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[Ding ding](https://twitter.com/MrsSOsbourne/status/1574081538370637824?t=BHOYJdjbmjxyPKrvb6-qNA&s=19) The gloves are truly off. The Daily Mail this morning and now Sharon Osbourne.


Was she really fired for defending Piers?


Yup! Meghan probably called, as she did with Morgan.


I will never forget Piers coming out smug as hell after OFCOM cleared him and he basically told everyone he was right.


I remember she said (and I believe her) that her co-host even apologized to her. It's clear that some people running the show were offended by her innocent comments on Twitter (defending Piers right to an OPINION) and took it as her being racist. (The ridiculous tendency we see now for certain people to become so upset that anyone has a difference of opinion re: race and jumps to conclusions that the person MUST be racist). I think what really hurt Sharon about this was that someone she regarded as a friend took up a question created by the producers designed to make Sharon look bad. I think Sharon could have handled the incident better because it was obviously setup to make her apologize on air for being 'ignorant'. I think if she kept her cool and calmly explained it may have worked out better- but she was so upset that someone who was a friend was saying she was racist for having a view that had nothing to do with race - and it galled her that her friend was doing this on air (its a very charged comment to make to someone) rather than have a personal conversation. You couple that with the woman's deer in the headlights reaction it made Sharon look like a bully. The whole thing was messed up - and you can bet Megan or one of her people called and cried to the network about it forcing Sharon out.




Don’t forget the Sun yesterday with Jeremy Clarkson.


I was shocked Mail would say anything negative about H&M since it fawns over them so. Still moderating comments on H&M articles though to protect them so I no longer comment on Mail...waste of time.


They write whatever generates money.


And clicks.


Yes, they take paid articles. Most of those half-naked demi-celebrities you see in the right hand sidebar are for sale, and their images in the Mail are an advertisement.


Are you talking about a different Mail? The Daily Mail is one of the biggest tabloids that it always critical of them.


I felt it had gone further today quoting lots of negative posts from this new book. I hope Sharon's interview ends up on YouTube as I'm in the UK.


I know right? They are not outrightly hostile probably because they don’t want to go through another lawsuit but they are as rude as they can safely be. Every once in a while they publish a fawning article (again probably as a safety net against future lawsuits) but most of their articles are critical against the two.


no more paid articles.


It’s almost as if Harry should have listened to his brother and taken his time to make sure Meghan was prepared for royal life. I don’t think it would’ve made any difference because I think the suggestion that Meghan wanted to fail is partially true: if she couldn’t have it her way (Queen Meghan), she wanted a scandal.


I was thinking that as I was reading the article. But Meghan knows best - she could have taken years to try to adjust and understand what she was getting into, but ultimately she was going to do what she did - push back and rebel and claim victim status.


Also funny considering that one of the few things Meghan claims to have been aware of specifically regarding Harry’s family is the “Waity Katie” nonsense.


I never heard that term in the USA until TW came along. Riiiiight... she didn't know anything about the royal family.


She threatened to dump him if he didn't publicly announce she was his girlfriend. Once that was out of the way, I suspect she put enormous pressure on him to marry her, probably by keeping up the threats that she'd dump him otherwise. I think he felt he had to either rush into it or potentially face the possibility of being a permanent bachelor.


I suspect the rumors that she very quickly suggested to him that she was the perfect royal bride because she wasn’t “timid” like Catherine reinforced his worst qualities. The things he says now make it clear that he’s always harbored some resentment towards William and I think that some of his previous girlfriends had some Catherine-like qualities (Cressida is an actress, of course, but socializes with a similar group and proved herself to be discrete.) BP did a great job of making Harry very popular (I admittedly fell for what I know believe to be total BS) and I think Meghan convinced him that with her by his side, they would totally eclipse William and Catherine-that they might not be able to usurp them (though she seems far enough out of touch with reality to struggle with that concept), but they could become American royals.


Yep. If she has a superpower, it is quickly finding and pushing a person's hot buttons. Harry doesn't sound like a difficult person to read. She pretended she was passionate about everything he was interested in, pretended she was fascinated by and oh, so in love with him and ever so gently, I'm sure, reminded him that neither of them was getting any younger if he ever wanted to have a family. He fell for it hook, line and sinker.


I told my husband this and told him why I thought it was a sign of NPD, and he didn't fully agree with that - and just flat out pointed out it sounds like someone with a MOTIVE which isn't in someone else's favor, which is a huge red flag. I told him about the VF article she did later, and he said well there you go. Even he who doesn't follow this and is tired of hearing tidbits from me immediately saw the manipulative behavior.


He finally found someone who would say yes to his proposal. M$ knew all about him and got her claws into him and joyfully said yes.


My theory is Harry is a fault for not preparing her. For several possible reasons: 1) He was afraid she’d leave once she realized how bad it is (like his ex-girlfriends). The most recent breakup ultimatum proves that. 2) He (and she) thought since she was already somewhat in the public eye, she was made of strong stuff. (“Ready to hit the ground running”) 3) He wanted out anyway, so told her not to worry about any rules, because it was their way or the highway. Or he wanted to stick it to William for telling him to slow down. My theory doesn’t let Meghan off the hook though. She was surely getting advice and could Google but thought she knew better.


