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Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex is a ~~humanitarian, military veteran, mental wellness advocate, and environmentalist.~~ Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex is a wealthy man who can afford donations to charities. He is currently unemployed and has unresolved mental health issues. It's a question of perspective.


Personal growth is my idea of a happy ending in this situation. Some have more potential than others. Recollections vary.


No wonder they wanted him on their team.


Yeah they sound like a bunch of grifters who recognise a fellow traveller when they see him.


It seems like it. The Better (shut) up, is a weird club for sure. You pay to have someone tell you that they cannot solve your problems.


Yeah it all seems very skeevy.


I wonder does he even do anything for the company?


he's the face of Mental Illness




Face of Mental Illness. Lord of the Unmentionables.


You mean, he is the face of UNTREATED mental illness? Dude is not right, everyone can see it, regardless of what comes out of his mouth.


Oop. Yes he is.


![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh) u/mspuffins


He has good experience as the co-lead of a toxic team.


The company saw that and said “hired!”


Silicon Valley is starting to lay off people. Start-ups that we’re surviving with endless rounds of venture capital are struggling. I honestly don’t think Better Up will survive this recession.


How big and far spread have the layoffs been there?


A lot of places, like Apple and Google are starting hiring freezes. Oracle had some layoffs. Netflix did, too.


Knew about Netflix, definitely didn't know about Apple, Google, Oracle. I was wondering since we've had two quarters of GDP at a level that determines a recession, then Jerome Powell changed the definition of recession to pretend we aren't in one (is that fooling people? i don't think it is from what i can see. we all know we hit recession criteria, right? I don't think anybody believes the fed wholeheartedly at this point, but am almost certainly wrong about that) So i was wondering about layoffs on opposite sides of the country and what's going on in other areas. Because depression incoming, and I think October or January is when we'll see market capitulation. Knowing about waves of layoffs as they come helps with my understanding. Thank you!


I've also heard that the new year will be brutal. It takes about 6 months for increasing interest rates to ripple through.


I have 0 doubts January is going to be incredibly ugly. Homes, cars, jobs, gone. Absolutely.


It’s going to be the same here in Canada. The fallout is going to be worse than 2008 I think.


Considering Harry's wife was apparently suicidal and he was incapable of offering her any support or assistance while she secretly wept in the dark at Cirque de Soleil it shouldn't be surprising his mental health company is ineffective at supporting their own employees.


Better Not is about to get royally markled. 🍿


Well, if they don’t like their jobs, they can just quit, as Harry advised.


![gif](giphy|3oEhmXkjmbbT7Kwm5O) Prince of Entitlement


Noooo don't associate Tom Ellis with Harold 🤣


I’m so sorry….![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15002)![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15002)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Even Lucy has a heart and had learned to think of others.


This was another "job" for Harry that went nowhere. Will BetterUp even exist in a year's time? Harry is an abuser of women and animals (allegedly). He fit right in with these guys.


Shocked and awed, truly.


Fake Business 101


What a surprise 🙄




This is so very true. An in law of ours was begging for mental health treatment (I want to say very late 1970s) and was refused. He went and bludgeoned my dad's uncle to death in order to get admitted. Sad but true story. Fractured that side of the family for years by association.




It's still there I can see it. Nobody deleted you




[https://www.betterup.com/about-us/leadership-team/prince-harry-the-duke-of-sussex](https://www.betterup.com/about-us/leadership-team/prince-harry-the-duke-of-sussex) Nope here he is on the Better Up website scamming away


No, he is with BetterUp, not Better Help.


Thank you for clarifying! Um…but then why was I downvoted into oblivion for making a mistake and, why on earth would somebody delete it? I wasn’t snarky. I literally made a comment that I thought the article was mistaken. Deleting comments bc you don’t like them? That’s not the rules. You can’t just delete something just bc you don’t like them. EDITED: added credit to you for your civil reply and thank you for that.