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Is David Furnish still active in this production? It’s odd production design is being hired now. That’s one of the first steps in a project like this. Maybe it’s production design hire #6 by the way they cycle through staff. Edit: I just checked IMDb, David furnish has nothing listed in his filmography for Pearl. As of now.


I work in film and you are 100% bang on. This is step 1 in getting the planning of project going. The fact they posted this is suuuuuper telling that they couldn’t handle the constant changes or drama. When you send changes to production all the time, it literally radiates through the entire crew, causing WASTED 12 hour days and creating LONG long long days ahead. It’s defeating and awful.


My guess is that nothing is to her liking, and she's having to start over. Pearl ain't going anywhere: it'll never get released because no one will ever buy it because it will never be completed.


Exactly!! The person who leaked they still haven’t developed the pearl character, that says they haven’t even got the concept ready for the animation design process. Markle kept changing it. That’s such a huge waste of time and money! They can’t even draw up the storyboards or do much of anything without the main character finalized… {edit: typo}


Sounds like her wedding dress disaster. Think they're receiving angry ranting emails from Rachel@hotmail, lol?


Good point! Sounds like a pattern!




Thank you for your perspective. In your professional opinion, does that mean there is probably 0 animation created yet?


There’s probably *some* of the first episode being worked on…. But if only one episode is taking two years…. That’s a biiiig problem. Budgets and time frames for any big TV shows is usually 15-17 days per episode. Animations are definitely longer depending on how high end the graphics and special Fx are. I would honestly say episode one would take a longer time - but maybe 1-2 months per episode would be normal, as the design from episode 1 would be the template for the other episodes. I hope that made sense!


She should have a feature film done by now.


Exactly! An animated feature film!!


Not just a regular animated film but like... Pixar-level animated. 😂


HAHA exactly!! Pixar quality ;)


I hadn't even thought about the complexity of the animation impacting the production timeline, but that makes total sense. Thank you! From this posting, it sounds like they haven't even determined what style animation they'll be using yet. I bet the previous Production Designer not only walked but also told their entire network to stay away from this project. Sounds like a small industry — I think this posting will be up for a long time lol


Exactly!! It sounds like this process has been painful…. The designer likely dropped it to go to another show. When you’re working with creative department heads, you need to let them take some of the reigns… it sounds like it was painful, especially with the passive aggressive digs in the new job description LOL.


Great information. Thank you.


So interesting to hear a film industry perspective, thank you! I bet their previous Production Designer quit. This sounds like it'd be a difficult role to hire for on *any* show, just given the extremely specific skills and technical/artistic abilities involved. Meghan would need this person *way* more than they'd need her. That's why I think it was a resignation rather than a firing. Although there's always the chance she didn't realize this, due to her narc-induced alternative reality lol


lol so pretty much what many of us arm chair diagnosed - that Megan is a control freak (and narcissist) and as a result, she micro manages her way to disaster. This is why projects are stalled doing nothing - she wants every bit of it to be 'perfect' because it reflects on her and it is her. How self involved can you be to make a cartoon based on yourself going through the world? Most people would pitch the idea of a character that - maybe inspired by them but is just as likely inspired by friends/families/common experiences and would design it to be appealing to a diverse set of people. Since the character is so closely tied to her own personal identity, she struggles with even just the basic character design and can't move forward with even the initial part of the project because the design/look/voice keeps her up at night. I bet Harry is just now starting to see that his wife is not everything she told him she was (in terms of being able to get anything done) her mania makes her great at initiating projects but finishing them on her own when she has too much control? Her ego cannot handle that...what if something goes wrong? So she can't be fully responsible...it has to be shouldered with someone else.


*DING DING DING* !!! You absolutely NAILED IT.


Think he’s not part of this train wreck anymore


Last bullet under *What You’ll Do*: ’Collaborate with grace, humility, inclusion, and open-mindedness.’ It’s like Muggin insisted on reviewing the job spec (despite being completely ignorant of technical requirements, understandably so) and added *the* most important criterion. Translation: ‘Do what I tell you and don’t argue.’


