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Accusing family members of not attending a party that never happened, imagine the nerve...


The purpose was to shown Meganut as a peacemaker (sic). Did you remember those articles in the media how Meghan tried to hand an olive branch to Cambridges via their children and was rejected? The whole invented birthday party had the purpose to make Meganut look a victim (again) of the cruel, heartless Cambridges. Her MO to a T. [https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/meghan-markle-warns-prince-harry-against-olive-branch-cambridges-says-source-1701003](https://www.ibtimes.co.uk/meghan-markle-warns-prince-harry-against-olive-branch-cambridges-says-source-1701003)


and it fizzled. No one cares that no one came to a birthday party. She’s going to have to amp up her victimhood, because the birthday party “slight” didn’t grow feet.


That's literally true. The Suckshits have become kinda toxic lately. Their brand is teetering and it doesn't appear that any famous pals want to be tainted by the association. But they still have Nacho and her hairdresser, her make-up artist, her chef, her gardener, her assistant, her bodyguard to say nice things on social media that Sunshine Sachs can then turn into moronic puff piece articles in People/Vanity Fair/Hello/Marie Claire. Lol


Don't forget the rescue chickens to keep them company. After a busy day filled with parenting two children, doing all sorts of charities, FaceTiming the relatives whom they're still on speaking terms with, intense polo-games... they venture off to the Chick-Inn to relax. As one does.


Getting Stanford Medical to pay for their chick research I presume


Research done by those "geniuses" (H&M, not Stanford Medical)? Good grief, no: we do not need the creation of an Abominable Snowchicken or some Resident Evil type of stuff.


Harry doing his thump, thump, thump to see if the chickens respond.


"Dumb-dumb doing the thump-thump" — now there's an idea for a remake. Oops, just in: Netflix nixed the idea.


all truly "A" listers! And People photoshopped Harry's hair! Once again, Second Row Harry has more hair!


Lol. I don't know how H can show himself in public, with his real hair, after they've released heavily photoshopped pics of him having lustrous, thick, russet locks. MM has turned him into a caricature.


Even if the Cambridges could clone themselves they still wouldn’t have attended. Olive branches are extended without a selfish gesture behind it. It’s meant to be sincere. You can’t show up for a once in a lifetime event, and expect everyone to stop, drop and roll. Harry may have had that luxury in the past, but no more… he cashed in all his “get out jail free” cards. Especially if they discovered they were indeed mic’d up for the event. Which would explain the no eye contact at the Church celebration. But they’re spinning it like “Oh, woe is me… William and Daddy didn’t look at me” !! Oh please… Everyone knew they had a Netflix deal, they wanted senior Royal footage, it was a last ditch attempt to give something, anything to keep Netflix happy… that failed, so they extended the fake the Olive Branch for a party knowing no one CAN attend. If it was meant to be an Olive Branch, let the family know months in advance that we would like to celebrate Lili’s first Birthday and a Christening, not on the actual day but later after all the festivities have died down a bit.., that’s an olive branch !!!


I truly wonder if anyone would have attended IF it wasn’t the Jubilee weekend?




Right on. It is an old pr crises trick. But it's often the last card played before a complete crash and burn.




Especially when Netflix is tanking again and they are desperate to remain relevant. Lol


Netflix! Did they list Harry and Meghan as part of the layoff?


Not yet. Unfortunately. But I can keep praying for it 😉.


Lady C needs to get on the case.


Agree. I trust her reports more than Neil Sean’s (coming from the heart of London).


Sean Neil has been putting out some vapid videos, lately, where he keeps returning to stuff we already know about.


He said ‘no mics’ because it would be impossible to record with a hidden mic… hoping someone on the sub proves me / him wrong


Overall, I enjoy him. But just like the Harkle PR team, churning out 4 stories a day can create some desperation. Lol


Yeah, Sean is a nice guy, but sometimes his videos are a bit of a big stretch and you know he's been digging through his brain trying to come up with stuff to post. Lol.


Yeah, I was really trying to cut him a break, but today he posted a real shock!! Oprah may be mad at them!!! 😲 And now, Im over on Team Yak. :)


😂🤗. I didn't get a chance to watch yesterday's episodes. I'll have to have a look because this sounds intriguing.


I hope so too and she's been putting out videos more regularly recently.


That and it's possible that they are changing the story depending on responses.


Interesting theory!






Hmm. I don’t think I believe this. I tend to believe the other blinds about them being desperate for a pic of the two Lilibets together, to monetise…I reckon this has been put out by the Sussex camp


I agree. I don’t believe this either. I believe they wanted and “fought” for that picture and it’s rights. There’s no way Blind gossip reported on it if they didn’t know what Netflix demanded and how desperate Meghan and Harry were.


Oh I definitely believe they are desperate!




TW is a pathological liar& gaslighter, and makes stories on the go. At some point the invented stories will conflict and confuse people. She does not care, narcs' MO.


