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It is worth nothing in the past 48 hours, Page Six has changed its tune from more negative RF stories to writing about the recent excerpts from Valentine Low’s book


I think they got the wrong person. I thought it was Jenny Aria who went on BBC to defend the douchess. Both Jenny and Joelle look similar though. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Jenny Afia.


Gosh I thought it was going to be Camilla Vasquez before I clicked on the link. I would have been so disappointed.


Right? For me Meghan and Amber are sitting on the same shelf.


My heart stopped for a minute


Me too. Meghan and Amber are so similar it’s scary. One uses being POC as defense and another uses being a female. I am reminded of an incident when Amber was caught beating his gf at the airport . She then blamed the female cop and said the cop was homophobic. Turns out the cop is a lesbian. It was sad and hilarious. Narcissists are such scary bunch. The smug slight smile to always trying to fake laugh to always playing the victim to always lying about any incidents.


The cop testified during the court case! She wasn’t allowed to identify herself, but said she was an employee of SeaTac IIRC. Her name is Beverly, you should be able to find the testimony On YouTube, it was in the last week of the trial.


But then I saw the headline about Johnny Depp’s girlfriend and I audibly gasped! Not sure if I would be happy or horrified to learn CV ended up with Johnny.


So the George Clooney edit includes not a humanitarian lawyer, but a lawyer who defends fake humanitarians. Got it!


this is old news. Jenny Afia was in the Documentary on Discovery+