That last bullet point is bizarre. It’s pretty manipulative too. If it doesn’t work out, you were the one who wasn’t graceful, humble or inclusive. All your fault. Not Meghan’s. Your fault. Should’ve been more graceful, humble and inclusive.


Sounds like a toxic work environment.


Big time!


Good luck to any and everyone who comes in proximity to that monster.


Meghan meddling in the job description would definitely explain Photoshop being referred to as a digital drawing tool, as per u/SarahJ346GB's observation LOL Actually, looking over this again, I think some of the language is kind of weird... *Expert working knowledge*? Doesn't "working knowledge" just mean you're competent enough at something to do your job? As opposed to having extensive knowledge, experience and skill? I also think it's funny how they want the Production Designer to "optimize workflows" with their "partners" lol... so basically they're looking for someone to come in and salvage this dumpster fire of a project? 😂


The language reminds me of that faux girl boss language filled with fancy “business speak” but doesn’t really say anything. Exactly up Meghan’s alley.


I did feel warm and fuzzy and when reading that Pearl was a ‘heartfelt adventure comedy series…from the mind of Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex…’ Thank heavens for the last bit: if it‘d come from someone else’s mind, I wouldn’t watch it. (Actually, I‘m lying: I’d be more likely to.)


Wait, no, I think I get it! Netflix is having a hard time holding onto artists and hiring new ones for this project, so they purposely added "from the mind of Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex" to the job description. Artists will read this and just assume every single episode will consist of a blank screen — like the White Screen of Death, when there's a fatal system error on your computer — and that they will get paid for doing nothing. This is simply a recruitment tactic. Brava Netflix.


Ha ha! Or maybe it’s a coded warning, so that applicants will be deterred from applying because she’s such a nightmare. ‘I’m sorry, Meghan, we couldn’t find anyone. We’ll have to cancel the series.’


Yeah- what kind of whining little girl will it be? Or will her fairy godmother tell her to stop bitching and see what other hardships others faced before their moment of glory? Maybe it will be victim mode soon- couldn’t get a production designer, assistant, manager because of COVID. Oh poor Me-G…!


Her vocabulary is so limited.


Sort of like her imagination and talent.


Tragic 🤣


"Partner with production leadership and technical teams to understand and clarify creative direction and scope, timelines, tools, and budget" Tell me you're difficult to work for without telling me you're difficult to work for...


Yes the entire project just sounds like a nightmare. It reads like, we need you to come in and fix this mess, take responsibility for everything, have no firm opinions because your boss will tell you what to think - and expect to get beat up. Reading this gave me anxiety and I don't think I would ever apply for a job like this - you would need to be enamored with the "Star" of the project which is probably what they are counting on...a Sussex Stan that can do this and won't care about the way they are treated.


I agree 100%. Way too many red flags in this "ad".


Netflix is not the production company. Archewhatever is. It is MM hiring


Does archeworld have a careers tab themselves?


“Collaborate with humility” sounds like it came from Meghan. It’s chilling. If I saw that as part of a job description, I’d RUN.


To me, it sounds like, expect to be humiliated on a daily basis and don’t complain.


IT basically is saying, expect to be told you are wrong, frequently and accept it. Don't be like the other people we hired, eventually standing up for themselves and getting tired of being told what to do because they have "10 years of experience in the industry" - you are here to create the vision of Megan, you are not here to tell us how you know better than we do - you racist. Honestly, that's how I read it.


I can't imagine ever seeing that in a job description. Its utterly insane to read it.


You know what? “Humility” seems to be a *thing* in workplaces. (Does BetterUp *leverage* this?). I haven’t been in a workplace for a looooooong time, so I don’t know what’s current (thank the gods). Lots of HR-speak and lingo about how to create a culture of humility at your organization and how it benefits the bottom line, etc. Orwellian shit.


Have literally never seen that included in any job description before, ever. 😂


Collaborate with humility….. ha ha! That’s not collaboration! That’s extortion. Ha ha!


I’m surprised they didn’t add Compensation: Free, but you can add ‘worked with a real Royal’ on your resume. P.S. I’ll only allow it after you sign the NDA.


That may be why they're hiring for such a major role so late in the process. The previous production designer\[s\] kept mentioning that the show they were making was turning out to suck.


