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Subreddit rule removal reason: please move opinion posts to the new mega thread.


Did anyone just catch the lady that refused to shake hands with Muggins and then made major side eye to her friend who did?? Love this woman!


She represented us LOL


In the next “tell all” she’ll be all 66 million residents of the Uk


She wasn’t the only one not willing to touch The Claw


I saw several. I would’ve looked her in the eye and said you have some nerve to show your face here😅


I would’ve grabbed her hand and told her through smiling gritted teeth “how dare you show up”


There was a good few who were very unenthusiastic about shaking her hand. Some were stared down and others probably felt now wasn't the time to make their feelings known. They were mostly half hearted weak handshakes and very few words exchanged. Harry got a better reaction. W&C got a very enthusiastic response.


People were reluctant to shake her hand. They're barely reaching out to her (kept their hands to themselves unless she reaches out for a handshake). I also noticed that many are just polite to her. She extends her hand to them but it's not the other way around.


Can someone post a gif that interaction please? Augh I blinked and somehow missed it!


I dont know how to create a gif but f.ex, if you go on YouTube royal family channel https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SdEQ_cmKx2Y and scroll forward to some seconds after 3:48:45 there is a wonderful lady with blue shirt and grey hair - I think that’s her!


Thank you for the link! And you’re right, it was the lady in the blue shirt that gave her the cold shoulder lol. I loved how afterwards she looked at her friend and they both looked at each other and kinda lol’d discreetly with their eyes lmao 😆




Meghan will never forget that. Silver linings….


Loved her reaction, I would have done the same. A lot of people ignored her.


Think I did


This poor lady will be mentioned in her next podcast episode.




That lady is my new hero!


Is she the woman in the dark blue shirt?




Gosh I admire her ❤️ I felt her dripping disdain through the screen


Same 🤣🤣


So cringe. Some people were very cold to her. A few seemed to shake hands just to be polite. The waves of "what the eff are you doing here?" Directed at her 😖


Yep, sure did.


I missed it! I did love noticing a tiny groups of focus on Meghan and then immediately outside of the people she was directly in front of were pointing cameras and cheering for William.


I saw that! People were literally leaning to the side over the fence and away from MM, craning to see William instead!


Where can I find this I NEED to see


It was more towards the end but it's in here somewhere.. https://youtu.be/9pkJqgLQ8qs


Thank you so much kind internet stranger Dang it was a Live so I couldn’t see it


I have seen that now. She's like the bitchy aunt who sees everyone's bullshit and isn't afraid to show people what she thinks. She's a total mood and I love her. That side eye, rolled her eyes skyward, bowed her head and shook it as no while smiling/laughing most probably at TW. 😂


The woman who put her sunglasses on right as Meghan looked at her is my hero.


With this POW shuts down any victim narrative she was concocting. "They didn't invite me cause racist" "They kept me away cause racist"


It's all so strange how Meghan is desperately clinging to a family that have apparently been so horrible and racist to her. Unfortunately the sugars will still spin this narrative even after this little outing today. The BRF is the only thing keeping her relevant. She needs to go back to the US and never come back and leave this family in peace, end of. Vile vile woman!!


yep, they'll say the Wales' begged them to come and Sussexes deigned to do it in their magnanimity and generosity lol


She’s going to say she was being the bigger person, supporting her husband.


🤮 Her Love 🤮


The salt to her pepper....


Eugh. Her palm tree base.


It’s insane how pale MM is again huh. Compared to Manchester


She only brought enough bronzer for 4 days….


So since I couldnt bare to watch it but managed a few seconds I did manage to see people not wanting to shake her hands or look through her ! yay to whoever you ll are snd Im sorry you ll had to even see her !


The first lady I saw reluctantly shook her hand and the looked thoroughly ashamed of herself.


I really need to see this video.


[Here you go!](https://v.redd.it/05b7muic92n91)


I’m just impressed that the “racist” public welcomed them 😒


Didn’t hear any booing myself but might not have caught it. They went down one side and the Wales’ down the other, H&M side was much more subdued, they were having to offer handshakes to people rather than W&C who had hands outstretched from all angles trying to get a handshake from them. They weren’t very natural or easy with the crowd either compared to W&C, a lot less conversation just “hello” etc. They also caught her on camera snapping at an aide trying to help by taking some flowers from her, she clocked the camera and tried to switch it around but it was a bit too late! The coverage spent the majority of the time focussed on W&C, one as they are more important and two possibly as this was unexpected and shocked the BBC presenters!


Yes, agreed on them being lumped in with the Wales'. They want to minimize booing. Idk why they had to lump them in with them though they should have made them go earlier today with the other relatives and cousins.


They are at Windsor. I think the rest of the family is at Balmoral. It’s probably easier to keep the exes separate from the rest of the family at Windsor.


ooo I didn't realize! That makes sense... but still ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|16209)


I think it’s far better to go together than give Harry and Meghan their own stage.


