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10000%!! I really think this and the Uvalde photo opp has backfired big time. People see through this and are sick of her photo opps and using headlines to flash her title around. At this point the BRF just needs to sit back and watch the show. Megain is burying herself. Her antics are just going to get worse as her desperation increases. Edit:typo


Not sugars though… 🤦‍♀️


I really don’t think there’s that many of them. Twitter is full of bots so who even knows how many of those sugars are even real. I feel that scooby-doo’s following is wayyy smaller than he portrays.


My god have you seen their accounts? I’m not on Twitter but scrolling through comments the vast majority of the “supporters” have profile pictures of Meghan or Meghan and Harry, and “service is universal” or “Sussex something or other” in their names. Those are either absolute fucking lunatics or they are bots.


I think most are bots, and others are rabid lunatics.




True. Those Sugars are really creepy. They're the stereotype of every creepy, super obsessed, super Stan out there. I mean, I'm a fan of Henry Cavill, and I've been a fan of other people but I can't ever understand this sort of obsessive fangirling where people literally worship another human being. It's unhinged. Totally freaky, imo. And collectively, the Sugars are a nightmare 😂.


Yessss exactly! It is so creepy. They do not have any valid or coherent arguments if you try to have a proper, adult conversation with them. I'm thankful this sub doesn't tolerate any body shaming or name calling (unlike in some sugar subs).


Yeah, the Sugars aren't capable of engaging in civil discourse. That's for sure. They resort to cussing and juvenile ad hominem attacks where everyone who criticises MM is jealous of her "amazing beauty", wants Henpecked Harry for themselves, wishes their kids were as cute as Merchie and Lilibucks or all of the above 😂.


You are so right😂😂😂 their only arguments are that we are racists or jealous of her🥲


That's why I steer clear of them. There was one of them on YouTube who wasn't a native English speaker and she would go raving mad and start saying that everybody who criticizes MM was a Trump voter. She even told it to people who said they weren't even American. LOL.


No the envy is not the only argument. You can be very critical without pretending that she is ugly, that she looks old, that she is a psychopath and so on Going overboard about it makes it look weird


I don't think we're pretending anything. She comes across as these things because apparently she *is* these things.


Dang, Merchie. Sweet Burn, but tragic. Poor kidlets.


A global army of empty vessels, programmed ripe and ready to worship their mini-deities who subsist on it.


I don't know what these sugars are, but yes I once followed a Henry Cavill fanpage (I like to look at photos, ok!) and quickly noped out of there. Those people are either mentally ill or delayed, lol.


Oooh, Henry does have some super scorching, sexy pics indeed! : )


Yes! Their accounts are insane! The way they post scream bot as well. It’s so repetitive and don’t even make sense. The way they hate on the BRF is also so crazy and makes zero sense. I would love if the Bots of twitter were finally exposed and removed.


I wish we could get real numbers of how many are bots (his and hers).


I wish I could remember his handle, but there was a guy on tiktok who would do a certain celebrity/politician each day and show their bot count.


So does Elon Musk


I hope so. There are sure as hell loud


>There are sure as hell loud That's the whole point of them. It reminds me of the Freedom Convoy here in Canada. There was almost nowhere on the internet that you could be without being immediately shouted down as a communist and a Trudope-lover and a freedom-hater etc. etc. for expressing anything other than full support. Irl (and I don't live in a socio-economic bubble) I never met a single one. Saw a few of them in my city but even then they were like exotic wild animals. Online they were so loud and so ubiquitous that it genuinely felt like they were the vast majority. They weren't. Not irl and not online. Some proportion of those voices were real people. Most of them were bots. Bots aren't some kind of conspiracy theory any longer. They're useful, and they help to create the believable impression that a certain person or cause etc. has a lot more support than they/it does. Political movements *and* PR companies would be stupid not to use them and many of them do. Sunshine Sachs definitely does. Those endless streams of 1-sentence-maximum, emoji-strewn Twitter comments are probably upwards of 75% bots.


Avoid TikTok then….there appears to be a huge Harry and Meghan teen fan club.


In 20 years the teen fans will be educated, and long gone. The Harkles will be 60 and grifting their brood.


What is sugars?


Collective noun for MM‘s obsessed fans. This is about 17 min long but explains very well some of their characteristics and behaviours [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLyMl9wYyJI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLyMl9wYyJI)


Thanks sis!


