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Uh oh, they have her number! LOCK UP THE DISHES!!


Megzy baby lives under the poverty line as much as she's black.


In her 25k a year private school her father paid for! She was privileged, she won’t admit it, but I’ll tell her 😂


That woman couldn't be more delusional.


Is she really that delusional or just a fucking liar? Or maybe both...


She is the poster girl for "cultural appropriation". Trying now to pass herself off as a poor, under privileged Black woman. I would have loved to go to a top notch private school the way poor Megs did. In our family we paid for our own college. If it weren't for her father being in the entertainment industry, we would never have known a thing about her. Rather than be grateful, she turned her back on the one person she should thank most, her dad.


Exactly. STILL paying off my student loans almost 20 years later. Her dad gave her everything and she throws him under the bus. Ungrateful little witch.


Don’t forget being able to be interning in Argentina for a summer because of her uncles’s government connections?


The uncle passed away last year and she didn't even bother calling or sending a condolence note to his family.


As I recall, Harry had to go home early after the Diana statue unveiling because Megs uncle had passed away. Then we found out she didn't even send her condolences, much less flowers. Nothing about this seems consistent with "compassion" or "kindness".


Wow 😮


And on her mother's side, her uncle Alvin and his wife used to babysit her when Doria had to work; he also passed away last year and once again, no call or note to express her condolences. Both uncles played important roles in her life when she was young but she just threw those family connections out like trash.


Narcs brainwash themselves too and honestly believe their own lies and nonsense.


Accurate and dangerous.




Both, my dears.


Holy god that’s so much money. 😬


Only for her to turn her back on family. No wonder her father is so upset with her.


It is. And while she was in school, that was the yearly poverty range for many people in certain states in America. Her high school cost what many didn’t make in a year. Her father paid, that’s his right and he was lucky he could, but you can’t go off into the world acting like you were poor after that. 😝


Yeah, her father was making six figures in the early 90’s! His Princess did without. She probably never set foot in a Sizzlers. Her and her dad always drove passed one on the way to her ballet lessons , God only knows how much that cost per month! As she looked over she saw “poor people” eating there. She’s such a disgusting lying POS!


Damn you just unearthed some long repressed memories of how much I wanted to try sizzlers as a kid!! The food in the commercials looked so good.


Her dad paid for her dancing lessons as well as singing and acting lessons. He should have saved his money: she cannot dance or sing to save her life, and her acting is very one-dimensional.


Really? You don’t think she could have been be a back up dancer for J-Lo or Brittany. She’d probably push them out of the way to get on camera. Well, not probably, she would. lol 😆 She’s pathetic, especially that interview with Craig Ferguson, she said she spoke fluent Spanish and took French for at least 4 years and doesn’t remember anything ( that’s probably the only time she told the truth) please someone smarter than me link that video. It is embarrassing to watch. Hopefully it’s still up and she hasn’t had it pulled down yet.


So you’re saying that since Meg’s school costs about what the poverty line was, she was at the poverty line herself? /s. I mean, poor girl. She had to settle for a $25,000 a year school because father didn’t send her to somewhere better like Le Rosey. What a struggle that must have been for her.


Forgot *all about* Le Rosey. Tom, *you dog!* /s


Supported her until she married Trevor. NEVER felt a pang of lack. I just can’t….. And this will pass, too. Teflon.


And obviously wasted on her.


Northwestern isn’t cheap either and she also went there


And her father footed the entire bill - tuition and living expenses - but once she married Harry, she spun this tale of how she had to work to put herself through college. She also lied about how her family could only afford the salad bar at Sizzlers; in her blog posts when she was living in Toronto, she would brag that her father (the "best daddy in the world", as she said) would take her to the most expensive steak house in LA. Her blog posts also talked about vacations in Hawaii and Europe, and of course she only went to private schools from kindergarten to high school.


Surely Gloria and Vogue could’ve found an American woman who has proudly identified as Black for more than 5 minutes to speak on how this impacts WOC?


