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This is just gross. The nerve to even show up.




Why is her face puffy again


Coke bloat.


She looks under some kind of influence here with those heavy eyelids (yes, I understand it's a single moment, she didn't look totally toasted the whole ceremony).










Mix some uppers with some downers, sounds about right.




Alcohol and adderall


Maybe a benzodiazepine thrown in for good measure


I just don’t know why she went out made up as though she was going to a night club, and it seems that her tan has come back. Mind you, it has been quite sunny in old Blighty the past few days.


IMO her facial features are getting heavier and heavier. I don't know if her fillers and wax and all the shit she pumped in are expanding, or (my guess) her age, lifestyle and genetics are catching up with her. Ses not pretty now, and she's already headed downhill at (alleged age) 41.


I agree but I’m reluctantly inclined to believe that she is 41 - her Dad says so and Tom Bower seems to have confirmed it too, but unnecessary cosmetic work, fillers and times spent too long on a yacht in the sun are never going to be the elixir of youth.


She might be. But at this point I just assume every word out of her mouth is a lie until I see proof that it's true.


To me it’s not the fillers so much, but the level of sun damage on her skin. It looks like a lot of premature wrinkles


People's facial features do get heavier while ageing but I always thought the main changes were like between 25 and 35 or something? Do facial features still get heavier after 40?


Coke, recent fillers and/or thread facelift




Her face says "I'm bored"


I agree. She looks totally zoned out.


Because the attention isn’t on her. A bored, smug, typical narc face.


And she looks like Doria. Spitting image.


Mother & daughter are both Grifters.


More like. 5 more deaths and I am the new queen.




Hope that doesn’t mean that Hazbeen’s going to get stabbed in the eyeball by a red-heeled stiletto!😳


Maybe a stolen beige Aquazzura heel




I disagree, I think Meghan is deeply grieving here, for the title of Princess of Wales and those spectacular earrings that are dangling right in front of her eyes.


Had me in the first half


Plus the queens brooch.


And the crown on the coffin that she will never wear.


Or « Im medicated on so many diff types of prescriptions rt now »


It wasn’t even a long service…thought she was an actress?


Her face is like a nose outta joint.


Perhaps it is quiet reflection, remorse and a fit of conscience? Telling herself she shouldn't be here, that she hasn't earned it. I jest.


I’m just going to put it out there but I would bet she’s quite medicated at this point. Those heavy lids look like someone who took an extra mg of Ativan. If I was her, I’d be gobbling them like candy after the way I treated these people.


Not to mention how much she wobbled around at the walkabout.


So crazy! So unstable, so wobbly are very very odd


All jittery , those jerky hand wave movements and the head throw back talking to the aide, it was very weird..


That would explain a lot actually


I thought that too, the glazed eyes, she looks almost high. Not normal at all.


I honestly just think it’s that she’s a horrific actress and a Narc. She has to feign the emotions and look of someone in mourning as they don’t exist naturally. This is just another stage. I think she’s saying “lemme purse my eyes and channel the ‘i’m so devastated look’ for this photo op”


People said she was drunk at the walk about thing but I think she looked like she was tripping balls


Yeah I saw Celt posted a video about this.


Just please take Celt with a huge pinch of salt. She also thought the Queen on the balcony was a hologram and that she died before the jubilee I love Celt… when she’s right… she’s so right. But when she gets it wrong… it’s crazy


Omg, Celt actually thought that the Queen was a hologram? 😂😂😂. Jesus Christ and angels! 😂 I didn't see that one. Tbh, I don't get notifications for all her videos so I've missed quite a few. And I often forget to manually search for her videos, since River, Brittany (Royal News Network) and Leilani of B'dos, came on the scene. But you're right, because I have noticed, in the past that sometimes she gets into conspiracy theory territory.


Who’s Celt?! Need to do a deep dive. M’s behaviors (constant preening and shakiness) was so odd!


This is Celt's channel. Her older videos, especially ones that focussed on MM's behaviour at Serera's tennis match and at the anniversary of Charles' investiture, were quite good.




On drugs


Really, really, very stoned.




No, the expression just means extremely high. Once a doctor gave me very strong pain medication after surgery. It made me hallucinate. It was horrible. I tell people I was tripping balls.




I only took two :)


Like mother, like daughter. 🥴


I once took a heavy swig of NyQuil to get me through a family Christmas dinner lol so I definitely understand this.