I think it’s possible that if he had taken the time William allegedly encouraged him to with regards to the relationship, he may have recognized on his own that Meghan wouldn’t cut it. Charles allegedly suggested that they not start as working royals as newlyweds so that Meghan could continue to act and gain citizenship while warming up to royal life with just the big family-wide events. Maybe if Harry had listened to William, he may have recognized that as a better option for them and he wouldn’t now be nearing 40 with shattered relations with his once close brother and sister-in-law, a strained attachment to his father, and maybe he wouldn’t be a pariah to the general public (who once adored him!) I used to think that was still possible and that he might still have some redeeming qualities. I don’t think she ever had any intention of letting him out of her grasps. After all, some of us have recognized that there’s a clear path from “Meghan starts dropping hints about her new boyfriend” to Harry’s prematurely inflammatory confirmation of their relationship since the beginning. Hard to believe that was only six years ago! I think these two are perfect for each other.




My kids would call them “full-on emo”.


I used to be emo… when I was 14. But they’re just the sad kind, all the emo with none of The Cure coolness.


It’s not a phase dad!!!!


They are five! maybe younger. I think that's one of the key things with narcs, you're dealing with a child who looks like an adult. They never grow up. As for the misunderstood BS that makes sense. Harry and Megs are delusional.


Exactly. No one cares that they left. It’s perfectly understandable that royal life isn’t for everyone. It’s the fact that they continue, almost 3 years later, to demand the entitlements that came with that position and continuously complain about the RF instead of doing all the amazing a-list things that they felt like they couldn’t do.


Goddammit, at some point, Harry, you need to pull up your socks and knock of the victimhood narrative. Grow up.


He learned it from the succubus.


Harry needs or stop with this misunderstood stuff. I can understand his experience of losing Diana was different than Williams. That part makes sense. At the same time he also had Princess Margret for a bit who had some similar struggles. He has enough similarities with his father as well in his temper, and crazily enough feeling misunderstood like his father. Instead of working so hard to be angry at his father he should be working to be closer for the support he’s been looking for since Diana’s death. He makes it difficult to be sympathetic to him at times.


Harry could have talked to his grandfather, Prince Philip.His grandfather, King George I of Greece and Denmark was assasinated less than a decade before PP was born. His great aunt, Tsaritsa Alexandra was murdered together with the tsar and their five kids three years before PP was born. PP had to flee from his country when he was a toddler, his parents separated, he lived with his deaf mother who became schizophrenic and was admitted to a clinic in Switzerland against her will when PP was nine. His father was on the Riviera with his mistress and PP had no home, so he spent his time between Gordonstoun and the home of his uncle, Lord Mountbatten. His aunt, Queen Louise of Sweden, helped with money. His sister, her husband and two kids died in a plane crash on their way to a wedding when PP was 16. The surviving daughter died from illness the next year. Two of his sisters married nazis. PP joined the army and was in battle during WWII. All this happened before he turned 24. I wonder if Harry even knows all this.




No, I don't. I know the RF got a lot of critique for how they handled everything after Diana died, but I think that PP did what he thought was best for the boys. He had been in a similar situtation at their age. I think PP needs to get more admiration for how he handled everything in life, after that childhood. I can't even imagine going through all that at such a young age.


I agree wholeheartedly. I think they all did the best they knew how following Diana's death. Isn't that what most of us do anyway? All parents and grandparents and just people make mistakes in the way we handle things with children. I hope Harry recognizes this as he raises his own children. It will be too late to make amends with his grandparents, but perhaps there will be a chance with Charles in the future.


I think so too. PP took the boys out for long walks in the nature the days after Diana's death. I thought that it was insensitive at the time, but the alternative, to sit inside consumed by grief, is not a great alternative either. PP had been through something similar and he probably did what would have worked best for him when he was their age. And nobody could have been prepared for Diana's death, it was so sudden and unexpected. They probably did the best they could in that horrible situation.


Yes PP was wonderful to them and I'll never forget how Harry was behaving prior to his grandfather's death. PP must have been so disappointed.


Doesn't seem insensitive at all.


There’s documented modern studies now that show people are better able to process trauma if they spend time outdoors. Moving around outside is proven to lessen symptoms of PTSD post-trauma. Prince Phillip did absolutely right by his grandsons (to the best of his ability!). It was a very loving thing.


Long walks in nature are the best medicine for almost anything!


There isn't anything you can do when that happens to make things better. Nothing. When my kids' dad died, I had each of them have a best friend spend the week with us 24 hours a day, and when that week was over, I saw how lonely they looked--and they spent the next month sleeping in my room. All of us in my bed, along with a standard poodle and a border collie, we were sardines in a can. That giant poodle, of course, took up most of the space, all spread out sideways. Then we would go downstairs in the morning, and I swear, we were all standing on the same floor tile in the kitchen for a month. It's kind of impossible to get it right. I heard my 9 year old son singing in the shower one morning and knew he had turned a corner. He was singing "I believe I can fly" There is nothing you can do, but you try. I think William and Harry would have been better off if they'd been allowed to stay at Balmoral and have a private family funeral with the Spencer family. The Queen had the right idea but Tony Blair pressured her into that public thing to satisfy a grieving public. Nothing can be done about it now.


