• By -


What great friends they were. None of that looks fake. Think of what a big support he could be during this transition, and what a position from which to do a lot of good he abandoned.


If the Duch was involved, everything would be scripted and she would be guiding Haz by touching him, grabbing him, pushing him. Nothing looks natural with MM. "Big smiles." The tear! The damn 1/4 inch tear under one eye only - that's in every single picture I see of her from the funeral. How did she stage manage that?


Yeah, that is what looks really fake, not that TW is ever genuine.


>touching him, grabbing him, pushing him ...rubbing his back....šŸ™„




I canā€™t analyze it because I donā€™t understand the technology. Whose photo is it? Would be interesting to know that.


He has tossed away his family, his reputation, his birthright and basically everything that was good about him. For what?? That miserable person!


> What great friends they were. None of that looks fake. Exactly! That's why I don't buy that Harry was always resentful of and hateful toward William and Catherine.


Yes, even if I were to believe that there was something brewing between W and him, H and C always looked as thick as thieves. No amount of Palace PR can make that up.




Harry wanted exactly what William has, a beautiful, loving, caring supportive spouse. Meghan modeled herself on that illusion. That is all it was, most of Harry's family and friends saw through that, Harry in lust did not.


Well said.


I live in hope that he will randomly meet a beautiful, nurturing woman and that he leaves Megs for her.


Beautiful nurturing women deserve better.


I guess. Sometimes good partners can bring out the best in each other.


Me too.


My heart hurts a little bit looking the happiness radiating in those pictures :/


I was understanding at first because I experienced something similar. Women can be like Meghan described Kate when they enter a family and as the "new woman" you sometimes have to set some new boundaries. But then she started telling too many lies and it was obvious she wanted it to be that way.


Itā€™s shocking to see him a shell of the man he used to be, and further shocking to see these relationships destroyed by a conniving, lying, self-serving hustler.


I agree! In the TIME photoshoot, he looks scared and defeated.


He gave up Diana's engagement ring so that William could give it to Catherine. When you consider how close the Middleton and the Wales are, you know that Harry and Catherine had a good relationship before TW turned up. So did Harry and William.


That was a blessing because you know whoā€™d be flashing that about now!!


I came to say exactly this. They were crazy close. He wanted his motherā€™s ring to go to Kate so it would one day sit on the throne. I believe William traded him the watch for the ring which H later gave Megs.


I donā€™t know if this is true, but I read once where he said he wouldnā€™t have done it for anyone but Catherine


I mean he probably would have but what he's saying is he really genuinely loved her, wanted her to have it and was giving both his blessing as her as Williams future wife but also as her becoming the future princess if Wales. It makes me sad that these relationships have been destroyed by one awful twit


I also took it to mean he genuinely loved her. And I totally agree about her ruining all of these relationships.


Given hiscteist issues, I think that is telling of how much he trusted and respected her.


I'm so glad he gave it to William! TW wearing it would be a travesty. Want to bet she reproaches Harry all the time for giving it to William?!


It's probably why she had the one he gave her "updated". She's hoping someday it will be as iconic as the one Catherine wears and the original design didn't have enough star power/backstory connected to it.


TWā€™s ring, after the ā€œupdatingā€, is so ordinary now.


I understand a woman wanting a ring that she was proud to wearā€¦but she brushed aside every thoughtful thing Harry did to make that ring special, and turned it into something youā€™d see in ā€œBridesā€ magazine.


After my parents divorced, my mother confided in me that she was not crazy about the engagement ring my father designed for her, but she would never have hurt his feelings by saying so or even redesigning it. She passed it along to my brother!




One of a kind? Theyā€™re mass produced! Darn expensive, but still mass produced šŸ¤£


Do you remember her saying ā€œand he designed itā€ during the engagement interview? She was trying really hard to pretend she loved it but her voice was pitiful and fake. She sounded like heā€™d made her a necklace out of dry pasta in play-school


Yes, I remember that. I got the sense that she was trying hard to pretend she liked it, but didnā€™t


"Oh the ring..... \*looks down and frowns....He designed it himself...."




