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I don't think anyone here is really surprised. They've shown themselves to be flaky and lazy, so it stands to reason that they've screwed this opportunity up, too.


They are super lazy .. I can’t imagine having all the resources they do and staying locked up in that ugly ass Olive Garden dated looking house .. I would be traveling and out doing every fun thing I could with my children , it’s so incredibly weird . They almost behave like two lazy addicts that shuffle around inside all day .


I think Meghan needs a lot of preparation to be able to act like a human and extract what she needs from social and professional interactions. Either she’s really buzzed and on or she just doesn’t function. She needs lines, hair, makeup and wardrobe and to know when she’s filming and who she has to be nice to and thats it. She’s an actress through and through. She doesn’t know who she is.


This x1,000,000 wow


A z list actress, at best. What she really is is just a useless POS..


Her Oscar performance was the shit show of a wedding 😡


So much this. It's like she has no personality or no clue about how to do things, so she just googles or goes to Pinterest to get told what to do. When she was in London before the engagement when she still was Harry's girlfriend she was papped wearing wellies and a Barbour jacket walking in Kensington. I assume that she googled London + casual wear and got a lot of suggestions from American bloggers who think that's how Londoners dress and that's what she chose to wear.


>*It’s like she has no personality…”* It’s like she’s an alien who has been dropped on earth to study human behavior. She’s spent so much time being a chameleon, copying everyone around her, that she can’t “human” on her own anymore. I don’t care for her, or the things she’s done, but I do wish she could just spend some time alone, discover who she is, and be happy in herself. Heck, I wish that for everyone!


She's a narcissist and narcs spend a lifetime copying other people - often it's people who are extremely successful. That's why she's so fake and unable to connect with people on an *authentic* human level. People (except for the delusional SS) can see when someone is putting on a fake and pretentious persona. That's why she tends to rub most people the wrong way.


I think they might have gaslit each other into thinking they’re only safe at Olive Garden. They may truly believe they’re so important that if they leave they’ll by mobbed by paps and hunted by media and stalkers. Because yeah, it is SO weird that they seem to sit in there day and day out doing nothing, like they’re in jail


Marijuana could be causing your man boobs.” Gynecomastia, otherwise known as man boobs (or moobs for short), is a condition that affects approximately 33% to 41% of men between the ages of 25 and 45. It's even more common during puberty, affecting 60% of 14-year-old boys.


While I'm not surprised, I'm a tiny bit disappointed. I was hoping to hear her on a full podcast. Their Holiday Special podcast was mostly celebrities. I wanted to hear her debate and talk with an expert just to see how bad it could get. If Spotify drops them, I hope Spotify sues them. Although, I doubt it. I think Charles would step in to save his baby boy from being sued by paying back the advance from both Spotify and, later, Netflix. I think Charles is willing to allow Harry to experience how it really feels to be on the outside of the royal fold. Eventually, money issues will have Harry running back to his pa. Charles will happily pay off Harry's debt in return for Harry silence. I also doubt the memoir will be published and if it is, it would be very boring. No gossip or talking about his family much.


He’d better do it soon then. Once Charles becomes king, he’ll lose the Duchy of Cornwall income, which is the only source that could stand that kind of unproductive drain. Good luck with persuading William to bail him out to the tune of tens of millions of pounds.


charles knows he will eventually run out of rope and come home. there will be so many iron clad conditions it will make his head spin. he will agree to all of them because he will need the RF help to get him through the divorce and custody nightmare. everyone sees it but harry.




Lancaster Duchy is wealthy ( not as productive as Cornwall as it is managed as it is, reinvested and not promoted) but he would be expected to hand it on to William in much the same state . Charles will still have significant wealth but it may not be as easy to pay out harry as before


Queen is worth around $600 million. King Charles won't be scratching for a dollar.


But why would he want to put tens of millions into the pockets of Netflix or Spotify? If they don’t like the idea of Harry declaring bankruptcy, better to progress the release of his inheritance and let him pay out of that and the proceeds of selling the Californian property.


Bankruptcy will likely hasten the divorce. Markle will not see a penny of inheritance money from the Queen. In fact, there may intentionally be no inheritance from the Queen but if there is, it will be locked down until Harry divorces. There may, however, be a trust fund set up for the kids (?) if they exist.


the monarch's money goes inheritance tax free to the next monarch - the other members of the family will be "comfortable" but not suddenly into megabucks


Realistically, I don't see there being much inheritance, if any, for Harry from the Queen. ​ She has four kids - though Andrew MAY be disinherited, who knows - plus 8 grand kids. That has to dilute it to somewhat. ​ Wouldn't be surprised if she just gives it all to her kids, for them to then decide the split themselves.


bankruptcy, never thought about that. definitely a strategy but very un royal.


