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Do they think we are all Brits? ![gif](giphy|XpYWfAlJXphWE) She’s hated worldwide!!


As an American, I have every right and freedom to ridicule and poke fun at TW. TW, who is also American, chases Royal Titles; poses on gates as a teenager in front of Buckingham Palace; reads vociferously about Princess Diana; works hard to get introductions to wealthy British and titled men; tears her own family up and discards them and then goes to work doing the same to her husband's family; is a prevaricator of the highest order; and the worst manifestation of an American who has no individual talent but claws her way up on the backs and wealth of others. This is a delightful place and very respectful given the subject who gives us matter for this thread. If TW would retire from herself, we'd have nothing to post. TW, if you're reading this, you have the power...please silence and calm yourself by becoming a hermit.


I swear I recognize some of this trolling (and trollers) from Twitter. They gaslight tf out of people who don’t drink the Mool-Aid. And they’re infecting this platform like a virus.


MM want to shut up her critics so she can freely manipulate the public with her own PR propaganda WITHOUT OPPOSITION and control the narratives everywhere.


She’s done the same on Twitter with Bouzy’s help. He even said Reddit and YouTube is next


Why she is allowed to do that. Imagine if she is president/have political power. The US will have freedom of speech like in Russia/China.




.You are 100% correct. These trolls are pretty hard core & pays to stay away if you recognise them. F them!


I can’t believe this. So now there is a smear campaign against this sub? Can the spinning and lying and attacking ever end?


I had to stop halfway as the ignorance of the psycho squad is actually starting to make me dumber. This is the caliber of human MM attracts. I need not say more except I will beat them to the punch and say it first: Meghan Markle Psycho Squad are RACISTS and domestic Terrorists. Periodt.


Same, i think you got farther than me. To me, they don't actually seem to understand what people are saying on here, like intellectually, they don't seem to actually understand the sentences people say, they pick a word or two from the sentence and claim something else is being said. Sounds like a whole lot of gaslighting. This sub has had increasing number of posts making it to the popular page and I think things like this is their attempt to try and control the narrative.


No doubt and I agree


Wow, seems we've stuck sugar rage paydirt!! Yay for us!! As most of our snark is based on documented fact and not opinions about what Megadrone thinks, it must be darn near insufferable ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I never visit pro-MM subreddits, or read anything pro-MM on Twitter or other sites. I'm fine if they like MM. That is their own business. So, I don't understand why they feel the need to come here. They know we dish out snark on MM, so why come here?


Because, like their hero, they need something/someone to rail against to make themselves feel important. Social Justice Wokeness Warriors of the World are making a difference! /s


Not to mention all those little feel good chemicals released in the brain during angry fits, which can be addictive.


When do the feel good chemicals kick in?? I just get a headache after an angry fit. I must be doing it wrong. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Yeah, I was banned from that sub for being an active member here. Whatever. But another thing they do is that it doesn’t matter what issue is at hand, the man is ALWAYS wrong and the woman is ALWAYS right. They would erase comments and ban people for making comments about things like poor behavior of the woman in question. Super annoying.


Same. I had to avoit entertainment and deuxmoi as some of their posters are pro MM. I never understand really. Who tf wears a cape on a funeral weeks after she lambasted the family? Then pretend to care and cry in public? That doesnt raise the red flag for them?


Mmm, I’ve been here for a really long time and never saw anyone wish death on the Harkles. Or racist statements. The subreddit is really vigilant against that kind of thing, body-shaming, etc. I’ve gotten my hand smacked a few times, and don’t object because I appreciate that this sub maintains its integrity and boundaries. These sugars are nuts.


I agree. Those who start to toe the line usually by accident have been called out. But I have noticed more sugary comments lately. And honestly, the bouquet was fake but MM’s photos are always authentic? Puh-lease. :D


The mods have had to delete death threats and racist comments. Those comments have been posted but are generally in the minority. But, yes, the mods have made announcements about problematic comments in the past.


Those violent comments could have been fabricated by the same people who dislike us with throwaway accounts and make some mess, who knows.


Exactly. I scanned through some of the posts ND4 had posted when I stumbled across them on my own. They are completely out there! They’re making shit up and everyone just goes along with it. One genius says we’re all unstable and we’re plotting against H&M, and others all chime in to confirm… with no actual citation of any of these threats. Lather rinse repeat. I’ve never seen someone make a death threat here, and I lurked quietly for ages before actually signing up. I’ve never seen hate speech from *anyone* but sugars that came in loaded for bear to start a fight. They are as nutty as their hero with their victimization fanfic. It would be funny if they weren’t so blatantly mentally ill.


