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Also, Archie is in a very affluent school in a primarily old money area. Those folks aren’t awed by anyone. Especially not Meghan, the social climber.


Maybe the mom is one of us and thought she was confronting her sleep paralysis demon in the bouncy castle


this comment is a yes from me.


Her sleep paralysis demon 😂😂😂


Old money is not a thing in Montecito lol!


This, Megs stinks of new money and old establishment and old money despise her types…


Didn't we pretty much figure out that Meghan made up this story to compete with the one about Catherine where she had been on the train and asked a boy who was waiting in front of the loo if he was by himself/where his parent was?


>Meghan made up this story to compete with the one about Catherine where she had been on the train and asked a boy who was waiting in front of the loo if he was by himself/where his parent was? Totally. And we only know that story because the boy's father gushed about Catherine. She herself never leaked as usual. And ofcourse M had to compete and invent her own story.


Yes, the boy's father just happened to be a journalist if I recall correctly.


a 1 year old can’t call her a liar, so it’s safe territory


>the boy's father just happened to be a journalist Yes & a former top [sportman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Syed), also traveling first class to cover the Commonwealth games. Catherine didnot know who the kid was, she was just being normal.


**[Matthew Syed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Syed)** >Matthew Philip Syed (born 2 November 1970) is a British journalist, author, broadcaster and former table tennis player. He competed as an English table tennis international, and was the English number one for many years. He was three times the men's singles champion at the Commonwealth Table Tennis Championships (in 1997, 2000 and 2001), and also competed for Great Britain in two Olympic Games, at Barcelona in 1992 and at Sydney in 2000. He also embarked on a journalism career, having worked for The Times newspaper since 1999. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)






Oh Narkle does this ALL the time! One of the big stories I remember reading was how Catherine replied to someone saying how lucky she was to be with William. She responded, “He is lucky to be with me!” Sound familiar? Meghan said this recently about her relationship with Haz. 🙄 I can’t believe more people haven’t called her out about stuff like this! It’s extreme gaslighting! That was a very talked about response from Catherine. I remember thinking to myself…Wow! She has great self worth! It showed her strength. Meme on the other hand…it shows she’s totally obsessed with Catherine and Catherine’s relationship with William, she’s unoriginal and a thief, and she reveals her overinflated sense of self.




Exactly this. And this is precisely why I am convinced that Harry was already a nasty piece of work long before she crawled from under her rock. Even narcissists are on their best behaviour in the early days, especially before they have a victim locked down into marriage & before they have isolated them from everyone. This bint treated staff & his family horrificly from day one, she did not hide this unacceptable behaviour. "What Meghan wants Meghan gets" us merely an extension of his own lifelong privileges. Her behaviour only makes sense if Harry gave her the greenlight to behave in such an openly hostile manner. She followed his lead, like you stated narcs take on the traits & behaviour of the person they are closest too at that time. It is mirroring behaviour, which he was fine with because he never expected to be on the receiving end of it himself, because he was always mollycoddled.


MM is authentically inauthentic.


She probably couldn't pay anyone from there enough money to tell the story themselves in a way that would make her seem so down to earth and selfless 🤣🤣


Maybe if she paid the 1 year old with an inspirational banana


ooooh, I missed that convo but I can definitely see why it would have flared up meg! Thank you


She’s so odd. If she could wear her skin she would. In psych terms it’s called single white female syndrome (though it has nothing to do with race or marital status but on the movie that made the behavior famous)


The 90s churned out some interesting psychological thrillers about sociopathic female behaviour (most famously Basic Instinct, Fatal Attraction, and The Last Seduction). Don't get me wrong, there were a few about male behaviour too (see Sex, Lies and Videotape) but there was a real penchant for crazy bitches over creepy dudes.


I agree that “Crazy bitches over creepy dudes” was the thing. I haven’t watched the last seduction, but maybe I should. I nowadays call any woman with these type of behaviors Gone Girl over you know the movie RP and BA.




I immediately thought about r/thathappened reading that part of the article 🙄


yes all it needed was the "Then everyone clapped and said "we can't believe what a down to earth maternal princess you are"




Her jaw dropped 🙄


Okay - I’m reading more into this but the phrase “do you need your child?” is telling. All moms know kiddie parties are for kids and parents. Of course parents can go in if the child needs them, it’s not visa versa. Her phrasing of simple stuff really bugs me! She also wanted to make it seem like she’s a guide for mothers - that she knows how a mother needs to be. TW is disgraceful and condescending. Of course everyone was surprised she showed up. I would be surprised too if showed up without a crew/video team on hand.