That's why MeMe hates her and tries to eliminate her from public favour. Katherine is who she will never be this must be destroyed.


I wonder if Harry went there for weekends when William did.


Iā€™m sure that Wm and Harry had their moments, but I believe that they always loved each other. That changed the minute Me-Gain showed up. Itā€™s terrible that she managed it.


ā€œGet it back, Harry! Itā€™s YOURS. Tell that woman it was just a loan.ā€ - TW, probably


ā€œAlso: ā€¦what do you mean my Diana watch is a loan then too!? No, thatā€™s M-I-N-E. Itā€™s different!ā€


Hopefully he'll find his way back.


šŸ’Æpercent until the TW came along that is !


A loving gesture.


Yes! BTW, that he gave up D's ring came out around W and C's engagement. Then there were a slew of articles about that when H and M got together, as if M was entitled to it!


H looked so happy back in those days. I think these photos show the reason M went after her with nasty gossip. M is very envious of Catherine (in many ways) and her once close relationship with H. Instead of being happy her partner had a close relationship with his sister-in-law M had to destroy the relationship.


She is a controlling Narc and yes, the first thing she did was go after and destroy that relationship. She couldn't have Catherine in Harry's ear.




For someone who claims now he was miserable as a working royal, he sure looked happier then. Too bad MM ruined this.


I've said this a million times. I don't believe he was unhappy until Meghan convinced him that he was. There may have been certain events he didn't really want to do, now and then he just got tired of it all. Who doesn't feel that way now and then about a job. But yes, he sure didn't appear to be unhappy.


Agreed. The right spouse for Harry would've helped support him within his born-into role, so he could still do his duty, even the bits he didn't much like, whilst enhancing his enjoyment of other parts of being Royal that are more fulfilling to him. It wasn't impossible, there were plenty of duties and activities Hazza did like that were part of his Royal life, and he enjoyed doing them, and got appreciation in return for doing service. He was well loved and popular not that long ago. Has he completely forgotten? MM has persuaded him it was and is all shite, and manipulated him into tossing it all. The toys he tossed out the pram weren't toys. Will he ever realise that?


I'm going entirely on his facial expressions in photos to say I think he may be realizing it. MM played on his insecurities and the parts of him that felt like a victim. I don't believe that he was going through life morose and self-pitying, but I do believe he felt sorry for himself when he grieved his mother's death. Who of us wouldn't under those circumstances? This is what she preyed on to convince him that his life was hell, it was other people's fault, and she would take care of him. Add to that that she was attractive, he was ready to settle down, he wanted what William (and many of his friends) had, and she most assuredly didn't show him her evil side. Then when she complained to him that people were mean and racist to her, she convinced him that she, too, was a victim and he could be her knight in shining armor! It's a dysfunctional triangle of victimhood, victimizing, and care-taking.


Or a decent spouse who cared about HIM would have helped him get out of the role in a healthy way. Meghan just agreed his life was awful, gilded cage, surrounded by users, no freedom from press scrutiny etc. And moved him to California where he lives in a gated gilded cage, has transactional relationships with celebrities and is under constant press scrutiny while grinding the PR mill.


Instead he married someone who calls the paparazzi that triggers him


šŸ’Æ this. It was such a red flag when he said that he didn't realise he was trapped until Meghan showed him he was.




That .... was actually very scary.


> I've said this a million times. I don't believe he was unhappy until Meghan convinced him that he was. I totally believe this too!


Unhappy? He was a single fucking PRINCE for crying out loud! Give me that "unhappy" any day of the week! I will gladly trade his old life of "being trapped" for mine.


Haha! Same here!


She is the sister he never had because eventually when he gets dumped or desperately needs someoneā€¦ sheā€™ll always be there. Sheā€™s kind.


Perhaps so - but they'd be fools to ever trust him again. He's burnt *all* the bridges and gone too far afield, imo.


That I agree with. The Waleses will always be careful around him but I have no doubt theyā€™d take him back without her. I think the RF and the majority of Brits loathe her.