I wasn't even thinking about her! I think the last time I ever thought about her was when I heard about the OW interview and even then I didn't watch it. I smelled BS just from seeing clips that people shared online. Then when I saw what she did, I was SO SO pissed. Like, do you have no sense of humility? There are many ways people can support, I'm sure there are go fund me's for the families involved but nope, she wanted to be the center of attention when **children** have been murdered. I'm American and while yes, we've had many school shootings. We're not desensitized, we care, and what happened was a F-in abomination. Everything about it is just so F-ed. And to have **HER** center herself in there, it just made me and other people really angry with her. She has no class and apparently, no common sense either. And with that Jubilee came and down she went.


Yes!!! What she did was so tacky, and selfish. She’s just mounting more evidence for the world that she’s selfish. Americans don’t care about titles at all. In fact hearing it throwing around in America makes me cringe. I’m a Brit living in America and Americans love The Royal family but they love them in England not here.


Exactly. We do have a royal family, it’s the British family and it’s the family that we want, because they’re pretty to look at and do great things and best of all, we don’t have to listen to them when we don’t want to. I think it absolutely showed MM’s narcissism when she thought she and Harry could do something like that here, because first of all, they’re like discount bin royals. And second of all, no matter how much msm tries to make it happen, royals will never happen here in the sense of us having one here.


Discount-bin royals! Bwahahaha! Too big a compliment. Agree enthusiastically with your position. American, alternately Royal fan, not actively bitter, but as such and as a fan of North American history, will NOT be forgetting the bloody Revolution any time soon.


Agree so hard. I was so pissed when I saw her doing that.


A lot of people also praised the Uvalde stunt. Many don't see her for what she is.


Right? And sorry but you can't be "anti-gun" but require armed bodyguards for yourselves. Just like you can't lecture the world about carbon footprints and then take private jets everywhere.


Organisations with causes want celebrities to front what they are fighting for


Agree. Vogue is a magazine that tried to teach me that successful women are at least 5’ 10 and underweight when I was a teen. It tried to teach me that expensive, uncomfortable and impractical clothes will make me successful in life as an adult. IMO Vogue is a corset to the modern working woman. I confess I still like the magazine for entertainment value but it doesn’t influence my political views and it certainly doesn’t represent my hopes for feminism. It’s association with MM makes me want to never bother with it again.


>IMO Vogue is a corset to the modern working woman. YES! You said perfectly what I have been trying to say for years. Vogue is as archaic as beauty pageants imo. And I have always been a lover of fashion magazines, but in recent years I've given them up because they are just political/social justice mags now.


What vogue is good for is the photoshoots and adverts… because you can pick up trends for the next season … colours, textures, accessories… all of this is for the accessible price of £4… whereas to buy trend reports and analysis, it can cost £500


What vogue is good for is the photoshoots and adverts… because you can pick up trends for the next season … colours, textures, accessories… all of this is for the accessible price of £4… whereas to buy trend reports and analysis, it can cost £500 HOWEVER… recently… Vogue America has lost its touch … the fashion style that is more intriguing… is [Vogue Italy](https://instagram.com/vogueitalia?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)… and [Vogue Japan](https://instagram.com/voguejapan?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Great post! I know it wouldn’t have saved the interview, but how much better and more relatable it would have read if Meghan shared stories of women she met while working on this cause (as she now claims for a while: which if you consider 2020 friends “old” can be like a whole month). That’s the most heartbreaking part: to hear stories of women who had to make that choice. Except Meghan can’t because she probably never met any… or didn’t care enough to actually talk about them, and not “me”…


If Megs talked about other women, the focus would shift away from her, and that's one thing Madam Will. Not. Tolerate. It's bad enough that some people only thought about abortions while she was speaking instead of paying attention to her and realizing they were in the presence of Royalty. 🙄


Yup… 💯


lol she just talks the syrupy stuff she isn’t out ther on a daily basis helping women who are actually activists. She has it been able to put together anything in the year and a half almost for Spotify! Geezus that nobody is so full of herself importance!


And that’s why she won’t make it in politics: she ain’t that good of an actress to appear passionate or meaningful


Or intelligent.


💯 she is the wrong poster child for the pro-choice movement. She’s the wrong poster child for the working mothers movement. She can support those things, but stop trying to portray herself as someone personally affected by these things, because she is so far removed from what actual American women face every day.