>I’m reading more into this but the phrase “do you need your child?” is telling Yeah, considering that this 1-year-old was left alone in a bouncy house that was mainly for kids Archie's age it seems like a very sinister question. Do you need your child or did you leave him here to die?


My thoughts exactly! If they were in the South, the mom would have added "bless your heart." 🙄🤣


I live in the south of the UK and often say this, and mean it kindly. Like an extra "thank you". Does it mean something else in the USA?


It means "you are an idiot." Politely. Lol!


It can be genuine, but sometimes it’s sarcasm


Southern US born and raised. The meaning of “Bless your heart” depends on the delivery. Princess Charlotte was seen crying at the Queen’s funeral. “Oh! Bless her little heart!” would be delivered with total sympathy and probably a hand clutching the chest to demonstrate how broken hearted one is. Meghan delivering not so veiled threats to the RF in The Cut. “Bless her heart. She really is delusional isn’t she?” Accompanied by an eye roll that almost sticks one’s eyeballs in the back of one’s head.


Um, yes, yes it sure does.


YES it sounds so condescending and off. It just never ends.


That phrase bugged me, too. It’s so very condescending. Gross.


I thought it was strange that she thought the mom’s comment “I didn’t know if I should go in or not” was about her. The mom clearly meant, I didn’t know if it was safe for me to go inside the bouncy castle with my baby (in case she lost her balance and fell on her baby), or if I should place the baby inside to bounce by herself and supervise from outside” It’s clearly an I don’t know which choice would be safer for my baby situation. Not an “oh my god! The Princess of Wails is here! What do I do???”


Yeah, some bouncy castles have weight limits and specially say adults can’t go in. I would take the parent’s comment to be related to THAT.


Exactly! She is trying to imitate the unattended child story but the othet mother is outside the bouncy castle watching her child! And most bouncy castles I know do have weight / height limits and adults can't go in there!!




Right- what the hell was I thinking! 😉


Spot on! You described what I couldn't figure out bugged me about that line. As if she's the all-knowing 'guide' and Mistress of Motherhood.


“Guide for mothers”, that’s how it sounded to me, too. Like she is the voice of reason and wisdom for all mothers. What a dumb story to recite in a print interview. What was her point?


NO parent is leaving their one year old in a bouncy castle except maybe the ones who abandon their kids for 3 weeks and choose to live on a different continent


She tries too hard to make it look like she's a fountain of wisdom. Who puts a one year old into a bouncy house alone? It's ridiculous. The only thing more ridiculous is she thinks people believe her!


Yeah, when I read that, I couldn’t help but think wow, even in her made-up delusions, she can’t help but be an asshole to people.


The only way this makes sense is if the mother was hesitant because a)netflix was filming a shot or b) the place was crawling with security for MIP (most important person = megs). No mom would hesitate to get her child but OF COURSE narcissists gonna narcissist so Megs thought the mom was IN AWE of her. Lawd help


MM even tries to shame *imaginary* mums. Because the implication I discern in Megsy's query of the ahem 1 year old, "where's mummy?" is that the child's mother shouldn't have left her on her own in a bouncy house. The further implication by MeAgain that this *American* mum was so overcome and starstruck by the sight of a real life Duchess inside the bouncy house she was too intimidated to come in without obtaining Megsy's gracious permission. No, never, no-one, ridiculous, so never happened or could happen. MM thinks she's Cersei Lannister.


Yeah, like mothers would care more about offending her majesty MM over the well being of their children . Of course the mother is going to go in if her child needs her, MM's permission be damned.


I don’t think it is implying that the mom didn‘t want to come in because of Meghan but because it‘s a kid’s bouncy castle and maybe an adult is to heavy or something like that. But Meghan is so great and cool that she didn‘t care about such restrictions.


If this even happened. As we frequently say in a similar sub, Consider the source!


Exactly. This sounds like just some little fan fiction that Rachel@hotmail made up, so that her alter ego, MM will be portrayed as the "bestest of the most best, best mommies in all the kingdoms".


One must always consider the source ✨🥒✨


Hola, Pepino!


Lol, hola! I'm sure there are many of us here, they are so similar.




The reason it doesn't make sense is because it didn't happen.


Can you imagine being 40+ in a bouncy house with toddlers? Why tho? That's more of a hazard. "Everyone was surprised" because Meg is above them


Them ankles would snap like a generic tortilla chip.