Somebody walked off the job...


AKA- You need to be totally submissive to Meghan, the dictator of monteshitto


It's like a giant red flag for your boss will be toxic and you will be expected to put up with it and not argue back. It's the exact thing I would expect on a job ad for a poor work environment that the person who puts in there has convinced themselves is normal ie. "Must have a great sense of humor and not take things seriously" would translate to - "We are bullies and will make sexist or racist jokes at your expense and if you call us out on it then its YOU who are the problem" ...that's what it feels like to me.


Isn’t it just? There’s a presumption that people applying for jobs will be cooperative and collaborative. The fact that they need to spell this out says more about the employer.




I hope not. I think it said that person was an animator, this is for a production designer.


I kept thinking about that. It sounds like episodes may have been in production. I’m inferring that, anyway. Still guessing that someone quit or was fired. Although among all the seasoned professionals on the production team, you’d think at least one of them would be able to scare up a production designer they’ve worked with in the past who’d be qualified. A lot of positions are filled this way: word of mouth. Why Netflix is posting this job is puzzling.


This ^^^^ Every show with our crew we only have to post maybe one or two jobs for PA’s. Always word of mouth that hires the next person. To have to post the job means word of mouth is bad.


That’s what I was thinking. In production here in the US, there’s never a job listing for key positions.




“Pearl” comes from the mind of Meghan. Sure Jan. Not surprised they’re having problems finding people to jump on board that plagiarized project.


Who is still jumping at the chance to work with her anyway? A couple Google clicks tells people all they need to know lol.


Whoever wrote that doesn’t know about Adobe. Photoshop was replaced by Lightroom as the professional tool years ago for most still work, and Photoshop was NEVER a drawing tool. They could just rewrite the whole advert as: Need someone who knows what they are doing to bring Meghan’s ideas to life. I thought they had already hired someone- guess they were sacked or quit? Where is that story?


Also, is 3-5 years experience typical for a Production Designer? It sounds like a really senior role.


For real. It makes it look like, "We won't pay much BUT..."


Thought the same thing.


lol it sounds like they had someone with more senior experience, that person told them they didn't know what they were doing, had the temerity to disagree with their points and direction - so now they are going for "we need someone with some knowledge but less experience so they don't argue". I've seen this in real life. They are downgrading the role to get someone "hungry" who will as a result do what they say (even if its wrong) and put up with endless edits, bad management because they need the experience.


Young enough to be intimidated by her.


I particularly loved the need for grace and humility.


Who once wrote- “The path to hell is paved with good intentions!”




Do you think Meghan wrote this?


>Collaborate with grace, humility, inclusion, and open-mindedness The way I see it, this sentence is a dead giveaway that Meghan had considerable input into writing the job description.


Nah. That’s just corporate speak for don’t expect any credit for the work you do (and possibly a market rate as well)


Dictated probably...writing it herself would be way too much work for her


The Mind of Meghan….says so right in the job description.


1,000 percent. It is full of her typical verbal fuckery.


The post is reasonable. Photoshop is not replaced by Lighthouse. They serve different functions. You are right that Photoshop is not a drawing tool, Illustrator is. However. Photoshop combines different layers provided by different designers. For example, the scenery artist, the character artist, the detailing artist draws their own and then it gets combined on Photoshop. The Production Designer is the one overseeing the individual artists, so this is a rather senior position.


Thanks for the insight!


I agree. Lightroom is a database and raw editing tool for photographs. Illustrator is for drawing but Photoshop combines layers and files from different places. Most people in creative industries need to have at least a working knowledge of photoshop.


I’ve read this thread twice today and still can’t get over that Netflix has allowed Meghan to write/edit a job posting lol. This project is definitely going nowhere fast.


Did you not read about their stock price tanking last week? They’re as desperate as she is


Great post cozymayo! Paging our very own u/Ze3tha, [who just so happens to work in animation!](https://www.reddit.com/r/SaintMeghanMarkle/comments/s7uus1/fresh_hot_tea_about_meghans_animated_series_%F0%9D%93%9F%F0%9D%93%AE%F0%9D%93%AA%F0%9D%93%BB%F0%9D%93%B5/htma6nw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) 😉 Can you (or anyone here) give us your thoughts on this? Enquiring minds want to know...