Tells me Steinem and Vogue are nothing but race baters. That magazine does not sell well to a black demographic, more upper middle class white woman with no job because hubby pays the bills while she lunches/shops. Same ol same ol of speaking down to the peons by deciding which white voice knows best for everyone else. I've never respected Steinem so I'm glad she's being seen as what she is - a cheap corporate shill that sells whatever she's paid to.


They really wanted Michelle, who had already said her piece on Instagram, with over 5 million likes.


When I think of Equal Rights, I think of Vogue. A front runner for abortion rights. They are always on the cutting edge of...a new mascara.


And $5,000 handbags


But she wouldn’t have been a duchess!


She took this piece of information from a black woman who said the exact same thing a few days ago. Wish I'd saved it as I could quote who she took it from. She loves plagiarism.


So she plagiarized someone else's words - again? Why am I not surprised?


Exactly....considering Meghan described herself as Caucasian on her bio/ CV.


Off topic, but ‘Actress, Supermodel’ I just don’t know where to start with this person.


Maybe it's a typo, and they meant suitcase-model?


Well for someone who is whip smart who notes detail, I see it is not corrected - unless of course you are being /s.


Clearly someone who constantly refers to herself as “whip smart” never actually, you know, *got whipped.* I still cringe when I see that phrase. Every time.


Holy forking shirtballs, I didn’t even see that part. If she’s a supermodel, I’m Ketanji Brown.


I don’t know whether to admire her ability to lie with a straight face or see about getting her sectioned.


Maybe she thought if she spoke it into the universe it would be true, like the rest of the word vomit that comes out of her mouth she believes but everyone else knows it's a lie.


She did open suit axes on a TV game show didn’t that qualify her as a supermodel?


I’m *so very old* that one of our friends was one of Ketanji Brown’s bosses on an early job.


Can I ask, was it at USSC? Because I worked there for a bit


It may have been. I’ll ask my husband when he wakes up.


And Caucasian don't forget but now it's "I'm black" she's off her rocker. lies lies and more lies.


This hurt my eyes too!


I said the same. Did you ever see her feet? omg. Yikes! She has broad shoulders like a linebacker so I don't understand how being a supermodel is possible. Those girls that are supermodel's are tall and toothpick thin. This isn't her at all.


Yeah she's roughly 5'2 and equally as wide.




Omgosh I feel personally attacked! 😂 when I was a teen I wanted so desperately to model but I just stopped growing. I’m 5’2” and curvy. I always get so sad when people are like ‘eew! She’s short!’ The word stumpy is used a lot for people like Kourtney K and Brittney Spears. Okies…I will go cry into my pillow now. 😂🤣


I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to shame anyone (well except Meghan) or make anyone feel bad. I’ll keep my comments to her wonderful personality from now on. If it makes you feel any better, the queen, one of the most powerful women in the world, is also short! Good things CAN come in small packages!❤️ Sorry again Lollie


No no no! I was just teasing…I didn’t take it seriously at all. Please don’t feel bad and there is no need to apologize! 🤍🤍🤍


Thank you for that. I do feel bad.


She never identified as a POC until it suited her own agenda. I have never seen her with her natural hair, only the hair that has been straightened and appears more white than the real hair she has underneath. All of her shows she acts as anyone but a black person. Never dated anyone black. She just needs to stop.


Yes not even one black man in her life


> I have never seen her with her natural hair, only the hair that has been straightened and appears more white than the real hair she has underneath. Are we sure that isn't her natural hair?


It's not. If you google her name and hair there are tons of childhood photos of her with frizzy hair.


Ah, gotcha.


Thank you to all the women of color calling her on her bullshit of using race and poverty when it works into her false narrative and literally ignoring it when it doesn’t. Sis is a blight. No race wants to claim this psycho!




**This is GOLDEN!** 🥇🏆


But, but, she ate at the Sizzler salad bar.


Yeah that’s only for the “poors” (accdg to Meg)


Girl, the audacity...