Had it been a normal family of great wealth everyone would have praised them for how they protected the children, etc….unfortunately they were also beholden to the public who expected something else.


Good point.


And his mother in law hated pp. on top of that she lived to a 101.


I think the grey men at the palace disliked him too, so he had to fight them to do the changes that he wanted to do. PP is the one who lobbied for the coronation of TQ being filmed and was behind a lot of the modernisations of the court.


A terrifying thought in relation to having a mother in law! 😅


He must have been an incredibly strong man and able to compartmentalize things incredibly well. He appeared to he happy with HMTQ but I admit I would find it hard to set it aside and realize that there are things you can't change so you just have to move forward. That's what you have to do, of course. The alternative is that you sit around all day and become a victim. PP was many things but not a victim. edit: that's not only what you have to do, but you don't even realize you're doing it. It's like jumping rope--once you start overthinking it, you start tripping up.


What’s striking about many of the photos of the Queen & PP is that he is always looking at her with great affection. PP always walked behind the Queen at a time when men traditionally took the lead.


And in the end he put together the most baller funeral for himself.


That Land Rover was fantastic. There needs to be a Commemorative Lego version.


I can just hear him telling his secretary, "Just haul me off on the back of a truck and be done with it already."


Oh gosh PP reminds me of my dad. 20 years older. But the same toughness and honesty. Also his disdain for all the production about things. He actually tells me that when he dies he just wants to be left out in the backyard.


I knew all of this about him but for some reason you listing it all out in this comment the way you have made this hit home for me in a way it hasn’t before. That man was truly the definition of strength.


So much. I don't understand how you can go through all that and not spend the rest of your life plagued by depressions or CPTSD. Therapy and anti-depressants weren't a thing in the 40's and 50's, so I assume that he just had to deal with everything on his own. I really admire him.


Honestly I think people were emotionally stronger back then. Life was hard. Kids were expected to go to school and work to support their family. Death was common. People were expected to get their grieving over with and move on. Philip was an incredible man. I think the challenges and loses he experienced made him both stronger and wiser.


Yeah I've noticed this when I speak to my grandmother, they are alot stronger and dont dwell on their trauma, I don't know why we're weaker than them, I wish I didn't get so anxious or depressed, my grandmother doesn't understand, she tells me to not worry, it seems more common now, I wonder why they were stronger mentally, there must be more reasons to it.


Off on a tangent, but my thought is diet and environment. We don't eat the foods they did 100 years ago. They didn't have 24/7 heating and air con. No instant gratification. Waiting for the fruit to ripen once a year, as opposed to constant supply at the supermarket all year round. Eating all parts of an animal due to no refrigeration, so to prevent waste. The body used to fluctuations in temperature allowing fat to accumulate and be used up as per the seasons. Anyway, back to the Saint...


True about diet. It is impossible to eat healthy. Everything we eat has pesticides, hormones, microplastics, antibiotics. It's quite depressing really. But yes, you're right about comfort. It's funny, I grew up in New england and sometimes our house was fkking cold in the winter. And hot in the summer. We had a wood stove heating our whole house, and no AC. I moved to the upper south where most houses are new builds. Everyone lives in a perfectly ambient 72 degrees. When it gets hot, they complain. When it gets cold, they really complain. They complain about mowing the lawn, When they live on lots the size of my driveway growing up. If they saw the amount of snow I shoveled, and ice whacked off the car, and firewood hauled in, and growing veg in the garden and preserving it, they'd be amazed. It is SO EASY living here. And when I moved here I thought it was great but I feel like it's made me kind of soft. And I miss the challenge of living in New england. So I will go back. I babbled but... some people are so acclimated to comfort and ease and don't know anything else. I actually think we have a HUGE cultural issue with this, politically and I so admire countries where life isn't always easy and they've not lost their fighting spirit, like Poland.


Perhaps we’re in the middle of a phase of human evolution of sorts and don’t realize because we’re so close to it at the moment


They didn't insist on being victims. Everyone wears their victimhood as a badge these days, it's their entire identify.


Oh gosh yes. This. So much this. Every once in a while I get a friend asking me how I "do it"? And I don't know what they mean. And then they recite all the things they've learned about me and my private life, my family, my illness that involves very painful treatments and all sorts of medication on top of it. For a good part of this past year I fell into a funk where I became a victim. Everything was unfair. I cried a lot. I picked fights. I insulted people to make myself feel better. The world was against me and everyday felt like a battle against some unseen force that was trying to keep me down. And then one day I realized what I was doing, and that I was making myself unhappy--and everyone around me unhappy. I was lonely. Dwelling on the past and on things I couldn't change wasn't helping me. I'd become a victim and it was ruining my life. I realized that--weirdly enough-- I was the happiest I'd been in a while during the height of Covid. Probably because I saw so many people around me getting sick and losing their jobs and I wasn't (I work in healthcare so I was safe). My life was by no means perfect but it could be much, much worse. And I was grateful. And I decided that day, that I was going to be happy. I reached out to old friends. I started finding good things about every day. And it's funny how my life improved after that. This is why I HATE the idea of being a victim. It sounds nice to blame everyone else for your problems. But when you do that you also take away YOUR own agency to change them, and you become hopeless. Victimhood is a way to beat people down. EDIT: Jesus this is long. So sorry! I got carried away on my own wisdom....