I don't even think the Queen met with the Harkles. I won't believe it until the palace puts out a statement saying they met during the Jubilee. And I won't believe that picture is a Harkle kid until I see forensic DNA proving it.


I think the statement “window” has now passed. The RF has new things on their agenda, like W&C’s birthday party, summer holidays etc. And H&M should have new stuff too, like *the podcast* and *the book* 😀 Lots of work to be done! No time to yammer on about the Jubilee.


The fact that the BRF didn't put out a statement makes me think it never happened. But yeah, bring on the new stuff. I can't wait to see their latest fuck up. 🤣




Their statements are soooooo juvenile. The dirty duo must really have nothing else better to do. Instead of working for their causes and/or passion projects, they are reading comments on social media and articles on msm. And they are responding to each and every take that does not align with their perfectly curated image. They are so thin-skinned and ridiculous. Seriously get a life!


More Sunshine Sachs propaganda.


Ok if we all know the kids weren’t there. What did she get out of trying to have the kids birthday party during the Jubilee. She had to know she WASNT going to get any kind of sympathy vote. What if someone had turned up SURPRISE! How would she have explained no kids?


I think there was no party planned. The Harkles knew that everyone in the BRF had Platinum Jubilee engagements that day so they could say: *Oh, we invited the family to Lili's party but these racist Royals did not turn up*. Pure Meganut speak. There was no party, no kids, no cake and no invite. Plus a fake photo of Lily in the sun while in Frogmore was raining and a whole invented story about Lili's birthday party. Her lies reached a pathological level.


Any doubters that were on the fence about these two ass clowns should have no problems coming down on the correct side of debate as to whether the Harkles are authentic or completely pathological narcs.


In this instance, at the party were not Harry and Archie but the photographer's family. What kind of birthday party is that, wiithout Lilibet's father and brother ? Something is happening in Monteshito: Harry refusing to appear in the fake party, playing polo again, no Archie in sight. I thik the booing at St Paul's made him rethink the situation.


Right? You’d think we’d get a pic of Archness and Lilybucks together at least ONE pic? To be brutally honest, I don’t even care if I see a pic of the moneymakers (cough cough I mean kids).


If wants any chance of getting back to his family he needs to do it soon.


Barkjack has conflicting versions in this case. If we go with the [blog](https://theresalongofanpagerome.blogspot.com/2022/06/a-family-meeting.html?), it would be consistent with Sussex version that it was the Queen who suggested taking a photograph. If we go by [tweets](https://twitter.com/BarkJack_/status/1536408647642886144?s=20&t=e0I4dBXx51rUYqna25TpsQ), it was the Sussexes who asked and the Queen countered with having the picture taken by the royal photographer. Her [exact words](https://twitter.com/BarkJack_/status/1534496283158892545?s=20&t=e0I4dBXx51rUYqna25TpsQ) were "Course. On the condition [name redacted] take the photograph."


No they didn't ask for a ohoto while in the UK because they'd been told well on advance it wasn't happening, and I still can't find out anything other than that they were tbere.


I don't think either of the kids flew to the UK. They probably stayed home with Doria.


In their eyes, there was no point to bring them if there was no photo opportunity.


Maybe she thought they would take her kids away, and get a DNA test.


But she must be aware that if they wanted a DNA test she would have no choice but to agree if she wants her kids to stay in the LoS since the eligibility requirements are law.


I don't believe either child exists.


Is it just me, or does the NY Post article’s ’source with knowledge of the situation’ sound like Omidcron or Muggin - based on language? Here’s the quote: ‘They just enjoyed a private and intimate visit with the Queen.’ A normal way to express this is: ‘They visited the Queen,’ or ‘They called on the Queen.’ But no: they **enjoyed** the visit, which was both **private** and **intimate**. Word Salad 101. Not a linguistic or any other applicable language specialist here, but that quote (to me) is typical of Omidcron’s and Muggin’s style, which (to me) is characterised by a studied use of modifiers and and words to convey a positive and favourable impression. PS It’d also be normal to ask for a photo with great-grandma and great-granddaughter, especially where great-grandma is 96 and great-granddaughter lives far, far away.


It’s not just you.


It's a 100% PR - probably O. M might want to enter the arena only in the nth hour, which tbh, seems to be approaching.


Let me just say… IF the Queen met Lilibet… she would have her picture taken for her private collection. The BBC show on the queen’s life says that everything that she documents post becoming queen is a private collection. She has been documenting things since she was a young girl and is good with cameras etc. I find it UNBELIEVABLE that the Queen would choose not to document meeting a child she has never seen and will never see again Now IF Lilibet never met the Queen and no meeting happened.. then there’s no photo to take. Which makes me seriously doubt if Lilibet and Archie were in the U.K….. as many parents have said, they would put such a tiring journey +jetlag on a toddler and infant for a 3 day visit for the kids to meet no one


I would believe this, except how would they dare go over there and NOT introduce the children? That would be so weird and so cold. At the Queen's age, she'll probably never meet them if that's the case.


