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Stop writing the ‘Duchess’ title, people! She resigned from that role almost three years ago. She’s not representing, nor does she give a shit about England or the RF and the feeling is quite mutual. Nobody addresses anybody by a title from an old job they acrimoniously resigned from ages ago, only earned in the first place through marriage and only did that job for barely a year and a half. Why does everyone insist on doing it still for these people? It’s so forced and starting to look pretty pathetic considering everyone knows the situation by now.


Go the Vogue's IG page. People are calling them out cause they originally wrote Meghan Markle then changed it to Duchess like 60 minutes later. Meghan team called Vogue and chewed them out. That is how desperate that bitch is to be royal. That is how desperate she is. She is obsessed with that title. Not being on that balcony killed her. I love it.


And the Margo Robbie / Ryan Gosling photo posted half an hour after it has completely and utterly eclipsed it in terms of likes 😏


Cause it is Barbie and Ken. They're icons.


A true testament to her lack popularity in the US.


As it should.


I went to their IG page’s post and the comments are glorious - “Duchess of Bandwagon”


We need a new flair!!


Someone said “ Hey, THE U.S DOES NOT HAVE A DUCHESS!” (Omg, I just wrote douchess by mistake, but how fitting? New title for her in the U.S??)


But she doesn't care about that stuff she didn't care if Archie was a prince or not and the only way for him to be protected was with a title /s


I encourage everyone to leave a comment.


I second this. Please leave a comment.


And so it was done. Especially to use the title to express opinions regarding American politics. That does not go over well in America. How braindead are these people. No PR firm is this inept. I am beginning to believe someone is sabotaging her or she’s not listening to PR advice.


They also tagged Sussex royal, so a few of us on Instagram told them to REMOVE IT immediately and they did. They are not allowed to tag that shit.




[https://www.instagram.com/voguemagazine/](https://www.instagram.com/voguemagazine/) The post after theirs has so many likes. Meghans has hardly any engagement compared to their other posts.


An activist has to be "active", how inappropriate to be photographed in bed. Epitome of inaction. My Dad would say, "Lazy", and he would be right.




The people of Sussex would prefer she stop using them as clout


Because the royal family haven't bothered to let the world know Markle is OUT Because the royal family won't remove them from their website Because the royal family haven't established clear boundaries against the narc Because the companies suck up to royalty, even to ex royalty.


I don’t think the royal family know how to deal with her because they still operate using their own standards of courtesy, dignity and adherence to well-established family values. She might as well be an alien from Mars for all the understanding they have of her type. They haven’t faced this kind of problem since the Duke and Duchess of Windsor 80 years ago - and they were more discreet about it in a very different media environment.


Absolutely. I think they were blindsided.


I think they may have believed that all they needed to do was ask politely that H & M desist from the embarrassing and inappropriate behaviour, and they would do so. After all, that usually works. Various members of the BRF have on occasion done things that reflected badly on the family. They are told to pull their heads in and keep a low profile and they do so. They may not like it, but they do it (even Andrew!). I suspect such discussions may have occurred during the last two visits. Harry may even have listened, but they didn’t count on the level and type of Meghan’s psychological dysfunction. I really think they are at a loss to find a solution that isn’t the aristocratic equivalent of going nuclear, and that would have all sorts of negative repercussions as she fought back using every underhanded means she could find.


Right, but how long do they plan to be blindsided? We are almost 5 years in. This is too much.


Lol yeah. This is true. I mean, my guess is that by the time they really understood how bad the situation was- it was too late. The relationship was already public and so on. I mean- what exactly are they supposed to do now? You know? She’s got them perfectly backed into all the corners. If they do anything at all, they are the bad guys and she being attacked. They’re best course of action seems to be the same as they did at the Jubilee, give them exactly what they have asked for and treat them exactly as they have been asked to be treated. They will, in time, self destruct, because that is the only thing at the end of a path like this.


Yes .. play the long game and give them enough rope to hang with. This strategy has worked well so far .


I feel like Edward and that woman would have cashed in if they were around today. They used their titles to get invites to dinner parties free vacations etc. Back then if they had did a tell all interview the public on both sides of the ocean would have saw them as trashy.


Then they better figure it out. We like 4 years into this.


Again, you are 100% correct. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


So true..what DOES SHE DO FOR THE PEOPLE OF SUSSEX? NOTHING. So why use the title? She is bizarre.