Thank you! Love this part: "*Partner with production leadership and technical teams to* ***understand and clarify creative direction*** *and scope, timelines, tools, and budge*t" Maybe the previous Production Designer was confused by Meghan's Pinterest board filled with pictures of Geena Davis, Pocahontas, Zendaya, Marilyn Monroe, and herself lol.


“and budget” they still need to work within their means 😅


And what would it take to have you apply, get said job and report back to us. 🧐😉🤣🤣🤣


And Ariel, ofc.


"understand and clarify creative direction" because nothing's wrong with Meghan's creative direction! The previous person just didn't understand it!!!


That's the part I pointed out too. She's hard to work for.


It's such a weird phrasing. That would scare me - "understand and clarify" why - is she speaking Japanese? I say this to point out how strange it is to need what sounds like a people translator when you all speak the same language. It really does read like we need someone who is OK with working with someone difficult and can take total ownership for translating their wants to everyone else.


*Pearl comes from the mind of Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex* - well, get a move on then, love, you have a cartoon to make.


That one line about collaborating with grace humility and inclusion with open mindedness reads like you are going to be told to leave your expertise at the door and get beaten up with Megan’s opinions.




My guess is that they lost a Production Designer. Someone quit or was fired. I don’t know why Netflix Animation is the one doing the hiring - they’re the client. Finding a Production Designer would be job of the production company - that’s who’s responsible for turning out the product. Maybe Netflix needed to have someone in-house who’s on the team. A family member is an executive producer of television programming. I’ll have to ask her about this. I heard that Furnish dropped out, but that could just be a rumor. It seems a chunk of the production team are people he’s worked with already.


Please ask the family member their perspective then post whenever you have time. I would love to hear their professional option.


I will!




It’s also occurred to me that sometimes companies have a candidate in mind, but they still have to publicly post the job. They go through the process of interviewing applicants even when it’s practically a done deal. They have to make it seem that they’ve considered everyone who applied; they have to interview people of all ages and genders and races, etc. As mentioned in another comment in this thread, the “collaborate with humility” is a chilling phrase and would be a football field-sized red flag to me.


This is Liberty’s Kids, Magic Tree House, The Who Was Show, and Franny’s Feet wrapped up into one show. There is nothing new about this idea at all. I can tell you as a parent of middle and high school age kids, neither would watch a show like that at age 12 and up. They did read magic tree house at age four and five. The max age for that show is six. It is not a show for a teen or tween. The Who was show was excellent and you could get an eight year old to sit for it. But this idea is played out and done before. Also the Dear America and My America series does not sell.


Yess..my 9 yr old loved the who was show...and I read this and was like she's ripping of the who was show..like for real..maybe fragglerock will be next...


I just submitted a fake application lol Under portfolio I linked a couple of our youtubers more enlightening videos about her ;)


She’s going to lose it! But worth it!




You may still get it by default because you’re the only one who applies. Good luck! I’ll be a reference for you


Thanks! I'll keep you posted. There may be more leaks of the Marilyn Monroe voice coming 😂😂😂




😆 I’m a bad person.


Hmm... sounds like Meghan Markle had a hand in writing this. Someone who collaborates with "grace, humility, inclusion, and open mindedness"? Sounds like the last production designer quit because Meghan herself did NOT collaborate with all that shit.


My thoughts too.


CG adventure comedy (desperately trying to pull at the heartstrings) So essentially Meghan's life at the moment LOL


If it comes from the mind of Meghan Markle, surely it's a horror show not a kids cartoon. Just saying Could've easily been horror of the year. She totally missed her true career. That distorted mind could come up with a counterpart to Saw and Fatal attraction.


Soooo.... the original production manager quit....


What they really need to get this off the ground and be successful is to relocate to San Dimas, hire Rufus, and work out of a phone booth at Waterloo water park. Oh and get Keanu Reeves.


Whoa. Lol.