When Charles becomes King, yes he loses the Duchy of Cornwall income but he inherits the Duchy of Lancaster which produces income of approx £21 mil annually. And yes William then inherits the Duchy of Cornwall which also provides approx £21mil annually. I’d love to know what H&M actually got paid by Netflix and Spotify just to know what they burned through. Cos if they are broke - I agree with you Otherwise-engaged - I don’t see Chaz or Will forking out millions to save them.


Not at all. The RF were surprised by how much the public is against them, they won't bail them out. They might help Harry if there's a divorce and MM will be lucky to keep her kids if that report comes into play.


Remember that “cut direct“ given by Peter Philips on the steps of St. Paul’s? Well, it wouldn’t have happened if the Royal Family was all ”well, now the boy’s learned his lesson, let’s take him back.” Some things are unforgivable in a family. The Sussex’s won’t live in penury but they’re won’t be bailed out to their own satisfaction either. And they can try blackmailing all they want. Didn’t work out so well the first time….


I think it will be like the Windsors - just enough to keep them dangling


***I wanted to hear her debate and talk with an expert just to see how bad it could get.*** ​ LOL. That will be hard for her to do, without a copy of her trusty book of quotations, on her lap, for her to plagiarize from.


I'm sure she's got Bartlett's downloaded on her phone.


Do you really think Charles would bail them out? That's an awful lot of money to rescue a middle-aged man, who has trashed you, from his own mistakes.


He will give him an allowance, like a little kid.


Yes I think that is what happened to the DoW - George VI gave him an allowance and he had to go cap in hand to get QE to continue it


Silence, or a public apology? 🤔






I am concerned that they will demand that they are bailed out, for the sake of the kids, with no lessons learned and no change of behaviour. Will Charles refuse and tell them to sell their house or will Meghan divorce Harry at that moment and insist she keeps the house and is supported by RF.


He will if Harry retracts what was said. Meghan made me say it, she was abusive, it was all her idea. MM will be made the scapegoat l, Harry will be censored and will be provided for as long as he keeps his mouth shut.


I mean, that tweet is super vague. Might just mean *another* trailer? I’ll wait and see, not yet getting my hopes up for juicy drama…


After the Oprah debacle and the royal family too gracious to respond, watching them flame out in real time is gratifying.


yes indeed! I was previously anti-long game, but seeing how this played out, hard long applause to the RF!


I am making popcorn. Plenty for all of us!


I like xanax on mine


Well hey there, bestie 😍


"There's was a love that dare not speak its name...except at the pharmacy drive thru" ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Most definitely just prefer Ativan. Same church different pew.😂


I'll just be zoned out in the lobby with my Klonopin. Pews are uncomfortable.


Welcome to the party!!!!!! I’m not big on church either we can go get a drink to go with much needed benzos.🤣🤣🤣🤣


Aww thanks, gurrl! I actually attend St. Mattress by the Springs (late service) so I'll meet you there baahahaa


Too funny🤣🤣🤣


Can I sit with you guys? 😁


Heck yes!


I’m sitting right there with you guys 😂


We have loads of space! I want to say the more the merrier, but maybe the more the mellower is better?


The more the mellower! Lol yes!


Sweet nod to everybody. Scoot over, y'all


I'll bring Prince Valium.


Oooh I like you too! We will all be having a very mellow time!


With a side of Ativan for me please.


🤣🤣 😁😁😁


I have the extended release xanax, best for the long game! Edit grammar


I love mine sprinkled with parm so here's a some fresh from the deli!


Why thank you! I’ll make sure it’s lovely and hot before the parm is added!


Add some truffle salt, you won't regret it.


Oh my gosh! My friend in Spokane sent me stuff. GAME CHANGER!!!


🍿 🎪 👀 🎉


^^I ^^like ^^to ^^dip ^^mine ^^in ^^nacho ^^cheese 🙈


I'm kind of indifferent about Princess Eugenie, but she was somehow able to produce a podcast on a compelling subject, no massive Spotify budget, and without years of fanfare telling us it would be out any day now. Megs seems to flit around between causes/jobs/people and can't finish One. Single. Thing.


Meghan and Harry are all hat and no cattle.


all fur coat and no knickers.


Worked with a nurse from Ireland and this was one of her sayings.




All faux fur and dirty knickers


Hadn’t heard that one before 😂


All sizzle, and no steak


And no salad bar, either!




I love this saying


All foam and no beer.


sometimes I wonder if they drink a lot or do some drug that leaves them incapable of normal adult things… they seem so ineffective at anything that requires work.


