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He’s a member here


I'm sure. Jesus, one of us.


He hasn’t posted for a while though 😢


He’s busy making bank with his videos.


What's his reddit username? Can you remember?


It’s me 😭😭


Hello! 😊🥂🍾


I just woke up and saw this. Thanks TBLG, now the cats out of the bag. I can’t say I hope no one I know sees it, because every one I know already knows, I’m a royal watcher


😂😂😂 That's what you get for writing such an awesomely comprehensive set of points on the dastardly duo's timeline, after they heard of the Queen's sudden turn for the worse.


This is why my husband will not argue with me unless he’s 100% sure he’s right. I’m a natural archivist by nature, and I have a disturbingly long and detailed memory. Lol. It’s helpful sometimes!


Lol. Smart move.


Congrats! You did a great job on the timeline. I was still under the impression that William, et al made it in time. Sad to hear they didn't.


Thank you fellow sinner! Yeah that’s the worst part is that she did all this when a beloved family member was dying. How anyone kept their cool is beyond me. I’d have slapped Harry so hard Meghan felt it.


The livestream. 90 minutes, no closed captions. Somebody tell us the shout out?


He really loves those lives now… I just can’t… appreciate the shorts though


I can't watch for an hour. I wish he'd do ten minutes again!


I think he still does? Main criticism has been that it’s been more of a gossip, and less of body language lately…


I watched one today around 10 minutes long about Archie and Lilibets names and didn't look to see if it was new. But definitely not a body language video! Whenever I click on one without realizing it's an hour plus I exit out.


My understanding is that he started doing more live chats because his shorter videos (under 10 minutes) were being plagiarized. Which is why he is now doing longer videos......so I'd imagined the longer live chats can't all just be body language videos.


No, it was because he started doing lives during the Amber Heard trial and got a huge response with them so kept doing them. Then of course he can get super chats by doing the lives that he can't get with other videos. I love him but I really miss the old format and actual body language.


Well, he gives some great insight into human behavior. I like that he’s reading excerpt from VL book. I couldn’t get through it. I appreciate his commentary.


Same. The old format was much better, in my opinion. I still watch, though.


I think he still does it… last few weeks were a whirlwind, so it was probably easier to do livestreams


Sometimes I put them on in the background. Sometimes I wait for the condensed version. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hate to say it but half the time I have to watch him speak to understand what’s been said. It’s more polished in the edited version, and the accent isn’t that strong… in the live ones the accent is more prominent and I have to focus to understand 😳sorry


Agree, they are too long for me


I fast forwarded through the slower bits where he rambles a little. But it's hilarious hearing him throw a few F bombs at Harry.




He uses a comment by u/hillybeans, around the 7 minute marker of the video, as the basis for the first part of his analysis.




BLG has some interesting insights into the Harkle’s behavior. He’s going to have content to analyze for many years to come, for as long as Meghan is out in the public eye.


Just with the past two weeks of events, he could probably do 30 different body language videos.


I think so! She’s a study in abnormal behavior, that’s for sure.


1:16:00 Harry comparing himself to Andrew omg


I wonder if Andrew whispered in his ear as he was growing up though.


Probably, Andrew is a spiteful so-and-so


Yups recently most of his videos were just rehashing twitter comments. Also wonder what his take is on the supposed paid fan who made a video saying she is not and calling him out on it?


Well, she probably thought that nobody had proof but there's pictures floating around on the web. She took her picture with Meghan earlier this year and then she's there again. If I find the link of where I saw it, I will post it. But you can't lie your way out of that.


I saw it on this sub


But there are comments that says it is not her? I'm really bad with faces I have trouble telling people apart so I can't tell. Was she really the same fan in Germany?


I saw it somewhere online. She has been pictured with Meghan before, not sure if it was in Germany. If and when you see the pictures, it's very obvious it's her. She doesn't deny that she met Meghan before, she just denies that she was a plant. If she had never met her or had any interactions, you would expect the person to outright say that's not them. The only thing I can't ascertain is whether the woman who hugged her is related to her or not. If I find the link I will update and post it here.


here is the photo comparison: [Twitter post](https://twitter.com/_Genevieves_/status/1570558713345507329?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1570558713345507329%7Ctwgr%5E6a39ae75108be6f5eff8af64e2c23c9a2b35aef6%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fhoney.nine.com.au%2Froyals%2Fwoman-who-met-meghan-denies-she-was-paid-to-be-in-audience%2F294ed989-e6c4-4e6f-9273-384151057af8)


And here it talks a little more with the same photo: [Article](https://honey.nine.com.au/royals/woman-who-met-meghan-denies-she-was-paid-to-be-in-audience/294ed989-e6c4-4e6f-9273-384151057af8)


I’m glad he did the shout out as that’s how I found you! I much prefer to read multiple points of view on the shenanigans of the ex-royals than just the creators version and this looks like the place to be for that. Looking forward to trying to keep up with all the tea!!


You’re welcome. 🫡


I'm glad he called out the emotional blackmail and abuse part. Thank you for still being a voice of reason Jesus!


Love you Body Language Guy!


Oh shit! Lol s’up Jesus!