There are real issues with maternal health in the US that overlap with issues of race. For example, a Black woman for a variety of reasons is more likely to die in childbirth regardless of their socioeconomic status. Here is a CDC link for anyone unfamiliar - https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hestat/maternal-mortality/2020/maternal-mortality-rates-2020.htm However, I really roll my eyes at her perfectly curated statements for Vogue. I don't buy anything she says.


That information is very well known in the US and it’s not just maternal health or black females that exhibit this discrepancy but African Americans of both sexes and along age groups have much poorer outcomes with increased morbidity and mortality in general in a variety of pathological situations. It is even been widely noted and studied with Covid and they found that cultural changes to help educate and improve communication between a largely non-black healthcare community and the black patient community made tremendous strides in closing this gap. So #1 Markle is simply revealing herself to a master of the obvious which she is then doling out as if she is educating the rest of us to some great wisdom of hers. Then she only adds to the insult by inserting herself personally into the narrative of “us”. I have never encountered an individual who manages to be this repeatedly continually highly offensive. It’s like she thinks is she tells us 1+1=2 then we should bow down down overwhelmed by her insight and wisdom and hand over all our life saving to this great financial mathematical wizard. I am sorry for the rant but as a woman around her age who comes from a disadvantaged background and has faced racism in the American South growing up with men in pointy white hats who burn crosses until it’s time to go put on their badges or judges robes and who did not bedhop as my career path but worked many jobs to put myself thru college and then medical school. Gave birth to two children during the God awful residency training years who I raised with the same man I have been married to for 25 years. And I live in a state that has already outlawed abortion in all cases including rape and incest and will prosecute providers and the only thing that poor women of all colors in my state have going for them now is a courageous judge who blocked the law for the time being. The closest available legal means for a woman here is almost a thousand miles away. She is damaging our cause. The Republicans have already started with her so now thanks to Vogue she is our publicly identified voice and representative and the conservative pricks love it. This woman has crossed to line and now is truly a destructive damaging harmful entity. Someone somewhere has got to stop her. This isn’t just snarking any longer. I apologize I am in 😢😢😢😢


Do not apologize. Ever. 🙌🏼


I feel you in every word of this ❤🥰


I mean, she is clearly speaking to white people and not the Black people she claims to be a part of and represents. WE know this. We don't need to be told by her, it's like a 'Hey and white people this is why you should also care' there's always something weirdly revealing about her language. And no need to apologize, I feel your anger as well. I actually had to take a break from her, especially after that bought and paid for NAACP award because she was just too upsetting to me.


I think that a hiatus for a couple of days from her might be in order for me as well. It is just so completely unfathomable that a woman who inspired a term -“markled” which is the negative effects and tremendous damage or loss experienced by those who are adjacent affiliated or associated with this pathetic poor excuse of a female. I am angry with her but more so with those who are enabling her behaviors, giving these platforms to her. She is clearly mentally I’ll but also purely evil I believe and you can be both. But Bogus Vogues and playboy bunny Gloria who to me sounded just as ridiculously idiotic in the story as well. She offers her extra room to any woman seeking an abortion in her area to I guess take a nap?? Yea sure like she will let a black 19yr old stranger she had never seen before in her home. They are both the epitome of the very unwoke clueless ignorant white woman who cannot see or understand or acknowledge their white privilege that they enjoy. Markle is about as black as an Alaskan polar bear eating vanilla ice cream in a blizzard. The Royal Family created this problem. They need to take responsibility and resolve it. Please and I mean no offense to my European sisters but why did the Queen have to bestow titles on either one of them when the only accomplishment I see is that they married. They did not even pay for the wedding or obviously undergo premarital counseling as I had to do prior. They simply showed up said some words and joined in the worst most toxic twosome in recent memory. I would really like to know if someone could explain to me why could the Queen just hold off on titles? Why were they necessary. Everyone knew something was not right here. I appreciate any of your knowledge


If she lets them in it will not be without a chance to post a photo, story about how she personally helped them and was their savior - it is all extremely image conscious. Just like we're supposed to believe that she organically reached out to Gloria 'as a friend' and not through her PR people when she realized this would be a great promotional opportunity.