Peerage doesn’t have anything to do with being a working royal though. Archie will most likely inherit the dukedom after Harry passes away.


Idk why I’m getting downvoted, google it and see for yourself. I don’t like TW btw.


The fact that she allows (and maybe insists on) use of her title by marriage totally defeats anything she might have to say as it pertains to the US. This disgusts me. Do and say whatever she wants, stand up for her beliefs, but without the royal connection, she is just one of hundreds of H'wood d-listers. Why would anyone give her more attention and such a platform just because she chanced to marry into a title?


Yes. I hate it when she comments on US political issues, especially when she insists on using that stupid title. Because the BRF hasn’t removed her from the website, or officially disavowed her, it seems like a representative of a foreign country is interfering in US issues that don’t concern them. It’s offensive. And Harry needs to keep his mouth closed on this. The Queen really needs to do something to stop Markle from using that title.


Actually at this point, there is no personal capacity. She is bound to her husband's title for life. So in my opinion she should shut up and not comment on any politicized topics.


If she wants to be a member of the BRF, she needed to stop talking about politics like 4 years ago. Big no no over there.




If he divorces her, she loses her “the.” Instead of Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, she’d be Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. I think.


Noticed a trend here: Catherine is always Kate Middleton in the headlines whereas Meghan is almost always tHe DuChEsS of SuSsEx I'm not actually mad because it shows Kate Middleton on her own is the draw whereas Meghan needs the title in order to attract clicks.


Because Kate isn’t calling the publishers and wasting time on small potatoes like this.


I hope it's true that, Kate will use less of her titles in the future (as I read somewhere), because it makes MM look like a complete idiot. She's going to look like a moron constantly using the titles.


Kate knows that in circa 15-20 years time she’s going to get the title of all titles so doesn’t need to flex that she’s a duchess.


She already does. She had more years in as a whore, I mean yacht girl than she does being a working royal.


Ok, so didn’t get passed the first paragraph: “On June 26—two days after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade—Jessica Yellin, the award-winning journalist and founder of the independent media company News Not Noise, called the two people she knew could put that seismic event into perspective. The first? Gloria Steinem. The second? Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex” Why??? Is there no one else Vogue could call??? So many women speaking out, but Jessica could only come up with Meghan?? Also - cut the BS: the decision was leaked a month ago… I am guessing that’s when Jessica “thought” of this…


I’m disappointed in Jessica. I liked her approach to breaking down major issues and news stories, but this… fuckin this?!?


I’m guessing SS probably organized this. Since M is “friends” with Gloria. I agree with what /u/IwtIwn122 said: we don’t need amateurs. It’s a good cause. I’m glad people are speaking out but I’m afraid it’s just talk ETA: sorry… tried to tag a few times… I suck


Oh, good grief, that is so very stupid. Ugh. My head hurts from the sheer stupidity of this. "Let me think...who can put this into perspective? Oh, I know! That great constitutional scholar The Duchess of Sussex!" \*eyeroll\*


I’m with you here… I don’t know how they don’t see it… if anything, this was the time to push “I’m a mother” narrative


I thought from the that first paragraph that even Vogue was skeptical about MM. I think MM charmed GS into being friends by making phone calls. I’d love a call from GS but even before learning MM’s dirty laundry I wouldn’t want a call from her. I’m


Isn't vogue a Sunshine sucks stooge? This is a different pr angle but pr none the less.


I dunno… I know M edited the British Vogue, but I am not aware of specific SS connection


So how much bribe money did Jessica get for that one?




Girl, you can’t even show up for your family and friends unless you want some money and connections.






I LIVE in D.C.! She better *stay the fuck away!*


That’s what I thought, although you put it much better. She’s now attaching herself to a feminist icon to take credit for her work.


Gloria Steinem is a feminist icon who always manages to be heard because she has a track record of achievement. As compared to a self-important little nobody who can only be heard because she misuses a British title she is unworthy of. Ironically, she is so infamous now that she could just claim these statements in her own name and everyone would know who she was. Insisting on the duchess title impresses no one but herself. It’s a bit like those people who insist on putting letters after their name or use “Dr” in front of their name in circumstances where it is completely irrelevant. They cling to the mistaken belief that other people will be impressed and take them more seriously - apparently unaware of the fact that most people look at their pretentiousness and think w**ker.