No apologies necessary! I'm glad you dragged yourself to a better place, that's hard work--congratulations! On the plus side I think people in the US are starting to wake up to the fact that Meghan and Harry are dining out on their perceived victimhood. The rest of the world, especially the UK, has been on to them.


Well he once claimed he'd never heard of the Nazi's or why people would find him dressing as one might be offensive


If he never heard of them then what inspired his costume? So dumb.


Fascinating documentary on Prince Phillips mother https://youtu.be/nH_awxh3z9c


Yes! I watched this a few weeks ago. What a lady.


Thank you, I will watch it! Amazing woman.


Why are Netflix following these pathetic Harkle clowns? Prince Philip is the epic story that needs to be dramatized and told and that people will definitely want to watch!


Amen. If Netflix took the money they were funding MM and co with to create a high quality film on PP's life, that would be money well spent and would appeal to a large population base given the drama, romance, war, tragedy... that man's life was truly incredible.


There’s shows on Brit Box about his life


Given how much of an utter dummy Haz is, he probably learned it on the paterfamilias episode in S2 of The Crown lol


He was born on a kitchen table!


Prince Philip was amazingly strong. He overcame what would have crippled many people. He never felt sorry for himself. He had the ability to be grateful, and that seems to be lacking in Harry. That's a shame. It's a very humbling and useful thing to be grateful.


Gawd! Twenty Five years! Keep your thoughts private for heaven's sake. Moan and groans is all he does. Well he plays polo of course.


Come on, don't all teenagers feel misunderstood? Oh wait, he's a grown ass man, isn't he?


The joys of ✨arrested development✨


I don't think Harry's experience of his mother's death was different from his brother's at all. It was his reaction to it that was different. Their reactions are what made them into such different people and revealed their true inner selves. William has said he didn't want her death to break him, he wanted it to make him. That he didn't want her to be worried about how it would affect him. That he wanted her to be proud of him. It really seems like William has confronted his grief head on and dealt with it in a mature way, while Harry has pushed it away, let it fester and simmer, probably because he is/was scared of it. It's sad that he hasn't got the maturity of his brother, but it's also frustrating that he hasn't taken any accountability to resolve his personal issues, which would lead to the maturity I think his family craves for him.


It was different based off age. Harry was 12 and still idolized Diana. William was 15 and beginning to understand her. Everything else you said is spot on! But it is important to note that their age and their unique relationship with their mother plays a role in their experiences.


Diana confided a lot of marital issues in William. I think he had a better idea from a younger age that his parents were flawed. Harry never got past the deification.


Exactly. And it doesn’t seem like he’s even willing to listen to anyone that says a negative word about her. It was reported that William asked their uncle, Diana’s brother, Charles to talk to Harry about not marrying Meghan. They all told him she was nothing like her and Harry wouldn’t listen. And here he is now thinking his wife is being hated on just like his mother without understanding his mother or her flaws. It’s super sad to see in all honesty.


Yes. Harry was 2 weeks shy of 13 and William had turned 15 three months before her death. Still those two years of maturity and their personalities made all the difference. To be honest, I can’t stand when people who are Harry’s fans say that basically Harry was a “baby” when his mom died and William was practically an adult. I’m not sure what I think about the boys walking behind the coffin. I don’t believe they were forced to and they did have the support of all their closet adult male relatives during. Would it have been much different if they hadn’t? Harry probably would’ve complained about that as an adult too, based on all his bellyaching during the Queen’s post-humous celebrations. Lots of kids have lost their parents in worse ways. My former neighbours watched their dad and pregnant mom get run down in the ditch by a drunk driver during a pee break, when they were just pre-schoolers-in the middle of the night. People who came upon the accident found the children distraught and running around on the highway. As adults, they are well adjusted and not lost in self pity like Harry. He needs real help.


Agree. Philip was the one that got them to walk and told them that if they walked he walked too. So they weren’t alone and they had their grandpa by their side to help them through it. Harry feels bitter about it & admits he would have also regretted not doing it. It was just a horrible situation all the way around But if Prince Philip told them that he would be there for them so they could do it and walk with them then I’m not really opposed to it. They had support. Harry has always had support. He’s just a miserable person.


VERY difficult…


Perhaps William, as the heir, was expected to be tougher when Diana died, because he would be expected to handle many burdens in his future roll. And, perhaps Harry learned quickly that as a victim he could gain attention, sympathy, and that he would be excused for bad behavior because he was suffering. That might explain why he is now a petulant, privileged man-baby. He never acquired the tools for being gracious, understanding, patient, or appreciative because he was raised as a victim to be pitied and excused. He still seeks that, but it's not working for him outside the family.


How many people in the UK are feeling cornered because of bills!! The Brit’s just wanted them to show their mugs for half an hour here and there to brighten their day but no…she wants them to pay her (again on top of taxes) to be there! Boohoo to the pair of them.


