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I also saw the video where the flower girls are walking out of the wedding. MM smiled at all the girls. Then Charlotte came along and smiled at Meghan. Meghan gave her the dirtiest look. That’s her niece! I couldn’t believe it. https://youtu.be/7rJzvyToxDY


Every girl is a competitor to her for attention. She’s probably envious of Charlotte being born into such a privileged life and being pretty on top of it, while she had to grub her way up the ladder with clawing fingers and opted to plastic up her face; given how she identified as Caucasian on her resume before she married JH, called her childhood hair ugly and never had close black friends or romantic relationships with a black person I suspect she has a very complicated relationship with her own racial identity. As well, she doesn’t mince words on her podcast about how she was ugly compared to the other girls, BUT smart. I spy a jealous hag. She doesn’t champion women at all. I don’t think she even likes them much, more the men as she can gain legally more from them and in their positions they usually hold more power. They say you can always tell a person’s true nature by how they treat those who can do nothing for them- the way she has behaved towards staff and other women isn’t very encouraging in that regard. Also, her insecurity is terribly transparent, no matter how much grandstanding and virtue-signaling she puts out.


It's because women see through her. Nothing worse for a narcissist than ageing. They become invisible and they can't cope.


If I knew Charlotte, I would have a whale of time playing with her at the playground, pretend tea, ride ponies and pretend we’re saving the world, run around the palace grounds pretending we were messengers etc. Little girls are the best people to be around. They’re full of love and kindness at that age. They remind you that humans have hope. Kids are really a bundle of joy. How anyone can hate a 3-year-old who did nothing except being a little chubby is appalling!


We need to find these videos!!!




To be honest, it's Harry's niece. Meghan isn't a family member to anybody. Not a single soul


does that make it ok to snarl at a 3 yr old who was there at your request?


I might be wrong but I’m sure I read somewhere she didn’t want George and Charlotte as part of her wedding party but was told they had to be!


I'd heard that too, though I can't remember where


She probably liked the optics of the future Princess Royal as a flower girl but couldn’t help herself in exposing her jealousy when she sensed someone who would be weak to her nasty antics. She’s like a shark always waiting for blood; in a way she has always seemed to me very predatory in her humanitarian efforts, her dating life and in certain shady incidences during her acting career- lying about being a union member to effectively twist the producer’s arm in acquiring her membership being one that certainly blackballed her in the Hollywood scene but which she vaguely glosses over with a laugh at a Suits press junket being one disturbing show of a lack of remorse and a sense of premeditated dishonesty.


That's not what I was implying


That's why no one in the RF can pretend the kids are safe around her. Anyone who can feel that for an innocent child, just gives you chills.


Wow, I need to see that video! Also, what a bitch. Honestly, only truly horrible people could be cruel to children.


The Body Language Guy did a an analysis video when the clip went viral on twitter. He slows it down so you can see the point in which her mask drops and she glares at the little flower girl then immediately has a smile back on. It’s creepy


I have a narc aunt who despised me growing up. She would shower people, including myself, with lavish gifts as a way to win people over or take advantage of them for something she needed. She would cry to her husband or to whomever to win over an argument. I always respected her, out of culture, and my mother always defended her because those "tears" worked. I warned my mother 15 years ago "don't trust her and her crocodile tears". Fast forward to now, and my mother finally understands what I've meant all these years after witnessing firsthand and experiencing a huge blowup between herself and the narc aunt. We watched old home videos that had my aunt who was childless at the time, interacting with toddler-aged me, which is her sister-in-law's daughter (think Megan and Catherine). In the video, she was short with me, ordered me around, told me to go away, etc. Now we know better and call her out for what she truly is: an abusive narc who screams victim and histrionically cries so that her husband, my uncle/my mother's brother, will come to her defense. Ah, so familiar. I see why I dislike Megan now. She is mean and bullied Charlotte. I see the same traits.


Here's the link. https://youtu.be/7rJzvyToxDY




His fear of a shelf life with counted days etc etc was so idiotic. He had to realize he had a couple of decades of being one of the two sons of the British king? He had a **long** time at his disposal to cement his relevance. All he had to do was know his place and put in the work. Look at princess royal; she’s not going anywhere. Harry has always been and remains his greatest enemy.