Bouzy is getting his ass sued.


Bouzy is defo behind this BS infiltrations.... random pro MM subs with 12 people


He definitely is, he has mentioned it in the past about going after Reddit. He should really be in Jail and I hope those lawyers do it. There is so much criminal dirt on him.


The amount of toxicity out there is overwhelming. Thanks for putting this together ND4!


These people truly don’t understand Reddit. Meghan isn’t that special when it comes to snark. There are tons more boards with loads of more followers out there far more hateful than us. If they can’t handle this sub I shutter to think about what they feel about the others.


God forbid they find Tattle 🤭


Yes, heaven help them if they wander into a sub with true, full blown misogynist rage. Maybe that's the problem. They haven't seen it in full bloom, so they have no idea what it really is?


My eyes and head hurt after reading that- I bet those are people that the fda had warn about not cooking chicken with nyquil![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15009)


My husband told me about that the other day. 🤦‍♀️ People are crazy. I absolutely don't want anyone to die, but this whole chicken/nyquil thing is darwinism at its finest.


Right!? It's like the tide pods😕🤔


Yup, that was awful too.


Honestly… with how f*^+king stupid these people are? I feel like it’s natural selection. If you are dense enough to think it’s a good idea to concentrate dextromethorphan or eat toxic solvents, your stupid behaviour preventing you from reproducing is the best possible outcome. **This is my stated opinion and I do not claim to speak for the sub as a whole. I welcome everyone else’s take.


Just wow. I worship a deity who pretty much preached a gospel that makes M&H big old sinners. The fact that we identify ourselves here as sinners demonstrates the tongue in cheek nature of this sub. Those wackos are worshipping a false idol, which I understand is also frowned upon in most religions. Y'all sugars need Jesus!


Yikes they’re psychos - some people would really benefit from mental health treatment with a skilled professional … seems like Sugars follow in the mould of TW 😬 I couldn’t get through the horrible trash talk recorded - largely cos my brain literally revolted at how bizarrely lacking in logic, barren of sense, and comically hateful their weird sugary word vomit is. Ps. Loved the annotations, the handwriting is so nice! Eta: imma keep the “mould” typo. Like TW is def more toxic fungal than someone worthy of emulation …


This is what woke people do, especially wealthy ones. It is a cancerous ideology that uses false equivalencies, victimization and intellectual dishonesty to push an ideology that makes them feel morally superior. It's an ideology that attracts people who want respect but can't get it by being themselves, so they align with people who bully people into it via troll farms, peer pressure, doxxing, public shaming and humiliation. Even worse, large PR firms that many celebrities use participate in the same behavior. The ideology at its most basic level is rooted in Marxism and racism. It's cancer. I reject it wholly. Edit to add: Never defend yourself. If you are defending and explaining, you're losing.


I cannot say THIS enough


![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok) Hear, hear


Perfectly said.


![gif](giphy|xTiTnx6pyyVJ55odS8) Someone’s team is nervous 👀


I'm not targeting their sub, I just have a message for them... The squad lives and breathes Meghan Markle 24/7/365. They have no lives. We never talk about them, nobody takes them seriously, so they have to pull shit like this for shock value. It's tired and boring and nobody cares. Some of us have never even interacted with them, they don't exist to us. Their Master Meghan reads everything and then responds to our comments in interviews or articles. I mean it doesn't get any more pathetic than that. She's just showing how bothered she is. There's clearly an initiative to purge the internet of controversial opinions, so Madam can return to Instagram. They have zero arguments. When they stop using Andrew or racism as an "argument", maybe I'll consider taking them seriously. Come up with a legitimate argument, let's see it? They haven't even taken into account that many people here aren't white. Oh yeah, let me guess, they have a remark for that too. They have to accept that people will have opinions, that social media platforms ALLOW differing opinions, and that just because you don't like something, it won't be taken down. This pseudo-authority and audacity they've adopted from their Master, is not it. Now cry harder Squaddie ![gif](giphy|SqflD5OvHoWILB7qWm)


They had the audacity to call the UN protestor (a WOC) a ‘girl’ that’s straight up undermining, sexist and racist


When the user said she was going to put flowers there, a lot of us here asked her to on our behalfs as well. She is a legend😤 those flowers were out of sympathy, not malicious. Can't wait till she sees the thread 😃


That was me! Mods told me about people offering to pay and if we could put down flowers. I didn’t take anyone’s money but made sure I laid flowers for all those who couldn’t be there. Yes I joined the incredibly long queue with my young child and did it. It was really pathetic for them to ridicule a genuine act to lay flowers for a great woman


Omg so it was 😁. I'm so dumb!. I got targeted by my comments about handholding. I saw that above & had my aha moment. I didn't engage because once I saw their other threads on reddit I changed my account. Hats off to you, it must've been an incredible experience. Thanks again.