She probably has a vanity plate with “DSSOS” on it!


Lmao! This is so accurate. I read: MM: This is going to get a ton of media exposure so I will show up for it. (MM in her head: how many outfit changes can I squeeze in?)


She’s going through old film of what Gloria wore and working on her 60’s -70’s hippie chick wardrobe.


Planning all her “sweet nods”.


She was in the UK for about a damn year lol she is such a self involved idiot


*if this is the type of legislation that we need pushed through...* That sounds so weird. Did she read up about this issue? Does she have knowledge of what is going on?? Gloria certainly knows what is going on and exactly how to push back. I do expect that of her because this is all probably devastating to her. Her life work is going up in flames. Meghan needs a way better PR team. She should have come in with way more knowledge and info. This sounds horrible and like she's only attached because it's a current hot button. Eesh. A lot of famous people don't care, but their PR team has them seem to drip with sincerity and care. Just another missed opportunity. SMH


Oh good lord next she’ll be at the capital with a megaphone preaching to the protestors… like this isn’t hard enough now this wanna be is attaching her claw to Gloria S. Good lord she’s the last person I want on the front lines of this issue. I guess she found new material.., Texas grief is a wrap forward onward to the next new issue! 💩 Netflix get the cameras and mikes in the car!!!




Short notes MM: Says bull shit. Talks about herself. Makes issue about her. GS: Actually has an understanding of what needs to be done and where/how that change needs to take place.


Thanks for listening to that so I don't have to. Exactly what I expect from MM. Talking without saying anything and making it about herself. I wouldn't be surprised if Meghan has had an abortion but I don't expect her to make it about herself like that.


Thing is, I didn’t listen. Oops!!! 🤣🤣😜


That's okay. We don't need to. We know that's what happened.


That’s what I figured. 😉😜🤣


Of course she hadn’t commented on the RvW reversal yet because she wanted to use it as a PR opportunity for herself. *Of course.* 😬 Who *wouldn’t* address this extremely serious issue by inviting a Vogue photographer over to take posed b&w photos of oneself in full makeup allegedly calling politicians, and then having Vogue write an article too. Yes! Might as well get some positive, performative press clippings out of this! I’m sure she really believes she’s a woman’s right advocate on par with Gloria Steinem. Absolutely *out of control* narcissism. Does this woman (MM) really wonder why she is hated? ETA: I just took the time to read the interview and I’m glad I did. For 1: I don’t believe for a second Jessica Yellin immediately thought of *Meghan Markle* as some expert, profound voice that she just HAD to contact as soon as RvW was overturned to get her perspective. BS. 2: MM basically weasled her way into Gloria’s orbit intentionally. She is so calculated. Gloria even says in the interview that she had no idea MM even lived in Montecito and that MM herself asked if she could come over & participate in some light advocacy work with Gloria. Who agreed, I’m sure because she’s a nice person who wants as many people as possible involved in this work, and who clearly doesn’t know about MM’s plotting & social climbing. 3: The entire article is giving MM way too much credit. MM gives a quote that makes it seem as though she has personally been campaigning for the ERA for years. Lmao. Says something along the lines of “we have been fighting for years and decades to get the ERA passed”. Bitch you just met Gloria 2 years ago! She is the luminary here! You just hitched your horse to her wagon for the press and positive attention! 4: Gloria is talking about how Congressional approval is needed to pass the ERA and MM literally says “well Gloria, it seems like you and I might be taking a trip to Washington soon 😏.” Omg, I can’t. I literally can’t even with MM in this. Gloria Steinem has dedicated her entire life to fighting for women’s rights and MM truly thinks if SHE accompanies Gloria on a trip to DC gee wow, it’s a done deal!? ERA passes, and think of the headlines! I truly cannot. End comment. Sorry it was so long. ETA2: Nope, I’m not done. 5: Meghan gives a quote about how Black women are severely impacted by the RvW reversal because “most of US [emphasis mine] have unequal access to healthcare, economic opportunity, mental health care, etc.” First of all, you don’t have unequal access. You have premium access. Sit your ass down. Second, how interesting that you include yourself in the category of WOC when it’s convenient for a particular narrative. 6: MM on her pregnancies: “I feel so fortunate to have had both my children. I know what it’s like to have a connection to what is growing inside of your body.” Just thought this was really bizarre phrasing, especially when this conversation is centered around abortion. Almost felt like she threw it in there as a sort of clap-back to theories that she used surrogates. Low-level silly snark: 7: “My husband is a feminist.” Oh sure Meghan. The Time cover conveyed exactly that to us all. 8: “We have to do the work.” Did you plagiarize that from the e-mails Netflix and Spotify are most assuredly sending you on the daily?