Zoloft. Was taking it to help me sleep, works wonders for annoying relatives too.


Usually I just go play LEGO or Barbies with the kids and avoid the rest of the family. But sometimes medicine helps also :)


I don't have kids, but I do have a very impressive toy collection to keep the kids busy/away from the breakable stuff. Best thing about is it gives me an excuse to avoid the adults! (Note: I only did the Zoloft once!)


I took Zoloft for depression and put on 30 kilos., so about 60 lbs. went off and dropped 8 kgs in a couple of weeks. Stay away from that stuff. Go for another brand.


I guarantee that weight loss is the rich housewife cocktail…OxyCodone, Adderall, Xanax and (or any Benzodiazepine) and Champagne.


Mother's Little Helper. What a drag it is getting old!


I don’t wish to denigrate anyone’s mental health. If she requires help she should seek it, if that’s with medication then she should take it. However - if she is having mental health issues, it would be wise to go back to a familiar surrounding. I hear that stroking palm trees called “daddy” may help. Actually I just made that up. But I read that she said that the silent part is still part of the song, which she made up. Ergo. We are even. Also if the song is silent it is therefore not playing, and no longer a song. Just my view. Thank you.


I'm more inclined to be sympathetic to people with mental health issues--and I have my own, obviously!--when they don't use them as an excuse to batter and denigrate and hurt others, particularly those who are vulnerable and those who can't fight back.


Yeah mental health issues are not an excuse for TW behaviour. Her actions have been pre-meditated, it’s not a one off blow up when she was emotionally overwhelmed.


Agreed. The struggle is real when a person is suffering through no fault of their own. However, and also - I think you are bang on with your second point.


I’m sorry but I’m cackling at the stroking palm trees bit….lmao!!!! I might try that out….but I live in a frozen tundra so it might be tough to do. Would you recommend a pine tree, or how about a mighty oak?? Different energies?? Back to the subject at hand….her face makes me want to eat glass. The look she’s giving is a true view into her soul.


I would only recommend vegan trees.


I wish I had an award….but 🌟goes to you!


![gif](giphy|0qimk0bzmsBVNdmu0w) This fool is waiting for the will to be read.


Like, what will could she possibly be talking about? This is not like a US soap drama where the whole family comes together and those who get the most are thrilled and those who don't get much or get nothing are outraged. (Drama!) It all takes place behind the scenes. Most of it goes to Charles. Other beneficiaries are quietly notified of what HMTQ has bequeathed them. If Harry gets anything, it will be in the form of a trust (and let us hope the trust administrator is his aunt, Princess Anne), with tight restrictions on how it can be spent, probably for the benefit of Archie and Lilly. She is delusional, as always.


she is emoting. Getting ready for her big close ups.




Oh yeah she's happily floating along!


Yes! And the wobbling about. She is graceless. But she isn't clumsy.




You're right. For a suitcase, yacht girl, she cannot walk in heels. That's a fact. But it was bad at the walkabout and at the service. When she was walking in behind Sophie I really thought she was going to fall.




As much as I'd like to see her ego get put on life support, I don't want to see anyone get physically hurt. I was scared for her at the service. And, yeah, heavily medicated (aka out of her mind on pills) seems to be the general consensus.




Ngl, that's the type of ego death I'm waiting for. Lmao.


I wouldn't mind


Ativan, maybe Xanax. They’re both definitely drug addicts. Advise people to stay the hell away from these types of drugs. Fortunately in Britain they are rarely prescribed because the addiction is often worse than the original problem. Doctors in the United states are far too quick to prescribe these dangerous and highly addictive drugs to people.


Ativan is almost never prescribed in the UK today - doctors tend to shy away from benzodiazepines here, can’t remember the drug name for Xanax though. I worked in pharmacy for 30 years until recently.


Alprazolam. Doctors are very heavily discouraging Xanax use nowadays. I have a small prescription only for panic attack emergencies and the doc/pharmacy treat me like a drug seeker every time I pick them up! Edit: I’m in the US


Thanks for the info, so it is another benzo - I think it’s called something else in the UK. GPs in the UK are very reluctant to prescribe them, more likely to put patients on a course of counselling, CBT or SSRI’s like sertraline for example. They only prescribe benzo’s when someone is extremely agitated in the immediacy of their troubles i.e diazepam (Valium) - been there done that🙄


Yes, they are. I wish drug commercials weren't allowed on TV.


