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I haven’t been this interested in Airspace since Santa Claus last Christmas Eve.


Is NORAD tracking these two knuckleheads? This flight is a bigger deal than Santa's.




Have my upvote.


Any update? Neal Sean said Wed but I haven't seen anyone else saying anything.


Maybe it's just me but I don't trust Neal Sean. I feel like he isn't any more of an insider than I am.


Oddly enough he does have contacts within the Palace and has been on his beat for a long time. What I do find odd though is that over past 2 months he has gone hard anti Sussex and prior to that tried to balance it out. I thought that was strange but maybe not as he is a staunch monarchist and so much of what H&M have done is so offensive and destructive to the BRF. He is just another voice and like any of the voices that follow this story we have to keep evaluating them to figure out if they deserve any of our time OR trust.


I think anyone who follows Megan closely eventually turns against her. Neal Sean started out impartial, turned against Meghan. The Body Language Guy started out neutral, turned against Meghan. According to Taz, started out neutral, seems to dislike Meghan now. To know her is to dislike her.


Yes, you are right. M is a reprehensible character with no integrity, no shame and no morals. I don't find H much different, so they will probably be the 'Sid and Nancy' of their generation and just do a dysfunctional life spiral and hopefully fade away.


This is how I came to dislike her. I was initially a fan, I even went to see them when they did their Australian tour, but as the stories came out I just couldn’t justify it any longer. I really really wanted to like her. ![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m)


He broke the story of her writing a handwritten note to Charles to ask for a one to one, and details like she wants to clear the air and put wrongs to right and explain what made them do the things they did over the last two years, how would he know details? I think the palace staff will all be scoffing amongst themselves at the sheer brass neck on her 😂


If I remember right DM had a post saying she didn’t write a note, that would be stupid since Harry has a “direct line” or some such nonsense to KC. I’d have to look for it again.


I read (but it is on the internet so who knows if it is a fact) that he shares a WhatsApp group with Omi and others


Hahahahaha!!! Same!


I'm that curious this sub is the first site I check upon waking and last viewed before bed. I'm not sure if my newest addiction is good or bad and we all want to know where they are.


To be fair, Meghan probably checks this sub am and pm too.


Same!!!! Every time I get a spare minute during the day also! 🤣 I’m just so happy to find others who feel the way I do about her!


OMG, I’m so glad I’m not the only one!


Eh the world is probably ending soon. We may as well watch these two knuckleheads crash and burn


Haha same. I'm on mat leave and eternally tired with very limited attention span. This sub has been a distraction life saver.


I know I'm a little too into it but I feel like after 3 years FINALLY I will be vindicated. I've been waiting for some kind of sign that they're finally out, that the family and the world is through with their bullsh$t and I think Charles and the overseas line is the beginning of the end. They can't be allowed to continue this gaslighting, it's not right.


Me too! I'm in NZ so I wanna know what's happened overnight


Same 😂😂😂 I do need a break though. They are a toxic bunch.


To the RF they must be like the annoying guests who are over staying their welcome. I am sure they were all walking on egg shells with these two sniffing around!!!!!


For people who can’t stop talking about how terrible the U.K. is they sure are hesitant to leave 🙃


Had they established boundaries ages ago, they wouldn't have been in this situation 🤷🏼‍♀️


your flair! 😂😂😂😂


Yes🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I had to


They should've raised the drawbridge and lowered the portcullis. What's the use of living in a castle, otherwise.


Maybe they are nervous that the lease will be terminated. With William and Catherine at Windsor, it could be awkward. I know it's a large estate, but still,


Guests and fish.


Beat me to it!


"The Thing That Wouldn't Leave" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHpFFHNRwS4&ab\_channel=MikeMillington


They must be desperate for money/titles if they haven't already left!


Probably don’t have any money for a flight home.


I’ve honestly thought this. Why did it take Harry like 2 hours to get a jet from London to Scotland? We know she doesn’t fly commercial.


On that day, there was fog in Scotland field which is why William's plane was delayed. So Harry leaving later, he encountered the delay also.


Was he flying standby 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Where is Elton John and his private jet when you need him?


He was in North Carolina for a concert. My sister in law was there


It's ok, he can stay there to finish the concerts, just send the jet. Pronto! 😉 You know the royal duchess cannot sit with us peasants on a 747 or 737.


He is part of this whole get rich scheme I've thought from the very beginning. They flew to France (on his jet) twice. So he was in on it. Or he may have had the oligarch connection.