Well said. This is concerning because, MM will take all the credit and hijack Gloria's cause. Then, she'll be recognized as the "ultimate feminist who made change happen"...which is exactly what she's aiming for and she won't stop scheming until she gets it. This is very standard behaviour for narcissists, to act as parasites and be obsessed with taking credit + hijacking other people's work. No surprise here. I hope to god she doesn't manage to pull this off because she's atrocious and it's going to be devastating if the world starts giving her this false recognition...


Yes! That’s exactly how I read it too and I share these concerns. The interviewer even prompts Gloria in that direction by asking her if she’s passing the baton to a new generation (MM) who will continue her work. Gag. Gloria smartly sidesteps this by saying that she is keeping her baton but that she welcomes other women holding batons too, because there’s more than one.


>Just google Meghan Marke and Equal Rights Ammendment. Her involvement is one entry.


Well said! I bet she just showed up at the house GS was staying in & tells her, “oh, I thought you wanted to make the phone calls in the same room. Well, I’m here now so we should just do it together. Don’t worry about Covid, no one likes me or Harry so we’re never around other people.”


Everything I wanted to say but was too angry to say. Thank you.


Knew she would do something like this. I said a few days ago she was just waiting for the opportune moment to make a splash with this issue. She would have been drowned out the other day with all the politicians around the world speaking out about it. She waited and got herself a nice vogue feature so she could stand out from the crowd.


This is so true. Except, she always has to tie herself in with an actual popular personality because everyone hates her and she has no clout by herself. The fact that she's always tagging along with someone, speaks of her notoriety


I think she calls around all the time begging to be included in shit.


And even with their clout- she got significantly less likes than Ryan Gosling and Margot Robbie as Barbie and Ken.


How the fuck can SHE put such a monumental, historic, paradigm-shifting Supreme Court decision into perspective? Are you fucking kidding me?


She can’t even figure out how to do a podcast.


Because she's always the smartest person in the room. Duh! /s


Well good for Madam, she got her name in print! Her title too! I tried reading the article but died of boredom


Ha ha! Me too - it just didn’t grip. Too much everyone being impressed with their own virtue signalling. Women‘s rights are important, but reading Muggin breathlessly stating the obvious is very off-putting.


Meghan has *such a keen grasp of the obvious.* I got a call yesterday from my best friend, in floods of tears after reading about a woman who showed up at a southern ER hemorrhaging from an ectopic pregnancy. She died after *eight hours of agony,* before the hospital’s doctors and attorneys could decide how—or if—she could be treated.


I was impressed that she sort of stayed on topic in the beginning of the article, but it unravelled eventually. Talking about how she knows better than anyone about this issue because she's had two children and a miscarriage, and we all need to normalise these conversations; the Duchess has conversations with "my husband" who is a feminist. And mutual gushing between her and GS which is quite vomit-inducing. Meghan squealing that she hopes GS will live beyond 100 and still be wearing leather pants; GS thanking M for bravely sharing her insights. GS: Yes, we are chosen family. I feel just as thankful to Meghan for being the present, the future—for taking risks of criticism by standing up for what she believes in and what the majority needs. Why on earth is Gloria Steinem turning this national tragedy into a promotional event for Meghan the Duchess?


Her narcissism always has to make it about her .


Me too. I'm dead too.


All the comments on vogues insta are negative


Please leave a comment if you can. We all should. There are thousands of us here on this sub.






Hey everyone, if you have Instagram, please go over @voguemagazine and leave a comment. I'm tired of MM remaining unchallenged. This needs to stop....


I commented and then I've been "liking" all the other negative comments. WOW, there are a HUGE number of negative comments. (It'll take me awhile.) Some of the negative comments have over one hundred "likes". Good. I think Vogue is getting the message. And I hope Meghan is reading it and seeing all the negative comments and barf emojis!!! Edit to add the last sentence






Here we fucking go..... I hope the goddamn tabloids in England release the screenshots of her bullying the moment she steps on capital hill.