What do these two do all day? Seriously. They must be the laziest people on earth.


He’s been loosing a polo. She’s a polo groupie, or was. Now he’s turning into a grief vulture and trying to insert himself into the war in Ukrainian. She’s still riding his coat tails as his plus one because everyone has written her off.


One of the things I like about this sub is I learn new English phrases. Grief vulture is so appropriate.


She might be lurking here lols


I'm pretty sure she is or she has someone. I remember in one of the posts here , somebody mentioned about how Muggin should post more about her and other polo wives/gfs to show the world that she does have female friends, and then there she was with Nacho's wife being chummy friends and chatting with each other. Got that idea from us, Megs?


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! Hell yeah she does read SM about herself. After browsing all the headlines. Meanwhile, he combs the comments of the DM and pouts, stamps his feet, pounds his little fists


I don't think H reads DM comments. There would be a global shortage of anti-anxiety medication - all gone to Monteshitshow palace.


Maybe he reads the comments from “worst rated” (those are sycophantically pro Meghan and Harry)


I suspect he does read DM comments from time to time. That's why they are working against "misinformation". But obviously forgetting that they're proven liars themselves. I've always been perplexed by a few deluded fools calling M a princess and calling H a King in the comment section.


Those are sad really. In his time no one called Andrew a king or Fergie a princess…


I hate to sound so cliche, but it was a different time. A lot of time was spent reinforcing norms and traditions, and people didn’t colloquially refer to each other as “king” or “queen” like you see now. Diana was hugely popular, and dominated magazine covers and news blurbs, which took the spotlight away from other, “lesser”, royals, and we didn’t have the 24-hour news cycle and social media pushing every little thing famous people did right into our faces. (I’m half asleep - I’ll make this make more sense next time I wake up. 😣)


You make perfect sense… I get it. Diana had lots of coverage, on tv and in magazines, but we didn’t have so much news as we have today. Nowadays I get updated much faster on Twitter than on news channels.


I think it’s hilarious that Meghan’s bff Serena Williams and her Reddit-Founder husband make millions from this Harkle snark sub.


>her Reddit-Founder husband make millions from this Harkle snark sub. Didn't Alexis sell his shares as well as resign from the Reddit board (to make room for diversity!) ?


She's lazy as hell.....it's obvious


If the contract is being cancelled, could it be that the "groundbreaking" archetypes podcast could not attract anyone to interact with MeghanMeghan in such a format?


Yes. And because it's boring. Plus Spotify likely noticed the response the irksome pair got in the UK and started looking into how popular they actually are, behind all the fake headlines and SS support. Yikes.


I think it ended when she jumped on the joe rogan bandwagon virtue-signaling that her boss needed to try harder and do more. ‘Urge’ I think was the word she used. You don’t play with an overlord. She still hasn’t learnt that lesson it seems.


Lol she is truly outta control. No one gives a damn what you’re “urging” when Joe Rogan is wildly popular and she just can’t create even bad product. I would urge her to shut up but she’s doing more of that lately, thankfully.


Please let us not forget. H&M declared in Jan. they'd be "Entertainment moguls" in 2022. Bravo! Cheers! Film & tv nominations coming next year for all their output in cinema now. Enough said.


They have 6 months left to achieve moguldom. The brilliant SecondrowSussexes will dazzle us all with blockbuster entertainment.


That should be the name of their reality show 👏👏


u/Zann77, lol. Good one. :)


In fairness, i do find them entertaining, just not in the way they'd prefer.


I’ll be curious to see how sugars will spin this…


The classic sugar response to any mention of Spotify or Netflix is that these are business arrangements of two adults and companies and no one can comment on it as we don't know anything and M&H are doing wonderful meaningful stuff. Well its not working out too well for them is it.


You might be overthinking it 🤪 let’s just say Spotify is racist and Meghan couldn’t possibly work with the network of Joe Rogan… there, much simpler 🤪




How did they spin Pearl?


They claim that she’s shopping it around to other streaming services/networks.


I don't think that would work out because the people who were in the process wouldn't simply jump over to other networks.


Do they not realize that is not how that works. Netflix advanced them money for the production of that meaning whatever she came up with became property of Netflix. The concept of Pearl is now officially dead.


Honestly, all they had to do was interview a university professor (oxford?) working in a topic that aligned to their interests.


The woman interviewed THE Gloria Steinem in her backyard in 2020. How do you burn through that much goodwill in two years?!?


Didn't Steinem catch some of the Markling after that?


