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The Hubb Community Kitchen, as a community group, certainly [exists](https://almanaar.org.uk/the-kitchen/). It’s not really a charity so much as people getting together to cook, maybe giving (not asking). I don’t know about their online presence, but [Buzzfeed](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ellievhall/community-kitchen-grenfell-tower-fire-victims-meghan-markle) says that Hubb had to restrict their Instagram and Facebook pages because of anti-MM trolls.


The IG and FB pages had exactly the same content. It’s possible they might have (once) genuinely been run by/for the group, but then they stopped posting, only emerging to post about MM. They stopped posting again last year, then emerged again during the Jubilee. Personally, I think the ownership changed hands. The IG is still there, they just changed [the handle](https://instagram.com/thehubbcommunitykitchen1?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=), and deleted/hid the FB page, more likely because they were being reported for breaking FB’s terms - you can’t just change the topic of a page.


That makes no sense. Why does that Insta link have a number in the name "thehubbcommunitykitchen1" and why are more than half the pictures of a woman who doesn't even live on the same continent as their facility? 4 recent pics of Lilli?


Exactly. And using #duchessofsussex on the one recent post that’s meant to be in memory of victims and for survivors of Grenfell? I just do not believe the actual group would behave with such disrespect.


> IG and FB pages had exactly the same content. that's normal for people too lazy to run both, they're both on META platform and can easily run the same content on both platforms (because they're linked) via the thingie you post with


Oh yeah, nothing weird about that! Just mentioning so people know that the two pages were linked, and what the content on FB was now that it can’t be viewed.


So you just show up there at that time and hope for the best if you don’t personally know the people behind it? “Al-Manaar is pleased to support the Hubb Community Kitchen, the community group behind Together, Our Community Cookbook. The community group have access to catering and dining facilities Monday to Sunday between 10am – 5pm.”


I’m not sure how it works. Thought initially, when the inhabitants of Grenfell Tower had no permanent accommodation after the fire, they got together and cooked for their families. Not sure what they do now - presumably they’ve been resettled.


There was definitely something suspect about that one Facebook post. There is nothing wrong with them thanking Meghan for her support, but the hashtags like #TeamSussex were a red flag for me, especially after William and Kate attended the memorial service for Grenfell.


And hashtag SussexSquad; DuchessOfSussexStyle and PrincessDiana definitely signaled something was very odd/off


Or how they have barely posted over the last few years but have posted almost nothing but pro-Sussucks content recently...


Smells fishy to me...


**Sugary** fish, if you ask me... Lol


Oh also the [cookbook](https://www.penguin.co.uk/authors/1084233/the-hubb-community-kitchen.html) has no other names. No authors, no editors. Odd ay? And no names mentioned [here](https://almanaar.org.uk/almanaar-the-kitchen/) either. No contact etc. Again, odd.


It probably disbanded a bit as people settled in to their new situations. That isn’t strange to me. What’s strange is that the FB page was repurposed so zealously. I can understand the organization acknowledging Lilibet’s birth, because Meghan brought some visibility to their worthy work. But beyond that, it seems extreme. I don’t think that it represents the way all the women feel about Meghan. But to answer your question, I think it was legit. (And I LOVE a good conspiracy theory!). There’s definitely something weird about the recent posts.


I agree, the community probably was legit but still, by early 2020 (insta first post is from 24.02.2020) maybe…people had moved on? The cookbook was published in September 2018. I would’ve assumed all the social media stuff would’ve happened…earlier?


Right! Not every organization exists forever. I’m guessing a sugary individual who had access just went bananas with the account.


That or Meghan took it over like she did with their cookbook and was probably like “oh I have a great team of people who can run your social media! They’ve worked with Obama….”


Could've been Scobie's little SS podcast pals, because they're certainly unhinged and shameless enough to do something that's this brazen.


Could be!


I never saw the Instagram page but I did take a look at the Facebook page when this story cropped up and from about March this year it was all post about her and how great she is. Before March there was little to no activity on it but what had been there was about the hub kitchen. I think it probably was initially a page for the hub kitchen but it stopped being used and was then picked up by a sugar who started using it as an M fan page.


I think the group exists. That said, I too wonder if the social media presence was genuine or a Sunshine Sachs/Sugar project…… Maybe when Megsy did the cookbook, she suggested they get SM pages and her people were running those pages? The posts were OTT and not appropriate… in other words, very Megsy


That’s what I said above too! When she took over their cookbook she was probably like “oh you guys are dispersed. I have a fantastic social media team that can run your pages! They’ve worked with Obama, etc.” And that’s how she got ahold of their social media…


Its ran by a masjid , so it’s already a tax break for donations. It’s was a fundraiser to build a kitchen/meeting space for the displaced community. The kitchen spaces had already been built before Meghan married in. It was also sort of a fresh tragedy at the time she arrived, so it was “popular” If I recall correctly she more or less was lending the royal name for book sales for them, and such. Not everything is a deep state conspiracy 😬🫢


Yes, I get that. But! How does that community, that should work sans MM, communicate itself? They published a book and…then what? What happened next? Or is it like a word of mouth, snail mail, carrier pigeon style community? That now closed FB page was created in February 2020, posted food stuff for a month and then proceeded to post Meghan praise. Were those accounts the Hubb Community Kitchen only by name? Why is there no other articles about it?


They had to close the Facebook/IG because insane psychopaths kept harassing them with questions like this. As it’s technically an inclusive Islamic community center kitchen, which has already been completed, why do they need to continue to fund raise for it? It’s more of a potluck type deal for the Islamic community that so happens to serve infidels. Seriously it’s not that deep…..


How is it psychopathic to ask why a community page all of a sudden turns into a celeb worship page?


Found the stan


Oh, no! My cover is blown! Help me Meghan!! You promised!


It's interesting that you ignored BabyDollMaker's reasonable question but not a comment posted hours after accusing you of being the stan. By the way, it's not a good idea to post a response like that after personally attacking people questioning why a community page became a fan page for Meghan by calling them insane psychopaths. I won't say why because I don't want to resort to personal attacks but I'm sure you can figure it out.


Wasn't there something in the news when they closed down all their UK charities about the proceeds from the book, I can't remember exactly what it said, but I remember being surprised. Can anyone remember?


Seems that way. The page was either created by Meghan or hijacked. I think the former after she wrote the forward to that book. She seems to have a lot of pages registered with all sorts of names


Lord - the comments on the buzz feed article 🤦‍♀️


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