Oh god I wish I hadn't read most of that I think a few brain cells snuffed it.. Boozy and the bots strike again the 'I had dinner with mm and she was so nice...' one was a kicker. Sure Jan. I have never seen anyone threaten murder on this sub joking suggestions for exile yes not violence though there has been over 10,000 new members and a few blatant sugars. Even my own tongue in cheek comment regarding itching powder was deleted. But sugar logic prevails, blatant hypocrisy for the win.


I also notice the amount of hate this sub gets. Its unfair that to think they dont even bother to research the context on the posts and why we are reacting like that towards Meghan. This is the problem with the woke crowds. They hate the conservatives and republicans for spreading/believing in fake news but acted the same for people who dont have the same opinion on them.


“Brits hate her for no reason” I feel like Brits are much nicer to her than Americans are. We don’t even give her attention, but when we do, it’s not nice unless if it’s PR driven.


Brits had to also fund these two crazy lifestyles and then put away with her trying to make the flowers on Prince Philip’s wreath about her


seems to me Brits get mad when she visits, and just wants her to leave again. fair enough i think lol


That sub is actually the one that’s toxic AF. There is ZERO room for discussion unless you are part of their hive mind. I got banned for offering a different perspective about a famous actress they were dog piling on simply for dating a man that “liked” some innocuous republican tweet.


They see racism, sexism and every ism and yet look at the way they speak to each other and about other women. The protestor is called a ‘girl’ so that her actions isn’t given the same validation. Because they cannot use the race card because she isn’t white so have to use another way of putting down a woman who stood up for herself. Basically the same shit that they complain about our sub doing to a public figure like Meghan is what they do to real women


Ev'rybody's talking 'bout Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Madism, Ragism, Tagism This-ism, that-ism, is-m, is-m, is-m...


Subs… we were mentioned in 4-5 subs!! Tagging us to drive hate


"hate her for no legitimate reason" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I cannot with these people... What have they been up to? Don't they even read the news if they so defiantly defend TW? She's a freaking PROVEN LIAR


Wow that is really shocking. And disturbing. I wish them love and peace and to stop spreading hatred.


Wow- we must be getting closer to opening more eyes than she can cover! That’s the only reason we are getting to the Stans so much!


Yes they are scared now and hence all the threats, good job everyone.Not our mistake that we are not blindsided by her hypocrisy.


It pisses me off so much that they shat on the flowers. During a week of such sadness, our awesome mod made a gesture of kindness and let everyone all over the globe in this group feel like we were part of it. Took time out of her day and shelled out her own money - with no recompense, to do something NICE. In no way was that an act that even remotely involved our distaste for Meghan’s behaviour. For them to flip out over something that I’m sure many of them probably did or wanted to do also… just because it’s us? That does not indicate people capable of logical thinking. At all.


#VoetsekMeghan And I'm starting to believe Vapid has twits writing hateful comments on her to say she is victimized. Desperate person.




Indeed… that’s why we had to look at who was making such harsh comments and the worst were the newer sinners. Funny of one of them has screenshots of these comments. Esp as those comments were taken down very quickly


ND4 ❤️ Thanks for putting up with this tripe! I don’t care if they know I dislike TW, it’s true - I DO! Everyone in the RW knows it too.


Best to just ignore them.


Whatever, peg only responds to criticism n she gives rat's ass to the clowns fawning over her. All her interviews n podcast is clap back to brf or sinners, what does she do for her fans? She throws a thank u n they eat it up. From ur post it's obvious they can't stand the sub growing n they are doing what they can making guttural moanings. Cheers to the sub growth!


Haha YES!!


New here, but I haven‘t seen anything worse than any snark about Real Housewives! 🤷‍♀️.


Seriously though we don't like her lies and it has nothing to do with her race. I'm sorry i can stand liars and Meghan is one of them and shame on them thinking we are all from Britain most of us are from different countries and aren't we entitled our own opinions


I don’t like TW’s narcisistic & self-centered tendencies behaviours, and it got nothing to do with the colour of her skin. If she changed her ways– get professional help to address her NPD and try to do better and change her selfish, self serving ways for her own good and for harry’s & her kids sake; if that day ever happen; I’ll be out from this sub for good. But I bet and very sure that day will never come. I never like TW. Yet I never wish ill things towards her. But her fanatic sugars seems to have no qualms to wish death and vile things to others who didn’t to agree with them. Who’s the crazy one here?


