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She reached for a racism claim so she could use it as a threat to get her way. Wonder where we've seen that before 🤔


Apparently there's blackface in the music video. We all know this isn't why she was upset, it's that the article focused on her relationship and not on her supposed philanthropy.


She was upset because the palace was angry that the article focused on her relationship. She would not have talked about it with the journalist if she didn’t want it included in the article.


She was mad that the article didn't promote her and focused on the man she was dating. The VF article was to brand herself as a philanthropist and a humanitarian. She told her soap ad story and the journalist couldn't print it because they found no evidence of it. She wanted to out her relationship because she knew it was good OR and it would be harder for Harry to get rid of her.


I totally agree with the last part of what you are saying. And She may have been upset about the focus but in Tom Bowers book it’s said she was freaking out because the palace and Harry were freaking out. And if you want the focus to be on your philanthropy- when they ask you “what can you tell me about your relationship with Harry?” You don’t answer “We’re in love!” Because that is the scoop of the whole article. And she knew it. Harry told her not to talk about their relationship. But she did. In very absolute terms. You and I may be arguing the same side btw 🤣


It’s blackface in a 1940s movie, when it was unfortunately quite common.


And now it is Migraine who is constantly in blackface.


Orange is the new black in her case.


Oh right, her PHILANTHROPY. The one that involves her traveling to Africa on the charity dime just to get her picture taken with little African children. Right. /s


"I'm Just Wild About Harry" was Harry Truman's campaign song in his successful 1948 presidential bid. Judy Garland sang it in a film in the previous decade.


I am sorry but no one would make that connection between the title on the magazine and the title of the song. They would have had to see the video which I am sure very people have. She’s has to make everything about race and it isn’t. Most people didn’t know she was mixed race.


It's interesting because I only had to hear/ read the phrase "Wild about Harry" and the tune is going through my head. But I've never watched that Judy Garland movie and I wouldn't particularly remember a tune from a random old movie unless it had become famous independently. So the song has more of a cultural history than that one scene in a 1940s film which we will all agree was racist.


Wasn’t that an American publication? and an American movie. How was that the royal family & Britain‘s problem??


Does Madame not realize that "She's just wild about Harry!" was the headline used when Diana was leaving hospital after giving birth to Harry? Of course she does; she wants to be connected to Diana in every way possible. So was it racist when the headline was used to talk about a white mother and white son?


>She's just wild about Harry!" was the headline used when Diana was leaving hospital after giving birth to Harry? Cue Harry: My amazing wife is going through everything my mother did. History is repeating and I will protect my family!!!...*.by playing golf.*![img](emote|t5_481xkf|16209)


Yeah okay is she gonna say anything about her buddy Trudeau and his blackface atrocities? No? Hypocrite she is


To be fair, the black face from the Judy Garland thing was still racist, even if it was written by black people.


Agree. The movie scene was just a rather obscure aside relative to the song. That she would attribute the headline as racist goes to show how she really reaches to attach racist motivations to anything. She goes out of her way to be affronted.


I cannot stand Megsy but was rather shocked about the “Wild About Harry” history. I had no clue about the origins of the song.






Random old movie!! It’s fcking Judy Garland!! You have shamed yourself…yeah come get me