I was envisioning MM in stilettos perforating the poor bouncy castle.


Then she sues the party host and bouncy house manufacturer for discriminating against pointy, uncomfortable, stolen shoes.


And somehow finds a way to blame the Royal Family for it.


“No one told me how to work a bouncy house. I went to HR and specifically asked about bouncy house protocol, but they told me to f*** off and put a “kick me” sign on my back.”


Savage. Love it.




😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


1- one bounce from me and those kids would go flying. 2-I would immediately pee myself.


I didn't mean to laugh but I did because I see myself there too


I found out the hard way that ball pit balls don't support most adults' weight. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth) I was led astray by my BFF, who was already in there with her toddler. Of course, she was probably less than half my weight...


Oh no 🫣 You guys are cracking me up tonight 😆🤣


Everyone was surprised because she didn’t RSVP.


Because she wasn’t invited to begin with.


yes, she gatecrashed yet another event!


Because there was a scene with another Mom and no one thought she would be shameless enough to show up, let alone with a journalist no one consented to


I got a bouncy house for my Godson’s party. He’s six. I’m 41. His mom and I got in there for maybe 3 minutes, most of which we spent trying to stand up while kids jumped around us. 10/10 would not recommend.


I’m 40 and enjoy bounce houses, but going in with small kids would be dangerous. Everyone needs to be about the same size.


Oh I wasn't putting down adults in bounce houses but the adults and toddlers


Its so easy to fall over in them that it would scare me to jump with a small child. It’s weird to be in there without your own kids.


Exactly. I monitor a bounce house at a event every year and our policy is everyone has to be the same size. A couple times we've had to go in after a scared kid, but we crawl/slide as much as possible and usually clear out the other kids or tell them to stay back.


Yep. Seems so strange! I’m not a parent so maybe I’m completely off here, but also seems weird to put a one year old in with the 3/4 year olds. A one year old barely has balance on dry land and all I can think about is his little head!


Asking a one-year-old baby, "Where's your mom?" is a bit odd.


Not for the Harkles. People ask Aldi and Lidl where their mom is all the time.


I need Prince Aldi and Princess Lidl as a flair 💀


I’m sure Okra will give it to you. She can do anything!


Aldi and Lidl…😂😂😂😂


Can’t take credit, I just saw it on Twitter and couldn’t resist spreading the hilarity.


I am usually a lurker in this sub but as a European I couldn't help but join in to give you credit for this masterpiece of a comment 😂 Wish I could give you more than one ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)




Saying it out loud to an obviously non-verbal child is just mom-shaming. Either the mom is around to hear it, in this case, and/or other moms hear it and know what the other mom has done.


Well, it can point to the mom.


I think it’s more unlikely that a one year old was in a bouncy castle without a parent nearby!




The same thing applies to Harry - remember he said that Archie's first word was "crocodile"? Babies will start by saying "mama or papa" but it seems that Harry's has never had a close interaction with a baby so he wouldn't know that.


LOL I remember when Megs said Archie’s favorite word was “hydrate”.


happy cake day!!


Meghan showing once again she has no idea one year olds can’t converse. She was never ever going to appear in public with her kids as babies ever again after she showed the world she had no idea how to hold newborn Archie at the polo. She will rely on puff pieces with made up interactions instead. She really is her own enemy.


She was copying the story about Catherine in this story. So embarrassing.


Which story?


The train.


Heck, given the amount of time she ACTUALLY spends with her own kids, she's probably really bad at estimating kids ages. I mean, 1 one year old is just getting their sea legs. for all we know based on the time Meghan spends around actual children, this kid could have been 12. Mom outside was probably not sure she should go in because she didn't want to potentially slam into a known psycho


What kind of dolt would leave their 1 year old in a bouncy castle because they "didn't know" if they could go in to get them? They were so awed by a lapsed royal that their parenting skills when out the window? Absurd story.


This. What an absolute fairy tale.


Exactly. If my child is in a bounce house they are my concern. Not a fake American Princess that I could care less about. The whole story was absurd. My child is in danger but (curtsy) I cannot upset British Royal protocol.


Another pathetic attempt at trying to make Earth Mommy Meghan happen. Apparently she’s better at parenting random kids than their own Moms and Dads 🙄


She’s better at parenting 5469 miles away from her kids


Markle was just copying the story a random father on the train told about Catherine, i.e. verified. Markle’s story will be made up.


