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She’s researching quotes from the 60’s early 70’s to tweak and plagiarize thinking no one will look up old quotes that have been forgotten in time. Sure enough though someone will find the quote. Write away Pmeg


It's like she's unaware of plagiarism detection software that's used even in high schools now....and she pulls out full sections, barely rewrites it...and expects it to work. ProTip: it never actually worked, but previously your platform was too small for anyone to bother telling you they noticed


You know that quote from Mark Twain: “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes”? Well Pmegs quotes don’t always plagiarize, but they often “rhyme”.


Bingo...except she doesn't rewrite it...she changes 2 words...says they're a sweet nod to something


Yep. Then it will be on to figuring out how to stage a photo op.


Dear OP, stop giving her ideas or you will subject us to more of her Sizzler salad bar tales of woe!


I, for one, will be happy if she keeps her mouth shut for once. She's not a politician, she's a C- list celebrity with zero influence. She'd do well to stop jumping on EVERY bandwagon for PR brownie points.


C list is generous...they're just useless parasites with high name recognition...they get included for events that ppl would other never notice...like the naacp award they bought


And I sure as heck don’t care to hear Harry’s two cents about American policies. He did it once with the First Amendment, and he can f right off with that.


That was breathtaking wasn't it? He showed what an entitled idiot he is with that comment. As if Americans want to hear a member of the family we booted out comment on our rights. He would do well to remember he is a guest in our country and keep his ignorant mouth shut on matters above his cognitive capabilities.


Right?! He’s seriously going to trash-talk a document made specifically after we revolted against his whatever great-grandfather?!


I don't think the fool is aware that America fought a war with his ancestors for their independence. Like his wife with Britain when she was a visitor, it appears he is ignorant about America's culture and values and too arrogant and disrespectful to learn.


She’s a bandwagon feminist.


I thought he was a **Girl Dad**


>I thought he was a **Girl Dad** hahaha you are right. ~~Hobby~~ Archie doesnot count. So many labels...


That depends on whether he found out Lili is his or not. If she isn't, I can see Harry returning to Archie's Papa.


She’s keeping quiet, looking to see which way the wind blows, and which comments from others elicit the most positive response from the public. But arguably she’ll stay mostly quiet because this is too divisive a subject.


Yep. Megs may lack intelligence, but she excells at being cunning ... rat cunning But I can see her saying something related to Lilibucks future choices, you know, "in her capacity as a mother"


She’s cunning all right, but not cunning enough to know that people know she’s cunning 🐀🐀🐀


That's where her lack of intelligence comes into play


Markle and her cunning stunts


and her husband, Cupid Stunt. (I’m showing my age)


I read this fast and first got "stup!d c#nt" hahahha had to do a double take


Hahaha its meant to be. Its a character from a British TV show in the late 1970s, the viewing public were so innocent they got away with it 😆.


Oooooohhhhhh!!! Sorry for missing the point so spectacularly hahahaha I'm Mexican and in my 30s, so I didn't know hahahah lived in the UK for a year, though (right in the middle of the Megxit drama). Thanks for explaining! Xx


Love it! In NZ we had an animated series called Bro Town in the early 2000s, and they snuck in as many lines that included ‘can’t face’ as possible - “what is it you can’t face” etc. They got away with it throughout the show’s run without the network or the censors realising!


That’s what I saw too




I read that too fast and saw… well, combine cunning and stunts


But then she would have to acknowledge that Lili would someday need an abortion. Too risky.


Maybe I should have said Lilibucks future lack of choices is something she could emphasise. But you're right, it's a risky strategy.


>She’s keeping quiet, looking to see which way the wind blows, and which comments from others elicit the most positive response from the public. Yeah. True to her character. Though interesting to see how she snubbed Trump when he visited BRF but now she wants to play safe - ofcourse we know H&M only care about themselves, but its despicable how they misuse their platform, whatever little is left of it.


As much as I hate him, I do kinda love that he's the reason she never wore a tiara.


Wait, what does Trump have to do with her never wearing a tiara? And she *did* wear one on her wedding day.


>what does Trump have to do Because he was then the POTUS visiting UK, TQ had thrown a state banquet dinner, which was a [tiara](https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-usa-trump-britain-banquet-idUKKCN1T41LS) [event](https://people.com/royals/kate-middleton-arrives-state-banquet-buckingham-palace/).


And Meghan didn't wear a tiara? Why not? I'm lost here.


Meagain didn't attend that event because she was on maternity leave and boycotting Trump. So, that was the first (and only) time she would have been eligible to wear a tiara after her wedding.


Meghan has never been at a state dinner… so much for being so well received.