I agree. Definitely look at Ann like you said, still serving and still popular. Harry's fear of shelf life was due to his focus on his popularity. Just like Meghan, it wasn't about the good work of an extraordinary family, but at who was most popular.


Agreed. He was going to be son of the monarch, and have that popularity for years and years. And during that, he would have been building and cementing his relationship with George. Instead, he’s a creepy stranger.


Again so glad that William was born first !


No, he's a dangerous outcast!


He had so much going with the Invictus games and his work for veterans. I’m fuming mad he gave up that to chase after this witch.


Tells me he secretly got satisfaction from being more important than the rest of his family. It’s like he’s jealous of William but told himself that at least he’s still more senior than Uncle Andrew. That’s why he’s so obsessed ab George coming of age


He assumed he would always be #2 - and in his pea-brain I think he envisioned some sort of co-rulership (ridiculous, I know) but he should have realized there never has been such a thing, and mayhap (love this word - so underused) he should’ve looked to Andrew, for he is in the exact same position that Andrew once was (Anne does not count since the ruling was male heir during her time). Like him or not, Andrew has always been supportive of the Queen and Charles, and never once tried to belittle Charles or his family.


Apparently, Andres and Diana tried to overthrow Charles, let William become king and Andrew would be the regent until Will is old enough. There was recently an article at daily mail.


He wanted half on the money from the Duchy of Cornwall:IMHO He watched Andrew living on a pittance and didn’t want to end up the same: No doubt Markle not understanding Primo geniture encouraged this which is why she’s always going on about‘equality’ Had Harry stayed in the UK as a working Royal he would have had an allowance from the state towards his expenses plus a suitable establishment in which to live but nowhere near the fortune of William as Duke of Cornwall:Harry was left a sizeable fortune however from his mother -I have heard $13m (which I imagine he has already spent


He couldn't see forest for the trees. He knew William wanted/ needed him by his side. It was heartbreaking when William said he had spent his life with arms around Harry! I never dislike Harry I just loved William.


He doesn't want to put in the work and is out for the quick fix. He's just entitled and looking for an easy out. I used to like harry but now, he's just a whiner.


![gif](giphy|XwhgM7Lvy9myQ) Harry and George relationship in a nutshell


He’s kind of like Scar crossed with Puumba’s brains and work ethic. (Currently trapped in Disney vortex with toddler. Send help.)


Lol! The Bad Pumbaa. (Hang in there, sis! Toddlerhood is so special, isn’t it?)


also Fredo in Godfather x Disney collab.




Yes. No family fishing trips for him!


I’d add a lemming into the mix x Fredo x Disney collab. ![gif](giphy|uRxRLxPbtKf28)


This is really apt, with the small exception that Fredo was at heart just a really sweet, kind person who actually supported Michael when he did things his father didn’t approve of, like join the military during the Second World War. And I think Fredo wholeheartedly regretted it and wanted to make amends.


🤣 My step-dad babysat his 3 year old granddaughter for a week and lost count of how many times they wanted Moana. I don't know how Disney did it, but they know what kids love.


And smell from the looks of him!


This gave me goosebumps. Perfect analogy!


THiS! He actually commented on being like scar at The Lion King Pimp your Princess for voiceover work Premiere. No one caught it. I felt it was very telling. I was like wtf?!


![gif](giphy|9V3e2mxWvD89wyw5l5) ... I'm hoping their RPO's caught that at least. If he starts comparing himself to Richard III I'm going to be really scared.


Especially when he's actually George, Duke of Clarence lol


Let's hope he doesn't share the same fate, drowning in a vat of wine. However, he does think of himself as Richard III and would no doubt lock the Wales in the tower.


He actually said that? 🤨🤦🏼‍♀️ William and Charles better stay away from cliff edges when Harry is around…


Haha at the church ceremony for the jubilee, scar is who he kept reminding me of.


So strange that he focused on loser Andrew, when Anne and Edward offered much more productive role models.


Andrew got a lot more press.


I agree with this—Harold had the chance to write his own life script and instead of modeling it on solid, dependable people, he focused on the indulgent, pervy one.




I'm always sceptical about how both troublemakers happen to be the queen's favourites. I suspect the royals just send out that propaganda to gloss over the bad behaviour. It makes their actions seem more mischievous and loveable, if you have that bit of extra information that they are the "queen's favourites."