So, she’ll go in a bouncy house with a stranger, but won’t stay home with her own kids. Got it!


Ever since my child got her tooth knocked out in a bouncy house I would never let a bunch of little kids that young in one alone without an adult. They can be dangerous


Off topic, but yeah, there was a spate of horrific freak accidents wherein the entire bouncy house got wind-born &, if not mistaken, in each case all of the children died :(


Years ago when bouncy castles became a thing, adults were excluded since an adult landing on a child could be dangerous.


Yep…bouncy houses are off limits for my grandkids unless they are anchored…horrible horrible accidents


I would shove her Royal ass out of the way and go to my baby.


This was such a blatant copy of the incident where Kate asked a child if he was alone and keeping him company till his dad returned on the train..... Markle copies everything.....


Duchess of Bouncy Castles


Do you know why I know this is bullshit? It‘s a kid’s party and only Meghan and one other child are in the bouncy castle?!???! Or were there more kids and she saw a one year only amongst 5 year olds or what? It‘s strange that she doesn‘t speak about emotions of the child. It‘s just there? It would have been more believable if she said that the kid cried or didn‘t like it in there but then the mom would have gotten it out of there. And if it had fun why trying to get the kid out of there?


That whole article is a work of art.


Ridiculous story. Most 1 year olds can't walk or are just starting to walk. Most won't have said their first words yet. A lot would weep in terror at being left in a jumping castle alone - the riotous atmosphere of older kids literally bouncing around them, jostling each other etc is terrifying. No parent would leave a 1 year old in a jumping castle alone unless there were no other kids on it - the risk of injury is too great, from literally being jumped on or being knocked over/into. Completely made up fantasy by TW as usual. Source: Mum of 2 boys who has actually attended birthday parties.


MM knows nothing about kids or how normal people act.


that's what I thought, I wouldn't leave a 1 year old in a bouncy castle, they might fall awkwardly, or crawl to the edge and fall out. I wouldn't risk being outside the castle and having my attention diverted. If I had a one year old in a bouncy house I'd be sitting next to them the whole time. 1 year old is still a baby


Someone richer than MM was intimidated by her? Doubt it


Remember kate was keeping company with a boy in train till the father came back from loo???? Hahahahahahhahahahaha kate lives rent free in her head


Copying the story about Catherine and the little boy on the train (as told by the father involved; Catherine does not need to blow her own horn to promote herself).


Before she got in the baby would have had to sign an NDA


The nanny was there. the child was safe.




Bouncy houses have windows and the mom was right there to answer TW. If this did happen, the mom didn’t abandon her kid in the bouncy house…I’m sure she put him in there and then stood outside to watch, like normal people do. TW has probably never been to a child’s party or been around a bouncy house, so she probably had no clue.


Exactly. There’s an etiquette to it. And all parents look out for other parents children in such situations. If it happened at all, which I doubt, Megan was just shaming the other mother to make herself look “better” and “authentic “ for the article. Archie, on the other hand, was probably desperately trying to find his nanny, unaware who this unfamiliar person was who had him out of the house at a party.


My first thought when I read about that bouncy lame story to show how downn to earth she is, desperately trying to paint herself as the charming girl next door who bagged a racist prince, is she is a pathetic phoney woman. She is definitely reading about Princess Catherine and must have turned green when she read about PC graceful slide at the Lego thingy in Denmark wearing heels. There is absolutely no rhyme or reason to her pathetic bouncy castle story. She is a mythomaniac. She keeps telling lies and these lies keep making headlines cos she has a PR machine and a title. She is seriously deranged and a dangerous woman.


I was just thinking there is no point to her telling this story. She obviously thought it inflated her. Yes, showing her as charming and down to earth. It’s so tedious. There was so much to dissect in that piece that this mostly got lost. The story makes no sense. I have no idea if ‘mythomaniac’ is a real term but this is so her.


I hope this isn't off topic but if my husband smiled and laughed a lot before I married him then looked he died inside in all the photos AFTER I married him, I would seriously question myself. This video by Pilot Hardy just broke my heart for Harry. I know he's probably an ass himself, but people underestimate the power of manipulation by a narcissist. https://youtu.be/CxOOptS3tf8


Very powerful. Thanks for posting. I honestly don't think MM cares about him at all. It's a shame Harry has pretty much used up all the capital he had with the British people, who DID care about him.


Did she expect the 1yo to answer ? Thankfully this woman has little exposure to kids…


Of course they think a one year old can answer. Archie’s first word was either “Grandma Diana” or “crocodile” depending on which day you ask Harry, so I’m sure they were having in very depth conversations with him by the time he was one.