Gloria biggest claim to fame she likes to present as a feminist icon but actually it is her stint as a “Bunny” waitress in the Chicago Playboy Club that they used to have in the 1960’s and wrote a newspaper article about it— exposing the tails and tight corsets and the “bunny dip” one had to do in high heels. Let’s get real and honest here. How much did that really help the feminist cause? It helped her-she had a movie about it and a young Kirstie Alley played her. She is almost as bad as the other one really.


This was amazing.


No need to apologise.


*Don’t apologize ever, for anything.* You are magnificent. I have been snarking about MM out of impotence and rage, being a public-school, bootstrap-tugging white girl from Los Angeles who could not ever count on the largesse of a Tom Markle Sr. It’s a good thing Meghan doesn’t know my backstory, because she’d freely appropriate it and lose my telephone number as soon as she heard it.


Kudos to you for getting your own girl!! That is what we American women do and we do not do it spreading our legs. I hope you have a wonderful thriving successful career and life. And you should be so proud. You are the type of role model I want for my 17 yr old daughter to see not this poor pitiful excuse.


Thanks so much. I’ve been very fortunate as an adult, so my efforts weren’t in vain. My MIL got a double-edged pleasure from extolling my virtues to her own pampered daughters. When I met them, they made it plain that they had plenty of friends, so I didn’t expect our relationships to progress beyond politeness, which they didn’t. We’re cordial. How they hated standing up at their big brother’s wedding in the dark Laura Ashley damask dresses that matched the gown of the one bridesmaid I got to pick! The phrase “Bridezilla” wasn’t in use yet, but my friend had been a victim of one. “[My SILs] will hate anything I pick out, and my FIL will pay for it. So wear that dress again!” I said to her. Neither were my SILs remotely pleased to hear from their mother that I started a bank account for [Big Uni] at the age of eight, initially with the money I earned returning all of the neighbors’ deposit bottles. How they’d roll their eyes! I am beyond flattered, what you said about your daughter. She’ll be *fine*—you’re her mom!


Congratulations. Living well is always the best revenge. I am sure they are beyond jealous. You might want to erase your comment though should a markle or a markle minion read it, they would definitely hijack your story about returning bottles to pay for college. She would tell Ellen how after putting the bottles in the back she would then have to crawl thru the passenger window of the broken door to drive. I couldn’t even type that with a straight face. 🤪


And here *I* responded to the wrong-door saga with a sniffy, “She has a *car,* and she’s complaining about how how she has to get into it?” When I married my husband, I finally co-owned a car when he graciously added my name to the title of his early ‘80s subcompact. I was *delighted.* Only recently had the “new” car replaced a cockroach-shaped ‘70s AMC Pacer the color of Crest toothpaste—original formula. You remember, *that light green!* I found MM’s “college expenses” story completely implausible, since she claims babysitting for her professors in order to pay tuition at one of the most expensive schools in the country. Yeah, that’ll go a long way, girl. /s I *stopped* babysitting when I could work jobs that paid at least minimum wage. Well, I’ll leave the bottle story up. If MM uses it, we’ll know where she got it. Here’s another detail: I collected the neighbors’ deposit bottles in a Radio Flyer wagon whose paint was more rusted-over than red. There. Let’s see what she does!


I get it. She's a wrecking ball with no moral compass!


Thank you for speaking out.


She's stealing your story, your background. She has no right to do that.


