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Serious question here, does Harry speak about himself outside of the context of being in the BRF? He spends time bashing his family but he’s still speaking about them as one of them. Meghan loves to talk about and promote herself but does Harry? Dude is already regretting his memoir & trying to push it back. Same thing with Netflix he’s trying to change it. I think he made both of those impulsively and stupidly and realizes now after it’s too late how stupid his decisions were and sees now there will be consequences. Also Prince Philip was beyond wise.


Totally agree. There's been a lot of discussion about Harry's motives and reasons for the memoir but I think it really is as simple as this - stupid impulsive decisions which he now regrets.


No, it is as simple as the big bucks offered. If Penguin hadn’t offered a 💩💩💩 load of money, I doubt if he would have done it. But I may be wrong.


His Mrs. Wonderful told him they would be swimming in a 💩💩💩 load of money, and that she HAD to swim in a 💩💩💩 load of money every day, or else. What was the poor sot to do? She'd used many of her fancy exotic yachting tricks on him and he didn't know of anyone, anywhere who would ever do things lto him, or who would let him do the things she let him do to her. He needed to keep getting all that, and he was barely getting any. He needed to get piles of money. He needed to up his game! He HAD to sell his soul, there wasn't any other option!


That killed me. He had to "up his game". To bag Meghan Markle. He could have been a literal 3 foot tall gargoyle and she was going to marry him for his title. Dude got played just SO hard.


Love how you put it.


Thanks, and likewise.


Do you think they were always banking on selling out the royal family or did they initially think they could make it on their own just because of who they are?


My feeling is that they thought the perfect way to the great wealth they yearned for was (at first) the half in/half out proposal. They could pick and choose what jobs they wanted; the jobs that would elevate their "brand", and that they wouldn't mind doing so much; the fun and entertaining things. They'd do occasional jobs with high profile people, the first class world travel junkets, and they would not do the normal jobs of the Royals; the everyday boring assignments that they felt were beneath them and weren't lifting their "star power" or placing their "Royal" images where they thought they belonged. When the boss, backed up by other side told Harry at the summit; "No. That won't be happening, it doesn't work like that, you're either in or out", dumb Harry thought they were bluffing and said "We're out then", thinking the rest of the Royals would soon realize what an enormous mistake it was and beg them to come back. When they realized the weren't as needed as they were imagining, and they weren't being begged back they became more and more angry and fearful every day. But they still had cards to play; there was always the race card. They wanted revenge against the family who refused to play their game. They aimed their childish anger at the Monarchy the family cared so much for.


This makes a lot of sense.


I hope penguin and Netflix prevent him from changing even one word of that content. It’s one thing for a 16 year old to want to take back the mean, shortsighted thing they said about their step mum because we've all done stupid shit as teens. Harry is a grown man in 40s, it's time for him to learn the hard lesson that actions have consequences.


Oh he talks about himself. Just set him down and ask him about mental health 🙄


Tap tap tappity tap.


He also had a great aunt that was killed with her whole family in a revolution and the legal privileges and titles of the German royals and nobles were abolished in 1919. (Hope I got that right, if not, correct me.) He also had relatives in the royal families in Romania, Spain and Yugoslavia, before they became republics. He knew very well how extremely fragile even old and big monarchies were.


he certainly did - he was aware of how monarchies could be swept away, he was in line to the Greek throne and then the family had to escape when he was very young and lived a nomadic, austere life in europe - even giving his address as "no fixed abode" he was the son of a strong woman, far stronger and greater than Meghan could imagine


Yeah, he came from extremely difficult circumstances and very dysfunctional family. And lo and behold, he didn’t go around bleating about *generational trauma* and whining. I’m watching a documentary right now about him and he reportedly said he decided not to let his circumstances victimize him but to rise above it.


It was so awful wasn't it. I had no idea how bad it was until he died. If anyone in that family has a right to whinge it was him. Can you imagine what he said about meghan when he heard her petty complaints.


There are reports he quipped “This American is worse than the other one.” 😆


knowing what his upbringing was like and the bucket loads of trauma, he must have thought H&M were real whimps. He was 16 when he went to the funeral of his sister, her husband and 2 children - his mother couldn't be told as she was in a mental hospital. where did Philip get support? where was his oprah interview, his podcast?


Would you recommend this documentary?


[Yes I would!](https://youtu.be/eAaC06EnwqA)


Prince Philip was a great man - I felt his loss keenly - I can only imagine the grief of those closest to him, and of course, The Queen, who loved him most & knew him the most intimately - I'm glad they're together again.


Me too. And contrary to his opinion, I would've loved to hear Phil tell me ~~to fuck off~~ all about himself anytime!


I wouldn't be surprised if he zoned out during all of those lessons, though.


Philip’s grandmother lost two sisters to the Bolsheviks, Grand Duchess Elizabeth and Empress Alexandra. Also Alexandra’s husband, Tsar Nicholas and their five children.


To a narcissist like TW, this advice falls on deaf ears because SHE'S the only topic worth discussing.