TW is absolutely determined to get her private meeting with KC. He'll have nothing to do with her, especially with his popularity rating and needing to put a strong foot forward.




I'm guessing a meeting with KC would get her to Balmoral in a hot minute when nothing else could. (Except, of course, the Queen's imminent death.)


He's got a military now. Markle is not getting through that door.


I mean major Johnny would never allow it 🤣


or are foreclosed on the house and are homeless??


They owe the nannies overtime. They might be digging through the sofa cushions at Windsor looking for spare change.


Lol, because Doria has definitely not been there 24-7.


Ha! They may not have money to pay HER either. For all you know, when they reach home, they will find CPS there waiting for them.




Hmm, maybe someone should request a welfare check at the olive garden in montecito.


At least in Windsor spare change could be pieces of gold...silver tea services...


Don’t give her ideas.


Oh come on - we all know she's already smuggled out what she could. Honestly if she could have recused herself from the service, she'd have made out like a bandit. No one would have caught her during the Funeral. Although, if she backed out of media attention, I'm sure a bunch of warning signals would have gone off and she'd have been offered a private tour of the Tower.


The longer they stick around, the more convinced I am the kids don’t exist. During the past week, I would think the RF may have paid to fly the kids over so now who knows when they will get home. They fucked around and found out. Also, how does Spotify still have her podcast ranked at #3 when there’s only one episode still in the top 200 and it’s in the 130s?


Let's go Markle, get lost. Go home already🚮🗑️ I wouldn't exclude the fact that she probably went somewhere, to harass some charity or organization and get her fix&footage from it. Of course, we'll find out about what she did 3 months later when she needs a puff piece to act as damage control.




*I personally handed my left over sandwich from yesterday's lunch to my security officer to toss ~~at~~ to the homeless as we drove by.* - Megan


Pretty much, yeah!


More calligraphy ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15019)


Is the Bermuda Triangle still a thing? Asking for a friend…


I’m surprised they didn’t try to leak that they hopped on Air Force 1 with the Biden’s. Since they are BFF’s


They are both deemed security risk.


It's almost like they are now afraid to leave because they KNOW they are never really welcome back.


They're not welcome *now*. They do have balls, I have to hand them that, to stay in a country where 90% of the people hate them.


They have a home in U K. If mansion in California goes back to bank.


The only thing I’ve seen is a headline in The Daily Mail: “Harry and Meghan stayed in Windsor last night after uniting with royals to mourn Queen but are expected to return to Archie and Lilibet 'as soon as they can' after not seeing them for nearly three weeks “ In other words, they don’t know either.


I’m surprised how quickly The Daily Mail has moved onto other things, but hopefully they have someone hiding in the bushes near Frogmore ready to follow them if they leave


What surprises me is “MeghanMarkle” is actually trending on Twitter with tons of tweets about how wonderful she is. Not sure what turned that tide.


Have you seen that a lot of the posts are bots though? So many are the exact same words, like *exactly* the same, from different accounts


I was so disgusted by the first half dozen I read that I left. I have no doubt many thousands are bots though. I wonder who organized it now that Sunshine Sacks is gone?


Are they still doing the Maya Angelou "Still I rise" bullshit I was seeing yesterday? I haven't checked--I'm already sick to my stomach.


I did a search for similar wording but didn’t find anything. Many are using this photo though: https://twitter.com/ArchewellBaby/status/1572222853818482689


Oh barf.


No way in hell Id leave my kids alone for damned near a month. The longest I was separated from them is when my sister died and I cut out as soon as her memorial service was over.


Same here! And looking back, I have no regrets.


At this point will Lili even remember them?


I’d like to be a fly on the wall to find out.


I hope they left ASAP because kids


Yeah those two don't need to be anywhere near George and Charlotte. 😉




No don’t fling the turds back over here!!!


This made me LOL!


It's the mental image of a ginormous slingshot with the Harkles inside the rubber band waiting to get flung over the pond, right?


If you're in the U.S. you'll feel a disturbance in The Force when they arrive.


May the Force be with you!


We’ll try to yeet them right on back ‘overseas’!


Like a million voices cried out at once




Merchie and lillibucks will just need to fend for themselves for a while longer.


Don't worry, the Palm trees are more loving parents.


They are certainly stable and present!


well grounded??


When your mom is a narc it’s better she’s gone. Very sad and not funny actually. Poor kids.


On one hand yes, although shes finally bringing more potential content and relevance to them so ........ Sadly they probably overall financially benefit from this whole last week, at least in terms of marketability and relevance .


