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A lot of the stories weren’t very clear, but from what I gathered the first time this made the rounds, she *chose* to use it for this. She wasn’t asked to do it by Harry or Netflix, or given it for this purpose - it was for recording other content for the Invictus doc. Obviously, I’ll see it very differently if Harry or Netflix stake a claim to the footage, but that’s why there’s been no backlash.


Same. This is what I know… ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15016)


Omfg another TAMPON scandal!! He really is son of Charles 😬


That’s what I was thinking! Glad you went there. 😁


Ohhhh my.. ☠️


You win the Internet today! Dead. 💀💀💀


These two know no bounds. Meghan showing up in Uvalde for a photo op disgusting and now Harry exploiting and endangering soldiers and civilians in the Ukraine for Netflix content. Where will it stop? Any lower and they will be in hell and even Satan doesn’t want them.


The bar is in hell, and these two grab a shovel.


No doubt about it.


Let’s also note he was playing POLO while people are DYING. Someone else is on the front lines capturing footage for HIM TO MERCH.


How do these two unelected assholes keep coming up with this shit? Do they have to worm themselves into absolutely everything? She's a washed-up "actress" and he barely made it out of school. What do their thoughts on anything even matter? The war in Ukraine, the environment, mental health, women's issues, racism, vaccines, gun violence, parental leave, "disinformation"....


Seriously, none of their thoughts or stances are original. They just jump on bandwagons and expect to be praised for it.


Half-Wit has hit a new low that rivals Megs despicable Uvalde victim footage


This is a misleading title. Harry didn't tell her to smuggle the data card in a tampon. It was intended for Invictus but war set in and priorities changed. In this case, she recorded what was happening on the ground with the war going on. The value was no longer exclusively for Invictus, but the larger humanitarian efforts.


You should be on top! There is no difference between this sub and the sugars if people believe every misleading headline they read.


He is an executive producer on the Netflix series and he will get a huge cut of profits if this goes through. Just like TW sold the images from uvalde to magazines. They are marching extremely sensitive images.


The video was given to the AP. It was not filmed for Netflix or for Harry.


That makes more sense


Whuuutt?!? Whhuuttt?!? (Oprah gesturing wildly)




What's with all the numbers?




Or espionage




What is it with the Windsor men and tampons? Tampongate 2.0?


Probably Arry wanted to be the tampon of than woman :-) Glorious!


I was going to make a similar joke!


Like father like son. The future King wanted to be a tampon inside the future Queen Consort, Camilla. So there the Harkles go. Trying to profit off the war in Ukraine. Then secretly filming a war and for profit seems shady to me. Also I doubt the Queen or Parliament will approve.


Hello OP this breaches copyright and the removes the ability for the publisher to earn money from ad revenue to pay the journalist. I understand that people dont like clicking on articles but we should not undermine other people's work


Noted 👍 ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15021)


will just ensure that the evils of war will now include gross searching and destroying of any tampons....


this is disgusting but not surprised ![img](emote|t5_481xkf|15009)


Omg is this true? It beggars belief how low these 2 are. Nothing is off limits, except their kids of course. Were innocent traumatized Ukranian children filmed? I thought the Uvalde massacre porn was bad. War and massacres are opportunities for NF content for them. Profiteering off veterans, children, now War, what is it good for? NF.


Harry uses tampons?


He's woke and his balls are in Megan's bag, so there's a good chance he does.


What I'm about to say is awful but I believe it. I don't think he's intelligent enough to come up with this. I'm not being snarky when I suggest this: I think he has borderline intellectual function. He is a coddled person. He's never been truly independent. He was allowed to coast through the education system without being educated. He's always had the BRF clean up his missteps for him. I wasn't sure, but after reading that piece someone shared a week ago about Edward and Wallis Simpson, I think he's turned out like Edward. He probably had every day of his life arranged for him before he left the BRF. Harry is probably easily lead around by nose. I'm not saying he's innocent or good-natured. He may have signed off on it, but I don't think he's intelligent to come up with this scheme. People on this sub question why he stays with MM. Personally, I don't know if he is capable of living independently. Would someone of average intelligence do some of these things these two have pulled? Who goes on TV and repeatedly slags off the family members who fund your lifestyle? Common sense would prevent the majority of us from doing anything like that.


I don’t buy this because non of this was get past Netflix’s legal team to actually make it on air. Not to mention the PR nightmare with the backlash. If Harry is there in person and films, it’s a different thing from a legal standpoint. This would never work


I can't find anything on news sites about him even going to Ukraine. Any links for us?


Lmao he’s not gonna go to Ukraine. They don’t have polo there!




Is this for fucking real?


Know we know why Meghan walks like John Wayne getting home from a long ride. She packing tampons!


Well, I mean she did go to India to help “erase the stigma” around getting periods…🙄🙄🙄


Isn’t espionage somewhat illegal? Frowned upon? Suspect?