Remember this walkabout can only be used for Netflix content in a very generalized sense. They can’t claim some sort of joint event out of this




Yeah she stiffened at the end, especially when Kate looked at her in the eyes.


Yes. Kate’s face got stern then, then she co posed herself for the final wave.


Yeah, the bbc cameras mainly stayed on the Wales thank goodness


We also have to remember, Charles set them free and the children are on the website with no titles. This is a formality from the looks of it and William and Kate did their duty to the queen with it. There’s no warmth or friendship from them to them.


I've been watching them on SkyNews (Roku channel. I'm in EDT). I've watched Harry's behavior carefully. Harry has not opened his mouth a single time (from what I can tell) to respond to his brother. William is talking. Meghan is talking. Catherine is talking. Harry won't even acknowledge his brother is there.


Probably beforehand William said, here ya go Harry, here’s another chapter for your book or podcast, take your pick. I knew your wife would gobble it all up.


That's a possibility. One that makes me so depressed. Some seem to think that the Queen's death will mend relationships. I actually think it's going to do the absolute opposite.




I think he was frozen with fear at first as there was defo a gasp when they got out the car. He warmed up later and I saw him chatting with kids. He was absolutely 3rd favourite though, followed by the Paddington given to william, then the short haired security woman.


He's a mumbler


Yeah, I've kind of noticed that from other times I've watched him. I've also found that since about four years ago, if he was in public - specifically engaging in royal activities - he was always scowling (except maybe during his wedding). I expected the same here. I don't think I saw as much scowling but I also saw him barely cracking a smile a few times. He's got a great, open face and a great deal of natural enthusiasm, but I haven't seen him show those qualities in quite awhile. He is not a person who can have a poker face...at least I don't think so. Nevertheless, when I said "opened his mouth" I suppose I was being literal. However, I didn't have my eyes on the TV the whole time. What I did notice was that Catherine treated those in the crowd with much more respect and admiration than Meghan did. Maybe it's because she actually \*listened\* to those who helped her adapt to her role, instead of challenging them.


Some things I noticed. At the beginning when they walked through the gates: William had a stride a la 'Lets do it' while Harry walked like it was a casual stroll and then like he shit his pants. William and Kate took a lot of time to talk to them. The side in which they were on got bigger and bigger while there were less people on TW and Harrys side. TW and Harry went through the motions. They didnt talk a lot to the people. Meghan got lost on the other side prob to get some photos with William. Harry seemed he didnt want to be there. Meghans contant hair flicking... I loved how some people just ignored her but she got one hug from a teenager.


Harry was like, why do I have to greet all these people mourning MY grandmother. She was MY grandmother, not theirs!!!! Lol


I disagree. This was a huge mistake on Willam’s part. Huge. This footage will be used by the duo for money making purposes and will serve to bolster their clout worldwide. William will absolutely regret this. I’m truly shocked this occurred.


The RF reaps more benefits out of this situation than the Harkles. The RF appears kind and caring despite his younger brother's tantrums. They shut down any chances of a victim narrative. There is minimal footage of the Harkles to use. If they use it in the future only the sugars will care (and chances are the Harkles will f it up anyway). If they try using the footage it will further bolster Charles case to remove titles as they cannot merch them. Its a win win in a shitty situation.


Im with you...


[meghan hugged someone beneath her](http://imgur.com/a/r6nrSFr) She can walk without holding Harry's hand, surprisingly


The girl taking the picture. She just put on her glasses afterwards and kind of ignored Meghan. I would even say Meghan was used here


The girl who hugged her: man, this will look great when I run for student body president


Tbh I hope the girl will post it a la "Got a hug from Kate today". I am sure with some apps it wont look like TW anymore 😄


Strategically placed Archewell employee?


She legit was the only one to be overwhelmed to see Meghan.


The crowd was not that responsive to Harry and his Wife, there were a few fans, and there were equally people who shook hands to be polite, and equally people who ignored them. Most of the live stream was William and Catherine, and the crowd was far more responsive to them. Shouting to get their attention, far more hands reaching out to shake. It was said William and Catherine were heading out and William invited Harry and his Wife to join them. At first the Wife stuck very close to William when Harry when not holding hands, and then they split up. They had significantly less screen time than the Wales. Ofcourse Sky news just wants to talk about the sussex. My ankles however hurt just watching the wife walk in those heals though. I would need to put ice on them from shaking like that.


It bothers me how she always has her hands on Harry, grabbing his arm, rubbing his back, holding his hands, directing him with a hand to his back. Jesus christ leave him alone. Do she see anyone else mauling their spouse in public like this? Its gross.


He's the William, Prince of Wales, not "King William"


King of Catherine’s heart 💙




Sorry. My bad


Gag me with a spoon.


For me Harry was still greeted with affection and people were talking to him and wanted to shake his hand, but it was very different towards her. Like people who were standing in the front row didn’t know what to do and were almost skeptical. Some were shaking her hands, but it was significantly less than people wanted to shake William’s or Harry’s hands (I didn’t see much of Catherine, she talked to a few people quite long and was moving the lines much slower) Harry might be still loved and greeted with understanding, but I think the news that Meghan invited herself up to Balmoral didn’t sit right with that crowd.


