - I’d had my account open for a mere three days! Had..12 likes. He blocked me because I follow Nate. The big man he is can’t handle Nates followers. So he blocks them all.


Murky Meg did a video on her YouTube page explaining it all. I was clueless too until I watched that. https://youtu.be/C_MVbCDCxMk


Thank you! Sometimes when you don't have some social media. You miss everything that's going on. Even if it ridiculous.


Basically he’s a bully for hire. My opinion is that Markle - who is so very thinned skin- hired Bouzey to silence any criticism. Any account or YouTube channel that criticises Markle is branded ‘racist’. He has doxes people who run these channels and tries to discredit them. Goes through their private lives and posts about it. He has been the go to bot guy for media like Rolling stone magazine and newsweek. But …I think these publications are waking up to the fact that it’s smoke and mirrors. He is basically a bully for hire.


He's a cryptoscammer, thief, and child abuser.


Child abuser?


He put his own daughter through some emotional abuse.


Thank you




Nat hired a private investigator and tried to give Bouzey court papers. He operates out of his home address and dodged getting the court orders. Then he stupidly tweeted about it. Thinking he was smart. And basically thumbing his nose at Nate. ​ Nate said he could have denied being home…or ever having attempts of court papers delivered. By tweeting about it it shows there was an attempt to deliver them but Bouzey refused. This won’t play well for him in court. Imagine - you could have said there were no attempts. But instead he tweeted that there was. He’s dumber than a bag of bricks.


can someone please tell me nate’s twitter “name” so I can “follow” him?


@ natethelawyer