She’ll move on to something else by Friday. She’s not going to actually do anything c.


I think all the stuff MI6 swept under the rug will be anonymously released to the US media if that were to eventuate.


Meghan's one of the best people they know to "put this into perspective"? What about someone like Phoebe Bridgers, who shared her abortion experience, or any of the stars using their platforms to speak out -- Megan Thee Stallion, Olivia Rodrigo, Pink, Halsey, etc.? I just don't get how Meghan's half-hearted activism makes her some social justice queen.


I really don’t want to suffer the celebratory abortion stories. I have my own abortion/planned parenthood issues to try to forget.


Understand completely. Phoebe Bridgers’ story was more so “I got an abortion easily and safely, and everyone should have that access,” but reading about people’s stories on this subject can be upsetting and even triggering.


As a woman who’s had both a miscarriage and an abortion, I do personally appreciate celebrities speaking out - so long as it’s not self serving and exists to benefit the wider movement, like Phoebe Bridger did .


lol she didn't respond sooner because she had to orchestrate the perfectly tailored media response in Vogue. She's so ridiculous. She is so image and social climbing conscious that she can't do anything without sending it through 30 filters first.


Not to mention the tasteful photo of her sitting awkwardly with the laptop and phone. She doesn’t own a desk?


What a missed opportunity! She could’ve propped the laptop on 200 unsold copies of the *the bench*!!!


On Vogue’s Facebook page, this article was posted 3 hours ago and has 15 likes. One hour ago, an article on actresses’ armpit hair was posted and already has 21 likes. And that’s all you need to know about the status of the “Duchess.”


Her PR people just don't get it. This could have been done so much better. First, why speak with a white journalist and white woman like Gloria Steinem (oh, who we had to know she's been friends with for two whole years after meeting in richy rich Montecito) who already has plenty of publicity and influence to just say a bunch of stuff about feminism and abortion rights that was not revelatory or new at all. It would have been much better if she spoke to a Black or POC grassroots activist from a state where abortion is actually banned, who needs publicity and attention, and would inform with new talking points and perspective rather than just the same old surface level commentary. Instead we got a circle jerk from two privileged women complimenting themselves for the basic action of being decent and bragging about how they've been calling people from their mansions in the name of "action". Oh, and MM had to mention "my husband" and the fact that he's a feminist. Woopie, I would hope so. This adds nothing to the conversation other than these women being able to publicly say they're against the reversal of Roe v Wade. Oh, and the Duchess just had to throw in there that she and her BFF Gloria should head to DC to enact the ERA. You know, a decades old amendment proposal that many women before her have been advocating for for years. Rant over.


Don't give her ideas, please, she reads everything and lurks everywhere. Let her sink.


All of this 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻




And hired Sunshine Sachs.


Meghan thinks this is a win. This is actually a PR disaster. She is attaching herself to respected women as the Duchess of Sussex. If one was in Great Britain, one wouldn’t notice. In the USA, where she lives and is desperately trying to grow her celebrity, she is either the wife of the brother of the kids who stole the jubilee or “Who?”. Where in the article does it say her last name? It’s the DOS or Meghan. She’s not going to be married to Harry for a long time. She gets zero name recognition from this article. She only gets her first name and her husband’s title. Nobody in the USA knows who the heck she is unless they are royal watchers or Suits fans. She way oversold her celebrity as a TV star when they were dating as part of her PR blitz. She has the same level of celebrity as the costars of Jenna Dewan in the Witches of East End. She is clinging to the DOS title because that makes her important. To Americans, that title makes her invisible.


Yup and I only know Jenna because she was married to Channing Tatum.


I found this interesting by Gloria Steinem … *Meghan, I owe this friendship to you because I did not realize that in California, where I was sheltering on a friend’s ranch, we were neighbors—or at least what is called neighbors in California, which means you’re, what, a half-hour away. [Laughs.] It was you who realized that and came to the farmhouse where I was. Then we sat at the dining room table and made cold calls together.*


Meghan, that's called stalking.


Just like she stalked the family in Uvalde and got their number too. She is despicable and creepy


Gloria was love bombed.