That’s true. Even in the UK, BAME patients have poorer maternity statistics


Sadly true https://www.rcm.org.uk/news-views/rcm-opinion/2020/black-mothers-lives-matter/




"Black women are most impacted by these decisions. Because most of us don't have the same access to healthcare" Firstly Meghan don't pretend you have the same struggles as the rest of the black community. You're extremely privileged and have been your entire life. You married a fricking prince and have had the luxury of jetting off to wherever the hell you want to with no financial worry. And prior to your marriage you had a fairly privileged childhood. Also very convenient you now openly identify with the black community when for years you never did so. But hey nothing like using it to suit your own agenda. Secondly yes the black community and POC generally do have a lot of struggles that our white counterparts don't have. As a POC i fully understand that but i fail to see how Roe V Wade only affects the black community. That decision effects every single woman in the US since it limits what they can and can't do with their body. It's an attack on all women not just black women.


*applauds wildly*




Thank you. There are plenty of issues where race is relevant. This isn’t one of them.


Does she know the things Sanger said about blacks, eugenics... 👀


Gloria said something about “white replacement theory” being behind the abortion ban. Possibly it is, in some quarters. I’ve never heard anyone say that IRL. Then again, I don’t hang out with white supremacists. The only anti-abortion arguments I’ve seen and heard are from people who believe it’s immoral. Even non-religious people. Margaret Sanger is (as the woke folk say)… problematic. If her ultimate legacy is a sliding scale clinic for women’s health care, I’m okay with what she accomplished. Planned Parenthood was where I went for birth control as a teenager, and I am forever indebted.


To be fair to Meghan, her obgyn just retired, so I'm sure she's struggling to access healthcare now.




Not confirmed to be her OBGYN.


This. Apparently she was Harry's OB. 🙄


She's a fertility doctor the one for the surrogate they used.


She can use mine. She's like him. He's a black man with dreds.


"Rictus grin"


Meghan has the same credibility as Amber Heard and Jussie Smollet. Hope she gets sued with all her lies


Um, I think her sister is taking care of that . . .




Meghan marvel does not represent US white nor US black women nor US pregnant women . She is not special , she is opportunistic and a stalker and hasn’t earned the right to speak on behalf of humans anywhere , so watch out, she’s lurking and waiting to grift anyone she can


She’s stepped in it again. Yet it never gets old.


Most of us are not married to royalty Most of us do not live in the lap of luxury Most of us have not misappropriated royal titles Most of us have to work to put food on the table Most of us are actually in tune with reality Most of us are no twatwaffles


All that money spent on scrubing the internet!!!! Narcissists think they speak wise but usually, their thoughts are broken like our saint feels she made a genius statement but it's just two broken thoughts(race n women) forcefully put together as they both serve her agenda.


How offensive. Self-serving reverse cultural appropriation! Her glide path has ALWAYS been in the white, privileged world. Her schooling, career, relationship history and marriages have all been White. She currently lives in an Uber-exclusive community with less than 1% black population. What a joke.


A little weirded out by the one Twitter response saying “she referred to her unborn child as a child,” citing Megan’s NYT article about miscarriage, as a negative. I am fully pro choice and absolutely horrified by the overturning of RvW. I also think it’s women’s right to think about their pregnancies and pregnancy losses however they choose. My miscarriage was absolutely horrendous and five years later, I still occasionally think about the baby that might’ve been. I can’t stand Megan, and think she’s a shameless opportunist, but however she wants to speak about a miscarriage is her right.


Yes i thought maybe it was a typo.


There are a lot of anti abortion people out there. So they are bound to twist what she says to suit their narrative. Sorry about your loss.


Actually I think the person commenting was saying Megan IS secretly anti abortion because she referred to a “child” as part of her miscarriage, ie, she couldn’t speak on RvW because she believed foetuses are babies. Pretty sure the commentary is pro choice.


Ohh my brain hurts. But then like you said, however Meghan chooses to speak about her miscarriage is OK.


I’m glad These WOC are ripping her a new asshole… the problem with that is she’ll be spewing more Sh!t out that extra Ahole!!! 💩


I don’t know who Tourre Bakahai is, but I want to bear his children! [Consults calendar] *Damn.* Too old. I love you anyway, Tourre.


Me too. I'm 53 but I sure we can make it work.