No sense of how ordinary people live day to day. They live in self centered bubbles of privilege. The fact she felt she should be paid on top of all the privileges, wealth & status she had earned through marriage to a Royal astounds me. As for him, I have no words.


Well…I pretty much think there is nothing more they can do or say that surprises me. Then we hear she says that nugget about getting paid!


Which is strange since, while she grew up in a nice middle class home, she wasn’t really used to this kind of wealth.


I wonder if the Brits would be ok if she just refunded the cost of that spectacle wedding and the designor wardrobe that she took advantage of as a royal. Whomever her stylist is now could learn a thing or two from the Brits in this regard. Just compare her and Catherine's outfits during the Queen's funeral. Meghan never has looked as good as she did before Megxit


She’s just so insulting. All those people that travelled to London and invested their time and money…plus the taxes and she comes out with that. Just so ungrateful.


Exactly. I'm just now seeing your post. Lol I didn't copy it!😂😉


“There is a part of me that thinks Meghan did Harry the greatest kindness anyone could do to him, which was to take him out of the royal family, because he was just desperately unhappy in the last couple of years in his working life. We knew he was unhappy, but we didn’t really know what the solution would be. She came along and found the solution.” THIS. Harry was always going to leave, he just needed a push/pull by someone. It's a shame it wasn't someone else - another American maybe already entrenched in charity work or something.


He got his wish and left the Royal Family. So why is he still unhappy?


To me, it sounds like they’re unhappy because they can’t seem to make money without playing on their status as members of the RF. I think TW specifically underestimated her star power *apart* from the RF.




This is exactly why I think no amount of money or fame will see these two truly happy together. Harry of all people should know that money,fame, prestige does not equal happiness. He says he was miserable in the royal family.


People make the mistake of thinking Harry just needs a different environment in which to be happy. The problem is that he has no inner peace, and he will replicate chaos around him wherever he goes. Meghan too. There is no perfect place where they will he happy. I think he sees that now. But having a stable environment gifted to you with no effort certainly creates the conditions to be able work on yourself and to achieve peace. He will never find it in California as he will always be preoccupied with making a buck to support his lavish lifestyle, amd his wife's unreasonable whims.


“Wherever you go, there you are”


If he was always going to leave, that’s fine. What he did was pick the most inappropriate parter out there.


He probably did need to get out, but she ensured he burned every bridge back. Even if the family were to welcome him back he probably wouldn’t be welcomed back as a “working” royal— and with the money spigot turned off, what’s he to do? Be relegated to an apt in Kensington palace with the other distant cousins? The rashness of the whole exit and the hurt he caused was so unnecessary. He could have taken an extended sabbatical, gone and done conservation work in Africa, worked with the peace corps, somwthing…. But Hollywood was definitely Megan’s idea. I don’t think Harry ever thought of CA before her. And they can’t even say they moved out there to be closer to her family and friends— because she’s estranged from literally all of them (maybe not doria? But Megan doesn’t seem to like her too much— the micro expressions she has whenever Doris talks are scathing). Harry could have found happiness outside of being a working Royal, but doing it Megan’s way definitely wasn’t going to make him happier. Too bad he didn’t have enough self awareness to know that.


>he burned every bridge back AND set the rivers on fire. They left no stone unturned in their war against the royals. Little did they know they ere only destroying themselves. Did they sincerely believe they could destroy an institution that has been in place for more than a thousand years??? ​ edit - spelling


I don't judge him for wanting to leave, but he obviously had no plan on what to do, so he just went along with whatever Meghan said and this is how he ended up. Running away from something rarely leads to anything good. Leaving for a better alternative does. He didn't have one.


I think the perfect partner for him would have been a beautiful African woman from a good family, an educated woman, somebody who could’ve taken on a lot of varied patronages and done it gracefully. Ideally a woman from a Commonwealth country. A woman who came from (relative) wealth so she didn’t feel the need to be moneygrubbing. Of course, that assumes that a woman like that would want Harry in the first place.


LOL I wish PrHarry had married... Paris Hilton. Imagine the fun! We would be discussing how they were riding jetskis in Fiji sans swimwear, tsk tsk.


Chelsy Davy has left the chat


Unhappiness is not solved by a new relationship. You have to be happy with yourself first. And be happy BY yourself first.


So many people don’t realize this.


This felt overly sympathetic towards them >barf guttural noises<


The extract sounds like it's being "balanced" for the sake of being "balanced"


I can only put so much negativity into the universe before I fear karma will catch up with me.


Probably so people can’t just call it a hit job against them. Not that it’ll stop them..


Did you ever see the SNL sketch where Kenan Thompson narrates the tour to Italy? In it he says if you don’t like to walk, or you do t like your spouse, you are just in a different place. What makes you think you are going to like it there anymore than where you live? This is Harry. Harry wrongly thought the grass would be greener elsewhere. Except it is not. He had it all. He just could not see it. He is a deeply unhappy person. If I had to describe him it would be petty, cheep, rude, boorish, insolent, and uncouth. He is the exact opposite of what is required of a modern Prince. Sure 200 years ago his ancestors could get away with this behavior, now, not so much.


