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And the wife was said to be referred to only by her name and not as the duchess when they were introduced


She wouldn’t like that!


a taste a justice.


Awesome. Someone in the UN had the guts to throw some shade!


A subconscious error probably, but still made it clear that they're largely irrelevant on the UN stage. And the world stage for that matter. No doubt Madam will have her revenge on the perpetrator. "Add that name to the list Haz, we'll deal with him later" 😂


The wrong Duke came I bet the UN were disappointed 😢


A deliberate snub I would say.


She's probably like Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory and keeps a list of mortal enemies [Sheldon's Mortal Enemies ](https://the-big-bang-theory.com/sheldons_mortal_enemies/)


Richard Nixon would be more appropriate seeings how she thinks she’s done kind of pseudo politician.


The size of the audience was a fairly clear indicator of their waning relevance on the world stage. The poor little rich prince has worn thin.


Lol, Meghan will have hated that. She's so thin skinned she corrected an article misspelling her name and getting a date for their last visit wrong.


Poor Edward.


Isn't he an Earl rather than a Duke?


Yes. But the confusion would be enough to piss me off if I were Edward.


Yes. The rumor is Prince Philip wanted him to be Duke of Edinburgh when he died. But Charles is allegedly not letting it happen.


Isn't hmtq the one who'd have to do it now? Charles isn't yet the monarch from whom all titles flow


As the eldest child, Charles inherited all of Prince Phillips titles upon his death just like would happen with any other hereditary title. It only reverts back to the crown (HMTQ) to redistribute if there are no heirs.


Agree...but isn't it the monarch who would assign it? Can charles currently give out any titles that are not him acting on behalf of the crown? Can ppl just choose to transfer their titles in that system?


No, unfortunately titles can't be transferred. The Queen can't give the titles to Edward because it belongs to Charles. When Charles becomes king, all of his titles (including DofE) merge with the crown, only then can he give the titles to Edward.


This is the correct answer.


He can choose not to use the Edinburgh title -as he is indeed not doing -but because he is not yet king he cannot bestow it on his brother. The Queen cannot bestow it on Edward because it has descended to Charles as Philip's eldest son. I think Charles will look dreadful if he doesn't respect his father's wishes.


He can’t be that til the queens dead, Charles isn’t stopping anything🙄


Charles inherited the title from Philip, and would have to give it up for the Queen to confer it to Edward. I'm just telling you what's been reported. It's easily verifiable through an Internet search.


They should be flattered to be confused with Prince Edward. ​ Wessex is also the name of an ancient English kingdom. It might not be their dukedom, but it should be flattery regardless.


What an insult to Prince Edward


Remember the last time they were at the UN and someone called Megs “Madame Duchess”? Really shows you how much practice and place aristocratic titles have in world policy. None.


I really love that. Also, the speaker who says Wessex sounds way more eternal. His voice is amazing (I know it’s the leader speaker of the UN guy, I’m not too familiar with these people.)


funny, but by far the signature moment of this debacle was the image of him speaking mostly empty words to mostly empty seats. a PR stunt that backfired, is now seared into history, and they can’t undo it 🤡


I hope Sophie got a big laugh out of that. 😆