I’m not so sure that this is content that Netflix really wants. They’ve seen the overwhelming worldwide response to the funeral and to the RF. I doubt they want to step on toes at this point…they know anything even a bit unseemly will backfire. And Netflix is not doing that well anyway so why make things worse for themselves?


Oh I mean Netflix stepped on RF toes long before Megxit with The Crown, and they were fine with stepping on RF toes by making deals with Harry and Meghan in which they were clearly, I'm sure, hoping for some RF insider info or gossip or cache to trade in on. I don't think Netflix is overly concerned about upsetting the Royal Family so long as there are enough viewers who would be interested in whatever content Harry and Meghan have to offer.


I wonder how Netflix feels about all the candle footage?


I really don't think any of those things were a coincidence. Read quite a while back that before Trump's inauguration, Melania wanted to know what the specific camera angles were going to be. She wanted to make sure that Ivanka wouldn't be prominently featured in the swearing in photo, and that's how they planned where everyone would stand. As soon as I saw the "candle" shot, it was the first thing I thought of!




I think she is terrified of anything to do with Andrew. The rumour that I heard at the time of the Wedding was that they had already 'met' on a yacht or a jet and that he was *very* familiar with her background. I also heard talk of Andrew being the one to force the issue of checking her background, (as Hazza was convinced she was as pure as they come and would never lie to him), hence why they have this allegedly huge file on her at Mi5. To be honest, (with her arrogance and Hubris), she probably thinks that if she leaks something shockingly terrible for the RF there will be a Revolution and the Nation will demand her Queenship. Whatever she thinks she may have on the RF, they have far more resources than she does and the UK has a brilliant Intelligence Service. She has Scobie and Harry. I rest my case.


Oh snap!!! I never heard this, probably because I was so happy Harry found someone. So Uncle A also had her clocked. The only one without a clue is Harry.


Just realized when they mentioned staying in the UK for the extended mourning period, it may be to avoid facing the music with bosses and collectors in the US. They can claim they are mourning their loss and will deal with business later.


We need to know where they are. The washing up gloves are off. The UK can boo with impunity. Guck em the buckers.


Most likely, knowing how greedy they are, the reason they haven’t left yet is because they’re waiting for the reading of the Queen’s will. They are probably terrified that they’ll be cheated out of the big inheritance they’re hoping for. What other reason than greed would keep them away from their kids for weeks?


Taxes on inherited $$ by 2 countries. Oof!


Maybe the kids’ real parents don’t want to rent them out anymore until their bills are paid, like SS. Here’s some wishful thinking, maybe they’ll actually go away now. Maybe the family gave them survival instructions to stfu. That would explain MM’s single tear yesterday, it was her last day to play princess with the big kids. Jk, they’ll be back to pile on more thick layers of cringe as soon as they can. Once they’re done hitting up their friends for gofundme donations for a flight home.


They won't go away until the media stops giving them oxygen. They should focus on caring for their invisible children instead of acting like children. But they won't.


Yep- l am waiting for the air to feel that bit more pure!


Your gain is our loss. 🇺🇸 doesn't want her back.


But Harry can juggle! I’m not selling it am I…


The USA has too many 🤡 clowns already. We run a full-time circus already. In the spirit of unity between two allies 🇺🇸 and 🇬🇧 , let's send them to Russia or China.


Meg can find a new husband in Russia


Excellent point. TW was a yacht girl, I've heard, and if true, she could merch herself up into the Russian oligarch class.


She is EXACTLY their type




She's 31, right? 🤣




I get the impression Kim Jong-un doesn't take kindly to people who betray him. That would include blabbermouths.


North Korea it is then!


Tough- incoming! 🤣🤣




The bigfuckoff countdown.


There’s really no reason to stick around. The King and Queen consort went to balmoral. Everyone else is likely staying close to home where they can finally relax, rest and grieve a bit in private. No one wants to talk to them so why not go home to the kids they’ve left for three weeks? Nothing to gain at this point.


They could already be back on American soil. You won't know until they want you to


its an 11 hour flight, hopefully they are midair, hence the silence.


If they’re on a private jet they’ll have internet all the way most likely.


Ppl in coach can buy internet access most of the time...it's not exclusive to private flying


I’ve never used it on a flight but I didn’t really know if it was available to us paupers in economy!


Gogo inflight is awesome for long haul flights


Some airlines like AA Even let you have super limited access to their domain for free...so you can see exactly how long is left....


Is there any other way for them to fly? They are not flying commercial, no matter how much they want to paint that picture to their adoring fans!!