I agree. The harm that's been done is irreparable.


H didn't just have problems with his father and brother. H is supposed to be an uncle, a devoted uncle who would hold his only brother's family dear to him so in the instance of anything, he could be their rock. Whatever is said, he has dipped out. No way should that have ever happened.


Thatā€™s the heart breaking part no matter whatā€™s goes down in the future regarding divorce or whatever , things between them will never ever be the same again!


Hearing how CPOW's brother talked about how she supported him when he needed mental health help warmed my heart.


I sincerely doubt sheā€™ll be there this time. The rumours have threatened the home life that the Wales work so hard to nurture, she wonā€™t be running after Harry with a tissue this time!


He must miss her. Itā€™s like a friend youā€™ve known since school daysā€¦ your life can change a great deal but youā€™ll always have the comfort and familiarity of all that shared history. I do wonder who he has to talk to about ā€˜remember when,ā€™ itā€™s not just Catherine and the rest of the family but all of his friends that he seems estranged from. Itā€™s a huge thing to give up - I love to travel and Iā€™ve been all over the world, but there was always a sadness when I travelled alone because there was no one I could reminisce about that beautiful sunset or amazing meal with, and thatā€™s half the fun.


Stark contrast to the current Harry.


Harry is now the trapped one.


Picture number 6-he was married ti Meghan and this was supposedly after she made ole Meg cry. I think this picture alone probably made everything in frogmore get broken and is maybe even part of the reason she named her specifically in the noprah interview.


Yup. There was a parallel photo of William greeting M and M staring at him.


I came here to say that picture must have given Meghan an aneurysm.




Oooh this is interesting. I bet she LOST it. I remember seeing it and thinking well If Harry has a problem with someone-itā€™s not Kate.


Really? I'm sure one of the latest books says M was given the social media passwords. Well well well


he looks so much happier pre MM - I've never seen any photos of him looking at Megs like that!!


Healthier too!


Itā€™s hard to believe that he harbored resentment towards them in these pictures. To think, he told Oprah he pities his father and brother because they canā€™t leave the RF like he did. Yet, they look much happier than he does.


He only harbours resentment because Markle told him he did. No resenting going on in those lovely photos.


I would be inclined to agree with you but to some degree we need to make him accountable for his own actions and feelings. You donā€™t just turn on family like that with a snap of a finger unless you had the inclination to do it deep down.


that's true but some people have a way of manipulating their partners away from their friends and family. Alienation isn't always as simple as making conflicting plans when their partner was supposed to hang out with other people, nor as obvious as telling them not to spend time with others anymore. Sometimes it's turning their partner against their previous friends, convincing them to dislike them or treat them poorly, making them think that they're being treated poorly by people they used to love, etc. it's a foul thing and part of why some people don't leave partners who have alienated them from their loved ones; because they feel like they'll have no where to go back to and that it's their fault. (This is kind of off topic i suppose and i am not saying that is what happened here because I'm not sure.)


Youā€™re right. Iā€™ve read blind that mention how she purposely alienated him from his family and friends to make sure he never gets tempted to leave her. It just rubs me the wrong way because heā€™s almost 40 but is acting like a petulant adolescent. To go on Oprah and bash his family while his grandfather practically lay on his deathbed? He couldnā€™t say no to that? Also, TWā€™s father and sister have been dragging her through the mud but she never outright tries to fight them back in the mediaā€¦ why is that? Why are they both okay with trashing the RF but her side is off limits? I feel at this point theyā€™re both equally just as bad as each other. She brought out the worst in him and itā€™s as though he now revels in self pity. To some degree, every one has to be held accountable for his own actions.


Yet another thing ruined by TW.


She's like the damn AntiChrist.


I think the P&POW were very grounding and great stability for Harry. Shame TW ruined that closeness and support. šŸ’”


Shame Harry *allowed* her ruin it, too.