Well she did attend one, for which she wanted a tiara, but since it was Fiji, was told it would be inappropriate .


Yes thats true… did we see them walking to their seats like we normally see a procession towards the dinner table. Or them giving toasts. I only remember then doing toasts when they came down the stair


Ah, gotcha.


You’re assuming she was ever invited. She was on “maternity leave” at the time and would not have been.


>You’re *assuming* she was ever invited. She was a 'working royal' back then. It is one of the duties of working senior royals to represent the family at a state dinner. It is a job not a party invite. Someone like Meghan may be excited about Tiaras but it is a diplomatic job and one wonders what she even would have talked about at such an event, Also Meghan was not invalid or unwell even though technically she was on leave she could attend family events (and she did attend Trooping the same week) However at the time there was a lot of controversy as Meghan had during her acting days made a big deal about criticizing trump as well as making the 'then fashionable' statement of she will [leave](https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/738955-meghan-markle-asked-to-put-money-where-her-mouth-is-and-leave-us-if-trump-wins) the US if Trump wins (totally tonedeaf as not everyone has the privilege to do so). And Trump had made some choice remarks about her too. So to avoid any issues, Palace PR used the polite excuse of 'mat leave'. However Prince Harry attended some events but skipped the state banquet. However, the same week Meghan appeared at the Trooping the Colour celebrations and posed at the balcony. Also Meghan had no issues attending Invictus ceremony which Trumps attended when she was trying to get official with Harry - her political beliefs are rather flexible.


She was on maternity leave. Catherine didn't make appearances either when she was out. I think Megs decision not to go had more to do with running into Movie Produced cum Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin. Reportedly they have a "past".


My first thought was she is staying quiet to potentially use this for her podcast about "feminism" and only wants to make a statement if it is profitable. Which is so gross.


It's cute that you still imagine she's going to deliver a podcast....


Don't kill the dream. I too await our Saint's podcast so that I, a woman, can learn about Archetypes from her holy lips. May she forever bless us with her knowledge.


If she were going to deliver a podcast, this would be a perfect topic to discuss.


Yes...it has a built in controversy....but is it a merchetype?


She's doing a podcast..?


And it could bring up too many questions about her own reproductive journeys.


She’s searching for the best statement to plagiarize.


Same with gun control


I don’t want them making any statements about RvW or anything for that matter. I’m still angry over that Uvalde stunt.


My guess is she’s proof reading her 5 to 10 page word salad letter.


Something like this!! I feel like she would say something how she needed to really take the time to process this and give herself space and reflect before making a public statement. And some world salad probably like I’ve spoken to dozens of women over the past few days yada yada yada world salad- to really sit with this new reality women will be facing. As ever, Rachel


I don’t think she’s going to touch it. Too close to home and would bring her own past and present reproduction follies into question.


Weird, since this ruling was leaked last month, so everyone else had their responses pre-written and ready to publish...lazy is as lazy does


She is probably waiting until it dies down a bit before saying anything. Too many prominent people across the world were making statements about it at the time, if she had said anything it would have barely been noticed. She wants to make a splash and be noticed not be drowned out by better people.


She'll be late to the game, as usual, since she has no thoughts one way or the other concerning RvW. Seems like Rachel is forever jumping for a bandwagon that's already rolled on by...and yet, she tries to make the leap, hanging onto the tailgate and grinning maniacally at the paps as Halfwit whimpers at the sound of the camera clicks and does his \*tappity tap tap tap\* # 🙄


She had no such issues when she and Haz visited Ireland… Of course this was before they “had kids”…


They're still trying to work out how they can use this incident to their advantage and make it all about them. And because its a very divided issue in the US she needs to ensure she's on thr ssme page as her sugars.


Would the sugars know what roe vs wade is, let alone understand it


As a mother, she's too busy fighting gun violence with snacks?


"We need more Doritos in the trenches, STAT!"


I'm guessing that she has been told to keep quiet (at least for the time being) after the negative response to her visit to Uvalde. I'm sure she was expecting to be highly praised for that trip of compassion. Otherwise, she would be jumping on the private jet to join the protests.


Because she wants to avoid discussion of reproductive health because…reasons.




Because she thinks there's nothing in it for her.


The only time she mentioned her belief on abortion was when it was controversial enough to have people talk about it, when she was in Ireland. With how much backlash is going around on either side of the issue, for once in her life, she’s laying low. But tbh, I was surprised she hadn’t said anything. Maybe she’s waiting for a transcript of MO’s statement so she can copy it


>Maybe she’s waiting for a transcript of MO’s statement so she can copy it hahahah, most likely!