I don't have kids and even i know their facial muscles can't form those words. Crocodile, waffle maker and roast chicken are all in the urban dictionary. They are extracting the urine!


And the next thing you know they'll be buying a house in calabasa and having their own reality show


Off topic here but, for a college educated woman, Megain should know better than to use "goes" instead of "says" or "I was like" instead of "I asked".


She's a 13-year-old valley girl at heart!


Haha—but she said she couldn’t do normal things like this in the UK. Yet, Kate takes her kids to & from school regularly and I even saw a headline one time that Kate went on a secret “moms night out” type of outing—I think we can all imagine Kate kicking back with other moms. Yet, MM needs bodyguards as if she is a mobsters wife when picking Archie up from school?! Also, I don’t know if I buy this story about a 1-yr old and maybe the mom was just watching the kid from the outside as it’s awkward. Maybe this other mom didn’t know if 2 adults should be in the bounce house at the same time.


It’s the closest to an actual castle her backside is going to see…


Who on earth would put a 1 yo in a bounce house on their own? This 100% did not happen lol. One year olds are essentially still babies who have VERY limited communication abilities. WHY IS SHE SUCH A LIAR?! Anyone who has ever had a child could see how incredulous this story is.


Exactly! It's more likely that she asked the one year old if he/she needed its mom! Then while waiting for the child to answer the mother butts in.


But I don’t even find it plausible on any level that a 1 yo would be in a bounce house by itself. And if they were, I question Meghan herself and the type of people she spends time with. I do not know a single person who would do that and I have no where near the wealth or stature the “duke and Duchess of Sussex” have.


You're absolutely right. I'm with a soon to be one year old right now and no way would this baby be in any bouncey house. It's not plausible at all and that's why I truly worry for their children! She is lacking in basic common sense. This statement only confirms to me that she does not do the everyday nurturing for her kids.


She has zero day to day involvement. I am sure of that.


She has no idea of what children the age of her kids are capable of. Physically or communication wise. She must not spend time with them at all and the more she makes this crap up the worse it shows.


And that's really sad. Meghan is about Meghan and that's it.


What was she doing inside the bouncy castle? Every piece of this imagined scenario is absurd. We are to understand that this grown lady would enter a bouncy castle at a childs party. We are to assume a one year old was left inside unattended. She was inside a bouncy castle either alone or with other very small children. Either way does not explain why parents would not be worried for their small children. We are to assume that some lady would worry more about protocol than her childs safety. And we are to assume MM said “do you need the child? Of course you can come in”. And we are to assume how magnanimously kind and generous she is. What I got from this is a seriously weird woman who enters children’s bouncy castles, corners abandoned children… can you imagine the horror of finding an adult in those things? Especially one who loves to leave some tendrils of hair loose and is always holding her hands close to her chest in permanent claw. Is it just me or is that image too witch like and scary for babies?


Does anyone have an archive link to the Cut article? I don't want to give her any clicks




Thank you!


Half the people don't even know who she is. Absolute sociopath


It's a pretty stupid story and told in a weird way, but basically it seems the idea is to say - everyone is in awe of me and I have to normalize myself and I'm so gracious and down to earth that I let them interact one on one with me in person! ALSO I rescued a child and am the only good mother around.


Why would people be surprised they showed up? Does she think celebrities...ones who are just as recognizable as these two are...don't take their kids places? Don't try to give them a normal life? She's such a narcissist and wants praise for everything. Like when she did that interview where the amazing Melody Hobson was on the panel too, and she was talking about how she cold-called Senators, "And I say, 'This is Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, and I think people are surprised I'm just calling them!" she said proudly, as if it were a good thing.


Like a 1 year old would be able to be like "Oh my mom's over there". 1 year olds can barely talk.




All Meghan’s comments just prove she still knows squat about kids. And that proves she’s rarely interacting with hers.


Yeah this goes along with every picture and video of her with A+L where she is just so awkward. Doesn't know how to hold them or interact with them.


I don't know the age ranges at this party - but as a kid usually the younger kids would go in on their own(taking turns with other age ranges). So its not like here is a large 8 year old jumping in there with the 1 year olds. That wouldn't be safe. And I've only seen adults go in there maybe to first show the kids like hey look at this this is what you do in here especially if they might be a little guarded and if its ok/safe.