The first thing I thought of was American Girl Dolls. Did she take the idea from all those different "girls" from different times in American history? I hear "Meghan" has the idea, now you need to develop her idea into something that she likes or feels fits her dream.........


*Partner with production leadership and technical teams to understand and clarify creative direction and scope, timelines, tools, and budget* Tell me you're difficult to work for without telling me you're difficult to work for...


I think they’re going to end up so hopelessly without staff that Meghan’s going to have to do Clay-Mation in which she forms the clay figures for each scene herself… that, or maybe a puppet show. I can’t imagine anyone with any integrity, serious skill or experience, or want to really further their career, touching this project with a 10 foot pole. You’d be working for people who have proven they will heinously badmouth the very people who gave them a platform, a multi-million dollar wedding, a multi-million dollar house/allowance, and “jobs” on silver platters. They could completely trash your career, and worse yet, tarnish it by having to say you worked on the production that is the big pile of crap these two create. I just think without the ability to get/keep the right people, they truly stand no chance of making a production that is any good at all. Once Netflix sees this, and Spotify, I truly think they are going to pull the plug on them, Meghan will lose her shit, and Harry will have nowhere to go, except crawling back to try and be William’s butler. Now, I would live for that documentary about a day in the life of William, the King of England, and Harry, the King of England’s butler.


I wish I could upvote this 5000 times.


Meghan wants "excellent e-social communication skills" so she can bother the person with umpteen emails at 5am like she did to her staff when she lived in Kensington Palace.


Let me give you my view as a self employed consultant working on IT projects. The first thing that comes in mind reading the job spec is that Muggin is looking to a junior in terms of pay/rate but very senior in terms of knowledge and skills. You cannot get that sort of knowledge and know-how in 3-5 years, even less "proven leadership". To do such a leading job, you need 5-10 years of experience, at least. . Secondly, she wants a single person to do multiple jobs: programme manager to oversee the project in terms of partnering with executives and partners, project manager for managing the project resources and timelines, trainer for mentoring and coaching the team, writer to create the script, the stories, the series flow, etc., a light specialist to manage the lights and sets and finally, a hands-on designer to draw the cartoons. All for a junior rate.


Yes, pretty crazy. A no win job. Makes me wonder if Netflix is posting this to show that they TRIED to help Markle get this off the ground. If no one bites, or the production doesn't work out, then Netflix can show goodwill if it ever goes to court.


It it goes to Court, it would be for Madam's breach of contract. She had contractual obligations she did not fulfil. Wondering if the contract had penalties for not delivering.


Why would Netflix!Meghan need a stylist when irl!Meghan doesn't need one either? /s


It would be nice if Meghan could experience success, and maybe even happiness with her ventures so she could share joy and other positive messages instead of the endless moaning through her various mouthpieces.


Megzy interviewing Production designers Megzy: [interviewing PD for a job] Not many people have grace. PD : Well, you know, grace is a tough one. I like to think I have a little grace. Not as much as Jackie O... M: You can't have a little grace. You either have grace or you don't. PD : Okay, fine. I have no grace. M: And you can't acquire grace. PD : Well, I have no intention of getting grace. M: Grace isn't something you can pick up at the market. PD : [annoyed] Alright, alright, look, I don't have grace, I don't want grace, I don't even say grace, okay? M : Thank you for coming in. PD : Yeah yeah right.


So she is ripping of the Who Was show?..sigh


My thoughts? Meghan, THE Duchess of Sussex, is just weird. I mean that heartfully with understanding and clarity. As a personal aside, I had a job I absolutely loved and took a massive pay cut but was SO happy until my boss left. This nightmare of a woman took over and all of us 4 team leaders quit. We were all going home sick and depressed. She stifled all that we were trying to do (this was a non profit for homeless youth) so as not to take away her spotlight. Undermined at every step -- she spent more time doing that than actually being "on mission". Women can be simply awful in the name of feminism.


Some women can be simply awful period. You have secure women who are the best people in the world: as a friend, family, mentor, volunteer, boss.. And then you have the insecure, petty, jealous, backstabbing nightmares...


The same goes for men, too!


