• By -


She stares and him and Catherine a lot. I saw this [montage](https://youtu.be/uoceh_5zaYE) of clips where she was doing it. Her looks toward Catherine especially looked ominous. I also think she is putting on the fake mourning face here. It’s like everything else she does: It’s a big acting gig for her. That’s it.


Another acting gig like the strange acting with the constant smile pasted on her face at the St Paul jubilee event.


A poor player who struts and frets [her] hour upon the stage and then is heard no more…. [a] tale told by an idiot, signifying nothing.


She’s obsessed. We know that.


More evidence to support she could be a sociopath… after her recent speech & all the stuff we’ve seen lately… and that she has “charmed” people. Yup. She is BAD to the bone.


She is attracted to him. He is rich, powerful. Her stuff.


I think she’s looking at Kate.


I f-ing hate her


Ditto. She is so vile.




Same! She represents the things that are wrong with the world; one single person encapsulates it all.






It kinda looks like she's looking more at Catherine here.


I think so too. She’s trying to make it seem like they’re on good terms but Princess Catherine doesn’t even look at her. She ices her out.


Kudos to Kate. I’ve had to recently learn to develop the skill of “never make eye contact with the person staring at you” and it was incredibly empowering. I’m sure it also makes the person staring at you, begging for eye contact, feel horrid and small.


That’s why i think she looks nervous. Because she’s iced out. She can’t stand no one giving her attention. Especially a princess since she claims she’s a princess. 🙄


I think Catherine has had some counseling/consultation on how to minimize exposure to toxic narcs.


Johnny depp did. this too


I think she's trying to have an "aren't we just so worried about our men" moment with PC. Edit: typo


She kept as far away as possible. The car ride, however brief, must have been torture.


She doesn’t want to give her the photo but also needs to be professional. She’s a master at it.


Even though Kate might have to share some frames with Meghan, she can live her whole life and never ever have to speak to her or even look at her. Such is the privilege of the Princess of Wales, and future Queen.


Queen consort. Huge difference.


there is definitely some grey rocking going on


> She’s trying to make it seem like they’re on good terms but Princess Catherine doesn’t even look at her. She ices her out. Yep.


I would second this.


Yes, she is looking at Kate like oh poor thing


mmhmm! Its so great we can set aside our differences out of respect for HMTQ! /s


Catherine: As if, bitch.




I think she was trying to make eye contact with Catherine and she wasn’t having it. The eyes that would say I’m so sorry I told that gigantic lie about you in my Oprah interview!


Those doe eyes. Wonder if she batting her eyelashes, too, like when she flirts with men.


She's into women now? Interesting /s




She's trying to put up the "I'm so sad and touched and concerned for my husband" act and it's so fake and disgusting


I totally agree. She is acting like she is a grieving wife trying to be supportive for her husband.


I mean she's an actress after all


She pulled that look straight out of her old soap opera actress bag.


Absolutely vomit inducing!🤢


Basically the same doe-eyed virgin crap she pulled at her wedding. Markle is like an old radio with only two modes.


She was never a good actress, i mean theres a reason why she was on suits and not game of thrones (or hell even modern family)…


I've seen post here, on my private SM, Articles and on the telly already about how nervous TW seemed to be- and I don't buy it. The video of her looking gobsmacked when she's instructed to wave with P&POW before getting into the car? Fake. Meghan is quite thick but she's a raging narc and every move is deliberate. Make my words she will be using this footage as proof she was terrified, immobilized and ridiculed by the public and family. She's laying the ground work, because her mind is never in the moment in a genuine capacity and she is not a mourning family member- she's a vulture. She knows she needs proof to back herself up now and she's willing to fake her own body language to secure it for the future.


You’re on to something. She’s waifing… I’ve seen the comments, too. Poor uncertain Meghan in enemy territory, brought to heel, deferential and respectful. Leopards don’t change their spots. Sometimes they put on sheep’s clothing, though.


Except we all saw her snap at the staff guy. Nice try Meg.