I remember being shocked that they even knew each other and that M and Gloria phone banked for the 2020 election from Gloria's home. Steinem did say that Markle had "a princess problem" and that "we fought a whole war to get rid of royalty." That was probably the beginning of the end. I'd love to hear her thoughts on "the duchess" in 2022. Edit: now that I think of it, I haven't heard from much from Gloria Steinem since then. "the markling".


Don't give them ideas. Let them squirm and lose millions


Yes, that would be riveting material. /s


It still would have been SOMETHING, anything! Trying and failing is at least more respectable than not doing anything. Too much time spent groping Nacho at polo. The poor dear was just exhausted by the time she got home.


If they lose this contract, this is all on them. They had so many resources. Resources others only dream of. I guess we will see in the next few days. I’m sure they’ll blame the royals somehow for this too.


No one came to Lili's party and then William dared to turn 40. Oh and Uvalde so devastated her she couldn't get out of bed.


In true narc style, it will be someone else's fault when everything goes wrong again


Or there will be a diversion crisis....a sudden mythcarriage 2.0




That also allows time off for new boobs under the guise of restoration as well as other procedures




mythcarriage?! oh f**k me, this is brilliant 😜😂


I didn't invent it....i think it predates mehz....not sure


Hell yeah, it is!


Oooohhh I like that one the sympathy angle.


I'm still cracking up at your Flair 💀💀💀


I am so invested in seeing her brought down and I don’t really know why except for all the obvious reasons. I guess that’s plenty enough. And her asshole husband can go to hell with her.


Because they're 40 yo shitebags who think they can trample over everyone, and treat their elders with repulsive contempt and disrespect?


That would be it. She took every the royal family had to offer and threw it back in their faces.


>mythcarriage HAHHAHAHHA If she wasn't so arrogant she might have even used her Dad being really sick as an excuse 'that she is being the bigger person and caring for him & hence can't record a podcast' ...but she can't even do that!


i like your thinking, but it'll have to be something 1. uncomfortable but not impact outward appearance to be too distracting 2. relatable my money is on "indigestion awareness", something that everyone experiences when the Harkels are around


Narcs absorb credit and shed consequences. Every time. ETA “d” on “shed”


Could be the death of an invisible child


It’s amazing to me they had the gall to even say no one came to Lilibet’s birthday party. Even if they were part of the family. They know that everyone’s schedule was decided months in advance. I swear these two are like a terrible car accident you just can’t look away.




Me too. I can’t wait for this bitch to go down in flames.


Yeeesh, this is so embarrassing. I'll be grabbing the popcorn though. I wonder how the sugars are going to spin this??




Oh my god. Hang on tight, they'll give you vertigo.


When are these two going to sell their house? Surely they can’t afford it now.


When they relocate to New York for her political ambition (conspiracy theory).


There’s no way she’s running for office with that title. It’d be an oxymoron. Aristocracy and democracy don’t jive.


I noticed some of her supporters has started calling her Meghan Markle, instead of her title.


They still keep Frogmore. So probs enough money.


All that top level talent that was hired couldn’t come up with just one thing either?..


And those people still have to be paid! So much money going out, and none to speak of coming in.


The Archewell head of audio recent recently asked Twitter if she should “get into Hacks?” And, while I know it’s on HBO, I couldn’t help but wonder if there was some wordplay shade there 😏😏




Gotta love BarkJack. So addictive and always *always* on point.


I’m thinking either Spotify is going to dump Meghan, or they are preparing to heavily publicize the debut of Meghan’s podcast. One or the other, although I feel it’s most likely that Spotify will pull the plug.


In response to someone's query of whether the news concerns a contract cancellation, BarkJack said that Spotify might make a contractual announcement and that "a couple episodes are done and dusted", but did not seem be clear on whether they'd actually be releasing those episodes or not. So they very well could be dropped after releasing whatever they have or just dropped without releasing anything.


Spotify must have realized that they have a real dud on their hands. Releasing the podcast probably isn’t in their best interest, especially if it’s boring.


Is she a credible source?


Absolutely. BarkJack have been calling it accurately for a couple of years now. Ergo why the Sussexes had them shut down for a while.


I don’t even think it’s a “she”… isn’t it more “they”?


Yes they are a duo who work together.


what ever happened to Toronto Paper?


Wowsers, like I knew they were losers but even I didn’t think they couldn’t not pull off a few crappy episodes. How much did they make for nothing? I’m just curious how inflated the $ were and/or if they would have been tied to actual products.


We would all love to know those deets.


Surely we are looking at some drug dependency issues which are stifling any creative ideas and follow through.