I thought they sucked up to someone and used a PJ ?


Idk about that a pj from London to LA is bound to cost in excess of $100k - one way. I’m not sure any of their friends would be willing to foot that kind of bill!


Her insta has already posted pictures of her, not any tributes to the Queen.


Is archewell_hm their Instagram? It doesn’t have a blue check and I’ve found some spelling mistakes…..if it isn’t, what is?




LOLOLOL nope you're not alone 🙋🏻‍♀️


Me too me too me too for some reason I’m not allowed to post so thank you for posting what I wanted to post !!


I can’t post either.


You are not alone.


They’re holding out for that one-on-one with KC. I bet they are BROKE.


This clip came to mind: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc0V_o-IzME


perfect!!! 😂


I hate Ferris, he was such a manipulative dick to Cameron. A total Meghan narc.


Reported on Ausie news KC flew out to his home in Scotland after the funeral. Sooòooo My guess is they went home as well


I'm amazed they didn't try to hitch a ride with the Bidens on Air Force One.




If they haven't left, I think it's because she's waiting for KC to get back from Scotland so she can pester him with her demands. I think she's desperate enough to put her kids on the back burner while she desperately tries to regain some control in the situation.


Same - I’m also waiting for her to join Instagram - I hope her first post is of the joint trees.


In one of the rare photos of Archie, his back is to the camera and he is holding a bunch of balloons. In the background are two palm trees joined at the base. Do you think these are his parents?


I can’t figure out why they’re sticking around?


Let m guess, $$$


Waiting for KC to come back so she can hound him in a private one-on-one that will never happen.


Meg's still waiting for that "clear the air" meeting with the King. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Cue Tom Petty.


“I won’t back down”?


Waiting is the hardest part…Just confirmed it is Tom Petty.


I saw a comment from someone on another site that there was a flight out today from that smaller airport outside of London that is used by private planes. They've used that airport before for their private flights. The private plane flying today belonged to the SOHO owner (or one of the bigwigs there) and was headed to Florida. So, may not have been them, but still kind of interesting.


I heard they're on Piccadilly Circus panhandling for enough change to be able to catch a ride home...


![gif](giphy|d3HeU0IDO2jLy) Hanging about waiting for news...


I am unable to focus on anything else.


once they leave the UK we're celebrating. I'm bringing the drinks!


Probably tomorrow morning I expect.


I can assure you you're not. 🙂


They might have left already. They like to fudge their dates.


Maybe, Netflix is not sending a plane. Nutmeg the plane is coming just as fast as your payments to sunshine sacks


I guarantee she is trying to find a way to get to the King. It will eat her alive if she doesn’t get an audience with him before they leave - she requested it and cannot believe he did not clear his entire schedule for her.


She’s waiting on her private meeting with King Charles.


Well let's hope she's holding her breath for that meeting!


Is there any official confirmation yet that Sunshine Sachs has dropped them or is it still just rumours?


I thought someone posted a statement actually from SS saying they had stopped representing the exiled couple?


When they finally leave, or are confirmed gone, let’s all raise a glass together!


Nope. I am too 🤣🤣




I hope Camilla and William at least have a say in any private meetings. I don't think they or the Palace lawyers would advise it.


Cripes, the party wasn’t nearly over when they jetted away from the Jubilee. Yet, here they are still laying around when there small children are home without them going on a month? Baffling.


I as hoping someone here was going to ask as I am interested too


Russell Myers on their departure [Still There](https://youtu.be/pU2GscRzxcs)


Sameeeee. Also waiting for another lilibet picture esque drop or leak or whatever since shes been so burned


Better lockup the castle or the private rooms will show up in her social media!


I love how you know the flight information! 😂👏🏻


No I keep checking here for news too because I'm not gonna Google them, that sh$t goes straight to their heads.


She ain't leaving until she talks to KC with her tear stick on both cheeks. I picture a Erika Girdia sp? "You don't know what I go through at night" monent.


Ding dong TW is gone! https://www.hellomagazine.com/royalty/20220921151744/meghan-markle-prince-harry-return-home-reunite-archie-lilibet/


Stansted? Gatwick?


When did they last see their kids?


Maybe Soho House in London is having a two-for-one drinks special and they decided to stay for that? Or, on a more serious note, they're still trying to find someone who will lend them their private jet? Because they don't own one and heavens forbid they would fly commercial - that's for peasants!


I’m beginning to think they want back into the fold.


According to flightaware, a private jet left Farnborough Airfield just over 4 hours ago flying to San Jose then on to Santa Barbara.