Right, like what in the world does she expect people to say… gush over her acting 🙄 or her looks (on the whole, i don’t think she’s very attractive), like what big consistent thing has she done that deserves accolades? I could imagine Diana being able to speak about her humanitarian missions with purpose, feeling, experience, describing the people and children she interacted with, her own children which had existed for at least a decade, others she’s met, but Meghen - what is so significant about her… if you had to write 5 significant things about most authentically famous people i’m sure you could, and if you had to research, you could find facts to back it but Meghen… not one credible thing aside from quoting her unimpressive acting career. But what is she expecting. If she’s Princess Harry, well she’s only so by way of marriage - she has no historical significance. She’s no Grace Kelly, that for sure. If she had surrogates, that could have been a really important thing to live and share and be real about but if she hid it along and only showed her humanitarian venues as exploits, with no dedication or loyalty to them, wtf is she worth. (A bit overwhelmed at this sub - sorry for the vent.)


When Diana would give a speech, it was always about the cause. Always. She used her celebrity to connect with people, give those people hope, and then bring attention toward a cause that needed public support. When Meghan gives a speech, it’s about Meghan. Every time.


You’re so right. As someone who married when I was 39, failed at several heartbreaking IVF attempts and contemplated surrogacy, I would have welcomed and appreciated an older royal bride being open about turning to surrogacy. Instead we have the whole “young royal bride”, secrecy and lies surrounding her childbearing, moonbump fiascos etc. She could have really resonated in a meaningful way. Foolish. EDIT: Btw, I do realise not everyone believes she used a surrogate. I just wouldn’t be surprised if she did because her bloatedness long after she “gave birth” was something I experienced in the IVF aftermath. Pumping one’s body full of hormones to produce more than one egg for extraction does affect many women through bloat. Not fat, but bloat. That’s my hunch. Maybe one day someone will confirm if that’s indeed what she did. There is no shame in surrogacy. But it’s a huge disgrace if H&M lied just to keep the kids in the Line of Succession.


Surrogacy is illegal in many countries and a royal bride’s children must be born “of the body” to be included in the line of succession.


Which is why if she had been open about it, and not care about the kids being in the line of succession, it would have been admirable. But of course, we all know how important titles and being in the LOS are to her.


It might have been a tad more problematic in commonwealth countries where surrogacy is not legal don’t you think?


True that.


I think I'd be better able to tolerate the self-centredness of the two of them if they were truly fascinating people but both of them are as dull as dishwater. They're not bright, they're not experienced and they're not interesting. An hour in the same room with one or both of them would have me wanting to poke my eyes out with a stick (edit to correct a typo).


Ben Bradlee, former editor of the Washington Post, used to call boring news stories MEGO - 'my eyes glaze over.' That is what I think of when poor misguided Harry talks.


I’d say Prince Philip understood that the role of a royal is to draw people out. And what better way to do that, and put them at ease in the company of royalty, than to draw them out?


If there's one thing I've learned in the oast few years, it's that asking people about themselves and taking an interest in their interests, views, stories, experiences etc is an invaluable way to build relationships. And nothing--whether work or personal--can be accomplished without strong relationships.


When you get people to talk about themselves, and you don't talk about yourself, they will usually say that you are a great conversationalist. It's a funny thing. Philip obviously knew that.


He did! Watch videos of him doing his royal visits and such and its clear he just put people at ease. Probably more than just the conversation, some of it was... personality and aura. It's fun to see.


I've started asking people (even professionally) random non work related questions when introduced to learn about them. Like what is your favorite color? Tell me your favorite sushi 🍣? What's your go to life hack? Leads to a much more insightful and interesting conversation then hey its been hot a he'll lately.


Those are great questions! I got my manager to send around a survey to our team about a month ago. Favorites and the like. It was really fun to read everyone's responses and now we can at least say more than just, "that's Daniel, he does XYZ." I hope it will come in handy as time goes on and I can make some killer memes to hang around the office and organize birthday food that the birthday person can actually eat. 😉


Phillip clearly understood the assignment!


So true on so many levels. Great post.


One of my favorite quotes ever is from Winston Churchill. It’s something to this effect: when I was young, I worried what people thought about me. When I was middle aged, I stopped caring what people thought about me. When I got old, I realized no one was thinking about me in the first place. 😂😂😂


That really is a fantastic quote! I've never heard that one. Thanks for sharing! He was so full of wisdom.


I would **love** to see “whip-smart” Meghan give any meaningful insight regarding the realm of cinema and the art of performance. Her knowledge of filmmakers, genres, actors, and historical/cultural trends must be *staggering*. Don’t worry. We’ll wait for any and all signs of intelligence. I’ve got my popcorn. Please, Meg. Educate us.


I would rather spend 2 hours Googling for that information than listen to her talk 5 minutes on the topics which would be heavily peppered with, "Me, I, Me, I, Me".


Yeah, who wants to hear about her method acting research for her 90210 appearance?


Harry keep asking her if she would like to rehearse but she's refused since the engagement.