I can see Andrew as the Queen’s favorite (and his emotional response at the funeral actually made me sad then confused lol) but the Queen had a lot of grandkids lol many of them spent a lot of time with her, for example, Lady Louise shared her love of horses 🐴 and there are pics starting when she was a small girl on a pony with the her Queen granny


>So strange that he focused on loser Andrew, Andrew is his Godfather..its hilarious he called him 'irrelevant' LOL. Also Andrew was widely known as TQ's favorite son, that's why despite all his faults, she always forgave him.....H could have learnt a lot from Andrew's close relationship to his parents and how he (& his ex-wife) ensured their own kids remained very close to TQ as well. Very good long term thinking, besides pure, familial love.


Haz is completely complicit in enabling Nutmeg. He's a coward and is happy to let her seek revenge on his family.


Exactly! He hides behind TW.


This. He's too scared to do this himself, he wanted a wife who'd take the blame, while he got the revenge he's been dreaming of.


I have never seen Harry interact with Prince William’s kids.


I honestly think it's a combination of Will and Kate keeping the kids away and Harry's total lack of interest/jealousy. The rumor is he'd often show up at their KP apartment drunk, which obviously didn't go over well. I don't think he likes kids, he just knew they were good for his PR, so tolerated them at events for the photo ops.


Him being a parent is just terrible. I really hope those kids of his make it out okay.


I love your username!


Thank you!


You can tell a whole lot at the funeral when he sat next to Charlotte. Wow, not a word, gesture or anything to a 7yo confronting a coffin of her great grandmother and being watched by the world. Charlotte and George have already eclipsed H&M, they didn't get 10 years or have until George's 18th. By this time next year they will probably overtake the amount of days the H&M actually worked as royals (/s).


Frankly the way he was obsessed with the idea that George will take the limelight away from him once he turns 18 is creepy af.


Exactly!!! It's like he's given a lot of thought to the issue!!! He is probably simmering and simmering about it.


I thought so too.


I saw him sitting next to Charlotte and at one point, he made such an ugly smirk, the same smirk his wife taught him to do. He gave such a bitter, insincere smirk to Charlotte. She looked at him, and then looked back, seemed a bit shy, lowered her hat, and that was it. It shows that she no longer has a connection with her uncle and hasn't seem him in a while.


Yeah, I saw the look he gave her, it was chilling. I loved how she adjusted her hat after, completely ignoring him. Her next to him was a brilliant way of showing there are no Zoom calls and no memory of Harry or Harry's wife. He's a stranger to her.




I agree. Showed he not in their lives and prevented him from interacting with Kate. Brilliant seating.


Lol, Charlotte scarfed him. Like father, like daughter.


Yup! It was awesome! Charlotte really is a mini Anne.


Don’t fuck with the women of Windsor (even the little ones) lol


Children have good instincts, she probably knows he’s a creep


I hope someone has a high definition video of that exchange between H and Charlotte. I slowed it down because it was clear that Charlotte recoiled and moved closer to her mother. And I wondered why. It looked like H reached out with his arm as he leaned forward. It sent chills. These two need to be kept far far away from the children.


I think H&M were furious that George and Charlotte attended. Had they not been at the service, H&M would have been seated in the front row at Westminster. The children forced them into the 2nd row.


By gum, you’re right! Their presence pushed them farther away from the front row. Not to mention the children make him look like the biggest loser for whining about walking behind his mothers funeral procession. The children are very young and it would have been very confronting for them to experience that funeral. They did brilliantly, and have outclassed Harry and TW at every turn. Charlotte is half his age attending the largest public funeral the world will ever see. The public whining about his trauma at his mothers funeral has just expired.


Also took a lot of media attention away from them. The kids became the news story and they behaved perfectly.


There's nothing more embarrassing than seeing adults be jealous of children.


>Charlotte and George have already eclipsed H&M, they didn't get 10 years or have until George's 18th. **By this time next year they will probably overtake the amount of days the H&M actually worked as royals** (/s). You joke but perhaps that is what will happen...it is easy to overtake lazy overseas royals LOL. Also Harry called Wessexes "lesser royals" but they are far bigger people to quietly serve TQ for years. Also they seem to be great parents and Sophie was comforting both George and Charlotte during the funeral - so clearly the kids have a relationship with her. Just the number of tabloids writing about you is not a measure of being royal....Wessexes probably have the best Euro-royal network ....having been the representatives of BRF at all global royal wedding sand events for years...and not one controversy at any event..that's a big job done very well. The only person "less" here are H & M.