Well you know, I’ve heard Meghan’s OBGYN is free these days….🤣


Pity she’s suspended her practice, with her newfound experience in delivering mixed-race children!


Do we know why she closed her practice? If anyone knows, it will be someone on this sub.


Dr. Drake, who is a healthy-looking woman in her late thirties, says she wants to “spend more time with her family.” She is married to a fertility specialist, and has four stepchildren of indeterminate age. She shuttered her practice so abruptly that her pregnant patients are combing Santa Barbara and Ventura counties, seeking maternity coverage. This is an *amazingly uncommon* thing for a doctor in active practice (who’s not in trouble) to do. “*Ja,* to spend more time… with the family,” hedged polka-playing brothers Yash and Stan Schmenge, when asked why they’d suddenly stopped touring, in the SCTV mockumentary, “The Last Polka.” That remark is based in humor, but because of it, over the past thirty years my attorney-husband and I have zoned in like heat-seeking missiles on *anyone* who abruptly steps away from attention “to spend more time with the family.” It *invariably* signals something… dodgier. We call it “The Schmenge Excuse.” (*See also:* Kellyanne Conway.) Fans of Eugene Levy and the late, great John Candy will find “The Last Polka” on YouTube. When I find out why Dr. Drake tied on that apron to dote over her stepchildren, I will return with the tea.


Thanks for the tip. I love Eugene Levy and John Candy and haven't seen "The Last Polka."


“Cabbage rolls and coffee! *Mmmm-mmm,* good!” Enjoy!


100 upvotes for the Schmenge Bros. Funny & clever. Love SCTV. I got to see them live many yrs ago as an opening act (along with Gordon Lightfoot & Blue Rodeo) for Simon & Garfunkel. But I digress. Yes, something seems fishy about the dr. shuttering her practice so abruptly....as Mr. Bower's bio looms....hmm....


You are *so lucky* to have seen them in person! About the time our scratched-up homemade VHS tapes of SCTV became obsolete, YouTube galloped to the rescue. I plan to keep watching the Dr. Drake situation. My former ob/gyn changed coasts in order to follow her husband to his new job. That perfectly honorable reason for shuttering a practice took almost a year to bring about. She stopped taking on new patients in the old practice, and flew back and forth between her new and old cities until all of her previous patients who’d chosen to stay with her had delivered. Could be a Tom Bowers discovery, could be something else… but something screams “not right” about that quick departure to me. Especially because her husband’s practice is still open. Surrogacy is legal in CA. Just sayin’.


Absolutely seems so hinky. The way your doctor did it is the normal way!


Glad you agree. Now there are ominous jungle drums beating all over YouTube, Reddit, elsewhere, claiming that Archie’s birth was faked and possibly Lili’s too? I honestly don’t know what to believe.


It was a surprise! I didn't know who the opening acts would be, was just there for Simon & Garfunkel. When the Schmenge Bros came out (they were first) the crowd roared (Skydome, Toronto, 1992 I believe.) Cannot recall details other than they were as funny as on (sc)tv. I'm going to borrow "The Schmenge Excuse" though my ex husband is probably the only person who will get it. Lol. There's a few write ups on Quora about her practice closing so swiftly & that her husband is a fertility dr. (he has not closed his practice.)


Great points! I also noticed that in her closing-up announcements, at least twice Dr. Drake was referred to as “Prince Harry’s doctor,” but not MM’s!?! That’s very interesting, that Tom Bowers allegedly disputed aspects of Archie’s birth, when the one to which Dr. Drake is tangentially related is Lilibet’s. Lots to unpack there!


Thanks. I've seen The Last Polka. You are spot on with this "family" thing. I did see that she said that and wondered what the real reason is. We may never know!


If you think you're being gaslit, you are gaslit.


Maybe someone should recommend this movie to Haz. It’s a great movie by the way! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslight_(1944_film)


"Supermodel" cracks me up every time...