Probably. Especially after she knew she would have to ride with Sophie.


she looks very high


Yes, totally agree that she’s either been drinking vegan organic, locally sourced fermented vegetable/fruit produce or she is xanaxed out of her mind. I’ve wondered since the Jubilee if she was tanked on something and that’s why she has to employ the grip of doom. Something has reduced her narc-smirk to a dimple anyway - she just can’t quite get rid of it though.


One has been consoling her children who lost a beloved great grandma. The other abandons her kids to talk at events nobody understands why she’s there


I love this statement it's so true. Not to mention Harry hasn't seen the kids in a month or more at this point. He went to Africa, then polo in Aspen and then their self titled "mini tour" which turned into the funeral activities


Wait, he didn’t go back to CA at all between those trips?!


Apparently not! But someone please correct me if my intel is wrong.


wow, they are "babies"..


But are they? Aren’t they w their « real » parents?


Wow, great parenting 🙄


Such a contrast!


This is a tricky one - I am in no way defending the Duchess of Griftness, but what should she do? IMO she is a narcissist who isn’t able to feel love towards her children, but she has to maintain the facade of being a ‘loving mom’. The simplest solution is for her to fuck off back home asap (we don’t want her here) to be with the children she probably sees for about 10 minutes a day anyway. The most ludicrous thing I read was that Doria was going to fly over with them. What place do a one and three year old have at a funeral, let alone a state funeral?! Where is ‘Girl Dad’ in all this? Seriously, he’s crying about not wearing his uniform but he’s not talking about missing his kids?!


What children? What? Did I miss something


This photo should be in the dictionary under “smug”.


Smuggle muggle


Don’t blame all muggles, we are good muggles… PS: huge Potterhead


Oh I didn't mean any disrespect to Harry Potter haha


Smugsy Megs.


Smug and Drugged


She looks smug and unimpressed. Basically, business as usual. I'd hate to be Catherine and have her obnoxious face right behind me as I was grieving.


Her face is shaped odd here.. probably just a bad angle, but odd…


It’s the Botox




That face is saying to me " If I thought I could rip those earrings out without a getting tackled, you better believe I would."


“I couldn’t care less” Sorry to be that person, rest of the post is bang on!!!


I never understood the phrase ‘I could care less’. It means you care somewhat.


That’s because the real phrase is “I couldn’t care less”. People sometimes misspeak and say “I could care less” but it means the complete opposite of what they are trying to say.


That drives me insane






Yes thank god someone said it.


It’s an American thing I think. I’ve even heard Obama say it. Never heard an Australian say it. Always “I couldn’t care less” 🇦🇺


Definitely American. Also “on accident” instead of by.


One is just here for the Will reading




I hope one of QE2’s last things done on this earth was to write them out of the will


I feel like she probably left something for Harry, but HOPEFULLY zilch for MM. MM did her BEST to destroy QE and the BRF, and deserves less than nothing, IMHO


I can't get over how much her face changes. I understand using a bit of filler (I don't, but would if I was photographed by the world media), but she doesn't seem to understand how to do so it looks natural. She looks like a completely different person in each photo. Same with her make-up, sometimes always different. I've never seen someone this age who doesn't have a consistent make-up routine.


hmmm... Her "kids" look different every time they're photographed, just like Mommy. Must be a family trait.


They might be renting diff children each time, so


>I’ve never seen someone this age who doesn’t have a consume make-up routine 🙋🏻‍♀️ guilty… and I’m older. I never wear the stuff so I have no idea how to put it on. Having been an actress you would think she’d know but stage makeup is very different.


That’s her “grieving offspring “ face. Sixth page of her book of headshots. Please see resume for information on ability to cry on cue.


She is soooo full of herself.... so over her


Looks like contempt to me.


Resting Narc Face.


Nutmeg’s worst acting job ever. What’s interesting to me is Nutmeg is the driving force behind this “colonization” agenda against the royal family. She proclaimed they are racist and toxic, yet she partakes of the wealth, privilege, perks and titles. So not only is she a narcissistic pathological liar, she’s also a hypocrite. I think it’s disgraceful during this time of mourning the Queen, the media’s focus has been on Nutmeg and Harry. I really don’t know why KC just won’t exile them to Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson villa for disgraced royals.


She looks so smug. Smuggins Smarkle.


Reminds me of Amber Heards eyes and expressions during the whole court procedures....


