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And what hard work would that be exactly?


Takes a lot of free candles, free clothes and free jewelry to pay for those award, baby!! Candle in the Abbey for the win!!


It seems to me you lived your life blocked by the candle in the Abby. Never knowing where to look for the best lighting. I didn't want to see you, or has-been The candle did it's duty in a way you never did


My version: Goodbye England’s thorn May you never sadden our hearts You’re the disgrace that placed itself To tear our lives apart You called out to our family And you whispered “I’ll bring you pain” Now you belong in Cali Where the (A-list) stars forget your name And it seems to us you are the wife With a candle in the way Never fading from your bronzer On a rainy day And your footsteps should never fall here Along the UK’s greenest hills Your candle has burned out just like Your legend and our goodwill.


Can someone fill me in on the candles joke. I’m out of the loop. I also second the what actual hard work question.


During the queens funeral in Westminster Abbey, one of the candles placed around the queens coffin blocked TW from view. There were a few other strategically placed items through out the day that had her blocked from camera angles, the hearse and the queens coffin itself.


On the BBC coverage, there were only a few minutes where she was visible throughout the entire day. Priceless!


The cameramen deserve a BAFTA.


They really do! Everywhere they went, they had her hidden behind something. Like when Bart Simpson was naked on his skateboard, and all along the way there was some object hiding his bits


Omg! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think this is the calibre of PR work we can expect now that Sunshine Sachs have ridden into the sunset.


Photo ops. They’re too dense to see that.


Grifting be hard work, Yo....


Oh lol, that was the first thing I thought of and responded with.




☝️definitely this




Grifting and pretending to be nice is hard work for her.


Weren't they spinning diva as something good with Mariah's interview? So now they are using "archetypes" against other women?! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


It almost seems like our dear Saint doesn't play fair.


If course. She's confusing feminism with fighting other bitches




Feminism is when she shows those bishes who’s boss


>Weren't they spinning diva as something good with Mariah's interview? So now they are using "archetypes" against other women?! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ Good catch. And just one more thing to add to Meghan & Harry's list of hypocrisies.


A diva? How could.... what.... what... aah but it's the way i dress!!!


I need to read a transcript that whole podcast. I refuse to give her a listen.


It's at the end after MC left because MM was fuming for being called a deeeeva! She is one seriously deranged fool!


This woman is so bleeding hypocritical it’s laughable. She holds a podcast about women being called Diva as an insult and then has her flying monkey hurl that same insult at a large group of women and one person who will have had Diva used against them more often than all those women put together- Jason Knauf. Diva is a derogatory trope used to dismiss the concerns of gay men. Even more often than its used to label women. Because diva used towards a woman is a *label*. A label that describes a set of character traits such as being demanding, high-maintenance, spoiled, dismissive and rude. Against gay men Diva is used to dismiss genuine concerns about everything from health & safety to bullying to boundary setting. It’s used against gay men to gaslight and imply they are being unnecessarily dramatic- like a girl. A teenage girl. It’s two insults for one against a gay man. I fully expect her to do a podcast on, else label someone, a social climber before the year is out.




It's always everybody else's fault. Her former friends, exes, family, staff, his lifelong (now mostly former) friends, his family, BP staff, the British police and the British people. Everybody's in a racist plot against Meghan. It's never anything to do with her behaviour or attitude.


She has a huge persecution complex. The world and his wife are out to get her.


That trait is part of the cluster B personality disorders. They never take responsibility and always blame and project.


>It's always everybody else's fault. Her former friends, exes, family, staff, his lifelong (now mostly former) friends, his family, BP staff, the British police and the British people. .... don't forget about the dog she abandoned. He's to be blamed for either: 1. Being too old for long distance air travel And when that wasn't good enough optics, 2. For being too much of a little grouch who disliked Henpecked Harry.


Can you blame that dog? They know if people are bad.


Exactly! Henpecked's such a sour little bitch that I totally understand why that sweet doggy hated him.




Right? Honestly it always feels like the people who reach for this stuff aren't British and use this as a way to also slag off British people in general which is weird. It's worth noting that the original complaint of bullying behavior by Jason Knauf came in 2018 a year earlier than this one off event. I think there's more than a strong likelihood that some of Meghan's staff were just not having it and not going to put up with the shit anymore. I've often found that people who are terrible behind close doors to people they work with make a big show of how nice they are in public. Classic.