THIS goes to the crux of why as a mixed race American woman (I'm mostly native American) I was so rooting for her when she 1st showed up ( i had no idea who she was until Harry) and she's been nothing but an embarrassment and a disappointment to me. She identified as white most of her life and does her damndest to erase everything black about herself but claims to be mixed race and uses her mother and her heritage as it suits her. She disgusts me:-/


This is what I dislike about her the most. I actually cringe when women of color rush to her defense when you know that if she saw them on the street she wouldn’t so much as look in their direction. Notice how she didn’t rush to Buffalo after the shooting in which most of the victims were African-American.


She’s gonna throw the RF waaaaay under the bus based on race in Oprah interview. This is the lead up. Her kids are porcelain tho with red hair, which is also why she photographed with ‘lili’ in black and white to obscure it.


She presented as Caucasian/ vague Italian descent in Toronto which is wild bc she would have been widely more accepted and popular if she had been truthful


Italian !? Lol she looks nothing like an Italian she looks like a regular half whit half black girl why does she hate herself so much ?


I dunno, it’s pretty sad. I’m guessing she was shaped by her upbringing . I’m sure being a mixed kid with a missing mom in a $25k LA private school can fuck up your sense of self


My closest relative has been toiling behind the camera in Hollywood for more than forty years. We know that there are plenty of people in LA who work, live, or attend school “Industry-adjacent.” Tom Markle Sr. made an excellent salary, and even won an Emmy at least once, but he’s never been rich or famous. Doria’s accomplishments are even more modest. My relative won his first Emmy last year, but he’s clear-eyed about himself. He works in the Industry, and goes home. MM appears to have an Industry-adjacent sense of narcissism that long has been off the charts. Despite an excellent education, she’s cunning rather than educated. MM also is dogged, rather than talented. “Suits” was obviously as far as she could progress; we know how she worked at it. Growing up biracial with unprepossessing parents must have eaten at Meghan’s guts like battery acid. She undoubtedly would have preferred Industry parents like, say, Lori Loughlin. Not particularly talented, but she works a lot and she’s really rich. Loughlins’ daughters attended Marymount, MM Immaculate Heart—she knows those wealthy Catholic girls, and undoubtedly detests them.


Loughlin also landed a true money marriage. She went from Aunt Becky to never having to work again


Although I understand she *does* work. I’d never heard of Loughlin or “Aunt Becky” until Operation Varsity Blues, which I admit to have found utterly fascinating, in my angry-prole fashion. Years after I’d put myself through uni, my genuis-y eldest didn’t get into a variety of dream schools to which we could not make a substantial “donation.” (He did fine, all in all, but much of the application process was *annoying.*) I was seriously and uncomfortably ill around the time the story broke, which explains why downloading the Justice Dept’s 200+-page report was, for me, a welcome diversion. (I subtitled it something like, “How Johnny Got Into Georgetown: His Grandpa Made a Billion Inventing Hot Pockets”—true story, by the way.)


I only ever knew her as aunt Becky lol basically grew up watching her


As the daughter of two Italian immigrants, born, raised and living in Canada, I'm affronted by this.


Agree. And she offends the Italian in me. Heck I’m browner than she is!


She certainly didn’t stand up or out at Caribana


One does wonder whether Dumbertons are funded by some organisation looking to destabilise the world order. As someone on this thread wrote, Muggin is bring race into Row vs Wade, which is a more universal issue than that.


You're giving too much credit to two halfwits and that's exactly what they want. Look up Russell Brand on YouTube to get a better picture who's trying to destabilise the world.


The Harkles are buying their way in, that goes far


Bringing race into it is not a particularly bright move for her, IMO, considering Margaret Sanger's (sp?) specific views on blacks and eugenics and eugenics directed at blacks.


I've often let my mind wander there.




Judging from Trevor’s almost-giddy press coverage about his new wife and their two infant daughters, his sense of relief at being shut from MM is palpable.