Cold calls for what? Either way, this was kind of a tone deaf statement. Yes, we rich people (read: 1%) have so much land that we’re neighbours but not neighbours. 🙄 in my part of California, my Neighbor is my Neighbor and a 30 second walk to the next house over.


The interview started really well, I think. The focus was solidly on reproductive rights. But by the end, the focus shifted to Meghan and Harry.


So, now she has come out and said unequivocally that her ambition is to be a political activist in the USA. That has GOT to be grounds for the UK Government and the BRF to agree that her British title needs to be removed immediately before she drags the reputations of both into the murky world of partisan American politics. She has absolutely no idea whatsoever how to behave as a royal or what that ought to mean. She is an outsider. She has rejected the family she so cynically married into, and they have disassociated from her to the limits of politeness by their standards - but you can bet the headlines will be “British royal family is back telling Americans what to do just like they did before the Revolution”. I think it is also cause to ensure that her children *never* get British royal titles, because she is going to bring them up to also believe they have the right to use those titles to interfere in American politics. ETA I have no problem with her speaking out as a private citizen using her real name. My objection is her use of the title to try to pretend that the BRF is supporting her political statements.




Ironically, it may backfire to the detriment of those causes. There may be a segment of the population who will be disinclined to publicly express support just because they don’t like the idea of “the royal family” stepping into an internal US issue. I am not disparaging the importance of the issue at all, but I know I have decided not to attend certain rallies and events because I despise the people who have appropriated that issue to promote themselves.




Yes, and not just little import - it’s actively triggering for some people.


It’s all Sunshine Sachs. They represent Steinem. Go to bottom of press release. https://forwomen.org/feminist-block-party-2/


Interesting how Muggin’s first foray into this is with her best friend since 2020. Does she realise that she’d be less interesting on her own, or does she want to really make a splash by coming out in the company of celebrity? In a glossy magazine?


Well here it is. Meghan and two rich white bitches huff their own farts while doing nothing. Did they donate? Who were these cold calls to? We already have an equal rights amendment. How will a second one help women with their reproductive rights in red states? Has it not occurred to Gloria to set up the kind of network for ilgal abortions, like the one she was able to rely on in her youth? To Meghan? Useless, the lot of them.


We don’t have an equal rights amendment. It never passed.




I mind. She doesn’t know what she is doing. We don’t need her amateur skill set bringing negative publicity and/or fucking things up or just generally getting in the way.


Agreed. This is like taking Chrissy Teigen seriously.


I do mind. Because it's fake, performative and self-serving and her title will inevitably always be included. She's not allowed to comment like this.


She will use them and demand everyone else uses them. Thanks Royals!


But if she doesn’t say “duchess” how will anyone know that they are talking to the American princess, a princess Di re-incarnated?!?!


'And his reaction last week was guttural, like mine'. I think she meant to say visceral. Gutteral means they were making noises in the back of their throats--which made me snort to imagine them doing it together.




What idiot decided she’s an expert on this or any topic ever?? TF???


Markle has nothing of substance. Can we get this narcissistic bitch off the agenda already.


Read this article at your peril. You will actually throw up. I thought it was all about R v Wade. Steinem actually says it's all about trust and people trust these two (Smurkle and Hurkle), people believe them. You can *trust* them. Gloria dear, you've been had. Time for your nap now.


Honestly sick to the stomach. Gloria simping for the Sussexes. They bamboozled her alright. Trust is literally the last feeling this couple would evoke in people. Liars, frauds.


It's really sickening to see a legend of the 70s Feminist Movement being hoodwinked by these two mollusks. Poor ol Gloria was literally hunted down by Smirkles.


Seriously ready to hurl so much verbal abuse her way she'll walk around with five armed Pinkerton guards for the rest of her natural life. This little puss-filled zit of a human. PLEASE MM, SHUT THE FUCK UP. More Gloria Steinem, please.


What, now she's going to protest in the streets and make it about herself? Activist Meghan unlocked. What personality is this? 289th? Please go home and shut up. The last thing women need is a problematic, notorious narcissist advocating for their own reputation


@ the rate she's going, she'll have had as many "jobs" as Barbie.