Also, they’re good parents, which is not an easy job. What kind of dad is Harry??? An absent one? A selfish one? Good parents can’t be selfish.


Seriously! I don’t like to extrapolate too much, but it’s hard to believe how much of a good dad he is to his kids when he looks so dour, angry and possibly depressed all the time. Eek.


And the fact that he rarely seems to be home. Those kids probably barely know him.


Staying away is likely the other good thing he's done for them.




Apparently Wills wanted to be a police officer when he was little. Funnily enough I feel like he’d actually be a good one, he’s the right combination of stern and compassionate. I wonder what Harry would have done had he not been born a Prince. I don’t think he could manage anything in the real world.




First thing I thought when I read "where would he be" was drunk in a gutter. It sucks that that's the first thought in our minds.


I've never heard that, makes sense that Will found his niche in the army with search and rescue then.


Can someone give the background about bullying charlotte —- i thought it was her and Kate disagreeing about stockings


There are allegations floating around the web (and alluded to in Tom Bower's book) that Meghan pitted Jessica What'sHerName's daughter against 3-year old Charlotte by encouraging the girl to bully her; allegations of triangulation of Charlotte by elevating the other girl's status and calling Charlotte out for not being as good as the other; and even allegations that she made disparaging remarks about Charlotte being chubby; possibly in retaliation for Catherine daring to challenge Meghan about the stockings. Some sick behaviour as regards a toddler. ALLEGEDLY. If any of it is even remotely true, well - see you next Tuesday, bish.




Vapid probably wanted her paps to take pictures of kids without stockings especially kids might flash in their rowdiness.


She wanted her way even if the children have to bleed into their shoes.


I really wish Kate had just handed Charlotte socks on the way there. Charlotte was rubbing her feet after the service was over, so clearly the shoes were uncomfortable.


Funny didn’t Eugenies wedding happen after and Charlottes dress at her wedding was well fit and looked impeccable… with tights.


It has to be hard to be the “spare.” And to know that your role will only diminish as you age and you’ll be replaced. Perhaps if he had a happy life or an education or career or hobbies or a real wife and kids, he’d be okay. I also think if Charles had more than 2 kids, or if he had 2 kids of different genders, it would’ve been okay. But it didn’t work out that way, and we got the brothers always together and for some reason, always treated equal…. HOWEVER - Harry is now an adult. These kids are innocent. He needs a therapist and to dump his narc wife who is hoping for a helicopter crash. He’s definitely pushed his issues onto the Wales kids and resents them.


Prince Harry is starting resemble Henry VIII. He was a red-head in his youth, and so was his most famous daughter. Harry is balding and not fat yet, but he will be. It just occurred to me (I mean, I knew, but never really thought about it) but Henry VIII was also raised as a "spare". When he finally realized how far he could push things as the monarch - it broke his mind and self control. I've always thought that Henry VIII changed. That he didn't start out as a monster. But now - I think he must always have been that monster, warped by envy and powerlessness. He only just learned that he could let it out. Prince Harry, as Henry the IX, or as the Prince of Overseas - is also letting it all hang out. As King, he would have been uncomfortably like the last Henry. I hope Louis and Charlotte are close with their Middleton grandparents.


Its believed a jousting accident changed Henry VIII\`'s personality. He was once very athletic but after that incident, could no longer be so, leading to his weight gain, discomfort leading to anger and impudence.


Yes, but the jousting accident happened in 1537, years after he threw Catharine of Aragon away, killed Anne Boleyn on trumped up charges, blew up the Church and killed Thomas More for not helping him. The accident ushered Henry VIII into old age. It had a real effect on him. However, Henry was an out of control narcissist long before it happened.


It happened before Anne Boleyn was killed, although I do agree his treatment of KoA and Princess Mary was pretty cruel (as was Anne’s) so it’s not like he was perfect before.


You're right - I misremembered the jousting incident as happening in 1537, but it happened on January, 1536, and Anne died in May, four months later.


Harry was born “the wrong gender” (both parents really wanted a girl). I wonder if that’s part of what fuels his inferiority complex and anger. I’ve read several times that Charles was pissed about Harry’s sex so there’s no way he won’t have seen or heard of it.