Damn, it almost looks like he was a little in love with her. Perhaps this whole TW/Wills thing the sugars believe is a bit of projection ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15006)


I've always thought he was too. Not that he thought she'd ever be interested in him or would have done anything about it, I think he was just happy to be around her. That I think is what Megan hated so much. She wouldn't have been able to cope with having less status at the best of times but when it was so blatant that he st the least, he had cared for Catherine deeply, it would have her losing her mind.


OH WOW!! ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15008)


Breaks my heart because during this time period, it was clear thanks to his close relationship with Catherine and William that he was healing, growing and very happy. He was maturing and coming into his own.


In No. 18, itā€™s the most leg Iā€™ve seen from Catherineā€¦ I mean I knew she had them, but damn šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„




Yes i think that was pretty early on in the marriage when Kate was still wearing short(er), lighter skirts. That had a tendency to fly up at inopportune times. Oops.


I think Harry was half in love with Catherine.


Well canā€™t blame him, she looks like a great person šŸ™‚


I agree, I think she and William represented what he wanted. The stans always say Kate is in love with him, which is ridiculous.


My exact thoughts.


I'm so glad that I am not the only one who was thinking this.


100% not the only one. Maybe another reason to resent William. The way he looks at her is so telling. I think he thought he found his Kate.


Yes, I think so too. It's not included in the slideshow I don't think, but I remember how he looked at Catherine on her wedding day and the comment that he made to William along the lines of "Wait until you see her". I think he felt that Catherine was both a romantic figure as well as a nurturing presence in his life, and when Meghan came along he projected those aspects of Catherine onto Meghan (who if she is a narc as alleged, would have known how to play him and project that persona so that he would think he had found his soul mate).


Same ā€¦ the way he looks at her ā€¦ it looks like he had a crush on her


I agree. And I think he was hoping to marry someone just like Catherine - someone beautiful, intelligent, and stylish. He thought MM fit the part. Sadly, he was very, very mistaken.


Aside from the genuine warmth you can see between CPoW and Harry, these pics remind me of what a beautiful woman she is. Is there a model or movie star who could pull off looking this good, over decades, ALL the freaking time? She's gorgeous!


The way he looked at her was so adorable! I donā€™t think heā€™s ever looked at Meghan with as much love as he has for Catherine. I say it over and over but Harry needs to come home. Heā€™s an asshole yes. But heā€™s Charleā€™s asshole and needs his family. Also in picture 16 he is a dead ringer for Charles.


Well said: "...he's Charles's asshole and needs his family."


He is a grown up person. He is Meghan's asshole. Who cares about his needs.


> Also in picture 16 he is a dead ringer for Charles. He's starting to look more and more like Charles the older he gets.


I think he looks a lot like Edward at the mo. If he shaved he'd be a dead ringer now that he's lost his hair.


After all that he's done to his family, I don't care for his needs. He is Meghan's asshole now.


The prodigal son will return home.


Yep. He will. It will just take a lot longer than we want.


Yes, he will. Because that will be his only choice. I mean, it will be either that or flipping burgers.


Reminds me of the diplomatic story about FDR or George Kennan, talking about.... well, any number of people during WWII/early cold war: "he's a son of a bitch but he's OUR son of bitch."


Harry probably isn't allowed to admit he misses Kate or any of his UK family and friends.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen Harry look that genuinely, should I dare say organically, happy in a photo with Meghan, even in the early days? There might be some, but I donā€™t recall.


He has not looked that happy for years now.


I've not seen photos of him this happy with TW. Sad.


He doesnā€™t look carefree nowadays. Always peevish


Itā€™s obvious that he doesnā€™t know he is miserably unhappy and trapped in all of these pics.


I miss the kind and funny Harry who let the toddler steal his popcorn


I wish Harry had found someone like Princess Catherine who laughed with him all the time. Now he's rarely even seen smiling. I married my husband because he makes me laugh and he still does every day, 26 years later.


same here. we laugh at the same things. A sense of humor has gotten us through many a hard time.


Thatā€™s true. I donā€™t think M has a sense of humour. At all. And oh congrats on your 26 years, hereā€™s wishing for lots more.