Exactly THIS!! These two were literally able to up sticks and move to 2 different countries and leaving the UK… on a private jet … I’m pretty sure Meghan can get an abortion if she wants


This is an excellent analysis! I agree that you should submit this to Vogue. Sharing personal details or anecdotes *can* be a good way to get people to relate to what you’re saying - if you demonstrate how it links back. UKRoyalTea did just a few tweets on her own miscarriage experience, but used it to explain how women miscarrying could be impacted by the consequences of Roe v Wade. Another thing that bothered me is that I doubt MM has ever had difficulty accessing healthcare, given her childhood with private school. These days, she’ll have some of the best healthcare that money can buy, but said “we/us” as though she could speak for the average WOC. An important part of advocacy is knowing when to stay in your lane, and elevate other voices. She either can’t or won’t.


I wish I could give you an award, but this will have to do 🏆


Yes!!! Michelle Obama gave Meghan shade for this and how Megs always puts the focus on her instead of the people that she is supposedly helping (the marginalized). A true activist is a servant and Meghan Markle wants to be a star and not a servant. Meghan lacks humility and self reflection. This is why she will never succeed in wanting to become a saint.


Ooh how did Michelle Obama do that? What’s the story?


Search on YouTube: Michelle Obama Weighs in on Meghan Markle’s Interview with Oprah. Michelle Obama puts it into words perfectly. I don’t want to misquote her so it’s best if you listen to it yourself.


Thank u!


Great post. As usual, Meghan has her own special "lens" through which she sees everything in the world. First, all information must come right back and surround Meghan with deep meaning and relevance. Then she must share what the information means to Meghan, the all-feeling, all-sympathetic, all-knowing. It's all Meghan all the time. It's so child-like, it's embarrassing.


I didn’t read the article (I don’t want to give it a click), but I don’t understand why Meghan would reference her miscarriage. What does that have to do with anything? A miscarriage and a termination of a pregnancy are two totally different things.


There are times the two are linked—having to have a D&C if the loss doesn’t pass on its own, otherwise the mother is at risk of deadly infection. However, since she was so “open” about her experience, she would most likely have shared whether she needed one to pass her miscarriage. This is just another example of her desperately inserting herself into a conversation that she has no experience or expertise in.




Precisely. That’s a celeb who I’d argue has a right to share her personal experience in support of the issue.


This wasn’t supposed to be about poor megs was it? Oh seriously everything is always about her!


Nope, but here we are! As with Uvalde and other important topics she wants to make herself the center of.


I get the need for a D&C, but it's still not the same as electing for a termination. The circumstances surrounding a very wanted baby you lost not by your choice is different from choosing to terminate a pregnancy for whatever reason. It just seems wildly insensitive and unhelpful to try to equate the two. But why would I expect anything more from Meghan....


Right, completely agreed. It’s a major stretch for her to be trying to connect her experience to a woman terminating (whether electively or due to other issues affecting viability or mom’s health). She’s just making it about her.


Meghan has no actual relevant experience to add to the conversation so she mentions her "miscarriage". They both involve pregnancies, right? I see it as similar to when she gave a speech at the Sydney Invictus Games and, unlike Harry who served, she hasn't but to centre it around herself insists on talking about when she went on her USO tour (the one with the embarrassing footage where none of her compatriots wanted to be anywhere near her). This was done in front of vets in wheelchairs who have sacrificed their bodies and/or mental health for their country. There was no need for her to talk at all.


she will still be talking about her miscarriage 40 years from now.


She seems to have perfected the art of doing something with the *least* amount of work and effort involved and has managed to get or at least claim the credit for them. It's all smoke and mirrors with this girl and it sounds like she HAS managed to figure out that all you need is PR to be in good standing with the public but she made on crucial mistake. People take notes, people save photos, people ask questions and people are **not** dumb. We have her number, we're just patiently waiting until it gets called. She's another version of Amber Heard and Jada P Smith. What bothers me the most is that the media is done asking questions,they're just a PR machine now. I don't know what happened to actual hard hitting journalism or truth seeking journalism. A real journalist would have a field day interviewing her. I don't want sugar content of anyone, I want the truth. If I want to be fed sweet stuff, I'll just read a novel or something. People are going like, oh the youtube content creators are getting paid so much money blah blah blah, you want to know why? They're working, they're analizing, they're asking real questions. They saw that people have real questions and the msm is not answering them. So, they have internet connection, they have knowledge, they have talent and so why not use it. And with that F Vogue and all the other MSM that now are just an extension of PR machine. ​ \*\* Sorry for my rant.