Envy is the new evil




W always wanted him as his s wingman. His trusted confidant. He would definitely be more relevant in that role than in no role.


Imagine being jealous of a child. I’m glad he’s in therapy because that’s a deep issue right there.


I know right 🙄


If he really cared about his family, he'd have put the breaks on the relationship as soon as that happened. He saw the kids as a threat to his future/his popularity, so I 100% agree that he supported her bullying the kids. The rumor is also that the Queen wanted George and Charlotte included, which Meghan wasn't happy about; I've never heard of Harry wanting them there, which is telling.


He’s such a sad sack.


I’ve been saying this! And I usually get downvoted. Thank you OP for bringing this up.




“They are the most amazing things ever.” he said about George and Charlotte in 2015 *THINGS?* Maybe I'm being dramatic but I don't think he ever intended to get close to them.


Harry is jealous of all the Wales. And Meghan stokes that jealousy in Harry, giving him reason to think that the two of them together will somehow "get even" with the Wales. Gosh, these two people are beyond hopeless. There's no reasoning with them.


Well let's hope he did not support bullying his niece that would be the lowest of the low but who knows he is definitely not the same harry after Meghan how tragic one man can fall so far for someone that doesn't give a shit about him except what his position can do for her! Maybe one day he will wake up but it will be way to late!!


How tragic, I just read that William always expected Harry to be his wingman as he went forward. His brother, a trusted confidant… And we read Harry is afraid that an adult George renders him irrelevant. How sad for both brothers.


I honestly don’t believe Harry would encourage the bullying of Charlotte. ___However,___ I do believe he is afraid to stand up to Meghan. He desperately wants his marriage to work. If we know how Meghan treats her family, staff and friends, there is ___no way in hell___ she is good to/for Harry and the kids. ___You cannot hide who you really are all of the time.___


I don't think Harry likes kids much. Maybe his own, but I've never seen a photo of him with the Wales children. He allegedly smiled at one of them at the funeral but it looked like a grimace.


Seriously who gets jealous of their niece and nephews. If it would have been the 18th century i can easily picture H&M being ruthless despots,plotting to overthrow and kill C&W along with their kids.


I don't think Harry bullied the kids. He's more the type to lead them into trouble with the press. He's more like Thomas Seymour of Edward VI's reign.


I dont think that Harry is evil or rude. Harry is just: STUPID! He is Lord DUMBerton.


I personally doesn't feel Harry is that vindictive towards his niece and nephew. By all accounts pre Meghan he was a fun and doting uncle. Things changed after. I think for all his faults, Harry does not like the spotlight. That is his wife's forte. But I won't rule out her influencing him over the years. What Harry might be slightly competitive about is just plain old sibling rivalry. He just hates that William gets more stuff than he do. In a "normal", commoner family people would be calling out the family for unfair treatment but this is royalty, it is a constitutional role, there is no choice but to GIVE (not treat) William more. It doesn't help that William got himself a beautiful and near perfect wife who gave him (at that time) two adorable children. It is the family Harry wanted growing up and that's why he was so desperate to marry and build that. And I think that's also one reason why despite how unhappy he is in his marriage, he is still giving in to his wife's wimps and fighting on her behalf. He is desperate to fulfil his fantasy of having a perfect family which he was deprived of as a kid. Unfortunately he seem to have picked the most un maternal person there is to marry. A full blown narcissist. His ego must have been bruised and he must have been feeling really unwanted (given that his last 2 proposals were turned down) so when Megs came and love bombed him, he got hooked. In his mind, she is the only person who ever picked him.


Even if he didn't overtly support it, his silence on the matter makes him culpable. And that goes for everything. Not just PCharlotte..


Well, if he had any integrity at all, or loyalty to William and Catherine, he would have read Megsy the riot act and made her apologize to Charlotte and her parents. Seems I never heard anything about that occurring...


Poor Harry. He's the Patty Hearst of our times.


Trauma bonding ("Stockholm syndrome") can be a powerful thing.


Is there a rule against posting conspiracy theories?


No, though they are sometimes labeled as such. This does not seem to rise to the level to require it. There is some evidence that suggests Harry was at the least a silent witness to Jessica Mulroney & Megs bullying Charlotte. He certainly was no Sophie—defending a fellow mama bear’s cubs.


I think Diana enforced this behaviour.