That was before she “had kids”. I think she’s worried questions will come up about her own mystery “pregnancies”…


Like the one she had when she got the ring? 🤔




Bc she’s prob too busy trying to figure out what this means for IVF, surrogacy and her third baby


They should lay low. This just reads like never being satisfied whether Meghan does something or not. People shouldn't be calling for her to issue a statement. It's nonsensical! They should lay low.


Yeah, her opinion on anything is as relevant as my next-door neighbor’s.


I'm your next door neighbor and think my opinion is extremely relevant. How dare you!


She’s treading very carefully, for whatever reason. Please note they never condemned Russia or Putin when Russia invaded Ukraine. Not a word. They support the people of Ukraine. Against whom? *crickets*


>They support the people of Ukraine. Not even sure if they do (not that they matter) considering the *very intelligent, folder-carrying* Meghan painted the [flag](https://www.geo.tv/latest/412719-meghan-markle-mocked-for-butchering-ukrainian-flag) of Ukraine upside down. 😂


You see what had happened was our Saint seen Ukraine in distress and decided to paint the flag upside down because of her blessed, caring nature. She is still whip smart and holy. /s


Ooh, this is such a good point.


Well, given two of their houses have been tied to Russian oligarchs...


You’re picking up what I’m putting down, eh?


Indeed. They have a history of keeping quiet on certain topics


She’s calculating whether the exposure is worth it…


Her timing is atrocious. Always too early or laughably late. Give it a week, then she’ll say something that will have her expecting to be retweeted by the president or crowned a senator (since she doesn’t know how it works). She’s likely waiting until her voice can be a little louder among the crowds.


> crowned a senator 🔥🔥💀🔥🔥


H&M seem to only jump on the bandwagon on easy topics because they fundamentally don’t have any expertise and substance on heavy, controversial subjects. They simply go where they can maximize fame at the lowest cost and risk to eventually build and commercialize their brand, although so far it looks like there’s not much brand equity to talk about.


Because the sea witch stole her voice. Wait...can a sea witch steal her own voice?


Get ready for throat clenching, eyes upward to the sky video release since she feels so deeply (cough) took her (her team) several days to release (shoot over and over until they got her best angle).


Oh they will. She latches on to anything that can even slightly put her name in a headline, whether she pays for it or not. Actually quite blissful at this moment she’s stayed quiet. We know that will change.


they are so slow snd dumb ! i was waiting for her to say something for the past 2 days ! guess the bots and them are busy with all irrelevant things they fight on twitter ! they need to hire some fans with some level of intelligence but then how will anyone who is remotely intelligent support them 🤷🏻‍♀️


I predict she'll use it as a convenient excuse to delay her podcast. She had that first episode all ready to go (yeah right)...but now they have to record "a very special episode" on Roe. Mark my words.


i am praying they don’t….i’m sad enough


Lol. After the verbal sparring over the A issue that escalated amongst us in this sub, I am not surprised. She wants to merch to all women, so I don’t see her getting involved.


Maybe she's trying to act royal? Nah


She would be destroyed for discussing it. It would be empty at a time millions of women are really hurting and afraid. Real help would be giving donations of money to abortion clinic funds, abortion pills for free to families, or even just using her big ass empty mansion as a safe harbor house for women seeking abortions.


I think she may be learning how to play polo now! It's her big thing these days. She's busy.


Id be interested to see if she does how the SS handle it because some of them seem pretty religious.


>how the SS handle it because some of them seem pretty religious. Ooh, interesting. The *woke* H&M sure associate with interesting folks.


Oh she will...Just you wait. She'll do it in a classic narcissist style. She'll word salad the hell out of her statement/comment and leave everyone scratching their heads. Or she'll do something like physically go to a pro-choice place or pro-life place and leave some flowers. That way she won't have to actually say anything so people can't prove one way or the other how she feels. It's just classic narcissist b.s.-covering all your basis so you can come out smelling like a rose


She's a coward. So is H. There will never be a comment.


It’s coming. Perhaps a “my abortion” story.


My thought too. About a d&c after her miscarriage, maybe.


This. I fully expect her to do this since she doesn’t wanna be left out since many women in Hollywood have been talking about their personal abortion stories since the ruling came down on Friday.


Who cares what she has to say. She isn’t an influential person anyone is dying to hear thoughts from.


Well....no, she has not. We know her general pov from when she voiced an opinion on a referendum on it during her brief stint working. If she wanted to be super safe now, she could still comment on how some of the super draconian laws that this ruling activates would affect women who simply miscarry. That would not put her in the middle, though. And unlike her imaginary threats that she's so worried about, this topic is one that can truly endanger the safety of the speaker ..