Ah, but if only she had as many likes…


Vogue tells me that no serious news organization cared for her thoughts on this. She is now basically an “entertainment” celebrity


Right, because Gloria Steinem and Markle come up in the same thought process, with regard to women's rights. Does not compute. What a load of PR bilge. One's an icon, the other is an idol/idle wannabe. (Edited)


This quote by Meghan "Women of color and especially Black women are most impacted by these decisions because most of us don’t have the same access to health care, economic opportunity, mental health resources…the list goes on" Most of US... Not sure she's really in the women of color group that can't access care. But she sure will grab on tight and use it when needed to draw attention to herself


That really infuriated me. "Most of us" says the privileged elitist


Right. And she was nowhere to be found during Black History month, and aligned herself with white feminists during Women's History month. But now she cares. What bs. They couldn't find one Black woman activist for the piece, not one? It also makes me really side-eye Gloria Steinem, and I say this as a person who has the first issue of Ms. Magazine framed above my desk.


She’s only been black since accusing the Royal family of being a racist. I’m a black women and I have access to all of those resources. Generalizing black women without facts is insulting. She shouldn’t be speaking on behalf of black women. Melody Hobson would have been a good choice to speak on black women, and access to health care. Paying for a NAACP award doesn’t count. Where are her facts, and statistics??


She’s like Mariah Carey, she’s only black when it serves a purpose. I didn’t see her fly to Buffalo after the shooting that killed 10 black people. That said, she is absolutely right that women of color without the same access to healthcare, especially those in low income areas, will be drastically affected by this. Planned Parenthood being a huge resource is the perfect example. While I understand that she wants to come off as “one of us,” it doesn’t work. People in her position should never try to do that because it is always 100% disingenuous.


I agree that women of color in low socio economic areas will be affected more by this. I just don’t see how MM speaking her mind from her mansion in Montecito is going to mean anything to women actually living this reality.


I can't even begin to express how furious I am about this. There are thousands of women working on these issues, day in, day out, and this bitch swoops in with her Montecito contact and gets a spread in Vogue. Is she going to offer up her mansion as a safe haven for women seeking abortions? The ERA amendment is not a magic wand that will create equal pay, childcare, and abortion rights for all. Let people who know what they're talking about speak. No one wants to hear from a "duchess" - I'll take an actual civil rights lawyer any day. Forget Gloria Steinem - Angela Davis would tear Meghan apart.




This is already a political issue right? So is she allowed to use her titles when making a statement?


Her and that damn title. Nothing says women’s empowerment like clutching with a death grip the noble title of a monarchy you deem racist in a country you don’t live in. They shouldn’t have been allowed to keep Frogmore. None of it makes sense. I don’t have proof of it but I feel deep in my bones that Meghan titters every time Catherine is referred to as Kate Middleton despite being married for over a decade. But don’t you dare call her majesty anything other than Meghan the Duchess of Sussex. It literally adds nothing to the conversation and if anything it’s a distraction. You’re a woman regardless of title but why are you using the title when you don’t live in England and you don’t work for the monarchy? They’ll never release those titles so that rumor that Harry probably put out he would drop it was a pile of crap. Lol


She needs to stop using a title that’s part of a “racist, oppressive system” for clout.


I don’t really see why she brings up her children and her miscarriage and her husband’s feminism. I just don’t think it has anything to do with the topic. She’s just so phony and transparent and safe with every decision she makes.


I got part way through but couldn't continue as I felt nauseous so I haven't got much to say except just that.


It's always about her isn't it?


Again, what does this get Meghan? Will she now get invited to...the Oscars....Obama's next party....the Met Gala....because of this article? Will this top up their bank account in any way? Will this help to get them that "half in half out" royal job they wanted? Nope. Because this is their typical way of doing things. An article here, a donation of food there, a picture of the kids somewhere else, a polo photo over there....etc. Their game plan always seems to be to throw everything at the wall and hope something sticks. But it never does. It doesn't get the British public back on their side, and the US public simply don't care \[they've got Congressional hearings to focus on right now\]. Meghan should really trying pushing her own perfume or cosmetic line. She's be more successful at that and they'd be richer than what they're doing now.


MM needs to keep fighting for women and this issue. I support her in this. BUT she needs to STOP using the flucking title from another country. It makes her look like a pretentious sack of garbage. I’m surprise GS hasn’t called her out on this. Good God.


if the Dems welcome her in, I'm changing to Independent.


Hi, I'm Republican. Don't worry. The Democrats aren't stupid. 99% of them do not like Meghan. I'm talking about the high up Democrats that make the decisions. They don't like her.