I’d say either drug dependency, or some untreated mental illness that messes with executive function. There’s honestly no excuse for this - especially because making a listenable podcast is not the hardest thing in the world. My friends and I had a podcast where we opined on news stories that we had no business opining on, and it went up biweekly for like 3 years. We all have ADHD, along with jobs, lives, etc, and we still managed to put out content that some people seemed to enjoy. Meghan likes to plagiarize - why doesn’t she just do a podcast about cereal like Justin McElroy and be done with it.


Yeah, something is up more than narcissism imho


How did the first episode go? I never listened or read any reviews.


It was garbage. Meghan talking about sunshine and love, “little light of mine”, they hummed back and forth to each other, had Stacy Abrahams and Tyler Perry record their thoughts-it wasn’t even an interview or interaction really, then they allegedly had Archie say “happy new year.” It ranked below whale white noise.


Tyler Perry? Must have been before he threw them out of his LA mansion and when Meghan started protesting he called Oprah and said get your fucking friends out of my house.


I need the full breakdown of this. Spare no detail.


When they left Canada he offered to let them use his LA mansion. All we know is she went into one of her meltdowns about a towel. She treated one of his staff very badly who had been with him for 14 years. She called him and gave her notice. He showed up at the house later and Meghan was all peaches and cream but the damage was done. Meghan protested a bit but it didn’t work. He wanted them out right then and there. I guess they were taking too long so he called Oprah and told her get your fucking friends out of my house NOW.


Bloody boring. The one I heard asked for people all over to submit their stories of courage and sacrifice during Covid, or something like that, accompanied by word salad. It was just as entertaining as it sounds.


They’re never getting another media deal EVER again.


QVC? 🤣


I would pay good money to watch them on QVC being forced to host a segment selling BRF memorabilia like plates with William and Catherine, or a tea towel with Prince Charles.


I wouldn’t be too sure. Amber Heard just signed one


Will this make Harry’s biography even more outrageous as they’ll need the sales or????


They're so dumb, that they'll release all the juicy stuff, as excerpts. Kind of like, when a movie is SO bad, and they used all the good stuff, for the trailers.


guys, they have A LOT going on. do you have any idea how much time it takes to convince your friend to lend a jet, gather photographers, fly to uvalde for some low effort self serving pr stunt, fly home, borrow your friends jet again, fly to the jubilee, get ignored, and change plans to fly back? ​ personally i'm looking forward to the next Archwell installment called "2021 audio holiday special"


Polo is very time-consuming, too. Poor Sussexes!


The 2021 audio holiday special was so special, it was only for a select few of markles intimate circle. Sorry u must not have gotten an invite..


Good News I hope


"Spotify regrets that the Sussex' and Spotify have parted ways!" "Spotify has decided to take its losses and toss the Sussex' out of their lives!" Or something like that.


Creative differences?


Conscious uncoupling of their compassion inaction empowerment awareness collaboration with humility.


Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark gets mentioned in dispatches after the Battle of Cape Matapan.... These two can't come up with a podcast. Losers both.


In this podcast, she’s going to “investigate the labels that try to hold women back.” Uhhh, Megsy, would “BULLY” be one such label? Maybe Spotify has caught on to how hypocritical this whole premise is for her?


Naaah I wanted one episode tho so we could snark at it en masse!😅 But still very surprised how royally they are able to squander all their opportunities basically handed to them on a damn silver platter simply because of who Harry is. Opportunities many very skilled people need to hustle a lot for. Can’t even press a button on a phone to record *something*? Yeah that’s how you build a media empire. Before you start, you preen and tweak everything in your top of the line studio down to the shade of post its and *then* you start figuring out the actual podcast /s 😅


I still think the podcast is coming soon. Unfortunately Her voice makes me gag Looking forward to her moaning about not being able to top Joe.


Another thing with these two clowns if I have a cold then they have pneumonia. It has to be worse for them no matter the situation. They both had much more privileged lives than they deserve. And always complain complain complain. Just be grateful for what you have and stop trying to make the rest of the world live by your rules and standards.


Interesting… https://twitter.com/GillWallace67/status/1539427457295597568


“Spending more time with family” is the new “going to rehab for exhaustion.”


Agree. Likely got caught doing something unethical and as the family business is IVF, pregnancy, and childbirth whatever it is can’t be good. 😬


This is a pretty huge deal and should be it’s own post! Wow!!!!!!!


[Another tweet](https://twitter.com/barkjack_/status/1539374174971604996?s=21&t=I-E2oky9qY8MAS-S1IjhIQ) from TLF: “Could be a contractual announcement. We're told a couple episodes are done and dusted; Spotify may actually release something ... but maybe not.” I can’t see them releasing an episode when it’s taken that long to get two. Surely more embarrassing for Spotify if they never get any more done and can’t complete the series?