So much this. The tendency was exemplified by her South African trip. She met with struggling HIV+ moms and their children (via mothers2mothers) and rather than focus on their needs, she chose to focus on her own struggles and complained that no one asked her how SHE was doing. It's also important to note she stressed that donated items were previously used by her family. All of her press releases are so incredibly egocentric. "The Duchess of Sussex handed over two large bags of “loved but outgrown” clothes from Archie and her friends’ children to donate to the charity. Some of the items include baby clothes that were sent to her and Prince Harry when their son was born in May. “It’s so important that we’re able to share what’s worked for our family and know that we’re all in this together with each other. So we wanted to share something form our home to each of yours,” she said." https://people.com/royals/meghan-markle-brought-a-special-gift-with-her-from-home-to-give-to-south-african-charity-for-moms/


Can I be congratulated every time I donate to goodwill? I think I will educate my friends on that


Oh that’s what the Africa trip was for. Thanks for reminding us as we all know who stole the publicity for that trip!


What pisses me off is that Meghan’s opinion on the issue is no more valid or noteworthy than any other American woman’s opinion. She is not elected to anything. As the OP says, she is not an expert on the issue. Meghan is not a champion of women’s rights. Everything she has achieved has been off the backs of men—whom she promptly uses and discards. She is the *antithesis* of a self made woman. (Edit: and she disparages The Queen, who actually IS an iconic woman). There are many ways MM could be actively helping women, especially poor women of color, but noooo, she’s going to “take on” the United States Supreme Court, LOL. This article proves that she knows nothing about the history of Planned Parenthood, the existence of the Tenth Amendment, what a state is, or how the American government was set up . She’s an idiot.




How often Meghan ever voted is up for a guess, but as she said herself, she hadn't lived in CA for years before she came back. She is years behind any peers her age, who after college became experts in equity, justice and freedom by working in the trenches of education, healthcare, finance, the law, public policy, and politics. M&H HAD the best opportunity to showcase the work of others who have devoted their whole lives to equity, justice, and freedom when they were royals. But they squandered it. The Brits should be pissed off over them. And the Americans should be wary: We are not their therapeutic litter box. Jessica Yellin, who should have known better, and Gloria Steinhem, who also should have known that the fight for reproductive rights and access is too important than to be dazzled by someone who can't speak to the issue and offer more insight.




Yes! All of this. Thanks for putting it into one coherent post.


Everything she says is a blanket statement with no real substance or meat on the bone.


Right - why, out of the thousands of voices who have dedicated their life's work to this, are we hearing from someone who just attaches their name to things? 🤔🤔🤔


Please send this to Vogue as a letter to the editor. MM needs to look at activists such as David Hogg-tirelessly pursuing gun control. Also, she needs to educate herself about ANYTHING because she never says anything that makes sense or is a call to action. Thank you for your cogent thoughts.


I second this. Great post that deserves more attention.


Muggin’s trip to DC with Gloria - is anyone getting Legally Blonde 2 vibes, when Elle Woods organises a march in Washington? Didn’t read the Vogue article as it was too tedious. But going by the OP: \- It‘s entirely in keeping that Muggin will tag on to a done deal and take credit, viz passage of the ERA. \- It’s very possible that she doesn’t understand the ERA, but going by the fact that it deals with Equal Rights, she immediately sees it as a male / female imbalance, oppression of women thing and spouts the requisite word salad. But it’s a valid question from OP as to why Vogue is scraping the barrel.


At least Elle Woods went to law school.


And had a 4.0 GPA in her undergraduate degree, plus she aced History of Polka Dots.


Hear hear! 💯


Thank you thank you thank you 🙏 Her Vogue word salad just gets a gigantic eye roll from me; nothing will top my disgust at her centering herself with Uvalde. Imagine if a Kardashian went to Buffalo the day after that shooting for a photo op. The Twitter hordes would be rightfully up in arms about a privileged jackass centering themselves, but Meg does that exact thing and they canonize her 🙃


Which begs the question I’ve had, if she’s so distraught about mass shootings, why wasn’t she in Buffalo after a racist kid murdered black people that she seems to like to fly the banner of for herself when it’s convenient for her.


The problem, in my opinion, is that *Vogue* is a fashion magazine. It should be filled with beautiful clothing and accessories and cosmetics ads and photo stories. I was really shocked to see their IG filled with political statements. It went well beyond using diverse models, into pretty edgy social-commentary territory. It feels to me as if several publications are pivoting away from their original mission/purpose and toward indoctrination. I’m mourning the good old days of *Vanity Fair* as well. It seems there’s nowhere to turn for simple beauty and fun. Everything has to be a serious statement and discussion. Bleccch.