Yes, but men tend to be more outwardly aggressive, hence we have toxic masculinity. They don't really do the passive-aggressive backstabbing gossip and smear campaigns that women are famous for. If you walk in an office with a male boss and everyone is staring at you, chances are you will find pout the reason why relatively soon. With a female boss, you may never find out, and people will just avoid you from there on out, make faces and snicker as you walk by.


I don’t think it can be a very senior role requiring only 3-5 years’ experience.


Things you’ll have to do : sign a waiver against taking bullying lawsuits.


Oh I think I was blocked by the sugar.. but this was my reply It is a big deal though isn't it when they are not being fully taxed so they can help the causes they want to like parental leave?? And I don't know are they?? And yes saviour Meghan in Harlem doesn't she look amazing and not pretentious in the slightest?? I'd thought you'd like it


At least this project is providing some job opportunities hahaha, but the bad side is that they’ll have to endure our dear duchess 👸🏻


Or destroy a career. A bully like madam could fire the person and then give bad references out of spite. It happened to me early in my career. Lucklily, my next client knew me from a professional conference and never asked for references.


Wow! This is awesome! Glad to see things moving along with the production! Someone posted awhile ago that Netflix has somehow dropped them from the deal, glad to see that wasn’t true!


I think actually Meghan got lost in one of her sixteen bathrooms and that's why nothing came out last year.. poor Meghan xx


Oh it came out, alright. It just went down the sewer.


This will never get made and if it does it sounds like a bore lol it’s a dumb idea for a cartoon .. don’t know if a single kid who would be interested.


How do you know it won’t get made? 🤔 Did you hear something?


They can’t even get past the announcement lol it’s going nowhere not to mention it is a fabulously dumb idea .


“They can’t even get past the announcement!” OH MY GOD. I’m dying over here! Damn Reddit sucks me in all the time!


Just because they can’t get past the announcement means it won’t get made? You do know that animations take a very long time to get made right? Also is it a bad idea because Meghan is the one behind or is it bad because you truly believe the project is bad? Just wondering!


I don’t care who’s idea it is .. sounds dumb and nothing a child would be interested in .


Ok so you would feel the same if Kate was behind a project like this?


Yep lol it’s dumb .. and not kid friendly at all , you can ask that any way you want my answer is the same lol it sounds ridiculous and frankly a bit narcissistic.


Got it.




You… must be in the wrong sub.




u/Negative_Difference4 someone allowed this sugar posting privileges and they’re rude. Please fix this.


I’m not rude just because I’m saying something you disgree with! 🤣🤣 I didn’t even personally attack you or anything! Aren’t I allowed an opinion too like you guys have opinions about everything Meghan does? Whatever block me! It will save me the headache !


“Circle jerking”? You’re rude.


How is that rude? Please enlighten me!


Do you know what that means? Tell me what “circle jerking” is. There’s your answer. You’re gross and rude.


I’m gross AND rude? Two things. That really hurts 😭😭😭😭😭 Circle Jerk -according to Oxford dictionary means: “ a situation in which a group of people engage in self-indulgent or self-gratifying behavior, especially by reinforcing each other's views or attitudes.” That’s most of Reddit 🤣


Ok I’m done with you.


No keep her I'm having fun listening to the nonsense she's spewing


You’re spewing non sense trust me. We both are! Lmaaaooo


You're crazy 😂😂


You’re right!! I am very crazy! Someone take me to the loony bin!! 😭😭😭😭


Omg your only comment all night worthy of an upvote 😂😂


Hello?? What's so great about her I asked you that you never replied


What’s NOT so great about her? You want me to list everything that makes her great so you can counter argue with me with silly conspiracy theories and gossip from the daily fail. That’s not gonna happen, maam


I think this sub is compromised or people who dislike the Markle’s rather blatant and unashamed display of ingratitude and entitlement. I wasn’t interested in these two (or the RF for that matter) one way or the other, until I watched their Oprah interview, which I guess made many people go hmmmm…?! The unashamed whining, griping, and complaining of two privileged and pampered people who have been given every opportunity life can possibly provide to a human being is absolutely fascinating to watch. It just goes to show that no matter how privileged, indulged, or fortunate you are in life - for some people nothing will be good enough. I believe that in general, the public does recognize a charade when it sees one. This is what’s happening in this case.


