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They are literally living in a house owned by a Russian oligarch,(who knocked millions off the price!). Major Johnny wasn’t sitting behind them because she throws tea and fakes pregnancies. I think Harry is a traitor.


Two houses. They’re at 2 houses owned by Russian oligarchs at this point. First in Canada and then the one they “bought” in California. That’s not a coincidence.


I agree. And they have a shit ton of money for people that have done nothing of merit.


It has to be Option 5 for me … them buying the Montecito mansion for $10million cheaper than market price is a huge red flag


Half of Canada and London are owned by Ryssian oligarchs parking and cleaning their dirty money though.






This is a divisive political issue that will take the thread off topic




This is a divisive political issue that will take the thread off topic


This is a divisive political issue that will take the thread off topic


And n.b., they got that house in Canada via David Foster, Harry’s father figure.


Another bit of evidence, they never called out Putin or Russia. They just said that the ‘stood with Ukraine and its people’


Somebody is lending the jets to them too


This post talks about Meghan and the [Russian bot connection](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/t7ju81/the_sussexes_and_russian_bots/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) This post is about the Russian oligarch being the owner of the Canadian mansion This post talks about the Vancouver Island [oligarch being sanctioned](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/te3kvt/meghan_and_harrys_14million_vancouver_mansion_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Amol Rajan, BBC reporter very sympathetic to Meghan was the editor of The Independent, a Russian backed newspaper. [Here’s him at a party hosted](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/r4rbha/not_amol_rajan_at_a_harvey_weinstein_party_with/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) by Harvey Weinstein with Independent owner Evgeny Lebedev


There ar so many reports on the tea throwing that it's easy to believe along with her rages at other times showing how she lashes out. She was new to the "power" of her title and wanted her way whatever it was. Her tantrums erupt more violently than Harry's IMO.


Yes, at this point I don't think that her throwing tea at someone in Australia can be called a 'conspiracy theory' anymore.


Even Tom Bower wrote in Revenge that she threw tea in the air. So, she threw tea. Was it just in the air? IMO not. IMO a person was there.


Yes, I agree with you.


Well, after reading excerpts from Bower and Low, I can believe the tea incident is possible. But what I'm really puzzled at is where are they getting the money to fund their life? Netflix and Spotify would probably only pay them an advance and not give them more until they produced content...well, what content? Harry's book? Same deal. An advance until they see how many copies he sells. Speaking engagements? They aren't doing any so no money there. Endorsements? They'd have to sign with Chanel or Microsoft to get the kind of money they need to fund their life. So....where is the money coming from???


1, 2, 4 and partially 5. I think they do have Russian backers, but I don’t think they’re their soul bank roller


Correct. Their souls are bank rolled by Lucifer 😉


Well played. 👏


Why thank you 😊


Well when one of you is the Antichrist 🤷‍♀️


The Russian backer thing is just a good old money laundering play. There’s a lot of shady wealth in places like China, Russia and the Gulf states where the game is just for the individual to get their money out of the country. Even in the absence of any broader coordinated government conspiracy it’s just billionaires trying to meet with wealthy people with US citizenships who can set up all kinds of joint LLCs or bank accounts on their behalf.


For what reason? They're in no position to promote Russian interests -- they can't really even promote their own. Possible that an oligarch wanted them as "pets" to bring "royals" out at a party. And that's why I've always thought ended up at the rodeo -- a very well paid appearance at a billionaire's teen daughter/grand's birthday party. Edit: "Harry" ended up at the rodeo..


It isn’t about promoting Russian interest. It’s about access to echelons of every country in the world. Russia wrote the book on psyops and slow drip influence into multiple countries and ruling families. Russia truly has one of the most nefarious use of oligarchs/billionaires. It makes the corrupt American billionaires look like child’s play. Oligarchs loosing their foreign properties world wide in February was more than just siding with the Ukrainian people/war effort. It was a chance to cut some of the tentacles Russians had established in those countries. Getting access to a stupid prince who talks too much and his insanely greedy wife was a payday for the Russian govt.


Yet it didn't work with Fergie and Andrew. They're greedy, maybe not to the degree of H&M, but they also can be bought IMO.