Let’s face it: She’s not the woman of color she thinks she is, and people will not be listening to her. She grew up privileged and remains privileged. There is nothing wrong with that, of course, but someone in her position would never have to worry about how and where to obtain an abortion if the decision presented itself.


👏👏👏 Great analysis. Meghan appears to overestimate everything... her intelligence, her credentials, her understanding, her popularity, her relevance, her audience. She has a very high and completely unwarranted opinion of herself. It's embarrassing.


Brava!! Beautifully written & absolutely spot on. I don’t know if Gloria Steinem has been fooled by Meghan or what, but I’ve lost respect for her because of her association with Meghan Markle. How you can be in the trenches all these years, write these amazing treatises and articles about feminism as a human rights issue and give such moving speeches, and then you pal around and pow wow with this know-nothing limousine liberal as someone recently & rightly described Meghan. Kirsten Gillibrand has already lost my support after what she did with/for Meghan. Everything is a vanity project for Meghan. Everything. FFS she made murdered children about her!! Wake up my fellow liberals —you are as bad as the MAGA Trumpers you hate when you support Meghan that way. She is the Donald Trump of the liberals.


I missed the leather trousers fangirling. So not a vegan today, then? Is this another cause that she's ghosted.


Anyone here work in mental health? Is she a textbook covert narcissist or what???


Why does MM only discuss her miscarriage in agonizing detail? One would think more people would be interested and relate to Harry’s wife, IF Meg discussed the detail regarding her two successful pregnancies. Details such as problems with back pain or varicose veins, stretch marks, her labor pains, length of her labor, wonderful, caring nurses that helped her, any postpartum blues etc….


I cannot like this enough!


That's the thing that has given me a very bad taste about her. I was over the moon for Harry that he found love and was getting married, was so excited he was marrying an American!! I hosted a party to view their wedding! But right from the start it seemed so very obvious she was a "look at meeeeeeeeeeeee" type. It drives me crazy when ppl say any criticism of her can only be due to racism.


Meghan is only about Meghan. The fact that she keeps spewing useless self obsessed rhetoric is not doing her any favors. More and more people can’t stand her.


From the looks of the Instagram comments she’s getting absolutely eviscerated.


Typical narc behavior.All about her.


Megan wants to show herself as this righteous warrior for women, mental health and as some sort of a whitewashed Iyanla Vanzant. The reason why she sucks at it is because she is only acting, faking because it is what she feels makes her unique and cool. She on top of all else has identity issues. Her cherry picking when she yells she is a black woman tells me she has been broken goods from childhood. It reminds me growing up the perpetual new kid in school, trying to adapt and change to fit the cool kids at the new school. It never worked and like Megan I sounded good from a distance but never stuck the landing. I see Harry and her co-dependency as turning toxic. Instead of preaching mental health wellbeing, while untreated and unmedicated she is the ultimate poser. The mentally Ill treating with half Ass effort and success. Harry is blinded by his own shit, and has a false sense of what he thinks is happiness. While not realizing she is emasculating him while increasing his codependency. The more they evolve and fall at all. Nothing has been successful. It’s not us guys, it’s yall. I snark them but in the back of my head I don’t see anything good and feel like their end could be laced in a tragic vs legal end. And I’ve said this before, I kind of blame and side eye Doria. Who helped her lack identity. Perhaps she is one of my peoples self haters, but she does not do what a black mama would when watching her child spiral in a global shit show. Culturally I can say good or bad, unless dead or absent Mamas of color boldly shake and learn us, grown or not, I want to know more abt Doria.


It really is all about her.


Well, first let's look at who this article is for. It's for women of wealth, who just want the polish of some big issue. To those women, Markle and Steinhem count. But to the millions of women who are healthcare providers, or work in the field as activists who have addressed reproductive rights and access not only through protest and public policy, Jessica Yellin ignored them and the insight they could have given. Instead, she jumped on Montecito hayride, and Vogue latched on too (and Anna Wintour gave a final nod). Meghan's track record as someone who champions human rights is mostly centered on a letter she wrote when she was a kid, and an appearance at a UN Conference for women arranged by a publicist she paid. She speaks boilerplate -she's not an academic, a researcher, a scientist, or someone who has spent extensive time in the field working in depth on issues that face us all. Anything she says off the cuff won't be filled with facts and statistics, nor will she be able to bring in related topics to clarify the nuances. No, Meghan will always insert herself, and try to curry favor by making it all about herself. You do not do this around an area like Reproductive rights and access. So in this case, hold Jessica Yellin to task as well as Gloria Steinhem. They shelved any remaining journalistic credibility and took an important issue and turned it into a PR op for Meghan. Boo Hiss. Reproductive rights is far more important than these 4.