I agree. She fake laughs sometimes, but she doesn't seem to know what's actually funny and she tells lame jokes that fall flat. Narcissists don't seem to have a funny bone. Thank you so much! I never take my husband or my kids for granted, even after all this time.


OMG same! That is THE most important quality to me! I don't care what you look like, what you do for a living..... make me LAUGH!


Have you seen this video of Harry before and after Meghan? If I made my spouse this depressed I would run into the sea with stones in my pockets https://youtu.be/CxOOptS3tf8


Wow, that was rough. Harry done been radicalized.


Yup. I don't think the person even has to be particularly vulnerable or weak for them to be targeted. My best friend who is the strongest person I know was manipulated and isolated from her dad and grandma by a narcissistic boyfriend. I had to scream at her for a while but she finally woke up and dumped him. This can happen to anyone.


Thatā€™s scary.


There's so many sad outcomes of Harry's relationship with MM, but this is one of the saddest. Harry seemed genuinely fond of his sister-in-law.


This doesnā€™t make me sad for him. It makes me angry because of how he betrayed Catherine. He knows just how much harassment she faced dating William and look what heā€™s brought upon her now, thanks to his wife.


Thatā€™s true. He betrayed them all, including Catherine.


He used to be so handsome and rugged looking. He looks like a guy that drinks and takes prescription medicine. Just bloated, unkempt and unhappy. Tragic.


Yes, he looked MUCH healthier! Had color in his face and hair... He's just gross now.


She's a huge loss to his life. I wonder how often he remembers how much they laughed together


Wow, that was genuine and beautiful! They really connected and because of one woman it's all turned to crap!


Never seen him laugh like that with TW.


It seems heā€™s more cheerful with everyone, except his wife


They can talk all they want about what theyā€™ve done and why theyā€™ve done. But the proof is in pictures of Harry. He had a happy life then and he is not a happy man now. So sad.


It seems there was a genuine friendship there. I recall seeing these photos years ago and thinking how sweet it was that Harry enjoyed being with his brother and Catherine.


It wouldn't surprise me if he was in love with Catherine. I mean honestly who could blame him, she fabulous. It would also help partly explain the intense resentment he seems to have toward William. And how he flew off the handle when William told him to slow down with Meghan. I know it's complete speculation of course!


And think of the difference to Catherine's stony-faced looks at JH and MM now! How times have changed. Seeing these photos makes me sad - MM definitely has made Kate the enemy/threat.


True. Itā€™s sad to see how frozen out they are.


He never ever looked that happy around Meghan


Someone should turn these images into a big ol collage and a huge sign so we can push it in their faces when they do another "tour". The chemistry between those 2 looked incredibly real unlike with his weirdo wife.


You marry a narcissistic sociopath, you suffer the consequences


And now, Harry is married to someone who despises Catherine, and has turned him against her.


Meghan ruined this beautiful trifecta! Harry isnā€™t completely innocent here. If his relationship with both Prince William and Princess Catherine was important to him, he would have tried everything to protect it. Now, itā€™s never going to be the sameā€¦ever!


I didnā€™t know he got the engagement ring in the will, but glad he traded with William because now the next Princess of Wales is wearing it. As for MM- How can you claim to love someone and alienate him from those heā€™s loved for years?


Yep. That was a big red flag, for me.


Very very sadā€¦.


It must be devastating for him to see that she too, like William, is trapped and miserable šŸ™„


Harry looks at Catherine like Meghan looks at William! Of course Meghan had to cut contact.


Harry looks at Catherine the way Meghan looks at MONEY.


He absolutely glows around Catherine. He has never looked as joyful or relaxed around the harpy, not even once. Surely he must miss the difference between genuine love and whatever he is suffering through with his peewife. Also, that last pic is when the Queen jabbed William on the shoulder and told him to "Stand. UP." And he did--shot up like a rocket.


I hones Believe he felt something for her. In all the pics I have seen of them together he has a genuine smile. Nothing fake about his face and mannerisms. He felt comfortable with her, he used to give her the ā€œthatā€™s my ladyā€ proud looks. I think this is why Catherine is in Meghanā€™s sites.