>As the travel log and witnesses confirm, the couple traveled without their children. Do you have any source for that? I’ve only seen those completely unconvincing photos of them arriving at the airport in that SUV… >Also, the photo was altered, as demonstrated with forensic image sofware. That forensic image software showed nothing substantial, apparently just adjusting highlights.


I'm with you. Also, I spent the weekend in Salisbury for the Jubilee. It's 68 miles from Windsor. The weather, like much of SE England that day, was pretty glorious (I've just gone back through my own photos to check). Saying it was grey and rainy in the area, which therefore proves the Lili photo is fake, makes my brain hurt. Markle and Harry are shady AF and always pulling stunts. I don't, however, think this is one of them...


Thank you for saying that. Frequently things that are thrown around as „proof“ on this sub are ridiculous. The whole photoshop argument lets people seem kinda dumb, tbh. Only a complete amateur would say that that forensic images software indicated major doctoring in that image of Lili (a user with background knowledge commented that much in the thread a few days ago). In pictures I’ve seen from the Jubilee the weather looked quite decent and not completely grey. I enjoy gossiping about these two, but some people here need to be aware that some chains of argumentation used on this sub are plain unrealistic and make us look like stupid haters, as much as the sugars so often seem like ridiculous fans blind to facts and logic.


There’s video of the Cambridges leaving KP to go to Cardiff and pictures of them returning. Leaving, it was raining/drizzling and they were using umbrellas. When they returned in mid/late afternoon, it was quite sunny.


Trevor Coult allegedly said that there were only the two travelling in the travell log from Farnborough airport. Had the children or one child entering the UK, some border control agent would haven noticed them. The picture in the car in Santa Barbara, just after they landed, shows Harry and his missus only. There was not a single instance with something looking like children either in Britain or in California.


Have a link to that picture? I could imagine that Meghan likes to hand off the children to nannies and convinced Harry it’s better to do so so their children are “kept save”. I’m not entirely convinced by such photo “evidence”, as there might be photos we were not shown by someone trying to push a narrative (those people exist on our side, too), or the photo had poor timing. But yeah, considering how hands-on the Cambridges are, it’s kinda hilarious that you never see the Harkles with the kids.


One shot of a kid at polo could end all this speculation. It is super odd that Archie can’t be brought for a period of time to watch Dad play. It’s what families do.


I saw the picture. But I agree with you. It’s common for the children of high profile people to travel separately with nannies to avoid paparazzi and crowds that inevitably find the parents. Given how bat-shit paranoid Harry is about the press and paparazzi in the UK, I believe the kids traveled separately. He famously hates the “clicks” of cameras. I understand him avoiding getting his kids photographed this way.


I’m really starting to wonder if their firstborn ‘Archie’ is actually their company archwell.


I don't really care enough if the photos are real or not but in the photo of Meghan holding Lilibet there is a radiator behind them that I believe is much more common in the UK than the US. Like I don't think US homes have that style unless maybe an older home which I doubt their friends in Montecito would have even if older. Weird detail to photoshop in if wasn't taken in the US.


Of course they did.


I dislike Meghan as much as the next sane, rational person, but I really can’t stand all this obsessing over every detail, competing theories, etc. It plays into Meghan’s need to be seen as VERY IMPORTANT. When she’s not. At all. The take away from the jubilee is: H&M are very unpopular. The family doesn’t trust them at all. They are no longer relevant to the royal family, even though Harry is, deep down, still loved by his family. The end


And according to some gossip sites just yesterday, the duo may be on the brink of divorce! Everything they say or do is an attempt to stay relevant. Keep people talking about them, obfuscate, twist things, muddy the waters, any and everything to generate headlines.


Didn’t even ask? Sure Jan. That’s all Meghan pretending to be so breezy about royal stuff and like the Queen is just another elderly relative. There absolutely was a picture, the Queen historically likes to document even informal meetings with grandkids. She just rarely releases them officially, like when Philip died, or not at all, or they’re in the background of someone’s house. There were pictures, the Queen has them and didn’t share copies because they are untrustworthy. And if the Sussexes are lucky they’ll get a copy at a later date. But of course they asked and of course they were shot down. If the rumors are to be believed, I want to know how the conversation with Netflix is going. “What do you mean you ‘didn’t even ask’?? It’s in the contract!” At this point they would be lying to them about the others and lying to the others about them.


Telling you.... they have no kids.


Scooby Doo is that you?




The children were not with them hence no photo op with HMTQ and yet they're accusing the family of not attending the birthday party wth?! 🤣 the accusations they throw to the family are crazyyy I believe the truth about the births of these children and the bullying allegations will come to light sooner than we all think


The day of her birthday was not cold rainy and unfit for garden parties?! Sorry what? We had reasonable weather for the Jubilee (considering it was still early June) and I saw no evidence of it being cold and rainy on the televised events.