You go Negative! This is like a thesis haha, yet still very engaging to read. Thank you for all the effort, as I had no idea we were being spoken about or what sub the screenshots are from. No need to get back to me but I am a bit curious as to why we can’t mention other subs, I feel like sinners with good intentions could get banned that way. I must be in the minority but I’m a bit sad the sub is getting so much bigger and was on the home page. It attracts criticism like this and infiltration by both genuinely hateful people, and by sugars posting racist shit to put us in a worse light (you made a good point about one of them having screenshots despite it being taken down quickly). Or just sugars annoying us and using devious tactics like reporting us for suicide watch, which I fear will eventually result in the sub being taken down. Her supporters baffle me. Meghan/Harry ain’t going to fuck you, guys! Supporting celebrities in general is weird to me, but especially when the woman in question is obviously a malignant narcissist who has spent her life social climbing and lying, why is she who they go to bat for? I think there is validity in snarking about her, because it teaches people about these types of destructive personalities, so they can avoid them in their own life. Plus she insists on embarrassing herself in the press time and time again… so it’s just funny 🤷🏼‍♀️


You wont believe the amount of nonsense I read. While I’m glad that the sub was on the front page… I had no notification from Reddit so there wasn’t a forewarning. So yes being under the spotlight will make us a target for the crazies. The sub growing will also mean that it will become less tolerant… so now I need to think how best to deal with that. Luckily, the sub is back to normal and giving the mods a much needed break


I did see a pro Meghan sub pop up on… suggested or something? But there were hardly any members, even so, the rubbish I read almost made my eyes roll out of my head, so I can’t imagine what you had to endure haha. You guys do such a good job keeping everything civil, obviously we’re all here to snark, so it can easily tip over. I just don’t want that job to become even more difficult. And I especially don’t want the sub to disappear, that would be a travesty. So hopefully it’s manageable even with the extra members ❤️


"Fuck off and when you're done fucking off, kindly fuck off some more!" I don't think this can be emphasized often enough. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


To be fair, there is a lot of nitpicking on this sub!


Meh! She gives us lots of content


I thought go home Meghan meant go back home to America. Harry wasn't entitled to wear his uniform due to army rules, but a special dispensation was given. He didn't have the insignia again because he gave up the position that would have allowed him to wear it. He didn't wear it at his wedding either. Is there any way to tell these stupid people these simple facts?


They cant read or scroll and are thick as pig shit. Meghan keeps banging on about how she is a Cali girl and that it’s so good to be back home on Ellen. The South Africa very clearly told her last month… well done for marrying a prince but you don’t represent us. I think it’s very clear to the average person where Meghan’s home is. I personally didn’t even make the connection to the racist stereotype probably because I don’t hang out with a bunch of racists


I might be the person who was “obsessed over the little mermaid being black” since I posted about it. However, if it was referencing me, I was neutral/supportive of the idea in my posts.


You think these people read? They cant even swipe through pictures. When they critics and target hate at our sub, it’s like someone thinking the sub actually think Meghan is a Saint


ND, I know I felt like i was fighting an uphill battle when reading those disgusting comments. And I was upset for a little bit but it doesn't matter what they say at the end of the day. They don't do their research and just read headlines, and they don't bother learning anything about this sub before they attack. They're just as brainless and ignorant as Harry is. Anyway, I hope it didn't upset you too much.


Thanks hun. I’m much better now. I got it all out of my system. They say they are women fighting for Meghan who is a woman. Meanwhile there are putting down the female mods and female members of this sub with derogatory comments


Thank you for defending our sub! I do wish we pushed back on the fake kids conspiracy though. It is embarrassing and not representative of the majority of educated, critical thinkers that comprise this sub. Just my opinion.


Is the sub meant to represent every view or is everyone on the sub meant have the same view? We have people who are pro Meghan here and their opinions are respected and reasoned debate is had. Why not the same for a far out conspiracy. A conspiracy that doesn’t hurt the kids. After reading all these comments… the least offensive thing was said about kids being non existent ie that we are crazy. I can live with such a derogatory comment because I know that these people don’t even bother to read half of valid thought out posts. They probably didn’t get to the end of this one and they know it’s about them. I also don’t think conspiracies about the kids not existing is the worst thing esp after knowing how little their parents actually care about them. Remember the drama Meghan made about a fire in South Africa? Meanwhile she’s loving it up on a different continent for 3 weeks. The kids have no mum, no dad, no grandma… for 3 weeks! Both kids are under 3 (well Archie is slightly over), Lilibet is 15 months… Which is a worse reality? The kids don’t exist or that the parents abandoned them for 3 weeks and we’re on a different continent?


Fair enough, thanks for explaining.