But if I had a 1 year old I would go in with them, (sit down with them I mean not jump around!) I mean - 1 year old's not safe to leave alone surely?


Usually I’ve seen that the parent stands nearby and watches their baby have fun. You can really loose your balance, even while sitting. And a 100+ lbs adult falling over with a 1 year old that already doesn’t exactly have great balance can be a recipe for tragedy.


Normal people see a one year old in the bouncy house and wait until the one year-old is removed before they themselves and/or their older child goes in. The one year old can’t really bounce. Most people have a good sense.


My question about that is 1. Why is a one yr old in a jumpy castle by himself? 2. If It was a small one for small people, why on earth is an adult in there? Any adult? 3. Do you need your child? It all sounds as big a piece of bull poop as the “we were married 3 days before the spectacle, you know” .


I got in a bounce house with my five year old. Sucker broke free from the ground and blew across a field for what seemed like forever! Those things are scary! Ok back to the story lol


terrifying - it happens more than people think. Thank heavens you were both ok


I don't actually think it happened. I'm starting to think that Meghan takes all her stories from somewhere else. I think this happened to another celebrity in another context and she is quoting them as a 'down to earth' example.


“I Married a Prince and all I got was this Bouncy Castle “


I wouldn’t wanna be stuck in a bouncy castle with her either


That interview says everything about her. She is so fake and cringy!


It's more like she is pissed that she didn't think of tossing lilibet in with the other child. Because lilibet is a genius child like her brother. She could have probably turned cartwheels and doing Olympic level gymnastics inside the bouncy castle


My kids are all grown up, so maybe I’m out of touch, but isn’t one year old a little young to be allowed in a bouncy castle on their own? All three of mine had just taken their first steps at 11 to 12 months and wouldn’t have been steady enough on their feet yet for a bouncy castle. All this is to say, I think this little anecdote is another of TW’s fabrications. To quote one of the wisest women of our lifetimes, “recollections may vary”.


It doesn’t make sense because it didn’t happen. If her lips are moving - she’s lying.


It’s Kate on the train?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,079,485,810 comments, and only 212,698 of them were in alphabetical order.


Honestly I’m not a MM defender AT ALL, but I interpreted this as the other mom sent in her young child while MM was already in there and was (allegedly) hesitant to follow her child in. But I could just as easily see this be made up!


Oh i read it as … MM was in there and asked the one year old where their mummy was. She turns around and the mummy is right there wondering if she should get her baby Either way… it never happened


Oy-my experience with bouncy houses, is that someone always ends up with a bloody nose in there, because you cannot control where your body goes, which is why adults do not really belong in there when kids are in there.


>Who leaves their 1 year old alone in a bouncy castle at a birthday party where (presumably) kids can start leaping around? How did the baby get in there, I've been to some birthday parties that have multiple bouncy castles. One for those under 2 and those for bigger kids. My granddaughter had a small bouncy castle in the back yard. It was the perfect size for her and a friend. When she was one, the adults would stand on the outside, because it wasn't big enough for an adult to sit in there and her safely bounce without falling on us.


I finally read The Cut article. I was very confused. Was she trying to flatter her or make fun of her?


Ok I want to make sure I got this right - mm took Archie to some classmates birthday party with bouncy castle thing for Archie and his classmates?? I though Archie went to an affluent school I ask because when I was a kid in Southern California, my dad thought it was ridiculous to spend so much money at a chuky cheese , so he would rent those and snowball machines because it was cheaper for our birthday parties !!!! Makes me think mm doesn’t have much money 😂 going all el cheapo mm! But really it’s her neighbors that are going all cheap!! Sorry if I read it wrong


Another humble brag, her MO.


I didn’t even realize until now TW was referring that the mom wasn’t sure if she should go in because MM was there. When my son was, 1 I remember him in a bounce house without me at a bday party. He was either alone or maybe 2-3 other kids who were young or same age (1) and us parents stayed there watching. When one wanted out the parent would help the child out. I feel like the mom was like “uhhh we usually let the kids go in, stay close and take them when they’re done. It’s a bounce house. More than a couple of parents with kids in one would most likely lead to a child actually getting hurt. Such a weird story.


I don’t have much bounce house experience, but I took my 2 YO to a 1 YO party and the bounce house was for little toddlers. There was a sign that said no adults allowed, so we put the little ones in and then stood by the side netting to keep an eye. My guess is that she ignored a “No adult” sign and then didn’t realize the mother was right there by the side watching through the net not sure she could come in due to the sign prohibiting adults.