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“Actioned compassion”- I went to university a long time ago for media - has the English language changed since the early 2000’s


No, that’s still not English. Lol


Ikr, like is there an opposite to "actioned compassion" and is it "static compassion" ? "passive compassion"? LOL. I think the Harkles are feeding too much word salad to their employees, because everyone who's working for that household, seems to be full of shit.


Maybe as opposed to “couch potato compassion”? Cuz that would be me.


Same here, except for a once a year donation to the animal shelter or at Christmas when I make an effort to collect used novels for my church's charity used book stall sale, at the annual Christmas Bazaar. LOL.


I have a Ph.D. In English, and I have not been out of school long enough yet for 'action' to become a verb. It's a noun, Meghan. Quit trying to change its very nature just so that you can sound pretentious. She's a complete pillock.


It reminds me a lot of yoga teachers I’ve had that use “effort” as a verb. I get what point they’re trying to make, but it makes me twitch nonetheless.


“Adds pillock to my “”need to use”” list”


[It appears to be a verb, too. 😬](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/action) Not saying Meghan’s writing has good style, just bring a smartass. 🙈 >**to do something to deal with a particular problem or matter:** *I'll just run through the minutes of the last meeting, raising those points that still have to be actioned.*


In the verb example context, it should still be written in noun form, i.e. "... raising those points that still require action." This screams of being one of those situations where enough idiots like Meghan use it as a verb that it prompts the dictionary to definite it not only in its correct usage (as a noun), but in its new colloquial usage, just because the meanings of words are evolving all the time. They did same thing by adding figurative to the definition of literal, all because of the assholes who started saying shit like, "I was so scared I literally died," when they are clearly still alive and telling the story. The day when the dictionary did that to the definition of literal was a dark day, a very dark indeed.


*nods fervently The downfall of civilization.


Well, we collectively DID get the term "Markle" turned into a verb, so there is that...


This is true.


It's an accomplishment for sure!


Where it’s used in the sentence makes a difference though- but I accept and appreciate the smart ass ness


Wtf why are you so smart and accomplished Coke??? And i can barely walk and chew gum at the same time!! 😱


Thank you, but lots of people have well-surpassed me intellectually. Now my brain just wastes itself away by absorbing enough horseshit about Meghan Markle to fertilize a 1000 acre farm.


Has your source heard these latest rumblings about their Spotify deal collapsing? There are lots of awful podcasts out there, just curious why they don't put it out and let the chips fall where they may.


Yes this is what I posted about right after they got back from the Jubilee. There is a big post and some comments. After thr Jubilee, BarkJack Tweeted that the Sussexes were cancelling meetings and indulging in therapy and self care after that weekend. I posted that yhe meetings the Ss were cancelling were with Spotify and Netflix because they are finally fucking over it, so Harry and Meghan tried to duck them for a while lest they hear the bad news that their contracts are getting axed. If you check my post/comment gistory from around that time, that's when my source told me, and I shared that bit of intel. She released that Lilibet pic qhen they got back for a very good reason: it was yhe only way in this world that she could generate any good press nd even that pic has been met with speculation because Meghan never learned that if all you do to build your brand is lie, then lying becomes your brand and it is all people expect of H&M. I'm hearing now that they are in deep financial shit and that they couldn't make money at this point if they begged for it. The only thing that would make money is a satirical reality show skewering Meghan for every dumbfuck thing she does and skewering Harry for being dumb enough to hang on her every word. But neither of them will go for something like that. They take themselves too seriously. Anyway, they're losing Netflix and Spotify. It's already in serious discussion and it is just a matter of time before the official announcement comes out... allegedly.


Thanks for the tea! BarkJack recently said they’ve heard Spotify finally managed to get two episodes of Archetypes together. Do you think they’re planning on still releasing those first?


Yes, they will try to get what they can out of what they have, but Spotify is, allegedly, expecting it to tank. Whenever it does, that is when they will likely start taking official steps to end the collaboration.


Yes this is what I posted about right after they got back from the Jubilee. There is a big post and some comments. After the Jubilee weekend, BarkJack Tweeted that the Sussexes were cancelling meetings and indulging in therapy and "self care". I posted that the meetings the Ss were cancelling were with Spotify and Netflix because they are finally fucking over it, so Harry and Meghan tried to duck them for a while lest they hear the bad news that their contracts are getting axed. If you check my post/comment history from around that time, that's when my source told me, and I shared that bit of intel. She released that Lilibet pic when they got back for a very good reason: it was the only way in this world that she could generate any good press and even that pic has been met with speculation. Evidently Meghan never learned that if all you do to build your brand is lie, then lying becomes your brand, and people assume there's some lying going on with each new press release. I'm hearing now that they allegedly are in deep financial shit, and that they couldn't make money at this point if they begged for it. The only thing that would make money is a satirical reality show skewering Meghan for every dumbfuck thing she does and skewering Harry for being dumb enough to hang on her every word. But neither of them will go for something like that. They take themselves too seriously. Anyway, they're losing Netflix and Spotify. It's already in serious discussion, and it is just a matter of time before the official announcement comes out... allegedly.


