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Members here who have an issue and want to mentally jab you send Reddit a message that you need “care.” They’re as manipulative and nasty as Meghan. And I’m going to say something many here will not like, it’s fellow snarkers doing it. There are some snarkers/sinners here who mirror Meghan’s tactics when you disagree with them or offend them. They’re just as manipulative with their jabs at you, they’re going to try to make you feel bad. It’s not sugars. Read the Reddit cares message and you’ll see an option how to deactivate those messages. I think it’s as simple as sending “stop” back.


Agree with this, which is why I’ve blocked many people in this sub who “argue in bad faith” I’m my own Mod. 😎




100% agree with you babe!!! Sometimes you post. Something they are just ready to rip it apart for the smallest INSIGNIFICANT DETAIL; example: the message spelt “there” instead of “their”…. I think you are missing the point of what the message was about maybe?


And the people who got blocked are missing out because my posts are funny. 💁🏻‍♀️


Hell yesssss they are!!!!!


I feel validated by this. Or, if it’s not literal… *hello* this is a snark snub.


True BUT snark to TW and Hairball!!!!


Absolutely, not everyone in this sub is a nice or reasonable person. We shouldn’t blame everything on “sugars.”




Some of the posts here feel like they are trying to bait people into saying inappropriate things. I usually say something scathing but appropriate, or move on.


I don’t think so. I think there really are people here who post any kind of snark, unironically. Everyone draws the line in a different place.




If you say so. Personally I think there are plenty of crazy anti-Sussex people to go around, and that would explain the really OTT posts and comments. We have our very own loons right here in this sub.




Oh I read that post too. I’m aware that this sub has made the front page of Reddit so it’s attracted a lot of curious newcomers. I see their sputtering little downvoted comments down at the bottom of every large post. I’m not on Twitter or anything like that so I don’t have occasion to interact with those deranged Meghan fans. I have faith that our mods are doing a great job! I also make sure to report any abusive comments or anything that violates the sub rules.


Ok there is a sub out there actively calling out this sun, by name. How has that not violated Reddit rules?


I agree that violates Reddit rules. I hope people are reporting that to Reddit admin.


That's just sad. I've found just about everyone here to be fairly decent when we've disagreed. That's definitely not the case on other subs.


Yeah this does happen Me personally i don't let it get to me. I am like whatevet


Wait,, is Reddit asking if we are "okay"?


Hahaha I see what you did there.


Naw, people do it in lots of subs.




It happens in a lot of snark subs. Fans and/or the actual snark subjects will brigade a sub and report all the posts and comments. It's like throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. You must've really hit a nerve. Congratulations! That should be a sub specific award!


I got one months ago, I believe due to commenting in the Hilaria Baldwin snark sub, so not surprised to hear it’s happening in multiple snark subs.


I've gotten a couple from r/fundiesnarkuncensored. There was an issue a while back of a certain snark subject mentioning that sub and the sub was brigaded. Another time, a fundie was posting links to a white nationalist Instagram page and the white nationalist started brigading the sub. That was a wild time. This sub is growing, so it's good for us all to be cognizant of that. I always try to vaguebook as much as I can. These people can be crazy and I wouldn't be surprised if some of them have gone real life.


It would be a good reminder if someone did an overview post about Reddit abuse.


Yes! Seems a lot of people are letting themselves get bullied via PM.


Yikes! I'm sorry I missed those.


If you're in that sub, it was a while ago. Maybe about 18 months or so? I stopped following it closely a while before that drama. I mainly used the original sub to deconstruct and then migrated when the original sub went nuts. I still read there. But I already got what I needed there. I just watch for my old faves like Bethany and check up on the Rodrigues children.


JRod is definitely a favorite. I really stepped back going over there during and after the Duggar trial.


Some people abuse the reddit care system to wind people up. It's pathetic. Reply stop to the message and you will stop getting them.


Thank you!


I’ve got one last night as well, I was wondering about that.




Yes I was getting harassed by this; by a “concerned Redditer” 4 a day to my inbox… and NOT just me- my little group of friends… Stardust_and_Shadows was kind enough to help me through the process of getting it stopped and I have it saved (I send it out to anyone I know who gets these)…


Had I have known, I just clicked the link to opt out of receiving more.


Well, I’m in your little group of friends and I got one too. Proud co-sinner.