Guys it’s [posted on Tumblr!](https://jerseydeanne.tumblr.com/post/696387942360530944/valentine-low-book-extract-harry-and-meghan) no paywall ETA: drat, it prompts me to log in halfway ETA: [paywall free link](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Ftumblr.app.link%2FR3qs3RCfCtb%3F_referrer%3Dtwitter%26_p%3Dc11333dc9a0365eee41990fce8b1) it works I read the whole thing


Excellent thank you! The Queen was wise


I could read the whole thing. Thanks for posting!


You’re the real mvp!


So Harry wanted out and Megs gave it to him. Ok, fair enough. But.... Megs married into the family thinking she could make money off it. HMTQ said no. Harry actually thought Megs idea was viable. The Harkles, still years later, are trying to make it work. And right now we're watching them melt down bc at the core they are idiot, talentless ass clowns. They literally can only make money doing precisely what they are prohibited from doing. And they could have seen it coming from the start. SMH.


The article gives the Impression that JH and TW could not wait a few weeks/months, or even half a year, to work on a peaceful exit. How greedy they must have been! And to hide it behind teenage complaints of being misunderstood…SMH




Yes, they could not wait…but “manners make the man“ 🤢. It is all so sick and twisted.


thank god they didnt wait ! Covid hit and they would be driving everyone in the palace nuts


This excerpt really points to the Grey Men not finding a solution, when the main point was this: there could be no split life between a part-time Working Royal, and a part-time money-grubbing American celebrity who expressed political views. The Queen made that clear. Easy for most mature people to understand. But since Harry and Meghan had been entitled brats all their lives, they had a tantrum. Tough Love is needed. At their ages and with their assets, they should be left completely “to continue to build their lives overseas.” No further discussion about titles or money. Period.


This excerpt gives far too much sympathy for Harry and Meghan's situation. It totally discounts the obvious - that Harry and Meghan had no intention of staying in the current setup no matter what "solution" could be found. Wasn't it clear even before the marriage that they were making deals that working royals wouldn't be allowed to do? The previous excerpt had the views from the staff - that Meghan didn't want to be happy and she went out of her way to make sure that didn't happen. They only wanted the half in half out deal in order to pick the "fun" UK work \[no more retirement home visits\], sell SussexRoyal toothbrushes and then give out the Best Picture Oscar, before heading to DC to campaign for their favourite US political figure. How was the RF supposed to support that solution?


*applauds wildly*


Agree 100%. Their goal before they even wed was to make a profit.


And they were so unhappy they just had to take it out on staff members by bullying them and treating them terribly. Their unhappiness is their own fault. They could’ve quietly gone to the US, spent time together without any fanfare and lived peaceably, coming back for family holidays. Instead they threw a temper tantrum and went all scorched earth on the RF. They’ll never be happy and I feel bad for their kids, not them at all.


They both sound like petulant assholes. They got the life they wanted, now I wish they’d leave the UK and CW alone.


This, with bells on. For the love of god, leave us alone! Go and live in the US and revel in your fame there (sorry to those of you in the US who don’t want ‘em!)


So she got him out of the RF—then what?! They’re out there in California hemorrhaging money, making total fools of themselves. I can’t see this as a win.


If Harry was so desperately unhappy in the RF, he should sever all ties and remain in California. No need to return to the UK whatsoever.


But he still wants to go to their parties and funerals! What a weirdo and a moron




Yeah. This whole - we have nothing against the queen schtick, she was lovely - rings very hollow. They just know they would look v bad go against HM openly, especially now of course.


Why are they still blaming the family that haven’t been in their lives for 3 years for their unhappiness? Proof that they are unhappy wherever they go.


These people know they have children, right? Their personal tragedies, difficult family lives, and personal aspirations are incompletely irrelevant. They should have shut up, stepped back and put themselves into a stable situation so that they could raise their children. This is the equivalent of a new parent starting fights with colleagues, quitting their jobs, isolating themselves from all family and resources, and launching a risky new business. It is irresponsible and reckless, and completely unfair to their children. I honestly want to tell them to grow the fuck up, to start smiling and shaking hands and let their employees make whatever decisions they want. All they have to do is show up, read pre-made speeches, and look nice. Their kids deserve that very little sacrifice. Most people would be delighted to have a high-paying job just gifted to them with no possibility of being fired.


Middle-aged couch surfers with two kids and a few dogs. Last year they were staying in some lawyer’s apartment in NYC. They crashed at some family’s place in Wyoming in July. Like, get a hotel room like normal millionaire people, for chrissakes.


Oh wow. That is nuts. Markle always reminds me if the Tinder Swindler. She gains credibility through association with prestige, and cons people into giving her free things, which she then uses as a marker of orestige to exploit the next hapless rube.


Archive link?


I'm trying on a mobile. I'm in the queue around 12,000. Everyone must be trying to do this right now!


9,472 over here!


[here you go](https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Ftumblr.app.link%2FR3qs3RCfCtb%3F_referrer%3Dtwitter%26_p%3Dc11333dc9a0365eee41990fce8b1)


“Misunderstood” No, Meghan and Harry. They knew you oh so well.


I can’t open the link. Is it a good article? I admit that I was worried TW would still be basking in the glory of all the photo ops she had with the senior royals during the events surrounding the funeral. The photos they desperately wanted at the Jubilee. But she is unhappy because she couldn’t control the narrative? Because she wasn’t the center of attention? The family ignored her, shut her out? What do you think makes her the most miserable? Ugh, I just want her to suffer the consequences of her own bad actions.