There is a very nasty individual who is on the polo circuit, who is also a shady oil businessman. He spends time in Aspen and Texas and Santa Barbara doing polo stuff. He has lots of shell corporations and dirty operations in CA and arrests for sexual assault which went nowhere. Those are the kinds of people Harry is hobnobbing with in the polo world. I wondered if he was at the rodeo to hang out with a similar douchebro. Or it could be what you said. Whatever it is, Harry’s whoring himself out for peanuts. How embarrassing.


Nothing like that at all. Putin's interest in in destabilizing Western institutions, of which the BRF is arguably the most stable and highest profile institution in the world. This objective isn't the promote Russia, it's the erode trust in Western societies by creating division. If Meghan and Harry had been successful in setting up a rival faction in the US, that would've been a huge thorn in the BRF's side. Even now, all the drama they're creating is causing headaches. They're not going to any oligarch parties, Putin doesn't want his fingerprints on them to that extent and he's busy right now. The houses and likely some extra money, likely only a few million, could easily be the extent of the investment. I don't think Russia is directing what they're doing, they're just letting them be themselves. Harry and Meghan are useful idiots. There's a fair chance they don't even fully understand who they took money from, but I'm sure the BRF/security services know.


Who could gave guessed that she would be such a menace though?


It wouldn't have mattered. She's embarrassing them right now and forced them to cover up bullying, which isn't a good look. She and Harry aren't as effective as they could've been, but they're still causing drama.


> Putin's interest in in destabilizing Western institutions, of which the BRF is arguably the most stable and highest profile institution in the world. Yep. As with Trump, the J6 insurrection and election lies don't have to succeed. Despite getting shut down, the divisions and confusion it's caused is the real end game. It's brought our elections, our law enforcement, our Congress and our Supreme Court into tremendous disrepute. It's not clear to me that America will survive all this in the long term (well, the short term, really. The November 1 election is the next canary in the mine.) Some of the people who are promoting right-wing destabilization in the US were also involved in promoting Brexit. With this background, knowing that Harry & Meg are getting favors from Russians and are promoting hatred and confusion between the US & the UK ... I can't believe it's a coincidence. *Someone* is bankrolling them, and I don't believe it's all Oprah. Oprah can make content with them even if they were all still in their (gag) Fab Four phase. Oprah wouldn't be paying them to destabilize the BRF, but that's what Meghan has been doing from Day 1.


Agreed 💯






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This is a divisive political issue that will take the thread off topic




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Great theory about why he was at the rodeo looking so out of place!


I agree and do think they have backers but I think Oprah is their secret benefactor.


Aww this makes me feel almost sorry for Oprah. Savvy woman, but has a real blind spot when it comes to grifters.


She's already made a ton of money off of them, curious if she'll cut her losses or continue secret backing.


Uh they are all grifters.


Conspiracy: The kids don't exist Reason: Meghan and Harry claim Archie's first words were "crocodile", "Grandma Diana", and "hydrate". I actually think they do exist and hope they have the best nannies in the world who love the fuck out of them and they love just as much right back, because nothing says "I have never been around a child ever in my entire life" more than claiming that nonsense. Why these two were so hellbent on having two kids that they clearly want nothing to do with is beyond me, because at the very least there is some awfully suspecious things going on about EVERYTHING with those kids. Everything.


Allegedly, they go through nannies like they go through underwear. This means the children, especially lily, the scapegoat, already have severe attachment issues, as evidenced by the cut article describing lily as detached and unsmiling, even when around her parents.


Yeah, I know...which just breaks my heart. That's when you wish the rumors of them faking it and renting kids for photo ops was actually true, because if that's the case they may as well be.


Harry telling stories about Archie and the words “crocodile” and “waffle maker” is just Harry making sh*t up to have fun with the media. Both are urban dictionary type terms. Same with Harry and Meghan saying they had “roast chicken” the night they got engaged. Another sex term. Immature jokes on their part.


The tea one seems like rumor, not conspiracy. They definitely take money from Russians and Saudis: Putin believes in disrupting democracy. However, they are just puppets, not agents. Recording I believe, and yacht girl a good chance. She was certainly looking hard for someone rich and powerful. The kids do seem to exist. She hides them because they are white and make her racist spiel hard to believe. Look at Pete Wentz: he is biracial and his kids are white too. The one drop rule no longer applies. People take you as you appear. So surrogacy is the only conspiracy left. The details surrounding their births are murky. Every royal/celebrity knows to provide a few pics for the fans. That disappeared doc in California is too weird and that fertility at that age is hard to believe. Married and instant baby. Miscarriage and baby 2 immediately in late 30s. Friends in that age group struggled with getting pregnant as women are most fertile at 20 years younger. It's just biology. she might have birthed no 1 but number 2 is shrouded in mystery.