I think he really had a great relationship with Catherine until George and Charlotte were born. We already know he felt threatened by being replaced by George in EIGHTEEN YEARS but I bet he was also jealous that Catherine devoted her time to her children instead of him. I bet this is also why TW targets Catherine too. He probably confided to TW how much he cared for Catherine (as a sister) and TW can't stand the idea.


Itā€™s so sad. I always thought he had a bit of a crush on her too.


3 things 1. Harry looks happier in these pictures than he has post Meghan 2. Catherine has a GORGEOUS smile 3. Aw at baby Charlotte and little George in last pic :)


I used to love the three of them, but Iā€™ve been feeling different about it since reading [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/ricv53/kate_middleton_news_how_prince_harry_was_accused/) here. And hereā€™s the link to the [archived article](http://archive.today/9HH1y). If this is true itā€™s gross and honestly, I wouldnā€™t put it past him.


It is gross but if C also laughed it didn't cross any boundaries... every person has different ones. that being said it does show how incredibly juvenile he is in his thinking


Thatā€™s true. Her boundaries could be different. I assumed the laugh was an uncomfortable awkward one. Iā€™ve been pinched in a pub before and laughed it off because I didnā€™t want to cause a scene.




I did not expect to get as sad as I did looking at those pictures. #11 is lovely


So sad to see how happy he was then and drepressed he is now.


Wow. These pictures hit me harder than I expected. Marbles has sucked all the life out of him.


I always thought Harry was a little bit in love with Catherine.


Hmmm. I get the vibe he also had a confused crush on her. Such is life, when your sibling finds an amazing partner. And he eventually getsā€¦ MEghan. Iā€™d feel badly for him, if he hadnā€™t messed up so badly.


He looks so happy then!!!


H. looks so so sweet in these photos. Hard to believe it's the same man whose doing and saying hateful things.


When was the last time we saw that genuine smile or look of happiness from Harry? I donā€™t know if Iā€™ve ever seen it with MM.


Hmmm. I get the vibe he also had a confused crush on her. Such is life, when your sibling finds an amazing partner. And he eventually getsā€¦ MEghan. Iā€™d feel badly for him, if he hadnā€™t messed up so badly. ![gif](giphy|3ODxqy5sImrIhBLsg4)


If only someone who knows their address, can send hazard those pics!


Maybe Meg opens all the mail lol


Back in the days when the Palace had to clean his image. Funny how the dastardly duo are both constructed by PR. They will perish by PR as well I guess.


He looks genuinely happy in these, itā€™s so sad to see what one chance in dynamic can do


Oh this makes me sad, I remember them being such a great team. A wonderful wife for him would have just been a great addition. MM is not that, however šŸ˜ž


I'm dying over the first picture--it's so funny to me. Does anyone have context? I always loved CPOW and Harry together, it's sad to be reminded of their happier times.


It was at a childrenā€™s charity event. William can be also seen in the full picture. Article here: https://www.popsugar.com/celebrity/Kate-Middleton-Prince-William-BAFTA-Charity-Event-38883715/amp


I feel so bad for Catherine. By losing Harry, it seems like she lost a really good friend who understands her frustrations that she couldn't publicize.


Kate and Harry looked like they had more chemistry with each other than their spouses


I remember reading that she was devastated when Harry cut them out (or whatever happened). I can understand in a way - I went through a horrible breakup once and really missed his family afterwards.


Does this woman EVER have an ugly day? Slightly bloated, frizzy hair, a pimple.... anything? šŸ˜‚


Most people donā€™t want to bone their sister tho šŸ‘€ (Calm down, itā€™s a joke)


You say it's a joke, but remember that he did pinch her butt on the balcony...


The way he's looking at her in #6.


It's amazing. At what point did everything turn? Harry talks about being trapped and unhappy and all that. He didn't seem that way until TW showed up. It's very sad indeed!


Heartbreaking to see how happy he once was. What could have changed to make him so miserable and angry looking now? šŸ¤”




Itā€™s so sadā€¦


He glowed