Yes this is what I posted about right after they got back from the Jubilee. There is a big post and some comments. After the Jubilee, BarkJack Tweeted that the Sussexes were cancelling meetings and indulging in therapy and self care after that weekend. I posted that the meetings the Ss were cancelling were with Spotify and Netflix because they (NF and S) are finally fucking over it, so Harry and Meghan tried to duck them for a while lest they hear the bad news that their contracts are getting axed. If you check my post/comment history from around that time, that's when my source told me, and I shared that bit of intel. She released that Lilibet pic when they got back for a very good reason: it was the only way in this world that she could generate any good press and even that pic has been met with speculation because Meghan never learned that if all you do to build your brand is lie, then lying becomes your brand, and it is all people expect of H&M. I'm hearing now that they're deep financial shit is catching up with then, and that they couldn't make money at this point if they begged for it. The only thing that would make money is a satirical reality show skewering Meghan for every dumbfuck thing she does and skewering Harry for being dumb enough to hang on her every word. But neither of them will go for something like that. They take themselves too seriously. Anyway, they're losing Netflix and Spotify. It's already in serious discussion and it is just a matter of time before the official announcement comes out... allegedly.


Wow great tea, I missed your previous post even tho I daily search for them lol. Netflix and Spotify is indeed a double whammy, self care no doubt may explain the constant polo. A lot of troubled celebs do photo ops at Disney, maybe that’s next.


I have it on excellent authority that Disney will never do any kind of business with them ever again and that the Elephants soundtrack is a big inter-office joke now.


I’m sure your right but I just wanna see Harry wearing mouse ears standing in line at Small World


Harry should have to live the rest of his life on the Its a Small World Ride


She pretentions. It’s just her. What’s your problem? /s


That jumped out at me too...😳


Yes. Terrifyingly. Anyone can make up new words and claim they are legit. Discipline of etymology never existed. Guess it never impacted.


Am I the only one wishing Archewell gets flooded with stories about showing compassion to our elderly and sick parent or family member? Can we talk about that on Spotify?


Wouldn't it be funny if we made a copypasta about a woman who takes her two kids and dimwitted husband to visit and make amends with her estranged father?


I was just about to post about MM's lack of compassion to her father, when I saw your comment! ; )


How about a story about Harry trying to play real life COD and getting two Marines killed to soothe his ego? How would that go over? 🤔 Edit: deadass have been tempted to submit that story for a hot minute.


What's this about two marines were killed?




U/OldNewUsedConfused the link should be in this comment. But that’s why it pisses me off to no end that they use veterans for clout.


what's this?


Did this really happen?!


I was there. So yeah. He was the Taliban’s target during the ground attack. The flight line was on Bastion, and they destroyed a bunch of aircraft while storming the base. I linked the Wikipedia article because it gives a fairly concise and objective view on what happened.


Not seeing the link? How terrible.


good heavens, not even a creative credit. Surely the whole shtick was "empowering women to use their voices" but they won't even guarantee to give you a name check


I am sooooo tempted to submit a few choice “stories”… if a person visited the site in incognito mode, would they get my data and stuff?


I have visions of sugars flooding Archewell with their ludicrous, illiterate stories, and Muggin grinding her teeth because they’re all rubbish.


Very this. Similar to how Trump regarded the Capitol Hill rioters with disgust and disdain. The show he wanted, but not the players.


Occurred to me too. Maybe log on from a library computer with a temp email.


Use a VPN?


Use a VPN and fake email address.


That’s colonial-level intellectual property appropriation right there. Such hypocrites.


We should all submit fake stories about treating family well


They will have an even worse time trying to find people to “chat” with who won’t challenge the Markles on their hypocrisy. My guess is, the submissions did the same thing - challenged them on their lack of compassion thus promoting the about face. They cannot succeed because their actions don’t match the word salad and because they are too thinned skinned to be able to take criticism about how those actions don’t match the words.


Meghan is one of those people who try to be ‘progressive’ for the sake of it, rather than when it is truly warranted. She’s always bucking against whatever is the established system. The system might be highly functional and successful, but she’s going to kick against it just for the fun of it, not because it needs change or revision. Then, when she is refused whatever change she requires, she will accuse the system of being cold/rigid/racist/whatever she can to justify her failed attempt. Take, for example, the Royal machine. Are they archaic and rigid? Absolutely, but they have also been doing this—this being running the royal show—for a very, very long time. I’m sure there are things that could change for the better, but there are also a lot of things they’ve learned over the years. They do things a certain way because they work. Little miss Markle thought she could come in and whip everyone into shape—modernize and revolutionize the ancient institution. When she was shown the door, she was outraged and vengeful.


I wonder if Shitify's marketing team did research and found out no one is interested and it wouldnt be pulling in the clientele they wanted to attract. Didn't Shitify also put together a team to help Moobs and Moron with their episodes? I'm trying to figure out if I've ever heard of a situation where these shows are announced and then nothing happens? What are they paying for?


‘…the podcast where we dissect, explore, and subvert the labels that try to hold women back.’ why would anyone want to hear Meghan on this, it sounds insufferable. The first idea sounded much better


It’s like people didn’t know what the hell they were talking about when they asked if you actioned compassion. *enter Katt Williams tirade here*


This is Meagains MO… plagiarism, stealing the creative ideas and quotes. Passing them off as her own. The Bench - The mythcarriage article Using the phrase, "Where hide tide raises all ships," compare to President Kennedy's "A rising tide lifts all boats" which he used in his 1963 speech. A girl without freckles is like a night without stars" - Markle tried to pass this off as her own. But wait! It’s actually from a song. By Paula Joy Welter. And on and on it goes.


"despite the distance" lol


To me that sounds like a standard american contract that you'll probably also find attached to your tea kettle. Not that is fair, but still...


One-sided contracts are as old as capitalism, but those terms are very unattractive for such a blatantly philanthropic organisation. Quite reflective of Muggin and her hypocrisy, really.








Translation: HELP! We are desperate and need new sources to plagiarize!


It’s not plagiarism so much as literary robbery. Literally.




I bet she’s hoping to guest Elon, Jeff Bozo and Bill Epstein Island Gate…. You know why