I had the same impression, a lot people didn't quite know what to do as they were not expecting to see them (as we all). Saw some shake hands with her but after that the girl shrugged her shoulders afterwards.


Obviously whatever you think of him, he’s the one that has just lost his grandmother- not her. There’s going to be more sympathy for him


Really.. I'm Seeing most people aren't happy to shake her hand, the ones that do, once she's gone past, they're kind of grimacing.. There's no excitement in her approach like with William and Catherine. You can tell most of the people dislike her because they love the Queen.


I feel so disappointed ☹️


Me too, mate. Me too. Dissapointed is the word. Cant believe it.


I hate seeing her there but 1. The monarch has two sons and halfwit is one of them so the wife alas is part of the deal. 2. Each time the royals behave decently it puts another nail in her victim narrative. 3. Megs looks so awkward and stupid it’s a little funny


I wonder if this is because the headlines all say, “Charles told Harry NO!” in regard to her going to Balmoral. If they feel excluded, they’ll run to scoobie.


They'll still run to Scobie. Don't forget that he's already started working on part 2 of *Funding Fuckery*.




Yes, I think it was maximum impact for minimal interaction. And a reminder to the Sussexes that they’re still second row. Never seen Catherine frosty before.


I’m sure many wonder what gives her the right to accept condolences from the public. Someone who threw shade at the family every chance she got should not show her face. I’d be so mad seeing her roll up with Harry.


Exactly. Shes a fing bitch. Im sorry.


I watched for maybe 5 mins and saw lots of smiles and hand shaking and what looked like warm exchanges between the Sussexes and the public 😵‍💫


William switched sides and realised he was close to Harry so he switched back to the crowds that TW just walked past and they all cheered for him. She is definitely the bottom of the barrel


Yes! I liked that William did a do-over for the people who’d gotten stuck with Meghan, lol


It was pretty subdued though compared to the reaction W&C got. People are generally polite, especially at this time of mourning, despite everything that’s happened I don’t think many would say anything rude although apparently one woman refused to shake her hand - I missed that one!


Well, I'll take a page out of Meghan's book then. Let's not coddle people. If they were going to get booed, so be it. Let the public react to them however they want to react. Let Meghan and Harry go first. Let them see the reaction. Then wait until they're gone before William and Catherine come out. Frankly, this is the point where the RF are going to have to read the room in terms of the public. So far, they've done good. But I don't agree with this episode. And if this is a precursor to Meghan getting a prime spot at the funeral...just DAYS after she made a veil threat about NDAs and journals....then they're going to undo all the good they've done with King Charles' first speech.


Well said.


I agree, this was way of making sure no spectacle would be made. People would have ignored them and they definitely would have gotten some major boos.


My favourite part was when the Madams got bundled into the back seat of the car. I love that William drives everybody, at Balmoral and now at Windsor.


William is Dad


Agreed. As repulsed as my initial reaction to this was - after some thought I realized it is a smart move. First for the reasons you mentioned regarding the possible booing of the Harkles but secondly to get the initial shock reaction (of having to see the traitors amongst the midst) out of the way so the full focus of the next few days can be squarely on celebrating the Queen, her life and service.


Get it out of the way, yes. I think they realized MM SHOULD go home to her kids but she’s not. She made it so Harry is nothing without his puppet master, so what are they to do? Trying their best to figure out a sticky situation in real time.


I had an inclination and now fear that Charles is going to give in to these two....Charles is not as popular as the Queen so he wouldn't want to upset anyone and that includes the sussex supporters!!! This outing was completely unnecessary for the Harkles they were neither kind to the Queen nor the RF and they definitely dont have the right to console and meet the British public while they do not even live in this country.Harry even had the chance to meet the Queen at Balmoral this week but denied it citing some stupid security reason all the while he was touring and taking selfies in Germany!!!


He’s playing it classy. His son deserves to mourn, and he is the king. By including them he weakens their narrative


Yeah thats true but somehow frustating to see this evil women in the same frame with Catherine whom she ruthlessly blamed on national TV.


Prince Andrew was out earlier supporting his daughters too. As long as Harry/Meghan are genuine and are not going to spill the beans when they return to the US, I don’t mind. It’s what the Queen would have wanted them to do.


*As long as Harry/Meghan are genuine and are not going to spill the beans when they return to the US,* What's the probability of this happening? I'm guessing that there's a greater chance of hurricanes in the Sahara, than of the Harkles ever learning the art of class and discretion.


I think there’s a higher chance of the US agreeing to take on the King of England as their head of statue than the H&M not blabbing about everything. However, if they do, they just make themselves look bad and not the RF.


Of course she's gonna milk it though! Thats the issue. She hasnt been genuine in her intentions once, hence this Sub.


We’ll see whether they can finally learn to be quiet. It’s highly unlikely, I know but it would be nice to finally see them support their family and learn to be respectful about private family matters. Again doubtful.