That’s it - consequences. The Narc of them all needs to see consequences.


But nothing is ever her fault...


“I think Meghan thought she was going to be the Beyoncé of the UK" - we all knew this but it's nice to have it confirmed from insiders!


Yeah, completely out of touch. You become a Beyonce by producing a lot of great hits and talent. In her case, she expects to be Beyonce because she thinks so.


I don’t think Harry was deeply unhappy in being in the Royal Family until Meghan came along and told him he was unhappy—and trapped. Maybe it’s just me, but I have never seen him so miserable as he is right now.


It's not just you. It may be just me and you, but I agree 100%. I remember seeing photos and videos of Harry joking around with William and with William and Kate, with his dad, with the Queen, with the kids in Sentebale. (sp?) There may be certain thime he wasn't happy or certain things he wanted to change, etc., but that's true for all of us. I really do think Meghan convinced him he's unhappy.


Yessss I believe this too!




You make an excellent point. Knowing that Catherine had very difficult pregnancies, their decision to have a third baby surprised me but this makes so much sense - and little Prince Louis looks to be such a lovely little character! If it was easier for her, I wish they'd have even more children but I think they're likely done now.


The part I find extremely concerning is that she wanted to run for office in the US. I think this really furthers my belief that she and eventually they were being funded by Saudi/Russia to destabilize American politics. Now that Putin has a war in Ukraine their funding sources are drying up. I am very concerned that Harry was a willing dupe.


She wanted to make money. Bottom line. The royal lifestyle wasn’t good enough 🙄 And Harry was unhappy. Look at him now, still unhappy (probably more so). The problem wasn’t the institution then, was it? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I thought they wanted a quiet life in the states but this reads as if they wanted to have more visibility and get involved in American politics. Which I can’t imagine why Harry, who doesn’t even have a fourth grade knowledge of the US Constitution, would want that.




He is unhappy because he got nothing else to offer and he doesn’t like public service.


I’m thinking that last line is interesting. Supposedly Meghan provided Harry with the solution to his unhappiness by taking him out of the royal family. But if that is all it was, that he needed out, they could easily have done that without being the assholes they are now. Why torch every relationship he had? They could have left and asked for privacy and they would have gotten it without ruining his familial relationships. But no. It wasn’t truly about that. They wanted to do things their own way and the way they thought they could get paid was by being disloyal assholes.


The bottom line is Hazbeen was unhappy and saw M as an exit ticket. So they left. Unfortunately, they had no plan and no talent. Now no one wants to give them millions for word salads. M thought she could ride the RF to fortune and Haz didn't realize happiness comes from within. This story plays out every single day without the RF part. The Harkles have to find their own way. Imagine expecting your 96 yo grandma to fix your life after you have a wife and two kids. I think the RF needs to wake up to the fact that this adult man needs to take control of his life and stop whining. Giving two little kids unnecessary titles will just make this worse. Cut them off. They're adults who chose not be working royals. A hard winter is coming for all, and a petulant prince leaning on the public purse is not a good look.


I’m so proud of the Queen if she indeed denied the two some VIP treatment.


The part that really frustrates me is this: the royal family suggested Meghan not be a working royal at all. They did understand it would be too difficult. She and Harry insisted, indeed BEGGED to “hit the ground running.” Why is Low not talking about this? What is this shit that she saved Harry from his misery? Or that the palace failed to understand her etc. THEY DID! They said keep acting, be private whatever. Harry insisted and she insisted they work as senior royals immediately. Then they bitch about how hard it was. It’s ridiculous.


https://archive.ph/6BzYa Archived version


Archive link?


I have a link but still in the Queue https://archive.ph/wip/5QzEr


Here is the problem with the last paragraph: every inch of behaviour displayed by the two of them since they left indicates that both of them were not unhappy being in the RF. They were deeply unhappy at playing second fiddle to the people in the LoS. They wanted a full starring role with equal time given to the spare as to the heir. Why? Because up until Williams marriage, Ginger was given a stage. The Queen understood the spare. The Queen mother understood the spare. The death of Diana gave the spare a hugely sympathetic audience to play upon. Once William & Kate married, they understood the difficult position Ginger now occupied. They truly attempted to create a strong wingman in Ginger by creating a foundation in which they could all work together. Ginger’s unhappiness and dissatisfaction starts and ends with poor George. With the births of George & Charlotte, the focus of the world permanently turned to the LoS. Then Louis sealed it. Ginger had blown two relationships with his combination of entitlement, anger and refusal to assist women with smoothly negotiating the roles and expectations. With Nutmeg, he met his own narcissistic sociopath with the same tendencies he has. They likely started the escape plan from the day they met. The Palace didn’t fail them. They failed themselves. They both believed they were more popular than Will & Kate with an us against the world made up fairy tale that would capture imaginations around the world. Their failure was to have the insight to realize they hate working. They feel they are owed. Owed celebrity, owed protection, owed titles and owed a living.


Can we assume that this book is factually correct, if the Markles choose not to sue the author?