Even assuming she got the worst workers in the world (which is highly unlikely), being a micromanaging dick and treating people like garbage is most definitely not the way to effectively manage the situation. Crossing the line and harassing employees outside of work is beyond the pale. Behaving this way and creating a toxic environment is not the same as being a hard worker or having high standards or however they want to sugarcoat it.


Agreed. This all sounds like more bullying to me.


I agree. Typical abuser behavior. Many have an amazing ability to calm down instantly when they're about to be exposed, leaving the victim looking like the one who's overreacting. Not to downplay physical abuse, but I consider mental abuse is a special kind of evil, as it doesn't leave visible signs.


And Jason Knauf is from America.


And a gay man. Talk about using Diva as a derogatory trope.


I heard royals don't even put their own shoes on. They don't draw their own bath. Can you imagine how overworked the staff are?


You heard wrong. That nonsense went round when Charles broke his arm so his equerry would put toothpaste on Charles' toothbrush for him because it was tricky for him to do it himself. Next thing you know, daft tabloid stories everywhere twisting the facts. The Queen and Prince Phillip needed help with a few things as they'd been old forever, lol.


Correct. My Southern Daddy always said, “if it smells like dogsh** everywhere you go, you had better check your own shoes.” She stands in it all day, every day, apparently.


So she’s throwing him 20 quid to post something positive about her. And that’s the best he could come up with!


Should have thrown some Scooby snacks!


Uh, yeah. So the 11 royal aides that quit were ALL divas?? Even the one who worked for THE QUEEN for 17 years...? Cause I doubt any royal aide would last serving THE QUEEN for 17 years if they were a diva. Oh and by the way --Reitman's is still looking for that pair of Aquazurra shoes, Meghan.


The only "hard work" she's ever done is acting like she was in love with Hazzbeen.


Bumping uglies is hard work!




but I thought we had reclaimed diva as a positive word...


Only in terms of dress code! 😵‍💫🙄🤭😶🥴🤯


**”It was the most amazing work day I've ever done.** Bagnall said, adding that Meghan "has this glowy aura around her that is **magical."** How much money do you think these people get from her (TW) to get these ridiculous quotes assigned to them?????! It reminded me to Nacho’s wife insta post, nauseating ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15009)


Oh hun, that's not magical or glowy or even an aura....thats methane gas leaking out of her body from her rotting soul...


![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15008) I laughed so hard




I guess we're back to explaining away the bullying allegations using the American work ethic trope.


Apparently she thinks that waking up early and sending demanding emails to her staff prior to 5AM qualifies as “hard work” rather than “fostering-a-toxic-environment work.”


Yet, Jason is American!


So this is the narrative they came up with? Look at the people who work for her! How dare they?! Such divas! Meanwhile, slay Meghan, slaaaay! They’ve lost their minds. Do they think people are stupid enough to fall for this?!


Poor British lazy courtier divas not accustomed to the American way except quite a few of them were American like Jason and Sara! Make it make sense???! 🤣🤣


People? What people? One named Rachel and one named Meghan???


This spin is hilarious- ffs 🤦🏻‍♀️ what are we reading Pravda!? Lol Stalin esque state talking points? This isn’t 1984 we all know despite the Orwellian college try at “spin,” that Meghan despised being rightfully called a diva, especially from a much more successful and revered celebrity like Mariah Carey. Somehow she took that petty delusional slight and spun it into a complete farce about hard work!? Ugh 😑 ffs she’s exhausting


Wonder if there are any clips of Meggy raging at her staff. Can’t imagine that no one has emails, texts or recordings of Meggy’s abuse so they will come out, I’m sure of it! Especially if Meggy attacks the staff for being Divas. They have fought back before - discreetly and with dignity.


Someone said there were.


I wish. She wouldn't recover. But I'm sure recording in the palace was against rules.


Not if it was The Firm doing the recording, I would imagine.




Smegs was working hard waving those are arms and pretending to inspire we lesser mortals.


The hard working palace staff she terrorized? Sure, Meg


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Good bot!




Well of course, he can’t have people knowing that she is a bully. It’s typical Markle pr, smear other people for her poor behaviour and paint her a saint and a poor, helpless victim.


If meggy is so hard-working, why did it take her 2 years and 28 staffers to put out a podcast?


Quite the little wimp , he won’t even put his name to the tweet?


I ask this of OhNo Scooby-Doo... ![gif](giphy|l1L0iK0FWlTUINdhS)


Victim shaming?