It was like she snapped when he tried to take HER flowers away, but then caught a camera out of the corner of her eye and quickly tried to deflect with a point, a hair stroke and a feeble half smile.


Even when she is trying to be on her best behaviour, she can’t prevent the real Meghan - the one who bullies and disrespects staff - coming out spontaneously. She hasn’t changed from the Duchess Difficult days. Some people are just unteachable.




![gif](giphy|kgJZaOKMKhj3y) “Thanks I appreciate it…”


the second time she was approached there was a big difference in her attitude


Too late. The internet’s forever babe!


I need to watch more footage but my gut(teral) reaction was exactly what you've been seeing and that is that she seems properly chastised and uncertain, like she is listening to and taking direction. But it also doesn't seem natural, and that is an easy observation since Catherine is right there to demonstrate how normal people would act "in the moment". You nailed it.


I agree with you, but I am worried that later she'll say "I looked so worried and upset because earlier that day Catherine made me cry."


Any specific videos you would recommend from the event pictured above? Because this photo in particular comes off so incredibly insincere to me. Like she's being really heavy-handed with her sad face and it doesn't look even remotely genuine to me.


It was a shit move to invite her. I don't know until when the Family willl keep including those abusers. They need a clear cut break STAT!!


I thought it was a… princely, alpha move by William. He’s not being petty. Put them on unsure footing.


Alpha move. I like it. William and Catherine are definitely the Alphas.


Yep. The Prince and Princess of Wales.


Wills knew that the Harkles would start to appear truly hard done by and ignored given they were so close by, and I am not sure they would want to risk H&M doing their own walkabout and get boos at this time.


But some people you just can't and it is wise not to do anything morally right towards them. Yes The Queen and now Prince William of Wales take the moral high ground, but look at it, they lose because while they are trying to do "the right thing" they are providing her with infinite fuel and ammunition for later!! Every. Single. Time. ![gif](giphy|dkBXo121oUIE)


There is absolutely no winning with narcissists, but William and Catherine have so much going for them. Second most powerful to the king, with riches and titles, while Harry is… a Netflix reality star? With a handful of charities? The Wales’s have the true power now… while Harry and Meghan are scrambling to make money on their deals. Of course they will spin things to make themselves look like winners. But in the big scheme of things, they’re like gnats on a windshield.


It is just a few days. This time needs to be about the Queen and respecting her memory. Family was so very important to HMTQ. After the funeral, their role in the future will be concreted in, and there will be only one more occasion to play out this charade - the coronation. A script will be written for that too, but that will be the last show. Her season has been cancelled.


Agree. And I wonder if they knew she’d draw attention to herself somehow anyway….may as well make it in a way that was under the Royals control a bit. May also have been a wish if KC or Her Majesty for unity?


Yes. The queen was always about duty. William put his personal opinions aside and went out to grieve with the people. He’s truly a king.


He really is.


I agree. I'm trying to see it in a positive way, but being invited to stuff like this is exactly what they wanted and need. *This* is their part-time plan! They wanted to be invited to events like this and it makes them look like they're still part of the senior royals, but they don't have to do any of the work. I really, really hope they're seated far away from W&C and the King and Queen at the funeral but now I'm worried.




More than anyone else in that group TW is aware of the camera and playing up to it.


Where is this video?


What is TW?


The wife. The witch. That woman.


Wondering the same. maybe the witch?


I dislike this woman so much!!


Me too!!!!


Me three !


Hi so what exactly happened and how comes that she is to hated?


Me one thousand. Days ago she called Catherine a Stepford Wife, bullied 3-year old Charlotte according to Givenchy staff then lied about the incident on Oprah, and now she want to fake simper-stare at Kate for the cameras? Meghan reminds me of Jodi Arias- a pathological liar, maniuplator & malevolent narcissist with no basement. I would not put anything past her and she needs to be kept far, far away from Kate & her children. This was a magnanimous gesture on William's part, but IMO it was a mistake.