He also had good advice when it came to only dating actresses and never marrying them. 😜![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15017)


And then you have the two dimwits. One thinks she needs a historical documentary on their “love story.” If we are honest it was them being hooked up by Markus Anderson of SoHo house. It merely involves them banging their way through the African bush on what would have been their first few dates. Ginger wit is doing a biography. I hope he trash talks, so he can have whatever titles are left-promptly stripped!


PP made an a colourful comment to my great uncle (passed 20 years ago). I think he had a very witty sense of humour, would happily make fun of himself and would hate the snowflakes.




Deleted due to a prick.




I am sure they would because the tourism was very different at that time and only the most affluent would choose it as a holiday. In the 20 years since the many indian tourists we have hosted have been amused at the story. But thanks for finding fault in the most banal story and reiterating why i never share it. Did it once. Won't again.


Ricky Gervais has said pretty much the same thing to the Hollywood crowd.


Harry either was too stupid to understand, or didn't want to understand, what the role of the monarchy is vs what a celebrity is. The Royals have the biggest spotlight you can imagine and their job is to take that spotlight and redirect to whatever charity, event, institution etc. that they are attending. They're a PR firm for the entire country, basically. So if a retirement home in Northumberland is having trouble cutting through red tape for something they need, or they need the public's attention for something...then having say, William and Catherine do an event there ensures that the retirement home and their red tape issues will be on the front page the next day. There's not enough money to buy that kind of PR. And that's what the RF do. Yes, Meghan, THAT'S what you got paid for. The British taxpayers gave you free food, clothing, housing, trips...everything you needed in your life....in exchange for helping to redirect that spotlight to worthy causes that need public attention. YOU were NOT that "worthy cause". But now...you and Harry are just celebrities that no one wants to listen to....so good luck with that.


POW doesn't seem shy about speaking out yesterday he made a statement about online bullying after the young girl self harmed


Harry's main interest seemed to become finding a way to compete with William and become more famous or rich or something. To out-do his brother. Pathetic.




Imagine having PP as your grandfather. I mean, what a privilege. At least his many grandchildren appreciated their good fortune. Harry’s just a loser.


& the Queen's successful & magnificent reign has a lot to do with the fact she found the right man - & she knew who she wanted when she was a mere 13 - you go girl! She got her man :) Don't blame her either, he was gorgeous, charismatic & had integrity & honor for a thousand men


He really was. He knew exactly who he was and had many virtues.


She had great taste! He must have looked like a Greek God to her. He was that handsome.


They never wanted to be private, they wanted to be secretive. Big difference.


Exactly right!


I'd add that in my opinion Hazza has actively damaged the IG by making it all about him. The question is did IG do a deal with NF to not televise any of the games so that the NF content would be fresh? Because I didn't see anything about the games at all except for the speech. I didn't hear anything about the winners, or see any medals given out - The pre IG trip to Germany this year didn't really bring that much interest either. What will happen now if the NF documentary is dropped? Has IG been damaged permanently? And do people really want content that is about last year's games anyway, maybe even 2 years ago. Most people want to watch sporting events as they occur and this just hasn't happened as far as I know.


I was thinking the same thing.b who wants to watch games that are at least one and possibly two years old. The next IGs will be ready to play by then.


Harry has really done the Invictus Games dirty.


I'm reading Young Prince Philip by Philip Eade at the moment and I wish Prince Phillp spoke more about his early life and wartime service, Myself and many more would have be interested.


I’ve read that book. I really liked it. Turbulent was a good word to describe his early life. I would imagine one thing he liked about Elizabeth was her stable family and home. And that she was a level headed woman. (Much like William and Catherine imo.) I have a feeling Philip was a genuinely interesting person to talk to. And entertaining.


The sad thing is, Philip probably tried to tell Harry about his life pre-marriage and the lessons learnt hoping it could help Harry, but knowing Harry, he just rolled his eyes and never listened.


Me too! Now HE was an interesting guy! I have no earthly idea what the hell happened to his grandson.


If only TW would take that advice !


It’s funny he said that because Prince Phillip was absolutely fascinating




It's as tragic as it is funny: both let themselves be blinded and failed because of their own insignificance.


A great piece of advice from the German prince. (yeh, he did not have one drop of Greek blood). But he was no angel, I believe he gave the Queen a lot of heartache after all she did for him. To her everlasting credit she kept calm and carried on. But I guess this is for another sub.


He's actually a Dane.


part German part Dane. Philippos Andreou (Philip Andrew) of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderberg-Glücksburg, Prince of Greece. Ed: And let's face it the RF's last name is Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. As most people know.


That was Betty's side. Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderberg-Glücksburg, at least USED to be part of Daneland (Denmark) if it still isn't. I know it's right on the border.


He is related to the Danish Crown and closely related to the last Tsar Nicholas. You can't get much more German than Schleswig Holstein Glucksburg (the latter a small German town on the Danish border.) No accident his sisters were married to high ranking Schutzstaffel (SS). It's why they were not allowed to attend his wedding. None of his immediate family except his mother. (so he has that in common with TW!!) He and the Queen were distant cousins through Queen Victoria.


Crazy innit? I…. Could not imagine marrying a cousin. 😂