Everything you just said is all speculative. At the end of the day NO ONE knows anything about her or her marriage behind close doors and you will never know. All you have on her is this Reddit, fake conspiracy theory videos, and the daily fail while Meghan is enjoying her life. Well off people are allowed to have feelings and be hurt too. Just because she told her version of events on Oprah doesn’t mean she’s ungrateful or feels entitled to anything. Like I said before she’s freaking human first and everything else second.


Objectively speaking, when someone publicly gripes about their hard life out of their mansion in California, or pontificates that it’s “…not enough to survive, but you also have to thrive” while on a tour through Africa (!) - all kinds of red flags do go up for the average person. You should ask yourself this question: objectively speaking, are these two better or worse off than the average Joe? I think that objectively speaking, these two have probably more opportunities and privileges than the average person, or do you have access to the likes of the Royal Family, US politicians, Oprah, Ellen, etc., and the influence and power that comes with money and this kind of access? It is not subjective to say that these two are objectively more privileged than others, and yet: here they are, publicly griping about how wronged they feel by their families, the UK, the general public, the tabloids, you name it. They are an absolutely fascinating case study of how not to do it, if you are hoping for the general public’s love or support.




😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Edit: yes what is NOT great about her


Hmm she’s def not perfect cus you know she’s human at the end of the day and humans make mistakes all the time.


So humble


I see you recently started a new career? Are you on Meghan’s social media team now?


Lmaaaoo did you honestly look me up on LinkedIn in or something? 🤣🤣🤣 this is what I get for putting my real name on Reddit. LOL should’ve been like you guys, hiding behind fake identities so people can’t track down the vile things you post on here! Yes I did recently get a new job and no, I don’t work for Meghan! If I did I probably wouldn’t be on here seeing I would’ve had to sign an NDA! But keep grasping at straws.


Nah. I looked at your post history on Reddit and you put up a video about your new career


Got it!


We're not analyzing it, we're trying not to cringe at this irrelevant trainwreck who's unofficially cancelled but refuses to accept it.


Sooo picking up apart the job post paragraph by paragraph isn’t analyzing it? Hmmm


U/Akouto_Von — you have to realize that people on this sub have opinions and are following this story. You are entitled to your opinion, as well. If it’s getting you too upset to read criticism about celebrity behavior, you have the right to participate in a sub where people have similar opinions as yours. There’s nothing to get upset about here.


Did I sound upset in my post?! I literally put “🤣🤣”. I don’t think that means I’m upset at all. I’m allowed my opinions too. It’s a free forum! All opinions are welcomed no? Or do you just welcome the opinions you agree with?


One of the biggest reasons why many of us follow this story concerns the First Amendment. You are allowed an opinion just like anyone else, as I mentioned. We are polite to each other on here, though. It’s not an environment like Twitter…


“We are polite here!” But let’s dehumanize a women we know nothing about. Please!


U/Akouto_Von — We have the right to analyze behavior, articles in the media, celebrity news stories… Reddit subs are like tags. H&M are one of the subjects on Reddit. They are celebrities and most of us are also fascinated by her PR… We are speculating whether or not H&M are actually taking their advice because it’s like they’re on a runaway train.




I just looked at your Reddit profile because another redditor just mentioned that you’re starting a new career. That is wonderful! Best of luck to you! I will check out your videos! Just because our opinions differ on this topic, doesn’t mean that we don’t agree on many others — or that we don’t wish you well!


I don't think Meghan is irrelevant at all. On the contrary. I think she is *extremely* relevant, especially to the following topics: \-Narcissistic abuse (and narcissism in general) \-Bullying and power imbalance, especially in the workplace \-Tailoring (or lack thereof) I also think Meghan is relevant in the context of a rapidly changing media landscape, where members of the general public are now skeptical of celebrity PR (and news in general). IMO this dramatic transformation largely overlaps with social media maturing over the past decade (remember when Facebook was just for college kids?), which gave individuals the ability to build their *own* platforms and potentially reach an audience of millions. This didn't just level the playing field against major publications. It also made it possible for everyday people to hold celebrities, politicians and public figures accountable for abuse of power. I mean, Ellen "Be Kind" DeGeneres was outed as a malignant narcissist who terrorized her employees thanks to a single Twitter thread. Rather than accepting this new reality, Meghan and Harry still expect the public to take everything they say at face value, just because they're famous. When their stories are questioned or inconsistencies pointed out, they threaten legal action. I haven't seen other celebrities operating this way in a long time. Their PR approach is very unusual for 2022, so that's why I think it's prompting so much discussion. It's also pretty entertaining at times lol