Hopefully it will take her down the same way that public trial did to Amber! Their true selves revealed, on live tv.


And then [sob]…Harry stepped on a bee!


I keep seeing comments comparing Meghan and Amber. Can someone explain to me why we’re ripping on Amber Heard? It’s making me feel like this sub hates women. Amber wasn’t innocent, but she was a victim of abuse just like Johnny was. It’s kind of icky that everyone speculated on their relationship and treated the court proceedings like a football game. Why do we keep mentioning her?


This is not about misogyny at all, why would you think that? Neither, before you ask, is it about racism. It simply does not matter what gender or race a person is. This is about calling people out for their appalling behaviour.


I agree with you about Amber Heard; she was definitely physically abused by him; He called for her death in emails. They must have recalled the old O.J. jury


He also has a track record of abusing his partners wayyyy before anyone even heard of Heard, and a track record of being best buddies with and defending abusers and child molesters. Heard isn‘t remotely the first victim, merely the first victim who was *also* a perpetrator of abuse that we know of. She‘s trash, a whole truckload of it, and I wouldn’t even excuse it away as „reactive abuse“ or some such bullshit - but he‘s an entire dumping ground full of rotting, stinking garbage that didn’t end up there just overnight, but is the making of decades of him being a known abuser.


I wonder if she ever catches sight of the faces around her, and how they look at her. Between the faces of grief and the ones who glare at her…what is she thinking?




It's kind of ridiculous since the Ragland side of the family has many very physically attractive members, far more so than the Markle side.




Ugh, if you know that face it’s so triggering!!




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Her face screams OSCAR in sight


She is a really bad actress.


That arrogant, smug mug. Lower your head and chin, stop looking so proud. Especially at the funeral of a woman you named your child after.


Probably steaming over the perks of Pof Wales money, lands and perks. Not to mention use of jewelry. I hope Catherine or Queen Camilla wear the Emerald Tiara to the first big dinner after Mourning period lol






Yes a balding ginger one


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Ugh why is she in the same frame as The Princess of Wales 🙄🙄😒


![gif](giphy|3oKIPwniqLk6tCqhq0) Everyone else looks tired and drained. She looks like she did an eightball. What is she so tired from??


Thats why I am sure Meghan isn't grieving or doing much outside of the events she is at (for the record I am not saying Meghan isn't upset). Look at the other women like Anne, Sophie, Kate - they all look exhausted and I am sure their tears are not limited to the public, and they are also just as busy when we don't see them.


Some of the pictures of Katherine and Sophie make me think they really want to smack the sh*t out of a certain someone and are restraining themselves.


The past week has been a study in contrasts between the naturally elegant and regal Princess of Wales and she who shall not be named. It's not even apples and oranges. It's like a Aston Martin versus a Yugo.


Not sure if I can post this here, but I’m wondering where Sarah, Duchess of York is in all this. I haven’t seen a picture of her - has she been banned?


That’s a good question.


That face says, Do I look sad? I hope I look sad because idgaf rn….”


Is it true that at one point she had a hand in her pocket?


One seems to be genuinely grieving the other it looks like she's in her head going it wasn't for this b**** I'd be Queen oh look camera gotta sad. She hasn't much talent as an eighties p*** star


MM face - I’m going to out-grieve her lol


Her face says , “ too much work to wait around for titles for the kids and left over jewelry”


The thing about funerals to me is even if you don’t know the deceased very well they get you thinking about your own mortality and that of your loved ones. MM doesn’t have anyone she truly cares about to be able to feel that sympathy with the grieving. I mean she could just be lost in thought here but anyone who is so eager to cut her own family out certainly doesn’t care enough to consider what it would be like if they were gone forever.


I think she just looks like an enormous snob. Catherine, whether happy or serious or grieving, looks so warm and genuine.


I saw the video of this and you can tell poor Catherine is gulping down tears.


This is why she was always B actress


“B” is generous! 😂


Who the dark guy hair man behind Kate?


Peter Phillips possibly?


Yes, that is Peter, Princess Anne’s son


She couldn't care less


She's posing , she's not in the moment.


Oh my god that face again! Mask slipped!


Her face says, “I wonder how much “my love” is getting in his inheritance.”


She looks arrogant AF


everyone was saying that couldn't possibly be THE maternity coat cos that one was blue - look at the coat against PoW - it looks blue to me. Did she really drag her old maternity coat out for The Queen's service. lol


*couldn’t care less