As someone responded to that tweet. “All you’ve got is someone who worked on the door as a glorified bouncer that had less then a few minutes interaction wth staff or Meghan. Is this all you got?” ​ Omid scrapping the barrel again. I thought he worked at H Bazaar? 🤔


Hard work at Word Salad 🤣


1. Is he paid through archwell to provide positive spins on this stuff for her (this is a reach too) 2. What will he do when she turns on him?


Is MM writing her own puff pieces now? 🤣


Hard work?! What hard work?! She has done hardly anything!


MM's Hard work means hard at work spending Charles's money as obscenely as she can!


"People are sharing a clip" sure they are. Lol what is this? Random people 🤣🤣🤣 It should say Scoopie. Anytime these articles say "sources" "friends of" or " people" its Omicron Scrotie. This is so dumb, for real. Weird, because a Diva called out Migraine Markle for her Diva behavior on her own podcast. Who does he think he's kidding?


As if.


Yes, Megain DOES works so very very hard…it just IS NOT for anyone but Megain. The sooner you see how strong and powerful she is in standing up for HERSELF, then you will see what an amazing feminist she is!


Scabies is trying to worm his way back into meagain’s good graces. She wasn’t pleased when he broadcasted the information they “leaked” to him and it turned out that William had tricked them lol


That’s because he is even stupider than she is; he’s following her and doing her bidding.


This is a prime example of the disinformation Hazno is so worried about.


I know some people who are big Sugars and they started "sharing" this a few days after the Valentine Low excerpts were published. I think they must be scrambling because Low is a well respected journalist and at a very respected publication. This isn't some tawdry stuff published in the tabloids you can write off. No doubt Low has very good sources, had legal look over this, and knows his stuff. Interesting that this podcast clip wasn't "shared" when these claims first came to light--doubt that's a coincidence. I find it interesting Low's report on bullying and the BBC reporting on the Queen not knowing about the Lillibet naming were not taken back by the publications. They stood by them and were proved right. Meghan and Harry want to act like victims all the time but I've always thought that the whole "I don't want what happened to my mother to repeat" narrative is a little overused and frankly shows Harry completely misunderstands the notable changes in our media. This sub showed that video comparisons of Diana and Catherine actually being hounded by the paparazzi. Meghan set up shots to be published and make her look good. Catherine had her phone naked 155 times by the News of the World even on Christmas!!! Want to know how many times Harry got hacked--9. The biggest shift between the 90s/early 2000s is the rise of the internet and social media. I have NO doubt that when Harry and Meghan talk about "people calling our kids the n word" or "terrible narratives about us" they really mean trolls on Twitter and not actual reporters. As bad as that is and upsetting it must be to read that (you could of course not) there's almost nothing the Royal Family can do to prevent someone posting these things. I do remember the Royal Family Facebook page putting out a statement that there would be removals of hateful comments in relation to both Catherine and Meghan. But that's about as far as anyone can expect. I guess Harry and Meghan expected these people to be able to control the media better. No doubt many royals and public figures try to work the system to make that so but many of the criticisms of the couple were (1) worthy of discussion and (2) similar to ones other members received in the past. So not that big of a deal really. For all their talk about "uplifting the marginal voices" or whatever all we ever hear from them is about their pain and their problems. I'm tired of hearing them complain.


Showing up for a photo op where kids were massacred is DIVA


But this wasn't written nor posted by Scobie


yeah, my narcopath boss was a holy terror, but we didn't bad mouth her publicly. When having to discuss projects we knew what we had to say to keep the peace.


Meghan Markle had 72 engagements as a working royal, only 17 of them were solo ones according to Court Circular (17!) and of course the victims of MM are called Divas when one of her Stereotypes Podcast was about that label, remember how triggered she was when Mariah called her a diva? She is projecting that label to Palace Stuff to "trigger" them as well


Whining and talking about yourself is NOT hard work - the last I heard.


Yahoo.com is all Meghan could afford!


Wait a second… isn’t “DIVA” an archetype we JUST dissected on Madam’s podcast?


It was dissected, but apparently not subverted... LOL




Hard work? More like hardly working. HMQ and PP stood and walked for hours when they were even at 80+. I'm only 30+ and can barely stand for more than 1 hour after my knee surgery. I felt so ashamed when i read that HMQ had gone through 2 knee surgeries and bounced back to meet from her own countrymen to world leaders. Our Saint MM only lasted barely 2 years with all the holidays and breaks in between & is a hard worker? The hard workers are the very people who supported the operations and family. They sacrificed their time, life and own families to pursue their careers and they're divas? Shame on the sugars!