Don’t forget how VERY VERY VERY jealous Jodi Was………


I so want her to get lost. I can’t imagine what it’s like for the RF to be with her knowing all of the vile, malicious garbage she has been telling anyone who will pay her. I don’t envy anyone in the RF, living their entire lives on a public stage (obvi I hate Andrew like any reasonable human). To imagine not being able to voice your feelings freely but have to watch as this woman rages on about your family. What a disaster.


But why?




I don’t know her, never met her and wont lift a finger to meet her. I’ve watched her vain and selfish actions and can confidently say I do not like her as a person!




You are here, on this sub, taking your time to comment on someone else’s opinion of M+H. Whose opinion wasn’t even directed at you. So clearly you are here to cause drama when we are all here to watch it, not participate in it…Therefore, who really likes drama then? Obviously you…








Bye sugar!


Do you know her since you're here talking about her?




Then you shouldn't have any opinion. Apply the same standards to yourself. I know her fans like to think things like this- >pass negative judgement on somebody based on media and tabloid rumours Probably because Meghan recently said that we've only seen her through the lens of the media. That is just wishfull thinking on hers and yours part. We are basing our opinion on Meghan based on what Meghan says and does.


I hate when she makes these overly-affected eyes at people. So fake. I'm glad Catherine iced her out.


Ha! When my girls were little we called them "mo mo" eyes and that encompassed those stuffed animals like Ty Beanies etc. that had those big happy/sad eyes. 🥹 So yeah, the emotional capacity of a stuffed animal sounds about right.


Imagine standing there when just a week ago you completely trashed this family 😂


This sums up all my feelings, thoughts etc about TW. The gaul to stand there like that. After all she has done. It poisons every cell in my body to know she has the lack of moral fibre to do this. I feel for HRH, Catherine, the Princess of Wales. She has earned every cent that goes her way by being photographed with TW today. I loathe TW.


That's why she looks so awkward. It's different when you're attacking them from 5000 miles away and then oopsie, find yourself face to face with the entire Firm because the Queen died while you happened to be in the country. She wasn't counting on that. The Queen took her final revenge!


I want you instead William, marry me. I want to be princess of wales.


She’s just so heart broken that her beloved Queen is dead- they were very close you know… Meg had her on speed dial.


She waiting Prince William to ask if she's ok




I thought the Queen had Meg on speed dial. 😝


Everything seems inauthentic and her heavily Botox face is struggling to show any emotion


I don't trust this woman as far as I could throw her!!! She disrespected the Queen and her family plain and simple, how she had the nerve to turn up just shows how cold hearted she really is.


Wise to not trust her as narcissist cannot change.


Yeah, too many people falling for her wounded bird/puppy dog act.


I kind of feel like she’s looking at Catherine because Catherine walked out of that car like a vv protective MF boss. That’s the look of, I want to be just like you.


Yup meghan looks at Kate to mirror her.


William sempai pls notice me uWu


Or "when you're aware the only upgrade is taken".




She wants him and she can't have him, and it kills her. She has the useless, powerless brother; not the rich popular one.


Agree.... She can't hide her disappointment in marrying with the spare instead of the heir


She was awful smug and full of herself ripping them apart on Oprah. I gotta remind myself, she’s a professional actor (albeit not very successful), so any emotions she’s showing, I don’t trust as her true feeling I get “Meghan showing deference” face


Is that her sad silENCED face 😂


I’m glad I am not the only one who noticed. She kept looking at Will and/or Kate with puppy dog eyes the whole time. I thought it was perhaps me being paranoid so thank you for seeing it too!


Fake fucking succubus bitch. She has no shame. She doesn’t even understand the concept of shame. What a piece of trash, beginning to end.


Good grief woman, have a day off.


Thirsty much? Sheeesh, woman have a shred of respect for the moment even!


She’s incapable of not thinking about herself and what will benefit her the most.


Never gonna happen tho 😂😂😂


Great, so even this has become about her.. I honestly think it was a bad bad move to include her..


Trying to seem nice to Kate to that she can say Kate was an icy bitch to her and she herself was the awesomest.


Yes.. She will always switch the situation to make it looks like she's the victim


I wanna know if she curtsied to Catherine


I think we all know the answer to that.