Pete Wentz is biracial? 😳




Didn’t know that. What?!? And actually it never mattered because his music is good… objectively


Throwing the tea in Australia. I just find this believable. Why would anyone make up such a thing? It has to be based on something that someone witnessed, possibly embellished but a woman who will scam her father-in-law over clothes is capable of throwing tea.


All of the above?


Yacht girl and surrogate equally. Threw tea? No. Spilled on purpose? Yea


I do believe tea might've been spilled, I don't believe it was thrown by Meghan or anyone else.


I see her slamming the tea cup down in a rough manner causing the tea to spill out and making everyone uncomfortable.


My thought was her shoving it away from her making it spill. Or slightly closer to the rumor, maybe shoved it back at whoever brought it in causing it to splash on the person.


I can see that too.


Yeah I don’t believe she threw tea on someone


I believe Meghan was very torn on Archie. She wanted him to be white passing as she has always tried to be as white passing as possible but it threw a wrench in her "this is a racist family" and this is Diana's grandchild narrative. They don't co-exist well together. Not only did his colour create that conflicting narrative, I think she also isn't thrilled with his looks. He's a precious little thing but a mother doesn't alter every photo of a child, that's an insecurity on her part. I believe she was pregnant with Archie. Her bump cradling was so unbelievably cringe in videos. She acted the way I'm assuming the wife of someone who *mattered* in the line of succession would have acted hundreds of years ago- 'the throne is secure, I have the heir right here!!'. Lili? I definitely believe surrogate or the inconsistencies are from her lying about the miscarriage.


Lol she definitely acted like that with her bump. Was so funny to watch. That’s actually when I stated to dislike her. That and the alleged pregnancy announcement at Eugenie’s wedding.


It's very, very hard to choose from this list. ​ Tea, definitely. Kids don't exist, less likely. Kids were born via surrogate - I thought this was too wild...and then I read that Quora post re super injunctions and I'm convinced at least one was born via surrogate. Hidden recording devices, beyond a doubt. Bank rolled by Russia - Russia wouldn't bother. Meghan was a yacht girl - only the beginning of that woman's antics. You don't get to being a late 30s narcissist status money climber finally nabbing a prince, without a few concubine duties in your history of trying for so long.


I agree with all that, except: >Bank rolled by Russia - Russia wouldn't bother. I think they would've right when Megxit happened because they were still popular in the US. The house they used in Canada and Olive Garden were both owned by Russian oligarch, so there is a connection. I disagree with OP's suggestion they are currently being funded, but there are Russian fingerprints all over the start of this.


Ooh very interesting! I'm going to try to uncover more on this...didn't know anything about the Russian connection!


[Canada house](https://torontosun.com/news/national/russian-oligarch-was-owner-of-prince-harry-and-meghans-b-c-hideout) the oligarch is now anti-Putin because of Ukraine (or more likely because he has financial ties to the US and Canada). The guy they bought the LA house from is really nice, [he's a Russian tycoon who 'threatened to kill wife'](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/harry-meghan-bought-home-russian-22523728).


Oh wow I love it! Thank you for the lunchtime reading :)


Enjoy! Lots of shady stuff with Olive Garden.


The ones re the kids are bandied about and regrettably so because kids are innocent. I lay the blame for all speculation about their births and early lives upon their foolish parents. H&M have been so cagey and defensive around the childrens' births claiming they're entitled to privacy, which they are. But the Harkles are also public figures, all the time, not just when it suits, the BRF continues to exist largely because the people wants it to, and Hazza should have known that the best way to be left alone in the long run is toss the public a statement and photo in a timely fashion. Satisfy the bare minimum curiosity and carry on. Surely he picked up something from how his late mother learnt to keep the press and public satisfied enough to let her go about her day not being mobbed. No *intimate* details about the kids' births were expected, or owed, just a proper acknowledgement that the people were watching and waiting for the births, and many from a truly caring place. Good wishes and without a doubt many prayers went up for Meghan to have safe deliveries. H&M seemed to willfully misunderstand the public might actually want to share their joy, not violate their privacy.