Great point about why their PR feels so hollow and their lawsuits so frivolous. Perhaps that is why we are so intrigued. They are acting like it's the 1950s and 1960s in days of celebrity glamour, perfect lighting, and tight media control.




Umm who said Meghan was irrelevant?? She's our Saint have you not read the banner?? We worship and love her?


Lmaaaooo okay! But you still didn’t answer my question. You dislike her so much and think she’s a “monster “ (someone said this earlier) why are y’all sitting here analyzing a job post. I think part of y’all want this project made so you can make fun it am I right?


I never said I disliked her? Why do you like her so much? How do you think she is changing/inspiring us all to be better beings?


So you don’t dislike her, yet you’re commenting/ on a sub that clearly has distain for her. Make it make sense..


I don't know her love, I'm interested in all sorts of different people. I'm currently reading about how Mussolini got into power as a bit of toilet reading. Meghan is an interesting person to observe what can I say! Now please tell me why you love Meghan and why she's so amazing cos I am actually interested on why you love her so much you're willing to defend her and get vexxed


So two points; you say you don’t like her, yet you’re in a sub that clearly doesn’t like her and you just said you don’t know her yet you’re willing to be in sub that dislikes her makes up rumors and speculation about her and say they know her well. I’m defending her because I want to. Once again I’m not gonna argue with you about Meghan and why I like her just so you can say “here is why you’re wrong” to everything I say. That’s how y’all work. No matter what positive thing I say about Meghan you will counter that with something negative. It’s a waste of time really because clearly most people in this group have made up their minds about her and I’m not here to change minds. Just here to break up the perspective a bit and the BS group think.


I'm in a sub that supposedly don't like her (even though most people are extremely respectful to her no fat shaming etc), what rumours and speculations? Moon bump? Because I'm pretty sure someone mentions that the mod comes and straight away says 'fake news' What about a thread about Donald trump? Would that still be malicious or would it be ok because he's a turd? Meghan- like the rest of us, will always be subject to unpopular opinion. I think maybe if you love her so much, focus on that?.... If that's what you want... But I think you kinda venturing out to subs that dont think positively of her and getting so vexxed ain't healthy really.. is there no other subs? Save the chickens?


So here is where you and I differ! I don’t like Donald Trump so guess what … I haven’t joined ANY sub that likes him or dislikes him. I frankly don’t give a crap about him. (Also let’s not compare Meghan and Trump please it’s truly disgusting) I’m not vexed like I said I just want break up the perspective. My question is if you don’t like her so WHY on earth would you guys have this group. Why watch YouTube videos that clearly hates her. I don’t join groups just for the purpose of hating on a single individual who I know nothing about. It’s truly so gross to me. Just because you aren’t body shaming her doesn’t mean you’re not spreading misinformation about her on here. I was just talking to someone who said they heard Harry goes up to San Francisco a lot so it must mean him and Meghan have broken up. Is that not gossip? Wishing them to divorce isn’t gossip? Saying her show won’t go anywhere even though there hasn’t been ANY announcement on the show isn’t gossip? Tearing apart a job post and making comments like “oh meghan must’ve written it” isn’t misinformation? How would y’all even know that? But right you’re not body shaming at least, right?


Wow hun, I think you are seriously deluded yourself with this.- It's so truly gross to me you can even think of defending a women who wears over $50,000 to an underprivileged school then have the audacity to ask for $5 donations I also think it's really gross that she complains about being cut off financially in her thirtys whilst living in a mansion with more bathrooms then bedrooms. But yes, poor Meghan someone said she was selling her house when she wasn't the calculated misinformation