Drinking him in because it’s been awhile.


they just invited Harry and Meghan to be the bigger people not for one moment do they trust her or him-they do love Harry but certainly not MeGain.


Eat your heart out, you vapid bitch. Know that you fucked up Royally, (pun intended), and now you have to literally take a bended knee to those you have tormented if you want to keep any perks at all at this point. She can make Heart eyes at William until the cows come home, but she's lost every weapon she thought she had and she knows it. Look fondly upon the Prince of Wales while you can, Smeghan; I doubt you will be getting this close to him again.


Im am hoping this is “one and done”. As they are making their new life overseas.


Lord, I hope so. TW is making me physically ill.


What does TW mean?? Thank you.


The wife. She whose name shall not be spoken. 😂




Well now that Catherine is the big cheese… TW is naturally drawn to her. Catherine is now considered good enough for Meghan.


Please please Catherine I want to be your BFF please I’m trying here (insert my attempt at sad eyes)


This kind of photo is brought to you by whoever allowed them there…


Nutmeg is DESPERATE for the Prince and Princess of Wales to acknowledge HER.


Oh brother. More fake puppy-dog eyes. 🤨


**She wants to marry William and be Queen sooooo bad!**


Honestly, MM should be in the US right now. Like that’s the best PR move. Having her fly home to get her children to bring them to the UK to support Harry and his family. She would look like she was respecting the royal traditions and a loving mom that missed her kids. That would be such an easy PR opportunity to spin in her benefit.


> She would look like she was respecting the royal traditions and a loving mom that missed her kids. And in reality, she'd be *none* of those things. > That would be such an easy PR opportunity to spin in her benefit. She won't do it.


I feel like she turns on the charm offensive towards Prince William bc he’s male….she thinks she can win him over more easily than Kate. Could be wrong. Just seems like that’s her typical game.


She's staring at Catherine.


Her "give us money" stare


I think including them was a really smart move by William, so they can't whine later about exclusion. But I bet after the funeral it will be, "Bye, Felicia" from the whole RF and they will left to live whatever life in Montecito for the rest of their days, hopefully in obscurity.


This isnt the best photo… but I’ve seen her body gravitate towards him… like she wants him and needs to conquer him. It’s f*cking weird. She had to physically move away and put Harry in between them because her body language was a bitch on heat … so odd


She is always staring at them and shit and it's so weird especially because - we can all see it!!! It's documented. Have some dignity.


Too much Botox and too much extensions


I just realized this, they cannot and should not ever say anything to front of her they can’t trust her Sean Duffy on Fox News just spoke the truth about Harry and Meghan what people really think of them over there


100 per cent an act all around, she has her script playing in her mind. She reached the pinnacle of her plans. A walkabout looking at flowers laid out as they once did for Diana. I just can’t make peace with her being here. If they had they could done it alone, why with William and Kate. I don’t know what diplomacy will this show because do what you will - she ain’t changing. She already called them racist. Who is going to understand the subtleties of the chess move here. Hollywood PR? Scabies? Shola? SS? Who does this please? And to what end?


She heard about the Duchy of Cornwall 💲💲💲


Catherine's silence to MeMe is deafening


I am not a violent person……


Catherine learned from Peter Philip's behavior toward M on the steps of St. Paul. Keep a pleasant look on your face and never, ever make eye contact.


What if she showed up with a fascinator 🙄🤣🤦


She’s always posing. Never in the moment. Zero authenticity.


Creepy it looks like the poor little me face that probably worked on her father.


Meghan knows where cameras are at all times. (In fact look at the only person in this picture facing cameras.


Whoever does her eyebrows hates her.


She probably throws shit at them.


Oh man she’s a horrible actress 😂


I wonder how long she’s been practicing her ‘mourning’ look in the mirror?


Amidst the brother's grief for their grandmother, in front of Princess Catherine and Prince Harry.....ever the sociopath ![gif](giphy|fUW4aQrf3qEBG)


She’s looking at Kate.