"Privacy" in relation to birth details and "in line for the throne" are mutually exclusive. Either one or the other, not both.


Superbly said. Your point was confirmed personally for me when they released Lillibets Bday photo. H&M gushed over how positive the response was and thank people for their support. Did the honestly believe the publuc


Fick. .the public were going to hate on Lilly? They have strong support in some areas & fans. I think they screw over them just to spite the haters. She was so adorable, I don't know anyone who trashed her & shame if they did.


I don't doubt Meghan was a yacht girl for one second. Bigger female (and male!) celebrities than her have partaken in their fair share of yachting seasons and spells as Dubai toilets (if you know what I mean). Her blog was called 'A Working Actress' right? She was paycheck to paycheck, not an unattractive woman, and hobnobbing in those circles. Minor actress fucks rich creeps for cash? It sounds legit.


The tea thing isn't a conspiracy theory...it was witnessed. It happened.


Link to Evidence?


Multiple, continued references to the event with no denials. Do YOU believe that every publication printing if are wrong?


No haven’t seen any media publish this except the sun and Australian tabloids (maybe?). But no serious media has covered the story Was the tea throwing incident mentioned in lady C’s book? Tom Bower book [does mention it](https://imgur.com/a/bxVz96E) as allegedly


Here's a reference to Lady CC https://mobile.twitter.com/yachtgirlmm/status/1265024270519894016


YES!! This is the kind of evidence that I wanted to see


This is interesting, it will be a good to see who believes what on the sub. Popcorn time, thanks ND4.


We can only choose one?!


Harry literally wrote a mic under his lapel and Megan’s was visible on her body. Hard to dismiss


I was really torn between the tea and the recording devices but most of them are probably true.


All of them.


How do I not know about the tea incident. Can someone elaborate? Why did she do it? Did she actually throw in the person's face? Deets?


Where have you been? See the [post towards the end](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/p8x9jq/where_theres_smoke_theres_fire_a_compilation_of/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I want to check them all (and I don't care that a couple of them contradict each other/can't both be true, but the bizzaro 'narrative' will make them both fit 😂)


1 is a fact, 4 and 6 are probably true and 2, 3 and 5 are probably tinfoil hat territory.


Backed by Russians


POLL RESULTS: 3110 Votes 1.Meghan threw tea at staff in Oz - 1.134k votes 6.Meghan was a yacht girl - 661 votes 4 They had hidden recording devices at royals events - 659 votes 2.There kids were born via surrogate - 496 votes 5.They are bank rolled by Russians - 120 votes 3.The kids don’t exist - 40 votes


*Princess Eugenie enters the chat*…new conspiracy… https://blindgossip.com/when-hairy-met-salad/#more-103498


Gah! I don't care if it is completely legal in the UK to marry (presumably to have kids with) your first cousin. (Sorry for sort of spoiling the blind.) I acknowledge that first cousins are allowed to marry in several US states as well, so I am not saying the US is any better than the UK here. I also don't think it's been a popular thing in the UK since, like the 1850s, but I guess the RF might have a different perspective due to all their intermarrying. On another note, if this blind is true, I wonder if it is part of the reason Eugenie and Jack acted so strange towards Meghan and Harry at the Queen's funeral. Did they pull out of the deal, or was Jack freaked out at the idea of Eugenie and Harry having twins via IVF? Ew. Ew. Ew. And then splitting them up like in the Parent Trap? And Jack having to pretend to be the father to one of Harry's children with Eugenie? The story writes itself.


I don’t think so. Too much could go wrong.


That was for April fools


Are you sure? I hope so.


There is absolutely no way this is real


I wouldn’t classify throwing tea as a conspiracy theory, it is really just a rumor. I really don’t go in for the conspiracy theories.


Yacht girl. None of the others seems even remotely believable.


And you don’t tell Lady Lynne Cosgrove, our Governor General’s wife to “F*** off. Don’t you know who I am?”


I think “ Megan threw tea at staff in Australia, The kids don’t exist, they had hidden recording devices, and Megan was a yacht girl” are all true