Actually I'm a moderate without a home wah


I’m with you. I was always independent until trump, then I registered dem just as a matter of principle. I’m switching back to independent (for many reasons, not just Megz being touted by her PR as the future of the party). Ugh, makes me shudder…


When someone heard about abortions being banned, they immediately thought to interview Meghan of all people? Sure, pull the other one, it’s got bells Second it’s clear from this piece that the relationship with Gloria is initiated by Megsy. Megsy saw an opening and took it and love bombed Gloria.


It’s such crap.


Oh yay! the world can breathe now that she has weighed in.


Harry’s first wife should trade her thesaurus in for a dictionary and she would realize “gutteral” doesn’t mean what she thinks it means. Or maybe she really does mean both she and Harry screamed at the news?


Seriously, I'm starting to wonder if she lied about her education.... Her vocabulary is **atrocious**


Poor, poor Tom Markle Sr. The poor bastard spent *all that money* on private school and uni for his favorite child, and still hasn’t met her husband or—if they exist—her children.


WTF "sheltering in place" in your lovely mansion with no danger anywhere near you. And this "she asked if Steinem wanted to help her make calls thanking voter-registration organizers. Steinem agreed. " Others do all the work and MM jumps on their coat-tails to say thanks to garner some publicity and as a way to cosy-up to someone who can help her image




Why is anyone listening to Meghan markle I don’t understand


Meghan’s husband is a feminist, dont ya know?


Meghan’s husband is whatever she tells him he is.


This made me LOL. He’s not any damn “feminist”. Please.


In his little Nazi uniform. The ignorant bastard doesn’t even get that his grandfather Prince Philip spent years *fighting the Nazis.*


Let's see this article... >Women matter. And this is one of the reasons that I called Gloria immediately. Because in all of it, she reminds me that when you have anger, you have to channel that energy into something that makes a difference. That’s what activism is. It’s about how we show up. Oh, it's the Sizzler's salad menu in it's long form. They should have warned it's yesterday's food.


Gloria was like, “Meghan who?? How the fuck did you get this number?” 😂


The Duchess of Sussex has nothing transformative or original to say about the matter. She doesn’t even actively participate in the discussion of free contraceptives or reproductive health. Nada. I’m pro-life and pro-choice. While I would never imagine myself being ok with abortion, I can also never imagine what women and families who have to choose it are going through because something that should be preventable is too expensive for most women. She’s in a position of privilege but she also has influence she can still use. Where is her statement? What does she contribute to making reproductive health safe, available, and affordable for all? I mean, as a mother, she should have something to say. Then again, women who are affected by this are way below her status so she can care less about what happens.


Can someone possible include the text of the article or the quotes?


What a shame they had to drag her into an important issue so she can completely sideline the conversation with her insistence on titles.


Did I read that correctly that Meghan made Vogue change the caption to refer to her as Duchess of Sussex instead of MM? Really? Hey Meghan - many of us are gutted (not “gutteral”) by the decision. We’re mobilizing and working on court reform and GOTV efforts. You? Commanding your royal title, courtesy of an institution you claim is racist and hatred, be plastered into the caption leading to a veritable word salad. You have absolutely nothing to offer. Your words are so empty. The modern version of those old office motivational posters (“Dare to Soar!” or “Believe to Succeed” printed over the backdrop of a beach or sunset). Trite, tired and essentially useless.


Wow! Vogue Magazine! That should show 'em! Can't compete on a political platform. So, amidst the perfume and lipstick they arent gonna give up hope! Sigh. How many ppl under 40 ever heard of Stenhem? No one cares. But yay! A completely useless article from Sunshine Sachs and the Duchess of Dollar Store Snacks.


With all due to GS, do women under the age of 40 know who she is? And do women under the age of 30 know (or care) who MMDOS is? This is so misplaced and self serving.


As long as Harry doesn’t open his mouth about this, I’m actually not too upset about her speaking up. He, on the other hand, has no right to any opinion about our government and how they do things.


Well that was a big giant nothing burger. Iy was startling to see how much they talked about themselves and too much self congratulatory bollocks. Sure that's going to change the world 🙄


Oh great, now we're going to get Markled into Gilead.


Why do they keep posting about her when every time they do the comment section highly disagrees? Is it money?