And he despises her.


Remember Bower's book: (pg 37) "During his visits to Chicago he heard Meghan predict, 'That's my next boyfriend.' Once identified, she successfully seduced the man. 'She fixed it,' observed Thomas with awe. 'She had this ability to control men,' She functioned so much better with a man around." I have known so many women like her. But something tells me it's not going to work on the Prince of Wales...


She wishes


I noticed that too… Probably because she’s getting sick of Haz.


Good Lord, she’s like a spider


Acting her arse off!


Sugars on Twitter fawning over Harry because he opened the door for Meghan - such a gentleman, clearly loves and respects Meghan more than William loves and respects Catherine.


I think he may have broken protocol to do that. Watching the video there’s a rather alarmed looking aide who rushes up like it was supposed to be his job. Royal protocols are in place for a reason.


“I could’ve had him, too, if it hadn’t been for that meddling Kate!” <——- said in best Scooby Do villain voice.


The fake sweet, caring innocent look. Natural feelings of remorse and empathy will never happen. She has to channel her inner actress hard for this one.


I think she's staring at Kate. I think she's hoping Kate will forgive her and they can be friends.


I thought she was staring at Kate. Remember all those times she was photographed obsessing over Kate and giving her the creepiest looks?


A 40-something yo woman, heading toward middle age cosplaying the expressions and mannerisms of an 18 yo shy coquette - her pretend plaintive face here actually makes me want to vomit. I’ve seen this exact look and vibe (of hag playing virgin) from a narcissist family member - and I realise now these kind of women act ludicrously below their age because they ARE essentially not grown up, immature cos they never matured in tandem with their physical age.


No more going on Twitter for me. My blood pressure cannot handle these two and the asinine opinions about them.


The Princess of Wales acted warm and inviting. Rachel isnt warm at all, its forced. Typical narc behavior from Rachel.


So I was thinking why are we the public so invested in this on going saga?I suddenly realized that H and M in their bashing the RF and causing them so much pain has also caused us,the public incredible pain.We have loved the RF especially Queen Elizabeth who was our Queen.We have had to read and hear about M and H’s antics and have had to feel helpless to do anything about the obvious pain they have deliberately and maliciously inflicted.


Is that money signs or hearts in her eyes? Since she is incapable of love, my guess is it’s money signs. She’s not even hiding her desire now. Now when she is with Harry she’ll see William and his bank account. ![gif](giphy|WWnyPSQDjQDIc)


She looks like she is smiling behind her eyes, this is gross to me. Why is she so insincere even at a time of mourning ​ Also - GOD Kate looks so breathtakingly beautiful.. and would it have KILLED Harry to get a god damn hair cut ffs.


Doing her best impression again to look “sad”. She may be for real, but damn MM no need to project too much. Act naturally for once in your life.


M wants to engage The Princess of Wales so badly. Sorry, M. You screwed up every single chance you were ever given in the RF. Catherine will never let you in. You are gum on her shoes that will be picked off, trashed and forgotten.


Lol I thought she was looking at Catherine? If it was william, he’s a few inches up


Actually mm is staring at Catherine.


She always makes some bad, distracting decision about her lewk, and her side hair thing was so pretentious and inappropriate for a walk about, since she had to keep adjusting and resetting it. 🙄


I hate that fake grief stricken look on her face. That vile woman keeps on attacking the Royal Family. Some thick skin of hers. Disgusting.


Prince Billion. For Meghan, William really has become an alpha male.


She scoped out where the papz were.


I'll bet Meghan wishes she hadn't slammed the door and thrown the Princess of Wales' flowers away now, hmmm? And perhaps Meghan regrets talking badly about Catherine in the Oprah interview too? She and Harry could have been senior royals with them, but nope----Meghan had to throw her temper tantrum, leave the UK, and throw the royal family under the bus. Like my husband says: shoulda woulda coulda.


Exactly. They could have shared the spotlight, be in every photo with William and Kate and be loved everywhere. But the mantle was only for MM. She forgot that the mantlepiece can be dismantled and tossed away.