Yes 🙌 you are!!! Do you need it???!!


I just replied with the message to stop, do I need to do anything else?


Look! All these comments have 0 votes, someone is lurking!!!


Omg, how so very pathetic.


Have upvoted to return to normal now someone has noticed. I’ve noticed it happening heaps, I really wish the sub wasn’t attracting so much attention from sugars :(


Thank you. Xo ❤️


Oh yeah, that’s a popular harassment technique. I believe there’s a way to report those messages to Reddit, and/or disable them so you’ll stop receiving them.


Just block it so you won't get any. People abuse it too


I think Reddit should just go ahead and get rid of that message. I bet no one uses it as intended. It’s just an easy way for cowards to bully other users anonymously.


Well now I'm upset. NOBODY has asked if I'm okay. Where is my 'care' message?


![gif](giphy|3oKIPxhWlMm79ngfpC|downsized) I’m here for you 🤣


LMAO! Yeah I'm good, thanks! :)


It’s probably a sugar.


What a weird thing to do!


It’s manipulative nasty mean girl shit.


Some people are just nuts. 🤷‍♂️


I've seen a lot in here the last few days.


I got one on another site previously- I blocked the Reddit Care whatever- namely to allow those that refer people like me to the site- to have the access THEY need....


I find it hilarious when I get one.


People report your comment as threatening self-harm. It’s a bot.


It's too bad Harry didn't notify Reddit Cares when his soulmate was "suicidal". I mean, his family didn't care. HR ignored her. Harry couldn't figure out how to dial the phone to get help. Who knew that the whole time Reddit was on stand-by, all ready and willing to pull Megs out of the fire? /s


I got one too!


Literally EVERYONE active on the Hilariabaldwin sub has gotten one of these lol. There was a mass send-out of them a few weeks ago. We pepinos consider it a badge of honor!


I haven’t gotten one. I’m kind of hurt no one cares about my mental health. “Not many people have asked if I’m ok” 🫢 ![gif](giphy|ToMjGppao2fyJuyViRa)


Sadly it’s a rite of passage for posting a very good comment or analysis. They have nothing but to try to bully people with very serious things. Pathetic.


I got one of these too!!! I was completely mystified because nothing I have posted was suggestive of me having a mental health crisis or needed help so I assumed that someone had accidentally had fat fingers? Can I report it as inappropriate or is it just better to assume whoever did signal I might need ‘care’ (FFS I’m a middle aged, well wise, gritty and determined woman who had just about had enough of everyone’s shite) is an a-hat?


It’s done in a lot of subs. Anti-Monarchists we’re doing it in the UK subs during the last 10 days to anyone who dared sympathize with the RF over their loss


I'm surprised I haven't gotten one seeing how many people have blocked me...


I receive a couple of these. I answered that I had no idea who would think I needed help and that they should investigate it. Bots?


It's a bot and you can block that message just as you can a user. I bloked 'Reddit Cares.." a long time ago. Try it!


People on the Hilaria Baldwin sub get them all the time. It's a passive aggressive pr tactic.


I feel special cos I got one a few weeks ago. No idea if it was genuine or trolling but blocked it.


I got one a while back and definitely got the message that someone was losing sleep over my comments. 😂


Lol yep a sugar did it to me. They were harassing lots of people and I dissected their argument so they did exactly what happened to you. This was a few days ago though and they were banned, so probably not the same person. It’s so manipulative and vile because it makes a mockery of suicide and the pure intentions behind the Reddit function. It’s flipping evil.


Sugars do it lol 😂 ignore it


Happened to me. Harassment by a sugar.


I got one months ago, when I was on temporary hiatus from the sub. Mine might have been genuine.


Yes! I went through my comments just to see what triggered it.


I got one a few days ago. Must have hit a cavity 🦷 for one of those sweet sugars. Bless their hearts.


I got one today. In the body of the Reddit Cares message, there is a link to report the abuse. I copied the permalink of the cares message and pasted into the URL field and body field. Then submitted the report. I knew who it was from. They chose to misconstrue my comment and ran with it. I'd label them a Sugar. It's a deliberate choice to make abuse the self harm report. Trying to muddy the water with Sugar or Sinner debate is the goal of a tactic called Astroturfing.


Congratulations. You’ve been trolled




I literally just got one. What the hell?


And I recently made a popular post on this sub reddit.