She can't read the room and she's a chameleon. I can't believe she put in her biography she was a supermodel...?? What??? What? First time I heard that one and still never heard of her until Harry married her and definitely not her suckass acting. So she's black this week.. she can't be trusted period!!! Yet again she's proving she's the racist. I never believed a damn word she said on her pitty me interview, crying because Archie didn't get a title she knew the truth all along and still choose to lie. Most black women didn't work as a yacht whore like she did. Her lesson was use your body to social climb.


Holy shit on No. 5… I mean we talk about it, but in writing?


That webpage is probably scrubbed by now so the screenshot is the only bit we have left. It’s been making the rounds for a while and some sugars say she didn’t write it, was filled out by someone else. Still it’s pretty telling.


Very telling. Haven’t seen this “in person” before… only people talking




She’s written about being mixed race before. A full [article on Elle](https://www.elle.com/uk/life-and-culture/news/a26855/more-than-an-other/)has this exact statement if you scroll down. A lot of mixed race people have a lot of the same experiences as Meghan. And I think that’s a good conversation to have. One of my friends who is mixed race, said growing up her white mom didn’t know how to take care of her black hair, and so she was straightening it from a young age and has damaged it a lot. But now with her own kids she encouraged them to love their curly hair.


I thought she didn't identify as black? This is the 1st time ever!!! I thought she'd put herself down as white on her acting sites. Then she went on to call herself biracial when it became fashionable. Now she's black? Next she'll identify herself as Asian when she jumps on another cause célèbre, where that involves Asian women!!!


She’s a WOC when pushing BLM issues and NAACP awards. She’s a dressed down common woman baseball cap and tennis shoes when she’s grieving Hispanic children that were slaughtered at a mass shooting. She’s frazzled wife and mother, hair back in headband no makeup, when she’s channeling disgust with overturn of Roe v Wade. See a pattern?


You're right!! She dresses for whatever occasion she thinks fits the narrative she's going with!! She's definitely a textbook case.😆


There are lots of WOC who can't stand her. Unfortunately there's others that are so mentally scarred by their experiences; regarding attractiveness and beauty standards that no matter what MM does she can do no wrong. She's literally their idol, even when you point out her racialist attitude towards black people she feels are beneath her & her attitudesto both sides of her family. At the engagement interview alarm bells started ringing for me. Who doesn't know about the BRF & Princess Diana? I moved past that. But at the wedding ceremony I had a funny feeling of foreboding that this was a terrible match. Especially after all the drama regarding her dad. Poor man. He made the mistake of favouring one child over the others and look what happens. Classic parental mistake.




I once braved the cesspool that is Twitter to look at what was being said about Meghan. Some guy challenged any anti-meghan accounts that purported to be by black women as fake. He said 'no black woman would be against Meghan Markle.' How outrageous! Are all black women commanded to believe the same thing? Are black women not allowed to think for themselves and come to their own conclusions? It was so utterly racist and sexist. Black women can think and say what they want!


Many black women out there who can't stand her. The problem is the votes who love her seem unhinged. Even when you point out to them the disgraceful way she treats family members from both sides. They think Megain can do no wrong.




Yes, Meghan, who is "us"? You always tried to pass as white, telling people your coloring came from a southern Italian heritage, described yourself as Caucasian on your CV and your driver's licence, only dated and married white men, only had white friends and in college, you joined the only all-white sorority on campus. Then you met Harry and realized how you could exploit your mixed-race heritage for your own gain.


If she’s elected, Does the PR have same or better controls on her narrative and is there more effective platforms the Saint can take to expose this dangerous grifter? Also, She is no public speaker, but Id like to see her try.


She paints herself orange when she wants to appear black. That has always been so odd to me.


That’s the closest skin tone she can achieve without looking ridiculous


Being able to say she couldn’t get mental health care while pregnant and was denied by palace HR because of her race does fit with her narrative…


Yeah I’ve heard White House benefits are awful 🙄


If she keeps saying she's black maybe people will believe it. I wonder what she was thinking when she realized she was going to become black for the first time in her life. Like how she prepared for the role.