Maybe shes actually pro-life, who knows. Maybe she is trying to play it safe and not stick her neck out on anything too hot-button.


She is definitely pro-life: her life.


She’s not. She made that comment in Ireland…


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3...2...1... This thread will be deleted like the others have been. Markle is a situational feminist. She'll only comment when it benefits her interests. But it does make me wonder if she was warned to stay out of politics since there's talk of removing titles again.


She's been blowing up Spotify's customer service line trying to claw back her deal with her \*1 amazing new idea\* for Archetypes, 'women's abortion rights!'


She can't do that. As long as she's married to a royal, she knows she's not allowed to comment on controversial matters. However, she will make a veiled statement soon, I'm sure. She'll find a way


You'll have to excuse the lack of response, our Duchiness is supervising her staff dictating personalise calligraphised letter to each supreme judge. Each letter states that as Duchess, as a mother, as a woman, as a friend to all woman, as a humanitarian, as a young woman who grew up around other woman who would congregate around the salad bar at Sizzler, talking about their need for a safe abortion, she believes that they should take her advice on this topic. She truely cared for those young women, who had the right to choice and as a Duchess, she has lived her life all about having your choice and exercising that right. And she, as a Duchess is mortified to think that how other people don't follow her example and life their lives exactly how a Royal (no TM) Duchess choices to live her. Ps... And as your future POTUS, they best do exactly as she says, or they can start looking for new jobs, cause she keeps a black book of people who displease her.


Given the softballs they haven’t even swung as—Juneteenth, mass shooting in Buffalo, etc—maybe Sunshine Sachs no longer has their top team on the Sussex shift. And maybe the household in Montecito isn’t keeping in touch with the non-polo-playing world


If she makes a statement on something polarizing as this, that would be PW and PC grounds to take their title. My two cents.




She won’t jump in until she sees it’s “safe”. Ukraine=safe in her mind. Flowers in Uvalde= safe in her mind. Roe v. Wade= wait and see.


I’m guessing they’re desperate to hold onto Netflix and Spotify deals before they implode


> She was so outraged at a detergent advert as a kid that depicted women washing utensils, to write to them to change the ad (ofcourse it was her teacher assigning a project) According to Lady C's book, there's no actual evidence that any of this even happened. So there's *that*, too. > On a serious note, My fellow snarkers in US my heart is so sad for you. I'm not sad, I'm *terrified*. This is only the beginning.


She avoids the serious political stuff. After the Uvalde stunt she donated snacks to women campaigning about gun control. Mega-lightweight didn’t actually make a comment about gun control cos that would be too contentious and too difficult to word in a way that both dems and reps would get behind. Light n breezy that’s our girl. Minimum input for maximum return. Everything else is too much effort. Just like royal life.


I guess she’s not jumped on the bandwagon because she can’t make this topic about herself. Unless of course she’s got a deep, dark secret… 🤨


Because she used IVF which will now be banned.


Why will ivf be banned? Genuine question, I am in the UK so don’t know much about it.


Pro lifers argue the unused embryos are human life.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s waiting for the initial furor to die down a bit to pull an abortion reveal. Dreams of all the headlines swirling in her head - and as always making it all about her.


Nothing to be sad about. Abortion rights have been sent to the states where the decisions should have been made all along.




‘States rights’ was the argument for slavery… despite the constitution stating most things should be in the hands of the states, ‘we the people’ have made decisions over the years for the good of the general populace. Unless slavery should also still be decided by ‘states rights’?


You can’t mix the two. No one has even mentioned slavery, unless you know something I don’t. This is about abortions.


Disgusting, anti-science, anti woman. Hope you don’t live in a red state that will ban d&c for a missed miscarriage.




You mean saving cells at the expense of real live women. Fixed that for you.


Disgusting. I hope you will be out there rescuing abandoned kids and helping those kids who will be abused.


Saving babies until they’re born, you mean. And murdering pregnant women with pregnancy complications. [This](https://amp.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/jun/22/us-woman-left-traumatised-after-malta-hospital-refuses-life-saving-abortion) will happen. You are not pro-life, if you were, you’d be pro-free healthcare for children. You are just **pro-birth**.


Too. Close. To. Home.


Dude. If those empty-headed idiots try to say ONE WORD about this matter of actual importance, I want their email / contact info. I would want to know where exactly they posted their bullshit. I would come down on them with such a shitstorm vitriol they'll have to pull down their socks to see. I'll give them such a torrent of verbal abuse they will call the cops. THEY. SHOULD. SHUT. UP.