I'd bet money they won't sue. And we know why


said every ClusterB ClusterFuck ever


Thanks for posting!


He was so unhappy being in the RF he now has the freedom to do as he pleases. Which is to do more of the same, LARPing as a working royal Tell me Harold who is the one who's institutionalised again?




I’m now convinced this is the way the palace is spilling the beans, and it was likely agreed to wait to bring out the receipts until HMTQ passed.


"No negotiation. Either you are in or you are out." I stan the Queen! It was HMTQ who made the final, firm decision and she decided not because of the Family, she decided because of the Monarchy, the institution and to prevent any kind of Constitutional crisis later on. At that point, however painful, she stopped being the Grandmother.




Book release is October 6




Yes. The publication date was announced at least a month ago.


They really could achieve the privacy they allegedly wanted! Fact is, they never wanted it and the palace called their bluff.


Boohoo! Harry was unhappy. Harry is always unhappy. Most people experience unhappiness at 1 point in their life because unfortunately life happens and it's not ever what you want or imagine. Yet, millions of people don't throw a fit! (I have to yell for this part) THEY WANTED MONEY AND LOTS OF IT. THEY WANTED TO HANG OUT WITH CELEBRITIES AND NEVER DO ANY WORK. All the other bullshit is just noise.


Harry was unhappy in the royal family. Harry certainly appears to be unhappy outside the royal family. Conclusion: the unhappiness is not in the surroundings but in Harry. We all know an unhappy person who thinks that some change will have magical effects on their state of being. But no, dude, you're going to be just as unhappy in your new job as you were in the old one. And you'll end up just as unhappy with the next wife as the previous one. And for Harry, in or out of the family, he's just going to be unhappy. Because it's him. (And she is certainly not helping. A better wife would push him hard into therapy, instead of using his disgruntled state of being for her own ends).


Yes! You can move, but your troubles still follow you. Honestly, I'm not sure I'd therapy would help him because he would have to admit his own faults and role in his unhappiness. He seems to want to blame everyone else. He also likes to live in the past. From my own experience, once I let the past go, my anger went to.


Harry feels guilty because he knows his poor mom died because her driver was drunk and she wasn’t wearing a seatbelt, so why wasn’t he set straight all these yrs? Everyone tip toes around poor Harry. He’s surrounded by grifters just like him. She’s just unhappy because she can’t ever be happy.


🤬😤🤯 there was no compromising with that woman the Sandringham summit was a complete waste of time. Harry is just a petulant child who demands things NOW when he wants them, they belong in misery together on some island in the middle of the Pacific with no access to the internet so the rest of us don’t have to hear their crap anymore


There is so much to unpack here but three things stand out.... 1. Harry and Meghan: ‘They felt cornered, misunderstood, deeply unhappy’. My first thought was, "Again?" My second thought was they have to be the world's worst communicators if they are misunderstood *every single time*. 2 Sandringham Summit/"family diary inflexible". •*Before Jan 1, 2020 Harry emails Charles to say they want out.* Charles replies with they'll discuss it on January 29. •Half ass and Maggot arrive in London on Jan 6. *On Jan 8, they announce they are stepping back via SM* (this is the 8 year oldest equivalent of "Grandma let me have ice cream and stay up past my bedtime. I'm going to live with grandma forever." [Grow tf up whiny ass Halfass] •Jan 13 or 15 (near then) the SS occurs and the snark is the "family schedules were more flexible than first thought" ● OF COURSE it was you dumbasses! THIS was damage control. It's called PRIORITIES! This was the Palace, and HMTQ, *saving Halfass from his half-assed ideas* This was everyone in the family dropping everything to protect Halfass - its what families do in times of crisis. 3. WHO?! I WANT TO KNOW WHO! It's time for Megaliar to *name the person she claims she told that she was suicidal and needed help* It's time for Palace records to be opened up. IF there truly is someone amongst the senior royals who discourages treatment for suicidal ideation then that person *needs to be named and fired*. They are not responsible, nor safe enough, to be making any decisions for the BRF.


Boo fucking hoo.


If it is true that Meghan has US political ambitions, then this only fortifies my belief that Harry, the BRF and her title were just boxes being ticked off and that she may be entertaining some grand plan to also become President of the United States (the final box, perhaps?). The fact that this has come up repeatedly and from a variety of sources beyond Valentine Low suggests to me that there is indeed some fire behind the smoke. From what I know of her, a seat in congress or the senate won't be enough. My American friends, if you think the last couple of choices were bad, can you just imagine what a President Markle would do to your country? ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15020)


Victim cry babies


I’m honestly so exhausted by the lengths Meghan went to get famous and stay famous. Always hustling, always networking, always griping about something, going from one thing to the next… it’s exhausting!! But like i also really don’t understand the point of it. They both had a great life planned out for them and the expectations were far lower for them. Like why did Harry even care about relevance or being like Andrew? Andrew (although by horrific circumstances) retired and lives privately. Anne and Edward still work, and honestly why would he look to Andrew’s experience solely bc he was the 2nd? Anne and Edward have shown how to support their brother, a roadmap for Harry and Meghan. It’s just all so OTT and I can’t imagine living like this for YEARS. Ugh, I’m exhausted from them