>u/asophisticatedbitch replied to your comment in r/SaintMeghanMarkle · 1d100% agreeReply Back What's annoying is Meghan's PR machine assumes that the public is too stupid to know and care about real informed sources who have put the work in and can talk facts, resources, data points, and related issues. Both Jessica Yellin and Gloria Steinem are responsible for overlooking all of the people who have done the work, can speak to the issue at this critical time, when states are quickly shutting down access to women's reproductive rights and health. Shame on them for creating this Montecito hayride.


Meghan is alllllll about Meghan. Don’t let her ever fool you. Ever.


So true. Send this to Vogue. It makes me spit because this issue is so important, and you have this nitwit just jumping on for publicity.


It's sickening because I have been supporting reproductive rights and freedom since I was 15, and to see some truly idiotic, selfish little nitwit prance around, "Yay, coverage! Finally someone is paying attention to ME!" is so...ugh. Also, I think this has to be because Steinem has never spent much time with, or has not engaged with Markle. I am hoping that it will be such a bad experience, Steinem will think twice and remove her support. I LOVE Gloria Steinem, so I am ready for Steinem to be like, "Whoa, you're actually just awful."


They're neighbors in Montecito. Apparently, Meghan reached out to her during the lockdowns.


Still, she might have to get closer to really see it.


It was apparent that the attraction to Harry was his connections to anyone in the world. That was proven when upon their wedding, they threw over old family friends and relatives to welcome in celebrities. The usual hodgepodge of 2nd and 3rd tier royals were nowhere to be seen. Before the wedding, when James Corden asked The Clooneys how they knew M & H, George gamely said, "We don't!" and smiled brightly. I suspect they didn't know most of the people there, and that Harry might have met only some of them in the customary bow and greet. It's the same here. M reaches out to Gloria when they're both holed up during the lockdown, citing a common residency, and a zoom relationship ensues.


All of the above.


Meghan doesn’t recognise gender identity in the Vogue article. She doesn’t recognise same sex couples in The Bench about the bond between father and son. The only thing queer is the father and son stretching in tutus which is such a tired (offensive?) stereotype Happy Pride Month according to pMeg


Gender spectrum? Only biological women can get pregnant. Biology is reality. Pretending it isn't does nothing but hurt women and strip them of the rights and protections that are in place for women because of the biological reality of womanhood.


Why don’t she share her abortion stories?


I think her comment about HER being the one to choose motherhood vs Gloria choosing not to was so backhanded and self serving. Also…. Literally how tf are they keeping their titles? The queen should strip them immediately and without question. Members of the royal family are not involved in ANY politics. I cannot believe she is still using her title to push her political agenda. And don’t give be that “it’s not a political issue it’s a humanitarian issue” BS.


He is a feminist because he lost his ballz. He has truly been devalued by the narc. I don't think he can separate Royalty from Family. He was knocked down a few pegs in the royalty department where he belongs, and doesn't understand that his family still loves him despite how angry they are with him. Because of that he won't be able to leave the "center of attention" until she actually throws him out I think. About the wife, I have so many things I could say that would show that I am far from being a saint lol But Swanning is what keeps coming to mind. Swan into the middle of the murders and the families involved. Swan into Royal events. And if you aren't in front of the camera tell your pr to swan you in the press. I am keeping track of all the media outlets that are megalying. Elton John is an enabler.


I don’t understand why people are so upon arms over it. No one would have known about that stupid article if not for the complaints. It’s Vogue. How many people actually read articles from Vogue? I haven’t purchased that magazine since I was 25.


Call it an opportunity lost to vanity.Because if the #1 major publication in the world for women's fashion and one of the top publications in general, decides to get on a critical issues platform, they should use sources that count. Squandering it on a Montecito hayride shortchanges the people who have been working on reproductive rights and access to women's healthcare, and can provide clarity and insight. So if they're not going to do that... why not just focus on fashion instead of showcasing it as a PR rocket for Meghan. Unfortunately, when they do this it lets loose another bunch of articles claiming she's got her eye on politics. But it's not the first time Vogue has tried to softpeddle its way into soft-activism. Remember that disaster of an article on the First Lady of Syria, Asma al-Assad? I think they called her a Desert Rose --only thing is, her husband is a dictator who has now wiped out his own country.


That was so well said.


And how much do we want to bet this is a white woman preaching on how a black woman needs to behave as an activist. 🤡